The Brussels Post, 1940-11-13, Page 3+00•1•101.1.011/111•11•111.1.11111•1.1•11•••••••=1Mmm... THE Baussas POST
Gereral Machine !Work
Feed Chopper Plates Ground
Brake Drums ;Machined
Motors and Generators Repaired
Exclusive Agent for Electric
and TransmIssion Equipment
Mill Street
--- Phone 177w
Trial Opens In
Goderich 'Court
Lorne' Jardine Of
Ethel, Charged In
Death Of Girl In
Car Accident
CoderIch, Nov. 9—The trial of
Lorne Jardine, of Ethel, charged
with manslaughter, got under way
on Friday nmening before Mr. Jus-
tice Urquhart at the fall amine
Crown Attorney D, 11, Holmes is
the prosecuting counsel, and Camp.
bell Grant, Walkerton, assisted by
Fe R. Darrow, Goderich, is appear-
ing for the accused.
Crown Attorney D. E. Holmes in
outlining the case to the jury, said
the charge arose out of a motor
accident whith happened at 12.80
a.m. on July 7 011 a county read
about three miles south of Clorrie.
The road had been graded the day
before and was in good condition.
The car driven by Jardine struck
the south-east corner of the bridge
causing the breaking of a steel
girder, then proceeded north, turn-
over several times.
As a result of the accident, Betty'
Edwards received fatal injuries. •
The Crown is endeavoring to show
there was excessive speed, that the
drive, was not keeping a proper
look -out azid was negligent.
A great deal of technical evi-
dence regarding the structure oK
the bridge was given by Witnetse&
Counsel for the defence argues
that approah to the bridge is
• :
removed promptly and efficiently.
Simply phone "COLLECT/a fo
deeptive: that there was. a crown
on the road, and that there was a
'soft shoulder and a pipe sticking
out of the end of the'bridge on one
Technical evidence was' given itY
T. 11. Patterson, engineer of the
county of Huron. He said the
bridge bad been up twenty-one
Tells of Ride
Miss. Edith Ritchie, Barrie, sister
•of the deceased girl, testified that
on the morning of July 7 she was
passenger In a car driven by Lorne
Jardine which collided with the
bridge. She sat in the front seat
with the driver and Eleanor Par-
sons, Lee Allan Wardlaw sat behind
the driver and with hien in the
back seat were Betty EdWards,
Icla Ritchie, 18, and Reta Galloway.
They were returning fro ma danCe
at Listowel and made' no stops be-
tween there and the scene of the
accident. She did not remember
Peeing the bridge at the top of the
hill. The car struck the south-east
corner af the bridge.
Saw Bridge Collapse
She saw the" bridge collapse after
it was s`ruelt. She was In the hospital foe a week with injuries re-
ceivecl, She saw a car approach-
ing the bridge and told Jardine,
who went to stop it.
To Mr. Grant, the witness testi-
fied she had not noticed anything
oat of the ordinary about the speed
of the car. People in the car were
laughing and Joking. , Jardine seem-
ed to be paying 'attention to the
driving and was not taking mina
Part in the conversation. He was
driving 011 the right stele of the
road and she had not noticed the
bridge until fairly close to it, The
color on the uprights of the bridge
•was much the same as the roae,
'she said and the traveled eeart of
the road is wider than the bridge.
She did not remember seeing the
treaties applied. Jardine was net
under the influence of liquor.
No Race Between Cars,
To Justice Urquhart, the witness
said there wee, no race between the
Dr. R. C, Redmond, Winghatu,
Is Your Car Rea:1y For
Now, at the first siga of droppingtefllPeiatulles,
topetatuues, is the tine to
prepare your ar our efor wInter. The
lubrication, ,battery, brakes, motoe,
spark plugs and starter all need
attention to 'make sure of' a- sate
driving winter, We'll check Your
ear from A to 51, ter very little
money, and we'll gaarantee a pertect
Job. Drive in today and get emir
winter checkaap—you'll save time
and money in the long run,
"For Scientific and Satisfactory Service"
waitwas caned to the scene of the H d c
accident, desleribed the ilduriee.
The two dead glide Were en the
readWay, the head of pee having
been severed, Jultilne Was normal
and did not appear to be intoxleat.
ed nor did he' detect any odor 0
Die W. R. Fraser, Forwieh, who
had examined the body of Betty Ed.
Wards, pronounced due to de-
Describes Accident 'Scene.
1 Traffic Meer Noonan Le ver
desolibed• the scene of the accident
When he arrived there about 2 a.
I in, The Muth east corner of the
br.dge was hanging down, and the
body of Betty Edwards was lying
taventy-five [feet north of the
bridge, the head under a piece ne
the car covering, The length of the
bridge is 60 feet and the platform
14 feet. The cur was damaged ea
the lett side and ,the top smashoe
To Mr. ant, the witness said
there 'weer no brake -marks on tit
shoulder ot the road. He had neve
found any vibration on the bridge
when going over. it, The width of
the travelled portion of the road ie
1 his opinion It would h.,
dange our foe a dri'ver approaching
the bridge at night to put' the
brakei on at 40 miles an hour, T
South end of the bridge had been
painted white, and witness said,
was the same color as the road. At
the south-east corner of the, bridge
he saw pipes or railings sticking oat
16 or 18 inches beyond the holder,
Be had not noticed the girder
broken off before the ,accident. 11
was one of these pipes which came
in contact with the Jardine ear. The
travelled part of the road ex..ended
a couple Of feet from the abutment
cf the bridge and is wider :halt
tae approach to the bridge.
Sounded Like Airplane
Mrs. Mabel • Toner, 'who lives
there miles south of Gentile, about
sixty rods north of the bridge,testi-
ea she heard the roar of a 'motor
on the morning in question which
sounded like an airplane. She heard
the crash at the bridge, The cee,
did not seem to'be in the centre
of the toad. The lights were point.
lug to the met..
Asked gy Grant if she hall
any iutereet in the roads), she replied
that her husband takes care o'
calm y road. ,tehe could not toll
whether the engine made a noise
after it turned over.
LarleToner, husband of the last
witness, stated he ISard the
of the engine, after he had gone
to bed. He heard the Mash and went
to the scene, and later went for a
doctor. He thought lights of a car
Would. shew the bridge 400 feet
tee said real heavy loads went
ever the bridge including a cater
pillar snowplow.
Justice 'Urquhart; "When you
heard the noise of the ear coming,
i'011 did not get out of bed."
"No, sir."
`Thete was not enough noise to
get you out of bed?"
"There are a lot of cars on Sat-
Jack Toner and his father A., le.
'Potter, living a 111 i 10 11.01'1,11. of the
bridge, both swore to having heeel
the crash at the bridge,
Thomas Edgar swore he did not
observe anything out of the ordin-
at7 about the bridge.
Mrs. Margaret Mundell, Gerrie,
gave shatter testimony.
J. Merkley, garage owner, who
team called to the scene testified ae
to the condition 08 the car.
The fl'ltfl 153 told Mr, Grant the
5113154 as 5511111)"S
Wedneedae", November 18th, 1940
a . . . olice mash nor see who was in the Jee.
Canada's best known police offi-
cials, has been appointed acting
chief, investigation department,
Canadian Pacific Railway, Mont-
real, during the absence of Brig. -
General E. de B. Panet,
D.S.O., L. dH., V.D„ on military
duly as district officer command-
ing M. D, No, 4. Mr. Cadieux has
been with the Canadian Pacific
investigation department since
1913. Be has been assistant chief
since 1925.
made the damage to the cae- look
worse than it was.
'Court adjourned at 5 oeileck to
Saturday at 9.30 a.m, and will be ad-
journed at 1, until Tuesday
Campbell Grant has issued a writ
against the Couny of Huron fer
unstated damages claiming abso-
lute diseepair of the bridge caused
its collapse,
Fatal Accident Case
Adjourned at -Goderich
Goderich—On l0rlday morning
Justice Urquhart refused a motion
Of defence counsel, Campbell Grant,
to bring in a verdict of not guilty
of manslaughter or reckless driving t
in the trial of Lorne Jardine, Ethel.
The motion was made at the con-
clusion of the case for the crown on
the grounds there was no evidence
o shatv that these charges had been
The charges arose out of an ac-
cident on July 6 when a car driven
Jardine crushed into a bridge
on a county road near Gordo, in
which Betty Ddevards and Ida
Ritchie, Gorrie, were fatally in.
Defence evidence taken Saturday
morning was largely technical In
an endeavor to show that the im-
pact 011 the bridge had not caused
the accident.
.0. mechanic named Bodden, who
'vas over the bridge a week berme
the accident, testified the structure
alevays. seemed to him to be a little
West of the travelled portion of the
road. He did not think it possible
that the lights of a car coining
down the hill would pick out the
John Allen, blacksmith, and Sgt.
•Reginald G. Newton, mail carrier,
testified to the condition of the
Edward Jewell, Brussels who alui
hall experience in the erection of
steel bridges, also testified.
Reginald Newton, Gorrie, who
was driving from Listowel to Ger-
rie, testified that the Jardine car
had passed him at Molesworth and
that he clid not hear the roar of the
engine mo•re than ordinary-.
To Crown Attorney Holmes ilea
witness said he did not hear the
dine eat, when it Passed hiul, 11"3
stopped 1110 041' twenty feet trim
the bridge.
Car Occupants Testified
Eleanor Pa,rsone, passenger in
the front seat of the Jardine me
who injured, had no recol-
lection of What happened. She had
paid no attention to the speed of
the car, but thought it 'item not
very fest,"
Wise- Reta Galloway swore the
car waa going at an ordinary speed.
Rendered unconscious in the acci-
dent, she had no recollection of the
'54.11 Betty and Ida Rlts
e,nt. She was in the back 8eart
Lee Allan Wardlaw, also in the
batik seat, wise suffered concuesioe
of the brain, had no recollection or
the ecicdent, having been uncon.
setups for three weeks tater.
The court was adjourned at one
1, o'clock to Tuesday at 1 p,na., when
additional witnesses for the tie -
fence Will be heard.
Howick Council
Fordwich, Noveruber 5th, 1980
The Connell met in the United
Church Hall, according ,to adjourn-
ment. Dhe members were all
present. The Reeve, J. W. Gamble,
in the chair,
The minutes of two previous meet-
ings, also Court of Revision 011 the
.Amended Schedule and repairs 00
Branch B. of the Bolton Municipal
Drain, were read and on motion cf
'Strong and Winter, were adopted.
.Moved by Strong and Weir that
the Report of the School Attendance
Officer for the month ot September.
be accepted and placed on file,
Moved by Winter and Strong that
the Reeve and the Deputy -Reeve be
a Committee to putchase a wreath
for the Anmistice Day Service on
-November 10th.
I The latest models of Massey -
Harris Superior; Ranges ars
more beautiful, more practloal
than ever. For economy and
vague -giving too, these famous
stoves are outstanding. Don't
buy any kitchen range until
you have seen these snappy
,new Massey -Harris models.
J. W. Fischer
Business Phone 51X
Residence 25-r-18
,...., •
•,••_ •••, - ••" •
Moved by Winter and Weir that
he peeve and the Clerk be hereby '
authorized to sign the Applleatien
for the Provincial 'Subsidy of one
Intl]. • —Carried,
Moved by McCallum and Weir
that the Road Accounts as read, be
passed, —Carried.
Moved by Mceelltun and Winter
that the following acocunts be paid.
United Church, rent of hall
J. W, Gamble, selecting
Wilton Leonard, selecting
Isaac Gamble, ,select. Jurrces
lean. llighton, sheep killed
by dogs
Ruth Roman, nursing
Brussels, Ont.
Amilittfiktr hlomE
Ignatius Strauss, sheep kill-
ed by do
1'3 ° HOW. Agr. Society, grant
for 1940 150.00
4.00 .county Treas., hospital ex-
penses for C. Seven 27.10
4.00 County Treas„ hospital ex -
400 penses, Melvin Harrison 1 5.75
David Robinson, servicing
164" I street lights, Wroxeter 76.0}
Mrs, C. Severt 22.50 I
J. H. Rogers, postage &
Excise o...........8.00 i
Clark Renwick, sheep killed
by dogs , 10,00
Aaron Diekert, sheep killed
by dogs 5.00
Municipal World, sapplies
for Cleric's office 3.29
T. A. Roberts, ads. in Record
& printing notices 9.70
Carl Douglas, bal. pay as
Witness, Dustow case
James Stevenson, sheep killed
by dogs 10.00
Renee 1
Road Expenditures, for the
month of October 335.06
Moved by Winter and McCallum
that this Council do adjourn to meet
In the Township Hall. Wroxeter, or
the Fif.h day of November, or at
the call of the Reeve. —Carried.
Isaac Gamble, pt. salary
as Clerk
T. A, Roberts, trip to Geode -
etch with effleials
J. H. Rogers trip to Gode-
rich & work with valuator
Isaac Gamble, assistance 10
Prov, Auditor
J. H. Rogers, bulbs in
Fordwich shed
County Treas.. arrears of
taxes, Elmer Ring
County Treas„ arrears of
. taxes, E. Riau
5.00 I
Forme] hats are flatter and small -
.90 er, as the heart -shaped felt with
, I ribbon bow and streamers at back,
7.02 or the little black felt sailor with
• tour feather pompons posed above,
1997..and below the brim at either side.
sonlo•aw•mrwai.uvottetam.a*ermn“ re*
' e
Having taken over Insurance business formerly run by Mr D.
C • Warwick I, Chas. T. Davidson, wish to announce the transfer
of the agency; and will continue in the office of the Radio Shop,
reczntly vacated by D. C. Warwick.
Companies represented
Canadian General
Dominion of Canada
Zurich General
Perth Mutual
phone 92X
T. Davidson
eJet1115, 45 •