The Clinton News Record, 1923-5-3, Page 1o. 2200.45th Year, CLINTON, ®NTMI O THURSDAY, MAY 3rrJ1, 4923 " THE YEAR•SAITHE SPBIN6;'--IETs Cll�l'ON MARXF,TS, Wlieat $1,10, Buckwheat, :uclswttt a 75e, !et !Barley, 55e, fats 45e. ,gg I s 25e. to 25e. :Witter 25e. to 30c, Live Hogs $9,00. i8 ALL " ARE. ENTERPRISING S The St. Marys Jot'i:nal-Argus last Week coznnients upon the purcli#tse'gf et motor hearse by an underatker in ,that town, 'Clzi.ter•,'s nndertelcing firm purchaseda motor hearse years ago., Tho St, Mary's man's name • by the way, is Ball, same as the sonior.ment- hex, of the Clinten:Hardware and 1 er.- WILL MEET MONDAY The ministerial Association will meet on Monday next at ten o'clock in Willis chnrclt lecture room, The paper will be given by. the • Rev; J. E. Hogg. .' On,,Friday evening, May 18th, a lecture will be given under' the auspices of the Association' and the Public spool and Collegiate, by f also Rev. S. E. Meliog•ney: SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS' Mr. Willis C. Cooper has'succeed, ecl in passing with honeurs his third year in archetecture at the.School of Practical Spiettee,v'i'oronto accord- ing, to reults published' on. Tuesday,: and Mr. Fred Willis passed his se: condY s ear. `. Congratulations .are ex - nituro •Company's tended. en able For the working man, at a ,moderate price:: We have a good stock of reliable timekeepere fel, PIV1DOLLARS, ELGI N and AL HAM makes. These watches are jeweled and earr Mir gar-; W T a 1 ,Y guar-, antee .Son satisfactory service, Call and get one before thy- are all gone. SPECIAL-Shell-eiuzmed spectacles, Torte lenses for• $5.00. These I bought ata price far below ithe war -time value, Jeweler and Optician ellr42 �� Phone 174w Residence ;1743 4,4 THE AVERAGE . MAN 0 FTEN spoils his 'future because he thinks his savings too:small to be worth banking: a Do not welt until You have $100 to deposit -open an account with $1 and make it grow: TUE R:CYAL-BANK 1DF CANADA R. E. MANNING MANAGER, .CLINTON BRANCH. 239 ur Motto ex.., ,,gym or Eveiy' an Asehammeresetairms Suit and -.Extra ' Trousers 1+or. $25,00 Suit and Extra' Trousers For $25.00 e eas ame 0 ,`Nothing will take the place of a .Raincoat for its particular and varied tl es. Aprotection on a We,„t day—A Spring Over - , coat orachillyday---An ideal coat for � • moto 1,i Il , g We are showing a large variety of fabrics in v 7 C Enf 11slabarclines, Tweeds, Worsteds, cite. 1 rice 7.50 to 05.00 ' Fourpioce s $25 4/ We have seine extra good values ito coon's suits and. all wool s 6n�+ �� e�ctra trousers for � ,Ott Make your selection early while the range is com Iete Commencing the first weeit'ira Mee, tl zs stns^e w' nesday later/100M for t1to ,ttrmiisor months, e closed Weer- ?IIE Ii6fINNSEI r C PAP SEE THAT CLINTJN KEEPS UP HER REPUTATION FORBEAUTYTHIS SH:Ei AMONG 'FIIE CHURCHES Wallis Church Sunday morning "Mother's . Day" service. A • mother's choir wilt lead the praise ;serviee.r Evening subject;. "Conflict ;oaf Duty,"• On Sunady, May 13th, anhivetsary services will be hold.''"Rev, 'Or.; Candler, principal of i(nox College,. will be .the'minister. Ontario Street Church Fellowshipmeeting '' at 'ten e'eloek onSunday morning, preaching' at eleven.. The •Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, will- be`:adininitsoref at the moaning se?:vice;' . " he• Dayill � e• e1 0 Mot ? s w be'obs nv c, n Sunday, May 13th, The music at the. morning service will be furnished' by the Sunday school executive. .The Sunday school held its annual meeting on Thursday night last at the; home of Mr. William Walker, with the pastor in the chair. "The` minutes of the las$ annual meeting were read 'by the secretary and adopted." Mr. W. Walker was unanimously ,elected by ballot to the office of superin-• tendent, alter which lie, took the 'chair Mr. H. Wiltse was elected as hon - Superintendent, `Mr. Hawke and Mr. 0. Potter as assistants, Mr. Jabez Rands elected, , secretary, Mr. H. Peckett, as treasurer, Mr; .A Castle, librarian, Jabez E. Rands, assistant librarian. The teachers were then duly` e1- ected, Mr. II. Wiltse, senior Bible class, Mr. • A. J. McMurray, young men's class, Mrs. E. Wenodrf, young ladies' class. Teachers for intermediate classes of boys; Mr. S. B. •Stothees, Mr.,D Andrew, , Mrs. I{ennedy, •Miss :'E Carter; Miss Livermore, Mrs,- (Rev.) Anderson, for girls: Mrs. W. Walker, Miss E. Cornish, Miss II. Courtice, Miss L. Brielcend`en, Miss E. Plum - steel, ItIrs. J. W. •Shobbrook, Miss M. Wiltse; Mrs. Il.i _Peacock. Pianists: Miss E. Plumsteel and Miss C. Evans, The business meeting then adjourn- ed, after which -the men of the S. S. Executive provided a program with addresses by Rev. Mr. Anderson, Mr, Hawke,' Mr. H. Wiltse-Mr. W. Walk-: er andtwo shorties by the igen • Mr. p, Andrew thro'iv a few mov- ing pictures on the screen, which were enjoyed by all, and. ' after this the ladies brought on a lunch which the men had provided, which was also en- joyed. League meeting next Monday night will bo in charge of Cheistain En- • deavoe Dept. and the Rey. Mt. Attd- erson will give a farewell talk to the Leaguers: Other numbers are also being Provided. Everybody, is re- quested to come and encourage the new officers recently installed. • Wesley Church The pastor preached at both ser- vices on Sunday. Afterthe sermon in the morning the choir. leader, Mr. J. E."Doherty,: and his son, Master. Joe; sang very pleasantly the duet, e`Lead Me Gently Home. Father." fir the evening the I. 0. 0. F. worship- ed with. the congregation, the centre front pews 'being 'reserved for them. A full choir led in the service of song. On Monday evening Mr. Rorke's Sunday school class of young men had charge of the League program, the subject being the "Life and Times of John Wesley.", Mr. Rorke occupied the chain,• and gave a brief summary of the life of Wesley;Mr. Leslie .Pear- son read a paper on his 'birth, life and education and Mr. Norman Hol- land: read a paper on itis ministry. Mr, Edgar -Maguire • contributed a piano solo during the - evening and • Mr. L. Pearson a violin. solo. At the con- clusion of the very excelent program the young ladies of Mrs. Cooper's class :,served ''refreshments. Next Monday evening the annual meeting will be held. The Sacraments of the Lord's Supper. and Baptism will,,.be achitin- nstered at the morning: service on. .Sunday, The quarterly official board will Meet on Thursday evening, May 10th. The annual meeting of the Sdnelay school board was held on Tuesday ev- ening, reviewed the years' work and elected officers for the .ensuing year. The pastor presided while the reports were being presented. The following office,rs'and teachers were elected: Clout -Suet • inten p clent• Rev. D. McCannus. • 1 I Superintendent': W. I. IIenyav, • Associates: A. J. Tyndall, II. E. Rorke. • Secretary: G. W. Cuninghame, • A esist-in't:. J, Suttee. Ttoas or: A, F, .Johns.. Supt. Primary Dept. and Cradle Roll: Miss Cuni ntg ria nue.. (Supt. Dept of Temperance: A T. Cooper. •Supt, Dept, el Missions: Miss Clark, Pianist: Miss Rigging: Assistants: Miss Rorlce, .Miss 'Goold, Leader of Song; Miss idvelyu Cluff. Bible Class Teacher: Rev, .T.:3. Snowdon. Young iMlena'• CIaes: If, E, Rorlce. Youtsg Ladies' Giese: Mrs, A. T. Cooper, • Teachers of Intermediate and Jun- ior girls, Miss` Stone, bias Wills, Miss Rudd, Mies Deist' N;ediger,"Miss W, Meelllath, Boys. A, F. JalnttsN W. Teener/ere .W...ewr. the, 7, W. Vodden, Jobo, .I'etvis, a Supply Teaclieis: Mia M. MetMetlt, ]thus. Trewartlna, M. T. Carless. It wns decided 1 s . ^ d to a, et. o vr Motlt nr s Day" Maya 13th, by a special i,rograrxt, eomhinin1, svitin.if, a cede biction of '"Go te-igtnd,ty-School. Day" MRS. R.:BAXER DIES The death took place yesterday at the ome•.. • �r clan ht •r 1 's Blake h of he g e VI B F c of ,Colborne township, of Ann Runs- baht' wife of. Mr Richard Baker of Clinton, Mss, Baker had been: ill foa' aibout tWo months. She is survived by het husband and one daughter. She was a sister of. <Mr. Albert; 'Rum - ball of town. The funeral will take place from the home of Me, and Mrs, Blake on Friday afternoon, interment being made in Clinton cemetery. A BROTIIRER PIES' 1Vi%s. R. Horsley and Mr. J._i3rowe received word last Monday evening of the death in : Port 'Huron of their brother, Robert Blown, aged sixt *, years, The deceased had not been in the beet of health for some time, having tinsdeigone an:. operation' last year,. but Inc Clinton relatives` were under the impression that he was re- covering from the effects of that. Ile is survived b 'a sonand daughter. The funeral took place at' Port IIuron yesterady, Another: brother diem last WESLEY -W. M. S. OFFICb;RS "" The W. M. S. held 'their annual el- ection 1ection of: officers iecently resulting as follows: • •peesident: Mrs," (Dr.) Fowler. let Vice: ;M'rs. 'J. C. W'ailis. '2nd. Vice: "Mrs. S. '.J. A.ndrewa. 3rd Vice: Mrs. F. French. : li.1..hhrd Rec.-VieeSeoreitaxra, MrSs, epFte •E , Man•• . Yi ping.4th. Cor. -Secretary: Mrs. M. T, Corless. Treasurer: Mrs. J. A. Sutter.r. Assistant: Mrs. H. Charlesworth., Strangers' Secretary: Mrs, Gordon .Cuningbasne. - Slipt Christian Stewardship: Miss Washington, S'upt,eMite Boxes: Mrs,' T. Ratliwell., Treaeuer. Emergency Funds: Mrs. Robson. 'Pianist; M'rs. A. T. Cooper.` IS IT COMING? the, natter of .bringing Alberta coal to Goderich by boat and from there'distributing it throughout Ont- ario is being discussed. It has been estimated ' that coal could be laid down at Goderieh at 1 0.00or , t w1 .2.00 $$ per ton. The; . time has come when. omething must be done to `provide Ontario with .winter fuel. We cannot go on" depending -upon the United States, for ,while =the'y ship coal to. Canada many of their own people .suf fer for lack of .it, ,we nttist develope our own coal mines. ° This would also be good,busiizess on onto part. It would keep in'>Oas ada a vast sum of money which now goes into the "United States; it Would help the west pay, for mnnufatcured goods bought fir the east; it would keep workmen busy in the Alberta mines; it. would melee work ford our National' railways, haul- age foe the steamboats and prosper- hy„for the,eountry generally, all a- side from the main fact that it would supply °peel° witls fuel against the winter's stormy blas. Householders in Clinton paid anywhere from. 51500 to.519.00 per ton•for coal during the past season and were n'gt sero where the next ton, or half jon, was. cora- from. If we could be sure,, of an un- limited supply at Goderiih .at from $10.00 to $:42.00 per ton of good teal it 'would solve our fuel problem for LAST NIGHT'S PLAY Yesterday evening in the town hall the Dramatic Sooiety of St. Pant's church presented the 'play, "Daddy Long -Legs” before a 'good house. The play is written by Jean Web- ster, the authoress of.thelook of the sante name and follows the story closely. •The,first scene is laid in the "John Greif Home" on "Vi$itbn s Daj+" with the, hard tryannnical Mrs. Lippet, the "Trustees" the frightened •little orphans and the clever aiid unusual "Educated orphan," Judy, who later gets her chance and lean ,to college, hmeteting.of the children was much admired, were so -natural and spontaneous. This was especially true of Iittle Eva Ramras, whose part was not, in the play at all but who just came and did as she liked ;77h's young people all did:bcautifnlly` and it doesn't wens fair to single any one out. Miss - Barry Combe as "Judy" had a part which exactly suit- ed her and she gave a very charming intssipxatation of it; Mr. Bert Slo man nS Gervis .Pendleton, ---"Daddy Long -Lege" hall a difficult part whicls. be ;rose to remarkably stroll; Miis. J. MoMurehie as the aristoeratie Mrs. Pendleton looked and acted the partc to perfection, and her little dog •seen - ed to know his ,part,too; Miss Mabel Chill did equally well it, the role of Mrs. Lippett ett and Mrs. Semple; Mies Isabel"Draper`wee the evinsostie ti ttn- giiter of MTsy Pendleton and college room -state of Judy; Miss `A:' Wooten, as Sallie ha3rido, e ,t Miss A. Ern- land as Miss' Prichard, each 'gave a very -pleasing interpretation" of her part; Mr, C. Hovey scorned equally at llama in the role of Jimmy McBride, the son of the overall menu:facturer, Cyrus- )bycoff, the trn'teo,; or. Walt- ers, the well-trained butler; Mr. J, 13awden played rt double sole, that of Abner parsons, the severe tt'ueeee, and Griggs, Gervis Pendieton's 'sec- rateVy, both of which he did.' svntl. The childreri taking part were: Bertha nannies. Charlotte. 'Billccy, Jean Twy- ford, Mildred }lallowey, Bert lrelend and love Itanzras, r It was the most pretentious. )nisi' ever Ottotoptesby the Society, but utt se oee have no hesitation abets • ill Y n 1 1 n t trying another. Phelan The two p'icce I lir,„tan orcltastra fi etti,lied meek clueing the evening, C. C, 1 STUDENT HAS FALL . While pole-vaulting Ott the Col- legiate grounds after sclnool;'in Friday afternoon last, Howard Snell, son of Me, Ilunvphrey. Snell of Hullett, had the misfortune to have a ^ tumble, fracturing a belie ,in his ankle: It was an unfortunate accident, with ex- ams. looming up, :'but" it is hoped. that his recovery will be as speedy zee possible, GR LS HAVE , L ,1 VTEA The Girl's Auxiliary, had little ten cent 'tea at the home of Miss -Manic O'Neil on Monday, and dur•iitg the evening Miss Luella Walkinshaw, who is shortly leaving town, was pres- ented with an ivory hair brush. Miss Wiidnshaw has been an energetic member of the Auxiliary since its inception and she will be much ,missed, LAMP EXPLODED On Thursday, evening last a ram's. } exploded in a brooder at Mr. E. L. Mitten's, and before the fire could' be extinguished the brooder and con- tents, about fifty chicks,. had been. destroyed. Sontebody: rang in an:11- ar n hut before' the firemen couid get out the.reeis word calm thatethey were not needed, CQNVENTION DATES ARRANGED The executive o9.` Centre Huron Lib. - Conservative 4ssociation'met in Clin- ton Monday afternoon, the munici- palities being web •rep resented. , A convention,will.be held at Seaforth'on Wednesday, •May 1'Gth, when a can- didate will be chosen to contest the riding of Centre Huron in the conning election. The Liberals of Centre Huron will meet in convention in Seaferth on Thursday, May 17th, and the U. F. 0. in Hensall on the 31st. RESIGNED CIIURCII The` Rev. W.' II, Dunbar, rector. of Christ church, Listowel, tendered 'his resignation Ott a • Special meeting of 'the congregation held last weela but on the^ urgent request of the people he withdrew same to he reconsidered for a month. I11 health was the cause 'of. the retoor's action, Mr. Dunbar will be remembered here by many as - for Sonia time he was in- cumbent %if the IVliddlcton-Holmes- ville parish. He has been. the rector of the Listowel church for the past set*en /years `and .is held in high ee- teetsz, AL PAID"' FINES Considerable excitement was caused in town on. Tuesday when three men, all supposed to be under the influen- ceof-liquor, and driving a teann and.: buggy, von into the car of Mr. J. A, Dale, on Albert street. ' The men; J, A. Grainger, James Patterson and. Fred Murney, : the •focuser two regi- dents' of town the latter from Gode- rich, hacl driven through town and turned..down Huron street going west, but -they 'turned and came back and. just as `they turned the eerier onto Alber•t street ran into Dale's can; which waa(„�er oceeding slowly along. A crowd gathered in a minute and Chief Stong, who had just came in 'from the country, was soon on the scene and gathered in the whole three, also a jug of"moonshine" which was in the buggy, In the ev- ening the three were brought before. Magistarte Andrews, who "innoosed e. fine of;.5200 and costs on Murney, who ownedthe rig, for having liquor in other than a private residence, and $10 and costs on each of the other two. It is, supposed that they got,the liquor at Blyth, but they could not tell who sold it to .them. Dale's car was considerably damaged. LITTLE LOCALS The Chatauqua will open' in Clin- ton this year on August 4th. Mr. W,• M. Aiken is at ;Allenford this week moving his family to Clin- ton. Mr. Kenneth llghotton }pas talren a position as junior on the Royal Bank staff. ,• , The Best weeklyholiday half of the Season was observed yesterday, whait most of the stores closed, 1Mr. McLaughlin, teller in the 'Royal Beide, is off duty this. weole owing ;to an attack of 'appendicitis. "Huron County Black Chapter B. K. of I. wi,ll meetin Clinton neat Weci- neselay, May 9th, at eight. p1in. 'The regular reonthlw meeting • o:f the hospital Board wills be held in the agricultural ,of:fice, Normandie ,block, ou Monday; 'May 7th at 8 Rev, Mr. Parker, the new minister of the Baptist church, and his rash- l'av conA et le ]"' their i e be z t n t tcni now ho 5 c 1 rise i the Baptist parson e e n parsonage on Albert street. The headquarters of Mr, 5.'13• Representative, Sto- t eas District ba c been moved to the new offices, nt the Normandie, where the staff 9s beconi ing eicoly settled. M'. It. S. Smyth, who recently pur- chased i;he Ferran place has ,tented the Bowl(' house on High st}eet, ;root being vacated bet Mr. Libby, who ,is moving his faultier to Boston. Mr. Aitken the new hariroeO mann, Will Very shorbly move his business to-. the-premiSe4 jisst vacated "by Mr.' Stokers, on the cornce of. Albert and Rattenbury, which lid has purchased, The C. G. 1, T, ofe'Wesley rls,,sxh Eau., 'n • r{ IV? c end i ten rivitt t Oth r ar 1 giving ,'kraus banquet on Friday evenieg of next week itt WOWealeerlieetli. Miss Saun- ders or '.(oroni:0` Will give as addi'eee on work among 1:I'rIs, AN ACCIDEN'O Little Margaret, the eldest daugh- ter of Mrs. E, Schoenhals of "Heron street, met with an accident on Sat- ui,day Which might have, proved more seriops. She ran: out in front of a car, ,: driven. icy Mr, G. Hanley who ,_ s it ery ed to the side to miss ' her, when she suddenly tuened and ran back find the fender knocked her flown. Her arm was hurt a little and she gat tut on her facie, otherwise she was un- injured. It was a narrow escape a'nd it probably was dne to the quick thev - of the x+ that the ion "ot driver 1, ca t result was not more serious. 1. 0. 0. F. AT CHURCH PARADE On Sunday evening Su da : the members of the local I, 0. 0, Fe attended church parade to Wesley church,' when the pastor, the- Rey,• D, N.-McGamus, preached. an appropriate sermon. The pastor, on behalf of the congregation warml y ° e.vOrganization•to the Service. He tools as his text the words found in the epistle' of James: "Pure” religion and undefiled before God the Father is this, that ye vis- it the widow, and the fatherless in. their affliction and keep ; yourselves unspotted from the world," A relig- ion implies a belief j.n God, the speak- er said, and regulattes 'one's relations with Ilim, while morality regulates one's religion; >with one's fellowmen" It was a signifiant fact, he said, that neither Christ nor his apostles defined religion; this passage su James Was the `' nearest to . a ° definition to be found in the Bible.. Ile said that it was also significant that while the Christian religion held that the chief end of man was God that its exercise had to do, chiefly, with the relations of man -with man. Religious sacraments, forms and cer- emonies, while important,: were push- ed ,into the background and one's. dealing's with one's fellowmen were the measure of one's religion. He said that many people would be wil- ling to follow one, too, as far as the middle of his text tut 'would shy off from the` hitter part. This he, said,, would not .do. To-: be a true .Christians one :had not only to show oneself charitable, and helpful to those in need of help, but also. follow humb- ly and'faithfull •the will of God rind y abstain from those things displeasing to hits. He :commended the organiza- tion before hint for their charity and urged upon thein the following out of the fulI text. There was a good turnout of the members and a number: •of visitors from neighboring lodges. R,$ngfileh Mrs. McCully of London spent Fri- day last at her sumnner.:residence on Main .Street, . . Herb McGregor left last week for Detroit, where Ine expects to, remain for a -time. • Mr. John Pollock and nephew, Clarence Pollock, and John Ho and 'left the past week for the West. play entitle ' "Let'all get � . d, s ge Married,' under the auspices of the Women's Institute of Zurich " will be given in the Town Hall on' Fri. - (HO evening of this week. Frank Irwin of ,Ifitehener spent the week -end at his home in the vill- tz of Stratford is spending afew da Ys 'this week having her • Queen's Hotel, put in the .summer. "Strictly Business," put ons iii rise town hall last Friday even - ie Ladies' Aid of Ontario' rch Clinton, was well pat - spite of the rather msfair orable weather,- and was much en,joy- ed.The ladies did thlini`parts well. The prose ads, which were divided, age. Mrs.” its place, the shape for The pia ing by tl street chu sonisecl, 1 amounted to a nice sum. The money left in; ' Beyfield goes toward fur- ,ntshing,;the hall. . --4— Co'derich Tawnghs-. Mr. C. W. Wlliaans was able to be out again last week after being con- fined to the house for five or six days' as the: result of a kick from a horse. He is still a bit seine but it is hoped /will soon be himself again?,' . The kick landed just beside 'the back bone, which was fortunate, had it struck liim fairly in the back' it would no dotilnt have broken it Mini: Williams has teen pretty fortunate: as regards health,however, toe althoegin he: is past the three score and ten this is the first time in his life he has ever been confined to the house through ill= tress, or accident, The 'Unity Club win 'meet at the lsoute 6f Mrs, Wesley Stevens, the Baso line, on Tuesday afternoon, May 8th, itCcl g TOINIUghliEln The marriage of ;Miss Elizabeth Ai}ceebeacl dair liter at' Mr. Wil - g bate Aikenlread, and Mr. Geogor MtGregoii, soli of; ,tMs. aril Mee, Neil MoGregor, all all Stanley township was solemnized at Clip. Menne, l:Iruccficld, on April' 21st, The Rev, W,,1) McIntosh pertorrnoul the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. McGregor re turnotl last week front a wedding trip Lo Detroit and othci" points and aro gettinie niecly settled in 'their, new horns, on the farm 'recently pnrclsissitd bp. , thbise reit Groom at iito rocoald coucessiot of nTteekereinitle Theft friendsunite in Cvishinl; tile youth; Conplc n long, happy and pa•osperous bit together. ; .. ,blinutes of Hallett Council held on Friday in the Conn nunity Ball 1,ou- dsboro, members all being present; ini.tag of last meeting "rea a a Mt 1 a d std ape •Imovocl. iConiunicetiotls: B. II. n •i J �own se u, Godos,uh, soliciting •^ , the printing of :sheets' or schedules for use in road making. Communication placed on file. Northern Otttenio'Pire Relief Coin- , mittee, t sling• for a contribution, to the eause:"Ng action taken thereon. The -following �� accounts Were passed 1 And payeennt ordered:— Mimics rd ed•—G•r1es Vo clen, ploughing snow c .0& $7.0:Car'Vc road, on 1 11, $ 0 Charles a- I den, damages to plewat sane, $4.50 Blyth Standard, printing 200 copies part ;3 voter's list 551,50. A grant of .$25,00 •ryas niacle'to each 'of Clinton, Seaforth and Blyth, fairs" Mx. •Charles Watson was appointed' a member of the gonimunity Hall Board in place f J. S. Carterwho1 a" 0ns x TO. sigend. Thos. Pate presented a pet- ition signed by a -._number of rate- payers requesting the improvement of the wateroouese known as the Bowes Municipal Drain. Moved and seconded that said 1 petitione aece ac b pt - ed that By-laW be prepared: cs f pointing -F. W. Farneonsbasengin• eel en the scheme. Reeve; Armstrong and Councilloy Adams Were appointed a committee to procuf e the tile for the township's share of the Weymouth' award Drain There being no further business coilncil adjourned to meet again on Friday, May 25th At 1;.30 P. M., at which time and place •Court' of Re. Vision on the Assessment Roll for 1923 :will be held, John Fingland,, CIerk of Mullett. The Londesboro Women's Institebe willentertains the Auburn Women'•e Institute on. Thursday May 3rd in the Community Hall. The Auburn ladies will provide the program and election of o±fieens will take place. .Rev. Jas. Abet' and Mr. Robt. Fer- tis are attending the meotieg of the Synod in Stratford this week. OSlr. Geo. Barr and Miss Barr spent Sunday at the Home of Me. M. Ross. The strange man who was' wan- deirng about the village last week was arrested near Westfield, and •is now inthe-Wingham jailand is reported to be violently insane. We are very glad he has been talceninto custody for n such people are very dangerous to have roaming around the country roads. Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard of Winghant spent Sunday at the home of Mr:. Jas. Brown. Mrs. John Radford spent a few days of °last weer: in,. Clinton, On' : Sunday May, 13th, "Mother's Day" services will be .held in both the local. churches. The play "Iler Gloves" given oat:• M:•pnday night by the Auburn people was exceptionally fine, all parts were ` played tothe best advantage: It wag one of the, best if not "The" best la ever putonLo nd play, in z esbgro since the new Community i • Hall Ha 1 was built. Theonly, fault we can find itt itwas much too short, and we hope our friends from Auburn will bee„ down to Londesboro with another play next fall, Auburn Nfi^. Gordon Taylor motored over trosiz' Dertoit to spend a few clays, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3, Tor, , . Mrayl.: Geo Yungblut Slsippod a carload of cattle to To±onL'o thus week. The young people front Nilo put on their play The Young Country School -Ma'am" in the hall an Friday night. Tice parts were well ,tarsen, mill the entertainment was a splen- did success. Owing to weather there Was not a very l.ai'ge; ci'otvd. Mr. Nelson Hill has very '. t v y sick his many friends hope for his speedy recover y, Mr. and Mrs: Beverley Patterson,. left on Monday to visit friends at Galt •The Woman's Institute. are' invited to meet with the Lonclesbos:o Women's Institute to -day (Thursday). Tuekersiraith Township !tier. IlaroId Turner and Mr, Piet. cher Townsend •and'their bose, Mr. Piiippen of, 'Toronto, and also Mr. i - S It"tonti ^e . came it'lain Fri- day x c by� I' , P day last and returned with iVIesers, Turner, and Townsend by .motor on Tuesday to the city. McMillen ''cmw;~,ship Mr, t F]etelier Townsend and Mr. Phippinqtnosoo s1eatundaYy with the fornter's-sister, Mrs: Francis Cole. man, Quite a number of cream trucks are, en the roads these days, huntin up their saute for the seamen, iSeeding has iboent rather slow thiS sprin, owing to he damp backward weather. Me, John Rowes has .Started his words at Mettleitdbantc, cern- 011ry-afaiz and is buellY, engaged cleaning it up, Mi,, W. Drover has engaged Peter Redmond for the secdiimg. Mr. Relit McMillian je., has: eats, gaged Mr, Alex, Gordon for the eieed"•• Mr, 'Prank Coleuran has been clipn- ing ti ,few hbrsee' for ;his neighbors fit the incleirent weather ]racily;