The Clinton News Record, 1923-2-1, Page 6The Pen SIJ" S c h o o j, C 0" .�' ads LS 14 150L,11' 'Veer!' I.. The New , "Pocket Self -Filter" This little lever has been added to theWorlde .. Siandafd'Pen tohelp you to retch the pen. Simply raise and lower ttte,leyer,,, with point in inkand it, refills almost instantly. Com encinF e '. st log" the; balance o manly bargains . wi tch will not last long. •oors 50c each. orange sale regular 80c for 60c This is mar.aladeMont. do not miss them, also large grap0 fruit at '10c each the month. There are,, $OLI'BY FAIR CO. Often the Cheapest -- Always"the Best. !EI S.PEC!A.L15 anned Goods, Corn, . Peas and`.. Tomatoes at 1Sc and 1�� Bargain Baskets in assorted lots " choice. 10c:: rrratents-Coxpe for :10� ": ,:Frosh'Ilerrini 10C: +t Plum Puddings 10e . Baking,Powdexs ', , lQc • :Lemonade . , , . , 10c, ' .'` Quaker. Corn Flalces 10c, - Chocolates ,,. I0c: Rice, in, Milk .. , 1Oc . 'Pancako''l lour We do�.not guarantee ,these goods; but as • far as we know they at.e,;i4;,,perfect condition—No--Exchange. A. L. Cole,,, Eye' Sight Specialist, an Honour Graduate o3 the Canad- ian Ophthalmic' College of Toronto: Goderich, Ont, Office hours: 9, a.m. to 0`p.m. Practice limited to the eye, rl I Lemon soap reduced to Coffee Perculator And 5 lbs. Best Coffee O'Neil's Good Coffee, Der lb: , Black, Tea, 2 lbs Sreci l for 6c Plain Puddings in bow's"'for'- are'lworth..15c and 206' Breakfast food. 4 lbs Rolled Oats,.,6 lbs:' , Corn Meal, 6 lbs. Marsh Mallow cakes 25c : 25c\ 25c 25c c -- All brands 10 bars' 72c $1,OQ 38c $1.05• .: Shelled Almonds, per ib . Shelled Walnuts . 3 Ib, Pail Lard 3 lb', nail shortening Minute Tapioca, 2 lbs .. , ... • • 60e 50c 25e Fresh Fish... Fresh Herring, per dozen_ Fresh halibut, per lb. :: 'Fresh- Salinon, per Ib r_ 'Finnan Haddie, per 1b. 20c - Magic Baking Powder ... . Our Own Baking Powder ;Sardines, 4 tins . , Ginger Snaps, per 15 • .35c 23c 25e 150 amain in a m till11tft 11, i 4114'. '.r Uma.t' lktll. M. and ..Mrs. Russell° McCaig have gene. to Guelph, s Miss -Martha Taylo's of Goderich was , in town on ;Saturday. Mr. W. S: Downs spent .a.few daysi in Toronto, last weeks! Mrs McEwen "of . Bayfield has been visiting Mrs. J. A.,Ford. Mr. E. J. Gibbings made a business trip to Toronto. Last :week. Mr. Gordon of the G.T.R. passenger Service, was in town last week. Reeve 'Amos T"jhia s is,1n-t6 w on Friday .last on his way from-God- erich Missflllis.of the Collegiate staff was w£ her home in Listowel. over the rweek-end. Miss.` Cowan of "Blyth was the guest during the past ,week of Miss Ida Walkinshaw. . Mrs.. „L. 'Annis of "Port Union is vis- iting Mrs. 'Sorlthcotn'be and,'Miss Washington.. • Mr. 'and Mrs. 'Sims -and son of. St. Mary's were the we$k-end' guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Dew" Mr. Harry. Bartliff left on Friday for Vancouver„ ; B.C., after spending ' soole weeks with. his family in Mrs. Wm: Young and daughter";,of. Goderich were in:town on Monday attending the funeral' of the late Mrs. Cooper. Mr: Peaoock,:was in London on.Thurs, • day last,; going down to visit his brother, who -.is ,,undergoing -.treat- ment for his eyes Mrs: Abner .Cose.of Wiiighain" ns was ,in -.town On Monday, coming• down to .attend- the -funeral ,of ;the ;late Mrs.. W. Cooper.,, 32145 Jennie Taylor' of L'ond'on wa's a visitor in Clinton for a few days . last. weeks, She was the' gtest',of Mrs. T.' 3. Watt while in town; Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Cook left yester- day. alorning,.for California, where they. willspend a month or 50 with their daughter, Mrs. Howson. The Re'v.,J. E. Fold, of Goderich, a Cornier pastor and family friend,. took 'part,;in` the services at ;the ;funeral of the late Mrs. Cooper on Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Clark of' Strat- . lford;'have .been in town during. the past week, owing to the, serious 111. ness of the , former's brother-in- law, Mr, Thos. Fowler. Mr. Newton :Davies lefty- this' morn- ing to spend, 4 ,few days in . De- troit. - He will visit relatives and also take' tn!` a trade convention now. in session there, Mr.' W. T. Hawkins accompanied his mother, who' had been visiting, him for # feW weeks, 'to -her home in 'Hamilton last' weeks and spent a day or so in -the Atiibitious City. Messrs. Wm. and Israel Taylor of !London visited the old town' on Monday. They came to pay the last tribute of respect to the .mern- ory of an old friend; the late Mrs, Cooper. " Lt. -Col. J. A. -and Mrs. Cooper and Son, Ma. Norman, Cooper, and Mr, Willie Cooper came .up from To. ronto Saturday to be :present for `the funeral of the ,fornmer's troth- , er, which took place on Monday, Inspector T. It. Shepherd of the 'ROY-. el /lank, who anent a' week with !hit mother, Mrs. ,Ianito Shepherd' of TTownshsr,d street, left Monillty for Tr,ronto . where he united hts brother,ioi- e, day or. to, before'. to. turning to Winnipeg, Miss. Lilian .Green, a' member of the Advance staff, who had been home nursing a hand, which she bad wounded in a machine recently, Tee turned to W$nghan'i on Saturday to resume her duties. Her moth- erreturned with her 'and spent a few day:; in Winghatn.: McT,eve,n and Mrs. It 'flensnll visited the f6tt 1Cta. a th C, Girui dash & ,,Carrg'; 2 DeLiver"ieS Phone 48 Loa desboro' Mrs 11 Shaddick •and family .spent Saturday with relatives in Holmes- ,villo, Mrs Jelin Harvey spent a few days of" "tile past week •with her daughter, Mrs; ,W. Lovett. Mrs. Fred Johnston, accompanied her, sister, Mrs. Weymouth of Blyth, to' London -on Monday, where the lat- terhas gone fon treatment. ' Mr:. Chas. Hall of St. Mary's, who camel=up with -",the 'hockey team to Clinton bn Friday. night,; spent the week -end witl Jhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall.. The Presbyterian "congregation ha's decided to hold the -Sunday 'school immediately after the church `service, and not before as formerly. 'Begin- ning With Sunday, Feb.. llth, the' time of church service will be 2.15 with, Sunday 'school from, 3.15 ' until 'four o'clock. ` ' 'The Committee appointed' at ' the last regular '.meeting of 'the 'U.F.O: to arrange fora social evening met Mondry .night iii the community hall and decided to. hold the asocial even- ing ,on Friday, March- 2nd. ` The' Young ' Peoples' Guild of Burns' church held their ,regular meeting last Friday evening i the clihirch, whop, a talk on the. "Prairie Provinces", illustrated by lantern slides was given by the Rev, Mr.'Abery. ",.. ;Messrs"Albert and Harold Morrell have,' bought''the` forth of Mr. Jas. W. McCool on the gravel road south of,ondesb'oro and, ; get - possession the first ` of March. ,The Messrs. Morrell have been renting the Archer farm for sense years,' their• lease ex- piring „this 'year." (Reeeiveit)oo lute for last week). 'The January, meeting of the'W.M,S.. , was, held at the home of Mrs„ Jaines Campbell' on'Friday'of last weeks. A pleasing feature of -this iiieetiilg of the,W.M,S.: was the presentation to Mrs. Arthur Jamieson of. it Life Mcm- Ibership Certificate. Mrs, Jamieson has been. -connected' with the Society since its inception, thirty' years ago. ;The members' of the Societv'thoug'ht .there was no better way of'reeogniz ing the services of • so faithful a ,men-dier. "Mrs. James 'Campbell and Miss Jean Hamilton on, behalf of the 'Society - made the presentation. The followingg is the, address: "Mrs. Arthur . Jamieson, Loddesboro, Dear Mrs.. Jamieson: As fellow workers of the W.M,S. 'we desire to express our appreciation of your servicee as a loyal member of our Society by presenting you'with.a Life Mserubership :Certificate. This is one' of the highest marks of recognition that we Can bestow upon one of our members for f.lith- fiil-sarvieer You have ;always been faithful and loyal to the`work of the W.M,S., as well as to .its members. You have always beonwwiliin$'to;assistin'mak- ing the meetings helpful and instrec- tivo by taking willingly any pert assigned you. • , ,As you are one of the Charter Members of the • Society and have taken such a deep interest in its progress since its inception the So- ciety is largely indebted to you for its, success' during the pasttliizty years. ' In presenting you with thick Life Membership Certificate we do so feeling deeply grateful and tenet that. yeti• will bo long spared ti give "your splendid services in the fiitera as you have so willingly in the least, President, its las, Abcry; iiscae- tary, Miss B .le hiett,O» Mrq Jetniesop thanked the meati- btT',i` for their girt, f Csbnrauls WO) iegvIid ' y Cho ho 1 and- n 1,1114162 iG 'Ia time snout. r = r IKippe>tt , M. Alex. McKenzie, who has for, . the paws ^., b .weeits ' been visiting friends in,. Toronto returned home on Monday evening and reports hat-- ing had a very pleasant visit• in the Queen' City.' Mrs. McKenzie ;.will return about Easter. Mr. John5,W'orltnian, whohas been confined ".to the house with illness 1I for the past month has so far . re- covered • as to be about again. We are glad to, hear of his recovery;, .I On Moniiay evening a meeting was held at the home:, of 'Mr. J. 'Wesley French in the village. the object be- ing to start a 'branch Horticultural Society here. ' As this,is a very laudable object it should eceive the warm support of the community., McKillop Township' Mr. and .Mrs: John Kerr enter- tained a number of the, young peo=' ple of the neighborhood on Friday evening last.., Mr. W. . Agar and G. Little were: working in 'town last week, storing. away ice, Mr. John' Eckhart was laid up a few days -last week with a lame back. i1VTr.' -Robt Agar'secured a good - driver from W. A. Kirk of Tucker-'. sinith. a few days ago. "Bob •likes' something pretty good in the horse'. line. Prospects for an early opting ate noted in the fact that horse buyers are around looking up horses. Quite a change, as in the past few win- ters nobody seemed ,to be wanting 'to huy horses. Varrita Mr. Ilirrry 'Coleman spent the week -end at the home of VIr. 3. 13. Levis of 'Clinton. Mr. Elmer Webster returned to Clinton'on Monday to resume his duties at the knitting' factory, after a week's vacation at hie, hone here. Mr. Lloyd ,Keyes has engaged with his brother-in-law, Mr. Jas, Reid of Clinton, and will begin. work with him at an early date, Mr. Alfred Austin was called 'to Woodstock last IP siday .owing to .the serious illness. of'.his little son, 'Wil- lie, who with his 'mother, had gone, on a visit to Mr. and 'Mrs. J. J. Ward of that city. He had only been there about three days when he, was taken ill' with erysipelas and form few days . his life was despaired of, but ho has taken a change for the better and at time of writing is 'doing' as well as 1 Horse 'blankets at reduced prices. 1 Saskatchewan Buffalo robe, reg. $17.50 for $14.50. Dr. Hess' stock tonic. A full dine, call and get a sample. . Full line of cross -cut saws at all prices. ' 7t f28 -inch :Maple Circular Saw, reg. $12.00 for $10.00. Axes and handles' at all prices. Just received a shipetnnt of granite ware. See our 3$c window We. have • a lareg stocks heavy mitts at great 'bargains.. WE ARE, OFFERING; SPECIAL BARGAINS IN CHESTERFIELD SETS, AND MANY OTIER PIECES OF FURNITURE. COME IN AND LOOK. THEM .,OVER CLINTON ardware & Furniture THE STORE `.WITH A 'STOCK Furniture Phone 104 Hardware 193 CLINTON' COLTS WIN (Continued from page 5) the goal tender on one of his rushes. but 'our boys have the real sporting spiritbecause he'. was ;heard_ to re- , mark' that if. yotl "want to play the Baine you have to.take the ;mocks", He had ,Cole -substitu'te hien hut only till the next,' bell, when he took his place,' to the satisfaction of the fans. Elliott, our veteran war-horse played 'his usual game. 'Hc mixed combine - with rushes and was always 65 the job .when.'needbel 'This, was the attendedkerne of the. season.. Many were there 'who never before Witnessed a hockey game, and ale' 011 eagerly awaiting the next one, The next fixture on the local ice will be the play off with Goderich for the district. Don't'miss it.' Line-up: St. Mary's Goal,'Murdock; defense, obbs and Yates; forwards, Loueh brothers --and Zimmerman., , Clinton: Goal, George Elliott, de- fence, F. Elliott and Nediger; "for- wards, Rorke, Roberton and Bowden; subs, Cole, O'Brien. • 1 ALL CANADIAN BOOK'S TO ' LIGHTHOUSES It has been decided tlmt ail the books sent next seasonto the over 150 Lighthouses in the Dominion. shall be "All Canadian." Already, preparations are being made by the Tract Society's Mission to Sailors to select the very best in Canadian literature for the useof the "Watchers of the Tights.", The Society hopes fo send nextstsuton, through its "James ; ;. Potter .Litera. titre for L ightllouses. Memorial'" over one thousand Canadian Books, thus celebrating in .tn acceptable way tho ronplajion of 55 roars service for, ho sailors On the Great; Lobes, As last season, bi in the corning one, Most of the books tont 1.o the Light- bionics are g,bcr'o..iIy supplied by the young people: tattier-a:1g the Pe bile, I:1igh and Candle cation Jacheels in the, J srevittec of Ontario. The annual meeting of the Exeter Agricultural Society w4is held re- cently and the report for the year was received, About $200 was ex- pended last ''ear in draining the fair grounds -and with this expendi- ture. the society went about $75,00 behind. Tho election of officers re- sulted as foliows: President, B. Wil limns; 1st Vich-President, G. Pen - hale; 2nd • NicerPresident, Jas. Jeck- ell; Directors, W. R. Elliott, A. H. Doupe, W, D. Sanders, (lilt. And-, row, T. lintiltin, W. J. Hellman, Are tliur Francis, F, Elleington, A. E, lithorington; Lady Directors, Miss Jeckell, Mrs. W. Il, Elliett, Mrs, h, )tuntoi Mr, T. S. Woods was ro appointed treasurer and G.. R. Selden, sl eretary; auditors. Panl Cbatee and Ches. Sanders,'Che President, Me W'ilin.ms, wets appointed as a dole.. i ate to the anutuni canventfen to be held in /reroute( SPECIAL, or Friday '& 'Saturday, Peanut Taft] Peanut Crisp . C19cOaiiimt Taffy ' 'Fr,esh Cgs ker 'antli Het Laali�cAlea met•. E. liVendorf Confectionary. & Restaunus a "We Ain' to Pie"se. "AN, E:ViNIN,G WITH IANGGFELL•OW" ---CONCERT---;w Under the Auspices of ST. PAUL'S A. Y. P, A,. Will be held in the , PARISH, HALL MONDAY. FEBRUARY 5tio Af$ Excellent Programme,- consisting or SONGS And RECITATIONS Based Upon ,iLongfcllow's Werke. .Admission, 150 MADE A JOTS 01" IT Miss McPhail said at the 1.1.$'. 0 Convention : at Priceviills recently;;; spealring of the last session. of Par. 'lament: "Ikon. Arthur Meighen gave Pre. nicer King the iuost eomplete trim, ming over mortal matt resolved,<`Ilo literally wiped the floor rr.t.' thin Uprise of Conirnons with hime-ancl' wiped it clean at that." The lady, we should any, rather en- joyed the speotaclo, t,7tlto early bird catolies Cho worm' brit what nbout the early worm't y