The Clinton News Record, 1923-2-15, Page 189 -43rd Year No CLINTON, 01'4'r:do, , TffURS :I?1 ,Y, tJ 16 THE TIME TO JOIN GARY 044;1923 dale of �laina or !Next en vp 2$% OFF ALL FANCY PIECES. OF CHINA THREE DINNER SETS At the special price of 342,50 Don't Miss This Exceptional Opportunity of GettAng a Good Set 97 pieces to the set -o: SPECIAL PRICES ON ALMOST ALL LINES , -CALL AND SEE AND, LEARN jeweler and -Optician �l r 0 Phone 174w Residence 1743 1 THE EDUCATION OF YOUR CHILDREN Have you the mo f iey with `! which to do it? Starta.ve while they areyoung—let them, Sta ttos continence life knowing you are at the back of them. Savings .Accounts are a "specialty with. HE ROYAL RANK FGA ADA R: E. MANNING` CLINTON ° BRANCH. MANAGER. Iiiihen need •1' ed o p_ °tinterCheck Books Call on r o ���d The Clinton arscrameammereirima 15 and Take cur an the Store While we .:have large Ts, r acs still business inOvercoats, es en about twenty-five, 32 lines, ranging in sizes from t (�, to �./: • �s It is� not goodbusiness o buy - our Y part to.carry broken lines un- til tLl another seamsSo they' an. must ` go. It willpay ou to invest for' next winter 0411 a, CLNTON MARKETS. Wheat, 1:1.10. Buckwheat.' 75c. Barley, 55e. s Oats, 40e.t' Butter, 35c to 37c. Eggs, 38c to 39c,, Live Hogs, $10.25. HOCKEY TO-NIGHIT. Kitchener's Junior ,hockey team was on the belated' train yesterday evening, coining up to, play the fir: of the home and :home games with the local teach. They had missed con- nection at -Stratford and had to wait for the late train. Our boys were in readiness for the fray but the ev-: ening wore away and no sign of the stormbound train. Word was re- ceived from ISitchener that the boys wore on the way ' and would play when they got here so a team was kept in readiness to meet them until after midnight. .They did not arrive until an hour later, or well into a new day, so they went to bed and the game will take place this "even- ing. AN ALL-STAR GAME. dVIr. and Mrs. H. E. Rorke, whose son,' Kenneth, is the brilliant- centre in Clinton's ' famous junior hockey team, entertained the memfbers of the team and management to dinner 'on Thursday evening last. The tabie was decorated in green and white, the -colors of iihe team, the :place cards were decorated with hock - e r signs and a miniature goal was formed at either end of the table, Where the goal -keepers sat: The 'din- ner, which eonsisted of all the good things that male ,persons, whether hockey players or • not, most like, was eaten in "periods" instead of courses: There were three "periods" and some "overtime" and not only every player but even.the manage-, anent arightbe described as "stars" in this game. It was a inost success- ful•little dinner and' the hockey boys very much appreciated the hospitality of , lar. and Mrs. Rorke. FUNERAL ,01r D. ECKMIER, The funeral of, the late Daniel Eck- mier took place on' Friday last from his late residence on Queen, street. Mr. Lcl-rnier passed . away on Wed- nesday after but a few days' hitless. He was out tochurch on Sunday morning previously but was seized with a,,.chill-the sante• afternoon. On - Monday he was' nuich worse and rap- idly sank, in'spite of all that could' be done for him. Mr. Eckmier had been a resident of Clinton for about twenty years and was -held in esteem by those who knew hint (best. He was a quiet, in - d ustrious egcod citizen: He was horn in Fullerton township but had faltped in the vicinity. of Ethel for a .number of, ,years .before coming here. He. was twice married, eight months ,He, to ,Mrs. Annie Elliott of Mitchell, who: survives him, He is also sur- vived by seven ibrothers_.and three sisters: George, Chri=stian, August and. William in the vicinity of Ethel; Louis ,at Jamestown, Andrew of Stratford, James ill the United States and Mrs. Menzies and'Mrs. Huntsell of Etheland Mrs. Lynn of Fotdwich. The Rev. D. N. 112oCamus, 'pastor. of Wesley church, to which deceased belonged, conducted the funeral ser- vices and thepallibearers wei,•e: G, C., L. and A. Daimler, Mr. Menizes and. Me. W. Elliott. Messrs, G., C, L., August and And- rew Eclanier, Mr. and Mrs.; Menzies and son and 'two nephews and Mr. and Mrs. Elliott and Mr's. Chapman of Mitchell wei)e here for the funeral. ltluch sympathy is felt. for Mrs. Eclemier in her sudden and-unexpect- ed'bereavernent... LITTLE LOCALS. e Mayor Cooper has been confined to the ,house a few days this. week, The Gi,i.4s'.iClub Valentine supper in VPillis clrruch has, been postponed un- til.a future ,date; Several Clinton citizens went to Ingersoll on Friday evening to see the "Colts" canter off with the "round." Mr. Harold Biggins, who has been engaged with the Dominion, Store people for some time past, has lbeen. transferred to the Kincardine branch. The deciding game for the Inter- collegiate hockey district will be played in Clinton between Seaforth and Clinton teams on. Saturday af- ternoon. Po9tmaster Scott, was amongthe Many who fell vicitms' to the grippe, or soinething, during the past week, He spent several days confined to: the house. e Mrs. Rumball and several mem- bers 'of the Bell stafff''were "off" dur- ing the past week. ' A couple of Stratford "'Hello" girls had to came up to relieve. The Senior C. G.I'I T; had a skat- ing party on Tuesday, which was very well,patronized and which proved to be quite a Dleaeant affair, The young ladies sertted lunch dur- ing the evening. "Mrs, Root. Armstrong of Huron treet, who has been seriously ill for the past few weeps is now, we arc, glad to to orifi, its; ravine', ITee p p many friends with her a speedy and complete recovery. The Clinton hockey boys are in t ted to einem:). often the game at Kitchener on Friday evening to the Mrs. home f r. an iq.r.. W. (seats of m o Mr. d Gould that_ city. M's'. Gold is e former Clinton boy, son of Mr, and Mrs, II, W. Gould, e0 [ ,; t a itis rpt ; 50[IET'Y ANO .HELP DEALITIFY �+uf HAD BAILING SALE. u The Junior Red fOross in the Pub - lie school =had a baking sale in the office of the District .Representatiye on Saturday afternoon) t comm=ittee of the young people in,Miss Draper's roost taking charge of the sale of nice homemade goodies, candy, etc. The sale netted the Juniors $11.38. YOUNG SINGER OF. PROMISE. Mise Fera"ol Higgins: assisted Prof.. Anderton at a Sunday evening recital in St. George's church Goderich ori Sunday evening week'and-The Star, comenrnting upon it said: "Miss Hig- gins is a young soloist who gives.; promise of great'things. Her tones are good and the ease ;with which she takes her high notes is remarkable." I. O. O. F. OFFICERS. D. D. 0, M. Harburn and. Bro. Smith of ,Seaforth came up on Tues- day evening and,: assisted by Bros. -Mitchell, Hall and Johnsen' of Clin- ton, installed the following list of officers in the local lodge: Jr. P. G., George Tomlin. Noble., : Grand, W. Match. Vice Grand, E. L. Mitten.':: Ree. -Secretary, `II. W. Gould. "' Trcaeurer, H. B. Chant. Fin. -Secretary, J. Wiseman. Warden, E. Graelis. ' , Conductor, T. H. Hardy, R. S. N. G., T. H. Managitan. L. S. N G., C. -Draper fR S. V. G., G. E. Hall. L. S. V. G., J, Zaphe. R. S.: S., J. Sterling. L. S. "S., J. Livermere I. G:, A. McIntyre. 'O. G., J. II. Kerr. At the conclusion of the business refreshments were served' and a so _cial half :hour spent by the members SOME VENERABLE.. CITIZENS. .Mrs.'Sloman, sr, one of -Clinton's. oldest residents, ,icelebrates her eighty-ninth birthday next. Wednes day. She is smart and' spry and can tf�ip about, the house as lightly as -a girl. Former Chief ,Wheatley and Mr. William,Cantelon, ` two well-known 'citizens, elebrated their natal day yesterday, St. Valentine'e Day. They are "getting on" too, this being the latter'' -s eighty-fourth. IIe has -,been confined to his room' since the cold weather set in+buthis friends hope he will ' bo able to ,get rout' on. the ,lawn again when summer comites. Mr. George Stanbury is another citizen who recently' celebrated a birthday, having passed his eighty- first on Jan. 8th. Few people sus pect,hini of it but he assures us that that was his age. .Seldom does a :dapass without seeing`i y hien down town and looking just about as he has looked for many e long day, A DAUGHTER TIES. The Gooding, ,Idaho, Leader of Feb. lst., contained the following reference to 'the death of .the • daugh- ter of:f,,ormer residents of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Brownlee will be re- membered by many here, Mrs. Brownlee was formerly Miss Perrin,' and their old friends will sympathize' with them in the loss of their dough- tor: "Mr. ,aid Mrs. We H. Brownlee were called upon the past : week to ,sours the death oftheir daughter, Mrs: J. H. Jenkins of Pocatello. Fol- lowing an illness of about a month's'. duration "Mrs: Jenkins passed away aG"St. Anthony's hospital hi Pocatello Friday., " Mr. ' and Mrs. Brownlee were in Pocatello the week previous to see their daughters returning hone Sunday a week ago, leaving ,her somewhat improved; • Ethel Jenkins was born in Clin- ton, Ontario, .in 1890, and is survived by her bereaved husband 'and par- ents, one sister', Mrs. Davis residing .in Illinois, and one brother, D, J, Brownlee, of this city. Funeral services were hold .Sun- day at Pocatello and the .burial took place in a cemetery at, Burley." A; LONG PASTORATE. The following little clipping from The Morden (Man.) Times will be read with interest by many, espec- ially, in Goderieh . township, the Rey. Dr. Mark Rumball being an old God- eri'clt township boy. Dr, Rumball has filled the longest pastorate west of the Great' Lakes and it' would. no doubt be 'quite ,proper to refer- to WM. as Ali "Old Tither." He makes a trip 4ast quite" fgoquently, ' sr - though never remaining very long; at a time, 'Ile Is a brother of Mrs. J. A. Ford 'and Miss Georgina Rum Ball of town: "An anniversary unique intim 'west was commemorated last night at Morden when the ladies 'of Knox Preebyterian church 'observed the thirtieth aniversary ofthe pastorate of their minister Dr, liuniball. The celebration took . the'. doxen of a:social: gathering in Alexander hall, a, which all the members of the congregation were present. A most enjoyable program 'of music, indoor eports and refreshments, had ,teen prepau'ed. A pleasing feature of the evening was the presentation by the ladies' of the congregation of an address and purse. The address expressed in yeiy appropriate ilanguage the high. asteotii and deep affection in which Dr, anis. Mrs.' Raunballare held by the entire + ongr egatioal. I)r. ".B:tiinihall come west in 1888, M r Ilam Bluff. sic cartte settling fleet Itt h � 1 ,. ctt l th Morden ' ie 11192, anti sine() than has giver') 'unistintiitglyof his ser - niece, not: ,Only it ide capacity et 0itn0tG' 'bit also tie n citizen of blit. 'heat, His intetests have at all tiituis been large, and ver'ied." LOST LITTLE SON, Kenneth William, the little son and only' child of Rev. W. B. and Mi.'s. Moulton of Huntingford, formerly; of Clinton, died in Woodstock hospital on Monday afterthree weeks' illness. The little chap was about a year and, a half old friends of the Rev.' W. T3. and Mrs. Moulton, in Clinton and vicinity: will sympathize with them in the loss of .their child. AMONG THE CHURCHES. Baptist Church' ' Rev. J. B. MoCorn'ick'of Ailsa Craig will preach in this church on Sunday. Willis Church The regular' monthly meeting- of the Mission Band will -be held on. Monday' evening at seven o'clock in the lecture room. Wesley Church The Rev. 0:: I. Moorebouse ;oE Kerweed is announced to preach on Sunday, morning and evening. Class meeting at 10.15 amt. All other ser-, vices as usual. Every person welcome. THE 12th IN CLINTON. The Huron; County Orangemen held their annual meeting at Exeter last week, County Master W J. Fal- coner, presiding. The attendance, was good and the reports front the various officers- were encouraging. .It was'deeided'to hold the 12th of July celebration in Clinton this year. The following officers were elected: p. N., W. J. Falconer, Clinton. +Deputy, W. JDavis, Exeter. Chaplain, Rev. A. A. Tramper Ex- eter,' Secretary, D. L. Stephenson, Clin- ton. +Finacial-Secretary, Adam Cante- lon, .Clinton. D. of C., W. Grieve, Hensel' Lecurers, H,` M. Hanley, G. L. Falconer, Clinton. FUNERAL OF MRS.. BURTON.:. The funeral of the late 'Mrs. John S. Burton took place from her late residence, King' :street,' on Thursday afternoon last, the services being taken by theiRev. C. L. Bilkey. The pallbearers were Messrs. R. J. Miller, C. Baker, H. Steep, J. -Farquhar, R. E. Coiclough and G. II. Elliott. In- terment was Made in Clinton cemeo, tory- Amongst those from a. distanee' alio were here for the funeral were Mrs. J. Colclough and Miss Olga of Blyth. and Mrs. 0. Miller and little, daughter Goderich. 1VIr. Bu�ton wishes to express his thanks to the many who so kindly extended Sympathy and assistance in his recent sudden bereavement and also to those who sent flowers. The staff of the Doherty Co., Guild and W.. A. of St. Paul's ,church, and oth- ers showed ;their sympathy in this Way. SHORT COURSE, NEWTS. This week Mr. Cline, BS.A., oof the Chemistry Dept. of the O.A:C. is giving a course' of lectures in chem- istry and ferdilizens. Mr, Smith of Brampton, a Provin- cial Creamery Inspector, is giving a course of lectures on Dairying, deal- ing particularly -with such subjects as milk testing, keeping of records, etc, . ,. < On Monday Mrs. Edwards of Ka - melee, Provincial President of Wom- en's Institutes, spent the afternoon with the girls' class, Ore Tuesday Miss Chapman of To- ronto, Provincial Secretary of Wain - en's Institutes, took up some special phases of women's work. Miss Chap., man leas Written some books among which . is "God's Green 'Country," a work dealing' with conditions in Rural Ontario. This -hook, which is but shortly off the press, is well written and mattes extremely inter- esting reading, Next week Mr. Galbraith, B.S.A.; of Ilornby, will lecture on Economics, Entomology and Botany. HURON CO. BLACK CHAPTER.: Huron and Perth decided at .,lie last meeting of the Royal -Black Chapter, held 'in Clinton, that daelt county would, henceforth haveits own chapter, Huron County Chap- ter was organized, electing the' fol- lowing' officers: Preceptor, D. L. Stephenson, Clin- ton. Deputy, 3, W. Dodd, Winghanm. (Chaplain, H. Mew, Goderich. Registrar, 11..IVf, Hanley, Clinton. Treasurer, B. Rathwell, Clinton, Lecturers, S. MpMaiow ', Bayfield, W. J. Falconer, Clinton, Censors, J. I. Ranson, Clinton; D. C. Galbraith, Bayfield. Standard ' rBearors, R. Brownlee, Goderich; .W. McKee, Goderich. Pursudvants, W. J. McLeod, Buy-• field; G. N. Evan's, Clinton. Committee, E. -Mole, Seaforbh; R. Fisher, Clinton; D. 3.-Canteion, God - (midi; W. Kenny, Seaforth; D. 1. Boyd, Walton; S. Guest, Winghain; J. E. Cook, Clinton, Perth Comity -Chapter' electees 8. Ireland of Stratford as preceptor and will meet on Saturday in St, IVlary't to elect the ether officers. ' Interesting addreesee on the week - of tiro order wore given by Me. Ireland and W'. Graham -Stratford, E. Mole, Seaforth and JI W. Dodds, Winghttn, .The Charnel; eer extended its s abtiv pSSC county "entieter W Arrtitag6 who wee tumble, ; to illness to ,be present. 'tiOlogates Wine present Trott 5b ntford Liman' tilt. 1 r , NifaYy's, i,VitFhaan, "G list=en, SeSTerl1, (codtrich llayfitald, Ilcnsnll, Velma 0rril Clinton. 'file' Clinton Coifs Piny Brilliant Hockey at Ingersoll on Friday . Win, 4-2 Cale ---8-7` on Round ---Second Round a See the Kitchener -Clinton Game Tonight "Everyday,- and everyway" the Clinton Colts aro pacing faster and faster. Playing at the,top of their form they led Ingersoll to the,wire on Fedday night, by a 4-2 : score in ,one of the: most exiting contests this se,a- sen. It' was .thrilling hockey from beginning to endand the green and white tied the score , on the "round when Elliott made a sensational rush, passed to Roberton and scored' the first counter. The Orange and Black scored in the beginning of the second ,period, tying the score of the gamic, ,Then the Elliott and Bowden combin- ation put the green and white up two goals, giving a one goal lead on :the round. Ingersoll tied/again and a counter' of Elliott in the'' third period gave the champions a goal lead, which they had little difficulty in holding It was a great game to win and a hard game to lose.. The Colts had the ,best of the play 'throughout the fame but the goal keeper there, as here, was the stumbling block they had to work around.- The green and white adopted egressive tactics from the start and struck,ea speed which the, Orange and Black 'kept up fur a time but were unable to maintain in the second period and; becoming leg - weary in the -third,; played more or less a defensive gaone. Fred Elliott played on defence ' until the boys caught their stride.' Hovey took his place on defence and let him go for- ward. There he led in many attacks and threw his .throttle. open widefor the rest of the evening. He 'made the locals' look foolish when in the second period with two of ou.r for-. yiards in the box •,jte checked his MARRIED IN SEA:FORTH. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Methodist parsonage, Seaforth, on Wednesday' of last week when Rev. R. Fulton Irwin aster of the Moth o tv p odist chureli, united in 'mart iage'Mies Alva, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Grimtrklby of Seaforth, and Mr. Elmer 0. Reid of Stratford. Mrs: L. Rath of town, aunt of the bride, was a guest at the wedding. • THE STORM. It is some years, since trains were so held up from storm as happens this week. The trains all day yester-, day ran late: but they ran through, with the exception of the evening train from Strhtford which, arrived here 'about one o'clock this morning, three hours late, and at time of wrrt,- ing, nearly noon, is still somewhere between here and Goderich. The morning trains front the west and north were cancelled, also that from London going north but the. eleven o'clock from Stratford is expected. REPORT OF LIBRARY. The yearly report of the Clinton Public Library has just been com- pleted. from which we glean the - following .simple but significant facts: During 1922 322 new adult books and 224'childrens' books were added, making a total 'of 3,561 books now on the shelves. During the year there were 770 borrowers. 146 new names 'being registered. 20,061 ,books were issued during the year. Just for. .the month of January, 1923, 1,989 books wei.'e . issued and, showing that the library is groWinp in interest, 22, new borrowers were added. Receipts during the month, from the sale of tickets, nMagazines' and from fines, amounted to $18.99. ' PLAYED SUPERIOR HOCKEY. , Tho Godericir ,Signal lest week thus comments upon the : game, which the Clinton Colts won on Goderich ice, winning the group: "Clinton's fast juniorhockey team casae to Goderich on Wednesday night of last week and by playing a super- ior brand of hockey defeated the locals 5-2, thereby winning the group with St. VIaiy's running second, As was to be expected, thepante did not approach in any way that 'great twenty -minute overtime ba=ttle, which ` Clintoh'ivon lit Goderich on January 22nd by the score of 6-5, The Red and White wore clearly, out- classed on Wednesday night and it is only dtte Clinton to admit that 'as thebetter team, they deserved their victory and .the group. Tho Green and White present a very nifty line- up of clean players, and accordingly they carry with titenr the hest wishes of the Goderich fans in all their semi- final 0.,I1, A. gables this year, The Clinton Ladies Hospital Aux- iliairy tock hold of the Junior• team some time ago, and conSequcntly the financial end ceased to worry the Clinton executive. The good show- ing made by the toast when com- bined with faithful work of the lad. les in selling the mest,eboercls suc- eeccled itt awakening the town to re tla:cai.ion of the tact drat they grad r ibeekey teem of which then mighthl well he proud, Thee it was ,than an tads of the two decametre on which. Clinton viehed Goderieh this they reeeivod tcr the voeifereu.' support of between 150 Med 250 fete froth 'their ;boric te}t'7S" three opponents with the 'agility of a ,jack rabbit and seizing the puck. car ries it into the enemies' territory un tit ,his ':playanttes 'returned. T7i game wee the cleanest ever witnesseth this winter. The least'.attempt to kick the 'puck or stumble. from •,a check would,.incui• ,penalty. .Over a thousand fans cheered the team theyto e out1 5 as s pp d on the lee. The Colts out to win the litnburg cheese and the locals out to hold `down the one -goal lead they had gained :from the snappy team that had beaten St. Mary's. They were the little tin gods in the eyes of the Ingersoll fans and had received -an royal welcoene on their return from Clinton. Both teams out to play their (best brand of clean hockey. The first session' was as .fast as lightning, the visitors having the advantage of the play and long shots seemed to be in order but both net minders were in tip top form and no goals were scored until Elliott made one of his 'admirable rushes, passed to Rohm - ton, who bulged the twine from a' position just in front ofthe nets.' This tied the score on the round and the few, but loyal, 'supporters of the visitors made themselves, heard in the large arena. Hutt started out a, number of tines bait. that , greased lightning star, who scored 'four of'. their, goals at Clinton, looked like. "Spark Plug," for he was ghecked tri l a standstill_ Clinton broke away ,a puniber of . times,. getting a shot on goal but Nee warded them' off just as fast as they,ca:me in and so it wont througihout the torrid battle, "first one team and then the other,, having- the Iadvantage and each looking like ul- timate winners. Thus the period end- ed 1-0 nd-ed''1.0 for' 01iirton. The Ingersoll 'boys 'casae` out this time 'determined to gain a lead 'over the visitors.. but the' visitors were just as determined' tee .honor their home. town. They thought of the many anxious minds at' home and.the loyal support the, ',town had,'gavor ` them on other occasions -and would' give them if it were possible that night. They would do -thein best. Manager Elliott kept , the -forward, line fresh a's a daisy, subbing the center and left wing. all night, while never -tiring Freddy'; carried on the right wing without evert. a rest in the penalty box. The play opened with the orange: and 'black :rush on 'Clinton goal -and' Elliott was' called upon at ; once to defend his citadel, -George was "axght en"- and turned off a -number of. shots that looked dangerous. Freddy engineered many : attacks on ,the locals defence: but Dame Fortune' turned her Tread the other way and, no encouragement was given to the Bowden and,Eliiott "coin". Noe was as busy as a .puppy dog with fleas for sleets came in like hail en a' tin roof but he turned them all off. The locals realizing this wee getting ser- ious', made a rush on the Clinton goal. George turned off the shot but from a scramble before the goal, they hooked the rubber. in. The rafters shook with cheers which ..did not cease until Bowden and Elliott -sped dawn the ice with a fine "cora", El- liott shot. Noe stopped it and. Haw- den, quick as lightning greased on four sides, shot up and hooked in the rebound, It was a pretty play and 'could not but gain admiration' from the Ingersoll fans.; We had the round tied again aril the visitors knew where' the net was. Everyone was spell bound. Which way would the break go? Could the goal ,keeper, save the gene for them? lieberton was pinched' for spilling Monroe. At the fabo off Bawclen was penalized for accidentally kicking the puck. The situation looked had, Freddy was. left alone on the fo'rward•eline. Could Ingersoll take advantage ,of oar'. shortage •of mg„ .and' score`!' Freddy left no doubt.: anyone's mind, He sped after that puck "like a eat chas- ing a nice, fat, well-groomed mouse, checked .the three forward inert as they passed it, gained possession `03 the puck and started on one :of his famous cork-serew mashes, but WAS side-tracked ittto the corker and there` managed to ,hold the, puck in cheep, long enough for his pals to return tom' their position. It was a pretty'.'piece. of Bead work ,and done so quickly that the Orange ad Black were aempl j dazed. Clinton pressed hard and had the locals leg -weary and in the ,ly- ing moments of the ported Elliott Made a rush, detoured to left wing and back and then' dhecked to a' standstill but his hands Were gree .se ho batted the puck whi'lr bit ilhe twine in the'krpper right, The goaly was not expecting 0 shat at this time and stood leisurely at, ere left of the net waiting for the neat move. This gave Clinton a two -goal lead on the night. Jn:st enough, if they could ,hold it, The bell rang and the players rushed in fo=r their ten minute rest and refreshing rub dawn: They eetni retuned to finish their irr+ueliing struggle. ',Cho Colts. showed •a fast aggregation of players well trained find in wed [oid i ioi. Rorke and liolrertott bade ehocited like fiends, while Ilovev and N di er held down that defence tight, Denedcn and k }