The Brussels Post, 1939-5-10, Page 1mart
�rugselg ))o-ot
Wednesday, May 10th, 1939
New Members
The quarterly communion servdee
of Brussels United Cbureh held last
Sunday aAdmacted a large congrege-
tione The comundcants class unit.
ed wits, the chute& on ;profession of
faith During the ceremony the
rite of Baptism, waseon1erred upon
two of the church memberehlp class
Laura and Howard Ellocott. The
Misses Helen. Baeker and Margaret
Garnds.s Sang a beautiful duet am ,
,proprlate for communion. The
members in the class were welcom-
ed by the minister and, meanbers of
the session and each registered his '
on her name in the historic roll of
the church. The aninlsaer then
presented each communicant with
a shorter oatelohisan and a copy of
the Psalms. Following are .the
names of the class: IdelIa Bryans,
Jean Spellers Dorothy Jardine,
Jean Stephenson, Carley Lake,
Laura Ellacatt,• Luella Mitchell, Jo-
sephine VatNorman, Imogene Sand-
erson, Ross Nichol, Hawlard Ellaco'tt
James McArthur Baeker, George
Baeker. On Monday of this week
Rev. H. 3, Mahoney conducted the
Church, of the Air from 010NX.
Bowler's Attention!
The annual meeting of the Men's
Bowling Club will be held In the
Public 'Library on Monday, May 15,
at 8 o'clock sharp. _._.All men inter-
ested please attend.
Annual District Meeting .
Of I.O.O.F. (Heid at Brussels
The I, 0. 0, F. .held their annual
district meeting on Monday evening
wben delegates from Whim,
Teaswater, Blyth and Wroxeter at-
tended Mr. John ('rood of Tees'tvater
was appointed D. D. M. for the
ensuing year. -
Huron County
Council Meeting
The newt nueeidmg elf the Huron
County Council will be held at 2
p,m., Tuesday, May 300, 1939.
'Alt Accounts; Notices of Depute-
i1ins; Applications or any other
business rehuiring council's atten-
tion should: be in the hands of the
cleric net later than May 26th,
County Clerk, (Ggderich 'Ont.
REV. H. J. MAHONEY, 13.A., B.D,
11 a.m.-"Mother's Day" Special
music by the mothers' choir.
Baptismal Service. ,
3 p.m. -Sunday School.
7 p.m. -Evening worship conducted
by one of the Emmanuel , Col-
lege graduating class.
Monday-•{Hu:ron IPresb'ytery Y.P.U.
Conference in Wingham United
Sunday, May 21st, 7 p.m. ---Special
Young People's Service.
May 28th -Sunday School Anniver-
sary. Rev. Harold .Snell.
Priscilla Lane Wayne Morress
Brother Rat
Penny Singleton Arthur Lake
Millions of readers . must be right.
And They've made the comic strip
"Blondie" Winona ....d. notable start
of a New Series
Basil Boris Bella
Rathbone ,Karloff Lugosl
-I N. -
Son of Frankenstein.
Lionel' AtWell
Josephine Hutchinson
The super -thriller, It will make you
shiver in terror
Miss I, Lowry spent the week -end
at her home in Seaforth.
Miss Viola Wilson, of Toronto, Is
Spending a few days at her home.
Miss, Carrie Meeracken, of Toron-
to, was a week -end visitor at het
bone here,
Dave Hastings and Mtge V. Fox
anent the weekend in London with
the former's' parents.
Mr, W B. Strachan, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with his mother,
Mrs, Alex, Strodluan,
Mr. and, Mae, Ed. Palmer, of
Wroxeter, were Sunday visitors
with relatives,
Fred Sr., and Scott Bmrdtell .ae-
oomipaniedl'by Donald' Black were
hoarse for the weekend.
Dr, W. S. Cameron, of Palmerston
visited with Mr. end Mrs. Wilfred
Cameron, on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, 3, C. Baeker and
daughter Elizabeth, visited in
Mi'tchelt on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. C. F. Phillips and
family, of Toronto stperit last week-
end with Mts. Dark.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Northwood, aad
E. D. Bell, spent the week -end at
Victoria Harbour.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cottrill, and
(daughters, Port Elgin•, were Sunday
visions with her parents., Mr, and
Mrs. D. McDonald.
Mr ansa Mrs, W. Earngey had, as
week -end guests their soon: acconvp-
anted by tide wife and oiuild, of
Pro. Russel Zimmer and Miss
Marty of Toronto were week -end
visitors at their farm east of
Mr, and Mrs, M. Yolleck and son
Ben, and Mr. and Mats. Rappaport,
Toronto, were. week -end visitors In
Mervin McDonald, of Kitchener,
and Verna Stewart, of Lucknow,
were visitors' on Monday et Mr, and
Mrs, 01111s, Garndss.
Miss Gertrude Roes( of Toronto
Was a week-en'd visitor at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D, C.
Carmlan. Baker, Western Univers.
ity student was, a week -end: visitor
with his, parents, Mr, and Mrs. G.
Baker, Grey,
Mr, end Mus. A. H. Coombs and
Miss' Mary Coombs of Simnoe were
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. and, Mrs, 'Chas. Garnlss,
Mlsses Chidley and Miss Hattie
Downing of Toronto, motored up
Friday for a couple of days with
Miss Elizabeth Downing,
Mr. end Mss. Bert Hallenbeck, of
Toronto were Sunday visitors with
the latetr'e parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Wm. MlcQuarrie,
,N, Chavanan, who has been un-
able to atend business' because of
Mame has ben visiting with his
brother, H. 'Chapman, of Kitchener.
Ddc'k Stevens, a well-known figure
on Brussels streets for many years
is quite 111 end has teen taken to
Clue Winghlam hospital for treat-
Mr. George Walker, of Que.en's
University visited his grand -
Parents, Mr. and Mr*, S. Walken
and other friends an his way home
to Reginal, Sask. .
Mrs, Jas. Spetr, Elizabeth Spetn,
Mrs. Jack Slpeir, Mns, Wm. Holling-
er and Mrs, C. Dunbar, Waterloo,
attended the funeral of the fonmer's
sister, Mrs. Wlaths, at DIndas, on
Mr, and Mrs. Horace Wilbee and
Joyce and Rutin of Seafort11 motored
over with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Me -
Gregor and spent a few hour on
Sunday with Mari, W. W, Wilbee of
town. vs"
3d1, and Mas. Harold Chapman
daughters, II/Rases Marie and Jean
of Kitchener, wdl'e week -enol vied,
tons with Mr, and Nims, R, W.
Kennelly and with: Mr. end. Mrs, 3.
W. Fischer of Cranbrook,
Mrs, H. Stratton has returned
bonne front Scott Memorial Rosetta'
SeaforMh Where she ;vas undergoing
' Sins. IS M. Saants as ins London
Friday, attending the gradtia,tino
exercises of Victoria. Hosptital, held
in Condobatfon, 311a11, Her sister,
Mies. Albertan Mame, lvaa a mem-
ber of the. graduation Mass,
Bobcat ,Stnachan fives the victim
of an accident Which might have
been the muse o•f more serious' in-
jury His lhorses became 'frightened
and ran away while be Was her-rout-
arron-ing, Mr. Strachan, received, head in-
juries requiring several stitches tq
close the Wound
Services( in Melville (Cluuroh on
$un,G•ay 'were oonxlluoted by the
minister, Rev. S. Kerr, Miss Mar-
guerite Logan gave s. solo at the
morning service.
We sincerely with to thank ail
for their klndnese• and expression"'of
Sympathy to us In oar resent I4u'J
den bereavement. It was ge
appreciated by us' and will not be
The Pearson. Family.
Winners Of )Congoleum
Rug Guessing Contest
Miss Isabel MacTavistu and Ross
Whdbbard were the lucky winners .of
the Gold. Seal Congoleum rugs, do
connection with a guessing contest
at the E. 1, McTavish and the D. A.
Ran,n stares reepeot4vely, Miss
MCcTa+visdile guess was 2510 and
the correct numfier *Ems 2601, The
number under the seal of the rug
at Ranv+'•s was 2060 while Ross
guessed 2042. 'Congratulations,
. Grewar's have fresh Celery, Head
Lettuce lac head; New Cabbage;
Golden Yellow Bananas; New Car-
rots.; +Bermluda Onions Have you
tried' those Black Diamond Grapes
fruit, they are delicious. If its
good fruit you wtant 'we have it
and sell it for leads,
Miss Margaret Hyslop
Gave Interesting Talk
The W. M. S. orf Melville Presby-
terian, Church was [held on Friday
afternoon with Mrs, H, Parker
presiding, ;M,ls, G. `MoDowell read
th.e sesiimture leson, Mists M. La-
mont gave the prayer. (Miss Mar-
argaret Hlyslop gave en interesting
talk on "The Untouchables." Mrs,
0, Baeker gave curent events. I,t
was anounoed that the Presby-
terial will meet In Lucicnow on
May 15.
Young People's
' The 15th an9wat convention of
Huron Presbytery Young People's
Union o£ the United; Church. will be
held dui the United' thurmlr, Wing -
•ham, on Mon,,, May 15th, The theme
of the Convention is to be "Youtb
To -Day' 'and the special ,speaker
for the occasion will be Rev. Walter
B. Craw of Centennial United
Church, Loudon.
A very attractive program, has
been planned for the afternoon and
evening and the convention should
be both. instructive and enjoyable,
Averted Accident
Last Friday, Leland. Proctor,
while driving has truck south on
main street in frost of Sande' Egg
Grading Station was met with what
multi have been a •dleestrous acct..
dent when Helen Steel ran out ficin
beside L, Ealtanier's parked truck,
directly in the paid. of his. In the
act of storing, only a very few feet
from the 'moving vehicle Helen fell
headlong anti only for the presence
of mind of Leland Proctor in apply_
ins the brakes, and turning off
quickly, it might have been serious,
As has been t110 custom in the
past, the parents, are aslteti to
teach their ehildrem to Stop, 'Look
and Listen be 1 o r o crossing the
St.' John's
Guild and W. A.
The Guilds and. W,A, wee ,held' in
that Siintday school roost o1 St.
Johns Church, Tuesday a,9ternbon
tvith the vice president in the chair.
Prayers were led by Mrs, Davits and
the :Sartptaire reading by Mrs,
Hendry, A brief ,bssdnese session
wars heli with, each member ex.
pressing wishfor the eipeecly re-
oovery of the Secretary, Mrs, II,
Stratton, While th.e members,
wore bray miring quilt ,patches
Mrs, Hendry gave an account of
W, A, conventionheld. in Loudon
recently, GM* of towels and
aprons were brought in to be heed
for Bazaar. ,,Nue June meeting is
to be held et the home of Mrs, W.
J. Mo0istciieon, Atternen tqawas
served' by Mrs, Hendry,
* * * * * Brussels Man
Obituary . Has Reached 93
* * * * * * , ,, *
We wietl to thank the friends and
neighbors and all, for tltgir kind
nets and syanpetby during our sad
bereavement, rt was, d'eeely ap-
preciated. ,
1110 Speiran 'Faanily.
Postponed FI:`";
The "Professor Quiz" program t
which was scheduled. for Tuesday,
May 16, under the auspices of the
Brusstels Girls' Sofdlbali team, bas
been postlponed ind'efindtely because
01 so many entertaivan.entts being
presented' at the present time,
Mother on Mother's Day, May 14,
with a fresh Box of Neilson's
Chocolates Sold, at Grewar's. andel
every box guaranteed Fresh, Insist
on Neilson's-accept 'no substitutes
Place your order early.
To Present Concert Here
The Eckardt Brothers, Bell Ringers
and Variety entertainers, are billed
to play the Tonvn Hall on Sat.
evening, May 201111.
Since their lest visit, three years
age, the Eckha.rdds have enlarged
thein show and now carry two truek
loads of instruments and stage
Campfire Girls
A meeting of etre Campfire Girls
was held! on Friday evening, April
28, at the home of Mrs. Robert
Thompson, The meeting opened
with the Theme Song and the sec-
retary's and treasurer's retorts
were read, 'Maly Fox favoured the
Society yith a reading. Miss Low-
ery was in Charge of the special
number. Games were played and
lunch was served' at the close of
the meeting.
St. Marys Young People
Present Play Here
A play, "Forever True," was. pre-
setnted in the Town Hall on Wednes-
dry evening by the Young People of
St. Marys United Church. under the
auspices of the Young People of
the Brusele United Church, The
play teas much enjoyed by a. fairly
large audience. Mrs. May and Mrs.
Walker of St. Malys gave a vocal
duet, and Mie Alice Pope of town
gave a piano solo, The St, Mame
players will be welcomed back to
town et some future date,
Hold Spring Concert
The Misisten Band of lielvilde
Presbyterian (Church held their
sprinv concert on Friday evening
with Mats. J, Wilton in the chair.
A duet wasgiven by Jean Matheson
and June Work; recitation, Gladys
pavidson; guitar selection, Douglas
Gemmel; vocal duet, Ian and Mur-
ray Matheson; number, by Jessie
Lfttle's class,; piano duet, Mary and
Jean *Wilton; recitation, Nancy
Cameron; piano duet, Jean Scott,
Dorothy Armstrong, An interesting
address was: given by Mrs (Rev.)
Wilkie od Teestwater, who had spent
years In Formosa as a missionary
She had a number of beautiful
articles on display Which site had
brought back with her. A junior
n.eanbership certificate was pre-
sented by Ma's, H. Parker and given
to Doreen 'Pride by Mrs, A.
Strachan, A vote of thanks was
given to Mrs. Wilkie for her splen-
did talk and a renedered Solo by
Marie Icing,
Mr, John Speiran quietly passed
awy at his home an the eleventh
concession of Grey 00 Th+ursliay
evening, Slay 4, in his eighty-
rdiinth yeas',
Altbongh in, failing health for the
lash few years be was not seriously
111 until about a week before bis
He was united in marinage to
Christina A. :Scheefet• on the four-
teenth clay 01 June 1882, who ,pre-
deceased him on February 11, 01
this year,
In their family there were four
children, Mrs. Emanuel ,Stier
(Alma); Mrs, -Albert Wieben
(Grace) who passed on 21. years
ago. John A. of Lockport, N.Y.,
and Hartwell on the homestead
where Mr,! Speiran spent the last
43 years of his, life.
He was the eldest son of Mr, and
Mrs, Hartwell •Speirau and was
born on the' sixteenth concession
of Grey, January 4, 1856. There
were nine other brothers and
sdstters In that family beside him-
Mrs. Teasdale Whitfield, Sirs.
Geo. McCall and Mrs. Frank Woods,
of Brusele. Mrs, Wm. Michel of
Goderich and; 'two brothers Hart -
weld of Ethel and Luke C„ of Brus-
sels' who survive him, Also Mrs,
Joseph 'Whitfield, Mr's, John Hodge
and Geo. E., who predeceased slim
some years ego.
He was a member of the United
The funeral which was largely
attended took pierce on Sunday
afternoon at 2 p,m., May 7, from his
hone. Friends were present from
Brussels, Ethel, Menloton, Gerrie,
St, Manys and Goderich.
Services were conducted by the
Reu. Harold Snell. Two favorite
hymns. were sung 'Safe in, theArms
of Jesux 'end "Abide with me."
The floral tributes were beautiful
Pillow Prom the family; Albert Wde-
ben a 'spray; the brothers and
sisters, a pillow, The nieces and
nephews', a spray; and the neigh•
hors, a,spra.y.
The flower bearers were: Miss
Jean, Machan end Grace, Lloyd and
Elgin Speiran, grandiclh.ildnen of Mr.
The pall bearers were: Hartwell
Speiran Sr., Luke C. Speinan, Wil.
liana.Speiran, Stanley Speiran, Al-
bert Wieben and his son Hartwell.
Initerment was made in Mount
Pleasant . Cemetery, Ethel,
There eased away 111 Ethel, May
lst, ,The oldest resident ,of the
village in the person of James
Pearson in his eight -ninth year, De-
ceased had, been aroused as usnal
(Mall Sunday noon when he suffered
a heart attack and passed away
Monday evening. He was born in
,Olsio, U.S.A., August 13th. 1850.
Son of the late Robert Pearson and
Catherine Richardson,,
When a lad of four years of age
he wane with bis .parentis to lot 21, II
con. 4, Grey, later toolc up let 20, !
con. 4, and resided, there until a
little over 22 years ego be retired to
the village of Ethel. 'Sixty-four
years ago last September he was
j united lu marirage to Ellen Thome-
q son. of Morris 'who predeceased
him'a Attie over 2 years ago.
There are lett to mourn his pass-
ing; two sons and one daughter,
Jas, T, and R. Joseph of 4th con.,
and Miss Ella at dome, ,The oldest
soli Robert, passed away ' when a.
lad od thirteen years, the victim of
an accident. There are eleven
grandlnhildren. The sympattluy of
the community is extended to the
family in the loss of a land and
loving Rather, Mr, Pearson will be
greatly missed as he was beloved by
all who knew him. He tyles a man
of steriing dharaeter and a devout
The funeral services were held
Til ursday,, May 4th, shorn Service at
the house followed by public service
in the United Clfurch at 2 pan. Rev,
H. Snell d.eceestsrl's pastor spoke
a comforting nieesege from John 14-
27, He was, aslated by Mr, Reid
Vipond, a nephew of deceased and
Mr. Wilkins of Ashfield, The choir
led' in the singing and Mr, Quest
Dobson sang deceased's 4'avor1te
h6'arnn:"'"liters were ninety and
WATTS, Elizabeth McCrae- At
her late residence,' . 21 Dundas
Streq, Dundee, on Saturtthi , Stay
6th, 193,9, Elisabeth MCCrae, belov-
ed wife ad Charles H. Watts,
Funeral from the above address
011 Tuesday attlternon, at 1,30 (day
1ig1 tthne) Interment at Farr
vieav Cemetery, Niagara Falls,
ANDERSON• -In Brnsesls. on Tlwm-
dny, May 4111 1939, Thonnas Ander-
son, in his 800 year.
Fim*eral service was Held from the
Walker Funeral Hornet William St.
an Monday, May 8th, Service at
2 pan, Interment wile trade In
Brussei9 CermeterY.
, Nine," Ile was items to bis last
reeling ',lace by his five grandsons
anti John Pearson, a nephew, The
flower bearer's were, Ilia grand.
One of Brussels' oldest residents,
Andrew Tennant celebrated his
93rd birthday on Thursday, May 4.
Although adlvaoiced do years, he
possesses an esltlondshingly ,clear
memory. Born in Milverton, Mor-
raingdon Township, Perth County on
May 4tlhl 1846, the soot of Askham
Eyre Tennant and. Mary Sakari, he
lived in Milverton until four yeails
of age, He well remembers the
first religious meeting he attended
with; his parents, when a child of
four in Milverton, when Samuel
Coulter preached.
In 1801 his rparemds moved to
Etna Township where they faraned.
for 16 yeasts, In 1367 be married
Rachel Jane .Sackrider of Burgess-
vdlle eleven' miles south o•f Wood -
$tock. Five children were born 11
this union, George, Edda., William,
Alice and; Mary. All have passed
on. In 1870 he went to Nevada but
returned two years later, In 1898 his
son took over the damn and' Mr.
Tennant moved to Attwood, where
he ran the engine in the mild of
Michael Cosy, who later sold out to
Alex. Dickson, 337, Tennant stay-
ing on at his• jots later running the
engine In the cement plant dor
years, In 1922 he moved to Brussels,
where his wife passed away in
1925. Seventeen months ago, he
had a stroke, which affected his:
left side, confining him to bed, He
reads the daily papers, and: is well
poster on •the events of the day -
He knows his Bible from corer to
cover andcan converse on any,
subieot, 73e has made his home
since having the stroke with Mna.
Florence Russell, He has seven
grandsons andeleven great-grand-
The lady bowlers will hold their
annualmeeting in D. A; Rann's
Store, on Monday, May 15th, at 8
o'clock sharp.
All ladies interestedare invited
to attend,
* * a: * * * *. * * *
-Our local ball park is a busy spot
these Hue evenings( with the boys,
chasing the ;pigskin around and
generally getting in shape for the
coming football season, and at the
other end of the park Bell's
.Brussels Belles may be seen
"parading their ,stuff," determined
this year to win that elusive cup.
-The. park is in' fine condition, and
much credit is clue to the lads who,
last year undertook to cut the grass
with lawn mowers.
-There will be a few new faces on.
the Brussels lineup this year and
Manager Alex, Anderson is blending
a strong team of local lads,' • who
have all the necessities, ie, youth,
speed, experience and staying,
Beatty Bros„ of Fergus are try-
ing to araruge a pre -season game
with the local champs and there is.
no doubt that the locals will accept
the challenge, so watch for later
news of this. game; as the Fergus
team are rated with the best,
several of tfnetr playershaving
been chosen for the Ontario Ail='
Star team.
-Harry Bowler, former manager of.
the Brusele F. C, ha* quit his posh:..
For "three years, Bowler has kept
Brussels• in a prominent position on
football map and le now cwoceed:
ed+ by Alex, ' Anderson, who . wilt
guide the locals. in the future_
Alex will be remembered aa a
member 01 the team which; won' the(
Ontario championship in 1903; 1904
and 1907,
-lit was., ,decided at the meeting
that Aleft, was ,the logical Chore&
to take hold of the 1989 team, as he
certainly knows his football and
should make a capable leader, He
is popular with both the Brussels
fans and players'' and as he has
plenty of talent to work with, it
appears( as if the Brussels Football
Club will be stronger than ever,.
daughters and' the flt.fal tributbl�
consisted df pillow, faanily; spray;.
from nieces and fleet),
and W..A,; Mr and: Mrs R, J0llvston'
and ilamdly end the McLellan tams
fly The service at the grave avast
conducted by Rev, Snel'i' essistod' bg'
Rev, H. 3', Meheney of the United
Chntrcli, Briteselar Friends were
Present from Lubknow, Clinton,..
COtffard Fordnvich and Landreth..