The Clinton News Record, 1923-5-24, Page 3,C)OPEWS STORE NEWS Fishing ackle New assort ern of Rods, Reels, trees and Hooks rto. ,i tiat.:t Base nails, Bats, Gloucs and Mills Te *.nis Racquets and balls; Esc. Ask for fOH catalog e of Sporting Goods ,•> Iat' c.r air tp,i y,ryy.;5-xntva.•a+°',a uw,-max. mss, ELECTION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 1920 r' II' ONTARIO VOTRVS' LISTS ACT 1923, ELEIITORIAL DISTRICT OF CENTILE' HURON • NOTICE OF SITTINGS OE-- a 'O REVISING OFFICERS. " I •be the Revising Officer' and his Clerk will bo A. IL McDonald, whose -dd- dress'is Brussels; "I S At the Town Hall eafortit, un' the 7th day of .lune 1923 to hear complaints as to the Lists of. Voters for 'Polling Subdivisions Nos. 1, 2 3, 4, 5, and. 6, for the Town of Seaforth, and that, 11..G. Reynolds, Glcrih willbp t he: Rev isor g Officer and his clerk' will be J. A Wilson, whose address is Seaforth: TAKE; NOTICE that Sittings of the Revising Officers for the purpose of hearing g complaints or appeals sal s with regard to. the Voters' List t to • na• d iber be used at the election of a ine o of the 'Asseinbly pending for the Electoral • or l t :strict of,C Centre Huron will be held at the following times and places, namely: At the Court House, Goderieh, on the 9th day of.Jnne,'1923 to hear complaints as to the Lists of 1 Voters for Polling Subdivisions` Nos. for the Town of 1,2 3, 4,5,Gand 7, r , t Goderieh, and that His Honor' Judge Lewis II. Dickson, Goderieh, will be the Revising Officer and his' Clerk will be L. L Knox, whose address is hat .:any vats.' who desires to COM- ) that his name or the name of any person entitled to be entered on the raid Lists has been o amitted porn the ,game or that the name of any persons who are riot entitled. to be Voters have been entered thereon. May, not lees than two clear days and. no 'more: thin five Clear days before the days .fixed 9'or holilbng the above sittings, -apply, complain or: ap- pool'to have his name or the manse Of a'nY other person entered on or re- mbvyd from , the List, AND FURTHER TAKE NO3ICE that such appeals must be by noti• ce in writing in the prescribed form signed by the complaltittnt .n dupli- cate end given to the Clerk of the Re- vising Officer or left :far him at his address es stied aobv.e. IIiW'IS II. DICKSON. Chairman of :the Election Boarcl for the County of Huron ]Patel this 12th Baty of May A. D. 1928. • ' 02-2 At the Township Ilall, Carlow, on the •5th• day' of dune„ 1923 hear complaints as to the Lists of to . P n Nos. Subdivisions ubd u ^.far Polling S Voters g 1, 2, 3, and. 4, for the Township of Colborne, and that R. G. Reynolds willbethe.Revising Officer' and his Clerk will be Mrs, G. J. 'Hethering- ton, is n whose address to s w Hall,Sea t par Carnegie Lb ' the Y AL forth, on the 8tit day, . of June 1923 Lists of to hear complaints as to the Voters for Polling Subdivisions Nos. Township of lie. Town d 4 for t 1 3 and a 310K0109, and that R. G. Reynolds will.be•the Revising Officer' and his,; Clerk will be' John McNay,t whose ad-. dres is R. R. No. 2 Seaforth. At the Town Hall Clinton, on the 8th day' of June,' 1923, GoderieliDistrictMetb lists, .Ministers and Laymen, Meet in Clinton Tho ministerial session of the May District meeting of the Goclerich Dis- trict -was held in Ontario street church, Clinton, commencing May. 17th, at 2 P. in., Rev. S. Anderson, chairman of the District, 'presiding.. The devotional exercises 'Were con- ducted by the chairman after' which Rev. J. L. Foster wax elected sec - .rotary. Roll was, called and seven min- isters. answered to -their names. Ex! amination of mini�stei'ial character' was conducted and resulted in no objections being taken. There were no' deaths reporter. in the raphes of district this past istx of -the d . ' 'stet o the.nuni s year.To the disciplinary question:' "Who are superannuated or' recom- mended to be continued in that're- lation: the names of Rev. J. P. Ford and T. J..Snowden were recommended recom relation,- It w as also in that're mended that Rev. Hector W. McTav ish be -restored to the Active Work. at hs own request: ' It was moved -and seconited.that the Rev. J. E. Ford send Rev, W. R. are a re into to e appointed rl prepare Osborne PP o b. District resolution for tlie"eneral Dist pane ' 'eiii e the t regarding P �•' 1 e Meeting' g M 6 g • question in .the coming election.(car vas ap- pointed 'Snowden t P Tied). Rev. J.S pointed to prepare a resolution on Sabbath- observance. Examination of the probationers of the District was then proceeded with and the' probationers were asked the usualpih ;3, E, I' Ord, 'Rev. It, ' Fulton: Irwin, Fred Savaun'c, Il, It. Long ,and 5, G. Oourtice, „ It was moved and seconded and carried that a resolution be "lamed expr3ssing :our hearty appreciation of the generous hospitality extended by the people of Clinton to the mem- bers of •this District Meeting. ' tt was, moved and seconded than we 1M1% 'on _recond our appreciations. of, the services of Rev, S. Anderson as chairman of the ' District `fox• the last four years (carried with ap- plause) A suitable reply was g'iven by Rev. Anderson. Bayfield :circuit was recommended to the ;favourable ' consideration of the sustentation flint committee to the extent of $200. ,'Walton circuit was recommended to favourable consideration of. the sus- tentition fund committee to the ex- tern of ,their dcfieieney in. salary. i13enmiller (moved and seconded) that the Board of Benmiller circuit work 01 ag neigh And officers�or their watchful overhtpht and enforce- ment ment of the Lord's Day Acts and premise,' them oar hearty. eo char gttoii 2 We the members of the C,oderich District assembled in Clinton, May 1Sth, 3923, desire to express our grat- itude ship Studd to God for his, leadership } in the cause of Temperance and moral reform and also 'Temperance all agencies which have by. their :sympathy and' action co operated in securing' for the cause such. legal recognition as it has-seeuted at. the present time, We -hereby express our opinion that the 0 T. A. should not be in- terferred with in any way which Would at all renew the bold of the strong drink upon the habits of, the ,people 'and obly such amendments bo made es would strengthen the act., We desire 30 express our willing- ness as in the past to assist in an a enforcement of the law; which will be asked to fill out a form to be pros- secure the spirit and intention of ,onted to the finance committee and the Acs:: that it be` -forwarded to the susten- file :also urge upon our people that tation Isind eotunxitte° (carried.) they use 'their influence in securing Members of the Lily delegates to such candidates in the corning election conference were as follows:--- as will have the interest 5,1 the Pro- 'regulars -H. R. Long', Goderieh; hibition cause at heart. ,Tames Adams, Goderieh; E. G. Cour- 3 Whereas the growing - sale rise, Clinton J. A. Irwin, Clinton; C. 0,t native wines; docs much to rob II. 1Iolland, Seaforth; John Kilpat- tho Provinces or. the splendid effect `rick, R. R. No• 1, Dungannon; Isaac of the 0. T, A. in the reduction of Currie, R. R. No. 6, Godecich; A. E. the drinit evil. Johnston, R. R. No; 2, Auburn; John Therefo4•a resolved that this. Maines'Seaforth; Blyth; Robert Clarke, R. Pv, Goderieh District meeting ur ae the. Seaforth;'John Feagan, 15. R. Government to extensYthe prohibitory: No. 2, clauses of the O. 1', A., to eliminate' No. 5 Gointon; John iTcon, as far as possible, the evil effects hof, No. 2, Clinton; Wm. Ivison, Kippen; thistraffic. Wm.Bailey, Goderieh. Alternate: -:Jelin McClure, R. R. • No. 1, Bayfield; R; E. Manning, Clin- ton; A..'13., Pentland ,Dungannon;., W. L Keys,,Seaforth._ Appointment ,.on, committees at -La" 'A •eneies: J. Ls :GonPereilce: yb g mice, G. Cou Foster; G Tiffin, Uonting�ent Fund A. C, Ti A. E. Johnston. Sustentation Fund': -D. N. Mo0amiss, J. A. •Irwin; 3. Kilpatrick. ',: Evangelism and Social SerVhee,;, ul J. - ollai RoyOsborne, ne C '.H H M .mss. Memociat and Miscellaneous Re- solutions: R. F. Irwin, W. Ivison, R. Clarice. .err J. W. Hedley,W. iChur'ch'Plop �* Bails . Y I ea an J. Work: J. Feagan, State, of the Wo g , Adams, Nominations: A. V. Walden, b utt.: - Tr, b Education: P. Baines, IL -R. Long.- IFinance and Christian Steward- ship: W.Moss, H. D,. Moyer, J. Currier The following' resolutions were pas- sed unanimously 1. We the. members of the Gode- YOUNG FARMERS.WILL IIAVE EXCURSION DO GUELPH the auspices of the Junior IJndex _ As ociat' ns ro Farmers' Improvement Far x and Junior Women's Institute of Bruce,'. Huron ani. Perth 'Counties, an excursion, to -Guelph will be run on the 19th of June. The urogram for the day will be as follows: Tion o12.mJ:Ju Judging Competition t 10t a g n p of Junior Farmers Teams- in dairy cattle, beef cattle and horses. 10 to 12 a. in.: Geis will have de- nionstration at Macdonald Institute. '12, -to 1: Free lunch, for all, pro- vided ' ided'b College. v Y rent de- partments., Inspection o'£ drfte 1 to 3.30, nsp on. • ,,3,30'to 5.30:; Sports managed by McLaren. n • l For full particulars regarding tai: road rates, auto regulations etc,, write Campbell Lamont, Agricultural Rep- resentative. e_Walieettoni S. B. Sto questions o e ther:s , Agricultural Representative, disciplinary Y , Clinton or M. C. McPhail, Agricultur- chairxnan. Tho probationers were rich District of the Methodist church, al representative, Stratford, or the he Lists of as -t � riesdesire • complaints o t hen c928 de x hoax i t8 h 1 to tiro and May1 t Junior Farm - 1,'2, to re assembledyour local 1Voters' for 'Polling Subdivisions Nos. cons deed � assta secretary of yo a ,iClinton consideree.. In the case of Clayton A. nest emphatically Co express our l ers' Assciation or Junior Women's 1, 2„ 3, and, Seeger the :Town c'l C n Baxter it was moved `and seconded the sanctity, of aiid that'C. Seager will he the Ile-. deep' cpn s for Institute that he be continued probation.and the Lord's Day, and, believe that g , T925 Goderieh: Vismg Officer an s er;ls w ietitrneti to college. (carried) clothing but constant vigilance on e the Town Hall, Brussels,' on the D. L. Macpherson, whose Ji cress is •as then adjourned to. Clinton: • • meet at -7 p . By request Rev, H. d Lev.S. Banes were attend: ' the ev- to hear• complaints as to the Lists of 'ening sessionto attend o' - P in Subdivisions os, a t engagements. township ane business of Iiu lett.. andthat C. Seager willDeaminationca o; bete revising^ Officer an his Clerk will be J. Fingland, whose address is, Londesboro. Each sitting' will com- mencethe .forenoon mance 'at 10 o'clock in, and will continue until 12 o'clock Voters for Polling Subdivisions Nos. noon, or until the appeals have been 3 U i The meet n6 w_ part of all cone rned, both in the administration of the lave relating 8th day of June, 19 e I P unit Hall Lon esboro on D Moyer, and thereto, and by the ehurclies,and -riiin- Lists of At Comm y Y he Ls 't' ast ' the 'eom lain sto re -affirming to hear.pthe 7th day of Tune 1923 � then excused from g :steps _constantly" re g 1 aers` for Pollinghvillage of Brei Nos. tt d yl then un scriptual injunction, it we are; to. 1 and that2' for the of Brussels, Voters for Polling S bd' ' N Ministerial and William Coats, Goderieh, g port n preserve, this'mbsti sacred and God - will. be. the Revising Officer and his 1 2 3 4 5 6 and 7 fol the session resumed b smess at 7 p. m given institution which, we believe Clerk will -he A. 'II. McDonald, whose 1 h t C of candidates for the so vital to tho,,,interests and well address is Brussels. •h 1 Off d ministry w n 1 At> the Town Hall, Ethel, on thq 9th (illy of June, 1923 to hear complaints as to the Lists of as conducted eted and' the case of William O. Robinson was eonsid- o£ mankind, sled. The usual; disci•plinary sues-, We' recommend, that in the, hones being 'of the body,' Mind, and spirit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 for the township disposed of. of Grey, and that William :Come will AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE. �aad ®a improved Farms . To' pay part ' purchase money` or existing mortgage ; To erect buildings or improve present buildings ; To buy stock; To pay off Bank Loans, etc. Farm IIIIiirtgages Purchased of Loaned Upon ,"Do all your long term borrowing from an old established mortgage loaning Company. .Your business will be confidential. Von will always know where to, find your lender and your desires will -receive prompt, and business -like consideration. Write. or Call upon The Ontario Loan &Debenture Company --. Dundas Street and Market' Lane LONDON, ONTARIO Cdr4970A,YvO'12.r/ 41- ri.�0W j/efte,,1177Airs/.mrr/577-'- i'., � Arse, r:rrrr.. "•Fs+sA.<rJ'.FSS.a".f,I's^"s^!�°v''e+'.,!'>s�e�''.oft° T MISS TI -11 lg'+„PPS 8. HI OUR BAD. Steam r° reyb xf lriti. )) y�l 1 �pl1 8A 14 fid +'i , L4 r r ' e 0 µ 50 Round Tem p 15 I. 'KGs 31 f A rt t NNE 12 Only once a year comes this glorious excursion to Detroit •-tlus,opport0nity to visit the amusements Ode Way theand db there n your shopping -and enjoy the balmy hike ride, the danc- ing,.the , a t music aboard, Leaving Goderieh 9:30a. m.,.Ttine 12 the steamer! Greyhound tenches Por(.. Huron 1:30 0. in., end Detroit 530 i, m.' Etii0Y- Doti. oit sights until Thursdny,,Juno 14, at 1 nn,� m., when return trip to. Goderieh is made. Last trip to 1 ,iron leaves Goderieh. on Friday, June 15th, 9:30 s. nt, M g n d a y MOON- 5Oc titGNT LIGHT CHiM.DREcN i! 1 lun�e'''11 25 o li ht. our' m nti 6 Do 'not fait oc alloy the three h undo* out a Goderieh, Monday evening. June ll, t, unlet the au9jpicce of rho 33rd Regiment Bend, do a hoard. Orchestra [ar ditn g * he lax IM Orc u tions were answered satisfactorily by the candidate and it was moved and seconded...that he, be received as a candidate for the ministry.. (carried) also that his year on Walton circuit bo allowed .hirn on probation. Meet-. ing was then adjourned to meet at 81,30 Via. in, the meeting 111/,115 dismis- sed by Praye.rby Rev. A. 0. Tiffin. Ministerial -Session Friday morn- ing opened at 8.30, Rev. S. Anderson in the chair. " Meeting: was opened with prayer. Some time was spent iii discussing the question, "Can cony measures be adopted 'for increasing the efficiency df our Ministerial .abouts, and the promoton of the work of God.''-' It was` expressed by some of the beethern' that it was possible for a minister to be quite too mueli' with men and not enough alone with' God. It a150 expressed that it very, largely- .the duty -of the people and laymen of the church to visit people in their shops and homes and converse with them on matters of reli gion and proonito.Christion: fellowshif among the people, so that the people will :Cot have the impression that the laylnens'" chief b,usiness:.is managing the finances. : Questions regarding' class ,meetings,' visiting families and schools were asked cacti•minister and, satisfactory answers were given. A. Variety of answers 5551.0 given to the •question " Have children been divided into catechumen closes," Spate referred to the Mission Bands lVIis- I sion Circles, ,Tourer Leagues,' and Yotntg, Peoples' Meetings, Prepar- atory. Classes for those joining the church. 'The General session opened witii. devotional exercises at 0,80 a. in. :. ''Phare -tere fifteen ministers Mid probatio5Irs present .and eleven laymen 119r, H. R. Long was ap- pointed to audit: schedules. The `sche- dule of each circuit was read, six sir- cui.ts reported an increase in Mis- eionary' givnngs;bat nine x'eported' a decrease, the hitt decrease for ' the District was 3214, but good hope is held- out that this amount ' will be cov- ered by further subs'cr'iptions to bo rbccived, Total amount ,ef. Missionary mon- ey eV reliorted .fox`/the Diict. G 310,110' . mus. `� ensial W ers M1r iOt °rrY Society inn Paid, by circuits • for ministerial sup - 21. is6 Total Connectional Funds a7.xo not to $18,748. Rev, A. C. Tiffin was appointed illi°sionary secretary for the District. Mr. 0, H. 'Holland, Seaforth, was recommended as lav repscsentalive to 'Conference • Miss, committee. r[n the case of James I: Pearsgri (irobat'iotrcr) it was recommended that he be continued on trial and d al- ao dist ire complete one year's stud les and pass Isis exanslnations' be- _ foto he be ordained. Rev, A, V. Walden 'was appointed 11ointed ' n to xcP r went 1110 District on the Statipning 'committee, Rev. Mige'C alter Mite. • A hoard of; rhemeih - nr operty' .1+' eatlen Was S'iMeinied,r tilaix n.aii'lte• v', WRITS STAR LINE' of our people the duty of the par- ents : lie impre3sled, by example and u oun peopletherete ' r. young eop P P P t,uPPon o necessity of thein ,denying -them- selves o'f;Pleasures which tend to weaken ;their respect and loye for. God's House and Sabbath worship. We desire to call attention to the constant danger 'which lies tri the surreptitious sale of iceecreani, re - freshmen -4 and,' other articles, by slot machines "anti otherwise, which. we' believe is becoming: more preva- lent in many places where people congregate on vacation days. We especially call attention to the often unnecessary -purchases of gaso- line for asoline,'for auto purposes on the Lord's Day, : which could 'be avoided by a {:roper forethought of those need- ing it. We approve,. and cormnend the IiIIIIIIIIIII1111111114Vllllllllllllllllllllhllllll!IIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII co*. fro ctoteo. t oi!o..s . N.t s i3LRel�t� by Laing'DLsitakuce , "95% 9510 0l' our lurnhei• busi- ness is done by Long•Dis- lance," "''ought all the material for r 875,000 building by Long Distance -it isi the best and cheapest way. "Closed two indent for •. ^ read -making material ,' by Lon310 000, one for 372,000.? "Use Long Distance 10 get latest priceson Ma- terials before malting. estimates on contracts." In our Reefing' Supply catalogue, we give .three- tions :Car ordering by;: Long Distance," We • are large t(scrs 'of Long Dist,nee in buying and selling second -.sand materials." UA C Long Dist 1C e at ever Cpp0xttY1rty to keep in touch with prospects .for • briclt, '1 May ,'c tell you how Long Drstahce is being used to inorease Sales In year business. 'I'1IE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF CANADA.; 1�. teetyPci2 T te4hPra*Pi a 5055 Z .taloa 8t4Hon 1 *y+ n mild, vegetable lanai -Ivo to relieve Constipation end Bill- naancee and Mien .tho .digestive std, eliminative function normal,. cef a 11sed for cater 251 flsx ;°an `"A : tea.. oyears Chips off e arfrr1�i0'.. .9 tlD lel9 ®6t el Litho Me One-third rho regu- lar doge: Made of enin0 ingredients,' then candy coated, For children and adults. Soldby J. E..1105 LIMITED' CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS Clinton, Ont. WE SELL TO SATISFY 10 pounds for $1.10 Granulated 100 lb bag SUGAR'- $11.4'0 EAGLE BRAND; CONDENSED E Milk 23c tin LYI E,S' GOLDEN ST. OHARL:G$ or CARNATION,..: ria 30C S �, M �• Y p II. 2 23c b to ri o• MACHINE -':SLICED ' FAIRBANdi.S GOLD DUST Washing Powder •3c • g H aeon Jac . ', , Br B F. 5 _ 5c� I tt, i I 1�. b., .. T ARM &HAMMER HEINZ BAKED. NEW ,SFIIPMENT BEAN S ' KIPPER ( BOSTON 'PON , 19c ` 1 Washing .`Soda STYLE . Snacks SPECIAL BLEND - Coffee 39clb 3 ft0i nr s 25 c 9c packet PURE QUEBEC l Mae Syrup. $2.09 No. 10 tin Valencia Cake 21c lb Worth 30e ib ECH HELLO TEA '75c ib Sold only by „DOMINION STORES : QUAKER WAXTITE Corn n Flakes • 2 for '19c CLINTON TRAIN SERVICE TO TORONTO ` Daily I.l ice d' t p Sunday. Y. n. . GAO a.m. 2.20 p•a Gode rich Le V live Clinton ... 6.25 ion. 2.52 p.m. Lve + eafc1th . 6.41 a.m. 2.12 p.m. Lve Mitchell . 7.04 a.ln. 3.42 pan. Aro Stratford .. 7,80 a.ln. 4.10 pan, Art Ilitchen,.r , . 3,20 a.m. 5.20 pan, Arr Guelph 8.11 a.m. 5.50 p.m, Art Toronto .. 10,10.aan.• 7.40 pan, RETURNING Leave Toronto' 6.50 a.m.; 12.55 p.m. and 6.10 p.m. Parlor; flake car Goderieh to To, Lento on morning train and Toronto to Goderieh 6.10 tram train. 'a 0 to To- rontoParlor Buffet e Stratford tratfrd on afternoon train. 0 0. Ilorning, D.E.A., 0,1,15, System John Hansford Seri, Perone Gtr, 'Uptown Agent:., c;,.,... 2 til 1' The Varnish that Dries - Fi-iard And Stays ,Hard :When we say hard, ave don't mean hard only wlien it's 'cold weather,' and soft when hot. 'We mean It dries hard and stays hard all the thne. No need to tell you that the .larder and tougher, it stays, the longer it shines and the more it wears. HAWKINS & i3IILLER HARDWA11E, CLINTON sir ,• CY 17yzeivrr'4;`1.r, `:.` 1 F . i . Ct; S ldaa e ' . 1 _ __ i-oa ernan. i., �by a n43' 1Y1t1,�1� � and receive prompt. attention '. Orders' left with ties will xe Prices Reasonable All Work Guaranteed WDS,i I±ANDLE PAINTS AND PA210R See rte about Wallpaper --You will sa'vo20 per Gent, IV 113137131g ,701135 wallpaper from tis. KAY 86'1'017E11 rs. Roast. A0instrDi1g'i " urott'St, its 1\I ' ers. w ., Taeave Midas