The Clinton News Record, 1923-3-8, Page 6WOE FROM DSCARD 'BY IiAR\t1d PARSONS+ , PART L Cities, when you ceme to ehiek ofit, area lot like people, There'e the big, tough city that ente on, lets of frent coia style, the retired plug-ugdy. who h d to Oat With a fork and Me rr9rn VOVIr, Own Old Oarpets 7x0 Inca, $0 78. 8080 ins„ 44.40 Zvi fa, $t,00, We. nee, aapieiss oiloagoa, acme evi. ocir . catalog. •Sarsitary kug Works oti reiceoles eite woreate„ Pmgo1riMht01P to see the Mayor I t th t -11s zee 'Ogotoholi' and favor aR the result of a former out- walko outa right while I Was talking, Ilige /AOC' OtliWriai WritOrS otil1 were yunderstand, elle 1 claret " 04'0.4411g hopes that so/no day the "What they eied goes double," yelp - beautiful arid progreasive, city Might od the ehier into the transmitter mid have a 'chief of police who didn't hung .mum smelt() gerettes and. use the ()file:al Two 'hours had lambed before ibe wear eyeiiiiig elothese therefore eon- Pollee car te ride home to lunch; like- enraged head of the Gneinvilenpollee everythMg proper; Cho lady -like little teat the high eicnis and ..Progrestive and walkedalown the hall. .He could 6..Wile. college or, Seminary; t e boom arees ve. ei y from ow-, low e ei ire- he ploy( c. away. . ., . a one that bits soothing quel.e. one-fourth cupfuls of xma,k. Mee at- eitY, with miles of paving running in inals -Av'tit 1 -'ail cheques. Therefore, Old Tim occupied a room cloWn at 1 i.11,1='..erf'an ci tl einh ibited vvhilo tire menstere.'continued to myso ,tlie end of the hall. I-fe Was in toe , deeS, as Well 'as one that Pieke the ter, add flour, and when well blended tievisertryictdireuent4lonhnix5nounc.ildh,6„,0' :sttrevit,y..t titis'y, the chief -sat in 'hi5' dingy 11111101 ' neendarY st4ge of .retirement, •kriew dirt out of the pores, Never use water, cicel the milli, a little at a time, stir- ] of ice and. cured his home town iii 1 if' and resented it. The chief had put oe the face tiii ecely after coming in ring .constantly, 'Grease .a pan and Put l'ames s'h°wIng ironi e°rnE.9: I ie• impotent rage The firs' call was hire in el aeee of the pawn=hop re- out of Q10.001(1 'And it', the wise woe! in a layer ef sliced potatoes then a , most hidden in weeds—like a ig, _. overgrown lout in a suit time deeinit ?Ica:114e r efyinera e,c^1,1, 0 st id. ti pre Ls, a emalning ea .5o..„. cWC7:VI0,...0 olarc, C;00, who fixes her face lip a bit, thin layer of the beef w ic 1 has . eon alders himself a shining example of wise a force 'of officere' who could.latia force left his office, slammed -the door bly grew tr% aroun,d. merchants of 'Bald beautdul and pro- haar les telephone bell clattering as it,M,C1/146 • , • . wtairvao Ilicire ere eonie things,' want to tell' rt. it'll'OrC7(,3.1`lTeon1 ltivt°1f cr3ii%iceter-ter jci Leeking Your es you tthout tae care of your eicin when (thirty -live or'forty minutes), Serve the weather is cold end tbe winds are bat or cold, with or without creme. Idusteny. You intmt tale, tile time , EscalloPed dried beef 'makes a •give Pencomplexion a little extra toothsome eupper .clioh. Thio' requires earo ie you went it to bloom lflce the VWQ allOCOS Pf tfliu�y, chipped &teed floweee iu the spring—soft and ,freeli beef, one-half pond Qf sliced (wild end lovely. Don't wash your face with boiled poteto es, it level talalaspoonaul plain a-atee every time yeu thank it of ineur, a cuntal of soft beeaci,ertimbe, leeks dirty. Hee instead a good abo'ano u tablespoonfal of butter and one and :. Then we have,.the,Tetiving iittte , .,,,,u, js, 0, catch , n.,,, ,, .,,,, before, estee. ell cappneceaora, threats before -she goes out. Tliere are rnanYi shredded in small pieces., apeinkle -with and requests on the grounds of per- oi,earas ,L,,0.0,1ty that give reauptotoc... the arnInha and e,.entdrade until all the smial friendshi h d, been -cheregardeci, Tien was otklepit 11%cl refuged to recog-obtion to the skin. They are 'bettev than, ingredients are used. Add the eteallu nize' the 'fact. Diseeing strict in- a Veil, because they not only eesotectl junctions.to "take. it easy, keep out ,of i tl 1-.., but , ace tend to nourish and' sauce, cover the pan and bake in a slow even for about three-quarters of tlie rerig.11 stuff and stick athand to I Meanie it at the same time. ,, an hour.' Seeve very hate give me Advice," he had walked mit Then just 'El: weed. oi• two, abont - dberately tied into ayoung' and 0 0- ---- astringents in the winter thee: Don't Training -That Is Protection.. eli. ttVe crook and eaPturea him, lint not use ice on g0110 face, face, even, if your •WISO 1 an to give ve occasional.. - is a wip 1.1 y Without having ' his false teeth and a le -A, : . . f q a t of fail to realize. the expansion, be- take lop the trail. .A8 patrolnien from rib broken, in the eneounter. The.pawn m.useaas ne .ag. ' B° ea:ke n n°' ° to each daughter of the house, the rune e othei.epointe reported, :tlie:hged'. dealt teemed .job Was 0,Mmishment. ' . 43r up the nat,nial oil °I tile, l'.1n* The n'inie of it for .a week at A 111116, nIalc- • , ,emige it is like the ,progres.s of anhour .•'• hand on "a_jeleek,. and., cannot expand •sergeant 1,604.,,off.. the erepoet.,,Inside ,. The chief °pelted. the adoor .. and (Mid weatheri" YOU knowedoeS that te ing. her reeponsible fee' the CornfOtt, ' wit.b ,It• .' Thetcfore ,a. eltY e..1: , '''''."-'9t of an hour six men "ranging in -ago stead. a moment staring at the 0 di a certain extint anyway. A woman is and health of 'the. family: rte.' give her cm more with the mental developmeint teem euventeen to eighty-one had loden man, a ghort,,wideeshoeldeeedabullet- aPt to have indre. blackheads ht thP the ambunt of money she may .spend Liaroir*e'e,301!.6-eciae. ,illbin7,t-Watiheinattinalleladh;meaYfi )5'e ewfdltead,net.doe.iithi,°eg,ssta; tnii°,1I 'because they IllieeyY -wheitaidteedhasprecAnnedenhiwwittaltehele.e.seo-c,vio'orlaa.heide winter than hi'eratin weather; because and leaerease how to ee,,e et., Be lemma in the surnaierctince PerViration' acts with her fail ' es' at firat; if dinner . the vied. ... • their hands, arms or faces. The re- with that look: Ingratiatingly ' the reallyamed to, give .looth, you'. ace ad the, 'conseqeences uncOntplainingly, but a_s. a" g.oter allenienuetor Of 'd.rirrt. You , ,' 111. .' s. ! .. a f . . , , yarns out an unappetizing meal sutler. 'found trying, to get by with the seine Ware -strangerit with one or More gold glasses the oldetimer 'returned the machinery. it used as a 'wide place irk teeth and three with birtherrarke. en stele.. Resentment and reproach eame a And of shwa s Grainville. . The „isle from , the hotel wa,s followed, in ehief approached, holding' out a cigar, 3d4113 moisture and nourishment dim- help -her to do better next day. Later Boostees'. Club'proteetedthe govern- ing the ,cold Months' of the, year.. .And when ehe.has learned to manage bet - the course of the' morning, by .eeporte "Got e littfie ,eoreething I -meet :your 'nl'ent censas because it callowed 'the. Timm about every business Mstituteon adaiea.-andhelp about," he admitted. unless your skin is specielly.oily it 3.0 tea hold her responsible for reallY metrepolis .1.s bat 68,112. Yet old Hank . ee ,,. _ on tee avenue, fOr Grainville, clesPite Tim grunted and reached for the wise to 11-SO' a rich nourishing cream. good meals, for economical manage- Beverly,Who ean th.leet and only IDS geographical spreadM , was a O- cigar,. "you see it's this way,"- and Ileia aie one or twe little beauty merit and smooth running of the . e' . a ma - livery stable he the same 'blecke.uSeci. ee- istreetoetown so 'far as -businese 'was the chief had, to go ahead and tell Tha sug•geStionS for. the. cold weather that 6 inery of the house . W II, e ether te.droP in at the same POlice station -concerned ' • '',.;-: . about the Wooden leg deal, 'Tim sat you don't have to go to a beauty shop members of the family may suffer a and into the some ehan _ An this feller comes in my s•tore, ' and smoked. -"And 1 thonght maybe .,.- - , . -.pied' thirty-three years- ago and, kid reported Abe Goldberg of . the ,Mam- you -felt well. enough to go. out,jest. 'c' ge''''' - a ' . the new ehief about- irie, ferce., , - - . moth, Gents' Ready to NVear,"...and.dte take it easy,. You knova-alied gee What 13utter protects t.he lips teem chap, '."To:. be • sureat said 01(1 Hank; "YOU gays: -`I, want .a: -pair of eiloves, good oil:could do." Ping. . , have _that' gaa' buggy, but the onlY ones, y' understand,' and'I says, that's "Sure;" said Tim. He erose, remov- Ae peste made of milk and salt has reasoa -I. didn't: have a coillfie of 'em. the "OnlY kind We keep, positively, I ed 1110 Saectaeles and placed them a magic way of thmoving freeldeS that when IoWas 'chief . NW'S, heCaaSe, they says. se,ee:.aele,ces e pair .of -tufted carefully in thele tin pocket ease. He el41.0 11:0111 -Llie, winter winds, bity that has reached noriia1 grow anxknows it, But the real, preblern is the city , tb.p,t becomes saeh by outgrowing: itis natural tendency to remain a village. any such accidents are to be foued a the Wide agricultural .dist,rieta, lowly, tImouglegeneretions, the vile lage exPancla while the donizene there - clerk, 'that is, 11 tame bulis of yotras oould trick an elephant in the snow, Sinbath looking young 'feller with a wooden log,, plenty of gold -teeth and a birthmark on one side of his. face." The -usual ,procedure had been fea,- lowed. . Depot policemen were called up and given the description mei 'a, pair of 'detectiveS,,Slim Wiles and Ben Judson had' been sent' to the hotel to we'sn't invented yet. I had two. more tans, y' unclenstend, . and he ats 1 -put on bis armpit holster, stretched' . Petro -linen 'than y'ou got—and they suPpese You know P G raileval pay 1 1 b , P. t ie e as ic race .over the other arm, WaS all good, men. , .Yoe_got three -foul cheque when vou,.see it? Sodnily 1 took his gun from a draweriand plac- 'burns and rotirea bootleggers 01' Your :says, My best; trade is with you P. ed it in the holster. Then he put on steff,?;and."thek. dosit„inake. any' more G. neysawhich emne.here because they his 'hat mid ea:at and walked eat— ' detectives like 'Long Jelin 'Tanner, Ev, laraiee. good Stuff. When they see it, and Without „a word.: ,The,ehief felt like he • PaVey. and TIM Denehtle any more." . os 7 swell cireeser,SaI Says, -And I cashed had,been kicked. Tint, still, Smarting , get that 'eeme Tim," defended his cheque for 0800, y' underetand, feom his.retiretnent, intended he should the young chef, ' and stope ,...oyer. to the Traders, y' feel_ hike -he had been kicked. "Yen," ' Hank would reply,- "hut. understand,' and ,ehe Cashier gays it's . (To be- conoluded.) Tim's. getting'.eld, old as I ani. He's •F1 sour one ---and there's a lat mare just ' seen bettee, , it, y' understand. . I cloiat want 1.1 "Anyhoae bace got sense; and I td. Punish- the yanymeunder-Ele N.ing s Horses. wouldn't trade Min tor a flock . get no tirne,to be wet- Ono of tihia Moe t 'enteres,ting places 5aeutig... ander hisisted the . eine!. :„ 1.nes.sing around s emir tliouse--eL. just in 'London is jhe RoYal.. Mews. They rnsiY/he hackWard., and want, 'myemeney back, e, understand." ere situateducednebsPalace. . 'Lefe. to 0,0111' deVicesetliel'. It was the Same; ±10111attha. hackof the Palace itself. halt pertioif foree-weuld'he euf- !.The Sughly Aeceraten stranger-- '-"„ethertalent. But a-sniall theta niau.areecls'betight some small article.' and cashed e,; more .thari.a ,strip 'Of. lath for defence his-railWay pay cheque for sP-en el'i.endla 11101010.A long Mie of when living In a neighbathoecl of Victims wero. certain he had a Weeklan reoraY stalls gees :devig each, sicle.ef. . large,toUgh persons armed with elm leg, a collection .of 'gold theth and a the main building, -Which is in the form clubs. Several cities withisi three birthmark. No one remembered lime, ol'a quadrangle. TheMewe 'has new a hours hy swittl,Motorear .were noted ' he was '<Messed, but each and severally "population''''.of, eighty-five; -but before far their toughness. Denizens :thereof ';h tey demanded. to .know- what -tit' — the war leelOaneed one hundred 'and • might ha-ve mixed abiders with their ; differmice it made, When he hal a ii 00 shaving cream. Some eitizeni of these wooden leg, a ...birthmark and gold sixty• The 'fittings are 'of ,polishea, steel. Mid 'adjoining, citice seemed to spend a teeth? An 'examination of same.. of a.il is tn -portion of .theinthnethinking up rude. the .chequeg 'showed , them .to be lair bres, • and eveey anmawory ef Jokes to play on gentle 'Grainville. ilintatects., although. probably printed itS' sur.reundings• Over eaea' stall is a They .ceree tO Grainville's'annual fair: far from ;A 'railway .print shop, and plate bearing, the ,marne el the OCeti- andi.litteeed the fair -.glean& .witWthe figures ,.• duly 'embeseeti- with a 'pant Tliei,e are ere Special horSes foe emptys.purses gleaned from the aake18-`, 'aer,ofek paoof":. Perforation stamp ohm-. the State .cceachee,• the carriage P'alrs, . Who Came there to see. the prize 'P0-1 Bier to 'that .needolln. the railway eorn:, ajes. y s e la/ gees, the Queen'a hind China's and trottin' hoseese and view, ' : . beirsese and tilos e.of the -Royal Prince's' they , ey berceleci' the ledineS of -the merry Original eeperts had not ceased, to - Fos: lastyear the whole- of the villagers who went to the night. Per- come an over•the chief's wire until' the •. fttmlly cat to k555 'Unger thee . . rtb. leav.„ing only° Un- the hotel the fliirgi ef,"seemids" started, 'First from _OMost of the t'arl has consised a horses are prize -Winners ays., and principledeViSitgrS'oame also to gtrOg' "Thaei a'fInepdir 0± bums you sena fthm shows- all,ovey ,the world, Among mixacies and foknid the picleings, fan,. u5 hero Asked a hit of fool questioliO, tlre fentaiis creatures are e"Swinton,".. and they earne.to• &Mr -day Pales, ate/le:after1 told„!gra.abOut.the. guy's' which. His Majesty eides in the_ReW, shop -lifted and , exchanged spurious Woodenleg. and 'gala teeth and every- and eparis," wheelie: hi Onite' ofite. nine. Moneys, .' As a ennetel fele, the trials thing, Wanted More detail." Le ... • - en years,' canatilltrot fromthe par- ' ef the ,Grainville epolice, eforce came Next from Abe,-. the merchaet: •e to Pa.ddingion Station in thieteen .froine outsidea--and ai,.;,:c'ent' back "Is this *hat no taxpayers .Cough u.p , leeineaagaino-henally 'before'. the na- fotr—eueih a „couple bummers , as them 101, . tiyes disapvereth that-,,wowes,, had. in_ dateativese aepesitively,, 'chief, they 501aq a War'v,eteren, belonging to a:vaded-the folct, ..Then the peliceetlorde;.coinea, in my place, y'. endetetancleand .the; priace ,oteWales.;...ana, "Tone", tho , goat ' ef any,. Municipal. Menagerie, they says 'Whal-,..ditl.'elfe ;guy:look, 'lesidee, Of: the. Ito 11 .escort,..ate to, he might expect a freed of 'aleine thcit, afta giVe you My word, .found 111 neigaboring macia it shetlyel. Until all the' 'last- tellg .thera . just ltice 1 tells hes, teem' traiMeda to' trot at so inany s'aason nuniforeis 'Ming almh it like poli that the 'gonit got a vrOoderi leg, eoces'an'tae-secced and a11 Royal terY, the police ieree waa still in dia. you:think them burcernees clone; chief? .ee"aaiona are' tinted by him.. Qaite .differeatt from . all the other , wet blankets on 'a Pieltet..fenne, , yet, and gold teeth end a lcinda dbee• the tirne of the, wooden -leg My's. lavender spot an his lace. And what littile discomfort while she is learning, the results for acme futume husband, or whoever , else depende on the girl's honee'vvifely ability in later -life, and for her own wellebeing,, it .will -be. worth While. She will hesides have 01.101M fr19014 7.9:q If you don't like to USO cold cream learned to manage money, whether for on your face, try milk, Itis far safer herself oe others, as a housewife or than water for a- chapped skin. business woman. Training. such as Diseolorations Cal your neck from this is a ..protection which no 'girl your fur piace,can be remove(1. by rub- should be denied; bing a piece of lemon over the spot. Increasing Demand for Wind ' . .. Seasonable Recaites; . ' Instruments. Salt pork is delicious cooked in this Irefornier years when parents wane, : way: Slice pork rather thin, place.rin ad th give,ehYea: ehiedren SOMB $prt of a. (leen dish, cover' with seer niRil_lcm.ay.de 1.e,ililiatsiilocayi nwdonuciadtioonnlnyi,nsoOtnimsia9sei,oustv,coifi :2.1.1 °fiNvot I tro",. es: aril enni ridiketl ielbee.nlriien_07vIt. eet hour.nluw;it iot iwh. piearph:pi. neig: phtheuht .01lteflute;_,..eFareyei n. a aro loilna:htleernb. a, eteei e,0 nrb.n71 ie. 'egirt,i.ele annoxete:7; , ral-litin.areBaenitgee 'from the Milk, drain, roll:, in cormetal instammonts as tam piano or iie vial -in, cri.SP and brown and serve liet • with `ermliohium, tromboneaetc. All of these baked potatoes, baked apples and cern instruments take an important part in bread.- • '. the musie df to -day and it is therefore Use . left -over beefsteak, or the aiginy gratifying to know that they tough end of it thus: Qat it -in very are being' taken up by the younige'r thliicnessiliellesaaesri°aTlintr 1.'10*tallifr.TIPnial;el'ilah:' everbefere, Thereals scarcelyaa irnall generation to a larger extent than season with salt and pepper, stir.. it i -coMmlini.ty in any part of the country e;eareclaanarrioemervenet entou.ot"cien:.a-li,le lie?, eoex,,8.tanisnzatip,nt. s ne sert of musical Prepare 5PinaCh by this °Id reciPe: Of the instruments emunerated Ceek one-folleh of a Peek of sbin,ach; above, the 'cornet endetrumpet were .wheri,clorie, etr-gin aral 4(ld' 41.e,f eh"' perhaps 'the -most papillae until a fewing ' 'intoasinsat flieCeeust, ±f1?-1;5011r5(liir eiroisfPlIc .Yertella:t%4't: g:DS'inhceen*Jetizl: tatx:e6hPells°b.11:aes °hPaavzee one-half . cupful of vinega-r, and one become the vogue for dancing the tablesPeanfal of c sugar (More if de" saxophone has perhaps become the bacon. Mix andi.txlie;eriattlite tthhee epTainnewieht;littiline, anilii°safeuil),.PPIGILid ;.vind-instrument play- hist:mile/it for the ante a dish aed'-gardsli 'With slices ee ers 'are 'in demand ell over the world hard boiled egg,' .. . to -clay more 'than ever before, because . ' Old-faS'hioned -hard gingerbread re- the love and ap,preciation for music cr atu es in the Mews it Bastito a lAirt.rehti*jeeiVed) Financial. Courtship , Romance of Investments told in Clever Short Story :' CHAPTER I. When -James Allen „died, he left twodaughters a small but pont- '.fortablehome ,arid ,fifty.thopsanci dollars ofOlife' iniurance. He luid , been a quiet, taciturn:, man; ;taking no'onm. not even his own deughters, into Ins coefidence. Not until he wag ;purled and his will was did anyonle have the 'slightest idea af his possessions. He bad held tre position of Clerk of the Conet tor, forty Years, and bad lived coMfort- ably, educated hiedaughters and performedhia duties as a•goed citi- c zen Hie vpte had .60 emu' years ' before MM. It now appeared that he had Adopted early in life the idea ; • of living close to his income, eav- ing enotigh each year to pay his life insurance premiums, and rely- ing on the insurance tatake ease of 1110 family when he should be gene ' --Tether a dangerous, but not nn- ueual, policy. He had never discussed business at home, Etnd his daughters were absolutely ignorant of the fil'Oto .pritlelpleS Of finance. They had re- ceiVed the ustial , COOTMOrl school education, and were now well ad - vaned toward Middle life, Hannah being forty-two and Mary, thirtY- two. ' When'the first shtick of the un- expected 'death Was nveeeeine antl they foand themselves ' theown , wholly upon .their own eeecamces, they -wen ,staggered by the weight of the responeibility. It le true they had a eoinfortable holue and a mod- est -fortune 'bat they were entirely without male kith or kin. There was no man, no near relative, they could go to for advice, and, with the instinctive dread of women of exposing their affaire to outsiders., they hesitated to take anyone into their confide/see. It was the evening following the funeral, and -the two slaters, in their new black gowns, were, seated in i the little lonely, stting-room, eead- ing their father's last will and tos.. tament; which was very brief, and' 1ef1all 115 possessed to thenrjointly: "I never had the slightest idea of how much father had," said Han - nab, staring into space. "Nin. I," said Mary. "We always had enoughea but we lived very. economically; so I stiPpose we cam goe on all right." ' "Yee, but you must remember we don't have father's salary any more.", ' "That's true; I never thought of that. Gan we live ori what he left 2" Arid ah anxious look came over the face of the yoringer wonian. "We must. itasn't as though iv° were young and could go out and teach or -become stenographers. We tire almost too old to begin now, end iteloesn't look, Mary, as though either of us would got married." A fiad little langh followed the word's mid the. qUielc tectre snrang to the gentle eyes of the younger sister. The word "spinster" was indelibly stamped en both their goodhonest, kindly faeee mid they knew the world would paos them by VI fragher and more brilliant once. Foe the continnetion tl is vory.human story, read "A Pinancial Courtship," 'which tolls What happened - to the two sisters and their legal adviser, We will send you ono free, lf you writ° for it, tand mention tho name of this paper, Not Oily yotl, but every adult member of your family will enjoy reading it, and it will help you as well to underStahd heve to choose and buy good investment°, Royal Iinche's. The American artist *Thomas Sully kept. o diary wane he was paintingleis .acarmleg portrait of the young Queen Victoria, robed and crewned. The jewels. and aecessories were painted from the ,aethentiCoartielea, 'arranged upon his, daeghter 131anah, who served as a model; but the queeu accorded the 'artist numerous sittings. She was sometimes, late and, b.eing :very busy Woman, had oecasionally to break an appointment; butashe proved an -ad- mirable sitter, gay, geocl-noeured, and patient. On April 2, 1838, Sully's diary pony -given to the King by an Indian. chief. He is 'so eure-footed that the gieems belleve he could walk a tight- rope) , AN I NSU LT - Monk : Why so grouchy look - Giraffe: The Hippo Brothers want to use me for a mast for their radio set that's whyl The Pririte's.Gentle Heart. , The .story of A visit. made, by the. Prince of .Wales, to liespitel where 36 hopelessly diefigured war yetdrans. are, saanclin,g theladays. was erinted by. the Daily Moil, the other day. After seeing tWentalline ,of the men aitd. ofTeTing them h11.0 conaoleaees the Prineo aeked Where • the ,other seven Were. ' He was ten11.. that, these were so 'chocking:1Y rautilated. that it was, hard, ly desirable for line 0•00 0110m. The Princ,e, however, ltisietod, aml attend - ante accordingly: tholc him into the Ward, etTite. each of the six whom he feund the Prieee chatted cheer- fully, an then aelo)cl allele tem seventh wee. He Was told that 110 OT1,0 , • Oxcept the physicians and Erases wore ' allowed yr see thIS sUfferer, who isy iitIene in still an,other ward. The prince expressed. a clashes to visit him. The member of the hotipltal staff )411.0 related the storY trie.a to diesuado SOS .11,eYal "Higlinese, hut the l'rinco was insistent, mid was thereupon eon, -ducted. into a little ioont walked firmly to the bedside, but turned very railiusjarvis pale When no saw NIG afflicted veteran. < Ow a tow momenta he stood tvitli bow- '.thidb931,0d491 ,Z114100) Oct head, Then ho slowlY stooptNI down .OttEiWa *3300)f 3*, , Montteo eha weeea the ehetteted face. No/Volt Toronto oti r Tho Dor(od of ilotipeot sieep arias trent 8 ami, to 8 tkin< gandireosnetwcupP4f111.1.iii'd4 nofmala.:saePsfumlix°fed with as symphony orchestras, bands, opera sugar, is growing and new organizations such two teaspoonfuls -of baking sod. Stir eompanies, eta, are being for.med all into this mixture two tablespoonfuls rders—but she cibserired, T am inter - "At 9 a Page from the palaae with note from the baroness eo say I am ex- pected at,11. Getthere 01 .19, in tirne to prepare my palette., ,At 1130 -the (Mean eat She had onsthe_erowneHer ladies of honor Were tlitrochicedeand greatly aidedm.e by keeping up it ly conversatiene it was; of advaatage; tee' theaameenecould aside:1,4n- atraint and 'laugh and talk .freely.lilre a happy, inimeent 51r1 . of eighteen. Long may she feel so light of heart. 'Me lap dog of one of .her ladies in waiting attracted much 'of aeir attep.- tn, but the .stupid dog lcneW nothing of'the respect due to a sovereig,n, and comported himselfen st yery independ Gee:- republicanstyle,. althengh the 'queen caressed and even, kiased tia un: worthy head.", On May 15: - __"At 10 I called tieback; and 'rade to the palace with .Blaach, thee.que,en hav- ing arranged that she should sit with the crown Jewels instead et hereelf. The Baroness Lehzen relieved ms and fixed the trappings on Blanch., 'Y'he queen sentto a,sk leave to visit, us— on condition that she •Might,not, terrupt business—but of course .on her entrance Blanch paid ne res.pects. Sim was very' affable, asked many quos - Rena, smiled' at. Blanc -his altearaace when decorated witlf her Jewels anc.1 The Sentunental Sule of 'LordKitchelber: , Dame Nellie Melba, the Ramo 'pb71abdoonuiatLereait alia;1eerimteenlli:aieh gusa's6men ti In ber hfothrio. As everybody Ico:o She is. an Australian; indeed, hers'In 'fossional name Melba 'taken fro the town of Melbourne. She tellp that whenaord arrived tu Australia ele wasso fet and so'malty patties Were given f him that she Telt 11 Vcruld only be w eying hlin to, write. HOwevee, She ,eeivecl a letter: "Don'e.yoei think i unkind Of You .net to send me even little line ef wercome in your own co ery?" Mid the rediat was she di with, him and' the Governor delta and the Governer' of Victoria.' Af 'diner the three men,knelt. Wolfe li "I know that yen want," elle' 00 "bet 1 won't," • iiitcherier drew 1 a.part. "Maamit," he said, "I' hi been au exile for eight years.. yon:not.aing Mgt One versa of nao Swebe Home'?" " Melba eat clown at the piano • when She tad finished:singing t1 was ellence. Kitchener them -came and kissed. her liana. Anil dow11 face two groat tears were role "And," says the prima donna, "if .a body'. tolls me that Kitchener had heart 1 have, my answer readyet • . over. The wind allitrument Mayer, C;inting easinesa, eneteiedeaed leftcthe of lard and two tablespoonfuls of gin'e, theeef'ore, who acquMee proficipney on ' position and si" good income. In syrn- room: itereininded the hare/less that ger, add two-thirds of a. cupful 01 his insteurnenti IS aSsured of a ,,good ectoiltrd watlatttegrh.b.4ndpieintohuing,h.ciluottitrn.tteo Phony orchestras the first wind bistro.- sl.shlree.IPnrecnnitsis:fatet,oe.eigeiveen,tshdesnegxtrtanndleaas. look ' for 43 ni 1 0, i 1 ,. ei. ,0 as good wco wind Pleeols a° ceihe (mesa says, 'if you show this, mo the tape nueasering her lteight: lines with the back of a' knife. Place thethighest salaries,. EVerYcenducter i'sranget,ey, em... see. said, on geeing and crease each 'square' iir " 11 1 a remenibrance Her, Majesty's auto - Para -e- 'rnenteplayers in each section command era_e. - in'the werld is cOnstantly on the out- p , the 'Which,' was presently in greased tins -and bake in. a modeeate eggs:Mix matte . what particular instrument it halfa teeepoonful, each of ginger, gins: Might' be, and as a .consequeace the America, Indian padding without namon and .salt with` one cupful 0; standard is becoming 'higher and high.: measurement when you return. to 1 they will says 'What a little queen the Englieh liceieel cornmeal and half a CIVf11,1 OJ. and also more lucrative to the per - asses, put into a ,satteepan, add a pint former. Tea music of to -day makes of scalding hot milk, set on the stove more demands, upon the player than and the music of a generation ago and and stiraintil thoroughly scalded therefore Players must net root' con - bubbling, then add another pint of milk. Stir Woll, Pine Mto a hutteeed tent ,after they have acquired: a car - baking dish anti .bake for two hours tam iscsition and standing in the -mug, occasum profeesioh. in. a moderate oven, s alliy. Two juicy apples pared and chewed: and added' the last hear im- An open Mouth. •proies the fleece'. Serve with cream. The new hous,emaid had a bad habit - Baked 'apples- with raisins will of standing with her mouth agape, and her mistress, dithi t like It. "Mary," she said sharply one da.y'a,t dinner, "your mouth is open again." "Yes<surn," Mary explainod, "I open - ,please the children, For ave apples, mix five tal,despoonfole of brown sugar, one-half (metal of raisins and one-eighth of a teaspoonful of china- liV011. Pare the' skin from the upper half .of the apples, remove the 00005 and plaee apples in a baking dish. Mix sugar cinnamon, anti ',mains, fill the Sugachas been made at Liverpool apples with this mixture and pour Urciversity by lamina of the action of water hcrouncl 'them to a depth of light 'on .carbenic acid. -^ _V ()MU" ' 741; CifASsII3 - LEFT BOY ri.L e•gp,Ak. YE 114 The strip of red tape is still pee - Served., rolled up onthe earae bit of paper as when, it was, handed to Thomas SuIlY in Buckiegliam Palace. The "little (moon" measured exactly . five feet, One ane ene quarter inehee'. Not a majestic height, 11 18 true; but 'then she Waci every inch a queen— even every quarteniachi Russian,,Proirerbs. FrhhL OUT NOT PAID • PCoti You'll accept thee poem for publIcatforrwithout pay? What lack of,appreoiatIonl bonit y.ou hnoW'p.cats,"ars born-_--- • • Editor: . But not pald—in tbolo office. . Women Can Dye Oki ,Fade0 Things New • in Diamond Dy Each package ot .Dlanioaci Dec, contai 'directions so simple al woman can clye or in 1 N o shabby c oes, slchts, a mete, co stockings, sweaters, coverings, d peries, hangings, everything, even she has' never dyed beam°. "DIM -amid. Dyes"- -.no otter kind --ti perfect Lorne dyeing is suee beca Dial/rend Dyes aro gliarantemi nol spot,' faae, streak, or run. Tell y druggist whether the material ?.1 vilsh to dye is wool or silk; or whet Itis 'linen, cotton or mixed gtecls, , King George's -Crown weighs 80 The Ar'etic Ocean is. said to be ting.warmee, the result that bergs eve getting mean:0 and haeri iii;olelhubietticlivne:siciaaegneidoirn2th,9,e7oiscill svo-h the Panama Canal in the calendar 1922, eistabliehed a new high roc, In 1921 the boot previous year, 21 vessol,:s used tho Waterway. The t collectod in 1922 aggregated 512,61 407, so that for the first time sinco opening of the ,canal the monthly ctrage eneoaded 51,000,000, "Agood deg 'never bariM at tlio 'W9';tcliheer,r.e. there is unhapPlu%:eas 'there is ao envY," ^ "Even crciohed Wood burns, straightI" "Itis beater to turn back than lose °nag waY." 'What the young ones, beg for the gro.wneup throne awaY,” "Net ail those Who have long knives are coo..ita." "Buy not the house, buy tae neigh - "if -you are' net caught, you are no thief." "A good roputatloa ' sits still, a bad one aims, about." • "To teach a fecil is- like curing the ''("iet'Icl" iit man knew where he would fall, lie would ,spread a carpet first." ' "'The husband's sin rentrtins on the threshold' — the traitors the AT THE sEttlAKING POINT, —Prom tho Pettis -on Call, "111 300 tiolcio yours° yoll 0111 langb when you like," "The bear dances and thd gipsy takes the monoy," "It you have baa eaccueli of your friend, great him a loam" A.-Pigtail:Idea of Insitranoe. Even life insurance s,ars the, Wind- stii, Magazine, to hithieroua A Chinamau whose brother was se, misty Ill tvroto to the insuranats con9, puny: '1,ty brother, be ball dead, ite Ithee halt the money," The use 'et the Word "Hello" as a greeting' comas from 1110 old hunting er'y IITA11,0O!" or tild "VIC-W-11t4110049 given when the ie-Inies le in sight'Pho origin of the, word is in tile Proneh phrase "All kelp" (pronteeneed oh -leo), meanieg "to the wolf," or simply "the wolf." 11411 we yo stioinada a rrow$141€0 "the Iffil 0I,'€C0" In bench' form RO the teeth and k 'them ltooitioy.