The Brussels Post, 1941-5-28, Page 6BRV$SEIS POST
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Brussels, Ont.
aitl and W. M. S.
Presbyterial Elects Officers
'27th Annual Meeting ed the value of discussions and ad -
At Kincardine Is viand greater Bible study at the
Largely Attended; meetings,
-Reports Are Encouraging
S31uevale, May 22.—The 27th of the executive and Mrs. R. Thom -
annual meeting of the Maitland eon, lite membership secretary was
Presbyterial Society of the W. M. 3. encouraged with the increases over
of the Presbyterian Church :n the .previous year and explained
Canada was held at Knox' Presby- some methods of raising money for
teri,an Church, Kincardine, on that particular department.
Tuesdy with over 160 in attend- Mrs!, Shirt Bowers stated that
once. Baskets of crab-apple blas- this was the first time she had tc
soma were a most attractve set- report a decrease in subscriptions
ting for the meeting, The president, to the Glad Tidings.. Mises Grace
Mas. R. Davidson, presided. Mies Richardson, the literature and.
3. Mather read the Scripture and literary secretary, gave the opia-
gave the meditation on the theme. ions of members of the societies e•t
"`Courage" and Miss A. McDougallthe different study books ani
led in prayer. Mrs. George Morel- stated that 220 pounds of literature
son, in her address of welcome, had been shipped to the 'Western
used the town motto for the mem- provinces.
bers of the W.M.S., "We welcome Miss Dean McLeod, the 'Welcome
you, yon are a stranger only once." and Welfare secertary, reported a�
Mrs, S. M. Scott, Young Woman's increase in numbers of leaters writ -
and girls' secretary. gave an en- ten. There were 450 visits made
couraging effort as to membership and 11 removals reported. She
stressed the importance of having
a Welcome and Welfare secretary
in. every Auxiliary as there wag
work for them to do, Miss Agnes
Robertson. the Student secretary.
urged Auxiliaries to report all
students and wbo
were leaving far study in other
Gives Report of Executive
Mrs. K. MacLean gae a report
and givings. Wingham has a young
girls' hand which a membership of
26. She urged senior members to
visit the girls' groups to encourage
and guide them. Mrs. R. Ester was
quite enthusiastic over the in-
creases in Mission Band attendance
and memlbership, A new band baa
been organized at Biuevale with 16
members. There are 17 groups of
Home Helpers In the Presbyterial.
Several special Home Helpers meet•
Ings were held,
:Mrs. William Douglas reported
nearly $500 worth of new supplies
sent from the different sootetes.
including 60 quilts. Two of the vice-
presidents, Mrs, H. McGee and Mrs.
McWhinney in their reports stress•
AO s
Brussels, Ont.
Press' Reports Appreciated
Miss Olive Scott reported having
sent accounts of special meetings t,
the local papers and exprese.d
appreelation for the courtesy receiv-
ed. An Auxiliary has been organ=
ized at Gorrie. The report of the
finance committee was presented
by Mrs. R, Mowbray who strongly
favors having a finance secretary
and the importance of a check-up on
the allocation and gave some sug-
gestion 00 methods used to increase
the givings,
The ,historlan Mrs, McWhinney,
mentioned the fact that Maitland
would soon be celebrating the 80th
anniversary and suggested that the
Auxiliaries look up and report
events of historic interest.
Greetings From Presbytery
Rev, 5. Kerr, of Brussels, brought
greetings from 'Presbytery. He
spoke of the part the W.M.S. played
in laying the foundations of Christ-
ian faith. He quoted the words of
Lord Halifax. .When asked, "Was
i wise to spend money for mtesion-
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ary entervrise?" `Lord Halifax
said 'lit is most important that the
missionary enterprises be carried on
with en!thusasm. It Is something
well worthwhile."
At tine afternoon session. the
theme was "Trust and Victory." The
Scripture and meditation was taken
by Mrs. F. G. Pewter and Mrs, A.
lile.sser offered prayer.
Mrs, John Pollock presented the
treasurer's report, Amount, contri-
buted by Auxiliaries, $2,9'63.59; by
Y.W. and Girls' Groups, $380.00:
Masson Bands, $237.48, The sum of
$360.79 was forwarded to the" pro-
vincial treasrrer, exceeding the allo-
cation by $00.79.
Lucknow Missionary Speaks
An outstanding feature of the
etternoon was an address by Miss
>_r.avury Douglas of Luclatow, Wlu
has recently returned from For-
mosa, Atter extending greeting
try u ,the women of Formosa She
described the physical features of
the beautiful island, about the stze
of Lake Ontario. .After supplying
rice for six million• people, they
have rice for export. The people
ox r.''o„nnoso feel the iron heel of
,Tapanese oppression and live In 'tea^,
It is encouraging to. know that 70
per cent at the patients at the
MacKay Memorial Respite!' become
Christians. Slhe stated that ' there
never was a time when non•Chrle -
Mrs, K. MacLean gave a report of hen people were more eager to hear
the provincial annual ,meeting at the g0aipel an.d never a time when it
Brockville when the themewast was morn diffloult, and asked "How
"Keep in touch with Jesus:" Th9 eine we going to meet the situation?"
meeting was honored by a vlett
from the Princess Alice, Countess
of Athlone, who spoke of her con-
nection with the Presby!terlar,
Church in. Scotland where she Me
tended with her grandmother, the
late Queen Vletoria, Dr. Williah
McIntyre and Mrs. Mclietyre, nP
Ogdensburg, Senator C•airine Wil -
tune Dr. William Barclay, Modern -
tor of the General Assembly yere
guests. at khe meeting, Mrs, Mac-
Leen gevo some of. the highlights
of the reports of the secreteriee
and :the presedent's address on
"Preparation, pewer and Prayer'."
Tier eaiggested motto for the year fee the new year, "It oar be done
Was, '°11101d east, be of good Cour- einsi 1L depends on ine: r Then quot-
age and go forward." Miss Nellie ed the tuesisage of His Majesty King
Ma11oIm, CorrealpondIng secretary George VI in his broadcast, Christ.
gave a review of tite year's work. I mss, 1030, ,
Mrs, 0. H. Me.Dougall, !Stratliroy,
Provincial Young Women+s and
Girls' secretary, conducted a ques-
tion 'box and discussion. Site solved
Some diffecutt problems and gave
some helpfidt sug!gestione!, Her dos-
ing remanks- were; "There never
wise a greater challenge, but God
never sets His people an impo•sshgle
task, We oan do it."
The president made a few fitting
remarks on ithe bleedings of the
past year, the result of co-operation.
between officers and members. She
glow: her remarks With a slogan
The report at the courtesies corn-
miteea was presented by Mrs. Leslie
Fortune, Prayers were offered by
Miss Acheson, Mrs. Ewen Mc-
Kenzie and Mrs. Alex Strachan,
The Kincardine IVlission Band
contributed' a chorus which was
greatly enjoyed. The ,sooiety accept-
ed the invitation to meet at Teei'
water next year.
Officers Are .Chosen
Following the report of the nom-
inating commiibtee presented by
Mrs, Ronald Rae, 'the following of
!leers were installed by Rev. S, hi.
Scott: Ii'iononary (president, Mrs,
Alex Strachan, Brusses;, president,
Mrs. R. Davidson, Dungannon;
first Utica -president, Mrs. J, .U.
WNYkie, Teeswniiter; second vice-
president, Mrs, F. G, Fowler, Blue,
vele; Ithird vdcepresident, Mrs.
William McInnis, . Ethel; fourth
vice.'president, Miss A. McDougall,
leinoardine; 110th vice-president,
Mins. R, McWhinney, Dungamton:
,treasurer, Mrs. John Pollock,
Whttechnrdit; corresponding snore•
eery, Meets Nellie Malcolm, Holy -
rood; recording 'secretary, Mrs, K.
MacLean, Wingham; finance scare,
Lary Ws, R. Mowbray Wailte•
church; Meson Bend secretary,
Mrs.. R. ,Ester, t unknow, 11.R, 31
Y.W.A. ,and t,4ir19' Secretary, IVirs.
Morgan Henderson, Luoknow
Home felipers. eeeretrtry, Mrs. A. A.
J. Sinnpson, It itait; Lite Member-
ship secretary, Mrs. Robert Thom.
son, Brussels; Glad .fiklings secre-
tary, Mrs, Shirt Sewers, Ripley;
Ssippty Secretary, Mrs, 'William
Mitchell, Wingtaan; Weteteme anti
Welfare secretary, Miss' Dean, Mc-
Leod R.R. 6, Lucknow; Student
secretary, Miss Agnes Robertsnn,
R.R. 5, Wingham; Literature and
Library, Miss Grace Rtchardsee
R.R. 2, Teeswalter; Press secre-
tary Miss Olive •Stott, Bhievale:
convenor of nominating commit-
tee Mrs. D. Rae, Winghane
Follow These Diredtlons And
You'll Be Delighted With the
In. washing remember •that all
white garments should be hung in
the sun while colored clothes should
be hung in the shade. '
• ,s 9
When boiling olot'hel place an 1121
peeled lemon cut in slices to the
bollen with the clothes to boil. This
will remove the gtatns anti ranee
the clothes beautifully white.
v w
Lingerie ribbon% should not be
Ironed while wet or they will be-
come stiff. They should a pulled
lista a smooth condition and when
dry pressed ever with a cool iron.
Wellen washing iienker•ohdets, r'ib
each one with good yellow bar soar
and soaks ter an hour or •so in warm
water to which a generous amount
of salt 'Mas been, added, Wash to
wkirnr water, scalp and place In am
enamel vessel, Cover with warm
water, boil for bait an hour, then re -
reeve owl rinse in .tepid water; Me
in blue water, rang, and press when
nearly dry,