The Brussels Post, 1939-3-1, Page 1ditit 73rufistto WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1st, 1939 POST PUBLISHING HOU,5E BRUSSELS ONTARIO Dr. J. Proudfoot Dies In Monkton Dr, John Proudeoot, veteran men - her of tete medical profession and a practitioner there for many years, died early today .at his home in Menktorn following an illneiss of three weeks' duration, Dr. Proud - foot was in his 70th year and for many years has been in in+actice in Monkton. He was a native of London, On- tario, and received' hie early eau - cattail. 'there, graduating Prom the University of Weetern •Ontario in 1888. He had spent most of his life in M,onktonl since that time. Dr. Proudifoot was •a'ctive in ehunoh life and was an elder in the Knox iPreebytre enl .Church in Monk - ton, Ile lelaves his wife, 8otmterly Bertha Merriman; a son Rolf In Toornto; a daughter, Mies Winni- fred a:t home; and four eIeteine in London. The funeral was private with service at the late residence Thurs- day morning at 11 o'clock and the remains were taken to London for burial, Annual Skating Party Held By Brussels Y.P.S. . The Y. P. S. of the United Church, held their annual elating panty at the Arena on Wednesday night. The Brussels ,Brass Band was in attendance and the lee in good condition and the evening much enjoyed. After slating, lunch was served In the schoolroom of the church. SKATERS, ATTENTION! The Melville Presbyterian Young People's Society is holding its Annual Skating 'Party on Wednesday, ev'g., March 8th All skaters of the community are cordially invited to attend. Skating to commence at 8 p.m. in the Arena After skating a lunch will be served in the basement of the Church Brussels Citizen's Band In Attendance Admission — 15c and l0c Come One! Come. All! BROWNTOWN UNITED CHURCH is holding a CONCERT In Bluevale, Forester's Hall FRIDAY Eve., MARCH 3rd Main Feature— Jack Thynne The Kansas Farm, r Also a Short Play Admission — Adults 25c Children 10c Come One!, Come All. REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING Spencer Tracy Ann Dvorak Sky Devils William Boyd Thrills, Excitement! Comedy MON., TUES., WED., Cary Grant Katharine Hepburn Bringing Up Baby Charles Ruggles Walter Catlett May Robson The laugh riot of the year—An escaped Leopard brings love to a pair of crazy people THURiS., FRI., SAT. You hAVe followed him In the comic strips and now follow hltn on the screen Renfrew of The Royal Mounted COMING—. I Am The Lav We bone that pubile will take full advantage of the "Letter box" and use it every week, Letters son a wide variety of sub Bots of interest to our readers, discussions, etc, will he welcomed and we Urge all to comtrtbute to this column, Letters must be.'signed with your own name as well as a Pen name but only the pen name will be published if so requested. All cor respondence regarded as strictly confidential, Brussels, Feb. 24, 1939 Mr, Editor, Dear Sdr:— I would like to know wlhy Clifford are Wroxeter are playing off for tate Bruce League finals.. When the Brussels team defeated them Id every game but one, and that game didnit matter as Brussels was al- ready in the play-offs with Ford - with. Or was Brussels dropped out of •the league for using players who were not signed tip, as my son tole me that Brussels was using players that were not signed up, the other teams were also doing the sante thing. If things are going to be allowed to run in this manner I think the sports pants had better stay home and save their money. Maybe the hockey executive can explain it? A Puzzled Hockey Fan. CARD OF THANKS Mn: Sohn Sipeiran and family wish to thank friends' and neighbors Lor kindness and 'sympathy shown them during .their recent bereavement, also far the beautiful flout tributes, and those who kindly loaned their cars, eseweeeeeeeweseeseeeeeeeseeseeseaceee, PEOPLE WE KNOW. Mrs. Robt. Davdclson is in Clinton hospital where she underwent an operation. Me. L. E, Adelenw •of the Canadian Bank of ,Commerce, Grimsby has been transferred an accountant to bhe St. Oatha:•lnes Beaneh. Mrs. J. Z. Armstrong wa1Lo has been quite i11 with a severe throat infection is improving, her many friends will be glad to know. Mr, 'Sam Davidson is recovering nicely after undergoing an opera- tion on 'Monday in Seaforth hospital, Mrs, D, McDonald, while return- ing from down, towns on Saturday evening slipped on the icy pavement and fell receiving a bate Bhakiny 'up. Foettunautely no bones were 'broken. 'Oongetulatione are due W, A, Bleck, who formerly attended Con• tinuetion school here. Bill is teaching Itis firlst year at Glenaue an. He has been taking a Uundversity estenelon course and has just received second claws toners in British Ilistory and fourth olass honors in Canadian History. M•r. Robert Mc8ha:dclin of Toronto, who is relieving at the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Exeter was a week -end visittor with Mr. G. E. Northwood, LOCAL NEWS ITEMS II Wingham Lions Club Ice Carnival 'The Winghanh Lions Club statgecl a. successful ice carnival and pageant. An exhibition of fancy skating was given by Jack Hose and 20 members of the Kitchener - Waterloo (Skating Club, Prizes were awarded. for all events of the carnival. Ono of the features. which amused, considerable inter- est interest was the trines for the far- mer bringing the largest sleigh load to the carnival, The crowd was treated .to the eight of seeing 88 on the sleigh Of ITarottl ILciger, who took dist prize, ends 22 on Ross An - demonic, sleigh, which took second prize, Mss. T. J, McLean, of Wing - ham, tools the aavarcl for being the oldest eerie a ant altautes, The radio, which teas awarded, by a drawing, was won by George Tervitt of Wdnghant. Deer Seen Close to Brussels 'ilwo large deer were eeen Sun- day in S. Burgess' field across the river from the Logan Chopping Mill, Successful Baking Sale A sale of homemade candy and baking was held: in the library Ss'turdsy afternoon udder the ateteices, of the Ladies' Aid of Mel- ville Presbyterian 'Church. Mrs. M. Pipe and Mies Jessie Little were in olta:rge of the candy booth, Mrs. Meadows, ,l'drs, Little, Mrs, Logan and Mals, ,Cameron were Fin charge of the baking booths, Morris Township Home Destroyed The frame dwelling house on the farm of W. H, Fraser, first couces- ston Morrie, was completely des- troyed by flee, about one o'clock Friday afternoon. . The flee is be- lieved to have started from over- heated stove pipes, Mr. Fraser was at the been at the time and the flames bad gained considerable headway before they were noticed. Hatching Time Still another sign of spring --it's hatching time again! The local Chick hatcheries have ,their first hatch of young chicks this week The first thatch of the W. Rose babehery came on Sunday. J. Wheel- er reported baby chicks on Monduc and A. Woodrow's first . hatching was on Tuesday. If you have never visited a hatch ery at this time of year and seen the tiny 'chicks, as they come ort of the dhells, hundred's of them, it is well worth while doing iso. The, wet bedraggled mites turn to balls of softest fiuif before your eyes. A very pretty sight. St. John's A. Y. P. A. 'llh AY.P,A. held their regular weekly meeting in the vestry room of the church with Harvey Jacklin wlto presided, conduoting the open- ing Iprayems. The scripture passage ons' read by Mose R, Hendee". The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the seoreaary ,J. Davis and were approved. Lorne Bryan gave an interesting :topic. A pleasant recreational •period was spent in games conducted by Miss V, Faevicett. Attend Hockey Game At Listowel Sixteen 09 our local hockey fans journeyed to Listowel by special train last Wednesday night to :attend the hockey match between Ludknov and Listowel. Most of the boys repeated a fine game, with the exception of two who weer, for some unknown reason: let off the wrong side of the train en arriving home here. Upon noticing this they just stood in the snow bank and, waited till the train mov- ed on. 'Twould seem like being ]ere out in the cold. Those.wlhe attended:Duncan Ifo- Kinnon• W. 'Champion, D. Hall, G. Davidson, W. Lemon, W, Wilts, W. Little:, A. Logan, G. Galbraith, A. Greeter, L. Proctor S. Burchill, K. Ashton, W, 13 11, W. Brewer, G. Northwood, Two Neighbor Teams Play Although net advertised, a small crowd of - speetautOts w'itneesed a nice f:t•lendly game of hockey Mna1• dtty night, between Walton and Brussels. The ice was good and although the Walton players are somewhat lmudiga:ppeel by not having a eines in which to practice gave the local tads a gond chess. Near the end of the first period the. Walton goal 'keeper suffered a• ett1 ebeve tete right eye, ne:cessi- tating 2 5191(1bes. Leonard Burt substituted in 1110 net Cor Walton, Tounai-9 ,the enti of the game a free'foretll :started on, the ice but waw seen (Melted by Chid Mc- Dowell, The goalagcateers for Walton wore Terris, 2; Stewart Hemphrey, 1; Bill Farquitersony 11; Barry Marshal, 2; Total -7. For, Br•usseta: Workmen 8; Jack Lowe, 2; Walker, 1; Currie, 1; C. B,ryans 1. Total --8, Referee--IRltssel Fox, Rev H. J. Mahoney Heads Brussels Library Board 'vile anew] gmeetin, of the Library Beard was held Thursday ecce In, the Lib*pry. 'Rev. H. J. MahoneY was elected chairmen to take the place of Rev, John Graham; who has lett town, Other officers are Mrs, W. S. Scott, secretary; le, J. Bowman, :treasurer and Mr, 0. Drummond, convener of the book committee. The board has placed a large number o4 the newest books on the eh elves during the past year. GOLDEN YELLOW Have you tried' these Golden Yellow Bananas at Gey ar's. We have those crisp Large Heads of Lettuce only 100. Crisp Celery Hearts, that just Snap in your mouth. If It is Sunkist Oranges Greaves have them, 511 sizers. CASH AND CARRY A. GREWAR WE SELL FOR LESS World Day of Prayer Is Observed The World's Day of Prayer was observed alt Melville Presbyterian church Friday afternoon when a goodly number attended. The meet- ing opened with sof( music played by the organist, Mats, W. King, The Program opened with a call to woe= shpi by the leedee, Mrs. I. Parker. Prayer by Mrs. G. A, Deadman for those who are in special need; prayer for children and youth of the world by Miss May Skelton; roareer for their majesties the Kinn and Queen by lHs, Iiendey; prayer for the churches by Mus. A, Stra- chan; ; prayer for the teeming mil - linos of the world, Mrs. W. Stew- art; prayer for world peace in uni- son; presentation of the need of Christian literature by Mfiss Carrie Hingston; dedicatory prayer In unison under the leadership of M. 'Hendry and Mas.. H. Parker, CHURCH NOTES 'Services in Melville Presbyter- ian Cltmreb Sunday were conducted by the minister, Rev, 5, Iierr, who spoke at the morning :service on the lash of a series of sermons on "The Life of Joseph,'and in the evening he spoke on elle story of "The Wise Men." Services' in St, John's Anglican Church Sunday were conducted by the rector, Rev. W. 3, Henelrty, who spoke in the morning on "He stead- fastly set his face ,to, go to Jerusa- 1een," and in the evening, ,'And he rose and came." Service in the United Church Sunday was conducted by Harry Hopper, of Wingham, who chose for his subject, "Tarry Ye ant Jerusalem. The evening service was withdrawn on account of the illness. of ,the minister, Rev. H. J, Mahoney, Successful Meeting Of United Church W, A. Obituary eeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeee Mary Gaynor A foteeer resident of Bluevale, Mary Gaynor wife of- the late Set II - liana Sanderson, passed eway a.t her haute 405 Spalina Avenue, Toronto, on Wednesday, February 22nd in he S,e11 year. Mrs, Sand.ersgn wee horn at Dur- ham, Ont,, and came to Bluevale 1 c try six,.y years ago with her hus- band ,who operated a shoe shop for a number of years then returned to Toronto,but retained their home here, where Mrs, Sanderson and family have eoattinued to spend the .summer months, Although: in .failing health the last two years, she eves able to move around end enjoy life until a few days ago. She had a bright, cheerful disposition and will be missed, this summer by a host of friends, with w,hosn she spent many happy hours. Her husband predeceased her sev- eral years ago. She is survived by four daughters, Mrs, W. A, Griffiths Montreal, Mrs. George Donaldson, Mrs, Robert Hutchison and Miss Sundeson, Toronto, one grandson Fred Griffiths, Montreal and three sisters in Toronto. The funeral was held from Matth- ews Funeral Home, Spadtna Av- enue, Toronto, on Friday afternoon. Interment :took place in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, MRS. REBECCA KELLY The death occurred in• Scott Mem- orial Hospital on, Tuesday morning after an, illness of several weeks of Mrs, Rebecca Kelly, highly esteem- ed resident and' widow of the late John, Kelly • In her 75th. yer. Mrs. Kelly was bora in Grey Ttorwnship, being a daughter of bhe late Patrick Blake of the 14th eomcessicue one of the pioneers of Huron county. She was a woman. of fine qualities and e devoted member of St. • James' Catholic Ohurch. Glitter leer marriage to Mr, Kelly ashe liveii'vr'. Minnesota and 333 year ago came to live in Seaforth. Mr. Kelly .predeceased her a number of years ago. Ms -s. Kelly was very patriotic, three of her sons were overseas, two in the Canadian army and one with the American forces; and dun ing the war elle was untiring in her work for the Red: Cross, Surviving are four sous, John C. Kelly, postreneter of Windsor, Vin- cent C. Kelly of New York, Emmett E, Kelly of Longden and Joseph B. Kelly of Detroit; also two brothels and a sister. Mrs, Catharine Barry and Wan, P. Blake of Minneapolis and Frank J. Blake of Hammond, Indianna. The funeral ,took Place from Walker's Funeral Home on 'Pleurae day morning, Feb. 23, at 9.30 o'clock, to St, James' Church,. Where requiem high mass was celebrated by Rev. Fs. T. P. Hassey, lentenmemtt took place in St, Jatnes' Cemerteey, The pallbearers were 0, P. Sills, J. M. McMillan, Ross J. Sproat Geo. D. Ferguson, J. E. Keating and' J. F. Daly. —Seaforth• News. The February meeting of the W. A. of the United church held their moreing on Tuesday evening at the home of the President, :Miss Marg- aret Robinson with an attendance of 20. The meeting wee presided over by the President. 1lrs, W, Bell veld the Scripture lesson and the Secretary's report was given. hovers re ctl• aPp:•ea•latien wee, recd from Mrs. Rowland anti ell+s RObin- enin. A d'iscuesion followed in regard to parsonage repairs and kitchen tables. The parsonage committee is composed of Mrs. Jaoksou, Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs. S. Walker. Mre. Bell and Mrs, Sander. sun. The pro 1i11 system wa.s discussea and it was decided to work as a whale with Hiss A. Cardiff us convener assisted by Mrs. Bann, lies M, Shelton, Mies 11iug- ston:, 11115, Mechlin ands Mrs, Downing, Mies Megaton then favoured the group with a, ro latng. It WOS acceded the W. A, Would entertain the Choir• in the near, future, A verse 09 tete hymn Breath .on me Breath ode God" was sung and the tnee•tlug was closed with the Mizpah benediction. Maw. Gert•, invited the Society to her • home for the next ,meeting en March else The eomMittee in charge seltved lunch and a secdal half hour spent, Regular Meeting Of Y. P. S. The Y. P. S. of Melville Presbyter - Ian Chmuhe hedel: their meeting with the president, Themes' 1'IeFadzean, in• .the chair, The meeting opened with a Scripture reading by George Northwood, prayer by Frank Scott. The topic' was given by Gladys Davidson, "Missions in Iirdia," The. roll cal] was ons:w•ered by a verse of Scripttue. Lt was decided to noatpvne the skating party until Manch 8. THE UNITE)) CHURCH REV, H. J. MAHONEY, B,A„ 13,D, Minister 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Worship IT PAYS TO DEAL AT— Frances' Dress Shoppe Brussels Shipment of Spring Dresses. Prices $1.00 to $5.00 - Parent's Night At School Largely Attended The teachers, with the studs of the pubil:c and continualksm school, and (heir parents vat triends gathered at the Breee 5s• school on ,Friday evening fee w parent -teachers evening, Mies Nebel McTavish was two capable chairmen for the eldest program :preseivted. William Meek - mder, at the piano, conducted •dna enjoyable eing-song as the apeefing• feature. Mise Barbara ]Beit.*: grave are efficient paper et "Cerra- mumism." The Glee Club, with W .D, Ecikmier art the piano, sang, 1n both French and EIng,nele. An unaccompanied, chorus era's given by mt:embers of blr. Asirta,aiw class with 'Miss M. Downing zee leader. A fine paper on 'Socialises w.as contributed by Miss Betty Eeen:. Jean Stpeiran sang a- delightful szrsrs accompanied at the piano by 1L'rfss Dorothy Wright. Liud•er the ..dime— tion of ,Miss Baeker her ,pe:s presented a number illustrating :tem teaching of rhythm including handkerchief :dance and a ck etrr,as- Two business ptaretice dialozae5 written by the pupils . fors - class use were given by ruembeess of the lower school grades. Slfs'sa DewnthgS pupils sang an =ton compan:ied chorus, The choreas were a very fine indication of vlee splendid result obtained by tem teaching of music in the st°i s & under the diree(lon of Prof. A. .. Anderton. Dr. W. D. 5, Jamieson, elreirosa,._+ of the school board, addreeeeor +'lei' gathering and ,spoke of the v.iw.R accomiplished by the teaching waif" and, the advantages now praw-s'9. for the edlueation of children vrB3c r were not available in the years rue - He n 'He also spoke of the advisabilitF cxz2 a Hoene and 'School Club is wree organized, which was ,strcee advabated and motorial in cote tion with provided by Re -r_ Graham before Oils, departtcrc: ;5n Bayfield. The chief function ao'I' such an organiraltion is to keep ince home and school•1h .alone touch_ ,Cantly was served by the ernra- mittee in charge. The -sazdnrsa, rooms we're opened for the :impac- tion of the students' work bee 'Mose who desired to see, it. One of tire many interesting things displzwee was the puppet shots, irtchedeeteg comtplelte miniature ,stage, p lea • and all made by the students Such an evening is appreciated by those interestted tet education. Down Over 1600 Feet At Oil Well Since our last report on Leeca •res at the oil well Gregory & IScest ".fasec gone down another 400 feet to trine - depth. of 1645 feet, In (heir aeon$ they have enaoumtened •two Yts,•'ca_ of salt, one at 1120 an,d ere seeker at 1535 feet, a total 09 '245 fade 'deur all. Various soil formation: -Isom been enttoentered and at the .garsos- ent time the dai11 is working iia 3zezed brown lime: Firerything is tnaseeeite smoothly after a few setbace, :tom it may be that the next repoet nn ' be very favourable, —Clinton Vews,?2• octe THURSDAY— Skating from 8 to 10 o'cIm'de -- FRIDAY— open for Skating Par.eew Hockey Mo.Mdre,s ^ SATURDAY AFTERNOON Skating from 2 to 4 o'clock for children under 12 (with escorts) SATURDAY EVENINGS— Skating from 2 to los +m'att"'r.•rc MONDAY ---Hockey Practice TUESDAY— Skating frow 8 to 10G se Dt t. Wednesday, Mardi'• ;Melville Church Skotiins- lam; w1i1 uuI arum