The Brussels Post, 1939-9-13, Page 7s.8 5r." woo .0
1 . VAS oui61°.all'6`,03.'
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' aeaveeerieeeeseerer
No matter where you live in Canada, there
is always a variety of fish available to you,
either fresh, frozen, smoked, dried, canned or
Your family will enjoy FISH. It can be
served in an infinite number of delicious
ways, Send for the FREE recipe booklet
Department of Fisheries, Ottawa.
Please send me your 52 -Pogo Booklet "100
Tempting Pish ReeiPeo".
CW -17
No. 199
They are selling a good many
echaol books' in town just now.
Clulte,arepressive beolts: they are
and we dare sey within the covers
there must be a deal at knovrledg8.
stored away, • The young Iodic earn'
tbeth way and prebtply the paying
foteall these boceas would amount
to.eulte a chore for the folk At
Oh the day school opened on the
Teeth Concession it really 'Made
commotion beyond being there
on time. The grounds' around the
:school looked a little seedy perhaps
aud, the path ep to the front aoor
had grown' in it St there imp -
paned to be a gime teacher one •of
the trustees would be present the
Drat morning to introd,uce her.
gUL of books at that school there
woe acat many and few of them
were new. et seemed' 'to be the
feeling of the school district that
when the first child to go to school
time a family got a book it • waled
do for all that followed from the
smile family, •
"The boy stood on the burning
deck" couldmeet the eye of the
various' members' as they came to
the etandard there suet tbingewere
imparted to their evrexpanding
Liceneed Femora Colrunt.,
and Enibidnine•
Phone 36 Bnissels,
rairmimmismosirmarriont Phone ,20X illeeesselar 0106
brain% and in turn the story of the
laa who 'stuck tile finger in, a,
hole in the dyke to 'sew a leak and
sant his country would be impaeted
• -bet all from. the mime itamily
Of scribblers and pencils there
were none at all. ink slatee, and
a slate was suppoleedeto last for a
long time. Generally on the opening
of seh,oal there would be a • new
binder or the (gate 'frame, am4 that
was Pet on so the slates, would not
• make somuck noise' when being
lifted. and laced doivn again, A
slate penall cost one cent' end it
, was Tether a •glorious thing when
ft was new and long. When it
. wore down a, bit and more pressure
could be Pat neon, it the thing made
au excellent. seratcheng notse whicb
few teachers' eared to hear.
'hen there was, that other little
bit of •ebnleanent wheel went witb
the slate -a bottle of water with a
oltt cut in the cork 80 a few drops
bouldi be brought out at a time ,for
the watheng ot the • elate. It re -
veered, .also a bit of rag to attend to
the, wiping, The teacher frowned
a good deal upon the idea at some
saliva being applied to the slate and
the wiping off being clone by the
fat part af •the hand directly under
the thumb. ,Possibly She was the
forsrunner of those who have eince
paid so much attention to .sanita-
eon and, matter's, af health and
Nearly always there eras a new
tin cue on, the end of the chain at
the school pump, and even, person
drank from the, game oup. Possibly
that might make people of this ad-
Vanced ege shudder a little but it
• wee a sort at levelling ptooess.
That chained tin cup was a corn -
moo Meeting elace for ell who felt
t The cash outflay for getting back
to echool en the Tenth 'wee not
• largo, Mite tee man' who sold; .books
telt. ea gaedi apsyVieg lit buslineen,
There Were two pictures printed In
the ,Strattoral SeaceleDereld-eeter.
and Mee, Paraltall. They Were
passengers on. tbe Atherlia, It 18
knohen thee MT. ltall j afe in
Greenoek, Scotland, but the laet 110
had seen of Iffe. wife Vas when she
Was being placed in a, !lifeboat,
since which. there hale been no word
Gt her, and she 1 claseed as maing
Was. Paohall has for years found
diefleulty in weakling et all, and has
done so With the. aid of 4 cemec80
It quite likely is true enough WROA
her Misivandi had reported, lie liaa
eeen Iter ' being pieced in a. life-
boat"! She camel • not PoSsIblY
have entered herself,
And that le war, as the N'azi ele-
ment of Germany see it today. We
realize R.' may niery-ei no good ,pur-
Poee at all to make reference to
this case, but it ahead' at least
make it clear to the people of this
maintop that we are actually at war
todayWith an enemy which knows
no galeanery ana zaturderg on slight,
nil Mee. Paskall were not
going toward the war zone; the'
'Were merely esteeming to their
• liome. They had not been spying
in Germany or doing anything at all
to. mark them as people who should
be puniehea. Like all other pas-
sengero their were leaving the scene
of war, Nor was the liner in which
they travelled carrying may mama
Moue oe war or giving evidence of
doing anything which might be
even remotely connected witb war.
cal cows & one hopes for the best
and the beet would be that )ter
reports( unget say the Stratford wo.
man had- been reported, as safe.
But at the moment the picture ie
before usl-ewhen last seen. by her
husband she ewes being placed in a
Iiteboat." So there what Nazism
Barrister, Solicitor, Etc.
One week after Great Britain bad
declared war .against the German
Reich, Canada -as a free melon
within the British Commonwealth -
took eimilar action. Thereby this
130Milli.011 crossed the bridge and
become, a beligerent in the con-
flict against the Nazi regime
Officially a state of war between
Canada and Germany has existed
since tite gazetting of the required
proclamation at Ottawa on Sunday
Adoption at the Throne Speech
first by' the .Senate and then by the
Home of 'Comtmons, wag the de-
cision by Parliament which Prime
-Minister King consistently demand-
ed before his Government took nea
eseary• action to proclaim this
country as being in a state ot war
against Germany. levery step was
taken itt etriet,c•onformity to conste
tutioual•usaee consistent witia. Can-
ada's new status as an Independent
• ation owing allegiance to the British
• The amazing
does it! As the
Life -Saver Tread
rolls over a dale
gerous film of
• sextet, it sweeps
,the water right
'and left -out
through the deep
'grooves -makes a
• 'dry track for the
IrruotElbsafeeetyto toginriopi
• frow let us equip
4) your cat with
Goodrich Safety
Stivertowas today!
{SAFETY Sil.vertown
Gordon Sanderson's
Cities Service Station
Phone 731C • Brussels
• * •
What dOeIsr this declaration et war
against Gerinany mean for 'Canada?
It means 'that this Doantinion is
*pledged( to the program of co_
oeetation with Great Britain- as
downby the King Government
in the Speech from the Throne on
Thursday lase But it means mace
more than. 'that. It means that
• this country will sink or swim ac-
cerding to the outcoane of the war
now Imam- way between Britain
and her allies on the one slide and
Nazi Germany and such elites as
the may enlist on the other.
Now that we as a nation are at
war, with Hitler and. iris govern-
ment, we are subject to attack from
'without and within. et the Nezi
war inathine can reach our stores
we face all that Poled,, France and
Britain are now facing. lekewiee,
we are inauediately contornted with
all the sabotage that Nazi agents
and sympathizers can commit in
Canada, The foolsf paradise in
wallet we have pensietee in living
de -elate long warrants of what has
now nonze 10 VISO, 511058 end -
quickly and coMpletely.
• • •
In the desire for national unity
as Canada enters a war that will de-
cide her entire tteure, •tb,e relatiety
weak eflort oet forth in the Federal
Government's program can be ac-
cepted as aolitidally necessary in
order to Obtain unanimIty-p,artiou-
etre, 'so in view of 04 cotintrya
unereparedeam, for war. Bet It will
Stately be realized by Canadiana gen-
Orally that Ottawa's aenolunced
plans represent only 0. mirienten
initial effete, Very much more
w111 be necessary ace the War Inu-
greeeee leca Matter if political
heads have to felt ICanaati must
eaelasect orl the blasts teat the lad
man and the last ckelar may be re-
SlUireci to save this Deminleil trona,
the serfdom which a -victorious Hit-
ler wined impose team us.
• •
As the grim seriousness of Can-
ada's position sinks in, Canadians
will rise to the oecasion in the sone
ratignicent manner as they did 25
Tears ago, It muse be admitted
that there is meth present confus-
ion among the public. Oool, cone-
ageous leadership is a vital need --
and it must be found,. Muth better
that such leadenthip be uncovered
•promptly, than that it etmerge
when the democracies are facing de-
feat with their paces to the -wall.
The costly leseans of the World
War have surely been: learned. Tway
should be taken to heart by all Can-
adiane--frora those in highest auth-
ority doevn to the rank and flle,
Canada is at war with the
meet brutal enem' in history.
:C.anadals soil and Canada'a
soul are both in the balance
Canada is in a -fight to the death
.4. -and Canadians must needs
recog'nize • that eruth end act
Before you aim to• get soanething,
it is better to be certain you will
enjoy it 'after the getting. '
* *
'Action is revolted et a spot re-
ferred to, as "the Maginot Line
hinge." We hope the thing does
not squeak and give the whole ven-
ture away. • ‘1,,akin
• •, .•
' Three inmates of Guelph Reform-
atory escaped by 'forcing a lacked
door."' All of Which reminds us of
some of the caepentty work we
have tried to do at various timesy
. • .
Two men were arrested. in Toron-
to as' police believed they bad been
drinking in their car. Search
showed 28 five -gallon tins of alcohol
eanceteed in the machine, and that
is a large quantity at evidenoe 10
have to emplaba. away.
• •
Diaing em*it are being taken, oft
British trains, but fru their place will
be sufbatituted, what they • call
"snaok boxee," and we suppoee the
general' idea a ottint-
to eat will remain about the same,
✓ *
At •Conbin, Ky., Mies Etta Brown-
ing le police merit judge, and now
she hae married Robert Cummings,
police court reverter for the Daily
Tribune. So Robert Mimed stand a
better than Average ohante at get-
ting evertetelng in the way of
evert newts.
• *
Patti Guiltier p1 Deumheller, Alta.,
bee enlisted with the Canadian' de-
fence forces,. Ile wao at one Vane
an Antrim!, officee and used to give
meters to Hitler, If he eollla de
that eueeeeefelly he ehoeld have
remained where he wee imatead of
coming to Canada,
People in • Pane• ellideved they
could valet tor, cover VitenSir raid
signals, were glven • that the time af
wzoNzso&Y, art it op.
se:FirrEmsER 2243 from BRUSSEkS
Atoo to grottt,vgl, Chatlialn, Godermeh, OnelPh, Hamilton,
lot:Paola Niagara Salley 'Owen Soluee, St, Cathereiee, St, IVIRTV,
SAvnia, Striitavoy, WoodIziitock,
To Stetioue.Oseiewe and east to 'Cornwall inelesive, Ukhrelige,
Lindsay, Peterbolough Cautheellfforte 'Neweeeeltelt, Collingwooa,
Meateral, Malawi, North eay, Pany Sound. aucia1117, Cayer01
mut west to J3e9rd2note,
ea, Pays, Rohm 74,71165,T/can intonnation. 'nada, consult nearest Agent. Seo Handbills.
wanting has been cut from 30 to
15 Tainetes, • Without experience
one ,could well believe that maxi-
mum speed weld be readily attain-
ed on such an occasion.
* *
Neiw Mexico State College has
opened a, course in safe driving,
and sebool teachers upon gradua-
tion are supposed to pass on ,the in-
struction to echolers be their claa.s.
es. It may be there are young
people who admit they cannot d,rie
safely but we fear the number
would be extremely
▪ • St
Defeat le not bitter unless you
happen to swallow it.
✓ 5 •
We have a:mg it stated thait, the
•gen4re1' idea in this war Is the
overthrow of Ilitlerisra and Naz-
ism. Correct.
One wise man says it is better to
give than to teat, and figures that
-the cost is about the same either
• • •
Canadian dollar in the 17.5. mar-
ket diroeped 8 cents in the New
York 'market on the outereak of
war, Perhaps it would be well for
our dollar to come home for a few
days and take a littie. family nour-
• * * *
It has been found mat the new
honeymoon bridge at Niagara, Fells
is going to cost $300,000 more than
at first anticipated. Possibly a
bridge bearing any • other name
would have the same experleace.
* * *
Poisonous snakes in the London
Zoo were vt1 to death. by OS,
fearing they might estape • in the
confusion.' Poselply It WOOa wise
decision but it the snakes had been
left in the jungle how much happier
they would have been than in the
. civilized world,
Fairs & Exhibitions
September 11.16
Blyth ' Sept. 15, 16
Imedon.tWesterne Sept. 11-16
Milverton • Sept. 14, 15
New Hamburg • • Sept, 15, 16
Orangeville •Sept. 14-16
September 18-23
Man Crailg ........... ..,Sept. 21, 22
.Patwood Sept. 22, 23
Barrie Sept .33-21
Clifford . . Sept. 22, 23
Exeter Sept. 21, 21
Galt ...... Sept, 21-23
Hanover . . Sept, "le, 20
Kincardine Sept. 21, 22
Listowel Sept. 20, 21
Seatorth Sept. 21, 22
Stratford ............ Sept. 13-20
September 26-30
Arthur Sept. 27,23
Bayfield Sept. 27, 28
Bruesele ...„ ........ ....... Sept. 29, 30
Chesil ey Sept, .25, 26
Drumbo •Sept. 26, 27
eleabro Sept. 25
Ildeetort Sept. 27
Ingeasoll ....... ........ . Sept. 28, 29
Kirlaton Sept. 2$, 29
Sept. 23, 29
Mitchel Sept. 27, 28
Gwen Sound ... . Sept30, Oct. 2, 8
Paisley Sept. 26, 27
Palanerethe Sept. 26, 27
Parkhill Sept. 29
Port Elgin Sept. 23, 29
Ripley ...... ............ Sept. 26, 27
Thedford Sept 26,27
Winghani Sept. 27, 28
Alvineton Oct, 4, 5
Dungannon Oct. 6, 6
Gorale Oot, 6, 7
Mount Bredgee Oct 3
St. Mates Oot. 5, 6
Signicee County) .... Oct. 3-6
Teetevater ........ .. ()et. 11,
Pereet . ........ Oct, 10,11
Marker/tie • Oa., lee 11
etti,--Daltes 08 Se.1116/ TiElbeat ere
attbeset to change,
Estate Agent, Conveyances
end Commissioner
General Insurance
Main btreet, -- Ethel, Ontario
This is a reproducPon of a
picture taken in sub-tero tem,
petature the morning after s
severe snow storm. It shows
footprints of a telephone
operator leading to the tele,
phone office. They are mute
evidence of the "spirit of
service" that is back of your
Blocked streets and high-
ways seldom keep telephone
employees front the job. If
humanly possible, they are at
work ready to do their part in
providing your telephone
The management of this
Company is proud of the fine
"spirit of service" shown by,
employees and we feel sure
that our customers appreciate
k. Because of it, your tele-
phone service is maintained at
a constantly high itandatd.