The Clinton News Record, 1923-5-10, Page 7atki tiS;1�iF There's . time' „ .. . lxle . in the package Time to do the many things ordinar ly Y g Y put off on wash -day, For Rinso does not keep You Standing over the wash -tub, rubbing until .your back aches and your hands n a are..red and sore. • Rin sentirely-different O, , an ,kind of Soap, F soaks cl'othes clean. Rubbing and boiling are unnecessary. The big soapy Rinse e d u s -gently loosen the most ground -in dirt without ou Weakening lsening a Single thread. auy a package today., On sale at all good grocers and 'department stores. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO R306 With The OY Norman 1.'Leach, Tlxecutive Secre- tary of the Ottawa Boy Scouts,Aasocia- tion, sailed for England on,April 20th, in ,order to spend two mouth's studying the latest Bay Scout and Wolf Cub' trainingniethode; at- GilLivell`Park, the Im eital" Scout Officers' 'training ' I Centre,tis of, interest to note that Gi11we11 Park is this' year in 'charge of Mr. Rodney 0, Woody the Dominion Cainp 'Chief.' of the Boy,, Scouts As- 'sociatloa, ,lie having been granted leave of absence -by the-Canadian'Qen- oral'Connell to fill, far a few months, the vacancy created' by the absence -of Camp Chief Capt.' Francis Gidney in the United'States. Loudon, Ont., now boasts fourteen spl endid Boy Scout TrooP s and several newly L formed .Wolf- Cab Packs Be,, tween fifteen and twenty Scoutmasters, end.Cubnastersl are taking part in special Scout Leaders' Training Course being conducted under the auspices of the London Association, . Scoutmaster George F. Metcalfe, of the,8tirLondon: -Troop is In charge, Assistant Provin. tial Commissioner Irwih wes,a recent visitor at:one'of the-elassesl, which are intensely' practical and interesting. Field Scout Secretary Earle I3. Davi.. Son, of Provincial Headquarters staff,, spent the week of April 16th in the • Border Cities; visiting troo7ls and meeting Scout leaders and local com- mitteemen. He ,reports that excellent progress along all Scout lines hat been made in Windsor and the neighboring cities and towns) since his last.yislt'in October, The Canada. Cycle and Motor Com- pany, of Weston, Ont,,: leas 'again an- nounced. its annual competition .for, Cyclist Scouts, but this year three' prizes are being offered 'for competi- tion in :;every troop participating 'in• stead afloat one. The purpose of the bompetitlorss is to encourage gener u proficleney in all branches of Scouting, Practical : application in every day, life of 1}oy Scout training and spacial pro- iiciency'in the subjects of the Cyclist ProficiencyBadge-testa. Every troop having three or more qualiiiod cydlls,t Scouts is eligible to take advantage.of the -Cycle Company's :prizeoffer: Scouts,: interested, should' ask 'their Scoutnaster•s for particulars. After 'many long delays the 'au; nouticentent of the very early publica- tion of The Boy .Scout Handbook for Canada'kas' been made and orders, are oow being accepted at Provincial Headquarters for copies of the beak at ,70 cents, .per copy, post free, delivery to be made as soon. al the, books come from the print shbp. The new edition contains' a greatmany revisions Iron the first edition published 'during the War and in every fay has been brought rlghh up to date. Imperlhl Headquarters writes to say that they llave.a long list of names hof English Scouts who, wantto corros- pond with Scouts in- Canada. Scout: masters having boya who Will agree to exchange letters with Scouts Overseas; either In Great l3vitaln or in other parts of the Danpire, aro asked to send their names and .addresses to Provin- cial, Headquarters. This is a fine opp,. portitnity for Canadian 'Semite to es- tabllsh interesting friendships, Well tluallfled for Job. Be was an applicant for a position as a stroot car conductor, "Wliatare your'gnaliflcations for the phlce" asked the superintendent;'' risen to Work lit a sardine peek. In 001 lleh 8n lhmoon speeair palls for the oxarciso of filmy -:Peer different inuseles, Mlnard'r,pin!men* used 'Phystoia The Traveler's Slogan: The seas beyond the Golden Gate ..Like Liquid sapphire run To coral islands, set in foam And 'bright t with sand and sun; The cherry trees' of old Japan 'Are whiter than the snow On Fujiyama's sacred crest - Let's go. - The huddled -roots'of'Honglcong' shine, Like jade beneath the noon, At Singapore the teniple bells Boons out in solemn tune. In all the Burmese women's ears Red chips of rubies glow, Big game still roams In Africa ' Let's go. In Paris now the people sip Their coffee out of doors, All =right the click of dancing feet"'. Is -heard on polished doors, The lilacs scent the misty air, • Romance glides- to and fro Across -the ,bridges of -the Seine- , Let's go. • In London. streets the flower girls Display their fragrant wares, The Thames is gay with punts • and skiffs ' ' Propelled by loving pairs, In dusky woods the nightingales .Are fluting sweet and low, And lanes- Fare pink with :hawthorn Let's. go. White roads are winding-east.and west; The 'boundless' billow calls Too Moorish palaces In Spain And Alpine waterfalls,. To, sunrise on the Appian Way, The Tiber's,,turgid flow And Venice With its long canals Lot's go. The liner's waiting at the pier, The plane is ready, toe, And only needs, a teach to soar 'To spaces wide and blue. T hear the panting limited -Its piercing whistle blow, The travel itch is in My foot - Let's• -Minna Irving. Sargossa `Sea •Secrets. - 11Iost people know that the Sargasso Sea consists 'of an immense mass of seaweed somewhere in the Atlantic (cean, but few know anything of its nature or why it is there. Covering,an area larger than that of Europe;: to the 'north of the Leeward Islands and southwest of Bermuda, it has bean' massed together by windy and ocean currents, converging to its present position,-in'd great swtrlfrosn the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. After its discovery by Columbus, it was for centuries' an object of 'dread to Scanlon, whose iinaginationg called up terrifying tales of ships caught by the Weed and held embedded whilo their crews died of starvation • and their timbers rotted, The fallacy, of these stories was de- monstrated by` a Norwegian expeddi.tion ;of 1910, which found that- the Weed was not dense, but in sdattorecl patch-'. es, incapable of seriously obstructing a vessel The Saragossa Sea is not tire only one of its kind in existence, There is' a sirftlltr area of considerable extant tri the North Pacific Ocean,' and- a smaller olio south of New Zealand. Where Many Would Be. T'ri;end--"Good-bye old pian' rut yon haven't told pia yet what you think of praliibition," Tourist (bip;,rding,silip)-✓"Oh about that I'm alt at beat" • • 1iEAL 1 H EDC1CA a [r()N BY DR; J. J. MIDDLLETON Provinolal Board of Health, Ontario Dr, Middleton will be glad to answer questions on i'ublie Health mat- fere through this column, Address ltim at Spadini]. Hougo, Spadtu* Greboeat, Toronto, Qoareeting wrong impressions is ono of the most important tasks confront - ng those who try to do educational work 'along health lines, Habits and seas once aegyired, 11oweVor erroneous they may be, are hard to' dislodge, The 'old saying "Whal,'s good enough for my foglathcx•s is good enough for me" has upset many teachers, Every once in u while one meets prejudiced`peo- ple=the type that know better than everybody else. No matter what the subject ib -health or otherwise -they cannot be taught. 'Recently I' met a man hoding public office who held ,very skeptical views:about the value of health 'education and, the work, of Health Departments .in general, He did not know any details about the good work of the Health Department in P15 own cit.. the knew or pretend- ed to know nothing about th'disap- pearance of typhoid due to water fil- tration and chlorination, he knew no - thin of mi inspection,it new milk he l new na- thing of the work of the public health nurses in lowering the 'infant -death rate and hitting physical defects cor- rected in•children,he•knew•nothingof the Schick telt, or the 'ualue;of :ailti- to`xin In -diphtheria, he knew nothing about the' work carried on in combat- ing venereal disease, nothing about in- dustrial hygiene that is . aiming to raise: health standardsin-Industry and, lower the irate of sickness and acci- dent ' in plants, factories, and work- shops of every description. None of these thingt> he knew about' or appreciated, and yet ho'was ,willing to throw cold water on all health ef- forts. There axe many such men, and women. They aro stutnbhng bloc) s everywhere yen go. They take up Al e' wrong aide, of the argument without any reason; except prejudice, and why this; prejudice has been developed no- body seems to know: I Again, we: see the type of individual who puts moire' confidence" In a bott e ' of medicine than all the health talks or health articles that come hi9 way. I He doesn't, want '^ to"know about the value of sleeping in well ventilated badsoo bedrooms. He doe n t want to kno w about the physical exercises and how they keep the body fit, nor does he care about the proper kinds of food to eat, orthe value of a contented, happy outlook on life.' What ha does from day to day is to'go � along his own ,prejudiced paths, disregarding tile inevitable consequences ' of his of Wrong methods of living, trusting lg to medicine to put him right when the impending crash comes. How' many wrecks of -humanity we see around usas a result of such practices:' How 1many untimely deaths occur tl ough neglect of the principles that tend to prolong life! , What is -the moral of all this? What isthe remedy? It seems to mo that one important thing to do is to educate the young, to teach them the little 'simple facts of health, before they ac- quire wrong habits or impressions.' The Population -of New- foundiand. The eighth, decennial census of New- foundland and. Labrador, which has, Just been completed, gives. the popula- tion as 262,979, which compares favor•-. ably, with the congas, of 1911, when the total was 242,619, an increase of 20,360 or 8:39 per cent Of this total, 269,358 represents the population of New :foundland, and 3,621 - I;abrador; as against, 238,670 and 3,940: respectively in 1911, , A gradual increase in popula- tionsinee the official census of 1857 is shown by the report, In that year the o ul ion as ' 4 p p at w oiilY 12 233, In 1874 It had increased to 161,374; 1901,.220,- 984;; and 1911, 242,619. Newfoundland, for census puaposes, is divided into eighteen districts, and sll of these; with.the exception of four, show increased populations over the 1911 figures. The, foiri' dlstriots to show decreases are Carbonear, , Har- bor `Grace, ,Port de Grave and Harbor. MamQ.. In the ten-year.' period ending 1921, the natural increase in popula- tion of the ancient colony was 31,347. In addition, immigration totalled 1,242. However, there was' a loss of 12,229 due to emigration, leaving. a net gain in population of 20,360. • Labrador's "Population ;Declines. Lack of development, ' in Labi•adon has.been the cause, of a steady 1005- of population since 1884, when the total population was 4,211, l Figures for each' suc'ceeding" teiiyear period show a slight decline, "and the 1922 census re- turns recordfalling f r •a P a ng elf o 328 from the. last report'issued 1h,1911' There was no immigration to ,Labrador be- tween 1911. and 1921, xfhile there was a loss of 47 due to emigration: ' The natural increase ia'population' shows a decline of 281, leaving d net loss to the territory. of 328 persons. --An analysis of the report shoals that while the figures regarding nationality have not yet been checked,there would appear to 'be '262,475 'persons. either born or -naturalized 'British subjects in Labrador and Newfoundland, and, only 504 persons of other nationalities: IS: THERE A BABY IN YOUR HOME? is, there a baby or young children In your home? if there is you should not be wi0hotit.'a box of Baby's Own Tab-` lets. Childhood ailments come quickly and means -should always be at hand to promptly fight thein,: Baby's Own Tablets are the ide'PI_home 'remedy, They regulate tiro bowels; sweeten the stomach ;,,'`banish constipation and indi- gestion; break to • colds and simple fellers -in Pact they relieve all the minor ills of litho ones. Concerning them Mrs. :Kelso, Cadotte, Makamik, Que.,writes: "Baby's. Own Tablets are the best -remedy In the world for little ones. My baby suffered :terribly from indigestion and Vomiting, but the Tablets soon set her, right and now she is In 'perfect health,"' '1'heTab- J'ets aire'eold-by medicine dealers or by mail. at 25c a box framThe Dr.'Wil- liams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. So Sudden. 'Dile ardent youth had taken the girl of his heart out totea., "1 say, who is that young man who has just conte it he asked his com- panion. "I s'ee'he nodded to you. Do. you know him?" "Yes," answered, She maiden, "I know trim well," "Shall 1'ask hien to join us?" said the young than after is pause,, "Oh, dear," murniiired the girl in cotlflislon. "This is so sudden," "Oh, what do you mean?" ho asked ip surprise:' "Why, Jock," site replied, "ire's our minister.", He Was Doing His Beet ',elle newly engaged, septtisli laborer was loft.: to his breakfast and tor'ri, to help hillisaif to a elieese on ,tall4 table, After a loibg tints the farmer went Im- patiently to the kitchen 111 search of his new hand, s "Sandy," ho oxelatmed, "yoii take a long while to:,breakfast, -don't yott? "Aweel," replied Sandy, "e, cheese o' this "else 14 has Sae exon eaten ns y4 may think." A•golden eagle has been timed, and has boonfotibd to fly` at the tate of more than a mile a Inlfante. MlniKrd's Linkmont for sal4 evai'yvvhsrs. TO AVOID PAINS OF RHEUMATISM E MA IS U This Trouble is ,Located in the Blood, and Relief- Conies Through Better Blood., Rheumatism `comes with thin, im- pure blood, and can only be driven out of the system by enriching and',piiri-. fying the blood. Thechief symptom 'oP rheumatism is pain. The most successful treatment is the one that quickly .banishes this disagreeable, *symptom, Many rheu- matic people suffer pains that could be avoldedby building up the blood. The value: of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills iu rheumatic troubles is proven by the testimony' of Mrs. A. Bryson, Arthur,' Ont., who.'says:-"I was so used up -Witty rheumatism in my shoulders and neck that I oculi not turn in bed with- out the help. of -my husband, and the pain at times was ahnost unbearable, S took doctors' medicine which did me little or no good, Then I began taking Dr, Williams' Pink; Pills and have eiiiee been free from rheumatism. I can also recommend the pills to young mothers, as in my own case I found they are unexcelled. I may also add that I recommended Dr, Williaiiie',Pink 'Pills to a' netgliberW11he took fainting spells -at the change, of lite, and who' could not walkn distance. She took 9d c to k the pills for nearly three, months and they made her a strong Well woman You can get Dr: Williams' Pink -Pills from any dealer in inedidine : or by mail at --60o a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville,' Ont, To, Build Memorial, of Zeebrugge Raid. The' foundation -stone of What will be a: noble memorial to the famous Bri- tlsh: raid staged at Zeebrugge, Bel- gium, in wartime, ,was, laid recently' bj' the Governor of West Inlanders, in the presence of a distinguished Anglo Belgian coinpany, including Admiral Sir Roger Keyes, Lori( Burnham, Lord Emmett; the British Ambassador, Sir George Grahame, and the Belgian Min- ister. of Public Works. Thememorfal, which.will stand near the shore end of the mole, will take the form of a granite, column 70 feet high, surmounted ;by. a figure of St. George slaying the dragon. Lt will be visible far out at sea, and will'. be' in- scribed on the side facing the sea wit)}, hire' words': `Saint' George for Eng- land," and also; "United for Justice," Likewise on the monument will appear the names of tile' British who fell in: the action and also the nam -es, of the, partiofpating warships. , The Goyornox, when performing the ceremony, described the landing of the British in the face of the German fire: as one of the most' brilliant deeds in naval history, O;th'er speeches cde- livered at the ceremony and preceding the banquet in Bruges Town .Hall stressed the close Anglo -Belgian ties.' Magnificlent wreath's were subsequent- ly deposite'd,. Higher Tax, Lower Revenue. An Interesting example of the way in:which high taxes defeat their own purpose is quoted by the. Financial Post/ At 6 a thousand, 'cigarettes t y with i> 1 er were heavily taxed, but Canadians l+lli lJ� 11 g smoked nearly 2,`100,000,000" a year. The tax was incl`eesed Last'ycar to $7.59 a'tltousand and smokers turned to pipes end to rolling ,1)1oir own. Cigarette consumption "drapped by about half a billion a year and the gov. eminent suffered a net foss In revenue of about 12,000,000, The higher tax actually' provided a lower revenue,' Taxes that are too high will always de- feat revenue prn'posesl , 'Wlialee Huffer a great deal front. rheumatipm, ASY TRICK ria Wliy? 1Z YD,s -11 ' G i rnr, 1 'I'D 7 +10 YDS. ,- 11 9 v 11 u4ry, 12 YDS; 3 o 1'be-question "Why?" 15 tor You o answer. After you learn how O do the trick, you may wish to know why it always "comes out right." Write on a slip' of paper 'Twelve yards," fold it and head t to a spectator to hold until the completion of the trick. Ask him' o write' on another piece o1 paper' any distance. lie likes, expressing t in' ands feet a n d The distance,lo ever must be greater • than 12 yards. Ask him to re verse the numbers (as in the sec- ond line` of the illustration ) and... subtract. Ash hint to reverse the answer (as in the fourth -lire) and: add., Next, he is to subtract 1 foot, 11 Indies from the' sufri, The " result will be 12 yards, The trick' ends when he looks at the slip of_. paper and discovers that, you pre- dicted. the' result of his. oalcula tions; " The answer will always be 12 yards if the •spectator write's a distance, in which the number, of odd inches is less tlian the num- ber of even yards. If the number of inches were greater It would be impossible to reverse and subtract. (drip this out and paste it, with ' others of tlae series, in a scrap- book.) , Night`Camp. A hors$' to ride and a dog. to love, And a fire to warm me by, End of the trail and high above The sweep of the starlit sky - And where, is ,there more for a man's, desire Than ahorsa and' a dog and au,pine• wood fire? e f an swift, Tho ase will earn far d ho h i And the dog will guard my rest When I lie me down 6n a dead leaf drift, - Close to the brown earth's breast, But ahl the ache of an old desire, .And the facethat glows -in the pine- --0. T. Divis, MONEY ORDERS. • When ordering goods by mail' send a Dominion Express Money Order. The English language contains about 20,000 wards which are of French origin, IRlnerd's'Linimenttor Coughs & Colds To find the 'number of gallons 'of paint required to give a-large•surface two coats, divide the area: of the sur- square feet b 200. - face in n y tI r PLEATING $1.00 A SKIRT -HEMSTITCHING, 100 PER YARD, Out-of-town orders prompt attention. Lingerie and Specialty Shop, 120 Dan- forth Avenue, -Toronto. MRS. A. IBACBACU GAINS 24 POUND Declares Tanlltc Restored Her Completely When Health Was Practically Destroyed. 10,1'1e'L'anmee tr,'eatrgent rcetgred DIY 4vealtli and Strength' and lncraisteel my weight twenty-four pouirds. two yearn ago, and I am one -of the happiest wa mon in Canada, fpr I have been feel - Ing tine ever since," declared Multi Alio° Iiarbach, highly esteemed rest.. dent of 26 Dundas St. We London, Ont. "I was so nervous I 'trembled like ono with ,the palsy and feared a, com- plete broalcdown, ' 1 couldn't relish m9 food, many days'I didn't 'eat a thing, and lost weight until my clothes were way too large, for me; 1 iha,d ,pieroing headaches, was sa weak I would give out before the middle of the day, and at night just seemed to bear the clack strike • every hour. I suffered more agony than ton8 ue-can toll. "But Tanlac ended all my troubles, and if Iliad my say I would put a loot. tie in every biome. It has won my ever- lasting gsatltpde, • and I will always ratee it." Tanlacis for sale by alI good drug- gists. Take no.. substitute: Over 87- mlllia bottles e n o s old. The nightingale's song may be heard at a distance of a mile on a calm night. Mlpard's Liniment' tor Corns and. Warts: WHEN IN TORONTO ,VISIT THE Royal Ontario Museum 203 moor SI, Wet, Noir Montle Bond, Iargoet perm petit eshl5ltlon in Canada,, Archneology, 90010ey, Mineralogy. Palaeontology,, Zoology. 00on l dally, 10 0 0' to 6 p m; .aundn'. 2 to'6 p.rn 3310,91,, Belt Line, Dupat, 00,5 Awnuu.. I(oad ..ecce, PATENTS ttiat bring the.iard'est return .are those. properly,. protected. You .oan write with confidence to our firm for free report as to patentabilityy. •Bend' for List of Ideas and Literature, Correspondence invited. TEM lt152SAY 00. Patent Attorneys 073 sank N*... Ottawa, out. ,HABIES.LOVE tAniv mktiw'S siii wP ?flu!. Infante ood Cldldreo'sltefulder.. Pleasant' to glueTpleasant'.10 take. • Gseranteed'ppurely veae.. table and l,t quckyovcms cc thrrhoea flseicy anddiarrhoea, Like disorders. _ , The open published • formula appears on every table. ' itLAllDiugget► LAIN Jn MOWERS CANADA'S 19ESTI i isn'tpossiblettbuild abetter lawn mower than SMAries gmarN Mowers have proved their superiority Wlterevef$rass Is $room Eassyyrimnfno,keelr cutting and absolutely. tuaratitted.. ABN YOUR NARDWARE MAN JAMES SMART PLANT' - "t 151105011.1.00NT RED PIMPLFS ALL OVER FAE C Itched and Burned. Face a Sight. Cuticura Heals. "My face came -out all over' in little red pimples and then it would ` itch: , I would ; nib - and scratch it and little erup- tions 1 would come. They I itched and burned and at night would bother me. My, face was a sight. 1 tried "ta`..^--1 different remedies without success and then. began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment which completely healed Me in two weeks." '(Signed) : Mrs. Eva M. Toothaker, Cundys Harbor, Maine, March 13, 1922. Use Cuticura for -every -day toilet purposes.. Bathe with Soap, soothe with Ointment, dust with Talcum. 8amplefaehPree 59y00.5 Addro¢e1.ymano,Llm. 11,d; 84481. Paul 50., W,M nt ria' Sodevnry-• *heme¢ap2be. Oinem nt26nnd60e, Tslcuml5¢. 10131F-Cuticura Soap shaveowithout mug. •aceta +*j +para ,A9„„ 00 ,s x'lonsty llI i#odit'a DOG Dist apt 4 Wild; ij'4e i'jg 1ti14ilad , re 1P ,70 lrl qv, y ov Igo., New ? or t, 13 8,al.l Enlb'en Your Eyes - through Tile Daily 1.76o of lyurine.:Tile Alhj'irinl(Spekle e f youth Quickly Asternp 08+ es ialfe.: jee . evebecomePullandL¢d ,efelyp 001_�tany Teen,.wbtc bold Druggbli Iiyerywheee, U, JNE4 19/f Pig+, EYES 1 JEOQYSr { )rl MATCHES Remember to.ask for PddyswllenyougrQelr matches I' ., OLI:^ 'EF Y R IN y wtD;RR l CANADA 't , lir IN - - Don't wait for someone tit be in pain to get Kendall.l Spavin Treatment in the For all external hurtsand painlil -for all, muscular troubles.. Kendail'sSpavin Treatment makes goo4 0511A65011, 9 1 D'egemboretli, 3091 orlon sed me ono copy arrow TBPATISSON TB1pi 11010311 There nurnl'Folir 0,00 re inn011 Om Air over 0101/00 year.d found It o, rrho bpt ltnl nto I bnvgi verunedtor olllcluduoteo nerd, (alined). If. 555,0$" Get a bottle of your druggist's today. Peelle, for Hd'rse Treatment --Refined for Human osd: ' DN. B..k KENDALLCOMPANY, i ,,Enosbura.Faita, KENDARXS 'SPAVIN' TREATMENT T 'EXCRUCIATING PAINS CRAMPS' Entirely Remedied by Lydia, E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound - Eberts,Ont.-"I started with cramp bearing-downpains at theo and bage Q g $ . eleven years, and I would get so nervous I could hardly stay in.bed, 'and I had such,pains that I would scream, and ray` other ould call the doctor to give me m w somethingto take. At eighteen I mat• ried, and I have four healthy children, but I Still have pains in my right side. I am a farmer's wife with more wort%. than I am able to do. I have taken three bottles of Lydia E. NegiS table Compound - and I feel that it itl helping me every day. My sister -in-laws who has been taking your medicine f some time and uses your Seaways Wa told me about an t it' d I recommend now, as I have received great reli from it." -Mrs. Nl Idoxc Yoi, R. R. 1a' Eberts, Ont: Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com. pound is a medicine for ailments coma mon to women. It has been need f such troubles fornearly fifty years, an thousands of women have found relie o takin this s lend) as did Mrs. Yott, by g p medicine:. If you are suffering from irregularity' , painful times, nervousness, headache backache or melancholia, you should at once begin to take Lydia E. Einkham'n _ Vegetable' Compound. It is, excellent to Strengthen the system and help to per. form its functions with ease and regu. larity. C _ You Make Most Money When You Speed Up Farm Yields It takes 12 hours labor to produce you 1 -acre of reheat. At 12 bus. per acre yield you might pay costs. At 25 bus. per acre yield you make good money. - 200 Lbs. SliUR-GAIN Fertilizers make gains from 50 to 60% on grains and other crops. Order SHUR-GAIN Fertilizers NOW. Consult our Agent or write us Agents wanted in territories where we are 500 represented. 1204 St. Clair Street TORONTO AIN Olfeud'X ntletr&ire to fro root o1. rho Modhle And eIsa nniolf relief, Splendid fo1•soro Marlaler, eprelne, brute A Knell lhing---rnh It in, Doesn't hurt a bid Drop a little. "Fr°etioho" on an aching corn, instant, ly that corn stone hurting, then shortly You lift it right off with (inners, Truly! Yottr druggist sells it :tiny bottle of "JI'roezono" for a few cants, sufficient to remove every hard Corn, soft corn, or Cerfn between the tees, aria tilt cal. lilsod, wf •rout soreness or irritation, iSStJC No. ifl ..123. UNLESS you see the name `Bayer" on tablets, yoti are not getting Aspirin at all Accept' only al "1.tlibroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of ,Aspirin," whicl contains directions and dose Worked' out by physicians airing 22 years and proved safe by millions for, Colds'; 1-iradaehe l iieurnatisni. Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache . i,unlbago ]Pain, Pain Handy "Savor" boxes of 12 tahlcts--Akin bottles of 24 and 100 ---Druggists, Aertrin is 11,6 910,10 arinrl:. (rnSiol'r-i In C,nnaelln) ,t1 'fewer utaruofhcture of mono 000 ern cittrdtti'' n8 SA10091t0n01d, WBilo I( 15 won 151,ntv11 ti1a1 AnrhHn 11105116 13A.00* 0nntlufr(0f110, 00 ;51,Allit t.hr1 MOAN' Age Inht Brills troupe 0 lie 'rahto(G of T:l,,n.yot Corrtpany,,: Will he stamped with thein senertli '0ritd0 10)5011, 1110 'flagon Cross.