The Brussels Post, 1940-12-4, Page 7GLASSES . By REID Mean Perfect Comfort, Satisfaction for you. Thousands of people recommend Mr. Reid berause they have had such good glasses from him and hit prices are very low for all styles• Have your Eyes Examined by R. A.EID., R. O. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST AT MISS HINGSTON'S ,STORE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2.00 to 5.00 P. M. PHONE 51 I• allfileliEtWinetlemmENSESIDEBIBILEOMMMERDI Soldiers' Marl Sinks with Ship A large volume of mail, including Tatters for overseas 'troops, . parcels ,of tobacco, etc„ was lost throug''L the sinking of the C.P.R. ` freighter, "-BeaverE ori,' 'it was revealed by postai authorities The "Beaver - ford" was one of the convoy re- cently attacked by an enmy raider in the Atlantic. 'The Dominion postal Officials FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE Temoved'prompfly caul efficiently. Simply phone "COLLECT"'t0 WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED PHONE 21 INGERSOLL BRUSSELS PHONE 72 realize that the anxiety and -diens. ,poinitmuet caused bit the failure of these parcels ant lettere to reach their destination will give. rise to a series of complaints both from the soldiers, who bad been expecting the parcels and from their ,families and friends in Canada. "Such com- plaints will be fully understanable.'' an official stated. But in view of the circumstances, he asked considera- tion for the post office department. Under the present system of hand- ling mail for the troops overseas, mail which is carreotly addressed Is forwarded in direct sealed bags either from the base post office, Ot tawa, or from the Canadian base de- Pot in the United Kingdom to the various unite! Under this arrange- ment, if the mills are properly ad- dressed they will reach the unit without any avoidable delay. In the majority of cases where-copgiplaintS are received, it has been found that delay was due to an, incomplete or iuisutecient addxesson the letter or parcel. Meolk Try The BRUSSELS DAIRY BAR=. JEKINIMANOMON for Soft Drinks, of all kinds. Ice Cream Sundaes & Banana Splits Vanilla, Pineapple, Strawberry, Chocolate, Coffee and Orange Milk Shakes Try a bottle of our Chocolate Milk for School Lunch. Butter, Buttermilk, Cottage Cheese, Milk and Cream TryOur Saturday Special .201 a w, int ti' �'" • /I `fie You can actually feel these sturdy pull your car through Every motorist who faces, "off -the -pavement" driving in heavy mud or snow needs Goodyear Studded tires: doc- tors, mail carriers, salesmen and farmers have proved them indispensable. The heavy: studs bite into soft going and keep you on the move under safe, easy control Save time; fuel and nerve strain . equip your car with 'Goodyear Studded tires at the first Sign of bad weather. tough going ! Anderson's Garage Brussels, Ontario MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR 'TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND THE BRUSSELS POST CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTER'S LiST --x— Voters' list, 1940, Township of Morrie, Pointy of Huron Notice is hereby given that I liai'o complied with Section 7 of the Voter's Lists Aot Mad that i hope posted up at my office at Blueya.lo on the 23rd day of November, 19.40, 'Gale Bat of all person entitled to vote at ,Municipal election and that such remain/ there for inspections. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate Proceedings to have any errors or omia'sions eor- re0ted according to law, the last day for aplleale being the 14th t1aY of December, 1940, Alex. MacEwen, Clerk We Shall Live Again at Is reported that a esrtain Mis- silon Hall In old; London had its plat- folon all decorated for a harvest festival when a German - bomb knocked the place to pieces. Two weeks later some of the grain hacl sprouted and green shoots three or four inches tall had, pushed than way through the dust of debris. The head of the Mission saw a parable in the grain growing through the ruin ita and said: "We shall live again." United States Dollars Urgently Needed Many Canadians do not 'seem to realize that, with - certain, . excep- tions, it is against the law for th:m to hold foreign currencies, which, of canine, includes United . Statos dollarsy so urgently needed to bey War materials' abroad. It is the function of the Foreign Exchange Control Board to gather in all fot•- eign-exchange arising out of our exports, tourist expenditures in Canada, and 'from miscellaneous sources; and release it for purchases or aeroplanes, guns and other much needed equipment, principally in the United .States... If any Canadian has United States 'dollars, dr any other foreign exchange in' the form of bank accounts, bills, cheques, drafts, or similar instruments in bis possession, without the permission of the Board, he is not only evading the law and leaving himself open to prosecution, but he is. hindering' Canada's war effort. - Christmas Buyers To Feel Pinch Of Anti=Luxury Curb - May`Ease :Duties on British Goods While Dis- couraging U. S. Importations In Effect et Once Ottawa, Nov. 30.- 'Cutristmas shop- pers are likely to feel the pinch of'Canada's war emergency budget to be brought down in parliament 'Monday 'or.Tuesday by Hon. J. L. Ilsley, minister of finance. Addi- tional taxes are egpeoted on mann articles.` in the non-esesutial cate- gory—luxuries and •seanl_luxuries— whieh often are selected as Christ- anas gide, and the additional int- -posts will apply as soon as an- nminced. ' Toto idea is to curb spending for mon-essentials so hirers Will be more money for war •financing, and. to crit down the public .demand for non -war articles so manufacturing resources can 9e conceutt•ated to a. greater extent Onwar production. It is also likely that htportatiou frost the United States - of a con- siderable number of non-essentlats Will be virtually prohibited. This will strengthen the government move to, discourage outlet- of the Increasing national Incline for buy- ing articles in or near the luxury classy and at the same ,time ilia terially help to"eouserve Canadian exchange for the Dominion's war buying (crests the line, : It is also probable that there may be so.mfo relaxation of present 1n1 (tort duties on goods and materials from Brittain' and other empire countries, Increased Canadian par' chRses In Sritatn will provlde her with mom fends Xm y ate P pht'ehases in, the Dominion. ' 1 o inereages iii income or cm.- portatiou taxes' lira• expected until the adjourned session lueetst again in February. PRECAUTIO- N Bride: 'But darling, if I nttt'ry you, I'll lose my job, Orman: 'SCant we keep our ttlar- 1 rage a secret 't Bride! "But suppose we have n baby?" - 'Groom: "Oh, we'll tell the ' baby, of course." C"la She: "Do yen like bathing girls " rile; "1 don't know—i never ball- ed any! CAN A D A' S reffreell PLAY GI! N /gee For rest or play—Vancouver and Victoria are ideal for a thoroughly enjoyable winter vacation. Warm days and coolrefreshing nights. Excellent golf courses—myriad sights, in the mountains and by the seashore. Riding, tennis, motoring, fishing ... Canada's Evergreen Playground offers them all, in an unexcelled setting. Special Winter rates at hotels. The new Hotel Vancouver's spacious rooms and delightful accommoda- tions will add to the pleasure of your stay in Vancouver. ATTRACTIVE RAIL. FARES ALWAYS USE CANADIAN NATIONAL. TELEGRAPHS—MONEY - ORDERS—EXPRESS SPEED, DEPENDABILITY, SAFETY Reduced sleeking -ear fares. Low meal rates on trains. TRAVEL WEST THE JASPER WAY USING THE AIR-CONDITIONED _ 1 CONTINENTAL LIMITED. Pull information from any ticket agent WROXETER Over 200 friends and neighbors gathered at the town hall Wednes. day night to honor Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Gibson (nee Dorothy Broevn-. The evening w a a epent in cards and dancing. At the conclusion of the lunch, Mr. and Mrs. Gibsion were called to the platform and presented with a beautiful chesterfield and two chairs also a blanket and a few dishes, Robert Paulin read the - ad- dress to which the groom, on be- lLalf of himself and wife, made suit- able reply. All joined in singing "For thep are jolly good fellness." A second event of the evening was the presentation of a lovely occasional chair to Mr. and M"s. James Hembly, who are leaving on Saturday for Exeter. 'Jim" has been on the local Bank of Comemrce staff for the past seven years' and has made many friends here. Mr. Hemlbly made a very •fitting reply to the presenta- tion which was made to the pres- entation which was made Mr. G. A, Wearing and Laurie Van Velsor. All joined again in singing "For they are jolly good fellows." Danc- ing was resumed until the early hours of the morning. iMrs TOO BAD An Irishman got out of the .train at a raihvay station for refresh- ments, but the 'train left before he had finished his repast. "HOuld ou!" called Pat, as he ran like a madman after the retreating train. "Heald on, ye nuu•dtherin old stame engine -you've got a passenger on board you've left betels'!" �t t ADVANCE NOTICE' "I'd like a couple of hard-boiled eggs to take out," said the young fellow to the girl at the lunch counter, "Atli right replied the waitress with a smile, "you have' to wait. Martha and I don't get off until two." i SakieWSOMiwrowonitenateleillerwanhatt A House On Tour Hands—. Tlyd s o . grar Adore calk ho.. .mall . porcent.da of our papa. lotion pas., 0o5 noun. where din>. could rod s-"-T15r Lob" WO. or hoar lard.p.roehb.,(o toad oar paper? Good tenant/ aril not the kind Chad nave trine to *ante In do lag ofµond looking for riffle1 :2pq Sooli. In. out Want Ada* if von have 0'1 oJ.."nn soar band.. " IScuee o ,L. will *trim then lo,7ML•' ern',.., ■ c. e,a.. • WedIlesder, December 4th, 1945 1 Transmission Equipement Tools and ,Motors • LELAND ELECTRIC 'SPLIT PHASE MOTORS 25 cycle - 60 cycle 1 -6th H. P. $15.00 $12.00 1/4 H. P. $15,00 $12.00 (Re -conditioned 25 cycle Motors 1 year guarantee) 1/.I Westinghouse'..,,., $ 8.50 1/2 Wagner ,,,.,., ........ $35,00 Black Diamond Products S. K. IF'. Ball Bearings GENERAL - MACHINE & TOOL WORK Chopper Plate Grinding Brake Drum Machining Listowel Machine Shop phone 177W Listowel, Ont. t Birthday or No Birthday, Churchill Works At War He was 66 on Saturday, but Downing St, Buzzed as usual 'With :Business Even Before He was out of Bed' —"Get On With It," Slogan - London, . Nov. 30—'Prime . Minister 'Ohutchill observed his 66th birth- day Saturday by "getting on with the war." One of his presents was.gift of money from residents of the Nether- lands. Bast Indies to purchase seven Spitfires. Another was - a cigar box carved with Maori de- signs from. New Zealand's Arawa tribe. A. flood of telegrams ane cables from all parte of the wo_icl arrived at 10 Downing St. It was exp0o.tsa that his first birthday as; prime minister would be very much like any other day except for a family gathering at- tended by his seven -week-old grand- son and namesake, son of Raudoipn • Churchill. Mt Churchill usually gets up around 7 a.m., breakfasts in bed, ready :his private mail and official communications and the newspapers and -then dictates letter to a sec- retary who sits beside the bed. At 9.30 o'clock he starts conferring with -cabinet members, high army, .navy and R.A.F. officers, sometimes while still in bed, but usually after he gets up. The conferences con- tinue : until 1.30 .p.m, when he has lunch with ,Mrs.. Churchill or ins colleagues. . - After lunch he has an hour's nap. At 3.30 o'clock the conferences are resumed until dinner at eight. At 9p.m be works with tris secretaries on memorandum or confers with ove g LnmentSfi i 1 o as 0 until well after midnight. - Although he conducts most of his business at 10 Downing St., it is generally known that he does net sleep' there every night since, it belived the German raiders - have 1 been aiming for his official home. It already has been 'reveaied that ope bomb fell in Downing St. e=ra' tip Smart See says: "Soft soar) nes caused many a girl to slip from the straight and narrow:" - 449Na1440 . dNO+DO+rP1e0-06C�A�E•V+•• • ♦♦♦ o" o e r s 4 H C. F HANSULD —HARDWARE— Phone 226 —x— Ethel, Ont. Stoves, Tinware, Paints, Oils and Roofing McClary's Stoves :,' • 01 e $ ye Your R esti 1 Snd Them the Brussels Post For Christmas In a handsomely wrapped Christmas parcel with a card $1.50 Anywhere in Canada eJ a?►�'•.Jam'1c?ellicl?4i'.J_ c?0147n:J.n