The Clinton News Record, 1922-8-17, Page 4COOPER S STO".r NEWS ,. fl1PIVEWE fi`�Cw• "Bridal :, y ilia just re3eived direst from Ceehc-Slovak{la This is what you have been waiting for, ,T.5eset of 97 pieces Will cost youV0.0"00 or may be had by the piece. ,Now is the time to''replace what you have broken of`this popular line' T. :0O0P r•■.LL.. CLINTON Goderich is contemplating -the build- Hotel Sunset. Something like that 'mb of.' bathing in b beachreaching is needed d to makeke the water-ffont from the 0..:P. R. around to below available to the general public. A slow oven. will not spoil o r baking when you use }E 1 k °-y, y 1131 ,;;gang Powder ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER,: 44 CANADIAN IATW NAL. EXHIBITION Aug., 26 -TORONTO -Septi. 9 PRINCE OF WALES DURBAR Gorgeous production with all the mystery, romance and splendour of the Far East. $1,500,000 in new buildings and score's of other new features and attractions. NEVER ON A BIGGER SCALE , Reduced rates on all lines of travel JOHN G. KENT, ROBT. FLEMING., Manning Direeter President. MieffilnWEEEZCEErInFinnUilleelk -$toter LONDON, ONTARIO WESTERN ONTARIO'S POPULAR EXHIBITION 3� 000 In 'PRIZ an A` ' ,ACTIONS 9, EVERYTHING TO EDUCATE and AMUSE -NOTHING TO OFFEND . . Brucefiekcl 1411+, Gurdon Elliott has been suc- cessful In passing the entrance 'a11d graduation exam 'Jnatiolis, we - con- gratulate hull, At]tbm n 1VI'r, an<I Mi5 J. Cook and fancily London and Mrs, Rhode, are spent" - Mg 'a few .months in Miss Pierce's house onthe bank of. the Maitland river. v Rev, and Mi.'s Baines are spending' a 'two weeks' vacation with the former's sister at Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. 0. 15, Egrntt at- teiiiled the Ohantiatiqua at Clinton' last week. Mr, and Mrs. Charles ,Robertson of Goderich and Mr, Ernest Robert- son of Toronto visited relatives in Auburn last Smiday. Mr, Robert Young of Goderich took the services on the Methodist circuit last Sunday owing to the ab- sence of Rev. Mr, Baines, Mr. M. Robertson of Goderich will take the services next Sunday: Miss Margaret Ball of. Clinton is visiting relatives around here this week, • Miss Ethel Washington is spend- ing this weelc with Miss Ruby Kil- patrick of Crewe, Londesboro, Mr. and Mrs. W." Si. Lyon and son, Gordon are spending their holi- days at Niagara Falls, and d will vis- it relatives at Dresden and Detroit. . Mr. and Mrs, Albert Brunsdon and daughter, June, left on Tuesday to'. visit ren s ato, i i ] tive rumb enroute, for their house Ydrkton, Sask. Mr, and Mrs.Arthur ,Brunsdou and daughter, Marion, left on Wed- nesday for their borne at Sovereign, Sask., after spending the past, month with the former's parents,'. Mr. and Mrs. W. T, Brunsdon. J L: ou s er and son Mrs.L n b Y Alex is visiting at her home in Del- hi, Mr. Charlie Ilano. Hamilton, f Iamilton but formerly the genial 13an)c Man- ager here, was in the village one day last -week renewing old`acquain- Lances . Miss Bessie Catley of Mount For- est is visiting her cousin, Miss Es- ther Lyon.. MVlr. Thomas. Sampson spent the week-ehd at Chatham. Miss Olive Lawrence of Clinton le visiting Miss Marjorie Ligon Mrs, Smith of Comber isvisiting her' aunt, Mrs. John Tainblyn. a , :Mr, and Mrs. George Beattie of Ingersoll spent,the week -end at the home of her sister, "Mrs, W. G. .Brunsdon. ' Mrs. John Fhigland, who ;has ben visiting her"da1.1ghter in Toronto, re_ turned home on Friday last, accomp- anied by her soli; Rev. 'Will -Ping- land, and wife of•Mintiro, M • and Mrs.E. Crawford and their daughter, M\s. Kunkle, spent Sunday with relatives at Ethel. Miss Sara Barr attended the wed- ding of her niece, Miss 'Muriel Ting, at, Bayfield; last Wednesday, The annual couiniunii,•ypicnic will take place en Wednesday; August 23rd, at Mr,;' •Chas..: Watson's, a r quarter of a mile west of the village.' Sports will Commence at one o'clock, A lively 'game of baseball .will be played between ;;lie young ladies of Hariock and L'ontle'sboro, . also a football gale basball and races for young and'°'o1d. Everybody is in- vited to come and: bring a basket and enjoy' the afternoon's outing. Clinton N ws.Iteceir4 „Homer. P tt shave" of Exilor res- cried a young lean. 'kola cirowni'niz at; Gland 13encl one daY last week; The beach was almost deserted as it was raining' 'but Mr- Bagshaw manfully went to the rescuo and' brought has maxi out .tator lie liad Exhibits of all. kinds. . Speed Events Calf and Yearling Competition. Dog, Show., Auto Races,Saturday, 16th, 1Vlusie all the time. •Wdnderful hrograrnine Twice Daily. Fireworks Every Night r' C. A. WQ1iTHAM'S SHOWS ON THE MIDWAY Somethia g Doing all the time. Admission: 9th, lith, : 15th, 19th, 25c. 12511 13th 141h; 50c. Children Free' on Monday, Sept, lith; All information from'' Sec. F J. H.,SA,TJNDERS; President A, M. HNT,' Secretary' .17,1•A01777)71,711141 SAVE YOUR. MONEY •O8" EEten.? ;4 ;t SAVE YOUR TIME. PLL SAVE YOU MONEY ' I N AN ENGINE No need to run 50 town ooary time you need. chop". (Wren Grinder soon says £0r itself. handlesalt kindsof feed. G31son's till -steel caw frame fea winner. $01,4 np your own CtsWood--old mils, utc. --05-mn50 money sawing for Your neighbors. boor boy 0rtnrun the outfit -it will coon pay for itself. Get my ptopoli (Ion. The Gilson "Wizard", is the, biggest selling line of'ifarm engines in Canada. That's 'be cause they give service and VALUE. The Gilson burns kerosene (coal oil), and mighty little ,of that!' Throttle -governed. Built-in magneto. Easy to start ---winter or summer, There's a 1%, 31,5, 6 and 10 h,p,,d I'll challenge anyone to show an 'engine\vith a more generous surplus of power over rating. Gfsofi, took .ilio lead 11, arsing down Priem-gat`a big produetion as a result --and now offer more engine value: for the money than anybody I know .of. bon'( 1100 yaw bask fey vont an engine mut do bet- ter. Get my low firieo nt once.If. you 13) 1 I'll domonotrote ou 5550 faint free,..Give you 10 dale' free trial, And Lein mnln<+ terms to suit. E. tido aPP'S & SONS Ti:IE 011,801`7 MLN VARNA.. O 7T • Harvesters Excursions 'VIA ' CANADIAN NATIONAL - GRAND TRUNK, A flat rate of 815 to Winnipeg and half a,• cent a nide ;beyond is fare of all harvesters' excursions to the west by Can. h?-ational-Q, T. dt. routes, west of Quebec City. Solid trains run through to. Winnipegwithout change.` New coniretrsdyle (berth) '.'Colonist Cars will„,tdd to the comfort of .the. journey and restaurant cars will be attached to the trains, serving meals and .lunches at reasonable prices. Special cars will, be provided for wo- men. --hull information Ye fares, train service, etc., apply to nearest Ca radian National - 'Grand.' Trunk. Agent. The Standard. Remedy foi I1AY-i+rVOR and Asthma. Sold byall good Druggis s. For Free Trial WriteTempletons, Toros to" Sold by J. E. Ilovey, Clinton, Ont. iC Ft441911AY 1 ;tikt::'t to Itt' TRAIN', SERVICE TO TORONTO Daily Except Sunday. Lve Goderich (3.00 a:m. 2,20 15.m, Lve Clinton ,.:. 6.25 a,m. 2.52 p.m, Lve Seaforth . 6.41 a,m. 3.12 p.m. Lve 1Vfitchell , 7.04 a,m, 3.42 pan, Arr Stratford 7.30 a,nl. 4.10 p.m. Air Kitchen„r. , . 8.20 a.in. 5.20 p.m. An' Guelph 8.45 a.m. 5.50 p.1m1. Ar'rToronto ,: 10.10 aan, 7.40 pan. RETURNING Loave Toronto 6,50 0,014 12.55 pan. and 6,10 'p,111, Parlor Cafe car Goderich to 'To- rollto on morning train and Toronto to Goderich 6,10 pan. train. Parlor Buffet car Stratford 55 To' ionto on afternoon train. C.E. Horning, D.P,A., G.T'.I$. Systotto John P5ansi:orcl & Son, Phone 87, Liptewn Agents, gone dp'wn the second time. , It took owe Work to bring hint around, 1VIr! 14I, I', O'Neill, formerly principal of the Omelnee High Scheel and the Mcrrisbulp 0..1., has bedia appointed principal of the Seaforth Collegiate. ,lt )fkraiil`a r rakr"anjoralf 'g Ejr ftp ltd t �Ii I Ji l lir R Fred Irl, Holbrook of Lol'lg 111111e, Mich., a Breeder of Cine'1nsev eat, tie, visited the herd of D, 14I, Scott et brussels recently. He offered. Mr, Scett $1,000 for the heat 'Of his herd bot the offer W4s refused. 144, Mr: J. W Glree}i shoe dealer o }4'iilghttln, reeeived a prize ,for $h dressing of ids, window during a certain work in ,"June when 11 patent devise, was being arllil iced.y was in eotupatition with dealers au over the United Stapes and Canada. Vic.-.Et17 11 o Holders; of Five Year 5a per cent Canada's Victory Bods' Issued in .1917 and Maturing lst 'December, 1922. CONVERSION HE :MINISTER Or FINANCE offers to holders titin oftthese bonds who desire to continue tie their 9 investment in Dominion of' Canada securities the privilege of exchanging the maturing bonds for new bonds 5 E per-cant:interest, payable half -yea 11y , of either of the following classes (a) Five year bonds,` dated 1st November, 1922, to mature 1st Norember, 1927. (b) Ten year bonds, dated 1st November, 1922, to mature is t r •' November,1932. t While the maturing bonds will carry interest to lst December, 1922, the new bonds will commence to earri interest from 1st November,1922,' GIVING A BONUS OF A FULL MONTH'S INTEREST TO THOSE AVAILING THEMSELVES OF THE CONVERSIOIN PRIVILEGE. . This offer is made to holders of the maturing bonds and is not open to other investors. Thebonds to be issued under this proposal will be substantially of the same character as those which are maturing, except yq that the ,exemption from taxation does not apply to the new issue. Dated at Ottawa, 8th August, 1922. PROPOSALS' Holders of the =tiling ng bonds who -wish to avail themselves this conversion >; of 1 c nvexsion' privilege should take their bonds ASEARLY AS P s OSSIBLE BUT NOT LATER THAN PT E E lS MBER 30th to •B h of ' Branch any Chartered Bank in Canada and receive ran eive in exchange an official receipt, for the bonds surrendered, containing an undertaking to deliver the corresponding bonds of the new issue. •11 Holders of maturing fully registered bonds, interest payable by cheque from Ottawa, will receive their December 1 interest cheque as usual., Holdersof coupon bonds will detach and retain thelast b e 1 st unrriatured ' coupon before surrendering the bond itself for conversion purposes. , < The surrendered bonds will be forwarded by banks to . the . Minister. of Finance at Ottawa, where they will be exchanged for bonds of the new issue, in fully registered, or coupon registered or coupon bearer form carrying interest payable 1st May and 1st November - of each year of the duration of the Ioan,,the first interest payment accfuing and payable, lst May,1923. Bo ds of the new 'issue will besent to the banks for delivery immediately after the receipt of the surrendered bonds. The bonds of the maturing issue which are not converted under this proposial'will be paid off in cash on the lst December, 1922, W. S. FIELDING, Minister of Finance. �► ® ® Qi, •®I���[.�r�lr�ir�®Ir��i,r�l oJ�r�I�ml _'� r�l��31 =a1���1'I E31'� �, 01 Rave you Rheumatism or Neuritis, Sciatica, Lumbago ? Now is the time to get rid of it. Nature Is doing art she can for yon. 'Just help things •along. fret a boy of Templeton's Rheumatic•Capsutes from your Drnggl'st, and you Will Soon be 111 and ivell again. 54S130 010 Sold, by J. E. Hovey, Clinton, Ont. Clayton Hogman of Zurich is tali', ing a position an assistant principal.. of the Galt Public school and his brother, Clarence is taking t posi- tion in a store in Pie same town.. They,will be missed in ;baseball' cir- circles in the littlr'southern town. Mr. G J. 8, Loynes, manager of the Sterling 'Bank, Goderic'lc, has resigned ,his position 'and • goes to London to take a position= with the Sun Lite; Assurance 'Co. Mrs. Loynesand children remain in God- erieh for the time being.: A Wonderful Beverage Tea warms without inflaming, ex- hilarates without intoxicating and immediately refreshes the whole' sys- tem,' Since 1687 A. D. when tea iirst Found its way, into Europe, its invigorating' and healthful qualities were at once .appreciated and its popularity Spread to all parts of the world, i`he ,'purest, most delicious tea that yon can buy is "SALADA," Your own grocer can supply you. Ask for, it today. , stip. TI. J, Lewis of Turnberry lost a valuable horse the other day, The animal got loose in the stable and seeing: the- top.part of the door open decided• to make a leap for liberty. But he leaped too high, struck his head on the top of the door and, breaking, 'a blood vessel, ,bled to death.inabout ren minutes. Ii1L10USN1 SS-sfeft trnA18Actie,, call for us IQ Tablet, (q oe5ctabltl aperient) to ton° and etroa5thon the organ° of digostien and otitni-.' nation. ImprovedApioottto, Rettovoa - ConsHpntion, et 1/sect/drover YeeA ryq 3oyears'. Dnt9ailiro" 7N .7�:ah 'irdi r Chips rvoff 'ho Old Block list( JUNIORS--IittitiMe One.ttilrkl *hit regular Bose, Made of sante ingredients, thou candy cofttod t''bt eb; idten and (dohs', old by p1 117,l;1,ovcy, Clitcton, Ont. i "Faro Going "--$15 to WINNIPEG. seat par Inii. Winnipeg to tlestiiiation. S WANTE "Fare. Returrt:ng"-$20 from WINNIPEG. cant par mile starting point to Winnipeg. -• GOING DATES TERRITORY d �UCtIS,T,. From Stattoas. In Outerlo, uSonith' bor.eLinFons•t* had including Toronto on Lake Ontario Skoro LtagM 11 rations Pat and FromStatiops Fingston to Renfrew Junction, inclusive. From Stations on Toronto-Sudbur direct lice. Act U8Ty to 21 - m tt ns� A ousel toPeet. MUNI I and -n rice a - FroSta o r col u to toBobcey e n S l e g o ne u tve. AIJG'UST 14 From Stations South end West of Toronto to and including Hamilton and 'Windsor Ont. arad: ' . From Owen Sound, Welkertoo, Orangeville, Teeewater, Elora, Listowel, (Soderiehr st. Marp'r;' Port Burwett, cad at, Thomas Branches• - AUGUS Y' 23 a5From Stations Toronto and North to Balton, inclusive. , l SPECIAL TRAINS FROM TORONTO Full porticulors from Canadian Pathic Ticket Agents, W, 11, 'HOWARD, District Paneenter Agent; Toronto Vd. Jackson, C. P. R, Agent, Clititoh i 3, s•Ty"r"�7, l 15 0 't a: GOO; iG FARE - $15 to ItillINIPEC P us half a cent a anile beyond to all points in Mani toha, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Edmonton, Calgary, McLeod and east, RETLR ,TING FA 20 from 'WINNIPEG plus half a cent a milefrom starting point to Winnipeg G,, 11.4c di egtesst 19th and 21st-Toronto,Caledon East, ]leeton, - Meaford, ' Coliingwood, Penetaug,Midland, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Capreol and DATESeast thereof ih Ontario, Au g•eust 14th and 23rd -Toronto, Inglewood and all stations south and west thereof in Ontario. Special Trains Leave -(standard 'rime) TORONTO --(Union Station) .A ttglist t4 th-i 2 ,30 noon, 6 0() p.m., 12,30 p,in, August 23rd -12,30 noon, 6,00. p.m , 1.2.30 p.m. Pot 'Vines from Other Stations See peciat Train Service Poster Through Solid Trahns oWGnnipeg Without Change Restaurant Cars on Special. Trains---liioaIs and Lunches Served at Reasonable Prices. Special Oars for Woimen. Convertible (berth) Colonist Caro of Latest design Ror further particulars apply to nearest agent Canadian National-Cirand Trttnk Railways. TIIE CAr4AblAN NATIONAL REACT Rs DIRECT ALL IMPORTANT DISTRIBUTING CENTRES IN WESTERN CANADA Trav' l the "National Way't tp,Wii iipeg when destined to altlY poitst beyond, 44 y l /0 �. ia'il.•