The Brussels Post, 1941-4-23, Page 7THE BRUSSELS POST
Wednesday, 441 23rd 941
School Fair Prizes Given
By Belgrave Institute
The Apia meeting of the. Bel -
grave Womenbs institute was held
Tuesday afteindou In the Orange
�U Ns!grave, with a good attood,
mace present. The Presideat, Mrs,
IsT, Keating, oonlduoted the Meeting
which. veaa opened by the reading of
the Institute Ode by Mrs. II, Wheel.;
er, Oahe 911z0S, for the School
Flair were, donated as follows—glris,
under ten. yeanS,t geranium , slip
started 44), A,pril, girls, over tan
Yealle; a ten -inch •square knit im wool
stalltahle for, afghans, these squares
ho, bec,ome property of Womenis In-
stitute for Red Cross work; boy8.
ten c,ntd tinder, collection of ten gar-
st den vegetables, and boys, over ten,
a varenes house. It was found maces -
MARATHON sary to rearrange the coubenoro for
a few oC the committees and Ries?
are as follows.:
• This great
fully guaranteed
Goodyear will set
mileage records
for you on any
track. And it's
priced to save
you money!
Get top service from your now tires
... add new low-cost Goodyear tubes.
Anderson & at
Brussels, Ont.
will be presented by
the Young People of
Duke's School
In the Township Hall, Ethel
On Friday evening, April 25th
at 8 o'clock P.M.
Proceeds to British War
Victims Fund.
Admission -- 25c & 15c
Peace, Mise Mae FrialbY; Girls'
meeting, Muriel I-1,opper; AgrttuF
tore, Mrs, J. M. amities; Legislation.
Miles RIM Procter; Health and
Child Welfare, Mrs. 1. R. Procter:
CanterldanIzation, Mrs. B. Anderson;
Oanntiten, Industries. Mrs. W. Arm-
strong; Education Mrs. H. Wheeler;
Histo-rical Research, Iihe. 0. IL Log-
en: Home Doonennios, Mrs. S.
Wheeler: Community Activities, and
Relief, Mrs, N. Keating; War Work,
Mrs R. Procter.
Home-, were also arranged for
the meetings The roll-oall was re.
sponded to by telling "Something
new I have learned about garden-
ing.° Jimies C. Shearer of Clinton,
woes present and gave a very 1r:tar-
e...tine talk on the subject: "Jack
Miner and i4te 3tirds." Ile told of
Jrldk Miner's early l'fe and how be
started Ids bird sanctuary and of
the data he is gathering for the gov-
ernment in, return for the help being
givenhim inthe work of the sys-
tran of tagging- the geese and how
this shows the speed and direction
taken by the birds. He also. snake
D. the interest taken by Henri
in the work. Ma. Shearer also spoke
Daughter's new Easter Rabbit—an intimate, revealing close-up. A portrait
attachment lets you get close-ups like thls. Note the sketch below.
T WON'T be long 110W before tbe have new Spring outfits to display!
The children's Baster fun should be
fittingly recorded — in intimate
close-ups (a portrait attachment
helps there) showing them with
baster baskets and the brown dr
fluffy white Easter hinnies they re-
Make sure that you get an "off
to church" picture, a snap of Mother
'deicing or arranging the first bow
clued of Beater flower. Let your cam
era write the day's history. Don't
include too much in each picture—
keep your camera close, and get
the little, interesting details that
make a picture live! And when you
,put the pictures in your album, date
each one. A memo of day eisC. year
gives added value to the fonsily's
pleturahistory hook.
322 John Van Guilder
Easter Rabbit is prowling around
the corners of the backyard, tuck-
ing brightly colored eggs and bas-
kets of candy into snug, concealed
spots. Shortly we will be seeing the
annual Spring fashion parade to
elturoh, and yellow Jonquils will be
nodding in every breeze.
April 13 is Easter, and the ques-
tion now is—have you your Cam-
era polished up and loaded, ready
to memorialize that eventful day in
pictures that you will treasure in
later years? •
There are dozens of pictures that
can be made on. occasions like this,
and each one has memory value,
You probably need new snapshots
of members of the family—and will
they pose enthusiastically when they
S# subject; C, camera. Lower two
cameras with portrait attachments.
With many cameras, you mut be six to eight feet from yoUr subject to
get a picture. But slip a portrait attachment on the ten*—and you get
*Wes ot three feet *Ix Inghes, or even nearer with some cameras.
Result: big Images of IIAlo subjects, and better pleturee.
of the „fine retlIVIIPe the people of
;Huron wee making in various eam-
itilgus fOr 'funds spelt as the present
one for the War Services Fun&
,9Cus. Keating expressed Lha
UballatiEt 'of all for the .epleraidd
.dres given by Mr, Shearer. Mr0.
Heating, ,who has been president ot
the Institute for the past six years.
'was prestent with a flowering
plant by the manners in recognitiOn
of her faithful work. As. this was
the onauel meriting. Edith Proc-
ter took chargs at this time and
ricminations were received for the
various offices, The meeting was
closed with the singing of the Na-
tional Anthem. Lunch was embed
by, . W. Procter. Mies Edith
Procter and IVIns. Jesse Wheeler,
Red Cross Dance
The Re.dl Cross Society held a
harchtime dance, In the Forester's
hal on Tuesday night when a good
time was enjoyed by all. The lucky
dour prize was won by, David Deac-
on who returned it to the Society
The prize for the most suitably -
&eased couple was given to Mrs.
White and IVIrs. Taman of Blyth.
Mosta was furnished by local tal-
e-ot and, lunch was served.
Miss Nora Wheeler, of London,
spent the -weekend with her parents;
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Wheeler; Miss
Louise McKenzie, Sturgeon Falls,
with her parents Mr. and Min. R. R
IVIoKenzie; Miss Kay Townend,of
London, with Rev. 3'. R. and M.,e
Towneado Miss Velma Wheeler and
Mies Mabel Mathes are spending a
few days in Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.
William J. Cole who spend the WM
ter in London, have returned. to
ttheir home here. Mr. and. Mrs, W
.Stallith, London, spent the weekend
with them.
(Kincardine News)
April is noted for its showers
which, combined with slush and
1140.111g snow this year spells trouble
for thoughtless pedestrians and
carelesk motorists alike.
If both will exercise ordinary care
and caution especially at interseo
Ulna there will be no muse for re-
proach on the part of either.
After alk though motorists use the
roads more .than pedestrians, they
have no snore rights than those 'who
walk. At the same time, Pedes',
trians do not have the right of way
over motorists.
A pedestrian who starts blithely
across the street in the path of an
oncoming oar in all probability
be splashed, unless the motorists
Jams on the brakes and makes a
superhusnan effort to avoid the mis-
However, should a motorist come
along .art a fair rate of speed and
make no attempt to avoid splas'hing.
the best oburse to follow is to take
down the 'femme number and let the
offender explain it all to the magis
If everyone will co-operate there
should be no need for frayed
tempers or cleaning bills and A,pril
will soon, be over.
.1.001(1140 FOR SOMtrt4iNo.
,iheodri by Illingwotth tram the London Daly AWL
Pos 0111.171e16 *IVA Isles,
eltddliett a4.4
Boys and girls are encouraged to ask
questions in Canadian schools.
They are not forced to accept
false principles and theories with-
out challenge.
This is the freedom of democracy
. .. the freedom we are fighting to
maintain. What a difference this
from the fetters that a Nazi vic-
tory would impose on Canada ; ;
and on the world!
So ... you who want your children
to be educated in schools where
freedom of thought and actors is
allowed and encouraged . , . do
your part to help to win the war:
Keep up YOUR PLEDGE! :
Increase Your Regular Investments in
Remember—wben Victory is won your dollars
come back to you with compound interest. The
more you save and lend, the better for Canada
NOW—the bet -ter for you THEN.
Published by the Wm Savings Committee, Ottastra
• •
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A Weekly Roview of Develop-
ments on the Home Front: April 10-
17, 1941.
1. Prime Minister Mackenzie
King in conference with President
Roosevelt- at Washington.
2. -Wartime Housing Ltd. initiat-
es programme to relieve housing
shortage. ,Ountracts let to provide
accommodation for 600 men at
Halifax, Nova. Scotia. (Wartime
Housing Ltd. is a Grown Company,
headed by Joseph Piggott, Hamil-
S. To ensure that construction
work in Canada will not be slowed
down by industrial disputes, the
National Joint Conference of the
Construotion Industry, meeting in
Ottawa, .established machinery for
swift and effeat,ie settlements and
decided that pending final neeptitt-
tions there shall be no stoppage of
work. (The national Joint Confer-
ence of the Oonstruotion Industry
consists of nine representatives of
employers and nine of employees).
4. Drastic !restrictions placed
upon, civil ase of aluminimn reduce
non,..war consumption - from about
1,000 tons monthly to less than 25
tons. At the same time, PrOdlit-
&Ion of aluminium increasing.
CUse oi aluminium for hollow-
ware, electrical conductors, foil and
other domestic imposes banned and
imports ,strictly controlled, to divert
maximum supplies to aircraft manu-
facture and other war needs.
5. Clout's:0W awarded bY the 124"-
pairtinie5.t of Munitions and Supply
during the week ended April 4 num-
bered 1.986 and totalled $9,983,607.
G. :Cost of living index stood at
108 2 untbanged from February but
9.5 points higher than in. March,
Farm Production Must Be
Kept At Peak—A Plan
to Ensure Farmers of Help,.
The Munchen Society for 'recital.
cal Ag•riculturints, Ontario Branch,
has received tull approval of the
•Ontarto Department of Labor in it
aelteme witerebY city, town
village help would be available 10 •
fanciets during the rush of seeding,
haying omit harvest. This scheme
tgui inthe next week or so be
placed before service C1111/SI In the
Province as well as employers of ;
labor not engaged in filling wtr- '
time contracts. •
points out that 3n..
tario farms must produce as ne,-cr I
before to make good on Canadian
foot comraitments to Britain, 11
would be nothing short of food
sabotage if crops were io be bet Si
spoil in the fields owing to a lack of
farm labor.
Many farmers are on the verge of
curtailing production this year be-
cause they fear that awing to labor
shortage they will be nimble to
harvest their ammnl crap without
heavy spoilage, C.S.T.A. feels that
if these farmers ;knew there was
more than a fair chance of harvest
help being available in their nearest
town til or wouldmake a special
ellort at seeding time, and that Is
why the C.S.T.A. members are going
"all out') to organize help for the
farmer before the need arises.
Members will address service
clubs and place before them the
fact that, while farm work is not
spectacular, crop production is au
ever increasingly important cog in
the British war machine and that
this cog must not cease to function
through lack of man power.
The 0.S.T.A. yould lu,.."ae a service
club committee, or any other :as-
Pousible coanraittee of men, register
and organize into community groups
and business, professional or in
dustrial workers who hate had
experience in farm work and who
would volunteer one day's service
per week anal a proportion of their
holidays, to work 05 the farm 51
work at seeding, baying or harvest
time in case of need.
These volunteers would be organ—
ized in groups of four or five where
possible s.o that all could go out to-
gether in one car to work. It 55
hoped to organize these groups so
that each would go out on a differ-
ent day per week and so spread the -
Wages would be paid by the farm-
er acording to the worth of the
man, and local wage scale.
It is proposed to issue registration
cards to business men and factorY
workers willing to help. These
cards would be sent to Alex 102s -
Laren, Department of Labor, Par-
liament Buildings, 1107011k), who in
turn would have them indexed anti
sent 4* agrioulthral representatives
in that particular volunteer's county.
Requests for help would be sent
by the fanner t* the agricultural
,representartive, who would turn over -
the request to. the small community
comittee having the names of all
men. available and the day of RID
' week convenient for them to work
The G.S.T.A. is confident tbat. '
urban dwellers will aid the tanner
iwhen they are impressed irtith art •
bald fact that "we can't fight If we
1 oan't Oat," and that • thrones =e-
1 'vexation.' and organization t7n9arfers
crops this year can and will be bar -
vested without lots.
needs $5,500,000