The Brussels Post, 1939-9-27, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST WEIDb EBLOA.Y, SETT. 27th, 1939 • NEWSOF THEDISTRICT� Written for the Past By Our Own Correspondents ETRE[ Bah!bie Gunn nghern, 12 -year-old son of Mrs, Elsie Cunningham of Con, 9, Grey Twp., had the =is.. fortune while at play at Ethel Pnblie school, recently, to have his right wrist broken and shoulder' hurt. Although he Is getting along as nicely as could be expected it will be some time begone he will be, There died in Grey Twp,, at his home, on lot 19, con. 6, Chas. E. 'Cleaver in his 6711' year, on Tues- day, Se¢rtenrber 19, 1939, the funer- al, was held Thursday, September 21st, 1039 and was largely attended, with services at two p.m. conducted by Rev, Harold Snell, pastor of Ethel United church at which ' the deceased had been a consistent member and prominent ofdciol. Six intimate friend's, Geo, Addy, Har- vey arvey Dobson, Geo, Hutchinson, C. E. Lake, Wan. McInnis and Frank Purvis, were pall bearers and six nephews, H. Chase, R. Hocking, C Lucas, I', Maw, B. Lawton and H. Pickard were flower bearers. In- terment in Ethel 'Mount Pleasant cemetery, Funeral director W. H. Love, Ethel. In Ethel at the home of her broth- er Jos. Aures, on Sept. 15, 1939, the death occured or Elizabeth Ann Ames., relict of the late Darvid Ma- guire, in her 82nd year. Th9 funeral was held Monday, Septa 18, 1 1939 with service at the house at 2 p,nr, and in Ethel Unitedchurch at 220 p.m. conducted bp Rea'. Mr, Snell In the presence of a big assembly of persons. The church choir gave leadership in ' fervently i singing the favorite, especially re• quested hymns, "Breathe on me breath of God' and 'Wonderful Love' to be used in the service, ,Mise Carrie Hingston of Brussels, render. eft a choice solo selection, 'The Beautiful City.' The pallbearers: Carl Ames, Stanley, George and Clifford Dunbar, R. J. MoLauchlin and George Ross, were nephews chosen by herself to act. The flower bearers, Helen Bateman, Marjorie Brown, Ruth Dunbar and Jeanne Snell all her grandnieces. Burial in Burssels cemetery with D A. Roan or Brussels as funeral direc- tor, Don't forget the Anniversary ser- vices of Ethel United Church to be held Sunday, October 8111, with ser- vices at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. The guest speaker for theoccasion will be Rev, F, A. Gilbert or Walton, On Monday, Oct. 3th Thanksgiving fowl supper will be served In the church basement followed by a varied program. F BLYTB At Trinity Churcia, 131ytb, on Sun' day .two hundredvoices were raised in thankfulness to 'God dor the .ma,nP blessings of the Harvest. . In Mite of war the Harvest Home services struck a note of quiet con- fldenoe, Rev, W. B. Hawkins of Forest, a former rector, was the preacher both at, the morning and evening services.. In the . neornlag 'sermon he spoke of the material blessings Of the harvest. In the evening i10 'painted out that' underneath all our thanksgiving there was a deeper note, that on thankfulness for the spiritual blesisnvs which we enjoy. Bath sermons were reminiscent in character, as minds went book a decade when Rev. Hawkins min- istered to the Blyth congregation; during the dark days of the last war, The church was beautifully decorated with autumn foliage end productsof the farm and garden, •' The music was in keeping with the day. A lovely solo, ."Jesus knows and understands," was sung by Lionel Gallagher, son of the Rev, and Mrs. E. D. Gallagher of Winghem. The choir offered the anther "Sing to the Lord of Har- vest." .Mist A. Rogerson of Tor- onto, sang the solo part,. The choir of Trinity Church, Belgrave, join- ed the Blyth choir for the evening service, The anthean "0 give thanks" was particularly well sung Mrs, G, Shoebottom and' Mrs, C. Wade took the obligato parts and other solos in the anthem were sung by Mrs. N: Geddes, Mrs .N. Montgomery, Mrs, .aR. M. Weekes, Mr, 0. Johnson, Mr. J. McCrea, Mrs. E. Leggett. Miss A, Rogerson also sang a solo, "Behold a Sower." Atter the service the choir enter- tained the members of the Belgrave choir at. the Rectory. Mrs, A, Rog- erson, choir mother, poured tea,: and a very happy social time was enjoyed, BLUEVALE "God's way of using a surrender- ed heart" was the subject of the message delivered by Rev, George G. Tavenor of Duart, in the 'Ohat- ham Presbytery, at .the morning service in Knox Presbyterian church. The regular service will he 'withdrawn next Sunday on account or the annual anniversary services at Eadie's Presbyterian ehuroh. The W. M. S. of Knox Presbyter- ian church is bolding the annual thankoffering meeting o nThursday,: Oct. 5th, at the home of Mrs, R. F. Gentles, when Mrs, John Pollock of Whitechurch will be to guest Auction Sal Household Goods and Chattels of the )ate Maria Campbell will be held on ay, ' etc.2 At 2 p. In. at her late residence in the Villaa of ,r u sEels At time l'f the said sale there will als' be offered for sale t a house and two lots of the deceased sub- ject to a reserve bid. F. W. Kemp, Auctioneer B. Ke'lly, ltd. ;,ink trator ratters: Mr, and 141rs, Robert. Tiutoheaon, Wm, Thompson, Mrs. Edith Taylor and Miss Sande',ane Of Toronto at their homes here; Ms'. John Smith, Bruceiie1dy with his son, A. D. Smith, and Mrs. Smith; Mr. and Mrs. S. Rolmh and daughter, Detroit, !with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Malin; Mies Ethel and Florence Beattie of eea'forth with Mgrs, R. F, Garnias; Everett McGee has returned home from the Canadian West where he was assisting with harvest operations; Robert Shaw returned home from the Wingham General Hoslpital on Sunday; Miss M. Olive Scott spent a few days With relatives at Sea - forth and acted as judge of ladies' work at the fall fair there, ATWOOD Bob Ballantyne, while taking the horses home frof the fair on Satur- day afternoon, was, kicked by a young colt, fracturing one of his ribs. The harvest home services were held Sunday at St. Aliben's church. Rev. Townsend, of London, was the guest speaker. The church was nicely decorated with flowers. I11. and Mrs. 11 A, Kidd, Mrs. Gioebtord, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Stockford of Guelph, spent Saturray here Haley Hammond of Toronto is at his home. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Siweitzer have moved into their new homed MONKTON A capacity crowd attended the concert held in Erskine's Hall on Friday evening following the events of the school fair, Rev. J. K.' West .presided over the program consisting of contests, .Rev. T. H.' Ackert entertained by showing moving pictures of the King and. Queen, and the school fair of 1938. The first contest was junior recita- tions. The winners were Jack Costello, Keith West, Vera Ische,, .Ire Guanmow and Beryl Anderson; junior boys' solo class, Jack 'Cos- tello, Maurice Smith, Lloyd Drum- mond, Keith Elliott. school chorus, Monkton school, Kennicott school,' S,S, No. 8, Ehna; junior girls solos, Helen Smith, Florella Sailor,: June Schade, Ruth Holman; speak-' ing, yincent M'h0arthy, Charles Costello, Ken Bannon, Marie Con- nelly, Areline • Steokley, Betty Lin- ton. The /winning contestant spake on "A Leading Canadian In- dustry." Senior girls' solo class, Aileen Danbrook, Jean 'Wilson, Doreen Smith, Vernice .Machan, Audrey Yundt; senior boys' solo class, Earl Scherbarth, Laverne Yundt, Warren ,Schroeder and Ernie Smith, 'The judges for the recitations and 'public speaking were Mr, Slemmon and Miss Frain of Attwood, and for the music, 'Mr, Lorne Willits of Listowel. At the close of the program dancing was enjoyed to the music of S'ehneidor's Orchestra. AUCTION SALE FARM IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS OF THE LATE GEORGE READMAN Lot 19, Concession 8, Morris Twp. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6th at 1,80 lt,m. Household Effects— Kitchen Cabinet Gate Leg Table Gloss Corner Cupboard Coal 011 Stove Heater Stove Bed Room Suite Implements-- Sap mplements-iSap Pan and Bnokets 'One Wagon 12 -foot Hap Rake - 1 Disc 1 Walking Plough 1 Grain Grinder 1 Renfrew Settles 2,000 lbg, Fanning Mill dlorse C1Ippers Set of Singh. Harness Sot of. Team Light Harness Set of Heavy Harness 2 lluggi es Wheel Scraper Blacksmith Anvil and Vice 1 Cow Terms—Cash George Elliott, Auctioneer Mrs. Patrick Quinn, .Proprietress. i'Plre Strathroy Gii'ife and Boys' Trumpet Bald is scheduled far the Sensational Paint Qffer- Sept. 28 to OCt.1'8 OO Qts. Soverign. Paints ' i Varnishels& Enamels By Special arrangement with the, manufacturer, ' via are allowed to Offer for 1 montk; this amazing sale SEPT. 28th44-to-- OCT. 18t13 THE PR DUCT IS GOOD THE PRI ' SENSATIONAL • QUICK DRYING ENAMEL; IL.) White, ivory & Pale Gtreetil ' PORCH AND FLOOR ENAMEL 1A Light Grey, Dark Grey ,Yellow .8t.; 1* and Medium Brown ; ; 9 c Per Quart FLAT WALL FINISH - d White, ilvory, Nile Green • ° ` HOUSE PAINTS White, Ivory, Light Green ; e Buff and Cream VARNISH STAIN 1 Light Oak, Dark Oak GROUND COLOR Clear All -Use Varnish Radio Speciati or a limited time only 19110 Stewart -Warner /1 tube battery radio complete with layers/built batteries' $23.00 cash Special Discount on' other Stewart -Warner Models DAVISON'S HARDWARE PHONE 17 ° ' , =. -. 'BRUSSELS, ONT. ISOSIMIr WROXETER I AIiCTION'SALE— The regular monthly meeting of the Women's .Institute was held in the school roam of the United Ohunch on Friday evening instead 'of the afternoon and was in the form of an open meeting. A. large number of citizens were in attend-' ance. The vicepresndent, Miss Goodfellow, took charge. The Aust item on the 'program was a musical number by the girls of the senior room of the public school. A debate followed, entitled "Resolved, that the woman exerts a greater In - 'fluence as home -maker than as 'lawmaker, with Miss Baeker and Miss Downing of Brussels on the affirmative side and Mrs, Demmer - ling and Mrs. Cooper of Fordwich for the negative, Howard Wylie, Rev. .0, M. Grant and Rev, J. L. Ball were judges and gave the de- cision to the affirmative side, atter pointing out hone each could have delivered their speeches to have more effect on their listeners. The school girls then gave two more selections in part singing. Miss Clayton of Listowel gave an address on Red Cross and war work, stress- ing the fact we should all do our best in the present crisis. Mists L. Gummerson, Walkerton, and Al, Hanrmontl, WIngham visit- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Carr; Mr. and Mrs, William Doherty, Sudbury, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harvey liieMichael; itirs, PhiaO» Durst returned home after spending th epast week with her parents in Harriston; Chas, Patterson has resumed his duties at the bake shop after a two weeks' visit with his lather in Alliston; Miss Keith, teacher, of the senior room, spent the weekend with her parents In Teesiwater. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The Morris Township Council are asking for Contractors to clean a portion of the Inglis Drain, start- ing in Alec Woodrow's ,,,Fleid' .and extonding down through the ,,,Bros. sels dump ground. Contract will be let just North of the Brussels Falr grounds on Monday, Oct. 2nd, at 10 a,ni. BLYTH CREEK ' Starting in Richard' Alcock's, a distance of 90 rod, Contract will be let Monday, Oct, 2nd at 1 p.m. MASON DRAIN Extending clown through Thos. Bone. Contract will be let in Thos, Bone's, Monday, Oct. 2nd, at 2 p.m. SELLERS DRAIN Starting in Frank ..Sellers. .Con- tract will be let to Frank Seller's, on Mondiey, Oct, 2nd, at 4 p,m. RUSSEL DRAIN In front of N, McCauley's, a small Job, Oall the Reeve if interested. Latnblert Saleyard Strathroy, Sat. urday Sept, 30th, 300 Head of MIX- ED -(TATTLE. Usual run of Mixed Pigs' am Calves. Those wishing to buy icattle privately can do so by seeing the undersigned auction- eer anytime during the week. Trucks; to deliver. Terms Cash. -.A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer - AT THE FAIR • There are numerous new and different classes at the fair this year and the directors have put forth every effort to ha'e a good !show, FAIR NOTES The Brussels Fair is to be held this coming Saturday, and the direc- tors in charge have put forth every effort to have a better show. The Prize lists show a better list of re- wards. Extra special prizes too. And don't forget the IStrathroy Girls' and Boys' Trumt@et Band will be here as an added attraction. Brussels Fair, Saturdty next. 'Willie Be11',' Canada's : Cheery Snot is leading the concert troupe sohwing in Brussels Town Hall, Fri-. day night, SUPERIOR STROE QUALITY SERVICE SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY per tin 19c 2 lb for 23c 2 Tb for 25c 2 lb for 25c per Its 17c per lib 19c per yd 29c per yd 28c per pr $1.25 each $1.00 per pr 25c each $1.00 Fry's Cocoa 1/2's New Sultana Raisins Happyvale Mince Meat McCormick's Butter Soda Biscuits l's McCormick's Autumn Mixed Biscuits Scotch Peppermints .. Tabasaac Flannels new patterns Bath Toweling, roman stripes, heavy Ladies' D & A Corsets Men's Flannel Shirts, red and green Men's Wool Work Socks Men's Wool Sleeveless Sweaters ZIEGLER HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR EGGS Phone 22-11 Ethel, Ont. L, E. CARDIFF, Reeve 1� Teeswater Fair Tues., & Wed., Oct. 3 & 4 9 a„pRGEST r wo. $2500 ■ „O IN PRIZES ome. of tale Attractions: - 2.27 Trot or Pace $150,00 Purse 2.18 Trot or Pace $150.00 Purse Running Race $30.00 FOUR BANDS—Including the famous Elgin Regiment Bugle Band. • Hurdle Jumping Tandem Teams Miniature Chariot Race Twins Similarity Contest Big "Mystery Attraction" (a rear thriller) and one of the best exhibits of live -stock that can be seen in Western Ontario. Grandstand Accommodation For Over 1,000 People J. J. Reid, Pres. Alex. ll. McKague, Sec. & Managing -Director