The Clinton News Record, 1923-4-19, Page 7Dissolve in, boiling water Use enough to get, a big lasting suds Big lasting, suds --one secret of Ririso'a aina- ing power to dissolve dirt. If you, don't get laSting suds, you have not used enough Rinso. Soak an hour or more ovv Vg,,t„ ,to- (Colored clothe. only hull an hour) After soaking, only the inost, soiled .clothes need a light rubbing with dryRinso. Your clothes don't need boiling if you rise •Rinse.. But if you like toboil your white cottons, use enough Rinse solution to get the suds you like. Rinso is made by. the Largest soap makers in the world to do the family Nash as -easily and safely as LUX does fine things. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO R302 With TheRl� Chief 'o Scout Gives Wireless Message. When the Chief 'Scout, Sir Robert `Iiaden-PeweI4, was. in Ottawa recently,, ,he delivered a special message from ,the Government Radio Broadcasting Station and it was picked up by many amateur radio fans throughout Eastern. Canada: The message was ea follows; "The Speaker of the House 03 OOm• mons at Ottawa said on March 28th, 'I should' lllk& to see every -Canadian boy a Ba. y,.Scout,-rearndng to become a !true sportsman and to lead a clean life.' "Naw Ghere'e a suggestion from'one of your leading ,Canaddan statesmen for 1 every one of yeti boys to` fallow, '' " 7f you loin thio ''Boy` Scouts as he suggests you become 'a member of a jolly, cheery brotherhood of young ba ltwoodsmen--=strong and hefty, able 'to turn .their hands to any, j.ob, .with' the piaci( and energy to .Carry it through. "They don't worry about themselves _ • No wonder SmardSTfov,*ersare so popular! They cut so.easily and synth such Ririe"presli:' - kb/ariaand WaM mall o"Gub/rrniki. AT EVER\- ft4R0.'APE Stone- ,�• but do their best to help, other people in any -way they cane "They are the lads who are going -to make Canada big and,proeperous, and a power among the nations, "This, Ls the noble job ,in eb,icheach of youE although you inay bb 'only a, boy, oaxi lend a stand. • 'Comea1o n g Be a sportsman and. try -it by joining up with the nearest" Scout, Troop, "If you have. no Troop near you you, can be registered as, a. Lone Scout,. that is, a fellow• carrying out, all the Scout Ideas by himself and so' being 'able 'to w,1n tlne`badges which a Scout gets for doing well. "By, a Scout , you will give your•seltf a good time, but. what is much more,{you vellr_be doing your bit for this great Canada of yours." ' Three "Old' :$louts" Deqorated. 7luring his. visit to : Ontario, Sir. Robert Badeteleowell `oonferred upon three of the leaders' of Canadian Scout- ing membership in the Boy Scout Or- der of the Silver Wolf:,They were Dr. Franklin 73. Gisborne, Mr. Gilbert E. Fauquier and Dr. James W. Robert- The presentation_ of the insignia to Dr. Gisborne :and Mr„ Familiar took place et` the :Annual Meeting" of the Canadian General Council which' was held in, the big Railway Continittee Robin of the Parliament Buildings, 01 - (aim, on March 28th. Dr, Gieborne 15 the Chairman of the Doritinion Medal "Board, the Special committee whishpasses + en all appdi- cations;for awards, for life saving and Iother; nieritbriotiis notions by Scouts In aCcepting his decoration, Dr, Gis- J>orne 'said, : "Had this, been eo Mended in tate ordinary way I would have felt duty bound to ilrave rejected tele recommendation, However, corn- ing Able, way I am` not even. accorded that opportunity. Mr. Gilbert E. Paueuier is a member of the Executive Committee of the Provincial Cownoil for Ontario and: -a former President of the .Council itself. Ile is- also a member of the 'Executive oomntfttee of the Canadian General Coniicil and devotes hiss special atten- tioll to the -work t w I et the Committee on° Scout' Suppldes, Threfigli his efforts Scouting in Canada has now one of the finea,t sltoref elepartinents to be found anywhere, 1iving''.a service which has won for it the praise of Scoute'and Scout leaders from all ,over the Do,: Dr; Janes V. Robertson is Canada's Chief Scent Commissioner. SIr Te bet't plesented htni`•wibbl tlro, Silver W.olf ':ftM&s SMAPY' PI ANr BRocgv(LLCottr. • at an aeaembly of ,Scouts, in Ottawa,en Satin.dlay; March 31st Deringg the .pro. ++eseding,9;'someotle in thin vast audience called for cheers for Dr, Robertson and the response was immediate'and lung and Lusty as- only 'a thousand' boyish voices caii make it; 'Before the applan.5e had subsided, Sir ft•ohert took off his own Silver Wolf and placed 11 around the doctorei.neck— an action which was but signalfor an oven greater demonstration in re. cognitions of the, wotudoefui services the Chief Commissioner has given to Scouting in Canada; • J1t.t»TINp, with a get - point Iton, becotne9 pleeeenttaak. Thiefeiylenee frau la so constructed att you s'ilnply tilt it back k' the heel stand without ltatV' • lug to lift it at all, Ate a result the tired feeling, 40 many women experience after ironing, fa entirely aliminated, For sate by dealers every., where, "X tate in Cassis" br Cssadten Generru l'tiedWe C4,, Limited Tread twit; tomato Adding tnault to injury, Sho (conttnartttously) - "Yon don't. Itno'O how to,Iov:a1'i 114, --"Won't you lot the practice a MONEY OROEIiS, The tibio way to tend tneney by maul ie by bofnbniote Bxprose Money Order, Off the confit of &Man the sea is yellow? and to the west of the Clan. Aries i%t is a.Vivid green,, Mdrisrdre t•,idjment ter Corns and Wart* Thi �isrden Wl1r• +}�iy��/ IdSpring to gat?'don byways ""''a BLOOD IFe i•IA�, came'IN DIE SPRINGTIME Tt seemed a breath front off warm s'outher'n leas,. Touching the ruble and,tleeir cups of Try D1'. Williams' Pit -tic Pills as firms) • with lovely laugher nodded in the breeze. The ble,saoms drifted from the or- ,c`hard trees, While' crocus itaa•red the sward on sunny slopes, And daffodils that tonged the grassy. Seamed heralds at tiro 'season's splen- dfd Hopes, There came a cold wind from the. northern hills; Sullen at dispoasesslon from his, base;' Railing at these new tenants; be" id. stills A vague alarm about the flowered place. trnbeard their pleat for further days of grace, They .hope to circumvent I11m by a ruse,' And so to gain a :little, breathing space, Spired flings'ite stainless flag of truce, —Therese- J. Murray. The Children's Spring Song. Come with us, and we will lead you Where the ktngcup-lamps are' gleam-, ing ',Caine with us, and we`wiil speed you ' To the windilowers silver -dreaming. We know where -the blackbird- nested (Wehave heart. the foolish chiding). We have seen King -wren, gold=crested,. • In 'hie mosebuilt palace hiding. Conte.with ue, for we can tell you Where the painted e oh1da •grow,. All spring's secrets we can spell you, For we tracked her, and we know. Conte with us, our feotsteps.follow Througlx the folded meadow -lands, Powdered thick o'er Swell and hollow With: the dancing c6wsdip-bands.; All their fragrant taseela abaking Down theaun-warm flab they'fioek, Golden treys stung for our taking April's casket to unlock. Coreie with us. and we will show you, Where the misted bluebells spread; Bluebell -seas to overflow you; Bluebell -lakes to cool your tread. Where the wild bee sips her chalice, Swinging o'er that honeyed tide, • To Spring's azure-moated palace Let the children be ..your guides ' —Eva Dobell. Not Complaining. The bay stood on the burning deck, Whence alt but he had tied; "Withcoal and wood se high+, this suits Nle pretty well," he said, THANKFUL MOTHERS. Once a mother has, used Baby's .Own Tablets for her ,little -one she would use 'nothing eine. The Tablets. give .sash, results that the mother .has noth- ing but words of praise and .thankful- ness for thein.: Among the thousands of mothers throughout Canada• who praise the Tabiete• is Mrs. David A. Anderson, New Glasgow,, N,S., who writes:—"IL have, used Baby's Own Tablets for my clhlildren and from my experience I would not • be without them, I wottIld urge every other moth, er tokeep a'bes of the. Tablets in the house,". The 'Tablets are a nlildbut thorough laxative elicit) regulate; the bowels and 'sweeten .the- stomach; drlyrebl t o i t •' t of 3 to 1 t s toia` ] add indigestion; betealc lip colds 'stud eleapi'n leier'is any make -teething; easy. They are told'by medlolne dealers, or by mail et Ste a box from Ttie•Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, • Below a temperature P of forty de- gees the clothes moth;' loses its vitality and ceases to feed.tepoh.furs, woolens; and so Attila. Unless some other' safe method of storage is at `hand during the summer months, cold storage .tor valuable winter wraps:' is a true economy. M)nardis Llnknent used by Physicians.' Fresh water ecis travel cr distance, equal to n quarter of 'the earth's cn cemference, about (3,000 miles, in their CHICKS All DUCKLINGS in u.ny.goon ttti' 1 Orn proven layers, in the £onbwiuge'arietles; White and Brown Loghorns, Anuootns, Mlnorcas, 'white and Ilart•ed Ronlca, .Rhoda island Reds, White \4fyandot1es 'also- White Pekin Ducklings. 'we carry a tnt'npleto-tine or Baby Chicle supplies, iioters, Brooders, Iheubators, tames, Spare Perls, notching sida(,a' etc, We pay evprose an 01 Sttarantei 100% sans arid', al, Write, rot circular to the Toronto itatg1eth "Pbfiltry 51101,11y Co,, Ltd. 2048 Lnifil lb St„ Tovo0tti Ir 'esistibte are those wliiclt are bright end sparkling. Keds your eyes young:ind beautlftd through the lolly nae of Murine. It lianfrood the teat of time. At a5 druggists;' * UN /'on you» l:Y:e~Swittl Blood-Improvinpr, Health- ,, Restoring FOniC. • Every man, woman and child needs now, rich, rel blood at this time of the year. That is a scientific fact, 'ft11 lectors know It, The blood grows tlilu an poor in the winter; there is, not enough, of It and s1?'ilng shows, the ef- fect, Take notieo.and see how many people are pale and sallow at this tlnie of the year, They ,complain of being easily tired, their appetite'is, Poor, and they Laze often'depres'swd and low- spit`ited. That i,s mother. Datta° ill';- ing them•.t'a improve their blood sup- ply; but often tbelr.,iligegtion 3s weak- ened .50 eak-ened'.50 that they`canttet turn food into bleed; witbiout help, Here is. where 1noc1 rte medical science oolnes, to the rescue, Dr, Williams' Pink P11Qs have a direct action on the'elalood and enable you to get fitli use of the blood- Making elements in your meals. •You 50011 feel their effect—your-appetite improves,, your nerves aro etea .ler, color• returns to the cheeks and lips, you have o e Y ve m t vlln' slid ;energy and can work with less fatigue.' TIM above statements, are borne out; by thie ex- Parlance of; M1. J: P, Greschuk, ,Ianow, Man., who eaya:-"Very,recently found myself In a badly run drown can-' dition. 1VIy,stoinach was quite out of order;-,L"oould eat but..little. and what' I did eat did not appear to tipurleh ane. I, did not seem to have enough blood; my ,hands and legs were blue, and I bad no strength to work. I tried sev- 'oral medicines but did not get good re- sults,, Then one day reading our maws." paper I read about;Dr, pirilliam's' Pink Pills and dece;ecl totry them.. bused a half dozen.ftoxes, and now I feel well' ond,istrong,"have a good appettte, and can do my work'wlth eaee. Natarally 111ave great faith'In this medicine as o, brood -mailing ,tonic:" Whether' you are seriously, 111, or merely feel easily tired and, out -of- Sorts, you should:. try Dr, Willlame, Pink Pilin. this. spring. They are sold by 'Medicine `dealers'.everywlijete, or Will be scat by maid at 50 cents, -a, box• by writing The Dr. Williams, Medicine CO:, Brockvli'ie, Ont, • The Shape of the Earth. A F+rs).1ch aoiewils,t ilnit611r, is great hs de t ofthe ire Arctic Ocean. an ara'u- ment tending to show that the earth is elightly'top8haped, the prdttiberanee- corresponding to the pointof the top being at the Soizth Pole. This,' he thinks, would explain the different re- sults, arrived, at by the various nxea- snrementa • of astronomers and goo. detiste • The differences are " very small In oomparison'with the entire bulk of the globe, yet they are readily, appreciable,and one of the explana tions that has been sagge'sted"for them is that the earth #e,,tetrahedral in^ form. But the Frenchman thinks' Atetopshape tlieoo y is preferable, The fact thatto an eye looking at the earth from a point in'space-it-k:ould not, sensibly differ to 'appearance -from a true sphere shows throw refined^are the methods of science which enable Dien living en tire surface or •tire globe to detect variations in its general 'con- tour. Mitiard's' Llnlinent for sale everywhere The reason why you don't get on may be because you don't get up. . Amerloa'pPioneer Dog laureates Book on DOG DISEASES. and Trow to Feed Mailed Pres 16 arty Ad- dress by the Author-' 31, Olay Glover' 00,, Ina' 119 West 24th Strait •New'York,U.S.A. Balk for. Years of Service. The '!nrtottard" 'Cot -wrote *liked. for emelt Jobb 1a built to mond spender hard memo It 1311111,1013 Or to halt rolls build- " 101 sllog,:,.todrWntlone,, hero doers,'. ale• MgnY r rmare 15 0 It to 0111 (dod,o, toren- I,oa Made Ipqr hand ot• 5010q5.. Wodrl'0. u11ti 100,5gl•,e100 10 105 tar -0515151 arerl[. writs 50a500010E. COOL D,,OUO PLEV A, Itfl5 ittCO.lLi m ltod'' 100 VJellInctott et. Brantford, an/anis., TN hours of hard, hot toil' yon are, paying;for it --in health -'-in time Stolen from pleasanter things— In the 'W'alker electric Dishwasher an entire da3o's di -Shea are washed, ringed, sterilized and dried in less. than ten minutes. Is it economy" to spend hours doing what the Walker does inminUtes and does batter 'than hangs "The rrtachlno time's 'can do it 7 mora. oarofi,l rhos hdndd." Atari there's no ., ' bre kage --• no muSt;.—no wet panda—no stun. - toted nerves. The Walker arroids all of that, See ifs' demxionn ettAteci --today . v nw•.urety. .1°113ft 7i, and Hurley Machine CO. L1mnited 6f Temperance St. Toronto EASY' " TRICKS The Sagacious Card NO, '21 Tell your friends that in the P14y- Ing card world, the jolter ie a nat. met detective:prove, a it: in thio manner: Aslin spectator to select any secs from the pack, to look at it and, to place it on the•top of the: pack. Ask him to cut the cards wherever ho Bites and to putthe lower cut on the upper, Ask him to do this sev- eral times ',until be himself does, not know where the card he ttelect- ed ie to, he found. • Explain that you will ask tile joker to disclose the identity of the selected: card..:. Look through the: pack, , flnd th'eoke'r an ti j d old it to your, ear, pretending that the card is"witiepering to.you. "Ala! The joker says'.,that you reelected the ten 'of diamonds," That "10 coi•recf, ' .The' tai' simple Observe the Bottom card of the 'pack. The spectator -puts Iiia., Ciir'd on the top. When tle' lards are eut, the,card you observed, will, pr`eced'e the selected one. 'Dto, inat- for how many times the cards ale out the two cards will, be in that relation to each '.other. when you look through the pack for the joker, • lao3e for:.the card you observed. ,The foIlow;itg.card•wtit be the -selected one and'yog are rowdy for the finish of the trick, (Odle 2h: -ds out and pct'ste it, with others of 'the aeries, in a scrap. Dock:) London Women Serve Writs. In London• women are frequently employed: in serving writs. A pretty young woman, is • said to and. "doors open, to her,. whichto nearly every other-shreriff's officer are shut fast; of Ripon," • flEUMATtS-: Allnard`s Linlment.ie the old reliable IS e17a - r b relief f P r O Rheumatism.Rub It into the oohing part and you'll see why two generations have crowaied.it Tung of Pain, irriated Farms t, Seebere Alberta Ia the, Elantoue Vauxhall reistriCt Sow. Rlvorlitigation Proleot. Anespoclally Bsod' location for mixed' farming and dairying. Splendid op-' pportun`ty, for young- men. now living In districts where good "land cannot be bought at reasonable prices. TT325 IS - NOT EIONEI'1ftINCi, tlrq first 10,000 acres are 'fully settled and another .14 400 acres now ready for. oodsrlradn- maximum eoSevn mlr, ' distance telephones - and . schools. Iv'asy.. pay - remits, extending' over 18 years. Thla Iu'tbe'stet Land Bay in: Alberta: Write for further information to EIANAOA :S.AIIA ..and IRRSIi•E,ATIo1P COMPANY,:tligITEn . Ai -.a 7'R gA7184' on the Hoe r ea.o FREE!' - Th11 Look is ouo dr boat over 1dtl for tzla. h root I inn s,,el the rnntfor. 0 plots oierydny linter• iyl xlah1:podebd,it r10,0 i9i1`t entry alhneet sial treat Wth.e heir to, Dud tops bora to treat 0010 Oboe og nalvia on eg, and book breading tml.10ull 5'4 1 uing,. beobor 011 wor000a, but 011 7 r1 the l,000 resits your4se, but 00 y u It Is to do i.. le tp ask your oo onlet`for'1t. • tt'la aheolutA(y, free.. Dara le ono aphilont - ,eoerunni,t,ca,5t.e., au. 10, tots. 'rlaama - sen 1by moil your a T.AT book' b04 Oing phalllp in and. 00Elo, a pf e0 0k 1101001 navel beau iielhlt yohrdeonitall•a Sprtri, Trent: tutattoOonka nnathaat ieagrenttrml15111. ^- Iry ur. drnfigla'itbns nota copy of We book left ',vette na dlra.r:,'. ;. Or. B. J. KENDALL CO., Enosbura,Pafs,Vt,,-U.s.A, 4,;;a ,ass;.., WEA RUN DOWN. AND AILING Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Com. pound Brought Relief When Other Medicines Failed Port Mann, B. C--"1 took Lydia 'E; Pinichnm's Vegetable Cornpound'ecausc i was tired and run- down- I had head- aches and no,.Aipe- tite andwastrou fled for two years with 'sleeplessness. I tried manymedieines, but. nothing "did me any real good. ,While'!' was living in 'Wash- ington 1 was recom- mended byastranger to take Lydia 111, ,binkharn's Vegeta- ble Gonpottnd.' 1 am stronger timer feel fine 'since themand am able to do my I euaework. I am willing for you to tis° these facts a4 a testimonial," -Mrs, 1Y, 0. Gaasvis, Port Mann, B, 0, Feels New Life andStiengtlt • Keeno,N. I.1:•- i`I was work and run, dowst and" bad' bat:hobo.and all softs of troubles whish ' women have. 3 found hereableop Lydiadxsan'5VegtClmPink, used Lydia 111' Pinkham's Sanative Wash, I ant able to do my work and fest now 111 and strength from tho'Vogeta- blo Compound. 1 am doing all I esti tri advertise 1t,"- Mrs. A. P. II MfikONU 72 Ga> pentor Street, Iden, NII, Sick and ailing W001611 everywhere in the Dominion should. try Lydia P. I'in hare's'Vegetable Compound,, o ISSUE No, MRS. J. GILMO E DISCUSSES CASE Despaired of Ever Getting Well, Ent Ttnlac Entirely Ended Stot each Trouble, She Declares, "1 was just hopeless of being Weil again, When along cams Tan14c, and today I enjoy the best of health. 'I will prSleo this medicine as long as I 11Ve." Thin, grateful statementwas made recently by Mrs Janet Cri)nlore, 73 DoGrasai St„ Tomato, Opt, "For,eeventeen mouths i led a miser. able 'exiotenoe with stomach trouble, My appetite left mo and.anyltow 1 was afraid to cat, Gan on my stomach pressed around my -heart till I thought I would smother, and. my ;nerves Were so excited eves the noise of the child, ren playing nearly drove g y mo frantic: I"could; get no restful sleep and it was next, to impossible for me to do any houseworlf, " "Then I started on "maxima and the first bottle convinced. me I had the right medicine.' I now .feel Lute a new person, without a single ailment, Tan - lac has ne equal." Tandac is for sale byt all good drug - gletst Over 35 million bottles sold. It should not left sol sly to law- Yere to work " with ai w 11. Ninerd's Liniment for Coughs A Colds Promise is good; intention Is ,het- ter; per -romance is beast, • heumauc pain, fess every, year' Sloan's is'rapidly mak. ing widespread suffer- ing- from r eumatism a thing of the past. Millions can testify to the grateful relief it brings. The moment you feel the first twinge of pain -apply Sloan's.. Its tingling, pene- trating warmth gives 'Instant:. comfort. Before you realize it the pain disappears. Try it—you'll find many every- 4lay uses for Sloan's: 1{Sade do Canada .$IOiill'tli•Linimellt.. ills a'Inl For rheuiaatieei, bruises, atrai no:choetcolds ed Advert �'ztr�il. "4'Ina0t:031 Pr1t1I36o Al +s vxteur I'1a5 SIC fight? el !INttel .70 :01 ]loam tionr 'CI 0008, u1c, Fltgera14 up1 Dc(,t; W. 10 yceay 4trygt, 1 rs�agwxtz7ztlz�r , sP 4401;` it "".•,� TrtAWR5Itzt "'PLANT OATALOG A,7 1ri ee, 41l 1ho beet varieties 0 choles, dceprooted 1ioolc. Tr y the watt. derfel O.A C. Strawberry, 1f V, II, nee*. ley,,stratht'oy, Ont. T4 and fleet eavvingD11 hapio, wtiole or eraz•e. time; flood pay; work soot any.. dtsta0oe; °Barger, paid, Send stomp ror particulars, irrational Manufaoturina "p tontrsai... East or West Eddy's Best DY'S MATCHES Insist on having EDDY'S! smosoarrossanorosmasoosoot 0�=�0600G?,00<.'7'40CsVOC4ertApt Bad Br ea � to Over'coime "i§adbreath is a sin of decayed teeth foul stomach or unclean bowels!' if your teeth are good,_ look to your digestive o�gen's at = 'once. Get Seigel's Curative Syrup • at druggists. 15 to 30 drops after. meals, cleanup your food passage k and stop the bad ,breath odor. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. Do.not buy substitutes. Get the genuine, 0 041)0., >O0000.:= 000Dc" 9 Keep Your Hands Soft: and White With Cuticura NU�Na[4 The daily :use of the Soap, with occasional touches of the Ointment, 7s, very effective for keeping the` hands soft and smooth. For red,: rough' or sore'hands:'' On retiring bathe in botwrdter and Cuticura Soap,. dry, and rub in Cuticura Ointment. Seop2Sa Ointmrntt1aadSOe.TTateom25e. Sold throughout theDom,nion..CanadienDepott Lyndn. Lfait<1j, 344 St, Pani St„ Wo, Mentrt4, 0,IEM1 Cuticura Span shaves wttpout ptug, A CAN N � Qa mN TOURS ST EUROPE_ O. Summer Season, 1923 a . A Series ofCanadian d Attractive Can an •Tours: Leaving June and July ` The Medlterranean, France, Belgium, Holland, the Rhine, Switzerland and England. Inclusive Fares providing Ocean: Passage, Railway and Steamship Travel In Europe, Hotels, Sightseeing Drives, Fees, Etc. Write for Canadlah ,Programme; ,- .` O$.;'. COOK 84 --SON 65 YONGE ST. - TORONTO Steamship Tickets by All Lines a,nd Every Facility for Independent Travel, You Can Make, Big Pro as! $4 to $5 per acre invested in ferdliters on grains h gr a3{or 2.5 w ly made gains of 8 'to 12 bushels per acre' on VVheaS or `25 to: ' 30 bushels on Oats anti 15 to 20 bushels on Corn: Remember it costs justas much ro grow the crop° when you get• ` the lowyields .as:it does when you get big yields. Your profit: with Big Yields is many Nates, greater. iiFertilize gout crops this spring with GUYNr S ••- SHUR-GAIN Fertilizers and get. the Biggest Profit possible. g Conduit ourA'aent or write us., Agents wanted in torrltotias whore lye aro aot'repreeented.' l,imlteti 1204 8i. Clair Stroct TORONTO ,UNLESS you see the name "Bayer'' oil tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept; Only an "unbroken package" of "Payer Tablets of Aspirintl', which contains -directions and dose "worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds headache - Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache l tlinbago Pain, Pain Moldy «1#tyer'f 110808 of 12 tablets, --Also bottles of 21 and 5.00---Dluggletee Aspirin hi the truftt mark(reglbtcrret i;j Cenattat et Lever 0001 ofactnro 01 Moo• asotieadtdeate1ox aoniorsettd{d. Wenn t 10 0011 knett,oa1t5b Aaptrin lrieahn 1ieybr inseataottne t�o•nsstut �tttd 'Willie' aget(001 intit0tt0tts th, 'a.blettr et ttuVor (ThafaahY 'i4111 be ktdntit,ed ttltir't1bit' gd11tr0.o undo lncalr, the"Davey drsst,'