The Brussels Post, 1941-6-4, Page 4CM BRUSSELS POST
Vernon Snell of Juanostovvn on Competition
home leave from R,C.A.F. at Dunn Coni¢ etitiou Ue+Lescol cities, towns,
villages and other eanvaSafng units'
for the best reeord in sales of vie
'tory Loan bonds in relation to tbo,r
adloted quotas will be a feature of
the Victory Llan oampaign,
Every unit; throughout Canada
will be striving' to be the first to
nehleve its quota and the coinneli
tion promises to be keen,
�p �?Q�p� Economy
{ yp ,Ville visited with �thei T,etatiYes
Pearson - Economy StoreSunday Visited
going to Slaforth
.A. J. for q o'aiock PM, to meet the bus
Phone r a for set
n an to camp, .
EthelSevcaal persons or Ethel comp sun
dty attended the Hied Crass dance •d
tn hall, Friday eight, With
r-_` ^�9' - ' �� the Guuy Jumpers of Radio fame
0 "� "
npp t lying life music and the al
RMili l e i Seed patronage of friendly people present
d you conldanht help but have a good
,� time. ,The act of serving refresh -
d�etllts was neatly accompiiuhed,
Potatoes Miss Annie Bateman was on Lite
� � bV ��' � � sick list during last week,
�i Jbhp• King has not been quite so
Cabbage �t9�1a$C�a�d�B� Plants well for .the past few weeks as he
had been far six Months previous
`Van. Hallenbeck has trade quite a
Strong recovery, after his critical
Headquarter ®r Summer Underwear condition
Helen onSe em=. Was in, Hamilton
And Straw Hats Saturday and Sunday as the guest
Eggs and Poultry or Dr. Frank and Mrs. Bryans and
Highest Cash Prices Paid For family and 'Doctor W. H• and Mr;.
Currie and Warren.
�-- John Gorsalitz of con. 11 in. Grey
Orange lodge aft 1St. Thomas last Twp• has purchased the six-year,oid
mare driven by J. Bryan Armes on
week, R.MJD. on the,. route for the past
Miss Palaver and Mrs. Palmer of
Edmonton visited on Sunday after year. ,He dealt with Mr. Nurse of
noon with their cousins Mr. and Mrs' Wedding bells will ring shortly;
Mrr,, Allan
Ed. Ann and Carl. and James Mair
Ethel supplying the bride
11 .
Morris spent Sunday at their home ,The garden on the Ella Pearson
near Cliesiey property was plowed a few days ago
I preparatory ,for immediate planting,
the lessee will not get full possescue
management until July.
r neo .
Honey Good Qualify 45c& 79c
'Mrs. Palmer and daughter of lid
menton are "'visiting with their
cousins the Johnston families on ,he
1st line and Bluevale.
Mr, and Mrs. Cooper Nebhery and
daughter and Mr. George Mathers
'visited on Sunday afternoon, with
Mr, end Mrs. Richard Johnston ani
Mr. George Mathers is visiting
--with his brother and sisters and
nephews and other friends an the
1st line and in Bluevale.
Mrs. Palmer and Miss Palmer
-visited on, Sunday afternoon wit'.'
'Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jo0i1:1ston and Carl.
A. large number of friends ane
-neighbors attended the funeral of
the late Mrs. Alex Forrest on Satnr-
day afternoon.
We are sorry to hear Mrs. C.
"Hetherington is sick, We hope :a
hear of a speedy recovery.
Mr. Plarl Hanniiton and MT. Robt.
"McMurray attended the Grand
Welnosday, rune ith, 14
A group of puolic scin.ol boys or-
ganized for and held a picnic in a
woods not fair from'the village Sat•
urday of last week. Fixing up 5
lunch to suit )themselves and ar
ranging their own amusements. They
had some difficulty in getting the
campfire : startedbut being level-
headed, self reliant lads they got.
along O,K., had lobs of fun, and had
a very .satisfactory day .throughout.
The garden party to be held June
10th on Ethel, Presbyterian church
grounds will be the first in this
locality for this season.
I There wast an attendance of over
50 at Ethel United Church Sunday
School last Sunday. The outlook is
promising for further increase.
Wilfred Keifer is pursuing a Spee.
ial course of study in an elementary
school in Galt.
.Calvin Kreuter has gone to Brus-
sels to fill an engagement. with Wil-
ton and Gill ..)ie.
Dobbin in frt. discard --The horse
and buggy accommodation has been
replaced by ^ C::cv coupe car 1131
model in conveying mail between
Ethel C.N.R. station and Post Office.
—x- -
Good Health Products
Orders gladly sent by mail
between regular trips.
e. >, ayne = Dealer
Phone 58, Brussers
At the commencement of the call:
padgn each municipality and oar.-
vassing unit will be given a pledge it
flag. This symbolizes the pledge
of the unit to reach its allotted 1
gnats of subscriptions: Tho liag
will have a Union: Jack in the
corner and a royal blue' torch in +her
white field. The flag will have a,
red border.
An Honour pennant willh e pre
seatted to cy •belbiv the flag when a
municipality or unit reaches lbs
quota. Additional honour pennant
will be given every time the muni-
cipality or unit over -subscribes its
quota by 25%.
Each purchaser of bonds is also to
receive recognition n
by way of a
ttlbtractive pin in the design of a
flaming torch. These pins will be
in, vivid colours, and bond purchas-
ers will be urged to wear the 'pin
thn•ougth:out the term of the
.Bond purchasers will also be
given an Investor's certificate, The
certifildiUte has a red border and is
crowned by the Canadian coat -of.
Idr. and Mrs, Martin Kerr • ani
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Periard were
visitors at the ,home. of Mr. and Mrs.
Silas: Johnstown,
Mrs. Wan. Beharriell and Burns
and Mrs. Beitarriell were visitors at
Silas and Mns. Johnston's.
Gongraituiations are extended co
Jos. and Mrs. Johnston of Halibur-
ton schopl'sbaff over the arrival of a
son (Jas. Gregory).
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Periard we^e
visitors at the home of Bert and
11Irs Jlohnston
The annual meeting of the share-
holders of Walton Community Hall
will be held in the hall, Monday
June 2nd,
ee: C
This Su
Dc your Ccokhig on an
Electrc or Coal ' 1 Stove
Electric stoves ° fr;.'r $2,25
Coni oil stoves from $8.0a
Protect your family by
storms, your food in a
Westinghouse Refrigerator
Buy Now and Avoid Price Increase
Come in and see these at. the
Phone 92x Brussels lox 51
"Buy Where Your Dollar Has More Sense"
arms and signed with the facsimile .I
New Advertising Rates
Classified Ads ...._.... 25c QCash)
Card of Thanks .. 35c
In Memoriam .. 60c
Engagement Announcement .. , 50c
signature of the Miulster of Finance.
Purchasers will be asked to display MORRIS
this oentifleate in a prominent place.
Honour Employees' Certificates
Mr, Amos 8m111r and Melvin J5
are also be issued to industrial
mym spent'Sunday on the 17th Con.
and similar organizations, canvassed of Greg
by Employee Committees, which
reach their subcription objectives.
A Comfortable Place in which to
Resit after a Shopping Tour.
Brussels, Ontario
-s In Old World Setting
"Tourists who previously found
1 the time -mellowed cities of
Europe the answer to their vaca-
tion problems are today enjoying
those same old world delights on
their own side of the Atlantic.—
tlantis1n old Quebec City where prac-
tically every vacation tP.aort tr.,1
pastime, including golf, tennis
fishing and hunting combined
with the most up-to-date aocoti-
morlation, awaits t ., visitor n a
setting unique on 'the
tory.The opportunity of attend-
ing s e r e ice in century -old
churclles, ?tabling through nar-
row, col}bleslonod streets, over
lotwg•sliehced battlefields, and
seeing the colorful, "habitant" at
work in the holds, Is a rare priv-
zo S i tlaeitow'werid, and one
that Quebec. alone can offer.
,¢a"T1ii ancient dwellings of Que-
bec's ,'%it}wei Town" stand out in
pan? contrast to' the modern
es n grass, of the Clfateatl Frontenae,
North American cenld rc . papular, laeudquari:ers for the
ijasily accessible by Cans,dirr rlachec'+risitor. This famed Can -
Pacific rail lines from Monlre l cdial 'i acifio hdstelty is starting
New York, Boston, and otheri,;int for, ,many a'
latge eastern centres, Quebec 10 ri.:s111,se ingMfnifr. by bus, cab, or
• experiencing one of the 11volteet !lb1by^, horse-citaviCca1echc. With -
seasons in its 800 years of itis- in easy distance 11e the historic
Plains of Abraham, the Citadel,
the ancient city wall, the Great
Gates, numerous monuments and
other interesting landmarks.
Farther afield the tourist is
drawn to the picturesque Isle of
Orleans, where farmers still sew
by hand, plow by oxen, reap with
the scythe and thresh with the
flail, while warren ply ancient
hand -looms and spinning wheels.
Other nearby attractions include
Wolfs's dove,'Quobee Brjdge, the
Shrine of Ste. Anne de Beaupre,
Montmorency Palls and Kent
House while northward,lies tiro
famed Laurentidea 1'arlt, a 'vast
area of virgin lake, forest. and
stream country where vacation
delights await at every turn.
4• • + •• • ••♦e•♦OON♦p • • • • A •O♦• • 4,-.4" "•* • • ••s40•••••• 0 ••• Oi N�o♦j♦I
•2• 4
;2; Rsgular to $25 Values ♦21
v a. {
X24 MAN -T APLORED .SUITS ` � 'i Is 0 8
•Y• •2. 1
w •
Fi k ` ♦2i
ee You will rush right, in for these fine men's wear +English Worsteds, sv a f rFG i tj r •• 1
♦,9 chalk •
stripes, Ilght { 9 [ •2i
4`? English Tricotines and Serges. Pin stripes, �� •2•
,e grays, medium greys, Oxfords, navy and blacks,_,Every Suit in this �r `g4yj{ j�i,' si .j
ed z dna J�h 4v S iYA) {I!i ¢J �� ♦2e
>�• exceptional sale has the meticulous tailoring, fist ..nnd <,• l? ♦lei
024 rade •
tailor-mades. All sizes.
finish .,you expect in high g t w ;t •2
1 ,t
•• a, , 6ig,!(k14iL iii
civ i� • •
•. GREAT � y •i•
•2e � kr i=.ii e2•
♦2' ��J��
o♦ s,� � ata �"tis e2�
2 k#
o. 2 ,
� f 6 � e♦
A2Ary ; n rein! •♦.
02A r , 4 �t� Coat ♦`•
2 Don't miss this golden opportunity to gest that New Spring
e2e ��' you've wanted) Every coat In the store goes into this Itwe great ez�
g♦ "dt f'�' '�°' ` sale groups. Fitted or Swagger box back styles, trimmed with scarf, ♦♦
4:0 air ` ' i flower, collars and piping—all-wool .English boucle and imported ♦��
to 'u ` r$r`� �i coatings in beige, black, navy and soldier blue. Sizes 14 to 48 c=i
ei• f ¢c L in each group. Vp
•., 14.88 & 1 7. •
A2• •2,
.a;♦ tl
z All Children's Spring Coag 2
�Z♦; Every coat in our Chlidren's'DEpart- .£•I
y i
�S• tient goes into this Sade. Sizes 3 to /0 T NI
!' , 14 ears. All colors ..... .............•-' O ,.DISCOUNT
1_• yU �_
s. % �� ;2,.
it tewart 21
'2. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ '+,