The Brussels Post, 1941-6-4, Page 1THE POST PUBLISHING HOUSE EL Wednesday; June 4th, 1941 PO BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Your FOOTBALL Mildmay Vs. Brussels In Victoria :Park, Brussels Wednesday, June llth Game Starts at 6.45 P.M, ie. Admission 15c Children Free ling an Country nee I 1 Ebenezer Garden Party will be held on Friday, June 13th Cold Meat Supper will be served from 6 to 8 P.M. after which a 3 -act Play entitled "The • Rebellion of Youth" sponsored by the Benmiller people music between acts by Wingham Talent Admission 35c — 15c IC -0 Annual Garden Party At Presbyterian Church Ethel TUESDAY, JUNE 10th A Three Act Comedy Play "AUNT TILLIE GOES TO TOWN" presented by Y.P.U. of United Church, Bluevale Cast of ;Charaoters- Aunt Tillie .... , Mae. Earl Hamilton Lucinda Talbot .... Mrs. Munarken Pamela Marsh Helen Thompson Lizzie Parsons ,. Delphine Bieback Ellen Neeland Alba Shiell Ronald Howland .... Carl Johnston Luther Lorr1mer ..... Bill Peacock MervinTucker ... George Johnston Charlie One Lung Geo, Hetherington Mrs. Tillie Tucker .Emma Johnston Hattie Bing Mrs. Bert Mann Music between acts by Clarke Johnston of Belgrave, radio performer Supper served from six to eight. Admission Adults 40c, Children 25c Jesus healed many sick souls - Has Ile !touched yours yet? United Church 10 a.m.-Church School and Bible Class. 11 a.m.-"Seasoned judgments of earlier sightseers" 7 p.m. --"Faith's Allies" YOU ARE WELCOME. St, John SS Church TRINITY SUNDAY 11 a.m.-Holy Communion. 7 p.m. -Evening ;Prayers. Melville Church 10 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible Clara. 11 a.m.-Special Service for Dedication of Honor Roll The 99th Battery from Wing - ham, the local Branch of the Legion, and other Invited branches will be In attendance 7 p.m. -"Why did Jesus Come? Jesus healed many sick souls - leas He touched yours yet? Obituary MRS. ALEXANDER F'ORREST There Passed away at her late home Con. 1, Morris Twp., Annie Bell beloved wife of the late Alex- ander Forrest at the •advanced age oe 83 years and 11 days. Mrs, For- rest was a daughter of the late Robert and Mrs. Bell and was baro In Wilmot Twp. Slee was married on the 113th Feb., 1878 and came to the home where she has resided continuous ever since. Mrs:, Forrest was one of those sweet characters whom to know was to love. She wee true to herself, her friends, her loved ones and above all to her God whom ,she delighted to serve . in her quiet modest wary, She was a member of the Presbyterian church at Bluevale. Her husband ,prede- ceased her 356 years ago. She leaves 4o mourn their loss 3 daughters sad one son, Mns. Geo, Wheeler (Agnes) Mrs. Silas Johnston (Rebecca); Mrs. Martin Kerr (Mary); and Robe -t, with whom she made her home. Three sons pre -deceased her. Charlie (mho was killed in the last great war) and Jas, and Glenn, a sister Mrs. Beharriell, two brothers, Owen ' .of Moose Jaw and Wm. Moncton; also 11 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. Funeral services Were held Sclturday, May 31st, la Brussels cemetery. An impressive service was held at the house by her Pastor, Rev. Fowler, Pall -bearers were neighbors, Allan Ramsey, Will King, Jae Peacock, Jas Van - ,camp, Forrest McKay and David Johnston, Many fbeautiful floral tributes from friends and loved ones testified to the high esteem in which Mrs. Forrest was held and the free- asance of her unselfish life will live in the hearts of 'those who loved her for many years to come. Friends trent a, distance were her sister Mrs. Be harrieli. and nephew and neice Buns and. Mrs. Beharirelt from Dean Dake; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kerr and Mr. and, Mrs. Harold Periarg from Birch :Run, Mich.; and from Wine- haiii; Gorrie, :Attwood Ethel and Walton. The bereaved have the sympathy o1 the community in tied loss of a loving mother. REGENT THEATRE Seafarth Ont. -_ NOW iPLAYING- CHARLIE ,CHAPLIN in The Great Dictator with Alice Faye Jack Oak's 'Charlie Chaplin ltalke In his greatest comedy. -z- MON., TUES., WED. Aline ,Faye Jack Oakie IN Tin Pan Alley with Betty Grable ' John Payne A' fascinating`musical,. romantic drama. Next THURS., FRI., SAT. `! 1te House' Across the Bay " ' Starring • IOebrge' Raft ' `' Lloyd Nolan "Joan ,Bennett ' A stirring drama"ef'San' Quentlh '^ Prison. COMING -z� • Down Argentine Way -•"-1L-moi RED CROSS BRUSSELS BRANCH Will aU those who have pyjamas oat please complete and return to the Workroom this* week, as the Packing committee wish to complete their packing for shipment ort Settle - day evening? A splendid tea was held last WecI- uesday, the ladies of the 8th Con- cession of Grey being the hostesses. The proceeds were $21.15. AN APPEAL The falling off of shipments of all supplies coming into the warehouse necessitates an appeal to branches to realize the need of immediate effort. ,The following is a message from Mrs. W. R. Campbell National Chairman: - `Ars we have been fortunate enough So secure some additional shipping space for the month of June and are most anxious to get as much civilian clothing and knitted com- forts overseas as can be possibly managed, will you urge your work- ers to redouble their efforts and Ship everything you possibly can to the Bay and Hayter Street Ware- house at your earliest convenience. It is earnestly hoped that there will be no slackening on the part et our workers since 41he need grows more urgent hourly and since we must.do our;wtmost,to encourage the. people of Britain .,by our gifts,; which we 'know are being so 'gratefully rJ- ceived and which really mean, se much more than Just cloches. We beseaeh Canadian, women to rally to.the cause of our brave de fenders and while we realize that it le a difficult lime of year for many you-Lnst for s ctive Service Local News Items ,More Awatids for What Is' Booster Chub It Worth Son Dies While Mother In Hospital Mrs, Dan Lowry, a itormer real- dent of 13ruose1s, is in the Weeteru hospital Toronto, suffering from n broken shoulder. Last week her son Ash suffered a heart attack while at work and passed away before medical aid could arrive. Their former friends in .Brussels ex- tend syanpet'hy, NOTicE On. Sunday, June 5th a Chureh Particle will be held to Melville Pre9- byterian church to dedicate Roll c't Honour of enlisted men. By kind permission of Officer Commanding, the 991th Field Battery of 'gingham will parade from the Brussels Park to church with an escort of Veter- an's, Ailter the service flowers will be deposited at the Memorial. Ex - service men are requested to meet at Town Hall et 10.30 a.m. --z-- Drive Drive Shed Destroyed In Grey Township Fire Fire destroyed a driving shed on .the 14th concession of Grey tome. shirr an Saturday night, the property of Ricirad Cox, of the 12th conces- sion Grey Township. The house on the farm was occupied by ,Mrs, Eng. ler and daughters who did not know, of •the fire until awakened by neigihibors, The owner, Richard Coe, of the 12th concession Grey Town- ship, had also to be awakened by neighbors. The building contained two reapers; one of which was Insur- ed fpr a small 'sum. Cause a the fire i5 unknown. --:-' Victory Loan Drive Started With A Bang The Viotory Loan Drive startel with a b -a -n -g here at 9 o'clock (E:S.T.) on Monday morning, The bells of the school, town hall and St, John's church were rung and two balloon, bombs were released. These bombs which are quite harmless, rise five hundred feet in the air then they explode with a terrific noise and a cloud of smoke. They were released by W. H. ('Bid) Bell, one at the park and another.. on a vacant lot in the :north section of the town. --x-- Prize Awarded For Decorated Window CARD OF THANKS Draw will be made from the We wish to tlsant l our many king Balcony of the Queen's Hotel 'What is it, worth to you to be n' friends: and neigiebors for the free mate or a tree woman in a tree: loneness and .slymPethy shown In The "Booster .Ctab" 'or Drueeels land, our recent sad bereavement fl eeia1 seems to. be Popular with the gene:- .Asfree citizens we are facing ons' thanks to Rey. Fowler for the awn- al public of the community, A large greatest crisis, Many of our people forting messoge and to Dr, Jamieson and Mr. Rann, They will ever be remembered by The Forrest Family. -x- Brussels Goes 'Over the Top' Brussels had reached their quota of .$22,000 in the Canada War Loan by noon of Monday. The reports of , the canvassers .showed. $30,000 by noon of Wednesday- :hie amount does not Include that taken in by ,the local bank,. Et is estimated .that 25% of the total will come :Frain: this source. ,1t is expected that .Brussels will at least double their quota before the end of the caanpaigin.03russels may be a Scotgie community but when at comes to lending our country money for the defeat of Hitler and all he stands for we are right on .the job. -x-Flag Raising Ceremony The victory loanflag was present- ed to the village of Brussels' by the Dominion Government is now flying on the Town Hall. It was first raised by G. McDowell at a cere- mony which took place following church services on ;Sunday morning. Reeve Bowman., who was in charge of tihe service, was assisted by Aar. S. Kerr who read a portion of scrip- •ture and Rev. O. Lewis who led in prayer. The audience was led in .the :singing of the hymn "0 God Ou' Help In Ages Pest" by L. W. Balmier. The window of E. D. Bells law office wast awarded the prize for Brussels windows •decorated In =- motion with the, Victory Loan Cam- paign. The decorating was done by Miss I. Lowry of that office. The windoy carried out the idea of the money of the country being convert- ed in Victory Bonds and these In' turn producing` planes' for our fighting forces: The Judging was done by judges from another town. 'Congratula tons Miss Lowry. It must have been difficult for the judges to make a decision for many of our merchants had fine window displays which were worthy of praise. Patriotic Rally 'The Patriotic Rally held 111. the town hall on Freckly evening 'was preceded by bend selections given In front of the hall 'by the Brussels ditdzens Bawd. Reeve R. J. Bowman presided. Coder the o(ble derection of M, Lay - ea* much appreciated chorus num- bers were sung by a group of school children with Jean Speimn at the pian... "0 Canada," "'Nie. King 1s 51111 In London'.+'oaud "There'll Al - walls Be An England!' Mr. Laycoex deserves credit for their splendid persfmwatnce. , The,. ever popular Harvey McGee sang a, group of songs•. IBpeakers of the evening were S. D. people, it should be remembered Nomas of Goderic'h, Huron county that for them the war is gathering Momentum and for us it is little enough to give a fewhours each day to' a:Joh we • oar, still accomplish from the safety • of comfortable woilktoms or the shelter of mar Wemes of .the Red Cross! .. WORK • KNIT - SEW • PRAY *Orman of .Canada War Loan who delivered ..an. Inspiring address, He is0troduc'' d Rev. G. 'R.Berton of Clinton and Major Knowios who aiso addressed 'the sndienee, , teas linage • ' MGNCRIEFiF July `3rd has .been ' •choslen for 1libnerteff Harden Party, 25 . oleo• the men, women and children of bens of ithe ll,C,A:F, of.Pbrt Alberti Britain deserve ,no less of us." will provide a delig'htfnt cement,. erowd gathered lv front of the Queen's Hotel where the draw took piece on the ba1ebny on. Saturday evening et about 9.30 o'clock. Betty 'Thuell, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Roy Thuell, was chosen from the crowd to draw the prize win- ning tickets, after •a11 the tickets had been collected and thoroughly mixed. The lucky winners last week were Mrs, Carl Dalton, Mrs, Wan. •Oardiff and Miss Elva War- wick, , Read the Booster Club news every week to keep posted' concerning the names of the ivious weelc'3 winners and, the prizes for;the, coin- ing Saturday night's draw. B. C. S, Notes On, Monday, the Literary • Society pr• rented medals. to the : Shield winners of 1939-40, The 'inhale were presented to Donald Black, Gr. VIII; Retell Armstrong, Gr. IX: lean McDonald, Gr. X; Alice Stiles, Gr. XI; Lois Plum, Gr. XII; Tom. MoFadzeant Gr, XIII; Jean Spieran, Music; John Spiers, General Pro- ficiency. On Monday afternoon, the Cadet .Corps, which hos been 'training for some time, was inspected by Major Aiken from London. Inspection started at 2 o'clock and 'lasted Thr nearly, an hour, Under the com- mand of Jim Prest the group march- ed and did exercises. The Major„ was pleased with the review. -x- Scroll of Victory, Signed A brief but . impreissive service took place here about four-fifteea Wednesday, afternoon when. the .Scroll of Vidto,fy was signed by reeve R. J. Bowman. This is 'the document which, with the names of :the mayors and reeves of every municipality in Huron County, mill be carried by flyiug fortress from Canada to Britain and will be presented to: P3lme Minister Winston Churchill as documentary proof of the unalterable will of the are offering their lives iu the battle for freedom, and now we are disked to lend our money, to back thein np. There is no , •doubt in our mute about the worthiness of the cause - tor which we fight. We all haow" that the men who are in the front- line of our battle have to be suppe ed. We must give them tanks; Planets, guns, ammunition and an ,the technical equipnnent necessac`r to enable therm to stand up naive - the the long prepared armies of the die -- Mere. This takes money which we on the home front must supply._ Beery Canadian has to face the personal resgonstlbility 'of subscrth- ing to Canada's Victory Loan. This Week Canadians can be counted on la, put their shoulders to the wlreel 1St Prize — $5.00 when they understand the need- 3t:- is 'a need not only to help in 'Ms $2 bills to next Seven defence cit Britain but to stop the, names drawn. •+ aggressors before they reach across the ocean. Make no mistake abort it, if the dictators are not stepped. then all that we hold dear in IifrL will go down before then. The success of this loanis ate Your name on a Booster Club Ticket may mean $$ to you. The business men who already belong to the Booster Club are sattsfled, that it is good for the ( only to be mesaur'ed by the ammert • of money .subscribed, but also b•1 the. large number of individuaI five; meats by people of modest means ; and modest income. By subsor ing in large nuanbers' we demon- strate how solidly 'Canadians ars behind their sons and brothers fn this war. The larger the numb the more widely will purchasing' power in the farm of interest le distributed among every day peop3e in all provinces. The more wide, the Victory Bonds are spread among' our pebble, the "chore easily we elan meet any problems of the future _, Here in Huron County we hams been asked to raise $1,300,000.00 as' our quota. Dig deep into re m savings and buy Victory Bonds: Wear a Victory Loan, button to show that you are not just leaking at tae war but that you areright in the war. village and the general public are showing their appreciation by being on hand for the draws, so why slot have all the Mistiness men belong. This week we have two more mem- bers end new members are welcome. The aim of 'the club is to boost the village and the ,rewards go to the buying pwblic and this week should satiety an even greater number of winners: The fatal amount of membership -fee la contained in'the-pa1zes, nobody Is getting a thing but those whose named appear on the tickets. JODI NOW AND BB A BOOSTER WITIl THEY REST. LIST OF MEMBERS - Allen's Drug ;Store $esker's Butcher Shop Ballantyne, Mrs. Jas. Coleman's Restaurant Chapman's Harness Shop Downing', Shoe Store Ecicnler':s Superior Store Elliott's Economy Store East Huron Produce ,Grewar's Cash end Garry Store X'elly's Service Station McDonald's Butcher Shop Mitchell's) Barber Shop Rowland Bake' ShoP Itannrs Furniture Store ISatmis' Egg and Poultry Store 'Sedclom.'s Radio Shop The Red Band Store The Brussels Creamery The Arcade Store The Pawners' Club Store' Wei1s' Home Bakery Wood's Store A Member Military Demonstration In Brussels, Next Friday At the Churches'• -Service 1n ,St. Jolla's Anglican: Church on Sunday morning -was eond.ucted by J. 31. M, Spittal- Thera was no evening service. Services in 'Melville Presbyterian Church on Sunday were cenducted. by the minister, Rev. S. Kerr, who spoke at the morning service un "Problems that Perplex," a 'tem- peasanee sermon. The subject ter the evening servica was "Love that ensdches life." The church school met at 10 a.m. An anthem was sung at the morning service. Service in the United Church en Sunday were conducted by the minister, Iter. C, 13. Lewis, hit, morning subject being, "Perpetu- ating Pentecost," The evening pub- �ect was, "The 'Open -Road." 'Church school was held et 10 a.m. An aa - them was sung at the .morning sap. People of Canada to prosecute this vice: war until final victory.~��� A military demonstration will be The, scroll will be enclosed in the given on the main street of Brussels Holstein Field Day great natal torch which attti'ted its on Friday evening of thin week is Arrangements have been made by jaurney from, Victoria, B;C., some ' sevenathirty o'clock in the evening. the 'Cern of the a et $olstsira days ago headed' for England., to detachment of the Kent regi- Breeders Club to hold their alma The oili�eiai ptadceoaion was Pre- want, whid'h is making a week-long new Day and [Picnic 'at Jowettxa seeded ,nom the meth along the ,tour of this County, will arrive In Grove, ay and on Monday, ett's socio street by bhe Clinton. Pipe ,Brussels at 10 o'clock on Friday 9111, 91h, Band and joined, at the library by mbunning, They will be accompanied 1 The following will be •the programs school children, They proceeded by mechanized vehicles. Two Ba,- 31100 5 n, --thidiging two classes o'f 80 hb grounds of the •town. hall. pipers will be with idle Unit. I: • 8hblsteinst (Prises offered to toy Reeve. Bownlani wihev called upon The fifty odd men.will ,cainP for scoring men, women and boys.) to speak .arid no credit was due hthe the night at the school greunde and 12.30 Noon-(n,onio St and b.armera ;but to the people of Brussels for the vieltors are corcuany invited to era requested tto bring baskets. way the •Victor.., Loan had gone over. visjt.;the camp and meet tltis lino ' 1,115 P•M:-Prognan•, Bao dire 90150 The school children sang delight• troop he yetln.g men and get a brlet ltionsAked'Mutch; Clin'toB. •one t fully under the direction od M. glimpse of a sold erd life in camp. <Sioeaker; Ce D. Graham, Brantfort Ly000k• The Army will welcome all sight•: (Brief epeeahSs, Warden, Ya*. In specking J, 1t, Thames, (lode•.. seers and people will be requested 1Geiiiar; Bbsl-e, Fred Wabsofl rich, said Brussels was :the Shalt ,to inspect ,them in their quarters Reeve, Ben, Bkthwe131 'masfsicripiallity in. Hbsron. to 'achieve 'when they cantp for the night. Ritts 3,00 P.Mr-•ISpo1is (Prizes for Ida - of Pies and other ' homes -made aen5)1 ..• dainties, cigarettes etc„ 'will be Mr. 'Chile Csiup8 ell, Hayel(1,' much appreofeted and enjoyed by President of tithe .I3olateta, 011fbi the men. i issues an invitation to call L6;nlelt► 13e here to delctime these soldiers ' and their 'fltitngles to attend tab to Brnseele on Friday morning, at rural ge+tt?gethter, . • 10 o'clock ami, to enjoy the "Army I r'-`•" lis' Display" which will be given at Don'f forget the Booster Club 7,80, in the evening. Draw Saturday Night: ittheir (plata -and offered congratu- lations. Rev. Calder, .Godertohs, in his le - manias said he heped the present school children, would not have to go through what the world is, noW ex- periencing, Il'e.oifered prayer and the fernieny oohioluded With the singing c2 the National Anthema.