The Clinton News Record, 1922-8-24, Page 5lIaflTIjiftS � ltJilIcr SilcCessor's to 11t, T. Corless•-•-Row]anc1s old stand 3IRST COME-- FIRST $111m) -Act quickly while they last, A few odd lots of 1001/4 Pure Paint (discontinued colors) to be' cloned Out, it you have a small e"b:at painting to do, this IS l Yolar': OIr or'tunitY, tc got paint at less than pianufaeturerb peace ; HERE IS TOE LISTn- MA'RTIN•SENOVR 10010 PURE PAINT.'' Light Blue Gray, Croans, Light Brown Yellow Gray Cream White, Olive Gray and Lavender. ' Hall gallon ;cans ;it $2.10, regular Quart eans g it price 82,65 at ' .$1,10, regular prate 81:400 Pint ekes at 5$c, regular price, 75e, . Half pints at 30c, regular price 45e, - Lowe•'Bros., Limited "High Standard Quality --Flat rk y Plat Colors for Interior Woodwork, i, Walls, Etc., Ready to use, Several Quart and Pintcansin the following :colors :' Li htd Dark tan, Ivory, Neutral Green Blue, Green, Gray, Cream Tints, Quarts at $1.20, regular price 11.50 Pints at 60e, regular price ; 80c Sealcoat (a prhnor-.- Pints ) .pu sins at 65c, regular pr'i.e 90e Its at 3Ge; regular ,price 50c' Several Jars Oak Graining Colors 35c per Jaz, reg, price 50e. Nopunite Varnish (best varnish •-made) in quarts only at, 81.50 each, regular price $1,90. MAPLE LEAF FLAT WALL PAINTS In Colors:-SkyBlue., Pale Gree � n, rink. $1.25 Pints at 25c• Regular 65e. Quarts at 75e. Rogular price FLOOR -LAC -In Colors: Maho gany, Cherry, Rosewood. Quarts at 75e,"regular .$1,25. Pints at 25c, regular 65c.'. A few; half pints of Bath Enamel a THIS SALE COMMENCES SATURDAY AUG, 12, price A.M.50e, ' AT fl .M ;. i11 ^is.palmtutsmanautmenifilMISHER [IT1aSla 1'i', AI) UST 24th 1921 intereit to You. And Me 4Vit1r tarvia halt' sole all the vagc," remarks The Sousse 4iefernt- "local .shoomaltors are Marling it hardto make ends meet," In Clin- •toxr .we've got our tarvia hal s0105 'won't oft again, "A11 the family skeletons are 29 'confined to the closets," remarked an observing young man while viewing a nilmber of young ladies in bathing in a neighbouring town •a fewdays €so, •-Orillia Pa4cket., Those who hold 1917 Victory Bonds Will,, he interested in an advertise- ment on another )rage of this issue. `The Dominion Government will take over thesc,ibonds, due• the conning of December and convert them into new bonds bearing five per cent, interest, peyabe half yearly, for either five or tea years. The new bonds are dat- ecl from November 1st, 1922 and as the old bonds carry interest until December 1st, those making the exchange are given a bonus of a mon- ths interest. ' This'. offer is open only to the holders of bonds and is not open to other investors. The new bonds are the same as the old ones with the exception thatthey. are not exempt from taxation, The latter issues wore not tax free, any- way. To those who wish to'eon- tinue their investment in Dominion of 'Canada securities the offer it an ;attractive one. Any, bank will at-, -tend to the business. arucefleld Miss Marks has returned home from a very pleasant visit with Miss Bertha Forest. Mr- and Mrs, Neil- Yellowlees is visiting friends in our village, Miss Dora Addison is the guest • of her brother, Mr. Joe Addison. Mr. WilliamRaiserof Moose Jaw Is the guest of Mr. -.James Swan. There will be a concert in Wilk- • er's hall on Friday evening, given by three blind girls. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rattenbury and two lithe daughters of Burlington were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.'Rattenbury for a few days. The many friends of Miss Mabel Swan will be .pleased to know that -she' is doing }nicely. She was taken to`' Seaforth Hospital last week and underwent an operation for appen- drtitis. Mrs Beattie` and Miss Waugh of Seaforth visited Brucefreld friends one day last week. Plisses Marion and Ina Gray of Seaforth are -visiting at ,the home of their uncles Mr. J. Moodie. Mrs, J. Grainger is'visiting .Sea - forth friends. . (Intended for Last week) - Mr. and Mrs: Fred. Borithorn' of -Brooklyn, N.Y., were „the guests of. his sister, Mrs. Ceeih Sinipson,1 ast week. Dr. W. Swan of the Brant Hos pita', Burlington spent the week -end at his home here. Me. and Mrs. 'R. T. Dunlop, and two little sons, Harry and Jaek, are visiting Mrs. Dunlop's parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. W.H. Rattenbury. Mr. Chas. 'Ham, `formerly mana- ger of the Molsons Bank, but now of I-Iamilton, has: returned home after. visiting friends here for a week. Miss Kathleen. Elliott is visiting in London, Rev. and Mrs, McIntosh and fent, ily have returned 'front a very -pleasant trip to the coast. Mr. McIntoshoccupied his own pulpit on 'Sunday last. Mr. H. Pareer. and Mr. Cope- land Of Detroit were week -end visie tors of *Mrs. D Ross and family. Londeshoro M. and Mis, Charles Watson .and daughter Fern -spent the week end with vrth relatives at DresdeXr. Mr. and Mrs. McCool; Mr. Thos. Millar 'and Miss Maud Quackenbush spent Sunday with Mr. Mlllar's xis= tor, Mrs, White' of Drayton. blr, and Mrs. Kunkle and dough- -ter returned to. Niagara on Friday, after spending the past two weeks with relatives here. •, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper and son Gladwin motored up from Wood- ham and spent Sunday with, her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Elsley. Mrs. (Rev.) Medd and daugher Josie are visiting, her sisters, Mrs. John Tamblyn and Mrs, J, Eisley. Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Kerslake and children of Exeter spent Sunray with relatives in the village. Mrs. T•. Sampson returned home on Friday last lifter spending - the past two we;ks with relatives at Dresden and Cha hani,. Mr. Fred Richards, sectiomnan, has gone to relieve Mr, Jas. Leckie, .section foreman of Blyth, who is. 'talking a holiday, Mr. Denis' Roberton loft on'.Fri- day to resums his duties as G T •P. operator at Sarnia. bliss Gertie .Roherton is spending. her holidays with her mother, Mrs. 111. Ross. Miss Belle Roberton has returned _home after spending the past two months with relativesin the West. Miss Minnie Lavan is visiting her cousins, Mrs. M. Ross and Messrs. 'Charlie and James Ruddle. Mr. Will. Caldwell and Mee, Hel- en Quinn spent Sunday at Port Al- bert, Miss. Mary Jamieson of Toronto is visiting at her horns west of the, village. Me. and Mrs,E, Hales of "•Guel- ph visited ab Me. W. .Caldwells last week,; l Over 3,000 musicians will take part in the Music Day prog rammo at the Canadian National Exhibition nl1uding twent - ve hands, 1,500 'chorister and a 1 r e a g number : of, troubiadors,•; pianists and other ar- tists. • "The Prince of Wales Durbar,'t the grand stand spectacle at the Can - lichen -National Exhibition - will , ,have irpprioxintcitely 1,200 Irerforinore, The scouory will be 800 feet leng., I)EPART:MENT,AL AND MATRIC ULATION EXAMINATIONS Time -Table Middle School Authors y a 1 Ec Agri- culture or A History, Authors Authors Spanish Oot Upper School ,September llth, French Authors and French Composition. September 12th, Geometry and English Composition. -- Septerieper 13th, Algebra and Eng.- lish Literature, September 14th, Physics and Trig- noinetry. e tmnber 15. h Chemistry and S P t , he rytry ti History, September 18th, Latin A,uthors and Latin Composition. September 19th, Botany and Zool- ogy- September 20th, Greek Authors or Spanish Authors and Greek Compos- ition or ,Spanish Composition. September 21st, German Authors and-. German Composition, Centres, Fees and Expenses 1. The September examinations will be held as follows: (a)At the University' of Toronto; - Queen's: University, Hingston; McMaster University, Toronto; Western University, London. (b) At any other centro within the Province, provided 'the .can- didate or candidates apply be- fore September 1st, and under- take to; pay ,the additional fees for presiding 'Which are`specffi- ed in' 4' below: (e) At -any centre elsewhere iii Canada, provided • the candidate or candidates -apply before Aug•° 'list 25th, and undertake to pay all the local expenses, including the Presiding Officers' allow- ances, express. charges, and cost -. of 'supplies. 2. For . the September examina- tions, the Departanent of `Education' will: a th- i Chief Presiding Officers h pay e f allowances at $12.00" per day, the Assistant Presiding; Officers' allow- ances at $9.00 per day, the express charges, and the cost of supplies at the centres established under 1 (a) and, (b) above. The presiding offi- cer ffi cer'shall collect from the candidates the full amount of any;other local expenses that'•he may find it necess-\ ary to incur, 3. For the September examina- tions, the .examination fee shall be $1.00 per paper witli•a maximum fee of, $1.5.00 " All such "fees shall be payable at the , Deportment at the time `of application'. 4. At any centre -established un- der 1 (b) above, where the amount of the examination fees paid by the candidate is less than twice the cost of the presiding at that centre, the candidates shall pay additional fees -for presiding as follows: Where on any half-day only one ,candidate is writing, 83.00; only` two candidates, $2:00 each; only three candidates, $1,00`each - • These fees for presid- ing shall be paid, to the Presiding Officer at the time of- the examine -- -tion and shall• be. forwarded by him to, the Department of. Education. September 11th, French A ors and French Composition. ' September 12th, Geometry and English Composition. September' 16th, Algebra and ig- Belt, Literature, ,September 14th, Physics or (:lst• year) .Ai eiont History, September 15th, Chemistryg'= rieulture (2nd year) Britlee Hi y, •September 18th, Latin A ors and Latin Composition. September 19th, German_ A is and German Composition, • September 20th, Greek, or S ish Authors and Greek or Spanish u - position. SEMI-FINAL AO RO88 e, St. Marys Vs. - Clinton; J Tuesday, sd a Aug, 29 Game called 5 o'clock Doli ,t fail to see this 9y Game .Teacher Wanted. Teacher wanted for S, S. No. 3, Tuckersniith, one holding second, - class certificate, Apply on or be- fore August" 29tl, stating salary. and -experience. Duties to coni- mence Sept;, ' 5th. -3. S. Davidsdlr, Secretary, Brucefreld'. ' 63-1-p' Fertilizer for Sale , Judt received a car of ;fertilizer. -- for fall wheat.-A.C, '.bevy, Clinton 63-2 House to Rent. Brick, residence, Princess St, 3 roosts, good' basement, summer kit• 'then, town: water:,' idaer•e of land. I hone 33-606. Mfs Mabel :Rath- well, ath-well: 68 -LE Auction Sale, The undersigned has instructed G. Elliott to sell by public auction at his former residence, Aubert Street, on Saturday, August 266,' at 2 p,in•, the following: Range (Buck's Novelty) new; coal healer; (Famous) ; - wood heater; 3 -burner oil stove with oven as good as now; a quantity, of stove pipes; glass cup- board, 2 tables; ironing table; 2 carpet sweepers, • suttee; 3 chcets wash stand; heds,,springs• and:mat tresses; refrigerator; step ladder lawn mower; quantity ritltv of ,3-plykV wool car ef, tin 1Burn dishes; , si Ivcrwaic; fruit Jars hanging lamp 3 small lamps; knitting machine; curtain Stretchers; curtain poles; 6 sereen doors; window shades; )natures; ere. 9 well br4±d�'roclt hens. `lerr'ns,%cash. A. .I , btt:l4Iurra ;torie li•, y, 1 1 tc,,, Goo. Elliott, auctioneer. 63 DOHE+IIR'TY PIANO IIAC'TORY NOW G;GING IN FULL SWING The 'Doherty Piano .Company is running to capacity, Many, car- loads of orders being reeoivod this. last week, The business from rho West scorns to he particularly heavy, rio doubt owing to the immense crop that country has gust harvested. Businoce from Ontario is hastieular- ly active and • stir, B J, Gihbings, the General Manager bore, looks for c1 revival of trade on a large scale, for the fall months, This is good news for the people of Clinton, who benefit ' indirectly, when our largest industry is proeporoue, Marriages I+OS±RES2'frlt-+Bougt( - At St.- • . Paul's Cathedral, Toronto, on Ani-- gust 16th, by the Rev, G, $, Des - pard, Ione, Ella, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, 0, D. l3ouelc of Toronto to Roy Alex:nide). Forrester of Clinton. TANNER--WALKER--In :Clinton on August 19th, by the Rev. S. J.. • Allin of Toronto and Rev. Ander- son of Clinton, Grace: Isabelle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William ' Walker of Clinton to Wilfred -W, Tanner of Paisley, Ontario, Deaths GARDNER -In Pittsburg, Pa., on Friday, August 18th„'Robt, Gard- ner, formerly of Clinton, in his 47t1i year. , KDRIt-In London, on Wednesday, August 22nd, Mrs, Clara Herr, daughter of Mrs, William Montan of town. Applications Addressed to the undersigned will be received by the Municipal Coun- cil of Clinton for the position of Scavenger , (dry earth closets, etc.) Ditties to commence at once. D. L. MACPHERSON, 63-2 Clerk. Board .and Lodging Students wishing board for the fall term inquire at The Nowe-Re-. cord office. • 64-tf AUCTION SALE Of household furniture at the resi- dence of Mrs'. Agnew, Rattenbury st. west, on Tuesday, August 29. Terms cas'h.. Mrs,. Agnew, Proprietress, Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer, 63-1 For Sale Choice : Fox : Hound Pups 8 weeks old, $5 and $3 for- immediate sale. Also • broken clog. H. .. Brandon, Bayfield. 62-tf It Pays to Advetise r.w TEAPOT. wtf demonstrate why MC' Alki. HAS NO EQUAL Largest sale in America. ant Getting . �°� Pickled Now that pickling season is at hand it will pay you to be sure of the vinegar and spices you use, OUR VINEGAR' AND SPICES ARE :OT THE HIGIIEST, QUALITY AND OUR PRICE, IS AS LOW AS ANY Our delivery service is second to nine You 4 get. prompt" Service at our Quality Store,; TRY US, Get the Habit of Dealing at JO}INSC N .± CO'S GROCERY Phone ii THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY Try a, Ton .of Our Chestnut' Coke It is cheaper and cleaner than anthracite and burns wirhout smoke or gas Just the thing tor summer, cooking and; early winter heating Exclusive Agency for D. L. Zir W. Scranton Coal. J . Be MUSTARD Phone 74 Offa'ce opposite G. T. R, station. FOR SALE MODERN HOME -'William at Princess. LOT -Full size, garden, fruit, shade trees, large lawn. JIOUSE-Frame, full size cement basement, hot water heating, extra large verandah, balcony. GROUND FLOOR -Hall, • living -room, dining -room, den, kitchen, pantry, wash -room, side verandah on: kitchen. FIRSTFLOOR-Hall, five bedrooms, , three-piece bathroom, large size octagon pedestal basin, glass towel rods, etc, Each sleeping apartment equipped with individual heat and an im- proved system of ventilation. Everything for health, comfort and convenience. Apply on premises, D. S. Cluff. 61-tf SHO Piano For •Sale High grade' piano will be sold reasonably for cash. Apply to Mrs. Prank Gibbs, Princess street. 63-tf. For Sale 1 door 8 feet 3 inches by 7 feet 6" inches. 2 doors 8 feet 2 inches by 3 feet' 10 niches. 2in. maple, zinc covered.:both sides. Suitable: for barn doors. One quarter' curt roll top desk. Apply `to The Clinton Knit- ting Co. Ltd., Clinton, Ont. - 63-2 Aninngpls Astray Came to •the premises of the un- dersigned one mile east ' of Varna, on the Bayfield road, about June 15, 2 spotted steers and one roan heifer;, all one-year olds. Oxmer may have same by proving property' and pay- ing_ aying expenses.' Robert Webster, Var- na, Ont.' . , 62-tf Tenders >Wanted Bulk or separate tenders for Mas- onry, Lathing, and. PlasteringPaint- ing and .Glazing, Plumbing Sheet Metal Work, Hot Water heating, El- ectrie Firing and Tile Work in con- nection with •alterations and additions to Iiosptak; Clinton, Ontario, for the Clinton' I .bspitaL Board will be re- ceived by the undersigned not later than 5 p.m. on Monday, August 28,. 1922. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications may be had on applica- tion to the Secretary, : Mr. Sharp,' Manager of Molsons Bank, Clinton, Ontario, or 'from the Architects. Nicholson & MaeBeth, Architects, 46 Queen Street, St. Catherines. 62-2 • Team' Por Sale A pair of geldings, 5 and 7 years.. Sound and right. For cash or bank- able paper. A. Townshend, 16th eon, Gocerich township, R. R. No. 2, Cilnton. Phone 22 on 604. 62-tf Farm For Sale Lot No, 30, Con. 11, Township of Hullett, containing 1.00 acres of land. Ort•tine premises: is a good barn'and comfortable house, water supplied by windmill. The land is in a good state of cultivation, For ternxs and condi- tions of sale apply to Mrs. S. Lee, on premises, J. Vineland, Administra. tor Estate of Samuel Lee, Iondesboro Ontario or W. Brydone, Solicitor for the Estate, Clinton Ontario. ..62-3 COME WITH US TO GOderieh AND ATTEND THE Dinner Dance --AT----- Hotel Bedtord Next Saturday Evening AUGUST 26th Dancing from 6.30 to 12.00. Music by Miss Gene Connon and, London Orchestra. Sund y 'nner--Music 1 to 2.45. Sunday Supper --Music 5.80 to 6.45. Write ,or phone, for reservations to I'tetel Bedford, Goderich. RATES: Saturday. Evening, 6.30 to 12.00 13.00 per couple. After 8,80. $1.00 per couple With additional charges for lunch a la carte. CARDS Use your own window space DAVID. B. CUNNINGI-1.AM. CLINTON, 61.5-p 1 604 Clinton's Leadiil g0Ce>;flral is°.akerg and ice Cr,;,, am Parlor 'Bread, Fancg fyakinand all khakis of confec onar g d .' l Ca es a S ecAalt Neilson's and Bisset's Ice Cream in . Bricks and : Bulk. y Neilson's and Robe>�'tSlQ11 S Chocolates Telephone No. 1 son eosins Drill For Sale Massey -Harris fertilizer drill, good as new, R. Cant, Sunmterhlll, 63-2-p For Sale A piano case organ, walnut settee and child's sidewalk sulky. Mrs. Geo. McKenzie. 6241 Horses•Far Sale at Bayfield To close the estate of the late C. Tippett there will be sold, by private sale two horses; 4 and 7 years old. Fred MclIwen ,and Chas. Marks, executors for the estate. Bayfield, 62-tf House For Sale Fraree cottage with two lots,' on Huron -street. barn on premises, garden with small fruit. For further particulars apply to Miss B. Cantelon, on premises. 61-tf• NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the estate of John, Bowcock, Deceased,' Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of John Bowcoek, late of the village of Londesboro, in the County of Huron, Esquire, deceased, wino died on or ;bout the 29th day of June, 1922, are repuired to deliver to George Garrett, the executor of rite said estate: or his 'solicitor, on or before the .31st day 'of August, 1922, a full statement of their claims .together with particulars thereof, ,and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, all duly verified by affidavit. ' And take notice that + after the said last'mentiened"date the said ex- ecutor will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased ariaoit gst the Persons enactled thereto baying regard only to such claims as he Shall have received duo notice and in ai;cordanee therewith, Dated at Clinton, this `znd day of August, A.D., 1922 0 E'' Oink n Ont, a,; W, . r B1ZYD Irl , o . • , r fO _i Solicitor for rise said Executor 62.3 Farrar For Sale - Lot 29 concession 13 Hullett, .on the premises' there is "a good bush and never - failing creek, land suit- able for all kinds of grain and roots, Apply on the premises to the leg- atees. 61-4-2-p Farm For Sale Lot 16 pt. 17 concession 1 Hullett, Huron road 1% miles east of Clin- ton. This farm contains 127 acres 100 acres drained and in first class condition, the balance • is pasture land and bush. On the premises is a good barn 40x74 with stone stabl: ing and cement Aeon, also hen house pig pen and drive shed on cement foundation. There is a two story. prick house with modern convenien- ces. ' Farm is well watered with first class' springs, and also spring creek running across one corner. Farm is well adapted for mixed farming. For terms and conditions' make ap- plicatien on the premises or Clinton, R, R. No, 4. John Noble 58-tf For Sale Or Rent Brick residence: for sale or rent, Rattenbury street at present oc- cupied by 11, Marshall. Possession August 1st,' apply, Jacob Taylor 24 Ellerbeck Ave. Toronto. 57-tf' Farm For Sale Lot 26,• Con. 17th,' on the Base, line, mile north of Clinton, 22% acres first class land, good house, bank barn and 'young orchard just beginning to bear. Also 7 -roomed house on Albert street, Clinton. Wa- ter, good garden, barn. Apply on latter premises. Mrs. John Halstead. -41-tf Seitella Corsets Spirella Corsets for 'healthfpiness, style, cenifort and durability. Ev- ery:corset made to measure. Mrt. Elizabeth IKenned Ontkri street, o at et, Clinton, Phone 142. 12-1921 Heater For Sale :A, goed coal. ,heater, only, used a couple .of winters, G': ' E. ilall'y Rattenbury street, or The Wows -Kofi cord.. '�IIII�IVGIIIIIif j�VgUl��lll�Iu�UlpVllll�q�llll�VhVIpVIIhVI1111UUIVIIIiIIIl�IU111111�IlUlUVllIIII�IIIVllIiV1�IIII�VIIIVUi�I�11UpI011110VV�Ip�IVl�ll�ll�lllllfp� IIIIIIIIII (11��11➢➢I��Intllll�Il5611l511 �im311m101llimi�m m�mmmssmmmmr Phone 68. OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 12 a.m. 2.00 to 1,80 p.m. 7:00 to 9.00 p.rn. Sundays by appointment. DR. W. R. NIMMO Chiropractic : Specialist Specializing in -Spinal, Nervous and Chronic Diseases. CONSULTATION FREE Normandie Block, Clinton, Ont. G2.4 To Sell or Rent House on Princess street. For particulars apply to W. Brydone. 58-tf August. ISA NIONTH OF Special Values In Ladies' and child- ren's Fine Shoes, - Ox. fords and Slippers, Reg. r7..50 to $g for $6,00 Reg. $6,50 to $7,00 for $5,00 Reg. $5.50 to $6.00 for i4 00 Mann more values just as good. Wm. arrg Opposite the Postoftice. Clinton OSTEOPATHY. DR. A. M. HEIST Osteonathie Physician Graduate, Des Moines Still College' of Osteopathy. Licentiate. Iowa and Michigan State Boards of Medical Examiners. Spinal adjustments -given to remove the cause of disease. Catarrhal • deafness, adenoids, and enlarged tonsils treated. without surgical operation. Stomach and intestinal diseases treated, without the use of drugs or. surgery. SuccessortoDr. Heileman.' Office, Goderich, Ont. At the Graham House every Tues- day after 6.30 p.m.• eed C `od Wisconsin No. 7, Improved Learn- ing, Golden Glow, Bayley, ` White Cap, Crompton's Early, Longfellow, Eureka Ensilage and Golden Ban- tans Sweet.' : ' SEED 'BUCKWHE'A'T Japanese, clean, cool and sweet. SE • ED MILLET. Yellow and red. SO.RCIIUM, Early Amber, Sugar Cane, CALF MEAL Royal Purple Calf Meal and Stoch Foods. HIGHEST PRICE FOR ' PRICES PAID o. WOOL W. Jenkins' & Son. FLOiiR AND PRIED Ph'onee; I;leTator 199, Resident. 141 Clothes Cleaned' and Pressed Clothes ;c caned pressed and re- aike r d. Woos ' p n oods dr cleaned. g y Reems ,. ooms Ve• . r • bards barber p sho , W ' J lege. g -$3-bf • Roars for Service Champion bred big type e Yo k P g yp Yorkshire and Chester White'hoae''s for service. At home :dvery' forenoon .-A. 0. Levey, Phone 5 on 639, Clinton »--28 1.3 The South -Ends Grocery Try;.our store for your supplies, you w111 find our prices AS LOW AS ANY FULL STOCK FRESH GROCER(A:S Prompt delivery to all parts of the town. HIGITEST PRICE FOR BUTTER AND EGGS PHONE ORDERS PROMPTLY 1 DELIVERED. Mrs. M. Jo Brown' PHONE 144. Chestnut Coke We have on- hand for immediate delivery a."oar of real Chestnut Coke KENNEL AND SOFT COAL Also some" good ,Hardwood. Leave orders at my Residence„ Huron street, or Phone 155. E. WARD COAL NUT. STOVE & EGG ALWAYS ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY R. J. MILLER Orders taken at residence. Phone 119 Ontario Grain Seeds Experience has taught us the above seeds are. --the only ones for our district. We have on hand Gov' ernment Graded •:t Red Clover Alsike Orchard Grass Alfiilfa• Timothy - Blue Grass White and Yellow Sweet Clover i In Baby Chick Feed Blatchford's Milk Mash Pratt's Buttermilk Mash Wodehouse Roa1Pr y u plo- H.'0. Cooked Chfek°d!'eeds Always on hand, ' Western Oats, Shorts, Oat Flours Linseed Meal, Purina Chicken Chow- der. Flours: Five Roses, Hunts Sil- ver Crown. Secialprices onIant' s or a few days. Wanted. a quantity of Peas, Buck- wheat -and •Red :Clover.` Submit `sam- ples. J. A. FORD &c. SON Phone 123. ' Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers Also issuers of Hunters & Trappers licenses Live WANTE - W PIG'. l'h,rol • Fanners who raise poultry for profit 'sell all their old roosters and broody hens, also young cockerels: weighing.. about two pounds- each during June and July.: Coops sup- plied. Write or phone to GUNNLANGLOIS CO. 4 CLINTON, ONTARIO, N. W. ,TREWA1aTHA, .Manager, Phone No. 190,'Holmesville 601 r .)1, CIR AM 'WANTED! The demdtnd for our butter is in- creasing.' To supply this demand we require more errant'. We request q you to ship u5 your, crearh.` - We guarantee you the highest Markt Prices, 'accurate tests and prompt: service.. Our firm `s known own. to you and needs. no further o t r ec r mmend. Wo pay all express charges, furn ish cream cans and pay twice each:, month. Write for tails or further informiae• tion to the THE SEAVORTH CRRA.MERY C. As BARBER, MA111.0R, •