The Clinton News Record, 1922-10-26, Page 1ews�
444.414 4, W .,4 ; ssss ,
bio. `2173 —43rd Year
We say as many good words about other people; as we Call.
F , we would appreciate it if guar frie>rl,dstwould commend The People's I'apef'to their 'friends
Wheat. $1.00
Oats, 3,.2c.
Barley, 50e.
Butter,' 30c, to 32c. .
Liye 'Iiogs, Market Unsettled.
'Tho' :•Goderich District ;Epworth
League annual convention was held in
Varna Methodist church on, Tuesday,
morning, aft rnoon' and evening ses-
cions being held.
The_ sessiona were well attended
and the program carried through
withqut 'much change from . that
r s
Planned, The - ibis turic t President,
Mr, F. S.,'Savattge of :Seaforth, Pre-
sided. Among ,those taking part.
were. the Rev. P. Baines, Rev: J. L.
Poster, Rev. J. Pearson;"Rev; II, D: ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED
Moyer,: Rev, Mr. 'Moss;` Rev, R. F.
Nix, and Mrs. George JaLlfson an -
neon Ice rote engagement of their only
daughter, Alberta Muriel, to Mr.
Arnold J. Bann) of 'Winghan7, the
marriage to take place early in' No.
Mrs. Frank A. Jenkins held her
post -nuptial., reception on Friday af-
on aS
terno t t,her o her Mrs. T A.
Greig; and Mrs. W. Jenkins receiving
with s her,
Mrs. Jenkins wore her wedding
goyvn, and: looked very charming and.
happy, and during tho'tifternoon a
great many called to pay their res-
pects to her as a matron,
Mrs. T. Jackson presided at the
teal table in the dinning-roonn,which
was- bright with flowers, red dieing
the predominating color. - Misses
Madelop Shaw, Marion Gibbings and
Edna McCaughey served the- guests
and Miss Jean•,lChidley assisted In
the drawing room.
The`-marria g�e of James S. Barry,
son, of Mr. and Mrs. ;Wim, Barry of
Clinton, and Missi Laura Stade,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick.
Stade of Walkerton was solemnized
at St.' Jaseph's church Clinton at
seven o'clock • Tuesday morniRig, The
nuptial 'High mass was sung by. Rev.=
Father' Gaffney, who performed, the
The •bride, looked very well, indeed,
in a lovely gown of ivory, crepe de
238' chene, trimmed with silk` radium lace
.and pearls' and wearing a handsome
wedding veil withwreath of orange
blossoms. Shp carried a "shower
,bouquet of Sweetheart roses and mai_
denhair fern. She wars attended by
Mrs. John 'Keays; the grooms sister,
who wore ahandsome gownof velette
trimmed with white swansdown; and
carried. red roses. " Mr. Keaye acted
as bests can. .Mrs. . Reynolds
presided at the organ and played
softly during the ceremony.
AS the conclusion ls stooft r
n he ceremony
the party drove to the home of the
bridegroom's ;parents; "where the
wedding breakfast was - partalcernff's of,
and: later the whole party motored to'
Walkerton, to the bride's' home, where
a reception was held.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry will reside in.
Blyth, where the :bridegroom, has
been:•conducting a buoines for -th
-�, r--+, s -
past fe`w' months. Good: washes �:[01-
low them to their new home.
A union Thanksgiving service
be held in Wesley church at eleven
o'clock ore Thanksgiving Day, Novem-
ber fetal. The Rev. G. I. Burns, pas_
for of the Baptist church will preach.
A special collection will be taken in
aid of the. hospital.
11 11 11 'V
A' Spiritual' Conference for the un_
ited districts of Goderich and Fixeter,
will be held in Ontario street church
on Thursday 'next, November 2nd.
There wily be two sessions, morning
and afternoon, the' morning session
commencing at 'ten .o'clock. This
conference is for all the people, min-
isters and lay, members, and' it is
hoped the sessions will be well at_
tended. An interesting and inspiring
program has been prepared. •
Willis Church
Rev. A.M, Boyle of Sbtiih-
'ampton will preach on Sunday next,
the pastor, the Rat, J. E, ITogg, tak-
ing Diamond Jubilee;,: anniversary
servicest SouthamPt
a Southampton.
Wesley Church
e Y
The pastor,"will preach at both
services on Sunday,
The ;Men's Brotherhood will hold
a banquet on the evening of Novem-
ber 9th, at -which it 15 expected "that
Col. C. 11'1, Graham of London will
i1n Mr.W. I .
Irwin, itev. Mr, Simpson,
-Liddicoate of London and A. J. Me-
Murray. Rev. D,'"�, McCamus and
Rev. H. P. Moyer =and Mrs. MoCly-
inont and Mrs, Chas. Rathwell ,Con-
tributed duets at the evening service,.
The follOwing officers were appoint,
ed: .President;: F. S. +Savaug"e, Sea
forth; Vice-presidents: Miss -Bailey,
Goderich; Mrs. Rathwell, . Varna; A.
J. McMurray, Clinton; Miss Roger-
son, Constance;::• Miss Daisy Nediger,
Clinton; Secretary -treasurer: 'Mrs.
Clayton Martin, Seaforth, -
Several auto leads of the young
people from the local Leagues at-
tended' the convention,
The convention 4n wi1t be held In
North Street ' church',, Goderich,: next
Making Money Grow,
PERHAPS •there are many things you, would like to
-11-• buy—but youC cannot afford them m n }v. .,Why not •'.
save up fol them?' ` -^
There is much personal satisfaction to be found in sav-
ing dollar grows to two -in a short time it is
ng,money ,_ g
five—then ten and,—but if yen are saving fora defin-
ite object, you ; .a bank account. Whilst the
motley is ahvays there for youwhen you need it, there is
less temptation to spend small sums -it grows quicker
and is sefe'•from loss. Your will find our Managers. and
Staff willing to. help you.
• 1�/
re e
Gl lit
this Lrning?
Our 2 25 alarm cloclzis a reliable clock thee dlfter-
en pieces of material used in its-constructiontare 0f'
ood quality, ensuring ye2,rs'of satisfactory service. It
q Y timeyou wish it to--getgone today
Fake you at a
A ant fo! Viktor Talking Machines and ,Records .z.•
fr ;
Jeweler and Optician
'Phone 174w
Residence 174J
:.:,.. CJLOTHINa,
The g4 orrish -
Clothing .Go.
• Cro•ranea
- f
We are all ready for you with the latest
styles -in
Storm Ulsters, Ulsterettes, Raglans,-Slip•ons (Hester
fields, sin g'le and double-breasted staple • styles of , all.
kinds. And•.when it glues to
for Youn Fellows.,',
Sn>lxan•t Overcoats
We have made special provision. for the young
man's trade with
masi Styles that
will ap-
P-Peal tothegond,dresers of this community. .
New Models New Fabrics New Style Touches
See them beforeyou buy
'., Pr •
This is Sweater Season and our sweater stock is
io at its best. We -show all sizes and all the ood
i W �'
styles in goys' Sweaters. �Ciere'are a variety of new.
Yy i,
n � s and trimmings,
The fall season is the•time for Boys'W
Sweaters 1.25 1.,50,
1'75 to 5.00
Motto . � ti
t Every Man,"
Turner's Church
• This church will celebrate the six-
tiethanniversary of its establishment
on Sunday next, Ot:tober 29th, when
two' services will be held, two. -thirty
and seven -thirty. The Rev: H. D •
,Moyer of Goderich will be the anni-
versary preacher. A special thank.
offering is being asked for. At the
afternoon service the Ontario Street.
quartette will assist with the musical
part of the service. . On Monday eve
ening 'a jubilee concert will be, given.
Ontario Street Church
. Miss McLeod, missionary 00 .fur;
lough Trees Japan, addressed a meet-
in of radium -
g adt.s on Wednesday 'after-
noon -Met in Ontario street ahuiclt
Quito a nunnber of 1adie'..s from the
other congregations-aeeepted the In'
•vitationi of the Ontario street' At xiI
iary and cane to hear Miss McLeod,
who told of conditions in the Sunrise
Kingdom, as"nnet by the missionary,
giving much interesting informa-
tion. At the conelusioit of; the pre-'
grain the members of, the Ontario St.
Auxiliary served tea.
On Sunday iniorning nex{,,the Rev,
Mr, Copeland will take the service,
the pastor taking anniversary sere,
vices at Trii'lctom
The regular 'meeting_ of the Ladihs'
Aidwill be"
in tete lectitixe room
edne d
next at two
o'clock, ,
There will be quilting.A picnic tee
Will be served,
The Sacrament of the Lord's Stip.
anab erwcl
at the Morning'
service ort the first Sunday in No.
vennber: Fellowship, ineeaing at ten
Mr, Gordon" Hall, fermerly;af The
Clinton.Qews-Record ancl latterly of
The. Stratford Daily Herald, is now.
with The Tiines, . Its. Hall is a on
of. Mr, G. E. Halla pnbiisher of The
News -Record and ss homes by his
ability naturally,—Wingham Times,
Thonte• nntbn , 'n.'
e rain e helda the Re-
creation Rooms of -The Clinton Iinit_
ting Oo. last Friady evening Vas a
great success. 'The' program eon-
'sisted of addresses from Messrs,
Harper and Vincent and Col. "Comite,
solos, readings -and exhibition dance,
after wiiich'a'dainty lunch was ser-
ved The remainder o£ the evening
wa's' spent' in dancing and ':cards.
Thursday evening of this week the
entertainunent' committee Intend put_'
ing on a euchre party.'
A three' months course in Agricul_
tune and Horne � Economics, including
piilinery and sewing and domestic
science will be given in Clinton the
coning winter, commencing in Jan
nary. T11e course will .be giye un-
der the superintendence of Agricul-
tural Representative $.' B. .Stothers,
and lectures" will be given by pro-
fessors in their several lines, Such
a course was given, in•Wingham last
winter -and it proved very successful.
Clinton should be a central and con-
venient place for such a gathering
• and we feel 'sure our citizens' will
welcome students to \,he .Ltown and
give• every assistance necessary to
ensure the success of the course.
From the Treherne, (Man.), Times
we learn of the death of Mr. Alexan_
der Douglas Robertson, a former cat-
izen of this localityannd-a nephew of
Mr. John B,'Lmdsaof town which
y ,
Occurred on October 7th, after a short
illness. The- obituary runs thus:
"Mr. Robertson; came to Manitoba
from Clinton, Oiit., forty years ago,
n a`• on
settlin with h s father the land
that has since ,been his lnonne, until
six years. ago whenhe meted with
Jiis'family into the village: A man
of few words -yet looked to for coun-`
-eel by many who knew his wisdom
and integrity. For many years Mr.,
Robertson has beetsan' elder In
Chalmers church] which he dbarly
loved. leis pre5tnee at all serv'seI
of.woxshi i,<wr an'nspiration he
minister" an eople •alike,' 03
Mr.• Robertson was Marr' iss
Rachel Gordon of : C nt„
who survives hint' lex four
children: Helen, a studert at ,the
University of Manitoba, Gordon,
Douglas and JSan,' attending ' High
and Public school at home. Mr.
Robertson was the second 'eldest of a
family of eleven, of -whom eight are
still 'Iiving: - Mrs: R. Ferris,- Miss
Carrie Robertson and Peter and J.
II, Robertson, Trelmerne; Mrs, Jas.
Hogg, of Olive; Mrs. Hall, Foul Bay,
13., C.; Mrs. Haw, Benito, Man., and
John Robertson of 'Rainey River..
Mr,'Robertson was a Commissioner'
to the General Assembly meeting in.
Toronto in 1921. He was also a
school trustee, for in -any years fol the
Louise school, and later on the vill-
age school
a • board. The sincerest
sympathy of the whole community is
extended to Mrs. Robertson and her
children:'- •
Mr. Robertson nn visited hisClintonllnto
relatives when he was east for the
General Assembly meeting in 1921.
He was in his sixty-fourth ,year,
• The marriage of Lillian May,
younger daughter of the late William
Agnew and Mrs Agnew of. Clinton
and, Mr, Robert McRwen of Montreal
took plaec. Tuesday : at the, home of
the bride's sister, that oC Mr. and
Mrs. George Phelan.,
The bride were a very handsome
?'own of grey canton ,crepe, with
trimmings of radiiuu lace and ribbon,
and a.picturchat of grey velbet and
lace, -with touches of • squirrel, and)
carried a lovely bouquet of Opheiia-
roses. She was unattended except
by her little niece, Miss Agnes Ag_
new, wand; made a sweet and hairy
lilac :flower girl in a dainty white.
hand -embroidered frock. The bride
Was given in marriage by hen mother
and the ceremony was performed by
the Rev. C. Llewellyn Billcey, the
bridal party standing Mote a bank
of ferns i
o ts a and palms res in the drawing
room. Mrs. Morgan Agnew aitd
Mr. Phelan played the wedding' mar-
ch and during the signing of tile reg_
istev Mr. find Mrs. Agnew and Mr.
Phelan played.
After theci o3 ter u r
v . tate weddni r
bi ealtfast wasServed and banter M1.
and Mrs McEwen left on a little
honeymoon trip, the `bride donning
foci the ;journey a suit of navy blue
tricotine evith small velvet hat.
The bride was ,the recipient of many
very handsome gifts, many of thein
being Sent direct too Montreal. The
bridegrooms gift was a.lovely;string
of pearls. To the flower girl he
gave -a pretty gold bracelet, to the
Monet a peimdent,annd to Mr, Phelan
gold cuf links.
There were several out-of-town
gucets present/.foe the wedding: Iii.
and Mrs. C. Ewers of Ottawa; Miss
IVlc7'won, Carleton Place; Miss, Per-
ase t 'foveae:,Mr. and +Mms - lark
i Clark
an AI ccs Ella • ttc Ben . lam
d 1 t nc :.0
a at e
of Stratford and Mr. and Mrs.` toe,
Mr,and Mrs, Mfs, cr.wen will return
to Clinton :Cor a short stay before
leaving for Mntreai, where they will
tnalce their honne.
The La tookI niarria ✓' place at the
home„of the bride on Saturday eGen
ing of 'Mrs. Mary East and Mr, Rich-
ard Horsley. The Rey,. D. N; Me -
Celsius performed the ceremony in the
presence of a few relatives stud inti.-`
Mate friends, + At the conciusion of
the ceremony the Wedding feast was
spread and .afterwards an hour or'
two were spent in social chat. Mr.'
and Mrs. Jtorsle will continue to
Y, le
reside'in-' town and have the good
wishes of theirefeiends for a ha appy.
The Rey. Geo. A, Mitchell, eget.
4 an
Methodist' minister, who c died at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. Reed of
Lacombe, Alta., October "11th, "spent
the first` year of his probation as a
minister -in Clinton. - That ivas lin
the late sixties, when. Ilolmesvilie
was a Part of the. Clinton circuit and
was one of -the several preaching ap-
pointments of the circuit; which? was
manned by two, an ordained `minister
arid a student. A few of the older
people will remember hien. e He was
in his eighty: sel:ond year at the time
of his death. His' remains were
,brought east foaiiiiternnent, the fun-
eral taking place from the home ofhis
son Brig. -Gen. C. H. 1VIitehell of Tog
onto, on Monday.
-. The ; conveners and committee of
the hospital -•bazaar will inert in the
town hall 'Saturday afternoon` at half
poet three.
The bazaar will be held in:the eown
hall on. Tuesday next, October 51st,
commencing at two o'clock, A'nutn-
ber of” attractive booths are being
prepared and afternoon isa will be -
served front three to six. : This will
'giye business People an opportunity
of coming n in.
Those wishing to donate useful. ay_
titles to the hospital, such as fruit,.
vegetables, butter, etc., quay do so on
Tuesday. These 'artioles will be'
ceived at the bazas 4 Lar er
titles may be taken direct to the
-hospital, and all donations will be
gratefully received by the board.
Goderich C. T. Basket Ball team
came down yesterday afternoon and
played a game with the local team.
The game was somewhat one-sided,
the scoreat the c nclusion-standin
s s•.I
42-2 in favor .of the local` hall:tos-
Clinton girls are now in the final's
and are hopeful of winning' the ser-
The lii.'e-up yesterday was' as fele
Goderich: Forwards: Julie Young,
Beatrice Hunter. lentres: Margaret
Wilson, Reta- Hamilton; Adelaide
Hays. Guards: ,Delores Leithwaite,
'Louise Cook.
Clinton: Forwards-: Olive Schoen
hall, Jean Woods. Centres; Mary
McTaggart, Carol Evans, Jean Ford.
Guards: Lucy Levy, Anna` Flynn,`
Referee: Miss Brill, Goderich.
E. Volland has rethoved
to o
Goderich, where he has taken Pos-
t '
.Fitzsimons .and Son'have had their re-deboratet and it has
ren muchimproved.
he W. T. C. U. will meet at three
o'c ock on Friday afternoon in the
lecture room of Wesley church.
brat d a
ar Rorke ce,a e
lVlasteil•Edw d
birthday .on Monday by entertaining
a 'dozen of his young• ,friends to it
birthday party.
A number,from Clinton.went'to-
Hensall on riday to hear the `Mes-
sialt put :on - by the South ITuron
Chetah Society.
The Girls' Auxiliary •rare having',
weekly nineeting's at the hollies of the.
ihembers sewing for the 1-1'ospital
bazaar next week.
We have a list of contributors to
the Hospital Fund but iSievebeen
unable to get -it, into. tylie for this
issue. It will be published next.
week, -
The Clinton voters' list :line_ been
printed and has been posted in Clerk
Macpherson's office this week: There.
onlis 24 `f
ale 825 navies the1 0 0
whom aro qualified to act as jurors.
The W. T. C. U. went out to the
Huron • County home on Thursday
evening last and .gave •a nice little
programfor the entertainment of
inmates, They also had a liLtic
treat fdr each one.
Sumner being .over the last of the
annuals are being taken up from the
gardens and plots, The Postoffice.
sgtuu'o has been a veritable beauty
spot all summer anis rested anct`ie-
freshed many a, weary eye as one
hurried to and fro about one's daily`
labors during the. past few menthe.
People Y rlu Know
Mr. Peery-lLat1d of Toronto sl eat
i•Imo weoli+•end Pm town. •
Mrs. Wiggintoninn 15 visiting
her am
tcr Mis.
Hudgins of hucan
Nely#Ilc torraiiet1 was up J'lronv
Toronto for the week-ottd, conn
e si,
]71 t, t ' f :5a 111 .St
i t tf e stt.z Miss Mande
1 r
t r
who has been quite ill and Who le
not improving 00 i'apidly as herr
f ii,ulc could wish,
,„ P,eople You KKnnoW
Miss ,:Mary McCallum of Torontois
spending a fortnight 'at her bionic
in town,
Mr. and Mrs. George Jenkins have
returned home after an extended
wedding tour.
Mr. Wellington Cook of I-Ian-11ton.
spent -the week -end with his fath-
er, Mr. Arthur' Cook. \ t
Mr, and Mrs: (Merge Stewart and
Miss Minix Middleton of Goderich
were in town on Tuesday.
Dr. Gunn has r t r
e u ncd=fr•om,Detroit
where ,he has been visiting his
daughter, Mrs. Edgar Cross, f.
Miss Ma Davies es rettn*noxa en P7,r-
day ' after spending six: weeks ,with
relatives in Essex and Detroit,
Mrs, George Bradshaw left yesterday.
;for her hone 'in Essex after a
lew',weeks' visit with her parents,
Mr, .and Mrs. George -Davies.
Mrs Clifford Keys and Baby Sybil
of Varna have been the guests of
the lady's 'parents, Mrs„ and l\lrs•
f.'1-1. Tiplady of the Base line -
Mr. and Mr's. E. Brown and .little Miss
Nora of Petrolea ,were the guests
of the lady's parents, Mr•, and
• itis. Alex, Neilans, over the week-
Mr. and Mrs. J
A. Irwin went to
London on Monday. Mr. Irwin
returned home : -the same day but.
Mrs. Irwin is making a longer stay
with friends.
Dr. end Mrs, D. H. McInnes, and Mr,
Orville Tiften' motored over -,from
Winghain - on Monday and spent'
the day with the former's sister,
11Irs- Alex: Butler.
Mrs, McInnes of Lucknow anti her
daughter, Mrs. Orville ,Tiffen and
•-babe of Wjingham,' are •;visiiting
this week with the fcimer's daugh_
ter, Mrs. Alex. Butler.
Mr. Elliott -of' the Free. Press staff
`London; was in town on Tuesday
• and made l
r a pleasant on- the
News -Record. 114x„ Elliott is an
enllnibiastic young newspaper man
who is . making his mark in his-
profession. He had been visit -
in relatives in
Mr. George Cook, who has been vis-
iting •his father, Mr. Arthur Cools
of bowls, returned to Toronto on\,,
Monday. 1V1i Crook has recently
returned -fruit ,England, where he
had his headquarters while be pur-
chased goods from foreign coup-
triee and transacted business for
the Robert Sincpson,Company.',He
was overseas for a couple of
or "so." Y
• Londesboro
In answer to the appeal of the W,
M.' S. the ladies oaf the 'congregation
of the Methodist church, inet and
quilted and paclsed eleven quilts; es
sides other bedding, clothing, etc./ to
the value of .5400, •for 'the fire 'suf-
ferers of the Hatleyoury district,
Subscriptions of money are being re-:
eeived by Mm•. W. II, Lyon, ale() 201
the fire sufferers. •
On Friday the relatives of Mrs.
.S: Reynolds. Of Aurora'reeeived word
that her, only remaining son, Charles
of near Regina, had died stid4lenly on
Wednesday last. The remains were
brought t to Aurora
b Mrs.
Sa son and Miss E.' L on
p Y
on ,$aturday to attend -the funerals
Mr. and Mrs. i f, D. Ainslie of
Leamington are visiting the latter.s
sisters Mrs., Jas. Elsley and Mrs. J.
Tanibl n.
Mrs. Wen, Lyon is still under the
doctor's care, :nut we are looking`for-
ward to' soon seeing her in her.Ms-
nal' health, and in n' mirk • again.
our o
Mrs. Thos. Sampson and Miss
Esther LyonTorontois
e areun this weer
attending the funeral of a cousin,
who died ,very suddenly ti the west.
--Mr. and Mrs.,1VI. Ras§ spent Suns
day with Clanton friends.
Mr, John Radford ds busy picking,
apples this Week-, wee ino�st of the i 1 -
Pp e vl
age's leaving seemed their a supply
from; hien,
Mrs. Whitely returned to, her home
in Temente) last week after ti visit
with Ashfield friends, .She spent
part of the 'weekwith. ,her sister,
Mrs. D. Mountain.
, and Mrs. 2: 0. L mi
o nsber - and
children spent Sunday at the home
of Mis. Jas. 7Iamiltori.
Miss Belle Roberton rand Miss Aim
Abery spent Sunday with Mist' Jessie
McVittie. •
The anniversary servicot» held bat
Burn's c'hureh on Sunday were well
attended, when the Rev. 2. A. McOroi
tell of Iiensall preached two splen -
did sermons. The assistance of. the
choir, added greatly to the services,
The Women's Tinstitt%te will hold
theit regular eetmg.0n
the first
Thursday , '
ay in NoveYnlet, :There will
be no program but the parcels Will be
made up for the Hailcybury relief.
.:'Cie to'
Gc A' c lsllip,
The W. A. of St, Jainiea church
Middleton( shipped three
, hales o
clothing to New Liskeard the past,
week. Bedding and clothing was
valued at 5160,00. •
The Woutan's Institute peeked 'a
,large hale of goods and three
'bar -
rolls 'of canned fruit for the fire suf-
ferers,' The Valkorrll. Conrmun-
ity ORM also seat a bale.
The' bliseball 'game between Clin-
ton and Auburn ra vlted der a vx.inry
Tor Clinton 12-5, Proceeds to go
to the fire snffererre,
Mr, and Mrs, Allan X amont of
Brussels spent. Sunday ee ,the eueets
of Mr, and Mrs. Jets, Mason.
Mr, and Mr. Chas, Riley of 'Bram-
eels have moved to our: village,
„Ii2rs.iWm. McIntosh is spendin
few ---weeks at her home in the vill-
age. ,
Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Adams and
spent Tamil`
Y p 1. Sttpdny in Brussels.
Mr. George Cord and Mr: W. Ttob-
inson of Goderich township, sprint
Sunday in the village.
The W. M.' S. sent a large bale of
clothing to ,be indluded in the'Seaforth
Red Cross shipment to the fire suffer_
ers in the north, The bale wile val-
ued ,at 5200:
Mr. ,, and Mrs. R
ort Thuell of
Brusseis spent Suncay
with their
mother, Mrs., Thuell,
" olrn sW-
e illae "
The Rev. Mr. Fair made _an ap-
peal at the .Methodist ehiirch on San.
-day for the fixe sufferers ir;ithe north
and a collection 'of 580 was .tatcen.
Also a bale of clothing, quilts; etc„
is -being prepared.
Mrs. Leeh returned to Goderich
on Satu-t"da'- after spending• :a couple
of months with her brother and sis-
ter, Mr. J. R. and Miss D. A, 'llolmeis.
Mr. and Mrs. W: Calbick of Win-
ona'have been visiting, the•_latter's '
mother`, Mrs. Acheson.
The parsonage has. been 'under a '
going' repairs \and is being greatly
,Mis Jennie Holmes of Clinton and
Mrs. :Howell ofoderic
G h spent Sat-
urday as the guests of Mr. and Miss
Holmes, the occasion being the birth-
day anniverary of the latter,
Mr, Wilbur Erwin of Kitchener
few a da s
thepast p st week at
his home in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. L, M. Day of Detroit
spent a few' days 'at their summer
cottage en'Il:uron Terrace.
Mr. E. A. Sander ^f Kitchener
o ttchener
'spe5it Thrusdey last as the guest of
Mr. and Mrs, II, W. 'Erwm.
Mr. A. J. Hale, student of Hiuon
College, London occupied t
he pulpit
of . Tiinity,,elxureli .on ,Sunday .nniorn
ing last.
Mrs. McCully of London is spend-
ing a short time at her siainnner res-
idence is enc
eon Main street '
Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Stewart of
Stratford were the. 'guests of the
latter's mother, .Mrs. John Pollock,
for few days last week.
Mr. X, E. Erwin, Reeve, lattended `
a :meeting < of the County Road and
Bridge .Committee at, Goderich on
Mr, S, Kipfer has been compelled
to, give up his business on account
of ill and has purchased the
farm formerly owned by the late Pet-
er Campbell " of :the Bronson. line;
Stanley, where he will ehortiy move.
Ilis lousiness has been/taken' over- by
Mr. Lloyd Makins:
Mes s
si . John Sah
]nd L.
Debus a s of
Iiitchener were the guests of Mr.
Wilbur Erwin on Saturday last.,
Miss Ida Taylor, spent tile, week-
end at her home at Scienee Bill..
14x4 and Mrs. . Ilerbert
ug ail
and family of Kent County were
week -end visitors with the fornfer's
aunt, Mrs, John I3utchart
Mrs. John Pearson is a vicitot this
week with Mrs. Jones of Stratford,
Miss Nettie .Sinclair is visiting In
On. Wednesday afternoon of last
week the ladies of the community
' t:hared at the home of Mrs. Alexa
McEwen and quilted "two quilts, be-
sides cutting out and. making other
garments, all of which goes to the
fire zone,, 'There was also a large
donation of{clothing, more giults etc,,
and some are also sending apples.
The ladies of the .U.' F. W. 0. are
beingentertained" by the London road
ladies at the home of Mrs: Layton;
this, Thursday, afternoon.
Tho young people of Colborne
township, annunnber of them at least,
went into the Government Boys' and
Girls' Pig Club and : last week a
deinonstrationiload of hogs Weis sent
to Toronto, Where they were judged
and afterwards sold. The Colborne
consignment took third prize, 'there
being eight clubs eompeting. The
first; prize load sold for 514.10, the
Second prize att, 513.76 anti third at
51.3,00; when the market price waif
quoted at 510,50. The inanmes of the
young people forming time club are
as follows: l', Pitblado, Doris ,Tait,
Hazel Ildl, Winnifred. Fisher, Frank_
lin Fisher, Beulah Visitor, Ross .Fish,
ai Kenneth Alhn J, M. TIeti oxen
tom Fordyce
Clark, Worthy s
Alex, Young, Stanley 011ier, I{eith
Certifier, , W. J. Clarlc and Elgin nut.
ledge, 7i is probable that a num.
boo,' of othorstwili go into the elnb
itfxt year•.