The Brussels Post, 1941-10-15, Page 1THE BRUSSELS
wAIINVICK-In Brussels, on Welt.'
uesday,October 15t1s, 1941, John
Duncan Warwieb in his 77th yeas.
Funeral service will ne ,held from
his late relsidenee, Turn'berry
street,. Brussels, on Friday, Oct.
ober 17th, 1941, Service at 2.00
P,M., Interment in Brussels
. St. John's Church, Brussels
Annual Fowl Supper
Tuesday, October 21, 1941
Supper served 5.30 to 8 P.M.
Followed by
'"Aaron Slick from
' Pumpkin Creek"
presented by Atwood Y.P.S.
Admission—Adults, 50c
Children under 12, 25c
Melville Presbyterian Church
Thurslay, October 30th
Supper served -. 5.30 to 8 P.M.
Fowl Placed On Tables
PLAY—' Presented by Bluevale
Presbyterian Church Y.P.S.-
Admission—Adults 50c
Children under 12, 25c
Moncrieff United Church
Anniversary Services
Sunday, .October 10th
11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m .
The guest preacher will be: -
Rev. H. C. Wilson
of Auburn United Church
Special music by the Choir
in the morning with
Mrs: H. Smalldon, soloist.
The choir of Listowel United
Church will lead the service
of praise in the evening
under the direction of
Lorne Willits:
* M. %N it y * s
MISS Mae Birt was a 'Phanksd'iVin
...,.S, ONTARIO'
Wednesday, October 15th, 1941 $RL�SSELS,
. _
� ,s e * * * t s , s' t Brussels To Supply Two,
L" # t t
0 Local Newsitems w
Obituaryq Machine Guns Monthly
visitor with Harrtston friends. United Church W+ M. S.
George Galbraith of the •,
rt dY',
Conducted_ �'ce
R C A it At Winghas .
has been home on embarkation The regular meeting of the W M'S', 'Rev. S, 'Kerr .of Melville Church,
leave. - was held. in him lecture room of Lite Brussels was the minister in charge
Miss 'Mamie Thompeon of Parente United Church on Pr'iday a'ftern on, et the '1'4ian74stgiving services at'St•
October 10. The president, We. Andrew's Presbytterian Church
j. .E. Smith.Smith.presided, The seQond Wingham, Sunday last. The morn
elrapter .of the StuaJy Book, "Orr service was broadcast over CKNG
ing with the Sons of Shier Was Willow=
was presented, giving a vivid •des-' `7—
crtption of the rapid growtb4 of To Hold Fowl 'Supper
'mission work in West Chine 'Tn.''Tn.'St. John's Chiron, Srussela, Fowl
1901 to 1011. Supper will be held Tuesday, Oct-
Repoltswere given of the Section- ober 21st. Supper will bs served
al meeting held in Union Church,
was a week end visitor at her home
Miss L. Rush and Miss J. Robin-
son were visitors with the Misses
Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Glazier ,of
,Stratford spent Thanksgiving week-
end in town. .
Mrs. H. O. Walker of Toronto wan
a week end visitor with relatives
and friends'.
Prof. and Mrs, R. Zimmer of To-
ronto spent the week end at their
farm east, of town.
Miss Doris Bates' of Toronto was
a holiday visitor with her Parents,
Mr. and Mrs: Ed. Bates.
Mrs. John Balantyne and Miss
Dorothy spent their `-Thanksgiving
.With Rev. Kennedy and family.
Miss Jessie McLanchlin of Wind-
sor spent Thanksgiving .with her
cousin Miss- Grace Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Helm of
London ah- visitorsthis week w11'
Mra. W. Wilkinson of town.
Miss Margaret Kearns' of Toronto
was a Thanksgiving visitor win her
friend Mrs. Cr. Gallagher.
Mr. Bd. -Palmer and Miss Mary
Lott visited on Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKay.
Seaforth Ont.
x -
2 Features
George O'Brian Virginia Vale
Triple Justice
Bob Crosby . Jean Rogers
—IN -
Let's, Make Music -
It's a Jamboree of 'mirth & melodY
Rosalind Russell Brian Ahern
--IN _.
Hired Wife
The funniest, most exhtilarating
battle of the sexes ever shown on
the screen.
Mrs. A. M. Kay and Miss Dickson
of Stratford spent Thanksgiving
with Mrs. Kerr and Mary Helen.
Mr: and Mrs. W. Brown of Chesley
and Mr. Smith were visiting at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. O. Busohlea,
Mr. Scott Aunent of Trenton ,has
been spending a week's holiday
with -his parents Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Mr. Russel Fox of Belleville and
Miss Mary Fox of Toronto • were
week end visitors at their home
here. .
Two Features
Fred Astaire Paulette Goddard
Second Chorus
Richard Dix Patricia Morison
The Round Up
Moon . Over Miami
Mr. and Mrs. Lealand Proct,r of
Port. Colborne isspending a couple
of days at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Procter.
1VIr. and Mrs. John Lynn, Walker,
yille were Thanksgiving guests
with the latter's parents, Mr. lad
Mrs. Philip Ament, "
Misses Hvelynr Marian and Ct.-
ley Lake, Fergus, were Thanks
gibing visitors with their parents
Mr. and Mrs Charles Lake.
Miss Carrie 'McCracken and Mrs.
Walter Hunter of Toronto were
Thanksgiving visitors with 'Mr.
S. McCracken and sisters.
Mr. and Mrs• Geo, E. Ferguson,
son and daughter Miss Sean and
Russell B., of Toronto, spent Sunday
with tleeir niece Mies Mary Helen
Kerr and Mrs. Kerr.
Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Cunningham
accompanied by 'their daughter Miss
Evelyn 'Cunningham' of Brantford
were Thanksgiving visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. W. Pascoe, Oshawa. Mr.
and Mrs. Cunningham will extend
their visit.
Co. Frank Mitchell and Airerafts-
snap R.. 'Oluett of the R.C.A.F. Set,
vice. Flying .School, Aylaner, and
Miss Betty Mitchell of C.P.A.
Empresa . office Toronto +remit
Thanksgiving Sunday with Mrs.
Mitchell and Teddy.
Dr. A•W.L. and Mrs. Gilpin of
Detroit spent Thanksgiving at The
Horne of Mary Helen Kerr and Mrs.
Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Gilpin were
spending Sunday In •Stratford with
Mrs. A. M. Kay. They returned 2n.
Detroit on Wednesday.
Grey,' on Thursday, October 9.
At The Churches
Services in the United Church an
Sunday were conducted by the Min.
ister, Rev. C. L, Lewis, his subject
frond 5.20 to 8 P.M., in the Church
Basement, Following •the' supper
the Young People's Society of At-
wood will present e. Thee -Act
Comedy entitled "Aaron Slick trona
Pumpkin. Creek."
for the morning; stervdee b, ing Robert Mathers
"Thanksgiving for a World Tnsa.•'' Dies In DublinA highly resPe°tet resident of
The subject for the evening :was Dublin, Robert George Mathers, died
fiBldnd.' A Crank -offering leas
at the hams of his pon, Wilbur
given far the W.M.S. E t the marbliservice. -ng Mathers, on Sunday might, following
Services. in Melville Presbyterial i an illuess of 'three weeks. The
Church on Sunday were conduarted departed man was in his 80th year
by the Rev. .Robert Acheson of and spent the most of his life in
BMolesworth. A Thanksgiving service aievale, where his wife died five
was conducted in the morning with years ago. He is ur peva by two for the W.M.S. sons, Wilbur, C.N.R. operator, Duo-
'Services' in Sit. 'J'ohn:s Ang via? lin, and Earl of Embro, also three
Church •on Sunday were condidited granddaughters. The funeral ver•
vices were held at Bluevale church
by the Rector, Rev. Frank Wals.
and interment was made at Wing-
United Church
11 a.m.•--'Rev J. L. Foster,
Wroxeter, will ;preach.
3 p.m. -Church School and
No Evening Serlvice..
St, John's Church
19th Sunday after Trinity
11 a+m.-.Rev. B. W. Moore,
L. Th., Rector of Clinton
7 p,m,-Rev. Squadron Leader
A. Hooper, M. A.,
. Chaplain 'Port Albert .,�
Air -Training School.
St; John's Church Welcomes
All who are lonely and want
All Who are tired and heavy
• laden, and whsle rest and
An who mourn and need corn-
All All who prey.
Melville Church
11 a.m.—Ra11y Day for congre-
%atlon and Sunday School
Squadron Leader Hooper
Coming To St. John's
Church, Brussels
Harvest Festival Services will be
held in St. John's 'Ohurch Brussels.
Sunday next, October 19th.
The Rev. G. W. Moore L.Th., Rec-
tor of 'Clinton, will be the special
speaker at the morning service.
In the evening the special speaker
will be the Rev. Squadron Leader
Hooper, M.A., now stationed at son and members of the Town -
Fort Albert. Mr. Hooper recently ship Council worlotng in conjunc-
arrived in this country after senting I lion with . the Women's ' Institute
with the fleet at Scapa Flow. lie' is branches at Ethel and Majeatig
a forceful •speaker and will have The Huron "County agricultural of
many interesting incidents to tell f4ce vim supervise.
Arrange Short. Courses
For North Huron Area
The Townsfleip of Grey in North
Huron. is to be the centre for short
courses In agriculture and home
economics this. winter from Nevem
ber 25 to December 15, the first
,that district has 'been the
location, selected.
The local arrangements will be
taken care of by Reeve T. C. Wil-
Tdie many Br'ua sell :''lends of Mrs, sent out from Ottawa aPpealins
john Ferguson, a former residers*, Canadian :one t tincrease.:
learned with sorrow of her death 1:, WAR n citizens
An ante^
thepeuer, where she hall lived for effort will be commenced shot.
the past eight 'years. ' of O'NTA'RIO, has accepted a. ss wa%1
Elizabee0a McRae, widow ea the tial proportion of the increasq,,. .
late John Ferguson who predeceased leetive. The citizens of tunas -ads:
her V years ago, was horn
horn at Cron -
brook, Ontario, being the daughter
of the late Rey. D. B. McRae and
Mrs. McRae. 'She was a resident
of the village 'of Brussels for ovcr
20 years. Her husband was a
former owner of the business now
operated by A. Wood. Her death
A whtir SI M,N•SSA GL
0 has hese,
of his experiences in the Battle of
Britain. I .1/Iffes
A special retiring collection will
be received in aid of the Port Albert
Air -Raid Victim's Fund.
It is hoped that the people tel
Brussels will -avail themselves of
this opportunity to hear this speak-
er w'ho has been in the thick of the
battle. Appropriate Harvest Music
will be sang at both services.
Town Council
Holds meeting
Dr. Fred and Mrs, Gillian', Mrs -
Mary and sister Miss Dickson, Mrs,
Kerr and Was Mary Helen, spent
Tuesday viewing the airports at
,Clinton, Goderieh and Port Albert,
saw 1'2 planes take off at Port AO'
.pert.• They all enjoyed the trip and
sights.. ' ,
James L. Oliver of Laneing, Mier ,
son of, Mrs. John Oliver, was tend-
ered n.' lbtnquet in the Port �Shellby
Hotel, Detroit and was 'presented
'finch a geld watch' and chain with
faftlirfnl service of eleven years'
7 p.m. -Evening aerivice with- the New Era Potatoe Ch 00. aootntet] to look atter propet'ty at the
dravin In favor of Artgil• !Congratulations Jim, Brttaeela likes fax sale. -Carried.
can Har neat Festival. to hear of its former residents b•e-, There being no frtriher busine'J9
ing honored, the Connell adjburned,
Brussels, Oct. 7th, 1941
The Municipal Council of the V11•
lase of Brussels met in the Public
Library On the above date. All
members being present with the
exception of H, Champion.
The minutes of the lash mee'.iag
being read it was moved by W.
Cameron, seconded by W. Wills
that the'nrinutes be adopted.
The following bills were- present-
ed -
G. McDowell, Sept. salary .. 60.00
Geo. Campbell, Sept, ,salary 10.00 1
R, •S. Warwick, Sept, salary 30,00
Townsh'i'p' of Morris Drain
Receiver General, Scale
,Brussels Hydro, street lights 108.00
Hall lights 1.57+
Chas. Davidson Insurance ,050
Ed., Henderson., hauling
gravel 5.50
'Commretcial Stationery,
envelopes 8.00
Relief for the month of
September ., • 12,85
Moved by F: Semis, seconded by
W. 'Willis• that the accounts as read
be Paid, - Carr'ied,
iMoved bY F. Semis, seeonded, bY
W. Willis " that Mr. Laycock be
appointed to the Library Board to
succeed O. L. Drumuiond.
Moved by W, Cameron, seconded
by W. Willis that the Reeve be ap'
of communities are being aelted
Purchase sufficient War Savy'-
•Certificates to provide funds for us
definite war weapon monthly -3"m"
The duration of the war. This ie-
require continuous and perelstenta
effort on the part of all War Mum -
Ings Committees.
occurred on October 10th, 1961 fol- I BRUSSELS HAS BEEN ALLOT=
lowing a lengthy illness at her home
at 103 Ontario street, Kitchener.
There is left to mourn the death
of a beloved mother, our sons,
Kenneth of London, Ontario, Mao of
Kitchener and Donald, Toronto and t` army, navy or air force are preonr.:
one daughter, Jean, at home. Also i to risk their lives, The ettizenza
surviving are two brothers Sohn remaining at home • are asked: de'
McRae of Vancouver; Dr. T. T. 141c- undertake certain wartime dutive-
Rae of ,Brussels and two sister ; ,Community War Service natt24.
Mrs. (Di°.) La*liner, Kitchener and Victory Loan and War Savings t7,,W -•
Mrs. J. A. Fleming of Jarvis. signs. War Savings requires ax•
Following a private service at the watchful eye, mouth by month, Via-
Sehnetder and Sandrock Funeral ensure the yearly objective..
Itome, Kitchener, on Sunday, the But the work is safe. Kb sr,c
funeral proceeded to the Brussels will be encountered. No one ws"il
cemetery where interment ta'''t 1 be killed or maimed in such eWaJ...
place in the family plot at 4.30 'I and IT IS IMPORTAINTI
Sunday afternoon, Rev. Lawman I Citizens in increasing nurr4roZ~'"
of Kitchener Presbyterian Church,' throughout the country are •volirn-
of which. the deceased was a . mem- tearing their services for ailtrope. .
ben: conducted the services. of war effort.
Pallbearers were J. C. Backer, S. Wi1i you get your ConrmR ` •
Galbraith, Wm. Gillespie, L. W. members together; add to t '
Eelnmier, Wm. King and . W. C.
The lens of thousands of boys
are leaving their homes to join 't the,
numbers, if necessary; divide, i •
work and responsibility; sed en r
definite plan of operation for ".
duration of the war, and 2 'EBa' '-
The sudden death of Mrs• Ida YEARLY
May. Willis' took place at the horns BR'C'SSELS and surrounding M—
ot her daughter Mrs. Reginald ritory forms pant of Provincrigr
Kerslake of Seaforth on Wednesday 1
++ DISTRICT NO. 3, covering the
October Sth, in her sixty -tour 'Counties of Bruce, Huron. .Ties ec•..,
year. She was a daughter of the -.I Waterloo and Welling -tom-
late Thomas Gibson and Margaret f Provincial Chairman R. V. TeSimlla
Braden of . Pardwfoh. She leaves i Provincial Adandnistratar-
'-tvf"ffircrr "th'e loss of a loving rather 1
Duncan RoSart:n
a son 'Wilfred E., of Brussels and.1 District Chairman P. V.'WiIson
Death Claims
Mrs. Janet Clark
There passed away at her home
in Brussels;, after a short illness.
Janet Gardiner, widow .of the late
William Clark, iu her 65111 year.
Born on the 14th concession, Mc-
Killop in 1376, the daughter of Janet
MOFaderan and Alex Gardiner, she
had lived in that vicinity until ,she
moved to Brussels four' years age.
She leaves to mourn their loss
one son, Alex of Brussels. one.
daughter (Janet), Mrs. Frank G111
of South Porcupine two brothers,
Peter Gardiner of Toronto, and Dr.
John Gardiner of La Grange, Michi-
gan; two sisters (Mary) Mrs. J. W.
Mowbray; Detroit and (Grace) Mrs,
Scott, Hlk Point, Alta.,- and 515
- uneral services were held on
Saturday afternoon with interment
in Brussels cemetery.
three` daughters, Lola (Mrs. Vance,
Sanderson of Wdngham; Valier'!a
(Mrs. Herbert 'Sullivan of Brussels) ;
and Edythe (Mrs. Reginald Ke --
slake of Seaforth). Also two brothers ,
Delwin and Harry Gibson of Wing- To Mrs. Harry Logan
bean and four sisters, Mrs. Wm., LUCIu\TOW—The funeral 'mon
Montgomery and Mrs. E. A. Har -is field oar Monday afternoon ori .mo'
of Trent ich; Mrs'. R. E. McOaUm'i late residence, of Mrs. Harry l'agfeet.
of Mount Forest and Mrs, Alex. Hili who was, prior -to her ma
of Trenton. Also fourteen: grand '"
Margaret Johnston of her
sotvr_ e n.
children.. i service was conducted by Rev .
A private service was•, held from ,Stewart. and interment took p?scs00
the home of her son -is -law H. Sulu- in W.00dland Cemetery, L;ws's s.
van, followed by a service in the Surviving are her husbanelr u,sa*
United Church conducted by Rev. daughters and one.son, also
Charles Lewis assisted by Rev. siev'e's, Mrs. Jean Haig of Se,-diE
Hugh Jack of Seaforth. Miss' Addle and Mrs. Russell Robertson of Tri
Cardiff and Miss Carrie Hingstr n now and two brothers, of,•", CL
sang, "Have Thine Own Way Lord." Hamilton and Gordon of ,an a.
Pallbearers were six nephews, Nor- The late Robert Johnston of�
man Montgomery, Wm. Roberts, noir was a brother.
Jack Grallagher, Clarence Harrli,
Young and 'Clarence
Willis. Plower bearers were In e1CYlUrlallt7P''
eight grandchildren, aisb Lillian
Gibson d Laurie Cousins.• W11LInEi*SON—In lovin'g'.lnemUrI '• "
Floral tributes were:- a familY �, Wilkinson, who d,rrs;e'
pillow; pray, Betty and Margy i -
ath bo•
15.00 _.
V- --
Many Pay Last Respects,
Whllhano 11. Anderson. born in
Wallace Twit), Perth County in 1550
passed away on Saturday morning
at .the home of his daughter Mrs.
Edward 'Deegan in Hallett Town'
ship. Tire deceased was a son of
the late Edward and Katharine Al).
Berson of Gowanstow.n. He was
the eldest son of a family of nine
children. Mr. Anderson lived in
Wall*de Twp., until 33 years DS),
moving from there to the farm in
Mel ikon' on which his son now
resides. He was of a quiet Ones.•
suming nature and an esteemed
nienliber of St. George's Anglican
Church, Walton. Forty-two years
ago he was married to Jane Sholdtee
of GreY TwP., who survives, also a
Son Bert in McKillop and a daughter
Eva, Mrs. Edward Dougan at Mullett
Twp. Two brothers also survive,
Thomas O Anderson e,0 Grimsby
and Herbert S. Anderson of Wind-
The. funeral service took place on
Monday', Oct. 13, from the home of
his conducted by Rev. F. Watts,
al t
T. H
spray, and Miss' E. ,Smith; spray Mrs. Scott
and ,Mrs. Snaith; spray, Brueseld
Council; spray Brussels
spray, The Execut1ve. Seaforth Red
Cross; slPray Mrs. Mary Will;a,',
and Mrs, Garcon Young; spray Mr,
and ,Mrs' Kirby and Betty; spray
13rusr0els neighbors; bouquet, Miss
Addle Cardiff; boquet, Miss Bu0
Those from a distance attending
.the funeral were:- Mr. and Mas. T.
H. Gibson, Miss' Margaret McKee,
M R MotPa1-
soray� grandchildren; wreath r lath, 1940.
thers sisters; spray Mr. and - ;Sleep father sleep
Mrs. H. Gibson and Margaret Thy toils are o'er;
spray, Ed. Gibson and Sweet be thy rest,
family;ray, Margaret, Ed. and Ott needed before.:'.
Bob - gomery.-:'spray Mrs. R. H. ! Sadly missed by
Gibson and Otto; spray Mr. - and Wife -and dais
Mrs. Grey and Terry; spray,
MajorMrs. Sim Ziegler. spray ..---;—......—z-----1..-‘
M Mr', ~
Mr. andMrs. N. ontgomery,
and W. J. Roberts; spray, Mr,,
and 3, Stewart,and Mrs. Lena
Davis; Mrs. W. E, Kerslake
s son,
Wing am, Mr. and rs.
rector of St. George's Church. 'The lune, Mr, and Mrs, J. Gallagher, Mt
pallbearers were Messrs W. R. Stew- Forest; Mr, and Mae, Alex Hi11
art, -
'••r siuntorles, Wilfred Trenton, Mr, W. Montgomery, Mrs,
Wens and Harry Bolger. Interment Mr. and Mra Clarence Harris, M .
in Brussels oemetrry. a
nd Mrs.
Shorireed, John Watson, Harvey Archie Mitchell Mr. E. A. Hardt,
I/ Harvie, Mr, and Mrt
Thos. Peel, Mr. asci. Tatem. t1
Ashton, Mrs. Gowdy . Mr.. lleanna
Gibson, Fordwich; Mr. and Mrs. fOce-
den Carswell, Mr. and Mr"s. C5s4e,c
Carswell, Mr. and Mrs. Geo,.'S'ua1
t -larristony Mr. and Mrs. "hiscarnas.
Montgomery, Palmerston; Mr. ..s.pea,
Mrs. Wm. Roberts, Listawett;, 16iCr s ,
L. Davis; Mrs. W. E. Kers/She, 'laths -
E, Smith, Seaforth' Mr. and ..
Jas. Young, Mr. and 'Mss. O1aiuo
Young, Mise 61eTen Young,. 3M'
Morgan Schantz Mrs. Marg.
Mr. Clarence Willie, Ikons seas
Willis, Mr. Amos Willis, 3t'r,. muse
Mrs. }Awry Wddiis. ,30.. Elden 794if .
Mrs. George Keener, Mrs, Arai%
Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs'. Oleo. -
and Miss Peggy Angel,(filluntlX1
Major and Mrs. J. `Gales- INA '
Timmy, London,
lnhetment tack -place tr Brunalifrn
cemetery. X. ..'.