The Brussels Post, 1939-10-18, Page 7Mrs
3s A.
3, 31,
,Ch o i r1
tr *
d up
any -
gh t,
s it
t lot
th, 1DSO
Round Trp D rga
OCT. 27-28 From irussels to Toronto
.also to Brantford, Chatham. Coderleh, Guelph, Hamilton, London,
Niagara Falls, Qwoa Sourd, 'St. Catharines, St, Mary's, Sarnia.
Stratford Strathroy, Woodstoek,
To Stations. Os ie vn 000 Last to Cornwall iuehislve, Uxbridge,
Lind ay, Peterboro, Camobellforll, Newmarket,Coilingwood,
iiteaford, Midland, North 13ay, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Caarreel
and west to Beardmore.
See handbills lot complete list of destinations.
Tickets Trn1eInformation. Return Limits front Agents, 4SK FOR HAIVDBISIL'
F owners are Urged `
T o Bary held Now
Do out leave this inavortent work
until next spring, advises J. 1J.
MacLeod of Qnt. Dept. of, Agrieul-
In view of the present situation
in Europe, it is of vital importance
that every effort be Made to in-
crease crop production, 'particularly I
crops which are neceseoly for the
sustenance of those actively engag-
ngag ed iu the defence of the 7.,mpire,
Eays J. D. MacLeod, Crops, Seeds
and Weeds Garnch, Ont, Dept, of
Ontariofarmers have a duty to
perform, that of malting a special
effort to produce more bushels per
acre than has been customary in the
past, It is /possible to do this
without increasing materially the
costs ofproduction by maintalniug
and banding up soil reality; adopt-
ing greater efficiency of implements
and labor; better cultural practices
and by sawing the very best seed
Farmers are urged to make sure
. that they have their 1940 seeding
requirements on hand, Clean and
grade a sufficient amount of seed
for your own use. Do not leave
this important work until your bins
are low.
DO IT NOW. If you have not
got sufficient or suitable 'seed of ,
your own, purchase high quality
seed from your neighbor. This
should be done while prices are
reasonable and before there is a
The sowing of clean seed is the
first step in profitable rarnung and
the first step in weed control, Mr.
MaeLeol declares,
Clean seed should be a bright,
p1:n:lp. uni:arin sample, pure 01 to
varictv, free from all foreign matter,
Inc lading Fred; of outer cultivated
crops, diseased grains, small
shrunken grains and weed seeds.
The'man who sews weed need.A is
hie own worst enemy and is : laying
down a job for his children and his
gr.tud.c111ldren Needs lower yields;
the quality df crops; the market 1
value of crops and the value of i
craps and the value of farms; they
add to the costs or 'production; they I
crowd out cultivated crepe. they
rob the soil tyf plant toad and mots-
t:are; they prevent the farmer from
following a proper rotation; they
attract injur.ons in recta and fun.gue
diseases, +Some weeds and weed
seeds are poisonous to livestock.
Urges Farmers
*Carry On
Formally veiling Exeter, Out.,
fall fair, J. A. Carroll, Superin-
tendent of Agricultural Societies
for Ontario gave timely advice to
agricultural societies to carry on •
during the war. These societies
have 01 peace and in war given
leadership since their organization
13e said, During the last war, ag-
riculture slipped and the quality
or bacon was lowered. He ap-
peeled to farmers to carry on as
the best help in the prseent war,
Fritz Kuhn, leader of the German -
American Bund, is out on ball of
$50,000 waiting trial for stealing
funds from the Bund, He made an
announcement saying he was being
persecuted. And after' reading
much about the ways and actions or
the Bund in United States it seems
as though some such treatment is
due the said Sir, Kuhn.
Een's Egg
',['itis reams to be a year of freaks,
judt ing by the number brought to
The Sun office. On Saturday night
R. H. Orr etleti another to our
collection in the form of what at
f1':,: tegestred to be a double -yolked
egg, but when it was opened it
centnined only;h 'to which
was attached what very closely re
eemibles a chicken's .or ,bon's heart.
One party, atter examining the
freak, remarked: "Well, : that 114
certainly put her heart into her
work," --.'f:ivelton Snn,
When Turnip
'Goes Stylish
Ontario Proluct For
Export Across the Lino
Is A Fancy Vegetable
There are sections of Ontario
whit•] export turnip., andthe tar -
nip in that trade has become mote
a. dandy, says the I'etetbot:ough
Examiner, It is •cleaned and waxed.
and In some cases the shipping sea
-Oen put its name on the proluct.
The trades tapes the turnips' to the
United Guttas, but the cows do not,
get them there, They are for table
neo, and there aa'e plenty of people
across tite Ine who are convinced
our turnip has a taste all its own.
They regaa•d them as many of our
folk do the sweet potato from the
Gets Twenty Cents A Bushel
Right now t'he export business
has, commenced. Leat year prices
ranged from 10 to 12 cents per bu-
shel: but good turnips are now
quoted at from 15 to 18 cents Per
bushel. In addition shipments are
always paid for in American Bunds
and net odds, at least 10 per cent,
to the receipts.
When through deanand, taste or
Ifaverehle exchange turnips get to
the position where they enter the
sphere of 20 cents, per bushel they
have joined the aristocracy of ag-
ricultul'al'big wigs.
Sambo had found a job for the
week on a railroad section gang,
and was taking leave of his family,
when his wife came to the door,
"Come back, Sam, You hasn't.
cuta stick or wood fo' de stove
—and you'll be gone fo' a week "
Shan turned and looked very
mttdh aggrieved, "Hammy,' he said
in a tone of injured innocense,
"what's do mattah? You -all talk;
as though Ah wa shakiu' de ae
with me
CA, A Pa
Thi purist form 1,, wIish
ivbreso can bs ,moble"
Why 1 Arra
'Enlisting For
This War
From en Article In Toronto
"Saturday Night" by a "New
Canadian'of German Birth
The :F•11', elms real and clear to
rte. Fu: th;a:airis of yrat;e, 'with
great d fiiea'ty and at the price of
many sacrifices, the Runnel race has
been struggling In, one general
di.. t t n away Dom bondage and
tcwarde header, A:w'ay from the
homage c,, t.yfants,' of kings,' of !,
aristocracies, of priest of hunger, of
fear, cf creelty; th,, sort of bondage
that made life ntiseiable for the
east majority anti gave arhitrarY
powers to the negi'.gibte minority.
Only as, inch by inch humanity
struggled anl defeated hcadage,
replaced arbitrary power and tyran-
nies by the sane/Ions and l ave
worked out ry intelligence, compro-
mise and consent, did men begin to
rise to the conscious enjoyment of
life, to the realization of the rich-
ness and grandeur of nature, the
beauties of freedom, the importance
dill power of mind, All these dis-
coveries have multipled only so
few decades, ago—so much has
yet to be done along this path --
there are yet so. many freedoms to
win, so much beauty and wealth and
power to share more equitably
among the millions off this earth.
And now use etre faced with the
Possibility that the whole of this
proves shall be stopped. An evil
reactionary 'force is abtempting
again to .enslave us -again we are to
be the mercy of tyranny, of sus-
picion, hate, oruelty—if I3itlerisrmt
,s victorious and spreads.
Attempts are made to represent
this Hitler war as a war of justice
for the German nation who have
been denied "living space." What
rot The German worker was not
ccnscion,s cf suffocation any more or
enyless than the happy and intel-
ligent rworkers and peasants et
Sweden, Denmark, Finland nutil the
lies and ambitions or a single man
bedevilled a fraction of the Ger-
nranpeople into beleving_ that
they act not have as much as bhey
ought to have at the expense 05
other peaceful peoples; until the
Ititutrated—Cbeorolot S•Pauenger De
Luxe Sedan with trunk.
Larger interiors— light-
er, brighter colors—and
Unisteel construction
with Safety glass for
Smooth — powerful —
positive . . . the safe,
self -energizing brakes for
modem travel ... giving
maximum protection.
5o safe—so comfortable
—'the world's finest
'ride". On Master Be
Luxe Models,
K"TFIE best -looking car on the street!'
That's what all the neighbors; say
about our new Chevrolet. And that's
what we think, too.
"gust look at the thrilling streamline of
the new all -steel body. And notice how,
by rounding the radiator grille and add-
' ing those horizontal hood louvres,
Chevrolet has modernized the whole
"Then take the interior. It's so neat and
'tailored' it makes me think of our own
living room ... fine upholstery ... lovely
appointments everything in taste.
And remember, Chevrolet reinforces all
this beauty With roof, walls and floor of
steel ... with all windows of safety glass!
"I don't know much about mechanical
details but, I drive our Chevrolet and
from a woman's point of view, nothing
could be easier to handle or safer. Fin-
inally, (I look after the family budget),
I'm sure nothing could be easier on the
You, too, win be proud to own this new
Chevrolet- Come to our showrooms to-
day—see it, drive it, and compare prices
before you buy.
Giving the most efficient
combination of power,
economy, dependability.
Eliminating drafts.
smoke,windebield cloud-
ing and assuring each
passenger individually
controlled ventilation.
Easier, tiptoe -pressure
clutch operation. Wear is
greatly reduced. No lu+
bricetlon required,
• C -69B
(2 -Passenger Master Business Coupe)
Master D. Lux* Modals Front $892
Delivered at factory, Oshawa, Ont, Goverment tae.
freight end license extra. 5 1.,,. a," -'�-�
Convenient terms arranged through
the General Motors Instalment Plan.
people of Germany were forged to
give up ,freedom, food, life Itsolt to
serve the will of one lnegalonlaniee
,and b1114 up a ruthless machine pf
SU. IA,lun and destruction
which threatens the whole world,
Attempts are made to represent
Ulla Hitler war as a war ,against
capitalism—especially now that
Hitler awl Stein have suddenly be-
come friends, ' What friends,
Stalin who exterminated one by one
,d1 the genuine .Communist leaders
to setsfy his lust for .power on the
pretext that they were plotting an
;f 1lanee' with Fasi..ionl, and then,
1•.,111 a WOld tont hire t:0 the elft'et
s eel thitw tel 'whole
w tt,1 or the great resources of the
U.S.S.R.. against Hitler could" have
prevented this war, he chose to do
the ono thing that would encourage
Ilitler to retake war, and thus h reel I
with litter to the fnllust extent the
blame for this world cutest ephe 1
.T -Ie did 01 to S-100 lila torah.
ny over the warktr.g tans Os 50 1
Rus:do, f la did not hesitate a.`
moment to condemn to death aril- i
lions of wC:kers,' and peasants all
over the ,wand, This is not merely
a Ihtlei:rme,le war—to an equal ex -
sent it 11, ., Stalfu-made war. The
forces of 0 )511cn that mast be des-
troyed ill. equally represented by
I Would have prefererd to fight
ilia evil by pearetul means, by edu-
cation, by passive resist time,
sabotage, propaganda, everything
,short of inutemtlue war. But lase•
that the die is cos'
,dies'ension of non -coop 01.0110n, el'
indecision, among all those rf us
who hate slavery and the bond:age
which Hitler and Stalin are trying
.to improve upon the world, can ably^
help their vietoay, can only increase
the number of their victims.
Only if every oneof us throws
,himself completely into the struggle
ani' is prepared to do his all, can the
downfall o,i: these. two tyrants he ,
seemed with the minimum o1 lass of
Innocent lives_
Only then will we be set free
again to build whatever form of ;
society we wish, under whatever
leadeaship we ,choose—always re-
me'nbeing the lesson that Hitler
,and, Stalin have taught us for all
time: that gangster methods, .or
ture, order, arson, falsehood, can
never be the agents of social pro-
gresel that they can lead only to the
biggest gangster seizing the me_
chine and enslaving society,
Whether 'we want to build Commun-
ism, Socialism, or Christian brother
hood, we must always retain some
control over our leaders, and they
can only be chosen for leaders if
they shone humanness and kindness-,
and respect for the sanctity aR the
individual. If we learn even this
Inuoh from the experience of the
leadership of Hitler and Stalin, this
war willbe worth while and the
world may breathe again,
When a young lady has a ring
and the young man is broke it is a
fair enough sign they are engaged,
—,r. --
+Submarines can be used for other
things than preying on enemy ocean
t1atHey because one French sub
went forth and sunk one of German
'Seems strange ,that on the week-
end ?enemy as "Thanksgiving" we
should have had eleven people meet-
ing .death through accident.
Hon, Finest Lapointe says 10
Duplessds, wins the eleiation in
Quebec it wit be the signal for
trim to retire from Fedeaa1 politics
And bow would Mr. Lapointe im-
prove the situation by resigning?
Four women's purses, were stolen
from Toronto home during an even-
ing's entertainment, and they eoh-
tained in. all $26 in addition to
poevc9er puffs, looking glasses and,
nail files•,
Woman fn• Syracuse was, notified
her uncle had died and left her
$0,300,000, We suppose than even
the, pooreslt of us would summon
su0ficieatt fortitude to beer up under
such circumstances:
* * .*
Women who go shopping in Ger
:many must take a basket er some
container as, their ,purchases can-
not be wrapped in paper, ,AI1 right
for a can of peas or one of soup bot
not so handy for a bit of pepper,
stilt or sugar.
One U, S. Senatorsuggests his
country, would; accept Berneela as
payment of British war debts, That
srtiggestion may conte from the fact
that United States beet a good many
"I can get the
figuresin a
minute! "
320 P.m"
Long Distanrc tele.
phone service is
built to meet the
most urgent and
exacting needs of
business. Day and
night in every part of the world
you ran reach for the tele.
phone confid.•nt you will "get
±a figures ill a minute."
what about
Every businessman
admires initiative,
energy and accu-
racy. Because
speed is itnportant
in business, We.
eess is achieved by quirk think-
ing — often aided by the Long
Distance telephone as in this
l� ry
t. 1
"That telephone
call clinched it!"
The head of every business —
large or small — welcomes
initiative; is ever ready to pro-
mote teen who act fast on
their own. Long Distance tele-
phone service is an asset to
every business. Those who use
it to best advantage benefit
Long Distance telephone service
is on duty day and night. Low
Night Rates apply after 7 p.m.
and all day Sunday.
tax dodgers who delight to take
refuge on the island.
Senator Sheridan Downey spoke
for seven hours' against repeal of
Gaited States, Neutrality Law, .And
yet there ar esome people who look
as though they were sitting on a hot
plate when the Preacher goes over
the half-hour mark.
Licensed Furl D
and Embalmer'
Phone 36, Brussel*