The Clinton News Record, 1922-2-2, Page 1NO. !F1(33•—F4'cnd Yea%' BUY, sumo, ON, ONTARIO waHK, Iwo CHEATE: .fit is a 2Yor e (ur' To help thom with Classes, Nearly overylipdy who does a lot of reading_ or sewing or fine work with, the eyes, feele the effects and most: people ]snow it' is a rest their eyes need, But few can drop their Werk because their eyes or headaches, ",Not'enou h Y a' :people know that'the right glasses'will givethe needed rest; Wear thein: while you work -they will het you wonderfully. Y p Y Y • Satisfaction and comfort vrta B1assos suPpli odUY • -Phone 0 174 w Residence 174r• i jeweler and Optieien IMO.:DU .TOYOURS LF !S TO AVE: e /nen with a S atrn sAecotau need 'never •' ,worry''Over the future.. i -' avi u backed •,•• � .;3', by •deteixnaxi,atign rs;one tile Most satisfyin :l aliit 3' b' s to acquire. •.AA yD1 Sayings e ktttiut'at every Pa.. -,o ..,brarehfo. T E RO YL AN OF 'CANADA R. E•"MANNING 1VIANAG7uTL' CLIN$O1V B • ANCWI'' ' JNCO1 PORATED 1&55 Capital Paid Up $4,000,000., Reserve Fund $5,000,000: Over 125 Branches, It• is not necessary to make :a special trip to the nearest branch I f't{he M son , s ,.... branch _ -.ol_ s,- 'tnkevoryti+aze;�:.. -you want to deposit money -. Send your deposit to'the,T3ank by mail. ;Writetoday, to tyle nearest manager of The IVfolsons Bank for information._ ,tam, H. R. SHARP; Manager CLINTON BRANCH Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent READY-To-WSAR CLOTHING the c5 ;,rrzsft Clothing Co. OaDFRsu CLOTIHNC Last Cut in } $25 a�.d $30 d YoungIden s fin Overcoats to clear at Efij CL�fHING; c Deal -for e JAB F00; EVtflY 1111111-- [laPEHITY EDO CLINTON MARKETS, Wheat, $1,00. Oats,45e. Barley,. GOit• ukhet B O w a 70,:, Eggs, 4lcto42cl F Buttdr, 330e to 35c, Live. flogs,, 9111.75, 'PLEASANT SOCIAL EVENING. • The first social evening' of the Sea- ' son ea='son was •held hi the Agricultural Of - "flees by the Clinton branch of the U. F. 0', -,on' • Thursday evening last and proved "to be an interesting and pleasant affair. • The- chief feature was a debate "Resolved: 'That a 'better° living eon be had from a one hundred acre feriir thanfi•0in 0, $'2,000 selary inrtown•.'. The affirmative' "Was taken by Mr. Peter Moffat and Miss Zetta Jackson and the negative by Mr. Oliver Jer- vis and -Miss ' Ferguson The points were Weil 'brought out on each side and .the judges awarded the victory' to the negatrte - The .judges were :1essi's. W. ilieEwan, R. 'Jenk- ins and Mrs.' G. W. Layton' A Musical 1arosranwas else much enjoyed. 'The, ifevt so Oat, meeting will', be held;fie'tixc,, fpiatnth Thursday;i.n,' February when the Tuckersmith,anft. UiillettInembers,will sunply;the.pyo:, glanL.• ,. THE'':COUINTY1 COUNCILt y i 1. 1 .•.i: :The,kInlran eatinty::edurarReenriveried ••it • Goderrich,.on,,TileS'day:las't, twelve; '•'ifenv:;zneurlieos,fbeingepreeente .'.v c-:'ilhe fix,st•,.buainess ,of tlhe, council waV,„•the (election; Of a ,A'uarden. Un-. :der •an, arrangement made -some thir.. t15'Y Part -agoesand,:Whielf4his worked -int irl ve Ia ll li e.:wadedeli ]s oho y,t , t e 1 ar sen- alternatively,;by -the :::Conservatives, and' Liberalse ant1,.- this was the Coin Servative,oreare In caucus Mr,' N.” Trewartha reeve of Go'erich toWnshipi;was.ehoseii-and his appoint= ment *•was::confirmed,' by••'thhe council:. acid he was duly, Sworn. in by Judge Dickson - r, .. "A motion was" made by Reeve Johnston and Deputy Reeve Jamieson of'Adhfield'tliat the method 'of se- lecting a warden be discontinued and that he be chosen in.,spon Council. The move) .andseconder;'•e'lainfing to :be neither Grit nor Tory, were in the position of lncving "no where to go," when -the citrate- was ,on. The County Clerk explained that even'af 'ter- the nominee o •„ tlie`eat etas was named `anyone' had • a right to offer another nomination but=that'the un- written understanding in this' county only prevented unseemly tests of par'-' ty ,strength; and also prevented one party, year, after year electing the warden. When the .motion was final- ly framed inal-ly.framed and put only the.Mover: and seconder voted' for it.- Messrs', Ale' .P'or er field and R Higgins were appointed auditors. essrs.. Beavers end r McNab: en Er- win •- win Were appointed Good Roads Commissioners, a. SYT a The matter .o1 grants to fairs was diseue mat Reeve „Miller . and others contending that a spring fair such as Clinton bolds, was far 20015 of an 00rdcailtural institution than the fall fairs, which, are little more than an accumulation' of. ;sideshows: The council, however, gave a. grant •oi $100 to the fall fairs and only,, quare ter of that to the spring .' shows . Ex -Warden Govenlock, M. P. P., was present at the opening of:the ' council and Was asked . to: speak, which he did, , A communication ,was •read from tlie: Hon:. Manning Doherty, 'Minis- ter' of . `Agriculture, recommending. the appointment .of a county: advis= 0101 'council or committee to . co-op- crate with the Agricultural Repre- sentatjve. This has been done ir. several counties but the matter was left over until the June meeting. A grant of $25 Was voted to each: of "the nineteen school fairs in the. county and: $75 to assist" in Baying the expenses; of the . stock judging class' next fall Reeves Tiplin • of Winghaizi and Miller of Clinton"'iaioved that' the rem:i11)' hesuitals be granted $1200` this year but the coainntttee trimmed 0: down t0 p1,0110, the swine as last year, Some discussion arose regarding High school grants. Owing • to the discontinuation of fees from outside ptiliils alae several High schools and Collegiates find •a„serious ,falling off in their revenues and larger grante. are being ,asked for; they .were. ae cordingly raised somewhat• ,: The Ilouse of, 'Refuge .committee reported the,"Home" in good ,shape, and increased], the, salary of the Men - ager to $1200 per, year. , , Following are the standing, eons- 1ihittees for the year: ExecutiveJohn Doeglas. ,rank J. McQuaid, Amos Tinting, John Ma- Naughton, e.Naulghton, El- F ,: IC opp . Special -B. W. F. Beavers, Dr, W. F.. Callow, A., L. Erwin, James Decide, Flank. Johnston. Finance—Win. Coates, 13. W. + ,'Nay- los:, Tlhos, S. Inglis, Jas T+', Col- lins, ol 1 `ns G Hanley, a eo.. is lc n y Education --A, Snaith; C, A. Rob- ertso n, 11',. G Parke Alfred C. Backer, J. H. Fear. ' Road and Bridge ---A. II. Needs, .las. C. Porter, R. J. Miller, D. Webb, -,rain Jamieson' County Property-Tohn MoNebb, R. Bixclh nani J J. Moser, W. J. Settop M. A p , ranstrong.. House of Refuge --W. J. Spottonr Amos riding, E. F,''Shop]%, A. 1:7. (Erwin. Warden's Committee—M, Armstrong A, IIT, Neel), A,. 5inith W, Coatas , -7. (15' Collins. , , , , i' SOUTITIERN TOWN BUSY,' The Exeter branch of the -Jackson Manufacturing Company is .running on full time with •'a. complete' staid', and have or dere ohead till spring. g. The RosS Tz tor Limber Company, w11e ,specialize deers, sashes, etc., is running on full time, and has a large number of contracts ahead. MONDAY'S I,OCl{EY MATCH. C . A'large crowd gathered on Monday night to witness the hockey•nmatch W. the local arena between the home team and the Exeter -Zurich combi- nation, '; before ; which , it is pretty hard to stand and which has not yet been , beat en. The seot'o;at the conclusion stood 9 2 in favor of the southern players. ft was a good; .game, well worth witnessing. Roffman .was the Star. player in the Exeter team and Mc- Geeth, Clinton's goals tender, did ex- cellent work.- .All the home team did Well but the huskies from the •south -are a"hard bunch o beat", , as one. of the fellows nut it. 'Exeter heads the group, havin' 'won seven and lost no games. Clin- ton conies next. having ;won three, lost three ,and tied one,. St. Marys 'conies this'd, winning two; losing five Mitchell has. won. one and lost• four and tied one, and Godeiic11, has won .'One and .lost three. The line-up „I: �O on;`Monday.,nigltt was 11 -f llows ;ClintonGoal, ”' Me oeth • defense, _MpO fense,,T1n nig'and Govenlock; wings,` ,Per 'and' Ellaotti centre, B.awelexifoubs, Dicltsod akrd Giiilianh, Eneter_Zuicli-Goa • • 1, C.00ke> de- •fense; 'Hindemarsh, I•Iofi;'nian, wings, Mckinnon i on and 'TlOdlaert• centre, nnC: Hogman; subs;,Celfa1 and Robinson. Robinson. of Stratford. ANNUAL MEETING. The -annual meeting of the Clinton Central Agricultural Society was held in. the Agricultural office on Saturday,' Jan. 28th. Theminutes' of last meet: ing ,were read and on ;notion of W.. McEwen, And J. Shanahan, were adopted as, read. The treasurer's report.showed a balance of $7•.11. On motion of Dr, Shaw and J. 141•c'Far1snte treasurer s report Was adopted., .'The meeting. showed its disanroval of the -way the Society was dealt with -by the County couneil,,,other fails ' eceiging':;$100 grants;. and "Ciin;ldn-dixly; $25:00 '(by some things said at the 'meeting it' looks as though there anighthe some bombs hurled at the June sitting.) 0n motion of W. McEwen and J. ghannahan it was decided that the fair be .held as usual on 'the first Thursdayin April; this being the 6th, ;notion carried. The officerswere. re_ •elected; Mayor Cantelon being added to the directory,' arid S. B, Stothers assistant secretary. Following are the officers Hon, , President, 3. Shannalaan.' 1•President, Herbert Cox. 1st Vice L. Vain .v dalI 2nd Vice. J. McFarlane. - Treasurer, W. J: Miller: Secretaey, A. J. McMurray, S. B' Stothers.' Directors: 'Thos, McMichael W. H. Lobb. Edward Wise' •,W. McEwen Thos. Coleman Wesley Nott MayorCantelon Dr. Shaw Reeve Miller • Auditors, W. D. Fair, D. L. Mace Motion of Mayor. Cance-„ Ion and C. G. Middleton that Treasurer and Secretary be given, a grant o1!$20,00 each in recognition of their services for the years 1920 and 1921,as: no grant bad beenmade for 17520 motion carried. A ,dlseussio»'then took place he the Agricultural banquet. Motion by C. 0.. Middleton and J•, • McFaolane that banquet be held .and officers arrange' fox same, motion carried Motion by W. McEwen and H. Shell, that agircnitural horse, be not allowed to show in that class if over 130.0 lbs. in weight, notion carried: Meeting then adjourned, all deter- mined to 'boost Clinton lair. --A. J. McMurray sec'y,, Treasurer's P as re ort follows:' RECEIPTS Bal. On hand from 1920 . 'Town of Clinton' 00.00 Heron 'County •25.00 Huliett Township '25.00. Tucicersniith Township 25.00 Goderioh Township . • 15.00 Stanley Township . 10.00 Clinton' Brdnch U.. F ' O:. : 15.00 Genn & Lain:lois Co 10.00 Clinton Creamery'1.0, 00: Huron Specialty Casting -Co.` 10.00 Members' Fees .. . , ... . 96'.00 Donations 35', 00 Reeeiptd from Banquet . 5.35 00 Bah1k Taitcrest ' 1,70 Goads „ 50. :.$145,57 Total ..,, ,..$533,68 7;1NPENDIT(7RES -size Ca i sI Iii a f'or homes . , $212:G0 0005prizes for Cattle ,.. 69 .00 n0Y8 Juil in } gt g Competition I,5,00 judges Expenses . . 12,00 Advertising' 33 , 50 Postage c Stationery , . , • 34,7!3 Field Crop Competition • , .., 75,_00 Bald Rent . , . 10.00. ,ons abl C tog 4,00 Clinton 1{lt y Band 14.00 Lady Drivers 5,56 Ribbon oie, . 1, 34 klalas 05) �lta' na. .. •7,11.. Goods,,,, ,.1.1,1 "A • 50.00 Tata ., ,.,, r„,,;$Ci38i0'8'- L'I:rlLE LOCALS, The county council last week fixed the gn-ant to the C,C.I.,'at $4,500.. Clinton P rUlie Hospital il gets $1.,000. Thea r Ch al Societyi met m 'Wesle Y church lecture room on Tuesday ev- ening; and will continue to meet there weekly, Mr. Pattison resumed his ,worst at the G.T.11 depot yesterday after having been laid up for a fortnight through illness. The concert given in the town hell on Friday evening 'last by the 'Vic- torian : Artists was considered by many: to be ,the best one of the ser- ies'to date, Reeve A. ,A. Colquhonn of Perth, who was elected Warden at the m- itial meeting of the county council last week ie a son of Mrs. Margaret Co] uh ours of q town. A musical ontel:tainment under the auspices of the Clinton. Hockey Club and the direction of Miss 351 Mc- Caughey will be given in the town hall on Friday, Feb:' 2000. 'VIi's, Oleglioin,' Mrs. S. B. ' Stothe ens'. rothtir, who has been residing with her for :several months, -is vary illand there is, at time of writing, little hope of -her i•eeovexy, We have received this morning', but too, lateto put -into type,a letter from Geo.:Laithevaite, chairman. of the committee : on 01vdro: on the Farrar, onOthis subject,- It will appear ',next We also have had tp,hold; over un-;, tit next week a Paper -read by Mrs. H.Jenki Jenkins at h s the last meeting of eatin • the 'Women's men' Institute, nsttute, which will prove interesting, .especially to 040 Women readers, The Goderioh hockey team plays the locals on the lo- cal arena on Monday evening next. Goderioh and Clinton are tied for se- cond' place in the group and Monday's game. will 'probably break the tie and settle the matter. Mr. • Levi, Sionghas sold his, groc- ery 'business .at the south -end of the town to Mrs. M. Brown of Londes- boro, who will take 'possession . on Merck lst, It is hoped this will not mean the removal of Mr. Stong and family from town. FIFTY, Y E . B 4 S. *AV. -RIE A' pleasant gatheringwas held on Tuesday at Riverdale; the Home of Mr, and Mrs. T, M. Johnston on the London Road, when they enter- tained to dinner in. honour of the fif- tieth .wedding ;anniversary of Mrs. Johnston's parents, Mr, and Mrs. John ,Johnston of Clinton. Mr. Johnston was bolsi in Stanley, township, on the farm now occupied by his son, Mr. J. W'. Johnston, and upon which, he lived ail his life until he came to reside in Clinton about foure y ars-ago. Mrs. Johnston, whose maiden name was Catharine ' Moffatt, was born in Tucicersmith and they were married fifty years ago by the Meth, odist:minister 'then 'in 'Charge of the Exeter circuit. During all ,the time since, until about four years ago, they resided' in Stanley, where they are most fav- orably known. They were valued members •of the Varna Methodist church, Where they were also ener- geticworkers. .Since coming to Clin- fon they -have been connected with Wesley church They have two children, J. W, Johnston on the homestead, and Mrs. T. M. 'Johnston of Riverdale Farm, and. 'six grandchildren, the children of Mr, and Mrs, J. W. Johnston. Present at the happy gathering. on Tuesday were the following guests:: Mr. and Mrs. Graham, Shepparclton; Mr, and Mrs. S. A.'Moffatt,'Lon- don; ,Mrs, Mcllroy, 'Seaf orth; Mr. and Mrs,' Chris, Johnston', Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston and Mr, and Mrs. Fred Elliott, Goderioh, Mr. and Mrs. J. Moffatt, Kippen; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 3dlinston and children, Varna, and Mrs. Margaret Pickett, Clinton, The diiaingrow'a was daintily decor., ated in white and gold, these being the colors worked out in the color scheme for this table. Occupying the place of honor on the table was the bride's cake, the word "fifty” being -worked out in the icing. Mr. Percy and Misses Rena and Cassie Johnston, grandchildren,: waited on the' table. A toast to .the bride and groom of fifty ycars•ago was given by the host, in a .happy speech. A pleasing 'pro- gram followed, Mr. Fred - .Elliott, Mrs, ' .Mcliroy, Mrs.. Graham and Master Lorne Johnston giving recita- tions; Mrs, C ' Johnston and Mrs. J. W. Johnston, instrumental solos and M.O. Fred Elliott some songs. The hoot gave, an blah toast which was answered by Mrs. Jame; Jolin- ston with a Seattle)) toast. Before the company broke up 112x, Fred Elliott moved a vote of thanks to the host and 'hostess for the very happy entertainment. Besides the bride• and g•rooin there were .f 'r e three present who witnessed the original na ceremony, mvn M• g r. S. A. y, Mol fact of London being best man. The eliildren presented ]reit fath- er with a very handsome gold watch chain and their mother with a, pretty gold chain and pendant set with an amythest . During ng the r es denee Mr and 147x', Johnston in Clinton :they have made many friends; who hold them in high (esteem and "who' find it hard to believe that they have been roar• ried a Whole half century, Hearty good Wlahea:areiextracted to them on this happy ocesiei'on, , A.N OLD-FASHIONED TE.A, Ontario street church had an "nil fashioned" tea uieetin1 in their lee - tore room on Thursday evening last, when slarge number of people gain- ere 1 partake c to c. o • the l f tl of �o c i g rnr,s provided by the ladies. A shoat pro- g'r'am was given in the auclitoi'itnn a1; ter. the supper,. So ]abundant was the provision tirade that a tea was served the following evening to dispose ,of • the surplus "eats," GOT TIRED OF CLINTON. Last week Manager Sharp of the Maisons Bank missed his dog, an Airedale, and advertised for him in The News -Record: This was 'a very effective hut, unfortunately, our cif any eirennstances might "have been _effective but, unori',tunately, our cin eulation in the fawn of St: Marys as rot lar,that ' large, and t1 is where"Sandy" made for, arriving at the hone of Mr. Sharp's relatives, tired but happy. Sandy had originally coarse from Ayl- nor -;01 and . may have been making for there. If his dogship had just stayed a little; longer until he had become tie., quainted, he would have found that we're not such a bad lot after all. But he seemingly couldn't put ' p with us any longer, DEATH OF T. MURCII. tlinton citizens 'heard ' vial regret on Sunday of ;the: 'death of "a' fernier' resident; in the person of Mr'."' Tho Mulch, who' died at' has home i Stratford in his eiglrtiethyesii, The late Mr; Muich'was'a native' of England but came to Canada with "his Tarents When only foil'r` years 'of 'age, The fainily settled in Hamilton but later moved to Perth county,' set - fling in ' Fullarton, about'six miles from Mitchell wlsere they resided many years: The subject of'this sketch ,was teaches and for many years,: taught at HolmesvilIe and later in No, 2, Hallett, residing just south of Clinton '"during the lettere: term. During his residence 'both. qt E0101iesville and here Mr. Murch took an active part in church work, being connected with Ontario street church while:'hero: About sixteen years' ego the family molted to Stratford, 'He is survived by his wife, who was formerly Miss Mary Moore of Darlington, arse] four sons and three daughters, Simeon' of Sarnia, Norman o Toronton.Silas;•Edward,,Mrs;,J3ert Ward, Hatitie and Bessie, all of Stratford,' Edratrd and the two last name residing at home. Mrs. Henry McClellan. of Winnipeg and Mrs, W. G. 'Wills of Mitchell are sisters of the deceased.' Mr' Murch was connected with the Congregational church in Stratford, of which .he had acted as sexton for a':nuniber of years. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon, the remains being taken to the old home locality in Fullerton and interred in Munro cemetery. The four sons, Mr. Ward, son-in-law, and Mr. Lorne:, Munk of Clinton; a nephew, were bearers. Amongst .those from outside points who attended - 'the funeral were. Messrs. J, :Stevens, L. Murch, 'Mrs. E, Kennedy and Mrs, A. J. McMur- ray, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs: Wills, Mrs. Levy and Mrs. Stevens,'.Mit- chell and Mr. and: Mrs. S Murch and daughter of Sarnia. 13IB HONOR ENTERTAINS. On the invitation of His Honor the Lieutenant Governor. of Ontario, a large number of the 'representative men of the counties of Perth, Huron, Bruce and Grey were guests atlunclh- eon at 'Government . Reuse, Toronto,. on Thursday last. This was the second in a series of luncheons arranged by His Honor and Mrs Cockshutt, the people .of Brant- ford and Brant County -being the first to be honored with invitations. At the conclusion- of the luncheon Tion. Peter Smith, Provincial'Treas- nrer, and Mr. G,II, Ross, Finance Commissioner, Toronto, each spoke briefly, • Mr;' Ross urged upon ,the mensbere of the various municipal councils, who made ug a largo` part of the gathering•, the need of the fit: most.co0nolny, aside'. from necessary expenditure.: He said the war had bred a sort oft recklessness in 'spending which would have to 'be curbed if the country as a whole was to regain its prosperity, and felt sure that the great majority of the, people now fav- ored' thrift and economy in -all pub - lie se10-11 ts: Iin introducing these tWo speakers His- Honor jpeularly remarked that they Were members of a class "most beloved of the people,''tax-gatherers" Mayor Harris of Owen Sound and. Mayor Gregory of Stratford proposed the toast to His. Honor's health, the latter making a eleVor and witt> speech. • In replying to, the toast the' Lien Governor expressed s grafi ifdoat:tenaaitlon that so nanny 'hacl hiaceepieil the invitation to the luncheon, 1 -Ie said it was his intention to make Gov - eminent }louse an institution to which all parts of the province would' tur7nand in which all would feel an interest. ' est I I e el" b rovedh ' e informal t o inia 1 getting together of .so Many of the leading people.ih the different parts. of Ilia province would be benefleial 1111(1 saki tliathe taped to have'praa- tically all the province oovereci''in this initxinal Way before the winter was Over. He Was heartily x cheered b ythe gucnta: y e ]=Toren County was very weld re presented at the gathering, those pre- sent from Clinton being: 1VUlyor Cagy, Won, Messrs: (1, D. McTaggart, 301 Jackson, A 'C, Cooper, W. J', 157111er and Mss Clnx'ls, , G, B, ALWAYS KNOWS. The Ashfield representatives 01 the county : eouneil )fist week moved, to have the.warden el c toa in open 001M- til o-4il instead teal oi' being chosen alterna- tively the ry0 y by and Liar• era1members, as has been done fax this county for the past this ty year's, The mover of the motion said he was neither Ci+it nor Tory and when the caucus was on he "didn't know where to go." This brought Reeve G. 13, Hanley of Stanley -to his feet, "G.B." -usually has something to say and inn this dase'this is what it was: "T hope 3 will never 5e in the position' of not knowing where to go," he said, and 'fpllowed this up by telling a piece of advice his father liad given hint when ii little boy, "Never throw out a nail of dirty water till you know where to go to get a ,Pail of clean water," AMONG CHURCHES. The vote on the union of Ontario t and r'eea d Wealoy clinches .is to be registered on Thursday, from 10 to 12 noon, 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Willis Church The pastor's' subjects'on Sunday;:` will be: Morning: . "Eternal Life;" Evening: "The.',Lure' of ` the South Wind.." ' A series of lantern liictiires' , on; Elijah"arid T1islfa Will be shown in tale Sunday school on Sunday. ' , St, Joseph's -Church The' Cathoix 1 'e'nV '. Wo i ' mens>• League will 'hold its mo..tbiss.'-nieeting at' the rec.. ;tory) :on •Tnescloy, Feb: itli:;'::at,three. 6'clo07c,, yAlj 1mG}i } ers are _ egpested 'to attend`. Lunch will he served,; the hostesses eases being, Mss.'O'Brien, C: 'r. Mrs. T. O'Connor and Miss Eileen Tighe • • on Sunday,Baptist• • Church Pastor will,preach`•at both services Morning subject:;"Elijah's Transla- .tion.', • Evening Subject:, "A Truth Hid in a Sneer. , A cordial welcome extended. :The, Ladies' Aid intend having x supper and sale of candy on Monday Feb: • 13th • Wesley Church Fellowship meeting• at ten a.m. • Public worshiip it eleven. A brie;,' 05m11 to Juniors. "Sermon: "Is it ev- er right to exact `an eye for en eye 00 a `Eoo` b ' h' o, Eveningforse%vicaetoot:at seven. Sermon:: "'The27th'God.of another chance." is booked for Wesley church on Feb. Jack ]Miner, the 'famous naturalist., Balltaeld Mr. Vivian Coulson of Windsor, Mo. Leslie Jones of Thoindale, Miss `. Elsie Woulsh and Miss Irene Harri- son of London metered u1, and. spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr,.': and Mrs.:Thes ,.E,. Harrison,Mr•s. W. ' G: Johnston and son of Milestone, Sask.,' are the guests of the lady's parents, Mr; and Mrs.Williaan :Eagleson,, Mrs. 'John McLeod, who has been visiting friends at; , Port : Dover the past month. returned home this week: 'Mr. Samuel Moorereturned home." . the past week after _spending a month with friends at Detroit and in Tri-' diana. Mrs. Hall of Toledo and ivIos. Wa1� tors of Grand Rapids aro the guests ;of their parents, Mr. and Mrs, 3, Thomson. Miss' Evelyn Pollock has gone; up; to near Port Arthur, to take charge, of a school-. ' • A• pleasant time was spent at the Community Club social en Friday ev- ening Last: The next program 'wi.IF take the form of a meek trial, ' Lapdesbgi r®.: Rev. Sas, Abery visited with' fi;ieuds„'n Toronto over the week -end - Miss Minlaae Grey is visiting her .sister in Palineystop, ';1Vlrs. ;13rown has sold her Home in the .villtige to Mr. J•. • Radford, and ptirchas.ed a grocery store in Cliinton, where she, expects' to move shortly, Miss Gladys .G s,iisgor, is -visiting With her sister,- Mrs, Ernest Leer, The Presbyterian Guild. will meet and have a:aocial evening in the bail on ,Friday evening: Miss Gertie••Robei•ton 'client' Fri day in':WingJiara. Miss ,Rachel :Weed—man •• has not been enjoying the best •qf.health•. Mas Win. Brown ,of the lath vis- aced friends nt..Winghem last week, Miss Flossie Cartwi:ight' of Ridge town is visiting at her -hoaiie here, 4 Mr,'Fraser of 13ayliehl conducted the 1ervice in the Presbyterian,: church list'••Sunclay• The "Old -Time Dance” field in the new hall on Tuesday night:.}vas a great sueedss, the "hall Was; etowdod, 0.110 everyone does Certainly enjoy "good dance.."„ • , Varna After a good deal of Planning ah% rank on the Part of tladso intresfcd, ' an associate library is being opened her' P -Oil Y ov ith i g a' oone on t will he givon hi hone:: of the oPeti. , followed by refreshments, .ord: On Satalyday afternoon the first book twill be given out. The libi'itr,r 101111 bo kopt in bteAsh's store and wi11: be 01)0iii; afternoon. find. craning oft Wcdilesdityq and Saturdays, This 1vig be it great; mon to the eomn�nnity�