The Clinton News Record, 1923-3-15, Page 4,a,t• I0ora'1Fy4(1' �dry �rar.ror Far' Saar'e :oT .Here v"je shall be pleased' to have von look them over,-e,s. ace are' lure. 'yoU w-i'll. klc j'iltastlel withithu seieetioog. Pricae are cousidei'ably Power than':last y'dar 6A➢Ooir139'Yj Wi1,anothe stock >l.iic4.1mpRede S leei il 1]ices. 0u odd lots est` rl nsiitiiol$ and: If->rriiig l,irfo'n 1 r A11 paver not-ii0010i•tritxiined will: be trimmed free ,auxv:,sm.n+•:sr, . „a...:.«,c,.v,w.0 r�xc�.aumrc».m.�:�.. .: _ ,�ws.;;,rei,,,,m.uv„m,u.,;,y. (., P-.. i N 6' Q N l'. } The Godevich Public Library Board R. Phelan; Finance Committee, C. A. for 1923 consists' of; the following: Reid; 'P. Kidd and Miss Sharman;. Cbairman,'.Rev. J. E. Ford;,Treasur- Boole Committee, J E. Tom and niem- ai; John Galt; Secretary, Terrance bens. of the board Kidd; Houde ,Coininittee, Roy Stone- _r house, Miss. I. E. Sharman and Mrs. • The. following: as ., the, report of Varna, :seho,o1;for ,:the• month of -Feb:. ;ruar_ve 5th Class: Cassie. Johnston Sr:4th::ElIwood Epps, Plrebe C1ol- •clqugh, Irene Johnston,-.ShirleyyDow- son, Irene, t;huter. .Iu:,,4th: Clayton. Elliott, Mable Pil gimr Si a3ad ,Jean Johnston„ "Rachel Tohnston, Jean Foste.r Jr. 3rd: .Grace Seeley, Margaret. 'Johnston, Hazel Steep,: Orrin Dow son, Sr. 2adr Mary' Chuter, Ruth Elliott. Sr.. 2nd: :Mary, .Chuter, Rath Flliott;'Calvin'Foster, Ada Steep:: .Jr. 2nd: Audrey Johnston, Glen Colc1o2gh; Thos. Chuter. Sr. 1st: David. Hodge, Vera Steep, Elliott: Chuter, Thompson iColelough, Alvin Elliott. Primer: Doris Clruter,Melviri Fos- ter; ":,Gertrude McCiinchey; Walter 'Johnston ' NiYiiiber ' on roll; .3b `average sit- teirdance, 30. Kathleen M. Welsh, Teacher. s.89 In1.11i1v1' n 0I.ik"i ji t EswS The milk and cr'eairi of sortie of the, 4 apderleh rtdlk deniers fell below the lttiFftlard set by the town board 03 ,;lhealth and they Mayo been notified iihot they mite( bring up the standard. A.tr oxulosion in the cheinistry xoom of the Exeter High scheol- iuTe dray recently ` caused injury totwo of the students, , The flying ii,quid struck both students in the face and rt'vias,ieared'that the eyesight ni one of them, Edgar Thomson, might beinjured but it is •hopod now that 'this will not.be the case. Valiant Swatlfield, a venerable Cit. - Men 35 Ggdcrich, died last week at the' age of "eighty-nine'years, He is survived by his wife, whom he, mar.. reed sixty.seven years ago, two sons 'and ' three., .daughters; He had farmed' on the Bayfield Road. for 'Many years before moving into ,'God- erk The Underwriters' inspector has just sent' "i i a written report to God- erich town council in which the fire- protection system is rather severely criticised and a number, of'impriove �nents suggested. Sonne `of these, will be made almost'iirimedietely. Reeve Amos Taplin; ` of Wingham Was somewhat slraken\up in the col- lision at Cobourg recently while re, taming from a trip to Ottawa, Wi.oxeter voted last week 011 a by- law to raise $2,000 to erect a com- munity hall. The vote was sixty-one for and twenty.eight against. While working. in the Scott bush i Morris township recently Mr. A. Me-, Kelvey'of Brussels was' struck in the face' by a falling tree. He was'rath-, ' r badly, hurt but is -recovering,' and' it is hoped will soon :be all right again. Mr. McKelvey is hone from the west' on'a visit and was just put- ting in some spare time in the woods. Miss Ethel M. Brown of Dungan- non and Mr; Vere' `Cuuinghame of Colborne township were married re- cent'v, the Rev Mr. Medley o'f,God- erich "performing the" ceremony. Cls,t®w tVrew*iNcrw3 r<� Auet9a Sale O hnsta, evade, pigs, etc, Mr, George I3, Elliott has been instructed to soli by public auction on9'ot 12, con, 6, Stanley township, the Parr line, two mile's south o£ Varna, carr Friday, March 23rd, of 1 p.m,, sharp, the following Horses; Agricultural ,golding, rising 8; . grey Pel e1rorpn gelding, rising 7; General Purpose gelding rising .6; General Purpose mare rising 4 Cattle .Pure bred Shorthorns: Blarney Lass, '107,898, bred to Golden Chief, due May 2rd; Anchovy of Maple View, 100,887; bull calf at foot by BlarneySultan; White -Prince, 159,713, bull', calf .17 months by Blarney :Sultan; thorough-' bred Durham bull, (Red , Lad) 12 Months old. : Grade' Cattle: Fresh' calved cow, 5 years, calf tat font; cow 7 years old, duetimeof sale; sow 10 years old, due 3'01 May; covet* 5 years old, due in April; cow 5 years old,' due' 29th .March; cow 6 years old due time of sale; 2 cows 4" years old, due in'April; heifer rising 3, due in April; 10 steers and heifer ris- ing two. Pigs: sow ,due hast of lSlarcle; two sows due in April; sow due' first of May; two chunks; seven young pigs two months old. ,Imple- ments; 'Massey -Harris mower, '5Y2 ft.: cut; two wagons, top buggy; Mas- sey -Harris cutting. box, 'gravel box; ..Happy Thought Range. About ten tons of good Timothy hay, Terries:. All sums” of $10 ' and under, cash; over that amount, seven ' months credit, will he given on furnishing an - proved joint 'notes ora dscount of 4 ,per cent. straight allowed for cash on credit amounts. George L. Reid, Proprietor: George 'H. Elliott,' Aue- bioneer. _93-5 ELLIOTT'S SALE'REGIS7'ER, Auction sale of farm ,stock and implement at Lot 39.' Con. 7, Goder- ich Tp., oderichTp., on Friday, March 16th, at 1' o'clock, sharp. Geo. Hanley, Propri etor. Auction Sale of 3'arni, Farm Stock €and implements, Lot 41, con.; 2, :Tuck- 'er•sniith, on, Tuesday, Manch 2011, at ]. o'clock, sharp. Conrad Volland, Proprietor. Auction stile of farm stock and implements, Lot 18, Huron Road, 11/a miles Est of Clinton. on Thursday, March 22nd, at 1 o'clock, sharp. E. W. Ro4way, Proprietor, • Axe -thin r Sale of farm stook at Lot 12', Parr Line, • Stanley on, Friday, Maxoia'23rd, at 1 o'clock sharp. Geo. Rohl, ' Proprietor. Auction sari; of farm stock and implements at Lot 40;>''Bayneld Road, 3 miles west of Clinton, on Tuesday, March. 27th, at,1 o'clock, sharp. Dav- 13. SS Nott, Proprietor. Auction sale of Farm stock and implements,' Babylon. Line, Stanley. on W ed;aesday, March '28th, at• 1 'o'clock, sharp. Geo. Smith, Propri- etor. " ,-Auction' ale of farm stock;`; and implements on Con, G: j Goderich Tp., on Friday. March 30th, at 1 o'clock, sharp. E. Townshend, Proprietor. ,'tiill„: lillliillil `i 1141 l(uI'I�.ilili'I! dlf ifr �tllf�,llh;hr11l7i:=., I !i it rf i!r lily iq l lli !ii�51!�,f�i Nlr"l�r!It!lh�,fl I II �tl��llllli ..0 a t i• WALL PAPER is one of the most important' features of liome decoration With it you can turn dull rooms into bright and cheerful ones. Ask for the new and artist c papers produced by ' cmSte7 �Ttl s.01Woill Ration, You'. liaave never seen anything this new width, but you' can also paper a room more easily and with fewersro11s, ;Then too, there is the improved appearance which results quite so fide in wall. decorations or so full, of ueW ideas for the adorn, •went of the home, The aiew Boxer Papers` are 214, from fewer seams, inches wider than the old type of Thgy are' identified by the name Wall Paper. Not Only are more. BOXER on. the selvage of every beautiful designs (made poseibl 'by roll—your assurance of satisfaction. EU11, SALE BY VV, D„ PAR COMPANY Auction Sale- ` • Of farm ',stock and implements, The undersigned auctioneer has • re- ceived instructions to sell by 'public ,Miction at Lot 77; Maitland `'Conces- sion, Goderich township, at one o'- clock on Monday, March 26th, the fol., lowing: Horses; draft gelding, 10 years old: dilly rising 5 ,years (a. dandy); gelding; 'rising .2. Cattle cow 7 years, date May 1st; cow 7 years, freshened in Januar); cow G. years, due July 28th; cow rising 6, due May 7th cow -rising 5, milking; cow rising, 5, freshened err January; cow rising 5,due Jul• y 21st; 4 steers. rising 2; 2 heaters rising 2; 'yearling steer 2 yearling heifers .Pigs: brood sold, due April ,30th; sow due ,May 27th.- Sheel5i 10 ewes, due end of: April; pure Jared Oxford Down ram. About 125 hens,: including 50 or more Mallets, 3 . cockerels, mostly Rocks. Iniplementg:,.binddr,<6-ft• cut; nlcaver Noxon drill with grass seeder, Mas- sey -Harris cultivator;. diamond, har- rows; horse rale; scuffier;', wall ing Plow; wagon hay. rack; stock rack; gravel box; Set bob, .sleighs; wheel- barrow; ,.855 .double ',harness' ;with breeching; set of„2 cane collars;,otb- er collars;; 2 sets "doubletrees;: family- cui;ter; „ open ;bugigy;:. top buggy, al- most. as good as .new: light wagon; number of Cow chains; grain bags; ladders; cream separator; Daisy churn; a quantity.of household 'furnic. tune, indluding ;3 stoves,- Happy 'Thought •.range large size;Oxford range; box stove; sewing machine; tables; chairs; beds;. linoleum, seal- 'ers 300 or 40Q.4rushels of. oats; a 'quantity of potatoes ;and °numerous articles.: "Terms All sums of $10 and under, cash; 'over that amount, 'T months' credit will be allowed on fur- nishing appiovedicoint notes or a dis count' of 4 net 'cent. straight' off for .cash. Fowl, grana and potatoes to be cash. ' Wm. Bedoair;" prepyietor. G. H. Elliott,; auctioneer, Iiullit;tlk Township p. 3'he fo11 i11t;'"l ithe report of .8, I SNo, 10a for Janiorry, and Tebroary. %sanies are in ei'd'er of •merit, J3oL ,:Spellers marked Jr, 4th: f Glad;es Mountain, Edna,•` Leo„OXive; $prung, Howard Johnston, Edith Johnston, Jerome Henhoeffer. $5., 2nd: Russell Lee, 'Helen Ying. ylutt, Theodore l'lenhoeffer, Louis Johnston. Tr. 2nd: Vincent Henlio4il'cr, r, JL •1st:. 'f'Donti1di SprimgPGoxdon; Johnston, Elva Lee.—Jewel Grairr- ger, Teacher, 'I1Hih71t'SDAT, "d'IAltCli 1SC's, '1933 Idise Violet Marie Prercri rn,'laugh- iltesve 1.'e}Tuan of Blyth has hander ter of Mr.' and: Mrs, Jnmee Drennan iii ;Bial rosi;,iration. The legality of 'of Dungannon, was :Betted in _agar hi}; „oltetlan has been questioned ou Kluge with Mr: C. M, R.e pard ul' .a t y .ucbr'int of his.bavrnF, also the,,, Ashfield o;s Feb:- 15th. po''iiion of. bailiff. 'HOLMESVILLE' m 7 Report of S. S, No. 3, Goderich township, Holmesville "School 4th Class; Kathleen Berour, Bar- rie VJ'alter, Marion ,Cudidore, Anna- belle Bedour, Amy Marr;. Laura Mul- holland, Gordon Stock, Willie 'Ticle8 well, Alvin Proctor. 3rd Clase_ Albert, Vanderburgh, Cora Trewartha, Lloyd Stock, Doris Huller, Doris Miller, Clifford McNeil, Freddie Miller, ' Harry: Cudniore, Kathleen Huller, Thelma Cudinoro Leslie Miller, Gordon McDonald, Alice Tideswell; • ' 2nd Class: Helen McMath, Elsie Osbrr`Tdeston, Hugh Glen, Alex. Glen, Jim Mair and Freddie;; McDonald, equal. 'Wlilhehnine-Trewartha, Harry Proctor and Kenneth Tebliutt, egaul, Burnie, Miller. 1st Class: Freida Miller, Norman Trewartha, Kenneth. Trewartha. Primer: Norma Potter,:Edna Hil- ,-ler, Ferris 'Sturdy, Frank Yeo, Jack Sturdy,Harold Miller. P. Lowry, Treacher. , WILL NOT STAND. 'FILIAL "Scobie" Dan McDonald of JCrnca_+- dine who was up for trial for the shooting of George Kay in Kincar- dine on ;January Gth, was "prat on trial instead as to his -mental stale; and ,after hearing evidence. for .two, clays the jury decided that he was` not callable of instructing. counsel or of concluctin> liit own case, :He will. probably be con5alitteclto an asyyum. • M. 0 .Catneron has been appointed towse solicitor lay the town:;council of Goderieh. . Tomorrow Alright Poli Tablets Stop sick hoadachos ' relieve, bilious attacks, tong:and, regulate the oliri,inetivo organs, maks you Teel fins. "Bolter Than Pills For Liver Sold by J. E. Hovey, Clinton, Ont. ;pm TRAIN .SEIRVICE TO TORONTO' Daily' Except Sunday. The choir of St. Thomas church; Seaforth, presented Miss 'Margaret Edge,'one of -the members, with a' silver cake basket at a social evening at the rectory prior to her Marriage, A man up in - Wingham was' fined last week 'for cruelty to his horse, which he loft in the road when it became too exhausted to haul him home. He•was unable to pay his fine and cost so he is spending fifteen days i11 il, Mr, :Fred Atistrn, of Blyth, who ,purchased M'rs. Little's farm on the' 13tfi' of Hullett, moved out"to it last week. ry1s Mala to"Get" Rheemalisti, elks 5 Most other pains ate easy. ' "From Pain to Ease with T.R•C.'s:". . pROUSANDS of Canadians have tried T.R.C.'s and found they do drive- out rheumatism, and all similar pains. T.R.C.'s , reach the 'seat -4)f pain, for their medicinalpow- der is carried inthe blood. $LOO at your druggist's.' Free sample Temple- ton Co., -Toronto. Canada's Standard Remedy for Pain. Sold by' J. E. Hovey, Gunton, Ont Lve Goderich .. 6.00 a.in. 2,20 p.m. Lvo Clinton . 6,25 arm. 2.52 pari, Lve Seaforth 6.41 a,ra. 3.12 p.m, Lye Mitchell .. 7.04,a.m.:3.42 pan., Art Stratford . , 7.30' a.m. 4.10 p.m. Arr ICitchem,r.,, 8,20 arm, 5.20 •p.m. Arr • Guelph , . 8,45 a.m. 5.50 p.m. Aar Toronto 1,0.10 a.m. 7,40 pm. R11VURNLN0 Leave Toronto 6.50 am.; 12,55 p.m, and 0.1.3 pan. Parlor Cafe car. Goderich to To- ronto on morning train and Toronto to C.,oderieh (5.10 n.m. train. Parlor 33uT3'et'ear Stratford to To- rbntoon afternoon train, C.' . Hording, II.I'.A , G.T.R. System John Eapsforll et`Sort, 'Phone 55,;:. Uptown Agents. earmaxmastezrAt LIMITED 7 CANADA'S LARGEST RETAiL, GROCERS QUALITYCLEANLINESS SI�� SERVICE We. Sell to Sail SEEDLESS CAMEL RAISINS : 1 3IC pkt. s. for Per S Large and Meaty, 9C PRUDES 17c PURE ' LARD No, 3'Tin Easifirst or D.bmestic H RTE ING'. S :O ksi C 5 � 55 No. 3 Tin GLASSCO'S PEACH MARMALA ,E JAM. 3 lb. Tin '' 49C 1 4's, Per Tin 65 C Harvest Brand 'PEARS Per Tin ar C:. MACARONI . or, •SPAGIHETTI- .. 2 pkts. for : • PALMOLIVE or C P LTF'EBUOY 'SOA • 1• 3 Cakes for 24c Ammonia'' . Powder,. 3 for 25c `Old` --Dutch ' 2''for` 25 Rinso, 2 for 15c Bah tts; 2 Lux, lle C=illett's Lye, 2 for -29c. Chloride of Lime Per pkt._ 17c Brasso, 14c :Slick, 2 for 25c REINDEER . COCOA, tin . 1 EINIDEillR • CQPFEE. tart: VALENCIA: 41 CAKE,' per -.lb. 'JELLY ROLLS for. C Livia Beans, 10c lb. White 'Beans 3 lbs. for 25c Split Peas 3 for 25C Graham Flour"25•,: 3 ]lis. for c.i Pearl Barley 2 lbs' .15e.. Pot Barley,.Sc lb, Oatmeal, 4 lbs. 25c ,Rolled Oats 6 lbs. 27c. Cornmeal,.6 lbs. 25 CLINTON r I1, .1 a 11 issaasrasAn r" a,171,0116.6it. BRAND i'When the Ford toir truck was first chanci .a alitaber theal .for Una at and this Ilea was rapidly added to until to.cleY we have thirty- two Ford Tracks ese tfiroughout Western Canada. „ These limas ate Used Mainly at re. tail deliveries, Mid for that m105050 We Limited, Calgary, Alberta, appears on 32 Ford Trucks. The Popularity of the ''Sharnrock Brand" has been established, and is being maintained throughout Western Canada by rapid and dependable delivery through the aid of Ford Trucks. The Ford Truck has accomplished big things for hundreds of large Canadian firms. The same economical and dependaple service can be applied with -equal effective- ness •to smaller firms by the use of a Ford Truck. Your order placed to -day will assure you one at the present low -record price. The one -tort truck* chaesis sells for $405 f. o. b. Vora, Ont. Government taxes extra. Standard truck bodies are a.vailr. able at low prices. You can buy on time. See your Ford Dealer at once. COMMERCIAL OARAOE' FORD 1140T0R. ,6011W.RALTY eV CANADA) ,CLIN" ON