The Clinton News Record, 1922-8-24, Page 2o 11.MeTAG CART
euerce selectee: Duelnese teaneect,
Notee lelecoeueed, Deane Jeteued,
Intereet Allowed on Der)OffitS. Sale
Netes leirehasee.
Notary, Peelle, Conveyancer,
Financial, Real eletate„ nee Flee In-
reneanee Agent. Representing 14 Fire
ineuratiee comoaniee, ,
Divon Court Office, Clinton:
Parrlster, Solicitor., Notary Public, etc.
Houre:-1c30 to 3.30 pea, 7,30
to 9.90 pm,' Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 p.m.,
Other emirs by appoirement only. •
Others and :Residence — Victoria, St.
s reenmine praettee at his reeidence,
°thee 3305rce---9 10 10 a.m. and 1 to 2
pen. Sundays, 1 to 2 p.m., for eon-
eultation. ,
-DD,S„ L.D.S.
Graduate Royal College of Den:tee Sur-
*georis end Termite University •
nee office home itt Bayfleid in old
Post °Mee Building, aeopette, .Wed-
neeilay, Friday and Sattieday from. 1
ale 5.30 p.m.
conveyancer, Notary public, COMIT1113-
(eerier, etc. • '
' Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Licensed Auctioneer' for, the County
of Huron. ,
Correepondence promptly answered.
linfeediate arrangementietae be made
' sort Sales Date at The. Newe-Reeortl,
Ceinton, or by calling:Phone e03., , •
. . .
ohargee Modeeate and Satisfaction
, „ .
. Guaranteed.
Trains win arrive at and delmee from
Clinton as follows:
Buffalo and Goderich Div.
Going East, depart 6.25 ame
2.52 p.m.
Gettig West • ar. 11.10 Cp. 11.15
mr. 6.08 dp. 6.51 p.m.
ex.„ 10.03 p.m,
London, Huron «8 E3ruce Div.
Coing South, ar. 8.23 clp. 8,23 a.m.
e 415 p
Coing North, depart , 6,50 p.m.
" 11.05, , 11.13 am,
The McKillp Mutual
•Fire Insurance Co pany
Head Office, Seaford), Ont.
• President, James Connolly, Goderieh;
Vice., .fames Evans, Beechwood; See:
Treasurer, Thos. Relines, aeaferth.
Directors: George MeCartney, Sea -
forth; D. F. McGregor, Seaferthe 4. G.
Grieve, Walton; Wm Ring, Seaforth:
M. McEwen, Clbeton; Robert Ferries,
'Oarlock; John 13enneweir,13redbagen;
Jibe. Connolly, Gedevieh,
Agents: Alex, Lelia, Clieten; J W,
Veer, eloderieli; Ed. Ilinehrey, Sea.
forth; W. Cheenee), Egmondville; R.
O, earrautb, Brodhagen,
Any money to be paid In enay be
raid to Moorish Clothing Ce., Clinton,
or at Claes Grocery, Goderieh.
Partiee desiving to affect Insmance
ere transact ether Mistress will be
eroknotly attended to on application to
;Any erthe above oflleees addressed te.'
their respective pose office • Loses
inspected by the Dieeeien• who lives
sealeet the scene.
.-..N.EW.S..:11f..C6R.D. •
'Terme of subscrip8ion—$2.00 per year,
in advance, to Cam:Alai' addresses:
•ee.50 to the U.S. er other foreign
tottetries, No paper eiecoutinued
until all errears are mild unlese et
option of the publisher. The
date to *hitch every subscription is
• gid is denoted on the label.,
Advert isi ng Ft at es— Trap s i en t d ver-
tieemeets, 10 cents per nenpeeell.
line for first ineertion, and 5 eente
per Jibe for each subsequent, inser-
tion., Small advertisements not to
• exceed one Inch, such as
"Strayed'," or "Stolen," etc., inserted.
• mice for 35 eente, and each subee-
quent insertion 15 cents,
• CoMmunicatIons inte,nded for mesa-.
tattete mese ae e, guarantee of geoil
etexith, be accompanied by the name of
the writer.
Cte E, HALL, •
M. It. CLARK',
Propeieter. Editor,
Spraying for Potato Bugs.
In the control of the Cktlorado beetle
tal! been found that Parie green es
the poleen which wile give quickest
results, bast' the disadvantagesin its
•toe ere that it well not stay hi ewe-
pesterionin MOUT very well end: may
race damage- r te foliage te4 tondo
plume, evert' the p,otato alert When
Applied too st-retegly: •
C:alehrm ersenate twee lees Violently
end is leas dangerous with reference
to foliage injta-y, bet it eleo.kille 131
eneeecte more elowly. 'Arseitato of leatl
eats gel more elioWeer, bet is Very Onto
fee plants Welch are eueeeplible to
, foliage injury.
• ee—
'k deteiVe Inlet to take adviecej one
pelt,..telellgete et, eteeee ,ittc, I
Aiidrese communicatione to Agrono
• Poultry Faroe Tone,
Por feteediai?,• peepeees, two-year-old
eons have eeen foiled beet, although
ettreng, :dicers, hey e beee meiclueed halm
wellele-veloeed yearlinge. Pallets
winging from eix to nine months old
are :mote eo leee u risk. While their
eggs Me'y hateli well, there is not the
vitality in -the young that ie found in
the,se from eerily, vigerms iwo-Ye6-e-
cid hens. This hag been demonstrated
by a sreeice el• trials., and is a strong
te,stinionial to the policy of keeping
at hem reg,avdlese of her age, as leng
as the is herdy, vigeeoue and yields
a profit, ,
Tette in mating show that for
strong, livable decks, the best roof-
ings ere' those of six vigopous females
and en actece male, When hens are
wee, the male should be a cockerel;
if metered pellicle, use a coele. Where
male beree are eeteenated, in a pen,
teeth show thee ten font:aloe10itheue
Ole proper number, • Good fertility bee
been obtained in lerger matings, and
witeout alternating the reales, bee the
(bias were met in a* geed condition.
For years it has 'been our practice
to make all neets of tella,CCO steins in
preferenee to .straw or any other ma-,
terial, and a's a result there hoe been
practically no tremble with vermin'
either on hene er chieke. Tobacco
steene are yea& in both ehe leying and
eneubatieg nests. As tobacco steins
are pet alvietie evallable, tests were
made by tieing hay as a substitute.,
end theelely ,epeinlcling a good insect -
powder on it. •When heni were set
the neees thus made were treated the
same, tefore the eggs were put in.
In these tests zenoleum, a coal -tar
ereelnet, was used on aecount of its
strength, The melt was Practically
the 'sante as With tobacco seems.
• With the :aid of trapneets the nature
a the diffeeent hens has leen noted
during the past year. The observe-
eione peeve that Nature neyer exactlY
duplicetes anything. There are no two
hens' that are exactly alike in all
respects, although,. SWIM come very
close ect it. But this is metee exempli-
fied :by the nathre of the hens them-
selves. Some oe the hens quit laying
as they' began molting while others
continued laying, more or less, during
the molting peeled, and kept M excel-
lent keel& and vigor. While shedding
Ole •aeathers some of the hem had a
ragged and dejected appearranee;
others in the same flock molted so
gradually teal the thong* was hardly
notece,d, ,and kept in the best of health
during the entire period. Some Ivens
were really savage wth, n broody, while
others were exceeding -I goo:denatured.
Some would sit carefully and always
had a clean -looking nest, while others
were sure to breale some of the eggs
and eieeoue the rest. Some hens were
natuelaNY tame, while others in the
same fleek ilre wild and nervous.'" :
The traenast has proged that the
nest -egg -theory is all wrong, Nest
eggs ,have no influence whatever in
ceaxing a hen to lay. In cue trapnese.s
the is nothing but tobacco stems.,
and yet right in these nests the pullets
start to lay and keep it up in fine
shape during the yeer. •Occasionally
alien arequent the nestebut not
lay. I noticed one hen get in the emp-
tiest and remain theere for an hour. or
mere admost every day, and yet she
did not lay. The hen was killed and
on being opened up was found to have
considerable fee aceumulate-d around
the egg Organ& As a rule, every aim -
73•Adelaido St. Weet, Torente
iler /lee wee feline eo be uneelealie
heavy. ,
Tett made the Peet etteeen in alter,
natiag Male trirfth l('QT fertilitY, 1e-
Sl14tefl as fellow:ea From January' 1 to
May, 1, .0111' male's 'were ateeigned te
teree,pens:. Tecie is, cock Nee 1 started
ie ems No. 1; rank No. 2 in pen No, 2;
cock No. 3 in pen No, 3, and eock NO.
4 was placed in cage ,in another
building. The next weetc tock No. ,1'
wag put in a cage, Code No. 2 wee etd-
valued to pee No, 1, crick No. 3 went
to pen No. 2, end the meek that evigire
ally wee 11) 0) rage was placed in pen
No. 3, anti so on cede week, Aft.M- the
first' of May only three melee were
allowed for every einem Pane, but eaell
week thee' were moved to different
to een Ne.: 3, cock No. 2 went to Pen
pens. Fel' inetanee, cook 'No..1 wept
No. 1, and eeele No. 3 to, pen No. 2.
These changes avoided Savants:es and
there wns leetter fertility.
After testing varioue meeli,ocis for
breaking up ereediness, the follenving
'wee found to be the most humane and
eatisfaetory: Once a week all broodies
found on the 'nests ae night were car-
ried to a house andrun, in which there:
ev'eee, no' nests nor any °thee fowls,.
Here they were kept fin a weelc, by
which time they got over their bloodi-
ness and went to 'eying again, Once.
in a great while tilMre would be a eerie-
bern hen and slie would 'have to re•
main in, this pea for another • week,
.bna such casee were rare.
• •
Tegth made To fine mit:weal:, effect
different kiedseef feed, woulei, heve 01)
the dolor". of the Yolkof, eggs 'Show
quiteeeonclesively ileat in the major-
ity 'of .casee the 'eel 'r is Wine:need by
the quality of the f eedgivere hut that
there:are individual hems thet :Will eon,
tint:veto produce either white or yellow
yolked eggs: regardless ,oe • the feed:
Pale yolks predominate when, hene are
fed on milk, wheat oats, bran „and
mieddiege ,and yellow Yolit.s 'when the
sleek is liheraller fed on -yellow eaTn.
16 was 'noticed that eggs -With; pale
yolks were more likely to heve lees
consistency than these with •yellew
yollcz, Thee is, the pale yelks flattened
out when ,the eggs were broken- and
the whites, of the same eggs stemed
to be thinner. Yellow yolks Uhaally
Stan(' up round and full when ,thie egg
is broken • ' •
Burablefoot (swellings on the feet
oe fowls) is generally due trOreading
Oa sharp objects, rough ground', etc.
It is not ceneagioue, and, for year it
hee been adve.eated that the pue in the
'bruise- should be removed. • This is
quite -a,task and rtot always euccess-
fule Daring the:past year e number. of
'eases developed. •Believing that the
matter will right itself 'without treat -
net, nothing was done., but a careful
watch w.ats made of the condition.
.After the eweeing reached, a certain
stage it began to 'dry up and 'kept on
growing smeller 'until aJ� the, trouble
vane-shed.:olesereateope will
'nide eliould,any new gesee develoes.
A. method of feeding has been tried
out which proved very Satisfactory.
Instead -of feeding mash in the morn -
Mg (allowing an iron spoonful to
every two fowls in the pen), nothing
at mon, and a full feed (e handful t6
each fowl) at nig-lit, the order was
elea.nged as follows: In 'the morning;
grain (scratch feed) wee thrown am-
ong straw—a thandfug fee" every five
fowls in, th,e pen; at , noon t/ie mash
was given, allowing an iron, spoonful
for every three fowls in pen; and in
the evening, an holm before deek, a
heedful o' grain given to eaee fowl
in the pen. •
Egging Them on To Buy.
Jelin Bentley was developing a'poel-
try and entail truck farm He had
'an idea, that he could' built1 ep a select
list of euetomers in a nearby city. He
decided,to roake his experiment with
eAs sem as hie White Leghorn flock
was big enough and 'was laying he
made his appearance, one day, in a
good residenee dietriet. He had with
him a -crate of eggs -of good eize, clean,
atteactive and, abece all, genuinely
frech. At eace hose 80 lefe a single
egg. Attached to it by a seicker was
a little card giving- his name, R.R.
adeletse and his telephone numbee.
Tee eeed alee stated
Thi s Is it eiluitte Fresh Egg
Poach, boil, or fry it for to -morrow's
Teen write or lellobe me an cede): for
a reguler delivery of eggs of the
Some UnalitY.
• City delivery by truck on Fridays
Parcel -post, delivery on receipt of
, orders
ely peke is the regular retail price for
gilt-coge procluet. Thie week, See doz.
Aceorepanying this "elan:pie° were
,an order clue' te be filled out, and an
The single distribution . of sample
eggs brought Bartley enough order%
for a Teat etert, ahd the growth of
bilaille60 quickly Mel( care of ell
lent the eggs simply opened the
ikon to ethee products. Whenever
Barrtley had poultry to sell or gardee
The Most Effective Fertilizer.
le ie aeways wee& 80 loole to ethe
future, end as beenyeed merinre' ie
the most effective and eheapest ef all
feetilitere, this i$ the Hine ween the
lave eteelt 15 meetly onto of doors 82
flee that aM
regerlents eaist et the earn
for handlieg tlio manure and Xar e3) -
plying it JO the land in its most
eortneeeble Melee, Tee Doininien
(themiet peinte out that 'weight for
Weight the liquid Immure, except it
the Oleo ok the pig, *obtains mach
leigheo peeeeneages of tietegete anti
poteich Hiatt the teiliel eeterement, and
ie one 8818804543401' evailable emedie
produce eeady, an order ceed a»nounc-
ea the fact to his egg customers. The
geode ordered were deeveree on the
text weekly trip, or Shipped by poet
or eecpreee; if ee,sireci. He could, marIcet
alb a mad:mate retail price and yet
realize mere than was pee,sible undee
regular marketing machinery. Satis-
fied regular euseomexe, of copree,
brought others',
eit,:ey found that there was,a mar-
ket few hampers of mixed vegetables,
peoportioned for 'family use and seed
at a fixect price. He made up.a dollar
beteket whieb, one week might contein
lettuce, beans, tereetoee and cern,
With the change 24 eseaso,n and- „of
crepe, necessetily the contents-
Having only one tevelc deliectrY day.,
and using eereel-pest and" °seeress ele
supplemeneal deliVeler- age/tale's, hie
own wo'1cin tixe on is arm was not
so eericeety 'nee:erupted.
On truce orders. he required pay-
ment on delivery, end en-triall orders,
eo far es po.seible, in advance, until
reliability was establiseed, Where it
t,homed advisable he rem.tired 'tempor-
ary deposits to cover the test ,of halm).
ere and of shippieg -crates, In many
eases he pees:meek hie custainers to
buy tetit own containers..
Aftern time he felt it safe'to agree
to menthiy settlementwith' Seale of
his establtiehed eusitomere, In pub -
milting the periodic statements, how-
ever, he alwaye erielosed a self-
eddreseed, stanmett envelope.
" et aw coeventent as poseible
for a ectitemer to pay and he ie likely
ID settle with you flest," see% Bartley.
tion fer crop use; heece it is import-
en,e,that 16ebeeld he retained. For this
purpose eare should ,be taker that the
floor 'epee" which the animate reset and
the' guttere behind' are sound and
liquid tight. "Sefficient litter or bed-
ding meteriai elieuld be need to take
up ell free liquid, 'Straw, dry eaciste
des,t, atm shaviege, peat mess muck
and peat where air 'cleled, rnake
good abserbing bedding. "Ilanl the
nianurre to the fields day by day from
fall to Spring," ie reend edvice,
Real happiness te cheap enough, yet
bow fleetly we pe' foteite *'t8"1'44,
Noticing Things.
ihut eel() one moeletie, oet hen; ago,
. A :tiny ealesnem on hie svey /mine
maleoe en automobile driven past Writ
three times witein one bloele. There,
pep, plenty of care 'ereleine aboet
down -town etreete at teat bona
and Iffaht persone woulillat have Te.
:barked the repeesieg wee Tee &aka -
men though, end told a eeNeeMele
Who caugin the driyere of the eel'011
the act ee making or with a flee
limousine that Neap peeke2 in fUllaliflY
&Mut two eleelee dewn the etreet.
The ypueg melee babe; of seeing
the trein,gehe looked ae eavee eomeene
about five tlioueane peifeetly gem.'
donee's, .
The eNlee (Wise' 91d book) ee5le
something About thoee who ha.vieg
eyee see not, and eheee" who havine
ears hear not; and it is sere to tear
that not a day paesee le _the life of
any individual without tee epportue-
ities to save time, tr,sulao, on ineettY
by seeing what we look at end Lear(
ing what We heap. .
John Hay' IIanueorele'Jr.„ tells the
storY of et mining engineer who wee
offered a worliedeoue, gale mine for
few hundred Mailers,. Teo looked). it
„ .
over and nought it, very, ,very eeaeen-
ablY. Then men wee „seld it laughed
at elm ler buying et. 13 evaen t mule
of a gold mine, But it proved: to be
oneof the richest lead mines in the
world, and 'put its purchaser ie the
Way of beeeming "a- multimillionaire.
- 'The Privilege of Seeing and heating
is one of nature% fete gifee to the
Vast majority ofeitiesan being*, They
test nothing, Thee 59 orie reason they
ere hot made better use oS. If 'we had
to buy oue eyes and ears over -tee
'counter two or three times a year,
like our shoes, and Pay taxes on them,
we'd peebably 'think more Of them.
And if the railroeds could afford to
pay a young' laWyer'$2,500 a Word for
the 1dg-a "Stop, Look, and Listen" at
grade erossings, it ought to be.woeth
at least $12,5.00 of any iiimas money
to have. this newspaper write this
mental grade creesing sign foe hiin;
"See, Hear, Think, and Act"?
Take it on oredit, if you like, end
owe us the moneyo'for we know you
will have the price sonie day, if 'you
Saving Rana:Work on the
Seed Crop.
So far as available faxen help is
concerned, we seem to be just an hard
up in this eommunity as dining war-
time,- There seems to be plenty of
Tutees loafing around the local towns
but these will not work—and, if they
would come out in the country, their
skill would probealy e'how 10 best ad-
vaneage with the table fork. So we
have to us.e every, means possible to
seve hand -labor. Our method of hand.- Ye
ling th,e mammoth driver seed mop,
ma,y be of interest,and helpful to
" 1-1OUR
Whet Cala (.)no lemiow tee; eeemanejen'Entemolo-
• rt, "IrSklqtif Aff1011tIng aS'afitia9S0 Plants
re dealing, tee 2110 :title irallieee: 'ede)lle
tIrte.),!Q•1111 ce:13te4Eltglene
4.31 w8otise' 1)051)01inevere
"level, who delta you ;peak mete ele,te e„e eke eetomelogiet in
you ee oat think Swage?' beeebaN, ebarge of. Fruit 1051053 ITITOStliratiSnS
q, geed ehteg, yet you- let your eeee: Yinellenet, Oise, we 'e'f,14'11 that Ole
,aeose)eTiffioexvv,1,0eldep,Tiel)e.imit:v4WThettoileoeir, iielk;eelcoiexieti,4:ealate,19,yiyeerul4tiVivai7taccde ottf,,n(1,110,xr
et ben reProachfullY aetee 'bed told million aquams feet' ,a• geese and in
a the aceleth cee the elate ' • 1020 -were 111)4110,2 888000 ee erearee
"Mother, what geed weeeld ebee,°, di three million delege•in voloe, In
• ift,Ire9theWr$11'3-vvt' ctencit sone 'Eadir 3Teadi- ii-e..4t19':(' 0(113 5105 'warlie6bieelTittIO oleetileleis'hjfelvd'ellee.,f'TTe-
etill. Of efinghe, 1,-WOn't ,an,(1 play eeete feed, tie by that way the prelter
in the Sereley gansee, het Talidn't eee reinecly to .epply lean be asectreedned,
OEY Gee 'saYiefe onYibing: Thee Insects ere diverted 'into two:elastics
wouldn't ebenge 'ler ore eeleeve by the nature OS' Their attaelfing
melees foorteen ja our elate, Yell itieet One teaaa'S okrelh aa eaterpillaes
tcnew." '
bite and thew ellen food, and elm other
e;WhlitqlriCcoathne0e5.1e Well 51 4;41?71e7113:0;1" ia)137hidecreleftrutheelThel;171.he4celleagt:
ewthEaleeiiiiseh Athileittdoer them,
ieneseet;t, ,ebtiet,e,,s,..:7,ttel,buopiriat<hhelprotios,oeceii: suIeftthase
Titetilll'eletent•h°48r 880150'. 1)3)58851)10), .14Y8'41;btienabufle,aretTaftee'e c'e'fnleelcctidngleeitineTtle-
theer ,e.earee 'am jungle, and then contact ineeeticklos tire reorimmeneed,
ateeegeeeeee aereeing, thectene -the ;de- soda foe instatree PrePalnatianS 0001 -
lag ;there • crept a line ell • eighty taning, teibae,O, Bow deadly and
wrqtched bleck people Chained 'tele
g•ethee. They '11000 :Peepte .ceeturred
eaide in the nebeiliore end Were ewe
being deiaen lefeleconmeclen deem
traders tp the"eeave Where they -would
be Sold, pid• en ct and car.
tried away, never again to eee their
native village etv apy, of *Mix loved
once. , wee ,a piteoee sight, They
tan:exciri:thohweeinial."Yileall, dianced Poultry
ferent counerke had •steen such a eight,
indignetien end ,pity. But ,they had So ear as egg productien is concern
said, 'What earl on,e Men de against ed, Brileish ..Ceilmnibia. Tanks as 'eh
this 'greet entreeched evil?' So they banner poultry province' aecording t
,ghaoldlekcepTit still While the slavos had flte;riatieltriceN'em: Itiao:teeelheivere'eihterlete roueattf Per
y 21
"Not,eo this litelperileeionery grew. vision oa the 'Dominion Live. Stool
One. than saki, 'We cannot let' this iirench. The Univeesiey Braes
hie ' Columbia rnakee the beet deeming ••e
'The ethers quickly agreed wall rely ineetution or breeder, Iti that
him, Se the three Jaime:pied men wept terovin'ee last ye,ar 100 Levet:ranee .25
to 'the .slave traders; and in the name Plymouth. Reeks and 47- Wyandotees
of Eng•tanti, they liacle theme see the quelefied fere advanced: • certificates
laves' free. The traderelenew-enough that are grante.d.foe.lieeds that lay
o9f England to reaelze 'het pewee. The5) over 225 eggs in' the '52 weeks. The
did net, know how =eh a:lethality the highest Leghoni. record wee 207, laid
miesioneries might lave. ,So they by e tbird' owned' by' the Old People's
seatteredequickly into the jungle, their Nome,' Yeateonver. The Plymouth
eeneeiences perhaps herreing Rock. gecerd wee 281,Mice by a bird
there on. The eighty elaves .wereafrie. -owned at Goileteratee The Wyandotte
.They fell on their kpees weeping with mooed WIG 293, %red loY a bird olwind
e,e Langley Prairie Ontario hest 44
"'are ie 'what -elm man de. Two Legiereme, 11 Pere oueh lereeks, anee 18
others -were ready tel help" him as Weanclottee in the advanoed elasis, the
etien tie be haa taken a ebend, but 'so best reeer.dle •Leghoens, 282;
small was the number against; a great Med by a bieee Owned et Riehmend
evil that you ean yet call. it e.ene- Hill; Plyineneth Rocks, 277; leicl ey..a
Man job. Every great -reform, every ,eird owned actelestethener, an:d.
great woek had its, 'begineing in, the deetee, 254, ettice ey Wed owned, at
Ind of tene Man. Don't be vemaid tee Stony Gleeek. • '
eckle'a job !because you are just: one,
if you are .suale the thing ought to be
clone. -Perhaps if you had epokeze ore
half a' dozen other boys Might have
stood with you. They were like yoo,
they hated to say anything:"
"Mother, don't stay ' another word.
Pm gating to aele the fellowe to recon-
sider the vete at to -morrow's nieee.inge
And say :Whet I think tthoet -it.
It ma* not .eo any geed, but •et kast
I won't shirk .beezeuse. I think,: Pin:
. "That's what i like to hear my. son
said' his mother,
Canadliart Cattle Prices 11113
popuiloue the ee ineeete may' become'
exemplified the fact Ith#14.,-an e03)6
elleeleree if the progeny et 'a 'sing
rose aphid were allowed to 'survive i
three hundred days it would equal i
weight "seeen times the teeming Pone
'lailort of Chism, Coneeleation of th
bulletin referrer/ to -will imPart v•als
amount Minute information on. th
611We:et dealt with.
Relief from
RheuTnatic Pons
' obeematicen ie a eonelieetlenal
eleeloce. gemiee keel tieltett tiod
paine, Intl ained jeletic mid etiff
Meeeete I lee certriel be perileripeette
relievea by loofa Or exteenet apple ,
eatione, et must have constitutional
treatment, r
• Take the greet blood -purifying ana
tones medicine, elocelei earetteeride:
which cornets the eele condition of
the blood pe Meet' Aeon -taboo do-
Pentitii and gives Permetneen 10110)1,
it combines tee Pewit elteeleYe egente
1158 85 teeatamet, of elate diseetee
LI Value of Steadfastness
Some time age I hey:re:one of fee
great preaehere imerese the leeeon28
eeeadfeetiesse and since then the wol'a
fic,:etrIeftyd:earslinel'ad'i,slitoits mh Pbd ilero:elencle no: rp,altiancle5
There is great vedue in that vverd
, in life, an eivene invellee mane) petite -
es ties. These include a moral purpose,
rtr enancial purpose, and, an eceeepa-
10 tk'eeeemeiraPellrePenee'aseriess ie obtained by
following the great mowed levee which
e we ale eihionklecnow well.. A finanekel
seeedeeetneee means a definite plan of
e ha/oiling our financial reeoenoee.. If
ttwh4eitilchilvii,ebee ?Ina"; we are n't enPbel:ftdilyt
• In fuming steadfastriese meane 00
- farm plan, e 'crop rotation, a definite
e live stook program or an endeavor to
o attain a certain standard of perfection
- in quality for your fruit and other
fan preclude.
c Steadtfestness means yen have de --
h dried on the- port you want to reach,
if you've ect ymer rudder and ,you are
sailing directly toward that port.
bfa'uTstten::: iigneete:t,oeyvadoertueasye,o';tmelieensw,e:leponnaeeie; tllftt:n:obine41.1,gtt
but in careless. s,oierebbring, Stead -
not in vice; in e'12 -earned eroseeniey
of it gete you nowheee.
We take the thralls binder, put the
canvasses on as tor cutting,:grain, take
off. the chain that (hives the packers
and take off one of the paolce. • The
other packer will then deep down rave
' the way. Take off also the trip
that regelates dee of eundlee. This
leaves, nothitig in the waY to sten or
:shell. the. seed, AIM elover will: run
off' in a fine windrow evinelowill nee be
in the way of the horses or binder on
the next *round.. We find: that by cut-
ting in .the forenoon, or afternoons,
too; when the elover is not bone dry,
We then less seed than by any other
method. 'The binder cuts faster than
the mower. The saving in handelabor
comes hi the bunching: For thie we
take One horse on a dump mice, drive
hint between two windeows, and rake
up two rows at once in es neat piles
as peesible—doing this, of course,
when the seed Joso little damp. Then
to ture the, seed so .ae to dry the undee
side we take the rale and go over the
eeed just the enpesite way and tip the
piles over. This makes the piles mere
Compact, as well as turning another
side to the sun, and thus the seed is
ready to be laded for hulling-wit/Mit
touching it with a fork.—C. S. Lang-
Mies Eiectric Spark, while not the
most lovable, is the meet SurviceaVe
hired girl ewe ever employed in our
household. .
, The man evlio fails to teee his cows
cannot lay aH the bktme for eeresting
the development of the easiness upen
hie city cousin.
. While Irish 04001 56111 rictains its
position in the British market Lea
cable do not.seem to be doing so well,
probahlY .owing to the dristembed state
of the 'country. The Dominion Dive
Steele branch reported Irish bacon 4e12-
ing at from 159 shillinge to 167 „shill-
ings the long hands- edweight, _Dan ish
at frOgn 148 to 152 shillings:, Canadian
ett from 136 to 140 sthilings -end Un-
ited Stateat from 115 to 120 shill-
ings. On the other hand Comedian
cattle commanded as high. a.e 14e a
pound, Nve weight, and Irisheat hare
1036 'to 12%c, Prime Seetth :ranged
at from 1636 to 1736,e,
Negev:ling evoel , the Live aStoee
branch reports said the spring rise
was beteg meeptained end that a
keen iroarest -was bMng eibeem 88
Viesteen pro -duets.
Mites', there little _reel devils that
suck the bkocreroni hene, ean beam-
inated by painting roads and neves
with a coel tar dielpeeeteeit. •
Clay Soils and Tr Maget
Of all tee earione types of soil to
be found, none- eeberi properly hateled
aee, more prethreeicee then the heavy
cleyi The very fineness of these soils
gives them a large water-bet:cling
eapaeitye which will adapt them to the
revel:ellen of -email graiwandgrateee.
Theernenegement of thes,e.sedle pee-
"e,ents eeecieleprelelems for 2onsiclera7
tion. Pie.r.finsice'sst .ViVeS them ten-
deneye to• and 'to "Tquire, mere
than .the .ueual amount oe labor in
MiltiCation. The lack ef sufficierte Sur-
face or ,utalerdiainage makes them
cold' and wet 'in teM spring, and when
there ip a leek of-vegetalsee 051 organic
matter, they ere hard to werk and lese
The Methods of heat:tient heve des-
mesied are:bee:eel orethe result of field
demonetratione and'obeervations made
on•the Dominion Illustration Stations
in Quebec, New Brunswick and Neva
Scotia. Oneeof the great errawbaeks
with this tyee eff soil ie the firienese
of the 111 perticeee. To offset 'Meg
oondition, the farm practiee ohoulel be
so arranged that the enerations will
:eyeternatieally opee op and make
these seals more pereue. Spend at-
tention inust be given to the time end
type of plowing endcaltivation, Heavy
clay ,eoile elmold be fall plowed' When
the moisture cornea ie. tight. If work-
ed when we±, they a -rt op1, to pacelee
and bake. While it is nocessery ee
plow these ,soile doeple-, the depth
should he leseerede gaadoelly. The
early vvothime of these .seile,, in the
eeringe Is Most imperbanta Tele eulti-
eatioil shoeld Cartinletee ah, omen AS
tho prepee nieleture tiouliteen ie teeth-
ed, Imet never when the 402 le et eel
etirke, P3) reeelye gee'. •-•."
ment .over the leine, etreh ze a drag
hallow, the surface soil evie he loosen-
ed and crumbled sufficiently to pre-
vent It from baking into elede, This
will cheek evaporation and maintain
the proper moisture coedit:ion foe a
euger perk .
Clay- soils ere generally wet and
cold became theee-atee 88 teeie is con-
stently evaporating, and evaporation
is a toeliim, preeere, 11 10 the coldness
of a poorly drained soil as weld ah the
excess watee that it centains that is
rospensible fee 'the unsatisfactory
growth of crops from them Drain-
age ,carricts off thee earplug water,
makes the eeil von'esele begtens ger.-
ernination, eelleue air to enter the eel!
,and 'brings oboist 'Eavegatee coneitioes
for bacterial life.
To keep up the fertility of clay
EbillS and to :cheek {Mae -tendency to
bake, considerable vegetable matter
should be added. This een be done by
applying strawy manure and by Plow-
ing undee le:gee/linens crepe, OS Cl'Oarerry
peah, vetchee, etc, Thie ean ee'et be
accompliseed eollewing a definite
C0'05) rota:Hon. By so doing each erop
while being grown to ite own geeeteet
adventege well he at tha gaTrle time
preparing the sioril fee the reception of
ibe next. A rotation of Sour yeaes
devation ie giving voey settlefaebeity
remits on the Illustration Seittdoes.
Briefly elle eotealoe le as foleowee
First year, Heed Crop—Clorn, tur-
nipstrie,entetadugyeell,,,orr:riilinnflo:nedrs8. e,e(1:06_8
redelevee, 2 lbe, aieiloe nee 10 lbe,
in°thYecie, Clovei^ Hey--.1'st cut,
,eloace hay; 2543 tut, elover seed, er
0, •
" Kee"epta° g the Mint Sweet.
Three new „,genenations ,every min-
ute id tee reeord of eel:stain types e,f
bactesia that pierdelee ,seer If
the milli, when dawn eontains ten
thousend of these bacteria per cubic
zentimetre and is *Mewed to stand un-
t000lei fee., twa minutia, it will then
have over a million -workers eking
'their best to 'lenge Hie seveet milk
into the ooar pre -duet,. Their work ea'n
be irkered up through otolling. The
r,apidity wieh wliie,1 they develop im-
presses eizengly 'thee need of d'oing
this emseeig irrunedeateey, after the
milk is drawee The eernp,eretnee
ehould be brought to at least sixty
v.„ ,
oeg,reest mattnennert,
tvery shadow in life is evidence el
a sun somewhere.
Preparing Oat Ground for
- Wheat.
It often happene that the farmer is
delayed in Plowing the otat ground in.
preparation tor wheat. This delay
frequentlg occasionemode additienal
work. When the eat crap is removed
the -direct rays ce the sun u:sually dry
eat the gronne rapidly, making plow -
Mg difficult and harrowing med, pul-
verizing slow. :
Th,e writer Itas found it very belli-
ed to run over the field as soon a.s
posaible aeter the crop is removed,
with a diee or even a eteaighteeoeth
harrow. Tilde gene up a tallitLih evhich
prevents the soil, from (leering so
rapidly. One seaeon we 'deo-eked, the
oats on the hack farrows and then
harrowed between the shocks. A small
ai-ect of the field was not treated and
this peeved. eenalueively :to us that
'bike' harrowing saved. -us a great deal
of time. •
If one finds it impoesible to plow
immediately after 'the oat crop is
taken off, he likelyewill ebtain better
results by ploiwing shallower than, he
weed where turning under the stub-
ble :earlier, Generous use of the
packer or neerverizer Is now a part of
Ole program of most _progressive
wheat growers.—W. Burt.
Parents as Educators
T ' Talkers—By Lydia Lion Roberts
Meal time, pee:eyes end children, and any little eetail of cheery, happy
tan be an interesting eorabinatitore but
veL111 not he onelese especially prepared
for by the mother, Why not make it
one of the pleasantest times of the
day and teacb the children at the seine
time to teke thele part in conversa-
tion vieith mese and dignity? Thie can
beat 'be done by making it the time to
tele tee pie/want things that each one
has seele hard, done, ee read, En -
fetes a ruee that nothing disagreeable
ehall 'be talked ever at reetels,---thie
ie not good fox digestion we are tole,,
and no gossip, 'horrible affaire, nor
mese wetede should be aelowed.
Even little 'children eon teern to tallc
about the pietere they liked, the funny
etery the leaeher teed, the <log that
-wagged at them 011 the, -way ,hcane,
days. Daddy °mild tell of the people
he met, of enything he eaw meek CT
done in an miuseal way, and, relate
stories of "when' I was a boy."
Mother caned teak abeet th'e eeeple
-teho .ha,d telephoned, ex been to the
door, the bootee she had reador heard
about, the se,oviee of when grandinet
,was a girl. -
In the morning no bed news fe000s
the paisee should: mat the meal. The
oecasion everild he a mem)) one, end
everyone weela, feel liettet and bright- -
er if we all learned to be the right
kind el table talkees. It es never too
early to begin with the ehileren, Even
a baby 8811 ,041808 te smiles oi frowns,
end good cheerfel talk ,ereeds kind,
th,oegletetel deeds.
Many women with disfigured complexions
never seem to think that they need an occasional cleansing
inside as well as outside. Yet neglect of thie internal
betaing shows itself in epotty, and sallow complexions- as
svell as 111 dreadful headaches and biliousness. It's because
the liver becomes sluggish, and waste matter accumulates
whieh Nature cannot remove without assistance. The best
remedy is Chamberlain's Ste/nice and Liverteieleare which
stimn late the liveries healthy activity, remove fermentation,
gently cleanse the stomach and bowebu and tone the whole
; digeetivo eystern. Seto, safe and reliable, Take ono at
night and you feel bright end *0115,0 111 the morning. Get
Ohartiberlambi today—druggists 25c., or by mail from
CharnbeHnin Mcdicine Company, Toronto "
.0cArfleeressah eVarattrao
Whnt therm mon boo dot% you con tlol In your 'onaro time
at holm you can coolly mantorilia.setrato of Wang thaf make
sthy salmon. W,hatovor your oxperionto bah been -whatever
you^May bo doing now—witothOr ot, Set you think yoU 80- '
Jost onnsvor thin (motion! Are eve alohitioeb 15 e009 WOO
Year? Then lict in touch with mo a Oudot I will ntovo tO yes
• wIthalt coOt or Obligation that you ea caelly bacon; h WA'
Salealiferi, Win eiehe you how the haleareanelah Training aag
• Nob nnploymont 0500*4009 tho 0.7.11,411i sop yo5,t0 auiolt
611000131 In Selina
$1O,000 A Year Selling Secrets
Cal'i rhe 5 araof Staaantaluhoql,lp alet thq lf, F 5, A,lhei
*bbied lb eiha,d905050950, 130, tooWahl los over he dmiey
g‘1044101,14tiriVi5I4011t 1005,4001 !t!454101;'o:oldrr:131t
kr Wrte
N41te.1 SstotattrN 7r4r43.1 Atsodado,,,'A
llfwa ark ale toter*, Oat,