The Brussels Post, 1941-9-24, Page 8:�.AMKk'14'A 4u, ti tdt •t iE EIWSSELS.TOST The Store Rexall Nose and Throat Relief 25c and 50c Razuiah Relieves Hay Fever 50c and $1.00 Fly Destroyers Wilson's Fly Pads 10c Fly Kil "30c Also— With larger Bottles and Improved Hand Sprayer Both for 59c Elkay's Moth Killer and (Moth Control Liquid 16 oz. bottle 75c a; 1: sEe romp AND SSE 1GHT p . Thousands of people in Brussels and district are wearing REID'S GLASSES with perfect satisfaction. If you have headaches, eyestrain, failing vision, cannot see ' to thread your needle or read—see Mr. Reid and have your eyes thoroughly examined by him. Lowest prices a all times. Latest styles of Glasses T. R. ,><>.RE1'►VLO. Public School Books and High SchcoLL Books, that were short at school opening,-; wenow h ve. Try ns ownfor.then as .l F 1 well as the very best vales, doing inth�kot►a Supplies of all kinds. _, EYESIGHT SPECIALIST & OPTOMETRIST Brussel Office — Every Wednesday Afternoon 2.00 to 5.00 MISS HINGSTON'S Store — Phone 51 Castile Soap 6 cakes 25c First -Aid , Quik Bands ' Protect cuts and scratches from Infection Kg of 36 Adhesive Bandages in Metal Container 30c ,14 Mi 31 Shaving Cream 25c I • 111 111 Fall Simplicity Catalogue _ is Here Look through it •-•'* - for Latest Dress Patterns 15c, 20c and none over • 25c each. F R SMITH Axl' ums* 11 TELEPHONE NO. 62 1.,,. AIM eililey.4 Iter",s GREY 'p the newlywed<: - A very enjoyable evening spent 1 rllday September 19t11 at the home of 811. and 811s. David McLe•1- nan >nd Hue of Grey when around 150 neighbors and friends gathe'•a1 to ,present their daughter Doris, William Geddes '.Beigrave, Buried BGL,GRAVE, Sept. 20.—A large was number of relatives and friends g. thered Weal afternoon to Pay their last respects to one of the older residents of .this com- munity hi tlhe person of William J. Geddes who passed away at bis n ••i r who was recently married, w h n Monday, Y house in Belgravc o miscellaneous shgtver• Geddes, who was in lids Slnd yea:, The following address wars read ' vas, e life-long resident of the din- , by Mr. Kenneth Edgar of \Vroxe'e", trict, Dear Doris and Ned:- Bodo on the third line of Morris' We have gathered this evening 1 he .continued to I've there until 46 to extend to you otic good wishes years ago when he moved to Bet- tor a long and happy married lit grave where he engaged in ti.e together. To you, Doris, we world trilling business for 18 years. Forty I like to .gay that we are sorry yo t nine years ago he was married at • Brussets _ 'Phone 64 QUALITY arq SERVICE SPECIALS FOR—THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY exon Kree 3,y ,v'l, heat Puffs Gia', 7t .Sze 49e Country Kist Corn • • • •••••.... , • . 16 oz. tin 9c Aercxon Fly Coils .... 4 coils IOc Lushus Jelly Powder 3 far •...••••....,,••.•.. •....• 25c• Libby's Pork Beans 2 tins • • •••••• • • • •' 19c. Kellogg's Corn Flakes .. • ... •. 3 pkgs • ••••.•••••.• -• ••..... 25c Baker's Dot Chocolate 1/2 lti bar .•.......• 23c Brunswick Sardines • • ••••-•••.••-• 3 tins • • .. •• . • , • • ..... , 20c Wilson's Fly Pads ••_ • ....... • • •••••• • , 2 pkgs • . , 19c Large Bottle Vanilla ••..: • •••• Each -••^• . 14c Red River Cereal .. per pkg , .. •••••• • , • •• . 25c Royal York Cheese, 1/2 ib pkg , , . 18c Our Own Blend Coffee • ••••••• •..•• per ib ••••••• •••- . - • 49c Hillcrest Shortening ••••••• /to , . , 16c Cedar Furniture Polish .. • ...'• . • per bottle •. • •.. 23c Durham Corn Starch per pkg ....... • . , 9a Aylmer Vegetable Soup Quaker p 2 tin • ••••••••_ 23 raker Puffed Wheat er plug • • •••• • ••••••••••••••••• • 9c Chicken Haddy ... •• • per tin ....•••-• , •••• • 19c Sunny Day Carrot Juice •••• • • .. • • per tin •••••• • •••• • • • • , . • 12c Cataelli Macaroni in pkg ,. , • ......• • 1 l Kleenex, Two Sizes .. .... • • •••• • , 13c and 29c L • We EC k jix .1�' tFlSr. ro F.114 (I are leaving our neighborhood but Londesboro to Isalbelle McKenzie etarmanaemmescoiwaszaw 11 DRUGGIST and STATIONER TFY:FJ'HONE NO. 62 Join in the fun --- Get Booster Club Tickets atr*011e0111 ams PIM russets Used Car .arleel 1939 Chevrolet Coach (19,000 miles) 1935 V-8 Ford Coach 1934 Plymouth Sedan 1933 Plymouth Sedan 1930 Model A Roadster 1929 Model A Coach Come in and See These Cars. G. E. NURSE At -The Cities Service Gas Station ^_ SY RIUSSELS '' • ONTARIO N••*• • .4d04•N•Nj•N•N± .•N•N��.• • • •N•M•µ•Hy�P•N•H�H�N±9L , Red Bawd Sia'ie PHONE 12 - BRUSSELS SPECIALS FOR—THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Chase & Sanborn Coffee 0 1 Ib. 53c ! 2 I b. 28c Lushus Jelly Powder - - - • •. ... • 3 pkgs .. • .. ••^ -•••• • • '23c Aylmer Tomatoes Choice Quality ......••. • ••••• 2 tins • . 29c Corn Niblets •--- 2 tins .... ••• • • ••••- .. • • . • . • • •••• • • 27c Franco American Spaghetti ••••-•• • • • • .. • • 2 tins -_-••••• •••••.• 23c Rose Baking Powder .. ... • • per tin • • . • 17c Magic White • . • ...---• •- per bottle • •••••••• 10c Old Hickory Sodas 23c McClaren's Hi iHo Puddings -• • 2 pkgs 15c Wheatberries --..•••• per pkg . • 25c Nelson's Cocoa • , •.• •- •• • , 1 tb •••. • • • ••••• ••.• 29c 1/2 19s Solite Shortening 2 lb • • 35c Prunes ••• •• • 2 Ib .. •• • . • .• •• • • .•. 25c Interlake Toilet Tissoe •--•... .....•••.• 3 for ••--•••.•,•23c Steel Wool •• per box .. • • lOc London Special Soap ..:...-. • . , , • per bar ,.:...... 6c LEWIS A. RU$SEL L know you will soon make friends and had Ml Geddes lived until next for yourself where you fire going. March they would have celebrated 'Phe majority of us, have watehe,l their golden anniversary you grow front childhood to girl- POT several years he had been a ' hood and 11oty that You have assum- fil the resPo 1sibdllties of a wife we Kill continue to watch and always be interested in your welfare. T.t yon Ned, we would like to say that we hope to become better acquaint- ed with you. We congratulate yon on your choice of a bride and we hope as you travel the road of life together, that your love and devo- tion to each other elill strengthen with the years and, 'become strong enough to withstand any strife or troubles that may come your way. We ask you to accet these gifts with the hope that the will be use- ful to you in your home and that as you u. e their your thoughts often wander back to the and Con.; of Gley and the surrounding comsna0- itY. Signed—Mrs.! Fraser Mrs. Balfour , Mr.. McCutcheou The bride and ' groom made 801- alble replies thanking their many friends for the beautiful gifts rc• ceived. Lunch was served and the :_ nnainder of the evening was spent in cards and dancing. Mrs. Geo. Evans has returned home after an enjoyable visit with friends around Kitchener and Waterloo. NOTICE member of the board of managers of Knox Presbyterian church, Bel- j grave. He was a member of the I Canadian Order of Foresters. Surviving are his wife, two sons and two daughters, Norman M. of Toronto, Cameron of Chatham, Mrs. Joseph Little (Jean) of Seaforth, bud MIss Anne of Wingham. He 1s also survtived by two brothers and two sisters, David, Portland, Gie- gon; Adam, E11>hin, Ont; Mrs. Agnes L. Van Norman and Mrs. Margaret Wilson of Wingham. The funeral service liras condun•- ed by Rev. A. Al. Boyle, M.A. Clarke Johnston sang an appropriate solo daring the service,Many beautiful flowers bespoke their message of esteem and sympathy, Interment tools place in Brandon cemetery. The pall bearers were Joseph Miller, J. A. Geddes, Robert Mc- Crea, William Cole, . Neil McCrea, and Alex Young. 1 V Ciassdfi+d:ld FOR SALE— Fotatoes. apply to phone 101X -r--1 George Manning WANTED— Stucco and Plastering done by W. E. Brown, Brussels, FOR SALE - Miss Clara Elliott of GuelphPullets and •Cockexeis. will be at the home of Mrs. H. 13. AIlen, September 29th, 30th and October 1st, to give ' LOST— Machineless Permanents. Please I One back radia, dark blue, lost be - make appointments by calling tween Atwood and Brussels 38, Brussels. Please leave word at The Post. Phone 501'-13 C. Pollard. 10 DAY SALE Sovereign Paints, Enamels and Varnish Stains 1000 Quarts in the Following Colors:-- Ivory olors:—Ivory and Cream Nile Green Light and Dark Oak PAINTS ENAMELS VARNISH STAiN EXTRA 3 9 C QUART' SPECIAL, This is a very unusual Sale and is leas than the manufacturer's cost. DON'T FAIL TO GET YOUR SHARE OF THiS, Quality PAINT AT THIS VERY LOW PRICE. Discontinued Colours S.W.P. Paint at Half Price While it Lasts. C. ZILLIAX and SON HARDWARE and CHINAWARE Phone 40 "The store With the Stock." Listowel FLOUR 1 CONFECTIONERY •^ SALT Quaker Macaroni or Spaghetti , . •••• • • 2 pk 25c Corn Starch • •2 pk 19c er k 23.c Ivory Snow .......... . . . .................. . . . .... . „ ...... , . • ...... P P Mother Parker's Tea•.- •••••-••• .... •••••• • . •••• • • 'Black or x Mi pked 25c38c Quick Tapioca • • Aylmer Strained Soups •- •• •••• • • --- • •-•- , , •••• • . • • •'' • • • 3 tins 25c Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes 3 for 21s Libby's Tomato or Vegetable Soup -- • • - • _. , • -3 tins 27c Dr. Pomelo's Grapefruit Juice • • ---• • • • •••• , , •••• • • • • • 2 tins 23s Quaker Oats ........................................................per pk 23c Elliott'sEconomy Store Phone 55 Vve heaver Bru,sos tri9nilx}r149:1 ,„1„ r'w Phone 61 RCADE TORE tESVEREMBEMITEMM II” • Ste& i>af'' IDs 81 — Brussels. Ont. Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family Britain Delivers The foods Just Arrived, All Wool Flannels in Grey, 'Wine, Black, Navy and Green Mack In England $1.95 yard. Misses Skirts in plaids or plain shades large assortment 2'98up Women's Winter Coats A Large Selection To Choose From. Prices '$22.95 up.. WNW Our Stock Is Now Complete, Come In ' And Select Your Needs. • Ask About Our Lay Away Plan. timommEgnommammimir *They're So Convenient SALA0A *TEA BAGS •5