The Brussels Post, 1940-6-5, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST GOOD FOR ALL 'YOUR, BAKING HOP AT ER BROSE Where you'll find... better value Cipher service biter merchandise Community Effort To Control Warbles The spring treatment ot dairy and beef cattle for avarbles will return gam)! dividends. Warbles not only injure the hides and cause extensive losses when the animate are butcie peed. brat result in poor gains', les- sened milk production and general unthalftiness. Experiments in warble control conducted over a long period of years have shown that the application of a standard- ized derriss wash two or three times during the spring will give excel- lent: remits. The individual fainter can great- ly reduce the number of warbles in i:'- 1.'. Inn taevalue of commun- ity action cannot he Roo strongly emphasized, Studies by scientists of the Doan•iuion, Department of ,Agriculture have shown ?haat where Rev. F. Watts Ordained Sunday JAMESTOW'i� carie Doris 14'cl.eneen anent Sung 1 day at her hoaue. impress ve Ceremony Sunday ' at I Mee. T orrest McKay is under brie Vit. Paul's f}athedral doctor's care at the present una REV. MR. M'MILLAei SPEAKS Mi. Huth Mel erCluer speritt the Declares Responsibility of Ministry week end with Ibo0tclt friends Is Increased Don't forget•9he social evening to With' autisChrieliau movements be held in Vittoria Iaall in aid 'of co/reading tbrough the eavld today, our soldiers overseas and war re those entering the minletr•Y are fugecs on Friday June 7. A silver ):aced with greater responsibilities collection will be taken. 'Ladies than ever :before, Rev, W. Fe V. please bring lunch, Ivlae11dillen, B.A., 1l•.D., of Shncoe, C very ear cYuUle ovenirtg wns declared at morning services . ill . sd3eirt tit 'the tonne of Air, and Mrs, St. Paul's Cathedral, Loudon, Sun- Jahn Seel] on 7`uelulay lest when dray last, a large number of their friends and Addressing his message to four neighbours' gathered and presented new candidates to the ministry. Yemen with a eriait watch and' who were ordained at an Maples- palate containing a sum of moueY sive cermony at which Bishop 0; E; prior to his• leaving for London Seager, of Huron, officiated, Mr. iirllere he is entering the Air Force, Milian said there was a great call Mr. and Mrs', eleannneu, Misses for leacleuehili in the church today Rath and Jean Franklin visited with "The new minister suet be rea.cly Mr, •abbe: Mee, Mervyn Grainger en to go and do what ,Chris't has rhos- Sunday, en, him to don he added. "He had is * * * * * * a' * been. given the power to spread PEOPLE WE KNOW the Kingdom of God — not only in Canada tar int Great Britain, but . IMr, Dabid McCall of Victoria, B.C. throughout the entire world,' calling on old friends during the Pointing out that the candidates at week,' were being sailed to the ministry * * * at a time when the church was be- Mr. ,Gordon Best and ,Friend, ing seriously threatened• by grow- .af Detroit, are visiting at the home luganti-Gorimovements, ,Mr: Mac- of _hie .mother, Mrs. Geo. Best.. Milian asked that they give un- divided time in bringing nett' dis- Mi., W. J, MOC'racicen and Misses ciples int. God's Kingdom. Mande and Eva were Sunday visit - Fight Paganism oars' with friends near Exeter. "The • British Empire is now a head has been treated over ea period of years, the heaviest infesta- tion con•sistuhl'y will be found in those uuimals Which graze in meadows adjoining settttennents where warble treatment is not given. One farmer in a thickly set- tled district, who doers not treat his herd, will be responsible for the treated edible in adjoining pastures being rednfesited. It is therefore ad- visable for co-operation within a community to be one hunda'ed per cent. An effective wash is composed of Standardized Deride --1. pound; powdered :soap—'/s pound; and water—one gallon. When thor- oughly mixed this wash is applied to the backs of infesited animals with a cloth or a brush. It is Im- portant to be sure that the wasdu is well rubbed into each cyst, the main batch of wash being stirred 'ire quently. On Sale Now! W VIM S CERTFW'TES A direct obligation of the Dominion of Canada "Since the momentous day of *jest September, hundreds of thousands of Canadians have been asking themselves, 'What can I do to help win the war?' "One answer is, By saving!' Every man, woman and child in the Dominion can now make a direct and con- tinuing contribution to Canada's war effort by saving not only his dollars, but also his nickels, dimes and quarters to buy Canada's War Savings Certificates." MINISTER OF FINANCE. WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES: are repayable in seven and one-half years. If you hold them to maturity, you will receive 3% on your money — your investment will in- crease by 25%. They are sold as follows:— For a $5 certificate ybu pay $4 For a $itr certificate you pay 53 For a $25 certificate you pay $20 For a $50 certificate you pay $40 For a $•100 certificate you pay 580 TO FIT ANY BUDGET: You can take advantage of this patriotic and profitable savings plan, whether your savings are measured in dollars or in occasional nickels, dimes and quarters. Canada's War Savings Certificates are expressly designed to appeal to the man or woman of modest means who cannot afford to subscribe to war bonds of larger denominations, but who desires to do something tangible to assist the Country's war effort. CHILDREN TOO: Even children can purchase War Savings Certificates, using their coppers, nickels and dimes to buy War Savings Stamps at 25c each. Sixteen of these stamps will buy one $5. Certificate. DEVELOP THE SAVIIIG HABIT: You can purchase as many War Savings Certificates as yoµ like, up to $500 ma- turity value in any calendar year. Buy them when you wish buy them often. Remember, systematic saving, is success- ful saving and your Country needs your money. REGISTRATION: Each War Savings Certificate is regis- tered in one name only, and is not transferable. REDEMPTION: War Savings Certificates cannot be called for redemption by the Government . prior to their date of maturity. The' owner, however, has the option, after six months, of redeeming his certificates for cash at fixed re- demption values. In urgent cases, advance notice will be waived. Get your War Savings Certificates or Stamp Card,. today. Your employer will gladly arrange to 'snake weekly attentions from your wages to buy War Savings Certificates. Complete information, and applicationforms at BANKS, POST OFFICES MO DEALERS 1 oonlibating a foe who embraces Mrs. A. Coleman is in London hos, paganism:,' the speaker continued p•itai where she is undergoing treat - "This is the foe who :maintains that moot prior to having an operation. wars are not won by prayers, yet' we .saw how our prayers through- Dr. and Mrs. Gilpin, Miss Iiay out the British Empire "last week . and Miss Grant spent Monday in were answered by the successful Owen Sound commindng business evacuation of the Allied foams in Neste pleasure. Northern, Femme and the renewal * * :e of hope that will eventually lead Congraitulations are extended to we to victory." Mies Botty Beat who hag been at - .Speaking of the thousands of tending Stratford Nonnal Sehool Comedian soldiers who 'ivoul1 be and was given her diploma without returning to itace a new civilian having to Write off the final exams. lite following the war, Mr. Mac- Securing It on her year's work. Milian said it was a Christian duty * 5 '* to aid In every way possible in the Mr. and Mpg, Roy Thuell and Spiritual and moral advancement Betty, Mr. and. Mrs. ano Fischer and of those who eb faithfully hard de'- Charlie Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. Alec fended ,the principles under which Coleman- and airs, George Davis we lived. attended the Ordination service in Tlliase . elevated' to the priesthood St, Paul's'Cathedral, London, when were Bruce ' William lSambly Mar- the reciter of St. John's .Ohurob tin, B.A., 0. The., of the Ailsa Craig Rev. F. Watts was ordained. parish; Lealt•ez' Jamres. Patterson, * * * B.A., L. Th, who will go to the The friends and relatives who Huntintgford parish, near Wood- visited at the home of Mary Helen stock, and Frauds, William Charles Kerr over the week end were Dr. Watts, B.A., L. Th., of J3rueeels, AWL, and Mrs. Gilpin of Detroit; Omt. Bertram. A1lannnbre Silcox was Mr, and Mrs Priddrarn and son raised to elm diaconate. He will go Billie of Owen Sound; Mr. and Mis. to Otterville" parish. J. A. Kay and son John, Mrs. Kay The ordination ceremony was and Mese Diclason all of Stratford conducted by Bishop Seager, as- all came to see the aunties from elated. by Dr. C. C. Waller, prince. Winaiipeg. pal of Hilton College; Dr. Frank * * * Andfens.n, orf Huron College; Rev. Ainiout a week ago Mr. Roy Mc- Je3frey ,Billingsley and Arolydea- Kay of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs, con W. J. Doherty. Chas. McNay of town met with a disquieting experience, On Satur clay morning Mr, and Mrs. Roy Mc - AN AUCTION SALE Kay, Helen and Shirley were get- ef ting ready .to, go to Buffalo for tbe HOUSEHOLD EFFECT$ week end, Roy had Ailed up his car WILL BE ,HELD AT THE HOME will gas and had driven back to 'OF MRS. WILLIAM WOODS pick up the family. Leaving the IN THE VILLAGE OF WALTON key in the car he ran in to let their ON TUESDAY, JUNE 11th know he was ready but to their sur- eafe Beginning at 2 p.m. prise when' they came out ready to TERMS—CASH ; atant, the car was gone. The poi-ica Geo. Elliott, Auctioneer. were informed and the car was Mrs. Wm. Wood,. Prop. Sound on Sunday morning 111 a park WEDNESDAC, JUNE Etta 1040 oei s sses Satisfy You are pure of perfect eye comfort with field's glasses, Modern, advanced methods' of eye examination, newest styles and very moderate prices prevail here always. Have Your eyes examined examined by . .E D.9 • o `®„s e EYESIGHT SPECIALIST AT MISS HINGSTON' p'HONEE51 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2.00 to 5.00 P. M. 1 Auction Sale On WEDNESDAY the 12th day of. June, 1940 there will be offered for sale the 'household effects of the late Mrs. Mary -WIlbee at her late residence in the Village of Brussels among ,which are the following: Extension table, 0 c!haire, side booed, 2 rockers, 3 small •tables, 3 electric lamps, electric iron, a beds, springs, mattresses, 2 dresers, 1 stand; 1 ebest drawers, 2 feather ticks, 3 pr. pillows, some bedding, cuntaine, radio, foot stool, sewing machine, kitchen, table, glass cup- board, comb, 7 kitchen chairs, Quebec heater, Quebec range, china, glassware, silverware, odd dishes, pots, pan& oil stpve, oven, washing machine, wringer, boiler, 3 oil Lamps cushions,. carpet, mats, quantity of linoleum, clock, flour Barrel, 3 creem cans, quantity of fi'»it and pickles, sealers, ct'oeks,' lawn mow- er, wheel barrow., 'garden tools, Quantity of Aloof and coke other ad'ticles too numerous to mention, TERMS—CASH There will be - also. offered . foe sale at the sante iittre subject .to a reserve bid the house and two lots, Terme:—Tett per cent •ptircllaso price down; .the balance in thirty days. IM.iMJ!At D. 13111LL, Druseeis, Ontario Solicitor• for the Adeninistpatrix, Harold Swoon, Atietioneor, near the Woodbine. Apparently the car wag not grunt bat the -gas tank was eanpty. So tarter filling up again Mr. McKay and family proceeded to Buffalo one day later than ,they expected. tiE object is to make provision for the best e(ncation possible for all boys and girls. The beset ie none tool r(` T E R good, 1 a O x Public Meeting Called A meeting has been arranged of trustees and ratepayers for Huron County as -follows: Flaee— .,.. B5VIJSOSELS, LIBRARY HALL .... Date.— J17tNc lath, 1.30 lam (Standard Time) President R. H. THOMPSON, BELGRAVE Mr. Norman, Davies, Inspector of Agricultural Classes, evtll be the guest speaker. Inepedtoals Beacom, Kinlcead and Game will be preseait ea give ad- dresses on preeent school problems. Mr, -Shearer, Agricultural Retpre- sentative, will also be present, . Mr. M. A, Campbell, Provincial Secretary of the School Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association will. outline the work of the Association and some of (1he services available for schools in Ontario. Tru,st--ees have a great opportunity to raise the standard of our schools and to provide the boys and ghee with advantages Which- were thought .impossible a short time ago. True, the war is communing con- siderable attention at present bAt it is impotitiant tlia we prepare our present boys and girls -to take the place of those vivo will sacrifice their lives in the present 'conflict for democracy. For democracy to be effective, we must have veli: trained patriotic, healthy end well disciplined citizens. The school is the flannel training ground` The subjedtis of "Transportation" and "The Larger Unit et Adminis- tration" wilt be introduced for dis- suasion, This meeting is of a general nature and not with the object of advocating any particular .phase et .the educational system. Tlie main Hods Fur Coal. Misrepresented - Mrs. Graze ,Sincllair, 77 -year-old liawyer's widlow, 'formerly os Brus- eels', Ont., bought a 'liaison seal dont which was made et rabbit skin, it was contended iiu county court this, afternoon and a bury allowed her $275 damages, " inducting p05 session of the coat allegedly mis- represented and valued at $90, The decision plan awarded; her 1125 for books reportedly le.kep by tihe sales- man for-'ttrade4n" value. Included in the collection was '.i=re Family Bible, "Gone With the Wind" and and her-huslhand's law books. I, 'Morl'i,S0n, salestiilan, and; -the G. Mutton Fur Company, Toronto, were defendants an.cl the slaanages were mewed' against bell, 0. M. Wal&h, ICO., 'corned for plaintiff, charged Morrisbar "head made a blitzkrieg on, Brussels wilt a dyed rabbit skein.' The defense clediared the coot was never represented as Hudson seal, batt the litry ;found .there had been mien'ogresentation. Seed1Ie William _ le echwengei pre- sitled, -Taken Crean the Glebe and Mail, Thsriedey of. lash wee15, .Dome pz'eneretl to ask questions, and to take pact in the diecuasien. Teachers, trustees, rate yer.s did parents are alt welcome. notify all your trustees' and: others wblo ane interested in the education of the boys and girls. War In the ,Spring Tell me not in mournful niunbens That Herr Hitler agates our Fate, Let not dreams disturb our slumbers, That the I-Iuus are at the gate. We are British, ive are free -horn, We are of the bulldog breed, We will face the blames of Hades 'Ere our Freedom we'll concede. 'Then how eau man die better Than facing fearful odds For the ashes of his fathers And the teulples of bis, gods?" Thus spake the brave Horatius In those day of long ago, As, with two boll fearless comrades At "The Bridge" they faced ,the foe. Fearless:1y our sons and loved ones Have responded to the Call, Let me pray to God in Heaven That our Flag may never fall. If we cannot don the khaki And, re -cross the ocean's foam We can "stand fast'' on the Home Front. , And keep bright the fires at Home. We enjoy agreater Freedom. Them the world lrns ever known, We are garnering the harvest That our sires et old had sown. Lest us thein bo up and going . Following steps " -that they have trod, Ands though Hitler thielatens ruin. We will put OUT trust in God. --'Fred Young. KILLED ANYONE. THIS YEAR? * Of course not but some motorists do — and somebody pays. We offer sound insurance advice;_quick, helpful service. WALTER SCOTT Brussels Representing Writing selected risks in — Automobile, Fire, I'late Glass, Burglary, Public Liability, and other general. insurance. /lead Office, Toronto. BARBER SHOP Now Under New Management formerly run by J. Rutledge 1st Door, South of Swift's - 1L0 Your Patronage, Will Be Appreciated T. W. Mitchell