The Clinton News Record, 1923-5-3, Page 7A Sun Subscription Offer The next threeMonths will be months of ab- sorbing interest to the electors of Ontario, Never before in the history of the' Province was there as much political confusion and uncertainty as there is to -day; never before was it so necessary' that electors should understand, the point of view of those with whom they differ. The Farmers' Sun during ,the coming cam - sign will endeavor to give its readers a full and impartial precordof events and to those who hold thetoprinciples rinci les it supports, acs well as those who may support other principles but who wish to be well informed,, itoffers a special' subscription op- portunity, The Sun will be sent to any address in Ontario for three months forfifty cents, or six months for one dollar. You may send your sub' sy chiption b Postal note or Express Order to the Sun -Office, or through the courtesy of your local paper. Sun • The Farmers' S 109 GEORGE ST. TORONTO O . TI N 1 BY: DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, :Ontario swe questions on Public Health mat:. Dr. Middleton will tie riled to anewer n tere through this column •. Address him.at Spadina House, Spading • Crescent. Toronto. What Is taught in Public Health th Education - is ' important, Too often there is a tendency to' emphasize the value of physical fitness, and neglect the equally important question "df' mental and social fitness. Health' le not along a, question of physical fitness by any means. Our mental attitude our viewpoint towards our fellows and towards life in general, have, much to do' With our' condition of health. Ath- letes models of.physical perfection do not sive any 'longer, 'as a rule, thaw ordinary individuals. Why? Because they give attention to their, physicals fitness and often neglect the mental' and social conditions that -contribute their -share to long life, healthand happiness. - ' I: well rernember , an' instance of a dung man calling to see me. Isis ;4rrOQ' Br PALE FACES AID WORN OUT VE r -- Due Solely to Wee , Water The quest, of convenient excuses wi Blood -_A Toivia is Iieede d. go on when every other search in tl world --even the . bunt for trold--rise Anaemia, - )Ile,^x111, inlpoa,'ol'lslied lost its lure One of the readiest and 1)1ooda-comes on so Waal -illy that, it easiest n'llet,2ticns, as the cause of a Is often well adyaiieed•bofore its pre - refusal, is the laconic phrase, “TOCP80E00 to recognized , Feelings ;ot , busy." It deserves by this time to be- fit uo an11 discanitolt aro the earliest long ansid. the • depleeiated currency. mantfestatlona ,of the . trouble and of speeehy and still it "images to pass these axe elclom taken ,.seriously. 'for its face- valve, even among the Gralluatly, s1nan: ,tasks benome an : of. eophi •treated. These who use it least fw t a1)cl 'exer'tloih causes, tris aroart to are the busiest{ those who resort to' palpitate violently. Tl10 complexion it oftenest are, likely to be dilettanti becomes sallow or pale and there is y nor poor managers of their ,time. So' loos of weight, The nerves grow weak that it" is a, very.:common saying that' and the victim' dirplays'jrrltabillty ua- if vro want to.get-something.done ,we, der slight provochtie t -Intl i5 extreme - must go to. the. :busy people,. • .They. ly saasniee, to noise. The appetite is have ,been- obliged to- form 4a habit of "fickle and indigestion often follows. getting-tlTings out of the way, of put- A eoirditlon of anaemia :calla for a• ting their hours behind theni one bye tonic,; one. that Will, enrich the blood one and pressing.; forward, without the and strengthen the.'nerves, and for retiospect of a Lot or an Orpheus thatthispurpose tbore is nothing Ban.canal would spoil everything. Dr; Williams5' Pink.Pills, These pills "Too biiay:' Triose two words have give the blood ail those' nifasing ole bean the little stiletto assassins of merits neoessary.'to •give strength to high resolve and empriees. A beautl- the, nervos,, colorto :tthe cheeks, and ful plan has"loaped in with a light` nonriehnient to starved organs and heeled 'agility at some open window of tissues, MISS Margalet:J Fraser, R.R. the mind:. 'Our stern resistance has 2, Thessalon, Ont., lues proved the s e f''tliis treatment. She saysa ",L met. it at the very sill, and it ha 'value p , perished .before \it hashed time to 'cry was wiry Palo and Weak,- My blood out' or defend:' "Too busy":can knee k wee poor • and I• was;very nervous.,' I in the head' all; the plans that "too lost myeitppetite my' feet and ankles poor" leaves'alive and moving. It is were swollen and I was ina very inia, supposed to'be the final and crushing erabie condition. A friend advised: me lPPa•etol=$ to -any one .who asks" us' to" do to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills• and I anything, . got two boxes, and found before they • at to be healthy our minds must be serene,: our viewpoint cheerful and ou' bodies fit. .One without the other w' 1 not bring a state of health that cou d lie regarded as ideal. 'Carrwe-convince the average man or yveitian-particularly the man hold - nig • public _office, that public health - activity is an asset rather than an expenditure? If we can do that, we have made tremendous progress, for iii., my experience and that of many others,the,average man regards ppppb- lic health : expenditure as something that could' easily be postponed till next year or the year after. Mind you, all these people who throw cold water onthe immediate inauguration of health reforms—such for instance as the appointment of a Public HealthNurse, readily admit that the propo- health was broken, he could not sleep. and he suffered from indigestion. I Inquired about his condition and espe- cially about the cause of his worried, unhappy viewpoint, It was this. ' He had been for a couple of years, secre- tary of'a church clubinwhich.lie was keenly' interested. His work as secre- tary was not paid for, but he did not want any pay. However, the mem- bers ',of embers;of his club felt that it: was too much of ` an imposition to ask this young man, to carryon his duties for R third year without relief, so think - in 'it would be regarded in the right sport, they „appointed a new:inan,•to Fill -his place as secretary. This was the: cause: of Ilia collapse; I' reasoned with himand told him. his viewpoint was -wrong, that he had been deceived as "to the motive for replacing him, and that the club's action was in no way a slight, but rather an apprecia- tion of what he had alreadydone. for them. At last he agreedathat,he might have taken the wrong viewpoint -and promised. to act accordingly. 'Ile did 89 and completely recovered.his health and appetite The following- year he was reappointed to.the-position that he had regretted -losing. This .is just an example, but it is one from `real ,life. There are 1niany such, and they prove .beyond 'a doubt. sition is; a praiseworthy one and just as fiecessary as sidewalks or sewers. But they persist in regarding every- thing expended as an outlay from which• there can be' no expectation of direct money returngs. ' ' To correct' that impression is most important. But how can it be done. I have : tried it by pointing out the enormous- sums we spend.. annually for upkeep of asylums, hospitals and In- stitutions of various ''kinds, when a comparatively small amount spent on preventive work would half empty these institutions. We could further emphasize this^ by pointing out the cost of the maintenance of law and' order, on, account of the mentally un- balanced and . criminally disposed members' of society whose upbringing has often been neglected and .unsuper- vised 'and who as ajresults drift into degeneracy. ' . Bishop D cane's Tribute to His'•lltig• I am quite sure lie thinks I am God, Since he is God on whom each one de pends Fax fife and all things that his bounty sends. The value of a human life to a hu- were flnisted that they, wore helping man world is, determined by the busi- ness it.'Chooses... Searle people are so tokena hall dozen boxes, with these - much occupied in a'restless migration from. place ,to place'that they never halt anywhere long enough to acquire any solid inferl'natien; th ferrfi a deep and lasting friendship, to put down either a stepping -stone to a Solid; as- eur'ed success of anti land, Or tlie.b'or- nerstone -in the foundation of a char- acter. What they' call"business' is to keep themeelves thrillingly amused. It Is easy to become so' fettered and hampered by the trivial things=many minute° threads' combining to tie., us down as certainly a0 one or two strong cables -that we , cannot break away from them to the real values, that for the soul's own good wo need. Getting •and spending we ;lay waste our pow ere." We'have.and we have not. We have garnered, and the profit has been slender. :The body was fed, but, we etarved the spirit, The, mess of pot - o mo. I continued the' piils�, until 'I had su` lt that I am now enjoying. the Best of health, all symptoms having disap- peared.` I feti confident thatw1lat?t Dr, Williams' Pink Pale did for me they will do' for others, if given a fair trial." you can get these pills from any medicine dealer or hymaii at 50'bents a.box'dram_The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Broekville,.Oat; My ddear. old dog, most constant of EtTkestslhakis1 115 whole body is ,re - A laxed, .the ironing is done far more quickly, and the end of your irouln'gfinds you withunfired arms and wrists, -if you iron the way, The thumb.. rest, an exclusive Hotpoint feature, relieves all straits from the wrist, and makes ironing an agreeable duty rather than a,weary task, - I r sale by dealers every- where, . • "Maio In Canada" by Canadian General Electric Co„ Liu rico )road Office, - Toronto tage would not satisfy the innerlif , which cannot . live' by bread alone What of the music that we might have heard, the twilight or the sundown or the picture or the poem or the book we might have assimilated? ' When we had all the material. facilities' and the mechanical advantages about us, there were essential, mystic, unac- countable phenomena beyond this real- ism, still to be enjoyed if we were. not "too busy." Duty comes first. But there is a duty to oneself, andpart of it is to see and know the ;loveliness put into the world by Him who made itt and, if we think we, see and hear anypart of that beauty,. then to share it.,with our: friends. Not quick to mind, but quicker- far than I, . To Him whom God I know and own, . lids eye Deep brown and liquid watches for .my nod;. He Is more patient underneath the rod Than I, when God His wise correc- tions send. Ho looks deep,love at me, deep as Wolds e'er' spoke, And from me crumb or sup' will take; But he doth thank' with' his most vocal tail. Eattwrurttttn lviaswers iIt<c'1 cut with rozoxtililfo Iseextems. lt,Smarh NiowerwiliTteep your in Wla. nriend teat Thoroughey td/able, a6.sok/aey grrartsm'eer/, ,A$ your �hsard• ware ebealers. JAMES : i'AAwr PLANT a10CKV1LLE 05(10.. _ .. And' when, some . metalling `'noise • wakes all'bit fear, Ile 1s content and quiet 1f I am near, Secure that my protection will pro- BABY'S OWN TABLETS IN THE HOME ALWAYS. Once amother has used Baby's Oi9i1 'Tablets for her little ones she always keeps a supply on hand,for the filet trial convinces her there is nothing to equal them hi' keeping children well, The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach, thus, driving out constipation and indigestion, colds and simple fevers and making teething easier. Concerning thein, Mrs, Satuste Pelletier, SL Dumas, Qua, writes:— "I have used Baby's Own Tablets.' for the past ten years end am never ,with- out them in the house, They have al- ways given the greatest satisfaction and I can gladly recommend them to all mothers of little ones," The "Tab - leas are sold by medicine dealers, or direct by mail -at 25 cents a box 'Plaine The Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Co„ Brock- ville, Ont, So -faithful, mindful, th•ankfiti; trust- ful he 1'elis ]rte what I' unto my God should be, } 'A Prayer. . We give here - a pant of the prayer• written by tbat. fine soul, Walter Heus- ['i A friend, sends it to us edo heard it read at a morning :ser- vice in a hotel: "Enlarge within tis the sense of fel- lowslllp with all the living things, our little, brothers, to whom thou least given' this 'earth as their home 111 corn. mon with us: : We remember with shame that in the past we have exer- cised the Uiglldominion of mall With ruthless eraelty, so that the voice of the , Earth, which should have gone lip to Thee in song,' has been a groan of travail May .we,realize that they live,. not for us alexia, but for 'theinselves and for Thee, wed that they Jaye tale sweetness of life even as we, and serve Thee 1n their place ,better than we in: ours." 1► - Seeking the nitlht. A parish' 1leffa'610 was being begutt- fled With 0 stabled -glass window. The old sexton was watching tho work, The rector, ; seeing him theta Intent, re- niar100111 "Wo11;r,Tolin, and what, Is your opin- ion of the window?" "Wool," WOW the reply, "'1n me opeenion they i efeht, llae been content WI' the glass as Gad made it," EASY TRICK'S Turn Over No. i2 wine—"Didn't I sea you ,with a strange womanto-day?" Hubby—"Youicertainly did not She was very simple and demure." The problem 10 to place a half dollar on the back of your left hand and, without touching: it, make it turn 'a- flip flop or somersault and land about where it started, 4Jug glor or one having talent for that kind of entertainment,,may do this in the obvious way—but not w out considerable practice. Hero is 0 more amusing way. Slap the left' wrist, a few Inches above -the coin, vigorously with the right hand. The coin will obliging- ly execute the necessary flip flop, With a little 'praetice the coin may ;m beade to turn so series of flip flops,. , going, into the air every time you slap your wrist. stiffly Always '.sold the left arm s y and tlap vigorously with the right. A. gentle pat will do no good. (Clip this out and: paste 11,• with others of the',aeries, in a scrap- aook, Raisin :Day in Fresno. A''`_gigautic parade eight miles long Inaugurated;the4lfteenth annual. Raisin Day Celebration at Fresno, April 26• Nearly every,' community, civic and y militaroiganizatfon.In the raisin filar tract was represented in the parade. The unusual -floats cost .over $10,000, Many:handsome trophies were for the best floats 'and marabdng delegations,'. One division, of this. monstrous par- ade was the 1923 raisin "`From the Garden of Eden 'to the Garden of the Sun." It WHO said that not even the great parades of the New Orleans Mardi Grass of the Pasadena Tourna- ment of Roses, eurpased the grandeur of Raieln Day pageantry. The pageant parade in the morning, was only the beginning of a'big ,day. In ,the afternoon the annual . Raisin Day automobile race thrilled the crowds et 'Fresno speedway. Thos an- nual speedway classic -brings to Fres- no the world's most' famous racing drivers, Approximately$20,000 was given in prizes. ' LOST lXOPE, SAYS MRS. WATERMAN Declares Tttrilac Restored Her Filly When Almost a Ner• vous Wreck -- Gains 14 Pounds. "Ttlnhie aeetored my 'health so 0001 pletrly tin ee years ago that I haven't had to take a' single dose of medicine since,' says:Mrs,-Cora Waterman; 145 Monroe St,,'Peronte, Ont. "I delft believe there. waste a worse case: than mine 1n Ontario, Fax about. three years ,2'' was practically a ner• voila and physical wreck, 1 could eat acareoly a thing, sleep was almost lin- possible; mpossible, and rheumatism in my hands, wrists and earns almost drove me,dle"• tr'aoted• 1 spent every cent f could hy my hande`on dor medicine) and had. about lost hope of ever being Well aK gain. "But Tanlac ended my suiY,, g erin and saved me a great many dollars, .2 re- gained Fourteen pounds., too, Welt I still retain, and I feel :as strong and healthy now as when a school gbrl, I have been praitsing Tanlac three years now, and want' to send out this mea - sage to help' others," Tanlac is s -old by all good druggists. Oyer 85 million bottle's sold. Canada's Fur _Pri duction. Thevalue of , fun production In the past year shows a substantial increase over that of the previous one, though a decline from the banner year of 1919-20• The total value of, the pelts of fur -bearing animals taken in Cana- da last season' was $16,458,621,; an in- crease over the previous` season of 26,- 307,027, or 62 per cent. The number of pelts of alt kinds taken was 4,321- 830;, an Increase of 47 per cont: over 1920-21. These figures comprise the pelts of animals taken by trappers and those of ranch -bred animlaa, .Leading Canada was the Province of Ontario with a value of $4,949,787, fol- lowed by Quebec with,a value' of $3,- 326,626. Following 1norder came Manitoba' with $1,679,646, Saskatche- wan, $1.673,679; askatchewan,,$1.673,679; British Columbia, $1,- 660,807; Alberta, $1,968,533; North.Niootume INsecYlclDEs "eortape" west Territories, $905,242; Prince Ed- Nlcotmlao Plant Pule GREENHOUSES, :'BRAhMPTON PUlverizo Ground. Two rots of. Melva that revolve in opposite directietls ,feature a anofe • driven. machine "being tested i]i Porto Mico for pulverizing lith ground for sugar cane planting 00 41'depth of twenty inches. Mlnard's Liniment for Gams anti Warn. Drop Too Much, "What weather! The -thermometer acts like it's drunk," , "Yes; often takes a drop too much," lit tate Classified Ativertiernehtti 0naxs. 1 A'l'A1,00 or 11LOIrigsalON.iL�. amateur tteur i lays+ fakptelleri, Monoldg radian Jokes 1Roeitatton Mekf-17 o9da, etc, tcgorald Pubt111 ;1ng (Q1 y t, tar, ta,voyey Street, Neer or At.Ee01HN WANTED, a Slowest Crop. 'Hothe Tho'slowest-crop in the -world giant bamhoo of India, It' blossoms pnlywhen it reaches Ito thirtleth year, and then dies, In the meantime .it 'bears an enormous quantity of`,aeod,. which is gathered and used as grain by the natives. • MONEY ORDERS. A Dominins, Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. :.Bre ele manufacturing was started y in France, in 1868. • MInard'e Liniment used by Physicians. • Obtvnalober ouitislhlne evetty'adbiem Ira- nian queliaty, jamb as the anis outshines the iimi)gthbsot efiectrlle lighft Cth i15cter heats- evea'y either seat of eusoses. Victory,- We ictory, We learned to love the common good, To live serene, strive upwards, In high communion with dream -voices, Yet ware we self -restrained • And reverent of law. Wide -tame wo Seamed, Sines self-respect As better Than the far repute 0; undiscerning and 'mieludging men. Otir, higbel• Self had conquered self; We loved, were loved, And life was victory: • —Albert Durrant Watson. Mlnard'i Liniment for Coughs A Colds Optimism parts : the clouds and seats out the tangles; and costs nothing. Home Carden Collection , 11011 Pound Corn, 1, 10 Donn Pena.: half pound Wax Beans and 10 assorted packages Vegetable =socia, postpaid for $1,00. Theo,; r it leafed stoops, Write for rhle collection and our attraatlro. calendars tc•dny . C. E. BISHOP & SON eoodemen • Bel lovill c. • - - ' Onti': Sphagn-pm Moss . Wo .Otter ea, 0008010 Trade Two thousand hales high-grade 5pitagnlrtn Moss (to original 15 -Ib. ::.bales) at 11,80, Dor halo. We also carry largo 015111,.' of Unique Band Saw. There is in use an ingenious sort of band saw for coarse work, such as felling trees lend, sawing stove wood. The saw, Instead of being a continuous ribbon like blade, 1s made up of Unica dike triose :of the driving chain of a bicycle: On their outer side they hath teeth of extremely hard tithe', The endless ',chain 18supported' on four ball bearing sprocket wheels mounted a 11011. metal frame, A five :horse• power,benzino"nlotor•drives it. M'lnard'a'-Llnlment for sale evoryvhero Grass. 8o the days pass, So greens the grass; Until at last Sono fruit is cast. But fruit that fades Into the earth, By, a new birth Gives greener blades.° That is mu• round Tlorning end even laved/1g to ground, Piercing to heaven, lelmond X. Kapp, ward Island, $448,786; Yukon Terri- tory; .$203,402; Neva .Scotia, :$188,587;' DALE ESTATL, Ltda and New Brunswick':2162,421. According to value. the principal pelts in the year under review were muskrat, which' accolnitod for a total value -of $4,687,818; beaver, $4,288,679';. "fink, $1,639,785; marten, $1,212,603; silver `fox, $732,674;' white fox, $700;- 124; neo fox, $472,847; fisher, $424,- 063; otter, $372,694; and skunlc,;$311,_ 040. Muskrat pelts in the season in creased, by over one million In number and by over two million dollars In. value, Beaver pelts -increased from 164,666, valued at $2,686,472, to 231,- 648, worth $4,253,879,- 'The:avorogo prices, paid 015a. pelts in the season 1921.22 were greater than, 'those which prevailed: in the previous; season but leas than. in Use' season. 19,19120. For instance, the average. price received for muskrat was $1:88 as. against $1.24; foie beaver, $9:07 as compared with $6.40; mink, $9.00 against $8.23; -marten, $20.61 against $22,87; silver fox, -$147.36 against. 2181.99; white fox, $38.26 ...against $34.62; rod fox, 212,46 against $1161; flsirsr, $74:66 against $58.86; anal skunk, $2.34 against $1,78, Noble Consistency, Father—"I hear, my boy, that' you have lately, told your mother several falsehoods, . This grieves me to the heart. Always tell the truth, ,no mat; ter' What suffortng It may bring upon yell. Will you promise me not -to tell 1lutrnths again?" Boy (promptly)—"Yes, father," rather "Very w.pll, Now go ald. see who is at the door, Tf it's the tax collector say I'm not at home•" • OLDS In head Throat or Chest yield quickly to the infiu- Mice of Tttiilard's. rite OId Reliable Remedy 11 n, e:tt" educes swelling of bruises and strains It may be'a sprained WT,LBt or elbow—a bruised muscle•—a strained tendon—" You cannot foresee it. 13ut 'you ic:an keep Sloan's always handy to relieve the pain. Sloan's brings immediate comfort. It: breasts up the congested and inflamed conk clition and restores normal' circulation, ; Esc Sloan's to guard from pain as.you would an antiseptic to prevent In- fection, yotardruggisthas it. marl,. 00t cram art SlPJag l+A9 e t ii en>tnitills P alai sr rhnnPiiatisnt beulsas,b rri ntsISdnt: o1J'1 It p�p� r Nlglrt anti M4 rnte0 e eel" ®�� + Hoea C1+gni dealt Eyes.. If they. Tire, Burn Fop Jetta ' Itch, Smart et rot if gore; Irrlfated, In- IOU YGIfamedorGranulated, useMurineoften. Soothes,Re iestia. Safefor Infante) Adult At all Druggitite• Writci for Frc a EYa Book.'ansa lira Read b Cw, Melo idsUf NO/ THE, "BRANTOOR DI' COSTS LES3 TO RUN Cenarete for an farm bulldtnn need le pro- vided economically with the Brantford farm,_ mode] mixer. 55114 for band or Dowor on elide gr„trechr. Ree your own onaine or our Typa '9C" lteroeene Engine. We oleo,. .Mild larger mixers for big..: ger lobe: 'Write for booklet. UOOLD, SHAPLEY&,. 810110 00.. Llmlted,. , 200 Welllnaton. St. • Brantford, Opt.,. East or West Eddy's Best MATCHES Insist on having EDDY'S 1 ATaSSfEN ,4,04'0 Ad0rd'rs; 510W tNvrtNTI.,, by (1,001tpr body 4Pnonij to every betcowU 05104;. 1U1Ck rale) big. 1)01141. 810rling U lcrolt ors„ )15 0,5,01 threat, Torontp, P J roe BALK, • r RXU1100Ra ..: sronhyltll(l]n Y-l'AyN1:Nol• lt-t t IloOsIl o, 0011,11, funet'al @qU' op taxi, 01 1 11010 condition . owl ainted .Car th o'ilnd 1 1 , n 9 painted, I r Ol 1 u sit' m, 1 ,gut..' 1d .Nib e d�. 1 t C tl pOp Op a l Wlfht e r p, r Itldurtrles, 05-041o. eCt• NY„ ' g'drmrW . CAh15HAS. D,i LndniNO: HOB, MANY ,DIMES 5,1511 0 atoulf..br Canada. Dimly lose than half 121, Bend for bargain: list, State )rants, Mpntroal 1'p0 grnDhlo HUDnlyv hfonirem,, 1, Keep Kendalls. always in the barn. A strained muscle, a sprung tendon, a jolt or a knock demands immediate attention. A few hours' delay will result in a long lameness—perhaps in the loss of the horse. Kendall's Spavin Treatment has saved more horseflesh than all the other known remedies. Tinder the name of Kendall's Spavin Cure, it is the forty -year-old standby of horsemen, farmers and veterinarians. Geta bottle of Kendall's today. Ask,: too, for the Free Bookor write for tt to DR. R. J. KENDALL COMPANY, ENOSBURG FALLS Vt., U.S.A. Lnierloa'it plonesr Vogt ISameala•..:. pool; on DOG UI SEAccES:` >krt l {� _ ow: to.Vaotl • Mailed and xi )red to ly Ad• t •%. �r�.. Arena by the Mgr.' 129 West Seth 04treot • New York, irrigated Farms in Southern, Albert, Zn the S'amons Vauxhall Dlatrlct Bowe irivar i°rojeot An e0peclally good locatiepn' nor nli ed par In dairying. a le did rtunittylL for youg en n0510 . {vltlt In districts where good pplgndqI'Cannotbe . THISgbought, at tOT reasonable PI bNI710A NG the TF t8 N 0 1Q first 10,000.000ea erdel nowlly sett 545. giro settlement; another : ru00 doroe. now an l i railroad,maximum dl 000 a opsit; raeph0n seven mites. O]aey ad •' men", ex . and school pears pay. menta, extending over �iB Years, Thla Te the Best Lent $ny' In Alberta Wri to for'further lnforpr0.tiOn 08 OAITdDA- E,A1PD aria TRTLx13aTIOSf COMPANY,. L=2Trn -Medlctno. 5001, 'Alberta Don't Lose Your Hair Try Colima If your scalp is irritated, itching and: burning midyear hair dry and falling out in' combfulo try r the fol- lowing treatment. Touch. spots of dandruff and itching with Cuticura Ointment And follow with bot sham- poo of Cuticura Soap. Soap 15c. Olatment25 and 50e. Teletsn25e. Sold throughout theDominion. CanadianDepotf L mane; Limited, 344 St. Paul St„ W, Montreal. "Cuticula_ Soap shaves without mug. HELP TO OTHER WOMEN Grateful for Health Restored by. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound Toronto, Ont.—" I took Lydia A Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ter backache andfor weak and dreary feel- ings caused by my condition; Sometimes I felt so bad that I couldn't do my house- work. My'neighbor told me of your medicine and T read about itinthe 'Tot ronto Telegram' and thought I would take it. I got very good results. 18 built me up and I have told several friends what it has -clone for me. Yon may use this testimonial as it may be of help to some one who has suffered GB I have."—Mrs. T. Los,; 25 Ilarvie Ave., Toronto, Ont. Mrs. Lee is willing to write to any girl or woman suffering from such trou- bles, and answer any questions they may like to ask. Women suffering fromifemale trou- bles causing backache, irregularities, pains, bearing -down feelings and weak- ness should take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Not only is the worth of this splendid medicine shown by such cases as this, but for nearly fifty years letter's like this have been re- ceived from thousands of women'. You might be interested in reading Mrs, Pinkham's Private7'ext-Book upon the "Ailments of Women.". You can get a copy free by writing the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Cobourg, Ontario. C - UNLESS you' see the name "Bayer" on table s, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an "unbroken package", of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," ,which Contains directions and dose worked our; by physicians during 22 -year's and proved side 'by millions for Colds Fleaclaclle Rlidumatisra Tootilacile ' Neuralgia ' Neuritis , }arachd L,tllnbago Pain, Pain fiends "' r" taxes ori), iloblets---also. bottles of 24 Mid 100.--Dluggi5t9., .Bttyo I r,tl fe the trade 1yiIc vrtt€Cib'1514( in Canaan) of tin flint Manrl5l tate of 1Ning0r' Aspl nuetk,AClturo,rof slot tk11(11111,11,•Iv, 1114It 1,0(1, 0050. I lir Tallr ti., of Bayer Cortese mnl he 10011,i.e h•,4 *Ill he gtaml)dd With 'tpi, 11 emir 1917 trade mark, the `?:3tt}'eT <lroars•".