The Clinton News Record, 1922-11-23, Page 471 lh� P N R, MI, IM �7` 17. TOWAN, P ,,!v ii-ently of 9V, John, L , )1, ikopbow 04 Mr, Jno, NEMti, I you will fiod w-6, COOPEIRIS 'CiTOR8, 'Afi,, Edit, s? ovei is slow to heat 4wl, lo�:t a ytl�uablo The 'V�IaNvanosh farnlA, Club tl�Qld J�,, Iva Pel-tt4cron colt laj�t wQek, tbuir annlll�l nloqting� ill Curnlolg 'ashal 1 .1 Slow, to:.act—Its d"Ible 6"V644 insurei ]Qdijaw� patised, by a nail in ��,')o, scho.ol pil" 01, Idth, , for no, Q1 rol c 'o arid %!�o Ltnia 13,,111 P ff I�VXth a 4ow or hot, oven. if the linanvial Purpose ( ro- bw",- �,'rank Coloulan Nva� c11:(q4vr, 'poivtj 0,00titni 0' �llld llo�lyvoodt" Cal. where 66 "'awilig, woo(i ill S�,,,dorth a few dgyti pointilloitt 'of a, de4lgato [;�,) 61lu a�l, yp"Ing p; MONARCH, couplowill rooide, RobQrt Coult", subinittLd'a las� Nvocfc. nilal U , F, 0, (w)lvontion '111 �4rs, S, X"Wh'it-inorO and, ill Docclobor. -utioll oil bog, gyadillp", which was oil - Z, family of we'�;t-end Tackersinith vis- Tho veiml�, ,lhowed , 0 4on ]EGO 0 Lb. �wd by the ineeting ana will be Ited witb_Mr, alid Mrs, F, J. Co�kl- an-lount, of businG,5s trot . isacted dur, �ent to,the r I esollition Qonl2nittoo to 'Uht PoWer mail of Roxboro, ing the yoarAo be ovej,, $60t000 m, be brol'Ight ill) 'It the oumulI Con. Xot)por, ond Joliastlin l) 11101%' ilo'll dOul.)1(3 the, AluoUnt of the veiitio% YARNS �,Kjnpen 11vQvc,!ll the. neigliborhood precodjll�,, yoar�, throshing clover wed and s�axiug ofllerls wQro c-leCJ;e0 ORDER I -ROM IINQQd� Mr., Cooper 11418 fill . iv I (ilover for 1923: YOUR, NOGHBORFiqOO, GnQCERt will �whieq. cleans t) ie s6ed ready fol, 'll I , . I I I I I � , I � , Prc,,�idoilt—Robcrt 49 ict;. -16w F, lotir F, i0e, d 9-6, Stephen Troyer Of Ilensall 19 �18ccretary—R, J. Ctfrri'e� :% speliding.a Week or so ivith 'his'nc, I)Irectol:s Wili- Wellings" Wi flain B419vale Woolon, Iiistitutell p! IJ , I' (�r�aiil Sales "'I" I e F, J, Coleman. Wightman, Ilarol(l Wa�lkcr, sent a, Valuable bale to the fixe stiff, 1� Mvs�5rs. John, RDWos and, WW Auditors—Elisba Walker, Jas. ff, erers in the north, conttistjhg of 'ar t1viltytwo quilts and tell pal I rq of, Trott are J)o��ily Qng,itgcd outt'llig. cuill"ie. - e. increasq, M�- J; tondel't cf� ib, Vublic;� schools of port, wood f6r Mr� An&ew Kirlzl of;Tueh- _ Prograin Conlinitte—Geo, Walker, Loyig-Distance pillbws-bosides a number 'of other Arthur and 'secretary of the Board o:e A, �Id, Chas, Carter, Harold Wilfte Ito artiales -I' clothing, un(lerweal, etc. E du atitin, was accidentally wounded 4 wallcer, V�Iltor Poc'qcb-, Win, Well- Div, Albert Ness of Zurich wa Sonte quotations.froni reecal � 's while out shooting with sonno friends A)" roports. I � knocked off the sidewalkby a bicycle the other, day. , One of -the party "Y41 Londesburo -P, 01 ega te appointqd�flarold Wallr- "I use Long'Di9tance en- one day recently and so badly injay'., shooting at some rabblt,5 and some of. eT. he -was confined to his home the shot went wild and stmok Mr, tively in my business (Hay, ed that Xxil, ''Helint Quinn �Pent few The,death occurred on, Sunday at and Grain). Sales, are fOr nearly a weelL He was facing McRoberts in the hand, arm aii(I routo, lier late home in 'McKillop, of Artme made otuicker and with days 6X la�t weLk"'witIC' T� a storm and had his '-head down and thigh, Mr. McRoberts Is known to Tomlinson, w Mr, Harry Tom- loss expense thrill by trav- dift"t see,the bicycle rider until th6 ni-any beren outs h, ving been g friends, ife of b a Mrs. (Dr.) G. E. Wilson of Toron- linFou, in her 55th year. The fun. elling. Since yesterday I thing streuk him, teacher in our Public school in Ill* to, who'has been visiting at the mail-,, oral took place from her late residen� sold -2 cars of,grain," youll manhood, 4' 9 He is a brother -r - se, returned home Saturday, do, concession 12, MoKillop, on Tues- d jute seeks in-law of Mr., E. Pickard of Clinton. Mr. and Mr' day, afternobn to Maiiiandbank eem. I so' I s. Jbhu,Cartwright spent on swh ch my commission, A CCOPLETED LIBRARY FOR $2.00, F riday With friends 'at Clandeboye,_ OtekY, Seaforth. Wa �$100,00 at all expense Ontario. Althonkii the' 'two officials at the of- $2.80 for L.D. calls." 'A school teacher, notiping one 02 The Family Herald and Weeli:ly her !Rev. James Abery is In Toro "I sold $ customers in.. Star' of Montreal has for over half don�t you kno-w that the devil alw4ya nto Bruce Count -ja�l, Jailor McKeelinle little charges idle, said- "Robert, we at $11,00 ek' � tending the Temperance. -in er, had reedn'." best, !his betw6en $10, GOO and a century 'devoted , itself chiefly,.t, and Turnkey Lobs, g To, knit th e'' 'garments, first., gpt; Convention. ed official notice of, their ,superanaV.- at'd cost of 45 �em;6,for the interest of the � D61111111011's finds something for idle hallids toAo?. the best marnS. 'Miss Fannie Lee spentSunday with allion to take effect oil November 1, Long Distanee�a little rural anic0arming population. Rgives Coule up here and let me give yolf MQNARCH Yarns are t he recognized friends- in Clinton. d1t is now 2�kpected that they will re- over the price 'of two more space ,me work. I I . I . I I main until next sprng., As the tmo cigars. th , to agricultural matters standard In hand knitting men received very short notice and 11 an �does, ally other Cinadiandarin We regularly make Long The Best Christmas Gift w6re not prepared to inove, ii�pim. Distance sales to custom- journal ., In addition it. furnisbe�l nt local Men ebitioned, ers from carload general reading,.Illolude�, a regular promine I P -the lqts magazine I We,,Ca'rry' a Large Stock department to allow Messrs. McKech- before placing orders for , ol�.young People, -several nie and . Lobshfger.to retain their .11 pages devoted to, worAen'sjuterest, ChKistmas for the Poy! same fumisbe5 A trained qualified doctor Clitistin I as I for the Girl! positions untfl�a, more suitable sea- "We accept reverse Long 'lawyr, for each �of the'Provinces, son. As the twd officials have'clear Distance chlIg-on, orders veterinary surgeons I -or each �div- Ton A. T. COOPERA CbristmT for the Ftithers! records it is expdeted that the peti- from customers.'? isle ;gh It n Of live-stoek, . analysts for tiolis will be granted. 'ral. specinients,,entomolojist4 'for CLINTON Christmas '-for the Mothers! One of the �1&tbuo �residents of We can fell -you Aw to mine Blinnina on, pr apply Long Distance to insect pests and their fkendg, nat- stop sick headache. Or.laippelito- Grey township passed' away, Thurq- 061 any.ba * I lalists'ior -bird a I eve $11 - Chi for one and all I in the person,of Mrs. Jno. tin stness Ulm nd animal study lousidess. correct constipat in. bellicl day night photographic , specialist f They act fromptly pleas4n Y, up in the 52 weekly i.�sues -of The McNair following a lengthy Woe,". or camera Mildly, ye thorougilly. ­.iee Youth's COMPallion for 1923, Isle "q work, a -wireless. eilgineerfor ndio other periodical can take the.,pI he .Was- in lier 78rd. year. Inter- . MRS, 0. RUMBALL experiments, in fact -experts in eveiy Tomorfrow Airighi THE B �ST PARY ace ment took place in Brujitels C�iue�- of The Coinimnion ,it the �amily on Thursday afternoon, t intetest to . country. dweller% OFTHEJANNEft other -reflect's so truly cry Wanager If there is any where in'this The furteral,took place in,_Wing- *okld the:.hoffic spirit! that: is, the substan"tial, part- of it is hain'tin Monday 'of James Walker, a a iburnal which tries so successfully' Tfie 52 issues of 1023 will con. to coveir-thewhb]6 range of a,Cana- taiu from eight to - a dozen serial lYrothe W I e of GoderiAl seciiieitfrom the,butcbei, How won'(' well kubtwn resident of the town and di"'.family's needs; it has not . made you exist without our. r Of we k V meats ? The -tories," nearly two .,hundred -short forin - 1,U other foodstuffs are used I merely a I s erly of Clinton. All stores and itself 1, :No home can stories, besides sketches, speciai inat7 places of businoss dhring the flin- afford to be W.1thollt-4-his, . independent a fill -in ­=just side dishes. Of-.tcourit, ter for tlid boys, the girls, the do- eral- were closed. 'Mr,* Walker was Valuable, encyclopidia 'Journal. The we adinit that_tbere are poor.��rades, f s G.. oar and is survived by H&ala -aud Weekly: Star nly The Childrell's Page iu� his 60th V Slib cription price of'The Fainfly at 25i:A� Box of meat, ',but,,we ', don't 'handle that; I 7,gl3 and the� Doctor',,, Corner wild, as they his wife and, seven daughters and D atanso Station is 0 for $2. per year. Sola by J. M Hovey,. CbInton, Out. kind. hav& ear. s 'prove indispensable one sell. He was aLliberal' and n 00 the paper. Subscribe Methodist. � The funeral . se*rvice� features of 1, MeAt's d u C ed'�� 'to ?iow and 2,Lceive: Nvere conducted by Rey. Mr.* Clagg 1. The Youth's Companion -52 Is- and R�v. Mr;­poters. flock 'Bottom- PrIc6s Jslies * in. 1923. men of the toavk- a�ted as honorary q The businesS, 2. All the remaining 'issues of 1922, r THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS r arert, The other bpa ers . were 3., T'lle-c6inpanion Home Calendar six brothers: J. J� Wall�qr Torogto; Choice Steak, any cut -.,....20c. 1 Sausage; all per], (homemade) .20c. for 1023. :' All for $2.50. R. A.-Wall�er, Toronto,; G. L. WhIk- Roasb Beef, ..14c. to 18c. I Hain (cured) 4. Or include McCall's Magazine, the er,i Winona., W. Walker, Gode . rich, Boil Beef ................. t.5c. tq'14e. I C, Roll .. ...... 80c. monthly authority on 'fashions. ''Walker, Wingliam, J. Walker, Berk, any cut ........ ........ 20c. 1 Bacon Both �ubljcations only .$3.00 LJ Go'd6rich; WATCHYOR SAT URVA NIGHT WINDOW THE YOUTH'S COMPANION lalth. A-ve. and St. Paul Butler -Bfros. innionwL Phone 170 ce achusett St., Boston:,, Mass. Slibscriptions. received at this office. N: _A'PURE HARD Whon 0 C11 whestt. Wheat may be Clitwith safety jjrh�IL the straw'bas lost i early all its, I—— ....... 12 green ......... t . . . . . . color and the gi, aintl are not at hardened If cut soonev than this K XK77.,M), OW, S i �shriveled'kerllels Avill result. If len� H standing until fully ripe, a bit" ached To Sleep 1:6 -night use RAZ - I 't t�. appeRrance; due to the action to -day for Asthma - 0 elements; oftonresults,,, B and loss from sh, ering illay castle. Wheat,that is �1&51,All has III-01%.4fit Peaceful 111,qlIts att ­.­ .1 fully - rive is algo' in�;ife difficult, to �R and to- thousands who handle.' Whore,D16 area OK wheat Is Jurnwrlystlifcred tbe agobles OfAl;thtna. I arCle, ctitf'�Iig,should begin a Cott es oy s early AZ-PIhll coatains no aftV k- B ar. as it cah be done safely. R othir latbit-fornling drags. It It -lief wo g! ,�dv6itisi4 backed up by the right dile"i not, 91VO i1L tarante6your p Poultry'l fiereftse Income. dra I 99lst,)VI11 rettirn yaur, MOJHIY� $1 .00 the,-.rigbt goods and tbe �rigM-service,',can Produce iafoi�ile'_,eggs 'by 'renlov- a Box., !'Just swaKD',Nr (�vo upsales", frotu Tontpleton; &� T40nte. JZe.'q fu weidht, solid bar ing the roosters from the uk in Freo Tria I A: fuMps" 119 rescue alsinkingbusiness and will ln'dke a the summer time, S61a. Ili, J. 131' Hovey, Clinton, Ont. .1 1 �­' 40 0- Provide clean nests and,koep eggil 11 prosperous bu§iricss more wa6terful in its clean. Of. 150 d 80a, Is - SURI RISE. 0. Gather the eggs tivice daily, d r� I DECt . M�IM.A ROD 1ND 'GVIT any and althou' own commurilty. e oig the silmm'", t6' prevent, thu.n. B Stf frona being, heated by the hem The Deceiribbr issue -of Rod and Gull. e or sehold usejii� 3.75 111 1�,cefi thtmin a cool dry vlaee a�vgy In Canada ig"one which,may-trulk 01 from the illes. WhenJobn Wanamaker, the, prince of Her-' be said �o combin qr'aully and quality For use in washing' chin6s shoLVe or slice il, 'r -his nation Iva Market illem . at. least t�yice onch and theniany xon aX t chints, began business, he res6lved to force ek. al sportsinen'ti journal wil doubt a portion of h PRISE" bar direct Insist that, they be bought "' a tak, a lot,of keen delight I t e "SUR 611t9of this quality basis' to the 'machine.—It , will do �fine work. matters. He was'not c6ntent to! WArr to Pro d"ors are adn"OUIShed not to number, the, concluding issiae ter, Wash. oWgil, 1922. There axe several -splendid -and out—ho D141TERMINED10 BE, 'iclas , be fo art and a number of particularly 7 A'ood stories-, among them the fouud out.. In short, he 4dvertisad. He 2—Quickly heals cankers , of ll.umorous ynl:n, "They Went Fish� the 0 1 S it W S, the tongue or mucous 11101 au6j, and ing'" Th6 Gnns and Aininunition threw On his business, smal a a prevents infection, department- contains highly valuable 11 -tron and E. T. 'articles by J. R." Mat 8' 1 'd ligb� of publicity, and the public of Phila� 9'q while the trail line delphia entered the shop on v hich the light tl� 1191. 9 uq shone, so to other itelils of outstiudinganerit feu -1 J'd turn the' Deceinb.r issu�. vVo.d.,ful Olivet, 011-p-snumar good In this community the public is entering 0 at Woodstock,,: Ontario. lly W- J,' 7 those shops on w-bich the light ot �dvertis- Taylor, Limited, c� ing is failing *.I J, � Nuthritly, 9AV613, A� titao, tnofioy� labor. 8' 1 'd D. Francis.- J. W. Willson excels in "Blanketili�,-8" 9'q while the trail line �' and. Xenmei Departments have a lot uq of good things for oveAybody. Many so to other itelils of outstiudinganerit feu -1 J'd turn the' Deceinb.r issu�. vVo.d.,ful Olivet, 011-p-snumar good Rod antl Gun is pul:thAed monthly goods ot Poorer oervico, or',bave h h6r' at Woodstock,,: Ontario. lly W- J,' 7 this. naftbr liont. W fntl.or, baking fire Taylor, Limited, c� 'Lve Godetich 6.06 4,in. 2120 pan, *.I J, � Nuthritly, 9AV613, A� titao, tnofioy� labor. Shops. which are illumitied by adv r Ism .-Lve Clinton -aau, 2.512 Pan" Lye Seaforth :�'63 ' ' , I a.m. 3,12 A WORD TO TH9 PUBLIC Be sure of this,: those who are using our P, 4-13ru8b Yet"' tbeth with "Le"veleen" Tooth Paste, no other quIte per - feet. A PCX Aftfivii OF Mok. yon, atorom Oil -Gas fito'd., lid columns �eek after Week- do hot giVe y'o'u ONVOY rith coal nud wood, nagoaiy. Tbo TR�IIT SERVICE TO TORONTO vVo.d.,ful Olivet, 011-p-snumar good goods ot Poorer oervico, or',bave h h6r' Dail' E Y Except Sunday.: this. naftbr liont. W fntl.or, baking fire Prices, 'Lve Godetich 6.06 4,in. 2120 pan, *.I J, � Nuthritly, 9AV613, A� titao, tnofioy� labor. Shops. which are illumitied by adv r Ism .-Lve Clinton -aau, 2.512 Pan" Lye Seaforth :�'63 ' ' , I a.m. 3,12 6'H9AJoV9 T14AN COAI OR WOOD The 0110., limno, .k.0 ito o�A p.,.q f,o,,t =11- dcrt;­* 9 p.m. Lve Mitchell '3.42 7.04� a.m. � p,,m all oil &W.gr rot V cldafm "A"t a f it, .0 Al3s"Lu% " in The News Record", Atr Stratford, . - 7,80 u,mi 410 PA)l. 'A " <i u,,' , a.m. 5 ellen :26 p,,, s"b"'. lalb""o. 8 B& IMP-. Vt,-tr­ht,.lth. LutslifoRr"r titse, T")ZES 27MES TIM RZAT' at coal or w,od. ThO Uliv6r I h 8.45 a.m. 5,50 Pon, �jorou RIV61 Wall beat or little, �. do.k.d, by sipb, ll court wit.h full confidence yourfavon. A_,r, to 10.10- 4.4n�. !�.40 p!311, flay ato", is"n"o, furn"00, 18 oifforoO ISO 0, alio JUS7' TURN A VAYVV tevo Toronto 6.50 Ig.55 P,M, Make ViwX.boling. on'rVirg diety tc. .11 k- befter,,quick., DAYS' Mop Wbefe,You are lh� Red 'to S. ho 'I _ VI and '6,10 p,m. - .90 rRIA4 Voicy the coreaglosee of the 0119 Y.I. .'Mylit I.Vo ar Gdderich to To "r6fito 'Toronto 509"AW"Oe affect On rooneling tiain and , to do ch 6.10 p,V., train, der, T�,,J.