The Clinton News Record, 1923-4-26, Page 2D.deleTAOGAIVii• D. ilecTAGGART MeTAGGPRT BROS * BANKtS eree general Banking Ilusie traneaet, • Addi,iss comm lat)n. to -A.1004,04, 7.43,xaciarda at; wiitt, Toronto ed, Notes Diaceunted, Drafts leaned, • Interest Allev.ed on Depoeits. Sala Notes Purchased. H. T RANCE Notary Public; COnyaYetleier. Financial, Real Entate and Fire In. iturallde Agene Repreeenting 14 Fire Insurance comPantes. Division court °thee, Clinton. ..W. BRYDONE • ()arrester, Solicitor., Notery Public, eta. ,• Office: . .SLOAN CLOCK - CLINTON DR. J. C. GAIsIDIER 001Q0 Hours: -1.30 to 3,30 man, 7.30 to 0.00 .in. Sunday, ,12.30to 1.30 pen. Other beam by appointment only, Office and- Residence -. Victoria $te •.DR. WOODS . Is resuming. practi.se at bis residence, Bayfield. ' „Office Hours: --0 eb ,10 -a.m, and 1't0.2 P.m, Sundays, 1 to -2 'min., for con- euetation. - • Dr. A. Newton Brady Bayfield Graduate Dublin Universit-y, Ireland. Late, Extern Aisistant Master, -Ro- tunda Hospital for Women and Chil•- •tiren, Dublin. Office at residence lately occupied by Mrs. Parsone, Boars 9. to 10 aan., 6 to 7 pen. Sundays 1 to 2 p.m. G. S. Al:KINSON • D.D.S., Graduate Royal College of ente: Sur- • geons and Toronto University . • ' DENTAL SURGEON Has office bom's , at Bayfield in old Post Office Building, Monday, Wed- nesday, Friday and Saturday from 1 to 4.30.p.m, CHARLES 3. 'HALE Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commis. sinner, etc,' REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE HURON ,,CLINTON . GEORGE ELLIOTT , Licensed Auctioneer .f or tha County Correepondencepromptly answe,m1. ,Ininiediate arrangements can be made for- Sales Date ,at .The News -Record, Clinton., or, by, calling :Phone 203. , „Charges Moderate and Satisfaction eatiaranteed. , , et , *ec Ont. , JGeleral Fire and Dife Insurance. Agent -iteeleliartford Windetorra, Live_ Stock, hAliteinebile-and Sickness and Accident .11flielYtirice. Duren tend Erie and Cana- edttaT-Fifst.Bleide. APpeinitments inatle ,etteelieeetr parties.. at Brucefield, ,Yarna -tieldchlyte.eld. 'Phone . •G • ' TRUN gYA- TIME TABLE .2sr6kins,,,,eseAterf4te,nterend depart from or 'eairre're.9in,IP110-fe'll°wal , . , doneetPfetigioetleteGederlah Div, qeing 'Est, &paean, - • ' 6,25 a.m. ovaeveeeflotlediet e • . 2,02 ie.m. ,,L11,3 a al • Am, 19griF94 ifF ,'''I ' 11 10 ehieheffe rei energetiigEtfree.dp, .6:51 p.m. • iii) 10.04 p 4 Ice, 'enfeeriTneerteitierme9.m,• i , 111511"he,WireArA Etrtg,c9 Div. ireg er §:Viiria,teAgiAigioe, PA 8.23 a.m. . orf er,tivi noftterteeeme eriii 14.15 P.m, nFerty geletentel'hiediet 04140 n.m. '-teceege evell,Jgkmoilel4A. a.m. ar re e -''1C1. geeetr boa .g.e eese £ 550 -e! 4tirtjeti 0 sg±14iald.rjen tfi1V4lifbre4r4ie -11elisIdelfi?, ilif PC170, '6Zioele.b , et•ir.ilY.J., ITriiiilrYtVgiailegelfW6(11' a." 0, , Tr easuregelietkiel,Ellale594',°Seiti'dile ''' ' ' elmeDliekteit4i' 'iLe5i176 lifeafiilei,l'o emferithe. D. *DitilteCre'erdate edGakprei Weeltditileveteihiettifig, tefb.ifoO M. NrcEwen, Clinton, Robert 9tifi4ila Rarlockrelohn Bemneweereeetrodhage4 ,Jae. Connolly, Goderich. ' Agents: e,..4.t.e.eel,13,,e,el%Villitoli; J. . Yeo, Coderiehe' Ed, ilachray, Sea 9fWee vgveglien,eYeegffimenclivaitaig,1 R5551.1f0191011319,flhagetliv rri boo .t,thhinXdPIRea'cateeildd likilledine raaaina paid lo Moorish Clothing Curnilinttin r t 91157is .Cirdaq&Y„e 09,1141TMe. g 0 Pit'. r•cl,r14.,42PtAliatirraric t. 'isl'f neaC 'o 1 ,. 11101.16,Pecdwillihjb limit n Xdtteime lAgn,appleettenen„f LIPTa '-',ca mi" vnt"' ildE9.4*trit - :el' ogirgatik,`, Ao • ; lij-LfdefAea" lusnecte "."41;fOtis'e. : teeter ilvbauliVeS aivnaifavi teesidir.rhetrier ,... ... , , *0=2_ ed..1e.gegiekaeleteitetoe- eeniblreei .,.01,w ell .eeiee. t 4 ..,.-,. jr, 01 ei5nex iliac bt,i • t n itt SVIni , . Wi ow - tan, ei. , a °era ,,H08 R •- EIVIS D. .-11ISnIOSIlitltliftelq80I,f64,a_Wg ' We rir3os i otiasilifpt1W15,11112gr,6?_yvto0a. , 'atelapeeeettatlal4f4oeValialdign'ahMr Ine.'eri 0,50 RfeettejelieniealfrqkfieVsi el ' ne etezettnit1deffiTuNteivi4e.igdQcoete i,„ :es tivewoptitiE ofeetbeeriPtIlillsbeeeas% eeeiiitattleteledereutifelvtelee 'k5 leef$,F111 • led Otte tenladiltdeeevertteeieliSdietYWO,? ..,,,800,4 1k...4,1=1(6(150u thvoes.eitP8tow ,oActiftritlinkt,offatemoa'resigatg 0444 tfeemetue„ 3.0,,(4tompeivilitbsestifo nne tor first insertion end 6 cent per Ilefereforeeelth enneelltent hise ilea, Small aterpeements, not" , exeeda-aaqicuA444,A. "Lost , Stray_ls0,:!,,,or,''StOht:ritig tb,ltimprtek.4 '8' flie.,EX!'it 6y1g!'''ir "84 ' te,CIs'',;Kidoel., -ta't At''Ititerft8 815 • ef'''. ,,.•''' Comieuritea ilem,s." Intended •forl, '1i. 43 illaWIA4ToieferlqldiiViiiiiii'e'o 'ahigilTi7if Vitqfi,° 'is ^11.aii'aMINV' oil iimo 'ro/Q. eefeetele,101".m . r .51 .81111 lis'.; %l I `e. , , - G. E. HALL, ' Dtr, it. ormix; ileefoefeieereeee eitienif le lith0 eefidie,e Y;fe*.011.1.4ieedtillis inturniteatieed itzleeile gillvtitterigiBertheetlesT ederarlgqltita- ' to beetles, cabbage worMae.'rOirelea eaefill i df,edieVelliienfeeeeotteTlettf .1111Ppei4 'erintn lte44li9en5Nle0t15lb, hiliPliatetOb .thile Arne titeddraiebilinerdaeOthteroilefdliMi, otearepavarrletiVe,ttlib4Iliert liAlinth. hit end e,tiver the inSect,,VeliflWeie, 7„eatl, 081'Ni -0/ii ,i/i-gfinit't Jed, irellii .ittOr.110 : • ,''. ,T ,,,el4 ed ir.ervo N,'''Ifiter01` Rff' l'i'f'fi ' ,dei el rif '50 KEEPING YOUNG CHICKS a house be sure that there are no • GROWING. cracks in the side's and back to allow Early hatehing is important, but drutt,, not more impoetant then to keep the ovnitertoworarp causes 43000, chicks growmg 40 that they will reaeh See that the birds do not crowd in maturity and the pullets start laying their homes at night. Dp not piece before cold, weather sets in; Factors too many -n ,n house. Tine matter of , Ity,y that the rode which failed to save thot are essential, for the. prelim; overcrowding is often overlooked and hie first burn egeren't put -up right; growth and development of the yeung may have most serious coneequenees or maybe they were poor rocle, stock are proper . housing, feed and on the future health of the fiock if al- As 'a 'spatter of fact. '„i'vhen a build- evater, free range,. shade, cleanliness, lowed to continue, especially during ing is properly rodded with good rads, freetioin fromhamites and lice, geed the fall. At tine Beason of the Year .it will not be eteucle by lightning,. menageMent, the birds are apt to crowd at night to e 191.2 •Ait • • • tert- n , .,een companies ope One of the best eriethods of feeding keep warm, and When let Out In the ing, ontarle /cep, Jecords wh.b.h your young etockde to keep a hopper morning into the. fresh cool air they of dry inash before the chicks, so that heeorne chilled and, catch "cold. Colds, o Lightoing.Rods Protect? 13y R. U. Burl-14101am .Every once, iir a While' somebody etroyed by rust. Cembination ods aaya that tightning-rods are ne geed aro made Imo one rod by pinclag the It is not dfficalt to maeter'the art -fiatilate.tiftglilltsyaindir,botsTyroat,eetev-Iniiisitsd4intghes .sestopepleoz„iron w.lres inside a sheath of a°afagrdlodtti.nt'gslaci:en!sf°,71y,eXel'leveiseincgatellal's'e age a hig bora that was rodded .,was rur TRE GameND, gene DEEP, hope to inerease the vigor of a treiel struek by lightning and burned to the op tx? .b1 it ,, ...tbY grafthlg) hence the oneration will , own perpe ua mo 8 Itre InUa , .,., -At iv], ,, „‘,.,, ),. nt,,, .,-,„,r,„. mu„ -11,--- It ground. ' Tile owner built a new barn and decided not to put rods on it, "No, be jesehbtt:ilidienglelpaedcai flicaaiailoinasf sOsr,, , glit:otxylttlalhdyinbge' .i'n'-g. 't3:::4,?:, - -1-..11 'In'' -'0'; 'satis;ac'tory tesi, .0.1.4 fist bama - 1, 1 t li as, no rd, or wota.e, ri have ertPueYthSo':lesltp ::::d":01:gv ir Fgt: tr,1:3):, grcm- us''' 8,aird he. ' "Thc' ro."d didn't pro. ig i n lig-sods if -the poll is dry , . t h „ grated . , 4 oft Possibly it didn't ,oceur to this fel- around ..the 'ground wire: You may 4-"a l'jW) a e is saw' . pes'et-tTunt'Ttsstsrs';'-a-s-e'se'tai-ng, 50 ths Is., think that a ground 'connec+ion will squarely, leaving e 81Weetl" ell'd ' ' 0 ninn This i 1 bout two always be wet during a thunder- -'t ' r,' s split (-own '' pertinent of agriculture, in determine storm because of the ruin but it often iPehes With a grafting' chisel or 'knife' ' Ing the value of fat lambe as it haat, 11.),,e. ep' epeed'73 t`thhoatratiline alitoglirrntn,in',g flash ' will The elilei is withdrawn ,and .the.e.le.ft eatee the grade of quality of the meat. '8 wedged open. The senTh stun" be Other factors being equal, it also indir . 1., The sto...,sha•ped gi,ound,eerisists, -chuet of cf47roinnign.twherleiremb4utd:r'edaT'wd 98°11dou°1df waste Geneial qu lity Is 'mlicated , . . . - 'nets OF GEouNDS. cates proleable yield and freedom from She 4 ' us easoli's growth The by, a "m6dium....sized,a eleari_eult head, isnhgesw t"tols'autl.2:de:7fte;;ety70.,„2,0,0v„,,fatlala";abdudiekdi, osilataphete'et'hi;hieeasieneodf°wfwhialt'cesE'tni'dneIrd'eead.lnhythis:nesttiltaherel-. a :wedge, leaving the first h,11); a little well-rounded outlines,' indicating A lower end of the scion is then ent:t° ears of fine textureafine bone and full,. , below the top of the wedge' and' cut" thick, even .,development et firin fleele. which is about i21 per oen." 'Out' of building• is ewidered. This form of ting -She edge of the wedge oPPoeit Qtlanty in the flesh of a iamb is es-VtreurcYk21000y-,flaigirtnbin"gPdoitt .wthhleoh wtri.: sgte:tuionnda.is sometimes used for wir@eee • atlithearb.uldii,eassIlitatuleis tphuituninerta 'ptihaasne wtththe vdietii.yonl.arctseolnyclidtei9prienidnedta to be struck if the fods Were rid' good. ;0,:rd,eedv,.ery0.n7e,ov100oalfda'romxPe:util:::::::: ab2o,utC5oilxledinewhierse. Or. rod rrmade in the the lower bud tis the outside and a izirger peicenta:toePs:ritthmet:Ideltegeaoin'ende ' ehape of a .spiral; with a diameter of eltietael:10W the top of the cleft, care yefielfionsisilii,' °r fatness' ' A .finishe4' lamb' wee struck .the e be ycompanies,igtnlng,, thirty-ast hreen.. ,p r 80 ,veGround n aire, dr 0, f aas teni eide, in 1511 tin - oobtn:tg,haet:owlictintties,hrtboteehtwdbegreeiienu:ioifetthrhethesbeeuil.npw:aieeiodrsiglbetirainket ,fltahamiyb;17.a4rnantbdt,r ai:it.i,mhv, eeo r' busc,eZrepeaaariBast at, hl?.ai:gl, cb.kaecesioe.(ael. , lag burned... On the other an , ou, 4, pieceof pipe may be sharPenr , of everY 7,000 rodded,''ones insured, ed and driven, don tO.perpetual /sleds- 'conaition of flesh in the live lamb is only tWo were struck' by lightrang,and ture. The ;red is ,fastened to upper itnbeexpilenri°Ienneell'e;rafltaet: ITaTelgettihne'esgetiehne ina''cattelidebbYac_kt,111:tk'nthe.sesloainned,,oflytem.rntels108 . none burned. In other words; 'tCn. ',me end, of the pipe, or -the lightning -rod flush with the outer edge of the stu,b,,_, :ildeanag:4,4 rodded. beilding is eighteen "d one.; can be run to the botto'in end of the On large stube.with till& bark elle" 'being on the legs. -In. andition to half tones as likely to be struck aS a pips • and tile Pipe filled with, coke a Practice is likely to result in failure' sPringinfleirs ttohetre fIllshulfdorblei:iee"yuielild rodded one. In ont.ario, Ali 1913, ,rep9rie ..0 0., ig aiWag..et..0 • s may ..be attached aSloigmher- ti:ivaoncta,tethesettpinoignithetoswceaoind dtermined by feeling the thickness of away only the top necessary, which in eneu,ria0g0thaae slightlyto the touch.Condition is forty-five companies show that 26.2 to water pipe outside the .leililding. centre of the stub, thus per cent Of, their, risks Were rodded. The, connection 'may be made by .fus- contact of the cambium layers where the back, _loin, dock, and leg, as it During the year, 193 -claims -for light- ing the ground. wire to a plug and they cross. This is a good plan, since The ideal weight in lambs is from cannot be determined , by sight alone. rung damage to buildings *ere paid, screwing the plug into the water- a contact is sufficient for a good' un - thirty -six of which were burned, am- main. Wells, cisterns and streams ion. With a scion properly set on .each minting to a loss of $40,904.53. llow- also make excellent grounds for edge of the cleft, the wedge is with- eVer, only eight rodded buildings were lightning -rods. If the ground wires drawn, alloy/Mg the cleft to tighten struck, with a total damage of $67.64. come anywhere neer gas -mains, it is On the. scion and holding it firmly in This shows an efficiency of 99.5 per .wise to niake doubly sure of a good piece. Wax should then be applied to cent. •' • moist ground *connection and get as all cut surface, even to the tip of the rAnyi noreDiNGs.gREeBegaEse„ ,Reegg, far away as practieable from the gas- scion, Care should be taken to cover About three oat of four buildings main. The- flash may travel through the.end of the stub between tho'scions, that are struck by lightning are lo- & few, feet of. earth to such a main and the cleft as far as itextends down cated in the country. City buildings and melt It, or set fire to any leaky .... joints along „its course. are.well protected' froM lightning, be cause they are, equipped with 'water 6. If there is limestone rock under on the side of the stub, This prevents drying out, and must be thoroughly the ground, it may 'be hard to. get d°1'e. . stubs into which Selons are to be set. supply and heating systems, the r'radi- Use care in the selection of the 51 18 not advisable to remove the wholet top of the 'tree the first year. Cu Ing common or cull include ' those f t TOP-GRAFT1NG OF • APPLE TREES Roots Herbs Derries %eh phyeleierie proscribe for aW egeete ,r4 the blood etonsacit, liver end kideeys are ceMbined in Doodle Sareaparillare- Sorsanerfila Mandrake ¥sJtewPtok Pandelien Ova. Orel F4illinola Elue Flop PiOsiesowa Gaajaa reoinee Berrie • Peritian Wlld Cherry and other excellent tonies, thus Teak- hig one of the most successful of all medioillee. .0 et 'only Emed'e, they can readily eat whenever they want' M. Almost any 'of the commer- cial chick mashes will do f Or this Imre prise, or the following math will- he satisfactory: Two parts by weight' of eernmeal, two parts of middlings, one part .of oatmeal .(crushed oats), twO parts of wheat bran and a half -part as we all know, soon spread through the' flock and if not checked turn into In working with the young stock do not .scare them needlessly: Move among them carefully, so as to get them as tame as possible, and ydu will find that they do rnueh better than of sifted beef scrap. Supplement this, chickene that,are wild and that come With a dish or pan of sour milk and to you only when forced to, do so by also one of clear bran as the birds 1 hunger. will eat readily of these foods These Pnovnie 'MORE ROOM AS BIRDS GROW. With the grain mixture and with pro- per care, should bring the chicks along in good condition, When they are eight or ten weeks old, add' one part of ground oats and increase the meat scraps in the above mentioned mash. HOPPERS SAVE LABOR OF FEEDING. Large feed hoppers holding at least two weeks' supply of „mash or grain . should be scattered over the range, so the birds can eat whenever they vvant to.,. If you want to use hop- pers for both grain and raash feeding, one hopper will answer the purpose by dividing it in the centre, Whenever possible, place the hoppers in the shade. They should be raised off the ground four or five inches to ,allow the air to circulate under them, which will prevent the mash from becoming moldy and damp, Do not overlook the importance of giving the growing etock all the cool fresh water they will drink. This should be supplied at least twice a day and placed in the shade. Wash the drinking dishes every day and scald them with boiling water Once a week. After the eillakS are five or six days old, if the weather is suitable, they should be allowed on the ground, as they will grow much faster, when once they are stfong enough to go out on the range, than when they are confin- ed to their brooder houses, Portable fences, or some other arrangement, should be contrived whereby they can be confined to a small run in front of their house until they learn to go in and out of their own accord. After about a week the fences can be taken down, as the chicks by that time will go to their own quarters., If the chicks are confined to limited range, ft will be necessary to cultivate the ground at frequent intervals if you wish them to make a good rate of growth. • If it,is possible to do so, place the colony houses near the corn -field, as this answers two purposes. First, it provider -shade for the young _..etock and fresh cultivated &mind for them to run over, which also furnishes •a considerable •supply of bugs and werms. An orchard is also a splendid place fOr chicks to run, and the chicks Oro of considerable benefit, as they eat many wools and insects that are injurious to the .trees. If neither corn -field nor orchard is available for this purpose, provide artificial shade by snaking light frames which may be covered with burlap. -Be sure that they are high emingh so that the birds will have no trouble in going iinder sthen;.; ° Every effort must be made to keep Aqf e00138 clean and sanitary, as dis- ease most frequently starts in 'unclean he • As •the birds increase in size, they 'should', be thinned out and Placed in other- hOuses. The colony' brooder houses can be used for the growing stock after there is no Icinger need for 'artificial heat. Ae soon .as the cockerels begin to mate with the pullets, they should be separated and those ,that are not wanted as breeders during the coming year should be sent to market. . BUYING THE BROOD SOW. Many farmers will be increasing their number of brood sows this spring, and to those will' come the problem of selecting breeding, indi- viduals that will show results, with profits at the end of the year. Like all other phases of farming, the bog feeder should give his best thought to this business.of pork production. You must have an ideal type of hog in mind, one that fulfills all require - meats, and that has withstood the ex- perience of fender years. More de - ponds upon this ideal type than upon the breed: The interest of the feeder in his home market, should above all things, guide hint in MS selections. In the purchase of a brood sow or a bred, gilt for future breeding, you slmuld carry in your mind the firm belief that you are buying a producer, one that will''farrow a good-sized lit- ter, There' is a Chance to be taken in this respeet but yet can insure your- self somewhat if the sire and dam were from large, healthy litters. It is of importance that your purchase should carry such a.record: ' The aekt important' charaoteriitic in the buying of a brood soev is the, problem of feeding her new -horn fam- ily, ConseqUentlyea reol Milking ma- chine is of vast importance and areal necessity. Great care and attention must absolutelY be given the sow and her new -family to .start the baby pOrkers on the right road to 'profits. You cannot use slip -shod methods,, nor neglect the duty. that ii'yonks for the success of the litter. ,Sti when you purchase' the brood sow ekaniine her closely, see that she possesses- a good udder; with places for twelve or more little fellows `to partake of nourish- , . silent. This is an important ,founda- Hon for the future development of a strong, robust- `arid healthy 4ter. As you 'have your ideal .type in rnind, do not nogrect to adhere .to it, for there lies your, future _success. I recently received a sale cataloged of a very, promineet breeder. It was stolen front. Within this zone almost very pleasing to note "that he was ad- any upright object, such asm chimney, The grounded wire should project vertising individuality. ' Little does tree or 'cupola, being a better con- above the post and at least three feet the average hog -raiser bother with ductor than 'the air may be etruck into the ground. Metal posts used at individuality, and I dare say a major- All bodies do not 'act the ea'theee„wg'ee. intervals of twenty rods may he sub- ity are entieely at a. loss to connect charged with eledtricity. Some con- etituted for ground wires. any such '• characteristic with brood duet the charge away at,once; these Use lightning conductors which con - sows or the hogs that are 3m his feed are called conductors. Others retain form to underwriters' requirement and down to perpetual moisture. Then it ,ator and pipes " being connected' to water -mains which ,make an excellent a trench, dug as deep as possible, and Might be well to bury a long wire in ground wire. Also, electric light and power linoe and telephone wires, all apaaiccek sfihnaeuiedolbtea mata.oiustnednetdhernwiraed.ditTiahae, with city buildings; the of which aere grounded, are ginrocuonndtiancgt soil 'which contains plenty of humus conducts the electricity away from the (not fresh manure), if thrown lo the treach, will help to hold moisture. buildings as fast as it collects during alhunder-storm. While this dbes not The -Powdered coke serves tvvo Pur - afford perfect protection, yet there Peses; it holds moisture and it is a seems to be no ,gliestion that wiring, conductor, The -trench should be per - water supply and -heating systems are pendicular to the foundation and largely responsible for city buildings should not run parallel with it.. being safer from lightning strokes PROTECT THE GROUND WIRE. than country buildings, especially Where ground wires are located at barns and outbuildings. „corners of barns, they are likely to be In order to understand how light- torn away by wagons or other farm ing-rods protect buildings you must machinery. To protect the wires, know how lightning acth. It is often build a box about six feet high, of through hick of „knowledge that the 1x3 -inch luinher, around each ground unscrupulous lightning -rod agent may wire. Inspect the grOund wire from get the best of you. rf two positively time to time to see that it is intact. charged.bodies (charged with electric- yyrul pmerl pRopEurpm,T. ity) are broughtAdgether, they repel The following reconnnendations are each other. Dietief a pOsitively Charg- made with .regard to proteetion of ed,body and a negatively charged body are brought together, they attract wire fences ft' lightning; 1, Ground the fence line at 'rater- eaCh 'other. In other Words, "like vals of twenty or twenty-five rods. poles repel each other, unlike poles attract. Thus in the ease of lightning, 2. Ground the fences at all inter- secting fence lines or corners, and the clood is the positively' charged pole, the earth the negative. As a thunder -storm develops, the air is able at first to resist a dis- charge from the cloud to the earth, but before long such a tension is de- -veloped that the strain becomes too .great, the air ea,n resist loner and a discharge takes place. The area of danger zone it about equal. to the size of the'cloud, sometimes, extending in front of the cloud. The .greatest danger is with the passage of the sixty-five to eighty pounds, although the preferred weight varies slightly with the season. Lambs weighing Mg near the top of this range probab- ly are -in greater demand during the summer menthe because of the heavier chops which they 'yield. ' Common or cull lambs are decidedly lacking in the conformation, condition and quality which killers demand when they are buying to meet the wants of discriminating consumers, Coarse, angular lambs commonly be- long to this grade, but not unless they are noticeably lacking in quality of flesh and' amount of fat. ,Lambs grad - young trees usually will ,be about half the tree, or five or six stubs. If more are grafted the top is' likely to be too dense and will have to be removed later. The scion tends to grow upe right, Bo, that even, well -spaced dis- tribution should be alined at.' That is, the stubs should not be one above an- other. It is not wise, however, when grafting small trees, to go too far from the centre of the tree, ELS it will Top -market iambs can not, be pro- be better to correct the upright tend -duced without using good breedMg ency-by later pruning. In older trees stock, and'giving,the flock the proper branches over three inches in diameter care .and attention before and after should be avoided; usually those two ,ibs, tAamlIbirbs should be doCked inches in size will be found,to be best, a`an'ndema-l'e castrated when seven The time for grafting is just when 0 swell. to ten days of age if it is desired to the buds are beginning t the premiums, which the trade Earlier grafting is liable to result in 9h.ta'n; is ready to offer for the best lainbs. a drying out of the scion before a • union is established. If the scions are kept dormant and in good condition the work may be done later. In the selection of scion wood for grafting, strong well -matured growth with. well-developed 'buds should he taken. Scions Tor grafting, if not al - wherever abrupt turns are made. ready taken, should preferably be cut 3. Avoid malting direct connection in March, and placed in a `cool cellar of fences to buildings, and ground all in sand. They should be cut when fences adjaeenteto buildings, especial- there is no frost in the wood. Scion ly fences surrounding barnyards. wood may be taken up until the beds 4. Break the continuity of a long start to -swell, but the ones cut early fence by using a pair of vertical wood and kept absolutely dormant in a cel- . . bars as insulators of not,' over 100 lar' do better, roils, whereby electrical Sonnections • After-care of •grafted trees is 3m - are broken. - portant. The scion branch should be • 5. Use three No. 12 or No, 9 wires, cut back the first year to, abont eigh- securely stapled to post, and in con- teen inches, and if both scions have tact with all wires, for grounding. succeeded one should be cut out. All weighing front thirty to fifty pounds and all the animals known as coarse, "bucky" lambs which ,rnay weigh as much as 100 pounds and which are the result of careless metheds on the part of growerS.• Male lambs which . are, not castrated early will become coarse when the sex instinct develops and will lode flesh and fat as the re- eult of fretfal activity; hence they sell at a` discount on the market. ' Aq,ers. Straw or sonie other litter 10.1„, - . otcl`le scattered over the floor of ' the charge. these are non-conductors -'a ' I VG a reliable lightning -rod concern ^ 'The feeder should endeavor to keep or insulato'rs. . Gutta-percha, h e e ,helpoin eepmg 1 clean, Nriffrd 't ' k '' " 'tglass, put up the rods. . ary to confine' the birds • • his brood sows uniform, all as near air, and wood,.for instance, are non- , -7-4 440gais 14.eds t ' ti ' d ' t elii eePlerr avegff t days a, a • me.. ne -° rainy offspring will show individuality and per, iron, 'etc., are'-eonductors, Trees, i op" prices . for eteere,,calVes, hogs weath r, t e houses should be cleaned Canadian Live Stock Market. , the ideal type as possible, eo that their conductors, while metals such as cop - quality that will command the highest masonry, buildings: etc:, ' 'market price on. sale day. It is one liglitning,,bat ofT49 so Much -resistance minion Live Stock Branch for the Will Carry and liunbs were reported by the Do - twice a week. Otherwise cleaning . Once Wq',,1P955gh; sure way to more prate. tliatthey ....are'eplintered, destroyed, week en g- r 1 28, -to 1.e,ve beenFRESH AIR, ALL-IMPORTANT. Where and when shall I purchase heated to iggltimi when struck, f I. sSteers Toronto $7.75;1 i ,01 14 .WC d 4,,,,Pq,KIMM,s70,Vtrarin weather, and my brood sow or bred gilt? Public Telegraph and light wires aMontreal, $7.50; .Winnipeg, $6.60; 3re in-. ittinBing,.,yeis tilIaspray the colony auctions and' from the sales should not suloted frothe poles by glase to caigary, $6,25, aiid Edmonton; $8.50. 11tilfse's df-lea'st, once' a week with a be overlooked and if the individuals prevent the current being taken up. It time' that Winnipeg, $10; calgary, $5;, &linen- one .of beeswax, •and one-quarter of of a heavy desk was shnilarly raised Calves Toronto, $14; Montreal, $9; good clieinfectantv,T1Aet,growing chicks merit your, approve], buy the number was thought fot a long ' made of five vb.. b 'gl t of resin et lowered into place. One end ., , pm i.., 3, wei 1 „ , , ovo was nl lilleiVilifiel eritlf a house that you need, beg very careful in your lighthing-rods slrifid also be insulat- ton, pg. Dogs 'Toronto, $11.82; Mont - 4 boiled linseed oil. so we could move a rug. -W. Il. L. water sprouts or suckers are cut out, and: half the remaining branehes taken off, completing the removal of these the third year. Subsequent heVi nice am for an hour." priming will consist of such cutting , back as will help ferm a stocky well - shaped top. One of the cheapest and best graft - ting . waxes, known as "Reliable," Is made of tour pa,rtaby weight of resin, two of beeswax, and one of tallow. The ingredients are melted .together and poured into a pail of cold water. The "hands are then greased aild the wax pulled until it is nearly white, This is one of the best waxes Inc either indoor „or Outdoor use. It should be heated before ushig, if too „hard. A more pliable wax for outdoor use is Slio--"You're one of the •iiimet iu- emeating talkers I ever met." '110, -"Thanks for the .compliment," Sbe---"Yes, you've been telling ine The automobile jack is a handy tool to have around at house-cleaning time. We wanted he raise the kitchen range to clean the floor beneath, and found that the jack was equal to two men. A. heavy block was put at one side of the stove, e two by four ran from that underneath the stove, and was placed, upon the jack at the other side. A few strokes and the range was two inches from the floor, the old zinc was re- - moved, the linoleuin was cleaned, and a new zinc put in plac. Then -the il'ir„.14h`D iii\insie.,00'nlef, stay. in at .selections. See that each one has the ed from the bell ding, but this is in- real $11,25. "Winnipeg $10,45' Cal- • l'at -and, dueank hflp, *enther It necees'iry vigor, thrift and vitality for correct, The „rods „should be attached gae•Y, e9,73; 'Edmontbre '$10,45. Lambs, --------..------ .1 A ' ' ,.. , fhvnip,sweoll, rtIHNIPie Yen- the, Perfect mothering 01 the ,coming directly to the le`uildinge. -This takes moreete, $15,50; eelonbreal, 511.60; SILIEEP ai - wi i p en e o stie ch, standing aiP lieti . . ehe. 11 big and]l'oeneYe advantage of the fact:that 'tnetal rodg' '"rry.ifinipeg, $12.56; ,CalgarY, 551 50 A choice lanib brings She top price, .0', • .a ed„ so t ,ip,ros! IiihoAkaned, well on all ,four feet :and 'with 'good cjeleeeelle)peeteYerviganieet- in geed healthy every -day 15 le ,t, $3plinroffneheacenared sized bone. See that sho is active and wlii "wrA,AfAv ,lji *Novi jfeipShi Avoid the undersized and real fat ,,, .aealrk 1,_ ePatta4ecIP41". alcdni)arYIfePre .Sows, To these retjuirenients add a afeu ,9,1e.a „,e.i an 41. s•lifeateriefeeigeeileert , dilitle commoneesense and what Old ("Alf litrAb ',..011F itta3. teeeelet. elMithheeiale fMan Experience has' taught you. ._ a. .17o0uFbdarlii,"ef9771V71.451-(ri---"--711D'rtifft •IKTiaVtg'sd h*til'qo finished marltet weight. Grow . ...i . .rM efi •ilt„ ,.e -ht out by -reeding skit -milk, DusIness. -41ebfrt alfalfa end roots, or blood .05' Miele the pig when grown bib, ilat,„ oats, hnd corn. •Mature egre finished weighing 200 -.op°, / g,ch.t six to seven months ,tre. evnxtra dollars inVested VI, TbAr 4flil, often save a good ? siishe'qfrhin when 8 nishing e-" f.qr Iiiiielt, and will get us I ?Id' bgtte`i4iTilee 91 be e ,reea new Liar, ''' '433a:g.a:aatA.:7iTC- ' Built.in Curb in ,carage, Ay bill il t -in curb along the front wall 4iPirt "i'f&kd 341a .Rifbanhi)),Wefor two s qd 'ci- 04i0eftrttlimhrlwiqdn driv- inYill dlit Afidt...A iltling';ilte 4adi. M if s1014filqff ftsvia tft,.,6 ecilPlf.1 gight '1 ` 6iCh "Wifglren# I tworgrW610 rqqiiiift'he i' 101 V 1-014dx.P-Itre'''S18iftlad.;% it'FIJW6It; f . ;1- 9 i, ; trimpi, ea D -1D qatnaoe pa "rat sro le atolls. 1 :moEdlitt .ki3Ove6inkg ?o'" a .a.r 4,- firx irE4PiirseWN diFg1.4. er ia it4li'llingYaff lIllattillAnt 118 trinlreti*dik,h(i'ae'ill6114. fieletrtrvali ' ldisiffitetiVi. • e irifilteeeta`f04/19' irektill'atte'lettififeWitindp,mosee 14i -flits nbir °the ak ' 11.1W,'„„qhAie 40. ve. '442/falc/MOrwl?..., vr grrts ttlAbel0 Pt& tom-A;Idtka d nay, Oi )4iiiist"%vrIrely4FILIAltbe;ifitP igiliiihrq411, oRfr a,,,,lie,.:46ad‘t 9pskpoan N'rh9Iff'lel dIall0q4fiv //1.'?, :p.P i titi „t'ciltii°6 Ile 3", 75,4Me (1e0flig. Obr oyr.b10 1.6. Ni) pc., L„,porloc, hIls,plf OtNeir.rtrel.1-64. .6- il.piAlited,yeff,i0,4, teoAdpfArig,.„ 1,,,f,"1,1,04441 together, -,5c0 , 'fenny, ,rle,rer^' ate.oe :Mg ' Afwf! .hrimeerapd, etre, ‘):1` 1.4"A' IMIfeMATInii.f4itertrkCAki: 21114ellakY1'42,.11.2i414%1:!::?:itill 4zidAmv.votQl!rdeike ,ottvvoilyti .4110.„)/.011. volp,ofotVitiAt$,114 Doe' said that t 4ff gag* g p4: thot#PAtiffml beo. '411"sf. eflOrtlY i10" „ioztft ep4pfiL eereiviieseitiih 15Tif.iiiiwt),;Tme ;ii"teeell elJtyr, tosiching the building will take away. Edmonton, $10,60. It should collect on a building faster last' year, told 'in seine cases were Must be re.. the electiricai ellar6'which etherNemembered that these are top prices, wise collect On the building ri an- maY:' avereges, being .let down" by animals finally result in -a strolee Lightning -rods serve a second 1 not the very best, running consider- Par-, ably lower, but at thnt the'Y generally pose also, If, the electrical charge reached quotations of the same date than it is taken away) the rods will rather better. Up to date this year take care of the flash, sales of cattle and calves at the five denotieg bloeleiness, and absence of IRON, COPPER AND ALUMINUM RODS. principal roarkets in Canada have been paunchiness and roughness which For many years iron and copper i more by 40,000 heads than during the might indicate waste. Short legs and, , were the metals most widely used for , corresponding period of last year, neck are „usually ahsociated with the lightning -rods. Recently 'alu'mintsinf'llogs and sheep also show irLcreasesf ideal form. has become competitior. I hogs, by one hundred thousand and "cianality" is one of the Most im-I Did you ever notice that the cable' sheep of five thousand. from the distributor' to spark-olug 'on ), your automobile is inade up of several . NEW hi' the Tittle to small wires twisted together" Elec-,1 Threw open the windows of your tricity eeems to travel oe the outer house and barn and let in the good freeh air. • , , Use the stone boat. Yoe know what it is for. Remember the proverb that "an al - fella field is bogs idea of heaven," I,00k otit for clogged ditchee, them met, se they won't overflew. Paint your buildings. Clean up gen- It possesses' -the form, quality, condi- thin and weight dethanded, by the deal- er 111 high-class meats. Such a lamb shows the most development' in the loin, back and. leg. These are the parts from which the high -price cuts are obtained. Other indications of good form are depth And breadth of body, surface of a conductor, and the sev- eral ,sihall wiree • Offer 'ismee ,sueface than the same amount or metal in :one solid wire. Lightning -rods ,are. gen- erally intide of 'tieveral small 'wires rather than. One, large, wire., Tf iron sed,nit eould be in the folln of' a pipe, which offere,a larger sureoce, COpper has the ability to conduct erally,„ and make the place look, in: - steady .current "eleetiricity eix times yeteng, as well, as iron wire of tile earne size. Screen your home, Milke or boy Some tests ehoW, however, that an screeni and live eornfortebly. Files are yod talte nif "sudderf rush" deeeeee eaerlere, , efoleetrieity, bettqi• than copper wire plant a• woodlot; This ,is a geod Siet.i. Either metal cim time te'edo Cemenn, yt,111, naaseay, yea eifteeS'frfull+ used it it is made in en" &emit varieties to:grew.. rtat#1100'40ilqk;79't4''''k OWcf!tt,164,PilPc)-rheAl4al.0,0,f,g111,-oi.f K4h011.''119 0 1614.telkthgt 11 O'loslsO 55/11510 ,w0,/c,pigr„06,411(1y4c0.40 fon cight,years and found rtfr.,T.02 1 tureirore eerie( rife. 'ale:ref:de:re, ,Irthigreveietl' ;Le ei; 1011 55j 3; eieneeneeee ea lull') is eeen 551 yegesie5, 10 os3J ,>ere v,leeorie. The Moet that Yon Will get out of a poorly-anrangod barn is Plenty exerelse,, , Sao afield(' alwaya heep a bottle of Chantheriainhi Stomach and Llotr Tablota on tho elicit% The able folk so often need a mild and 8afo catbax-tie and they do apprethi.0 Char111/ertain.0 instead of naceethe of is and rcturen, For o t o in a c h trouble, and conatipation, giye one Just Were {ping to bed. All druggioto, 25e, or oenti to elleiffileatAin MEDICINE CO., 50501150 Viejts9VCCe8.5Cal't eoprart) . Whttt thath LAM itaVa done, YOu CALA de 5 ,'1n yOur ehare time flood Mein Ainaithot at hems you can totally waster 0551055555 PI Roiling Allot make .c Stosios 01 00 55.50 Star Salesmen, Whatever year experienee tee.eoe-weetover you niay be dolarf new -whether or not you think you an epee Telmer the, titivation; Are yod audatIous to earn $0,066 A yam.? Then ((et In touch' WWI nat nt °neat 1 will ptOt.e to'you • without coot or nbEgation thoO you ton (loony become a 81ar ' Saloamaii, I will Mow yen hbyv tis Saleamanahip Training nod rree EnadoyrUent Sdrvio'o ef the N. S, '1'. A. WEI holp yOU Le ?311103 811CNOS 55 Sainr, , • .$1°)000,,A Year Selling Secrets 118So/lcOS StuEnjOaranutbip nagbt tas IV. a T. h. hi, 6.55w 01.501r41b5 54 15855 bobfod forLAOL ltu&MOH tshtl WO pay of i538olloy jobs ant Am! PoyborO, go water 'AblItyou 050 NW dany ee „led 41 15540 05511 504 be /Moo, 'Eat aro notk, NatIonal T- *051553 Assoc!aten, Cdtli wrnt Mo,35,1, eee Tereeue'let.