The Brussels Post, 1939-10-18, Page 2A
other Short Con1plit5hte gaze beet on her.
seddenly flared into the adoring
"And then?" elle said, unsteadily.
"Ana then I met you, Wavle, Ar l
^tt rdiI n1 the joy of lite. You
d: e w me from the path, I ?ted, been
tt i..1,. Wok 010 out 01 t11e sbad.
e:a and made. me happy again. Oh,
call ]ale a prig if youlike—call me
nareow-nllnded, but I have no tele
r s^ st= for the 'woman who lives like a
patasltei You are eliffereut, you
are my ideal—pureeesweet--lovely.
And my 001 fear is I am un wort!*
of your love."
"Don't Dont""
The words carie pleadingly, hrok-
eniy, but even so the man didn't
rine]] the stifled note of pall] nor
st•e *lo Pallor of the bent head. Nee
did he Icnow that the slender hands
we a,iltly Clenched.
"Mart " came the whisper agent
after a pause. ••it hurts rue to hear
you ;:.y that. It—it is not true--'
But the man fn e.t •
1 d with "
h••ugh of cineent. and kissed Ile"
ey,,. before the flame of love that
.'_ ss F
yArab way
CHAPTER I. teem I all that?" the asked, and '•1 do jrer and honour your geed-
:. her eyes flickered under their long nese am) eweetneee, In a world of
Love's Gladness.
• !a 1
s with h a 'half h f provokinti, hell nvr
a wet) ale rushing sissy from
Long sustt t;f rt _` lay F 1 r; sweet light. And for answer .the
all the eel Ethite and etaxelarde to
gold acrethe L * 17, the -!1 man ,eauJtlt 11::r elo:;,,, PreaLiirrg Iter put it eeblee. yt.0 F131111 Out as a
the tr::h t tb tad to him fiercely, a passionate surge j w:t_.t: Slower erred a beet of weeds.
trees, ,fir, i; , 11. i ::t i'1' of love esentace to engulf Imi, j There, now call me flatterer again
lay on 11 1,,, 1: i] t i' tae girl . - "Yon are the mo ,t beautiful thing ` Iot* truly, my loll;Lg, I fennd the
who ',c; r p r ..L :; t in ail the beautiful world!" he w ,1 a tether er h' 1 Place until I
hare weee •arni lying on the grey creel, 1, huskily. "'fire dearest or : 01r . ,r.,n. 1 11 1«lr. 11 you will
m0 t . nu-= ; lnvc <. thr. sweete:,i. -t!1e Pule : -- ever realise what you are to me—
. uplifted ,1 ales He breks off, as with a sewn . what ., ;u have done for rue "
lit ;ye " t ef newly budding movement the girl turned her head gl:«> .+i1, ntavr, r 0!e_ ly, yet still
411r: a:r, a cool breeze away, and for a .fleeting second Mir i his arms enfolded her, and, ❑b s -..t.
;:t1;,./.en. the curls at the girl's ; wlfm body tautened in his hold, I did not speak, he went oft with
tri till«•,I h.r light frock She did not speak or move, only , r c!s = firvqur—
of silk ninon. eloori rigid in the circle of his arms, "
To -n with its lengthening
her head 1t '.ted. t31: + ". wee a very 130g 0.111i.
sl r n«d +.} brra .e or pr. ce i ur IIC� s• EI 1e had 0reten pale a c—tliert was another girl
and It p•:.o on
t _ :afpy light had fled from lgyed, lP a boy's love can be celled
r" t . r:'ee. She shivered. such. Perhap that first
fr 1 .t 'l :.e. a glow e- Pa_sign-
ate Infatuation might have becenne
real love if she had been different.
But she was playing a game, and
when she was tired of it, she had no
scruple in tearing the yell from my
eyes and letting me see her as she
t'etily wase -mercenary, cruel, shal-
low and utterly selfish!"
"The world is a hard place these
days and women are made harder."
said Mavis, slowly. "They are not
all soso—soulless,"
He held her more tightly to bins,
and his lips touched her bright
wonr rat hII'Piness rn the beauti- "Don't!" she cried, passionately
ful face, an ineffable tenderness in resentful. 'Don't say tbings like
her eyes. that: You mustn't put me on a
A step behind her broke the 511- pedestal—you mustn't make a goat
entre but she did not - turn, Only (leesof me, I ant just a very Bo-
the .-nt le en ber red li)= rl•tiverr d man woman, full of faults and
into brightness and the colour deet*- weaknesses."
erred in her cheeks_ There was such a ring of wist-
She did not move when two fulness in her tones that Tack
'strong bonds rested en her should- riser regarded her with mingled
Ers, but her beset:. quickened, a::+l a gravity and laughter.
tremor of gladness shook her.', "Are you?" lie asked. "I don't
And the man laughed softly, and; believe it. Mavis, That you are
stooping, presser: his lir- to 'he human aed sweet, yes. Its' that
bright rings of hair that lay on the which makes you so adorable, my l "I know—now," he said, tender -
white neck, : sweetheart, but there's nothing ly. "You have restored my faith in
"Sweetheart!" he whispered, tan- t weak or faulty about your nature, if I your kind. Before I met you I found
lerly, an dthen he swung her round I ata any Judge. Your strength all women the same as that other.
to face hien, looking down at her and goodness made me love you and f A good time, presents, flattery, kiss-
r1tr adoring eyes. "0h, ,Mavis, always will' " ,t;g, es, 'were all they cared about I
darling, you don't know how beau- "How you flatter!" she whisper- laughed at the idea of there being a
tiful you are, and how dear " ed. but her eyes still looked away modern girl with a heart, and a
She laughed at the ardour in his from him, and she did not smile. • decent outlook on lite. I sneered
voice, and it was a laugh of girlish "at is not flattery, but the sober at love, and then—"
happiness. truth," returned the man quickly. The girl in his arms closed her
Golf, Tennis, Fishing, Riding, Yachting
Victoria Sports During Winter Months
tennis, lawn bowling,
riding, hunting and fishing
may be unusual winter sports for
most of Canada but not for Vic-
toria, beautiful Island capital of
British Columbia, where snow is a
novelty, flowers bloom throughout
the year, and overcoats are excess
Winter golf is the sport that.
attracts .widest notice to'Vic-
toria's wonderful year-round cli-
mate, but the West Coast has its
pilgrims who aro drawn there
each winter by the splendid wea-
ther and the series of unusual
sports and social attractions made
Possible by the fine weather.
Winter Pitching is a major sport
in Brantweed Bay where sizeable
grilse and spring salmon are
caught by trolling. Fly fishing
for steelhead salmon up to 20
pounds is found in east -slope
rivers such as the oyster, Cow-
ichan, Englishman's, Nanaimo,
and Big and Little Qualicum.
Best known of the winter at-
tractions is the bila -Winter Golf
Tournament which will be held
this year on the Royal Colwood
course, March 3-0, Keen com-
petition, a sporty course and good
golfing weather, added to the
manse prizes of which the most
Important is the trophy presented
by Sir Edward Beatty, make tno
tourney one of the most popular
Riding, hiking, lawn bowling,
boating are but a few more sports
that are as popular in Victoria in
winter as in summer. Fiestas are
arranged from time to time,
named after flowers then in
bloom. Probably the most pictu-
resque celebration is the Christ-
mas festival in Old English etyle,
complete with boar's head, yule
logs, wassail bowl and carols.
Victoria and the Empress hotel
have enjoyed a growing popularity
in recent years. A real impetus
has been given this season by the
fact that foreign exchange under
war Present.° makes a Canadian
dollar worth considerably more In
Canada than in the United States.
isn't it?" he a deed, hie lips rest-
ing aeeleet her smooth cheek fond-
ly. "If it were not true I should
never have loved you as I do. No
words of aline can ever tell yen
how much 1 care, how d,,,tr yet.
are, or all you mean to me. YOU:
love is veey preteens, Marvis. Aud
1 £:iy oguln I am not worth it. I've
E3 much to regret. I've been weak
ere: a 1'rc1--I've let myself drift wit 1
the tide. I've c011tn'citted ni:"m•
folies, a::ci done many things of
wlticlt I ago ashamed, but, pleese
Gud, I will make up for all now, and
do my level best to make yon
Mavis however-, did not respond
to her lover's overpowering devo-
tion. teethed she drew back, freer
herself from his arras, and regardeu
hire with questiannig eyes,
',Suppose," she said, and her voice
was so low a.e to be little above a
whieper. "Suppose you were to fine
I—Iam only like all other women?
You've pat me on a pedestal, ani—
and made enidol of me. Oh,
Jack"—her tone rose to what was a
brave attempt at raillery—"what if
you find your idol bas feet of clay
after all? :Suppose you learned 1
am lust as weak as other women
Suppose I, too, had had temptations
—terrible tenmtations—and had
"Be quiet!"
The man spoke roughly, and his
face grew hard- The boyish tender
nese died out of the handsome
eyes, leaving them stern, and,
glaneng at him covertly, the girl
Dona jest on such a supject" he
went on. 'tied rather see you lying
dead, Mavis, han have my belief in
you glmtteled. You are as unlike
those other women as a flower is
from a clod of earth"
She smiled faintly, watching the
red flare of the .sunset, and he;
smile was unlike the senile of. a
young girl then,
""And yet," she said, slowly, "and
yet the flowers are born of the
earth, the comanon earth. And I
am sorry for those women who
have fallen from the ideal you men
sometimes bold o1' us -sorry for there
because the world is so quick to
condemn, without understanding!'
.She faced hint fu11Y now, and her
eIgpressiou almost humble in its
pleading and yearning.
"Burt, Jack, you believe I love
you, lon't you dear? I cannot tell
You hone muab, nor how greatly. I
love you—love you! And it is a
love that will never lessen, never.
alter. You will not forget that,
Jack. d want you to remember it—
Her arms had wound themselves;
round her lover`s nee kand she lifted
Wee that shone with tears to his
surprised face,
"You must believe it," she added,
tensely, "Whatever happens,,,
He knitted his blows ,per'plexed*1y,
"Whatever lrallxpens " be echoed,
wonderingly, "My darling, what Can
liapipen? You're in a queer mood to-
nghf. MavLa--g ahrdly understan'
You. As to believing you, why,
wasn't it
your love that made me
want to leave my wasted lite be-
hind and do better things? Love
like YOurs and mine has no need of
eaaplanation. or ,protestation., dear,
And if you were taken team me
this. night, Mewls"—•bier hands
suddenly caught her fiercely—"ana
1 were left with only your memory,
I should never cease trying to be
worthy of that gilt."
Silence fell after his words, while
the shadows deepened and ' the sun
dlouisauds,ppeareii bebind a ridge or
Prom sgmevrilere in the distance
came the seated of gay young valets,
and light laughter. Then the man
drew the girl closer until' her head
WVI*11ESDAYJCC J'•QBIIB. 18111, 1030
reeled an his shoulder, and he look-
ed into ber dimly -seen face. Hut
their eyes met in the sweet twilight.
'"Yon are happy?" he asked,
The pu'ryrle dual( hid the look of
pain that flitted over the beautiful
faee, It was gone at once, and she
sullied, the lines of ber sensative
mouth curving like a ehildts,
"Happy " She reached up, and
p:Alma his head lawn to ,hers, "Ab,
so happy it almost frightens me,
Jack, I've been lonely and miser-
able, but I've put the past bebiud me
now, for.' ever. I'm poly .going 10
remember 1 :love you andyou love
rte, that WC are young with all the
world ber..e re, and len going to be
terribly greedy and seize all the
ha tin ;e,s I can get and hold it with
both 11211(1' tight, ,Tight! She
laughed defiantly, as tllough:banisl]-
ing all sad thoughts. "Yes, I am
hall>y, gloriously, madly happy,
i -
a a f r w days from now the
old ll ;vis will make way" for the
ntw Mavis who will enter the
elrurch down there in the valley—r,r
become your wife."
A lard ray from the departing sun I
p' reed tiie dark clouds of coming;
night andlaid its 0014111 touch or. ;
the mauve of the budding lilac, and
the foam of the half -opened syringe, ;
bloom near by , !
1layis began to gather some of
tite flowers and the man wateile4
her with deep adoration in his eyes.
• Suddenly he put his hand in his
pocket and took out an orang.,•
coloured envelope.
"But .the way," he laughed, "I
quite forget I came to tell you a
very old friend of mine arrives here
to -night. He's: been in Egypt, and
has only just heard of our coming
marriage. He's teleggraPbed 1213
congratulations and says he will be
here this evening, just in time for
dinner. I want you to likes him,
Mavis, he's the. beat and truest' pal (1(
a man could have, and be did his I
best to make me keep steady In the I
old days. It was he who saved me
froin going utterly to the bad, and 1
know he win be deligbted when he
hearer I am going to settle down anis
he happy again,"
Mavis murmured something ab-
sently, and turned with her arme
full of dedicate white and green, •
"'Look," ebe cried, "iuren't they
sweet? Even the world aeetns to be
putting .on bridal finery for us.
These are called mock orange bios.
son* you know, an clthey ought 10
1111 full bloomon our wedding -
And it was with the white fiowers
reeling against her breast that
j Mavis wandered with her lover
screw the dewy sawn, the glow of
love's '.haul neee u her deePlasbei
James McFadean
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