The Brussels Post, 1940-6-12, Page 4ROUND TRIP RAIL TRAVEL BARGAINS y. From BRUSSELS• JUNE 21221 to TOROMT.:.,, Also to Brantford, Chatham Godericlt; Gu.ekpit, I1aual#to cndoo, Niagara Fails; Owen Sound, St, .Catharines, St. , a1 Sarins, Stratford, ,StrathroY, Woodstock, ' TO Stations Oshawa and East to Cornwall Moltke/Ye, "Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterbore, i;apiPbell+ford+. New;uarket;•r' i Collingwood, Meaford, Midland, North Bay, Pai'ry Sound, 55 bury, Capreal and west to e Beardmo r, i See handbills for complete list of destirla;tione. Tickets, Train Information, Return Limits from Agents, ASNZOR ,FIAIlDBILL CANADIAN NATIONAL ALWAYS USE CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS rum BLUEVALE One at the pioneer residents In :the person' of Mr, Bennett Rattan of the 2nd concession of Morris passed' away on Friday at the hoarse at his son in Gerrie, his remains I, were laid to rest in. Wroxeetr ceme- tery, A great number of the old neighbors attended the funeral Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnston ac- companied Mr. George Mothers to Mr. Wilbert Mathew of Dublin where he has gone to make his future hoarse, Keep the date in mind, of Ebenez- •er Garden Party, 'Friday, June 21st, Cold meat supper. A large crowd attended the aim - tion sale of Geo. Mothers and the late Mrs, ,Snell's h:ouaeholt effects, good prices were realized. Brow'nrtown, Young People are presenting their qday 'Where's Grandma' in Brussels on Friday night in honor of the Anglican church. Mrs, Russell Bone has gone to Loudon Hospital to undergo an •operation which we are sorry to re- port. Rope for a speedy recovery. A number of the neighbors and i friends gathered at tl,e home of 1VIr. Geo. Mothers on Thursday evening to bid him farewell before leaving for his future hone with his son in Dublin, when the following address was presented to him. Even the darkness of the days fail to blot out old landmarks, they tell the story, the long years you have spent with us make an inter- esting tale, one we shall never for- get. At the crossroads this even- ing's memories the most precious memories come flooding our lives. Here et the crossroads we meat make the turn, some trait to the right others turn to the left. The way we go will determine our future, you have chosen the road you shall take. W e folloly you' down through the avenue of the Years, with mingled feelinge of sorrow and joy. :Sorrow at the loss of a friend, .the joy of a cos- radesdrip that can.never fade away through the declining years you have spent your life with us and now it is not easy to dis'ctose the secret of your hearts, You have been a goad workman serving on the Board of the Church for long Years, you have shown unflagging interest and glveal her financial backing without , which the church is a broken reed, as a good citizen of the Brltishh" gmmouwealth you have proven, tog 'e a faithful servant in the Governane t employ and now standing at the; fwo forked roads in drays of deadly„';;peril the United Church of BlueYale would send with you a guide in %days when civiliza- tion itself is ,threatened, we the represemrtative4t1reof the United Church give ydiutthe Bible, It will light the tracl4't4head however dark the night, fib One night aiman, in, a buggy was run down atp ' ilway crossing, the aipga old signal marik#n charge, had to ap- pear in courtleer a severe cross examination 14. rives stilt unshaken. He said he hd 1waved his lantern frantically but$tto all of no avail, the following mornitpg the superintend- of the linepalled 'flim into hls offiCe. Yen did wonderfully well yesterday Toan161e said, I was afraid at first You plaint waer. No sir, replied Tont 1.5.4 '4 I was• afraid the old lawyer ,wgvltl asks me whether my lantern watOit. Do not fear Mr. Mothers!, ars.You tread diverse parts, tills "lantegfirn will not go out, take It with you through your later years, On the sixth day 'at nine in the year 7640x' •:•, ' • ' Signed Robert Shaw Geo, A... Thornton W. J• Johnston Geo. T,' Thomson, Edltvard; Johnston' James Feacook Arthur Sfax Rev. Campbell Tevener, Pastor, Rev. J. Flt J. 1Millyard, of London, occupied the pulpit in the United Church on, -Sunday rlirddr the -auspic- es of tlae Ontario Temperance Fed- eration. Rev C. Te.vener assisted' at the funeral service of (Bennett Rattan in Howiok on Sunday afternoon, Mr. Ruttan was a resident of Morris Township for many years and at- tended' Ebenezer •'(llIetlrodiet) now United Church, Rev. F. G. Fowler spoke on the importance and.; necessity of per- sonal •contact : .with Jesus •Christ, through prayer sand regular church, attendance at ,'the morning service in Knox Presbyterian church, Y. P. S. Hplds'Meeting The Y.P.S. of Knox Prestyl„prian church held •,the regular meeti in Auction Sale House!).ld Effects Main Et, Ethel, on JRIDAY, JVE 28th S.ak starts at 1.30 p. m. 1 Sideboard .1••'no Redm Table 8 Dining Room• Chairs , 1 Rocker 1 Couch 1 Kitchen Lounge 1 Dresser and Wash Stand 1 Dresser t a 1 Single Iron Bed, Springs and Mattress 1 White Metal Bed, Springs ,and Mattress 1 Set 'Springs and Mattress, for large bed, 1 Wooden Bed, springs and mattress 1 Wooden Bed 1 Centre Table 1 Drop Leaf g'ahle 1 Stretcher 1 Washing Machine and wringer 1 Gasoline Laine, new 2 Small Lamps 1 Mandolin . 1 Set Irons ' 1 Coal 011 Stove, three -burner with oven, Perfection 1 2 -gal, Coal 011 Can 1 Igal. G,as+Can 1 Kitchen Range 1 Heater 1 Coal Souttie 1 Congaleum'Rag 5) x 12' 1 Square Linoleunl' 0' x 12' Fruit Jars, Kitchen . Utensils Dishes and; Other Articles TERMS C,d4S%,[ CASE OF •RAIN SALE WILL BE HELD IN TWigi HALL, ETHEL ti n Ella Pearson Kemp Prop. A c o eer THE BRUSSELS the church on :Sunday evening. The president, Arnold billow, presided, Bernardi Li1100v read the 'Scripture from the GasPret: of St. Lupe, Mise Viola. Thacker gave a paper on)tli8 Life Of Dr. Goforth: and his work in Chita. The offering was to Luis. elms, Rev, F. G Fowler offered' trio closing prayer, Bible Is Presented " The Board+ of h'Ittnagers of the Uu• Red Oltut nit gathered at the home of George Mothers on Thursday eve. ning, Rey, 0, Ttavenei' in a short ad- dress expressed regret at the remov- al of Mr. 'Mathew from the con- gregation and Reber+ Shaw, on be- half of the oongregaa'ion., presented Mr. Mathes with a Bible. Mr. Math. ars has disposed of his property to James Peacock and is moving to Dublin wshere he will live witlu, his son Wilbur and Mra, Mothers, The auction sale of: household effects of George Mothers, 'drew a big crowd' on Friday afternoon Mr. arty to James Peacock. He is not arty to James, eacocic, He is not enjoying the !nett of health at present and Is, going to live sVttb his sou, Wilbur and Mrs, . Mothers . at Dublin. Following the sale at Mr. Mothers the households effects of the late Mrs. Grace Snell were sold. Mrs. Milton Smith of 2nd conces- sion Morris received word of the death of her father, Bennet Rut - tan ,at his home in Howiok, The funeral was held' Sunday to Wroxe- ter cemetery. Mr. and ,Mrs. George Gannett are doing their bit toward refores- tation . after the usual losses among their plantings. They have POST WADNOS'DAY, JUNE 12tb, 1640 sey'et'ai. hundredtrees growing well, int/hiding hickory, x'0ine, blaek walnut, maple, cedar, oak .and 1nox'a than, one hundred emt'i)0i '1'be annual. ,'Garden Party of Dthel Preslyyterfaxw Chut'elt will be held, 'on. Tuesday, 4/1tne l,Sth Supper will he served from 0 to S o'clock, Talking Pictures by the Shell au. Go, of the ROYal Tour of *Their M'aje'0tiesi' threaigh; Canada,' also comic platurea1wlll"be shoWn. 5510' ist, Donald Rbbb o1 M,woed, Will be present, Admission 4010 and 20e. The annual Garden Party of Knox Church, Cranibr:oolc will be held on, Tuesday: June, 28+t1t,'under the aus- pices of the Ladies' Aid. Supper will be served from G to 8 o'clock finds will be followed by an Illustrat- ed Picture Travelogue of the Do, the Canadian Pacific, Admission, minion and Alaska presented by 3.50 and 20c, GREY . i The many friends of Mrs, George" Rogers (Mary Ann Logan) of At. wood'' and well known in Grey .Town- ship are very sorry to hear that she is not well and hope for a speedy re- covea'y, The contractor farmer who is building John McNair's barn started last.Tu,esday and had It ,up closed , in and the root on Saturday night the barn is 45 by 64 feet pretty quick work. , Mites Helen : McNabb spent the Holiday with friends 1n Grey. Miss E. Williams teacher in No, 6 Sichool Grey spent the week -end will, Mrs. Cameron Cochra5ne. The Stan friends of Mrs. J. A. Mo Nair Are glad to know ,that she is on the road to,recovery'front :a sov- er•e attack of the Ile. Alex .Steins has solved the prob- lem of hard labor of pi'antlmg potat- oes, Ife use the tractor and the furrow plow, has a ,seat on the plot' and drops the potatoes and his. d'augthei' drives the traitor. ,S.S. No. 4 Morris, 8:8, No, 8 Morris, and 0,,S, 'No, 1, Grey axei,itold- lag a bionic on Thursday atternomi June 20th at Tiros. Miller's, Every- one Is asked to bring a lunch, .baiu- keit and cups. Starts! at 1 p,n►. sharp, Corns on, Conte all! Booth football, softball, games and toces' galore, • .A. meeting was held on June Stu at 1I,S.S. no, 16 Iio'widis and! Grey and it was deckled to hold 'the annual picnic of S.S. no. 4 Grey and MSS. no. 16 Howick and Grey 'on, the afternoon' of Sat., June 22rad In Mr. Jlierbrunn s grove • formerly McDon- ald's. The following committees Were appointed: Booth, Stanley Ed- gar, Melville Dennis; Sports; Afra. McFarlane, Mrs, BroWrii, David Mc- Lennan, James Hardy; Luiveh, Mre. Ewart McReroher, Mrs, Tindall Me- Kercher, Mrs, Wart. Balfour, Mrs. Robt. McDonald; Coffee, Mrs, Robt. McDonald to look 'atter coffee, sugar and cream; planks Tom Maar - lase; Water, Norman Mulligan, Andrew McLennan. Cutting gray., Sandy Johnston, The annual Garden Parity of Knox Church, Cranbrook will ue held on, Tuesday, June 25111, under the aus- pices of the Ladies,' aid. Stopper will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock and will be followed by an illust'ra't- ed Picture Travelogue of the Do- minion and; Alaska presented by the Canadian Pacific, Admission, GIFTS FOR THE JUNE BRIDE During the last few months we ?have added many new lines to our Chula and Fift Dept., such as Spode and Josiah, Wedge. wood Dinnerware also Genuine' English Crystalware, Our Malay of Odd Pieces excells anything we have ever shown in our china and gift department. Seg these Beautiful Lines Before Buying C, liliiax S San HARDWARE & CHINAWARE Phone 40 Listowel "The Store With the Stock” 36o and 20c. The annual Garden Party of Ethel Presbyterian Church will be held on Tuesday, June 18th Supper will be served, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Talking Pictures by the Shell Oil Co. of the Royal Tour of Their Majgsities through Canada, also comic pictures will be shown. Solo• ist,,Donald 'Robb of Atwood, will be present. - Adtmnesion 40ro and 200 LET HYDRO 'TAKE OVER'TIC e • .while you take a lifetime holiday from kitchen heat and toil! DO the family's three•meals-a-day keep you captive in the kitchen? Does long, tedious waiting for water to heat slow up your daily house- work? Let thrifty, modern HYDRO electricity take over these two big jobs. First ... decide to bray the clean, cool, modern'Electric Range you've always wanted tow—let it cook the rneals automatic- ally, while you take time out to 'enjoy the sumtner sun and fun. Second ... let a Hydro Water Heater give you hot water "on tap"— ready whenever you need it. Phone your local Hydro office today for details ofthe Hydro Water Heater Plan. Decide right now to get your share of summer pleasure—and enjoy a li fetire holiday from • house- hold drudgery -with low-cost Hydro powet doing the "2 big jobs". ND -48 BRINGS; YOU BETTER LIVING at lower living cost! THE 11YDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO