The Brussels Post, 1940-11-13, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE
Wednesday, November 1304' 1940,
Cry, 1G0 +
by Frank n , k C Mitchell 'Sarussels Branch Canadian Legion, B.E;S.L.
,:. ;•, .,. ‘rv'lce Stapon.Purch'ased . .. door that elven$nE or in advance 7r
B re Bruce Gas,Co. phoning Dr.,J, G. Ferguson 1.00833,
G' " " President pf th'g,,;Senior . AssoFtaien:
41•••••••••••••••••"!,"."444"."44."••••••!•10,••••., me• Mr J 11 Brawn pf tlae Grey$rnce
Renebranca Day 1940 �haa Pass- 'or Gordon Fowler iMI6043, Preaf.
At the !Memorial •
Depositing of wreaths.
"O• Canada."
Benewouon—Rev Kerr
ed into history. Despite the for God Save the Icing l ul aha es
of the Fowler
rential rain. that fell for the most d ill '
part all over Canada, thousands of —o --
persons turned out at alL large
centres to pay ,homage to Our
Glorious Dead" and to ,dedicate
'themselves to the task of carrying
on with this war, The smaller
districts were just as loyal, and we
are proud; of the resPonse made by
the people ofBrussels and district.
The ''Poppy Day" 'response was the
hest on record so far as we can
learn, (tor Brussels alone): A
total of S&1.00 was received, and all
Poppies were sold before 6 pan.
Many persons were disappointed
when coming to• town at night and
finding none available, and tics
total would have been much great-
er bad 'we anticipated the response
with supflcient poppies. Deducting
'the cost of the poppies and wreath a
balance of $38.00 remains, which is
to be devoted to sending comforts
to the boys overseas. We'are sure
they wit ljoln the members of the
Canadian Legion here and say. •..••••
Due to the downpour of rain on
Monday, last minute arrangements
were made to hold the Service in the
United 'Church after wbich the'
wreaths were deposited at toe
Memorial. With only an hour's
notice the church was made quite
comfortable, and a large congrega-
tion gathered considering such
short notice. We extend our: ap-
preciation to the Clergy and to
Board and caretaker of the United
Churbh for making these arrange-
The order of service at the Church
was: -
Two minute's silence.
Last Post Reveiilee.
Invocation -,Rev. Lewis.
hymn—"O God Our (Help in
Oges Past"
Scripture Reading -Slee. Watts.
"'In Flanders Fields"
Hymn—"Abide with Me.'
C�� -nom
Knox Presbyterian
will hold their seventy-fifth
Anniversary on
Sunday, November 17th
the Rev. F. G. Fowler, B.D,
will be guest speaker at both
.services 11 am. and 7.30 p.m.
The Re -opening and Dedication
of the Church will take
place the same day
Annual ,Fowl Supper
will be held on
Tuesday, November 19th ,
Supper served'from 5.30 to 8 1 and shelters, but God speed. the
Program by Listowel United day when we can livt tike normal
Church Choir huran beings is all our prayer,' ..,..•
Adults 50c Children 35c "The American news reef photo-
Osit .,,, y graplrer asked .permission to taite
Pictures oP our tdo shops. On the
sue that was saying
n b" we have a
large poster Saying "'thank you Mt.
Hitler, we have now moved to tarp
Gasoline Company, Teeswater has
purchased the 'service . station form-
• erly onvned by. Chas, Pope an - w
continue under pis management Sae
advertisement on inside page.
Death has removed Mr. Nevin,. •-0"-
,Chamberlain and has brought Peace B. C. S. Notes
to a brilliant soul. The Armistioe of 1918 was fitting -
Not for many generations has a ly remembered by the B.C.S. pupils
man at the helm of our Empire ship friday morning, Nov. 9. After the
of state .had to shoulder such respon- National Anthem was sung, Mr.
sibility as fell to his lot, Is, his Drummond, in a few well,choaen
own words "history alone can tell", 'words told the pupils of the signi-
just how he succeeded or failed in finance of Remembrance day. The
his duty. Wo are of the opinion Stirring poem "In Flanders Fields'.
that Chamberlain was the "saviour was read by Edith Fletcher and a.
of the Empire' 'and that time will reading was given by Jean Valli.
prove this. Ile was a man of o—
Peace and we believe he ,carried the START THE DAY OFF •RIGHT
homes of the vast majority of Great With a Grapefruit, full 01 tangy,
Britain in his efforts to avoid war. zippy flavour that accelerates mg.
,But there is even a greater duty ging appetites -
that he performed. Perhaps he, 6 for 25c
more than anyone, knew haw 'Special. for Saturday—Soup—
Chicken Britain's cause was at Chicken with Rice; Aslraragua or
•that crucial time in 1938. Germany 'Cream of, Mushroom
on one side armed to the teeth. ' 3 for 25c
while Britain was not even prepar-, (d.imi' three to a customer.)
W for defence, a let atone attaok I•A. GREWAR l Margaret Garniss who has been Relief ter the month of rw•• a: Cross. Lt will give us a trans -
When Chamberlain returned from choir leader for the past flue years, i October 13,66- formed life.
Munich with those historical words, ' WE SELL FOR LESS with a beautiful gift in appreciation At the morning service following
Moved by F. Sam's, seconded by
"Peace in, our time,'' there was 1 —x—
g of her services. The address was W. Cameron that the accounts be a Processional hymn, the National
much scepticism and much banter, At the Chtachea read by Miss Carrie Hingston. Mrs. Anthem and prayer, the two minute
We venture to say that he himself Last Sunday. paid,
-�► R. Downing made the presentation. Moved by W. Cameron, esconded silence of Remembrance was observ-
knew in his heart !t was merely a A Remembrance Day service . was Miss. Garniss made a suitable reply, by F. Semis that W. Willis and ed. ISPecialRe music was coutrlbut v
"postponement" for he set lits held in St John's 'Church, Brussels, thanking them all for their lovely H, Champion and the Reeve be the ebyd the choir under these able telt
'country to ,work as It had never' last Sunday morning, The Rector, gift, Asocial time was enjoyed Committee to plan ase to the best cotton of the leader Miss M. Garniss
worked before, preparing for WAR. Rev. F. Watts, -based his sermon on a�tterward. anethod for having Santa C1trus at with Miss M. Davison the organise
"Peace in our time," could only he St. John 15.13, "Geater love hath no Choir Presents Gilt Christmas. —Carired, several anthems were given. In the
accomplished by the suppression et man than this, that a man lay down The choir of Melville Presbyter- There being no further business
morning a quartette composed of
Nazism, and this could only ' be bis life for his friends." ' Two Ian church, presented Miss Margar- the meeting adjourned. further
Misses i a..Garniss and H. Backer
attained by building aa force such as mute's silence was observed, in et Garniss and J, A. Ballantyne prior I and Messrs: J. Bates and 1 -
the Empire had never before poo -
memory imemory of the Fallen, before the I Strachan sang, In the evening the
sassed: Aover," los t nvas only singing of the National Anthem.
the "table cover," Yui armament and
Stephen George, the infant son of
areons Hitler and his cohorts Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harmon was
are ones who have first ease ed that
baptized during the service.
this Man of Peace outguessed them, , Service in Melville Preshyterian
and that he alone saw through
' St..John's Church
Ladies' Guild
The meeting of ,St. John's Ladies'
Guild on Tuesday last took the
form of a social afternoon. Mrs.
George Davis presided. The cap-
tains of the Copper Contest made
their returns, and It was announced
that the winning team would be
made known at the next meeting.
The ladies made arrangements to
hold a a'o s !Social in the basement
of the Church on Friday evening,
December 6th.
At the conclusion of the afternoon
tea was served.
Local Council
Meeting Held
Brussels; Nov' &th,•.1940
The regular monthly meeting of
the ;Brussels Munieipel Council wae.
held in the Public Library on the
above date,' All members. being
present with the exception of W.
Wilds and H, Champion.
The aninutes of the last meeting
being read it was moved by W.
Cameron; 'seconded by F. Saints
that the minutes be adopted,
The following bilis
were presented: -
G. McDowell, October salary 60.00
' fixing bell 2.00
Geo. Campbell, Oct. salary 13.25
R. S. Warwick, Oct. salary 25.00
Fred Stephenson, police duty 1.50
Jno, Hulley, police duty ,,. 1.50
Jno. Evans, police duty 1.50
Thos. Grant, police duty .,,,
Treas. Huron Co.,
Brussels Hydro•+Electric,
street lights . -
Hall lights
R. W. Kennedy, tax- notices
.Brussels Choir Leader , Dr, H. Hart„
Is Presented With 'Gift Listowel Memorial Hospital '4.25.
Brussels Band,•annual grant 100.00
• The choir of the United Church East Huron Agri. ,Soc., grant 75.:00
gathered at the (Parsonage on Jno. Cribean, repairing chair .30
Thursday evening to present Miss G. McTaggart, repairing bell 3.00.
United Church
Anniversary Services
Meld Last Sunday
Anniversary services of the Brus-
sels Untted Church were held morn
ing and evennig on. Sunday last will
Do. Lil1ie of Toranto as the guest
,speaker, Rev. Lewis, minister et
the church was in charge of, the ser-
vices and introduced the speaker.
At the morning services Dr. Little
chose as his text the 19th and 20th
verses of the 5th chapter of the
Epistle of James "Brethren, if any -
of you da err from the truth, and
one convert him; Let •him know
that iso which converteth the sinner
from the error of his way shall
save a soul from death and shill
hide a multitude of sins." Ile
named various cliaraoters from the
Old Testament and from the New
Testament who being sinners had
been converted. Personal Evangel-
ism is still taking place. By men
and women who have found the
Cross others are saved. Christ is
counting on us to save others. We
must follow Him and do His teach-
ing. Many men who have been
great have gone but still Christ re -
1, aims. , said Dr. Little, we have
God and Christ in our hearts we
will have the Holy Spirit. The
Cross should be our symbol. We
oan't help others if we are .-selfish- •
We must kneel at the foot of the
their slimy efforts to blindfold him
to realities,
Churchill, Eden and many others was sung by Marie King and'
voiced their opinions very loudly at Marguerite Logan. Evening seep
that time and many persons fall
vicewaswithdrawn on account of;
they were justified, and yet it has anniversary services in the United'
already been proved that even vita hurch,
a whole year of preparations Ger- �_
many's ;war machine was not
equalled. What would have nap -
paned had Chamberlain led us to The November meeting of the
war in 1938. We Wonder. We Brussels Women's Institute ds to be
think history WILL record Neville held in honour of: the Grandmother's
Chamberlain as a national Hero. of the community on Friday after-
s -x-- noon, Nov. 15, at a o'clock in the
We received a letter from a sister Public Library, The Roll Call is "A.
in London, England again this weak. iSugtgestio'n for some particular
It ieliis of.......'Day and night bomb- work which would •be of Benefit to
lugs and the awful times we are the Community. IMrs. H. Spear
going through in London, but still will address the meeting and a short
we are determined not to give in play will be presented bp -some of
whatever happens" We Ave the girls entitled, "Two old Maids
lives like cavemen in our cellars ,—and a Tab.' Mrs. Robt. •Strachan.
will favour us with a reading.
Tea will be 'served and all the
ladies of the vicinity including the
Granmothers. are invited,
—0 --
Huron County
Junior Association
New Officers Annual At -Home
At a meeting of the Executive
Church was -conducted by, the min-.
aster, Rev, . S. Kerr who spoke ;911
';Stones of Remembrance." A duet
The Three
Heroes of the Saddle
MON., TUES., WED. ,.
,-, Merle Oberon • - Rex Harrison
Ove' . the Moon,.
edy that' . romps' from`
.a gay cum y
England to gay Monte Carlo - also
Edward G. •Robinson Jinn Sothern
Brother Orchid
Humphrey Bogart , Donald Grim
Ile. laughed, loved 'and' searched his
way across the ,world
—o— -
Walt Disney's •
Stiow WLiite
and the
Seven Dwarfs
My Love
Came Back
er and better premises, where we Committee of the Huron County
are carrying on 'Busines as Usual."
On the new shop Our answer la Junior Association of 'Toronto, the
enemy bombing ''Business as Usual''' 'following new oldcers were elected
Perhaps you will soon see this dlan for the coming season: President,
In Canada,''
Johnny 'Campbell sent home a
portion of the wing from a German
ibamber brought down near their
We once again extend, thanks to
the, band, for tinning ,out for 'Remem-.
brance.;Day ;Parade and .'were also;
proud to haveDavidHastings and
chcim George Iittbbuoks, M. Thoma-
son, Jack Losec, in uniform.
Gar, .George. 1•Iubbucks and Gar.
David Hastings. returned to Petawa-
wa Military camp, atter . spending
two'. week's furlough at Brussels.
Card of 1 nankp
I nviah to thank all those Who s5
Gordon Fowler; First Vice'P1 e5
Ernie Hunter; Second Vice•Pr•.es.,
;Gerald Stewart; Secretary, Kenneth
C. StanburY; As't. Secretary, Mra.
Marg, Grose; Treasurer, Wesley
MsCutcheou; Publicity Chairniau,
Bob Leiper.
A mush anticipated event is the
joint Annual At•Iome of. the Junior
• Assoeiaion pnil- the Senior, Associa-
tion whdolt is being held 'at Eaton's
Auditorium on Friday 'evening 8 30
p.m., November 22nd.,
The - Program Committee are look-
ing for a large crowd and extend 1111
invitation to all Huronites and their
friends,young and old, to come
along and join with thorn in ibe
Sun end renew, old acpuaintances. A
$pedal invitation is extended to all
Huronites visiting Toronto' at this
to their marriage with an electric '
lamp. They had both been members); ,
of Melville .church choir for yearn Youth Acquitted
where they were much avpreciated,' r
I On Charge Of
Educational Service
To Be Held
At United Church
Jury`•p'•ree"s• Lorne
Jardine Of Ethel
church choir was assisted by a
Listowel male quarette.
Large congregations *ere present
at both services, In the evening
the members of St. John's Anglican
• and Melville Presbyterian 'Churches,
whose service had been withdrawn
were present. Rev. S. Kerr of Mel-
ville and Rev. F. Watts of St. 'John's
assisted in the service. The church.
mals Oreauitfuily decorated with
flowers, for the occasion.
The Town Hall was filled to 'cap•
achy for the concert which followed
the United Church Fowl Supper oa
Tuesday evening last. The program
teemed the Wingham concert
party, assisted by the Sunday School
Orchestra and local talent. Ras -
'Charles Lewis was chairman: Rea
Mr. Mond, of Brantford, Rev. S.
Herr and -Rev, F. Watts spoke
For some years past. It has been Of Blame In Fatal
the custom of educationists to set Car Accident
apart a certain week each year as
'Education Week' for the purpose of Goderich, Nov, 13. ---(Lorne Jardine,
focusing public attention , on work Ethel, was acquitted on the charge
Of the public - ani high schools of manslaughter, and the lesser One
of dangerous driving, en Tuesday
throughout the land. This current afternoon. The verdict of not guilty
week is the designated week, Ot01 was brought in by the jury after a
sharing iny has the opportunityidcel of deliberation of less. than an hour,
sharing the nation-wide celebra-
Tile trial lasted two and a half days.
htians been
this event. A by t servicelcal The charge arose out of an acct•
has been arranged by the local
clergy and school teachers and is dent which happened on a 'county
to be held in the United 'Chinch road near Gorrie when the car
(Sunday ',eveni'n`g, driven by Jardine crashed into a
The school :choir under Mr, Lay- bri'dge.. Miss Betty .Edwards sad
000k'si,direction will provide special Ida Ritchie, of Gorrie, suffered
music and the minister of the 'fatal injuries.
Brussels. Cbtii,ches will have charge Win Justice Urquhart'8 address to
of the service. Rev. C. L. Lewis the :110.7
dealtchiefly of te
with the
will preach the sermon—"The Con- - lega'ases et the trial. He ware-
tributi.on ori Religion to an educated ed the defectiveness
life." : The Offering of the evening bridge as claimed by the defence,
is for,the, local branch of the Red applied more to civil features of
°roes: the case and should -not he allowed
to cbnfuse their minds. If there
c71 'iso was not sufficient evidence to con -
vitt on the manslaughter charge
M- ICRIEFF they could bring in a verdict of
dangerous driving, Verdicts of•not
Then WINS-. met at the home of guilty on both counts would mean
Mrs. Allan•MaTaggart on 'Wednea that Jardine wase in no way respell -
day afternoon, with twelve ladies sable for the accident,
present, The :meeting was m When 1110 case was resumed on
charge of Mrs. V. Inglis and opened Tuesday, 'Calnpbell Grant, 'defence
with hymn 143 followed by the counsel, announced that no fur-
Lord's Prayer in unison, the Sorin- ther defence evidence would be of-
ture lesson Was read by. Margaret fered, Mr. Grant addressed the
Harbourue and hymn 800 was tunas jury for slightly over an hour, stet -
after which a poem was read , by ing that the accused was the vie ,
Dante music will 'be supplied ny
generously contributed towards the Jo.e. DeCourcy fund his orchestra,and.
wrist'w'atch presented to me whalethere will be splendid acconlimoda-.
' Homo' on furlough. flan for the bridge and euchre pla;'-
Gnr, David Hastings,
Petawtvw'a Military Camp Tickets may be obtained • t the
Mrs, '0, Harrison. Mrs. M. Bairns tim of an unavoidable acoideet,
took the devotion. Mrs. Inglis then and not a criininal in any sense of
tools charge of the business. A the word He referred to this
committee was. appointed to plan bridge as a "death trap," "
the thank ofering meeting aim. Crown Attorney D. E. diolmes;
nominating, Cenrahittee was 'named, whoaddressed the 'Jury for forty-
A paper on "Love' was read by Mrs. five minutes, maintained that ,"no,
Ellwood MlcTaggart and Mrs. J. car travelling at a .moderate rate
Machan closed the meeting , with of speed nvould have done wha.n
prayer, this oar had dorso." Ile said thbie-
The W. A. followed, Mrs. 0, Har- never Weald have been loss of, life,'
rime 'the ?resident presided, DM, and the bridge would never 'have
calsh% on plans for a Crokinbeedaln'aged tied n„ed
party for the benefit of Red C1nsIsolepfbflner Caution in his drivingJardie us
,but were left for Alia Committee ir. Purther':detaiis of the case pray
charge of the Red Cross. bar
e fiiiind on inside, page, i
The ineoting closed with benedic- 1 • ,
* * * * ♦ * * * * *
* * .. e * * *
The marriage took place at the
United Charon manse, Ayr, on Sat-
urday, Nov. 2nd of Barbara, daugh-
aughter of Mre- John Hedley and the late
Mr. Medley and. Elmer D. Dell cif
Brussels. The bride was attended
by her cousin Miss Adelle Eichler
'while William Bell was his br'other's
groomsman. Following the mar-
riage Ceremony' a reception Was
held at the home of Mrs, J. Eichler,
the bride's aunt, Mr. Bell will con-
tinue his law 'practice at Brussels-
tion, `
The many friends et Mrs,
Gilbert were sorry to bear of her HI -
meas and wish her _a apeely recnv
DGiiN—To Mr. and Iiro. ala t 11
lliolilwing, ('see Jente Deinard)
on November 7th, .1940, a daughter
(Mar)oriel Anti.
The monthly business meeting
wad held and splendid reports given
by the officers. The Treasurer
reported that a $20. donation had
•been gratefully reeeiVed • since 'the
last ,meetipg. Miss; Vehna Wheeler,
music supervisor, wishes to present
her pupils in a ;Recital of 'School
MVltrsic, Thunder, , N5o'v,•• M, at 8.15
p.m. in the 'town hall; Brussela
Eight rural schools rtrent'•'Morris. and
Grey will' take part, ., Net proceeds
in aid of the Red Cross. Adults
.ii6'c, . 1'ttbllo 'Schaal .ptfpila ,free.
The stmt 3opta's Society a!
'tdelo'n e-'Uniteii' • lhurnh Cancelled
its meeting last 'week to enable its
members to 0o-clreai<te'.fd the i:en
greg'atiiiit l o i+^upper Aetivftib4