The Clinton News Record, 1923-4-12, Page 3AUDI CAME REACH GLASGOW
vent Was Marked by Public Reception, and Steer Valued
at £35, Handed Over to Committee, Sold at
Auction for £500,
• espateb from Glasgew saya:-.1 P., 3. Irwin, representative for St
The first ,shipment of Canadian storeP. Kennedy, in Glasgow', cabled that
te "r've Se°tland'in tbh tY1 on the shipment being unloaded, a
yelirs renchedtGlasgow last week' and ,
wee' received by an enthusiastic (Janathan steer' valued at '5 Pounds
• ein‘i of cataiament • faraeus and al for ordinary market purposes was
special reception committee 'appoint- selected and turned over to the public
.ed by the City of GlasgaW. The ship- reception committee by whom it was
„ment donsisted of consigninents by the sold `eit auction for the Sum of 500
Harris Abattoir Company, Torontopounds eterling, and thb money turned
the United Grain Growers, Linaitedd over the the Unemployment Fund of
Winnipeg, and II. P. Kennedy, Lint-Ithe City pg Glasgow. A banquet in
ited, Toronto, the last named firm honor of the arrival of the first ship -
acting as repeeeentativee for the merit of Canadian store cattle was
United Grath Grower M the handling ehold, • with celebrities from all parts
of their store ,cattle for export. of Great Britain in attendanee.
TH .
. -...-...-. . ..
Canada from Coast to Coast.
Earl of. Carnarvon Discovered Some of Latest Type .of Gas —
Tomb of Pharaoh . After . -, line Engines Have p,en,.•—,......_ .
'Sev.,en Years Of Fruit.' Decided On:
, less Excavation. .A• despatch from. Cochrane, orit.a the Labrador, and, will start mirth as
,,, . , . , .
A,lee.,auri 'Leen., ,daera.says.__The says :..e---Crinsiderable additions, to. the atone as eupplies. arw -taken ' aboard.
' Earl of carriarV06 'get' '; f 11 t aVailable .equipment has been Made The expedition is 'b ' backed b
.2 o'clock Thm.edayeaea,naig. He a.aa 'for the coming seasimis work in the, Montreal interests for the purpose of
-conscious almost tonhe end. His death north by e Ottawa a ire ProtectiOn. datern ming whether gold' exit s iii
. s -du a . to", blood •Phishiliiig .throhet Service ; according to E•iG; Pool% suP-'eCenenielieral ,quantities or not irl''the
the tate 'ef an. insect. e'th 1)12 I 'le-, ervisorafor this dist set Some of the Labiader fields 'and the findings of
deaelepenewt 01 i),,,m,„„i,,, Whe-ii th4 latest type of gasoline engines with the expedition will largely determine
,end care°, Caanarvon's wife, daughter it pun -ming capacity of from 350 to the activities in 'that, field this year.
..and son, Lord POrtchestera who aVe 400 -gellons per minute,. have been de- Frederiethn, N.B.-The Carlton and
-rived from. India'. a 'day or, two. 'ago cided .upon and these will be -need to Vietelria pevelOpmentCo,; Ltd , has
were' at the. bedeide. ; protect town and village, while they been incOrPoratedrto carry on the de;
in 1805 ,he' Married Almina Woinae also will be ,available for AiSe, against .V.plo,, the areas in „which 'gold
'well, daughter of the late Fi:dilerick "forest fires in the. bust e . .., • fin'aeahava,tdteler been Made between
.!0. Wombwell, His . wife ,inheeired ,. Two railway -motor cars and a Mum'. Cen-tteville and Floreneeville in Carlo -
much of the f.ortune of the late Al- ber of tracks '' will be-eadde'd to ;the ten County, as well as other_properties
. fred De Bothschild- ' e . equilnnent and the mOunted patrol will irr,Victoida Cour:ty. The companY has
•' The death of„the Earl' of Carnarvon , . . . , , , . , an
be enlarged in numbers. The permit au Authorized capital' of 724 000 ' d
'comes shortly after the culmination -sYstera will not be emPloYed in the will have its 'head office at Florence -
of the exploit that brought him chief- Nov: Liskeard area this -summer, but ville.
.ly into -public notice --the discovery of mounteangers will patrol the dis- . Quebec, Quo. ---Tho . plans" for' the
trict. Motor boats and canoes. will be construction of the new 13asiliette.of St,
use ex ensrte y o cover the territory. Anne de 31,eatinre have%been cOrnpleted
and provide for a church which will
probably be the most specious and
fineat, from art anhitectural point of
view, in, Canada. In architectural
Slyle the new Basilica will be a,cran-
bination of Jtomaneand Gothic, and
the steeples in front will tow-- 225'
feethigh. The Basilica will contain.26
, altars ii all, „including, those of the
- chapels. '..
, Toronto, .. Ont.. -..--That S01710, thirty two big companies, that every ha,s, e wor -dea ene ear, that is acme -
'new freighters, most of then,. built in dog team, automobile, sleigh, and tree!: tomed to be assailed by ' the loud
'Great Britain,'will he added to the tor`in the . district has been crOwded noises; and beeomesnnable to hear the
' the -lower lakes, '1Va. the evid.ence of Landing. before" the snoW diealapears.
intar.,,eeryice rushing ore into Mayo softer, gentler sounds, in which there
May come to Us those armiranurs. and
fleets of the cornpanies opeaating.non
IL B. Clark, seceetary-treasurer of Eight thousand tons were transported glimpses of eternity that we must
, the Matthews SteamShip, Co., ,before before the first of April. ' * heed if we are to live aright and have
" . ' our part M the .everlasting here and
Notabie figures from the Motherland are visiting Canada hist now at-
tending. the National Council of. Education meetings, at the Untversity of
Toronto.- Three of the ViSit0,111 are ehown, Sir Henry Newbolt, lecturer and
poet, who has, just completed a tour of Canada; Miss Gilpin (centre), head-
, inlitress Of Hall School, WeYbridge, 4 notable Engilshavomen, EL111,1 Sir
Michael Sadler (right),''vice-Chancellor of the University of Leeds and one
of the leading figures' in ,the world of education
Halifax, N.S.--The steamer '?et- the Royal Commission, investigating
rel;"..fernierly a Government graft, is the lake freight ratea. During the
being fitted out here ihr a cruise of past yeale the lake Stearaship com-
panies moved aneenormous volume of
grain from the had of the lakes to
the seaboard, and it is Anticipateg that
themovement in 1923 will be equally
as large. t
Winnipeg, Man,e-Inereased volume
of freight, movement from Eastern
manufacturers to western agencies
for the tirst ten weeks of the year,
compared with the same period last
year, is recorded by both railway sys-
tems operating around the north
shore. While, much, of , this movement
consists of delayed shipments that
should have come to the West last fall,
a considerable quantity registered is
new business. '
Regina, Sask.--Over forty tank cars
of oil front, the Sweetgrass country, •
in Montana, have already been ship- Carnarven Dies at Carr°.
Lord Cara
finement in the new refinery, now of BlIng Tutankhamen's tomh, Who, was
ttrien, the joint diEicoverer
ped to Regia in fireparation for 're-
building here. . • , reported as recovering from an,attEtck
Vernon, B.C.-The Okanagan dis-oit
Fbis'eutng said to be due to
triet shipped a total of 2,400 500 e.,1.t° haS succumbed to the
boxes of applei in 1922, nearly 100,-i-'a`adY" There speculation
000 boxes more than in the previous upon the effeet of tomb poisons and
Year, an mfficial -estimate issued here °Id EgYirtiall curses; their Telation
indicates. Peaches and cherries , also NS' death'
made substantial gains'
Dawson,iY.T.-It isreported that
L •
Sinai VC)keS‘
so many ndividual silver claims are '
producing in,Keno Hill in addition'to'. There is what Matthew Arnold calls
the, rich tomb of the Pheroah Tutank-
- harnen,, in the Valley cif the Kings, in
• Egypt, by the archaeologicalexpedi-
tion.which he headed:• •
,His father, the fourth Earl of Car-
ruirvon, was British Colonial .Secre-
tary under Lord Derby, and while
'holding this portfolio, moved the sec-
ond "reading. of the bill, for confedera-
• tion of -the British North American
• paovinces. Resigning upon,the pass-
age of the Reform Bill„ in '1867, he'
'again . became Colonial Secretary-
• under, Disraeli, in 1874, serving until
1878. • Later he served for two year's
as -Lord -Lieuteriant of Ireland
, • ,
He was reputed to have spent more
than 9100,000 maintaining .the expe-
hdition, which finally uncovered' the
Pharaoh's' tomb last December, after
seven -years ef fruitless excavation.
The tomh, whieli contained an Un-
pereeedented quantity of objects of the ,,
greatest historical value, as well as
the unriisturbed sarcophagus of the
Pharoah, is said to have been the
richest find ever unearthed in Egypt. •
Mrs. Kemal Pasha..
The leader of a new era tor Turkie
women. Mrs, St
Keml ,
Natural Resources
The Natural Resoureee Intel-
ligence Service of tha Depart-
ment of the Interior at Ottawa
While gold and eilver are by
far the most valuable mitierals
produced in Ontario, the prov-
ince producee other minerals
which have eonsiderahle oeon-
oink value. The output of mica
alone was 2,229 tons, of a velue
• 'of 956,480. Of this amount
2,119 tons was what is known
ecrap mica, worth but $10
•Per ton, whereas the 24 tons of
• thumbetrininted• mica was val-
ued at 9550 per ton and 86 tons
of rough -cabled mica brought
7255 per ton. The mica is pro -
dime& principally in Leeds,
Lanark and Faontenne counties
in Eastern Ontario. The Gat-
ineau district of Quebec also
supplies large quantities of
miea. The total production of
Canada last year amounted to
3,543 tons, valued at $129,281.
The still, small voice will tell US, if
1 TO COAST VILLAGES —we listen, the things that it is good
for us th knew regarding the meaning
Newfoundland Government to .
and the mystery of life and its ult.,
I -, mate goal. We shall have sage advice
Send Powerful Ship to
from the inward mentor if we do not
tiic etifie it. We shall find distorted vision
Break Ice.'
'. ,John'e /,,Tild'., eorregted, false 'scales and balances
aPastathe A despatch groin
Nefvfoundland,Sealer, wealthy bride. of the Nationalist lead- says: --De ermined effoits ale bemg
' Itetarns With 11,367 Pelts , Kemal has no harem, and his wife ment to send food supplies to star,ving ,
'er, has not -married in Tuaish fashion. made-, by, the . Newfoundland, Covern- bdseuetericir:ggdittirn,,thigpdtiraisotles,a. aainudottlithe ePitnrc,uhe-,
' A despatch from -St John's, Nfld., dresses in European tasbian, -- enter- .settlements along the south coast,
says* --The „steamer Sagona, the first teams both men and women, and ac- isolated for niany weeks by the ice . , That small -voice, corrective And ex-,
of thd Newfoundland sealing fleet to companies, dyer husband to all public fields that block their harbors. The postulating is worth our consthnt rev-,
retnin from the ice fields, has just art thnetiens. - - ,'. mail steamer Kyle, plying between this .erent attenticrne , It is our guidance
rived with 11,867 pelts. She has been ------ teCo - - port and Sydney, N.S., was taken off ft'orn "an infinitely distant land:" A
'absent just foiir vreeks. The Sagona ,. Treci as a Crop. <that route and left ,for the southern ,young.inventor said that by, anemia of
reporfed'that She made her catch 1151 '7. like to empliasize With all- my settlements, laden with meovisions. ' wireless he could steer a boat from
miles off Cape Race, and that the other stvength that the object of a foreetei. Ali-eady several ' vessels have ' put the shore with ne,navigator' aboard
the vessel. They laughed at him. He
, -essals of -the are 3eeraing is nQt-to.protect trees from- being cut .aut on similarerrands. of -morcy,..bnt '.
.. there., UnlesstooritlitiOns finProei'the There Would be no threstees, employed all have _fallen '*iiniP to the ice. All a , ad that he -wag aightiehe did
thing 'they de5lated impessible. Even
. Sogona's will the on/Y.PaYing eateh in ;thie or any. 'other 'eanetry. if ;nave are...' bola .ice-bolind in 'dolithern harr:
among the fleet, as she i's the smallest were lie lumbering elierdlibile. so, froniSomewhere beyond ihe'bourrie
' tiessal;andleast.eXpensive tb Operate, 'the leroster's business to ' proditee'
It is bore,' some of them haying been unable e, a
to -move for 'Six weelte, The Kyle; i3rifaiii .1-ta's'i-iogiii."'6'ariskia. . this spiritrial *guitlarice which seine
of time and spade. there:ceines to ue,
The total kill of the entire fleet up to weed, and if ho 'can make Money in larger and more Power:Pal than the. chancellor Stanley
. .. . ,
nounced a surplus in .13Biirlidtivsliirillfinaasacaens" have seen . fit to reptidiate 'and deny.
the paesena. le .73,50,0, • selling:. trees• three inches In diameter , others, hopes to be, able to break
Pc is doing ' perfectly logitiniate bile- ' through the ice barrier. We .comniit our Jives to it; truptizig it
' ' of £101,000,000, inatead, of six or to lead us where it will. It is a'power
--S, • nese. The guiding principle In forest -1 Tales of terrible .soffering in many ,seven Million,pounds which had been we do not eontrol-though within its
ry iS. to see that wood production is ',south coast villages hare filtered .astimated, ...,It ' goes to reduce the /la- range it sillows us a latitudo of
continuous' for all time; to 888 that through, to the Newfoundland
acres that 'Lave been cut over shall The winter fell early, ireesiaisinapitaailo., btir dutivied;thodt atoccordiug to law, but may thought and feeling we too often
reduce taxation. ;Anise. If we• insiat, We can make a
come up again -la cOmmercial trees; herring fleet and thus. leaving .1 -Many,
Without their Usual meanai :'' a , mess of the fine ,art,ef living in spite
that areas having amen hurled over fishermen ,
shall be regenerated with commercial o'f Winter sustenance. of all the inspiration that overarches
Latft a saii9sI Figures issued by the provincial and environs what we do and what
, trees; and.that waste lands amil.iireas of bitter storms buik a thick rim of 1 bureau of statistics • show that the we are. In the midst of life.we may
unfit tor agnicnitiare shall be made to ice along' the coast, shutting out sop-, population of the Province of Quebec be in death if we choose, by the oleo-
be,ar commercial ' ireas..,"-Dr. C: a plies that would have relieved -the suf- ie 2,361,194, Made .up of 357,295 of tion of .courees that are debasing, hi -
HOW°. feting of the people. British origin; 1,889,000 French, Can.* glorionsunworthy. -
' •• --e
When AtiorneY Produces Exhibit in Suit, Judge, Jury and
Spectators Make Headlong Rush for the Exit.
A despatch from Detroit saye
Judge, jury and spectators clippel
several oeconds off the record Loc tho
100 -yard dash Thursday afternoon,
when enongh dynamite to take 411 the
shape out of the county building woe
found within it foot of the -desk of
Judge Clyde L Webster. The eliscovely
Woe made during taking of thstimony
in the $25,000 euit of Aisne. I3ayer, 14
years old, against ..Rey D, ;Iaker, a
contractor, for alleged carelessness.
capTeillaned°ndtyleitn°irt'e It
ttrieWnel naierna el idg'enletlfYt
about the ground near some work at
East Warren and Fairview Avenues,
and, the boy picked tip a cap and
Great Eritam Provides
• • .
for Ex -Service Pigeons.
• A despatch ,from London says: -
Ex -service pigeons which were under
fin several thnee dining the war,
while carrying Messages for the 13rii.
ish Army, have been pensioned off by
the War Deptirtment to the care of a
keeper whose duty it will be to SOO
that they ere properly eared for until
they die. The birds were used to
convey messages ashore flow shiPs at
sea and also between France and
Enogalaeendw, him oarzymg a message 108
miles bird No. 12 was shot through
one Wing /rat carried on and brought
the„dispatch to land, The information
the bird carried Sivecl the town. of
Bridlington from a bombardment. Its
mate was shot down by a German sub-
First Aid to Man
Run Over by Train
A. despatai from Montreal says
Quick action on the part of a G.T.R,
locomotive engineer probably saved
the life of W. B. Clailc, whose leewas
severd by a train at the St. Remi
Street crossing. The engineer inime-
diately brought the train to it stop,
and cutting off a piece of the bell rope,
made a tourniquet, which he applied
to Mr. Clark's bleeding limb aodpart-
ly stopped the ilow ef blood. The leg
had been severed below the knee, and
when the victim was admitted to the
1Vrontreal General Zospital, it was
found necessary' to amputate above
the lmel: Mri%Clark was reported to-
day as resting coinfortab/y.
•Income tax paid by Canadian farm-
ers in 1921-22 amounted to 91,324,698
out of a total ,of $78,684,354, accord-
ing to a statement in the House, of
Commons, by the Hon. W. S. Fielding,
Minister of Finance. The number of
farmers .who paid income tax in On-
tario in that year was 6,188, as cern,
pared with 1,870 the year before.
threw it againet the In doing so
it blew half ef one of his halide off.
"We wish to place in eVidenee aerna,
eticks of dynamite," paid one of the,
Rttorneys, etooping Over to pick up a
bundle that had been lying since early
morning near the judge's desk. Ten
seconds later, when the atterney got
the package over to hie deals, he dis-
covered that everyone had magically
vanished. There NSW a protracted re.
ces8 before the unanimous consent of
the jury was obtained to come back
and look at the explosive. Even then,
most of the jury and the judge seemed
more interested in looking out of the
windows while the lawyer wae,ginger-
ly exhibiting the sticks of dynamite,
"Great" Omitted from
the Phrase "Great War."
A despatch from London says :-A
tendency to delete the word " rent"
from references -to the. "great war,"
has been noted here, the, most recent
instance being when the Prince of
Wales unveiled a memorial wihdow in
Westminster Abbey a few days ago
The adjective was omitted from the
inscription•on the window, and it was
also missing from the circler of service
Lor the unireiling ceremony, contain-
ing the Prince's address. '
- The Prince, through force of habit,
Perhaps, read into,the printed version
the deleted word. Some believe he op-
poses the shortening of,the phrase be-
cause of his own knowledge that it
was "the great war.
. ,
Search Party for V.C.
Captain Christopher O'Kelly, V.C.,
of Winnipeg, a hero of the 52nd Bat-
talion, in company with a prospector,
has. been miming in the North since
before Christmas. A search party of
officers vrho serydri with him is being
organized togo north.
Weekly Market Re
the beantiful, the _real and the en-
, adian• 47,977 IIebaewS. Italians 16.- It is of 'importance in or human
, This ' year'e first shipMent of The. Armenian Relief Association of 41, Indians 11,506, Germans 4,668; world_tlint' the small voices 'Shall not
horges from Alberta to- Prince Ed- ,Canada .hae Purchased a. farm of 1:35 GliMeee 2,886; Greeks 1,780; Negroea he cried .dawn by the boisterotis arro-
ward Leland left Calgary reently,a ,at -acres near Georgetown, Ontario and 1,046; SYMans 2,070; and the balance gance, the "loud talkers" of which the
' consisted of sixty 'bend of apkeidid etvill bring out to it in May the fint from other Eueopean 'co, nutrias, radio has no monopolyathe.vocifenns
Clydesdalee arid Percherdifs. There,i-Of fifty Arinenian boys, • Who will ,be _.....„..--_-.„..L who think they shall be heard -for 'their
• has been. a steady andeconsistent::0e.a,:triained in farming and fruit geOwing. A decree' has been issued by the "much speaking," the hue and. eiy of
mand for Alberta-brede-iMrace dal Ing party'of.fifty will.bobroaglit Provincial Government closing the those Nvho must be in 'front, whoever
, Gets Death Sentence.
,...'e a eeeee
iir' , "rerOld erer eatabithhed :IV 'the sillier , •
the.,Past few YerfrS.X7.',4gf,Z:INaritinl.f.i, °ill, .i,,1„.,0iS, epierPber if frieheiS .of the
c301 0'p p
' raining.'inddatay ea .Ccbal a tip tn. idie '
1,,isalitiittiticop,tiau eLteiii:ii.:17,. alde:E.::!lizt,.e, bec‘ e ',4:1,.£1,7:?,:dsesori,:i; :,/,.,_sr cl.,11 'ts,c_tilpl, leyp:,by1;01ysti..cli 1. de. i i eebel:li.shs. aat Ili 1.17.: rpj: r:o: It: seSit\ ,- 3.;.°rIefriili 1, , , i. :v. Letiroi:.e,i Pc
i E:vj,v9eisrmni,e, ciblege 1 ... of the
51:7:0e,t; e.ttbobilei.481.7 i _:kbolp; I'6:1:: 0.1°,tn:ra:utlitelic:1312.1-60:11ac'alw:L11.0,1(11 yl. ivfdt:1 leaftt,oti.11:1t1r!22alealiocar:01.Ss1,11,0' zhit,a: 11 ulc..11..
. annually from the inincs"Of'Pereuritie ',„ '
anti Alrlcland Lake .thair .the biehest ,- ,
middre.r6f.:March; the output of 8iiver,6 egold is noW,,being..:tfrodtreed Turks: '. '. - .' .' % '' . .. : est' it/a . ea el °'' P ea" c.ln- a ' n reiante: that the '..liMaii. ‘.d.elfent'C licr-i
e.g.." a8CCUIT .1_____.1?OrIrki,L:,_. '
‘ffAboyrle, .'gos"'er1P11.0it :ngalii7.,ti.x:itfo65.1;.eisi r.shable'', "gentle ' tlill'igis: should: liave'''
Iditli7i61;givti§h}a'itl'igPetr?i-oti Will have their place and their happy life as- ,
sured them. 'there must be a protect-
- Former President ' Radoslavoff of of ininfentelnes reached aPproximately
. . from-Ontalo':'.since the cormtiencement
Th.,10,1,aer; There are now .2,600' industaies in. •stuady and burly; for the minov voices
,ed space foramnall, shy animals that
'cannot fight; for flwers that are not
Bulgaria, who, with, five other mem- $222,060',000, Thi corpreS with a
, e- 1 ,4.1./.._, ._1-1 ,__O'S orcliestaa; ferr tlie half -lights
British Columbia with an, annual out- i Ilf
Ilerz• of hie war cabinet'has been Coif: total geld:production of about 9113 -'
, , , _____....,.--eee., _ ,...... '..,_ - mit of 92‘50,009,000 worth of goods and the pensive shariews; for the rays-
cleineed to death by a lealgarinn orniat' 000,000," making a combined total of according to .a bulletin issued by the tie and vague eormotations of pootrV:
for taking the conntry into war on the , $335,000,000. In 1022, the output of
side 9f the Germans. They have also I gold: and silver train Northern On- prvincial, Department of Industries4 for interlfides of peace at heart ie.:::
The Previncial .Goveenment htia been quiet in the mind. It M not .the ar-
been condemned to pay war damages' tario reached 727,167,000; this being an An tndoor R th k. rant idlers, the lotus-a:0%111g sybai
very aetive in pronioting .new Indus-
tries for the province:diming the'past making of life a confusion and a fever,
. ,totalling. about 33 millfon lira, Redo- increase of approitimately $7,000,000 Boe-"Gee, hat dila learl enito makc, kb, year,,,, and Alas , JAvarwed twee IN hp find the content that abides in the
1;l'areq has fled the eouutiy., • ever the outpnt of 1921, ' ' A fine indoor rink I" , - SUMS 01, 171011teSt,:t6,ii6W' companies, elienee8 when sound is at au 'Mde
L.M=523,,TRItS,Mt,, 1101.0t967tral tr.= .,. e!«.!...t,:averour41.-ro.---,-.....9T.,,n7t1...costrravsetat-nast.5err-c,,,tal.„
DOC. "v\iHITE-,Y W/N6
IN: GIVE Wk./ ;
At 6000 ISEAT114'
. I
•TORONTO. Oleomargarine, to, 27e.
Manitoba wheat -No. 1 Northern, Maple products -Syrup, per imp.
91.26%. gal., 12.60; per 5 -gal, tin, 92,40 per
'Manitoba oats -Nominal. gal. Maple sugar, lb., 23 to 25e.
'Manitoba barley -Nominal. Honey -60 -lb. tins, 1144 to 12c 'per
All the above track, By ports.- lb,; 5 -2% -lb. tins, -1244 to 1344e per .
Am. corn -No. 3 yellow, 93c; No. lb, Ontario comb honey, pea dozen,
2, 91c. • $3.75 M 94.50.
Barley -Malting, 69 to 61c, accord- Petatoes, Ontarios-No. 1, 85c to $1;
ing to freights outside. . .
Buckwheat-, No. 2, 75 -to 77c, Smoked meats-Haras, med., 26 to
Rye -No. 2. 77 -to 79e.• ' 22e; cooked hams, 86 to, 42e; smoked
Peas -NO. 2, $1.45 to $1.50. • rolls, 2640 28c; cottage rolls, 32 to
1V1ilifeed-Del., Montreal freights, 35e; breakfaat bacon, 30 to 33c; spe-
bags included: Bran, per tOn, 926; eial brand breakfast baton, 35 to 38e;
shorts, per ton, 928; middlingd, $8.50; &Licks, boneless, 34 to 40c.
good feed flour, 92. ^ Cured meats -Long clear bacon, 50
Ontario wheat-a:No. 2 white,. 91.14 to 70 lbs. $18.50; yo to 90 lbs., 918;
Ontario No. 2 white oats -49 to 51e. in barrels, 938; heavyweight rolls,
to 91;16,. according to freights Outside. 90 lbs. arid up, 917; lightweetitgoolit1176r54%oleles;
In °Puttaezic)bafig:,111.-1VIoNntirneellY, Pperroznedpiltt ship- tubs, 10-1,ftliorei.7teie;1.'easils,1167
Ontario cotne-Norninal. 935.
ment, $5.10 to 95.20; Toronto basis, prints, 18aic. Shortening tierces,
95.05 to 95.15; bulk seaboard, 94.95 to 1444 tg. 1514,c; tubs, 1514 to 15%e;
95. • pails, 15% to 16,/se; printea.17% M
Manitoba flour--lst pats, ineeotton 1814,c.
sacks, 97.10 per barrel; 2nd Pats., Heavy steers, choice, $7.50 M $8;
96.60. butcher steers, choice, 97 to $7.50;
Hay-Extia No. 2, Per ton, teack, good, $6.25 to 66.75; .3o, med., $525
Toronto, 914; mixed, 911; clover, 98. to 96; butcher heifers, choice 96.75 to
Straw -Car, lots, per ton, track, To. 91.25" do ined 96 to 9650; 'do coin
Cheese -New, large 28e; twins, I;04.550; tdoo,$M5;edb.u,k93hetro $co4w; sd'anchnaelrese'anc41
281/2e; triplets, 30c; Stilton, Sic. Old; cat TS, 91.50 to $2; butcher bulls,
large, 81 to. 82c; twins, 33 to 84; good, 94 to $5; do, coin., 95 to 94;
Stiltons, 85c. feeding steers good, $5.75 to 96,25;
Butter -Finest creamery,Pilnts, 58 do, fair, $5.50' te $6; stockers, good,
40' 55c; -otclinary crearnery, prints, 50 $5 to $5.50; do, fair, $4 to $5; ealves,
to 52c; di, -y, 34 to 87c. Cooking, 24e, 'choice, 910 to 813; do, med., 98 to $10;
Eggs -New laids, loose, 81 to 82ei .do, cant, $4 to 98; milch cowri, choice,
ne,tvivIteiidps,oianiiticya_ri,c6nhst„ck:3edtisto $7b to epchvoiincegersei,4ctloioi9e1e8,,.$0ET do,
over 5 lbs., 25c do,' 4 to 5 lbs., 25ca fairing, each, 98.50 to 917.50; sheep,
do, over 5 lbe., 24e; do, 440 9i., choice, 78 to 99; do, culls, 14 to 15;
otove2174c5;iVs,:22t800 do,
, ,418t 0 t 05 2lites;.,112e6nos;, hogs, fed an tl. watered 811 to $11.15;
60, 3 to 4 ths,, 22c.,; rooters, 170; tidooinfiso;b9.,1091t00,295190o,19510,50; do, country
ducklings, over 5 lbs., 30c; do, 4 to 6
lbs., 28c;.. turkeys young, 10 lbs. and . MONTREAL,
up, 80e; geese, 18e, Cora-Arn. No. 2 yellow, 93 to 94c.
Dressed l'oultry--Chickens, Oats -Citi, west, No. 2, 65 to 66c; do,
fed; over 5 lbs., 35e; .110, 4' to 4 lime' No. 8, 60 to 61c. extra No, 1 feed,
38c; do, over 5 lbs., 80e; do, 4 to 5 lbse' 5844 to 59c; No. 2' local white, 57% to
25c; rio, 2 to 4 lbs., 25e; hens, over a, 58e., Floer-Man. spring Wheat pats.,
lbs,, 30c; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 28ef do, 8 to 1,sts, 97.10; do, 2nda, 96.60; strong
4 lbs., 24c; roosters, 24e; ducklings,' baleen', 96,40; winter pats., choice, $6
over 5 lbs., 30ct, do; 4 to 5 lbs., 29e; to $0,25. Rolled oats --bag of 90
turkeys, young, 1.0 lbs, and up, 40c; 93.10 to $3,20, tran-$26 -to $28 -
geese, 22c, Shorts, $28 to $30; middlings, $83 to
eans-Cam, hand-picked; lb., 7c; 985. Hay -,No. 2; Per ton, car lots,
$18 to
ion o, 99.
primes, 6,Ae.
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