The Brussels Post, 1939-1-25, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST • FOOTPRINTS OF SERVICE This is a reproduction of a picture taken in sub -zero tem- perature the morning after a severe snow storm. It shows footprints of a telephone operator leading to the tele- phone office. They are mute evidence of the "spirit of service" that is back of your telephone. Blocked streets and high- ways seldom keep telephone employees from the job. If humanly possible, they are at work ready to do their part in providing your telephone service. The 'management of this Company is proud of the fine "spirit of service" shown by employees and we feel sure that our customers appreciate it Because of it, your tele- phone service is maintained at a constantly high standard. THE BRUSSELS POST FOUNDED -1873 R. W. KENNEDY — (Publisher Published Eveny Wednesday afternoon Subscription price $1,50 per year, paid in advance. ,Subscriptions in United States will please add 50c• for postage. THE "POST" PRINT BRUSSELS CANADA Telephone 31 erussels, Ont, SUCH IS LIFE "Did, It ever occur to you that a malt's life 18 full of Grasses ate( te.mep,ations Re comes into the world without hes consent and goes out against lits Will and the trip between is exceedingly rooky, , The rule .of eolntrerles 18 one of the features of tins trip, 'eWhean he is little, tine .bag girls (cies hint; anti when ha is big the iittie girls'kiss him. If he le poor lie is a ball manager: 11 he le rich, he Is dish:oleat. If he needs eredlt, Ile can't get tt; kf ho ma pl'oeperolldi eteeryone watts to dal ham a raver "If he is In politics, it is ler Taft; if lie ie out of poUtiro, you can't tied a place for 1(101 and he is uo good to irate oolmtly. le he does• n°k glue to °harYty, be is a stingy cuss; if he does, it's for show. 11 he is actively reiigictte, be is a hyp0ertte; if he tapes no interest iu religion, he is a hardened sinner, "111 he gives affection, lie 18 a soft specimen; if he cares for Do one, he is cold blooded. If lie Wel young, there was a great future for hivin, lr'he lives to be an old 01110, Ile missed his calling, el: he saves money, he's to groo.11; if he Vends it, he's a loaf. er. If he's got it, he's a..gratteei if he doesn't get it, he's a bum." Dint its not such a bad world at 1, eh? IT IS TIME WE QUIT It , dull clay when we have noth] e nacre v hich needs to be te. vect"w tecl. The rules and re.1'a- tioma regarding te Canadian Byre'(- canting Corporation are next. In line, bat this will be attended to by a P871lanieutany committee and we Meld there should. be no additional outlay ' -nnected with it. 'We 1.,:ve had .all .the ,paid•fur Investigations which we can stand for a long time. Since 1900 Royal Commiasious have oost the Domin- ion $4,770,592.85. How so small a sums as 85 cent was allowed to be attached to the end of that string we do not know, le looks sadly out of 'place, In 1936 we had the P:r•v?s com- mission on. unemployment and for it the country paid $335,549, The Royal Commission on Domin• ion Provincial Relations (and the task is not yet completed) had cost up to June 10, 1933, $204,598,71, Since then a 'Umber of hearings have been held anti the coat will mount acocrdingly. In 1926 there was an inquiry into the Customs and Excise department and the hill wag $236,447. In 19.37 there was .another inquiry presided over by .Sir Josiah Stamp dealing with grain features and for that we paid $220,573.02. By one of the strangest co -incidents on record lire Priee Spreads inquiry oe 1934_86 cost the government exactly tho same amount—another $230,573.02. The .war Reparations 'Cotnmisious cosh $210,056. For the Turgeoa Grain inquiry of 1923.26 we paid $170,295, and In 1937-33 there was spent for the Grain Marketing Com- ruie:4m $141,411. Back in 1910 ;t wad decided to Investigate raibway development and we paid $127,280 for that. There was an explosion of an oil tanker in Monte -me in 1932 and the cost of the investigation is given as $20. The wonder is no Wean ltaa thought of 'holding another levestd- ee•Cca to Ind out how te cost was calmed to be kept town so low. The business of holding an inves- tigation has become somewhat of a fetish with ug. It is all very well for people to start protesting that this and that is all wroug and cry- ing out for a probe, We should have advanced to the stage by new where we will first ask the blunt question of who is going to pay for it, Lt is well enough to say the government pays der all men things., but it is not so pleasant when one remembers that the gea- ernmen,t pays its bill by taking the money from the people. Nor do we believe that we get value for bele money we spescl in this way, Thise long and exhaus- tive and. .highly -expensive reports ate ,received and than for the most part they are filed or forgotten, A Wan in baseness Is not getting along bettor :as; the result; the teatime are not (haling the going tiny easier by reason of all the reports, and the man who works, for a living has not discovered that the kindly influence of a commission report made the way easier or more pleasant, These who received &abataeltlal fees and a substantial living allowance have done well oat of the business, but the rest of us have, been left to Ma' the bills, It is well to have this $:4,090,000 bill paradel when paatia meta Is starting las session. Whet' the next person suggests another conrm¢Ssion of inquiry the first 3(05 1011 asked ahorrld be, 1Vho is going to pay for it? Thnt height perhaps. muse tut to stop the foolish ellbton of flinging our money about where it is, going to serve no goal pl11'pOSe, During 1988 Centale's mirtes ;tile divitLende 'o1 $100;118;000---t0 dross Who iup0enlld to (Mak the goad. ones . 41.114E1 OFF TO A POOR START The present sessiou of parliament la not pate g eff 10 a good star( be- cause it IF .;: much like other days bit 01' list lion 01tts, ie " deg(+0o1110of There ttnithle wlr]olr marks all ole 'dugs, The tepeeclt firm the Unarm le ace ;qtly ata great deco. intat; it 111 ale an a general way wltn comat1:.,18 and probably ('07- 81118 some irtiutation of what the government of the day hopes to do. Then there follows the debate cn the address in reply to the speech and in it the leader of the Oppeal- ton will move a. vote of want of 01131enee in the Government . The abate goes, on for days' and in the end all the amendments will be cle eated and the Government will be (retained, Having a protracted tie- a:Le when a Governmeut has sueli a najoidby as exists In the House at he moment is not bar short of non. euse, Hon, Dr, Manion tools three home o tell the House that' the Iane overnment was no good; he lou. 'cameo it an inactive and ineffee. I.ve onganizatlon, The Premie, a dbeeir a stickler for staYing at ttnwa while he should have beep nt around the country finding out or himself what was going or, reamer King in his reply of two ours scud it would be useless for lin to be rea-ntag about the oundry, addressing meetings ate"e ea there, while there woe so much o be done at Ottawa, When things ere wrong at sea the captain was of around vieiting with the pa engers, but on the bridge where he ught to be , And so on. Good stuff perhaps to makethe vo parties feel there was some gilt left in the framework, but ighty poor stuff for the country at ege which is looking to . Ottawa, ✓ evidence that it appreciates and eellzes the shadow wean has been easing over .the land, Candidly and honestly, gentle- en—the Dominion wants to kno.v hat can be done with our railway usiness; the Dominion desires tc, now' ie there is not some better ay, some hitherto untried way, of rotting more men at work. The eople are trot at all interested in e seletive strength of party claims int they are mightily interested in e great questions which at the parent are not near solution. NOTE ANIS COMMENT Flys members of a Toronto 1,2151• fly es .:toed in ttrue when their house bunted. And there will be general agreement that such 13 the proper tiring to do. 'Germany has a a•eport saying United ,States will intervene in fury European war within six weeks of the time it stare. Said report is not conflated In Washington, United States believes 25,000 foreigners were smuggled into that country from Canada in two Years. And that in turn will provide em- ployment for immigration officers to smuggle then out again. We read that it has been 103 de- grees in the shade in Atrsttatiu— and Premier Hepburn has net yet reached there. • J. S. Woodswoath, :I I.P., wants Canada to state what its policy is. Does drat man seek Information or does he desire a ]teen clay's debat- ing In the Conuuons? When Toronto and Chicago play- ed hockey the penalties anointed to 92 minutes, and we heve yet to hear Of •a player 'scoring a goal while sitting in tate penalty box. There have :been so many ban- quets anti farewell getthcrtogs for Ilan. R. B, Bennett that he may have chore to the Conclusion that the 'way to be nationally po0pulae ;s to deep out ell' politics, Toronto police cars are being nal npeedtid by automobiles used by holdup men. Loofas litre General Deaper will have to sign on a few t'atlu1beila or leyetons. London, Oat., police arrested n man wire is six feat ,ix Inches ]Haile Heave goit-.rg along 171t11 the officers we read he puelled a hay melt tip n steep ruin to the been and did it unaided, Then he Melted up a 1001Yle of (101•aee and ptlt them 111 the barn, shovel the straw stack ten feet out from the builiiing and wont along with the ofbcers, I .n LET US LOOK AT TRE PAST !lore Ars Rein* T'akmm .Prase row of tho Poet of lis) end 13 fears Ago 26 YEARS AGO W R•OX ETER A. Rasmussen, New York, 18 deli - Ing his parents here. • * * holidu • visitors -s 1 r y Si 1 al the 114110 0Y W. teed Mrs, Baillie. * This week Richard Mitchell, Kel- field, Sask., (11717011 here on n va:t crom9aiuing buetaeea, and pleasure. Ile still . us 1118 11110 100 -acre farm on the lith ser. * 8 * Alex Harbottle, of Drummer, Sunk.. who was :tarried on Dec, 20, to Mies Jessie Hamilton, of Elute is visiting old friends 111 tills local- ; 11.7 with his bride. The farm o1«Ciias.8Cook, eta tun„ has been leases to Jesse Wilbee, Miss Sara Siin0800, of Draftee Hill, is the guest of Miss IX, llazie- wood, * x * N. Ruppell was a visitor at the lime o1 I. and :Firs. Durst on Wed- nesday last, * ,1 « * :Miss Victoria Simmons bas re- turned front a lengthy visit with relatives at Burford and Brussels CRAN BROOK Mrs, W. Petrie visited relativete In Listowel last week. * . * Miss Annie Menzies spent Sunday with friends in Brussels, ETHEL The interest of Jno. Mitchell, iu the livery business has been per• chased by Iris partner Thos. Vedder), , « « • James T. Davidson and little son, Lloyd, who went ,through a siege of typhoid fever are able to be about once more. The illness commeuced ou their arrival front Kisbey, Sask., where the family has spent 3 years. For the pheset Mr, and Mrs, Davis - son and children wit (take up resi- dence in Ethel, J. A. Cole, Mfrs. Cole and faintly and Wm. Cole will spend the next fe wmonths in Parry Sound District where the men will be employed to saalmilling and timber cutting. JAMESTOWN Miss Lizzie Strachan accompa't- ted her brother J, T. and Mrs. Strachan bask to Toronto: She will remain in the city for come time, « • * W. J. and Mus. Johnston, Glad- stone, Man„ ane here on a holiday visit or a few months. WALTON Changes In Busines—The McNeil Bros., business was purchased by Thos. Clank, who was foauerly in the same line. * * * * J. H, and Mrs. Archibald, of Sunny Slope, Alberta, visited for the past week with Neil and Airs, McNeil, jr. Mrs. Archibald and Mrs. McNeil are Meters. Neil McNeilhasbought out E, MclLaughlin's ,tt'ia,elesn'ith business. I • • * Miss Annie Kellar, of Swift Chu, nett and Miss Weber, Elora, ,were 1 BRUSSELS Miss Addie Wright and Miss Kate Deadanan are visiting in Toronto this week. * * * Miss Astute Ross spent part of last week with. Mrs. Oliver Turn- bull, Grey Twp, • • * Mise Mary Ross la holidaying at Monkton, Paris and other pointe, 60 YEARS AGO BLYTH Mrs. Whitt has resigned as organ- ist of the English chureb. J. T, Carter *bus received an order for eighteen sets of harness from A. Kellar of Manitoba, GREY Alias Maggie McNair, con, 15, anot Mies Mary Mitchell Logan, leve . gone to Toronto, where they in- tend remaining for a few months, Miss Jennie Murray has r§turned to her home in London after mak- , ing a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Robt. Moffatt, where she spent a very considerable time. N. AI. Richardson, has leased his farm for a term of five years to Yuill Bros. MORRIS Wm, Cochrane, of the third line. was severely kicked by his horses a few days ago. Adam Forbes,* Rathwell, .flan., and Miss Jennie Forbes, former residents, are here on a visit to relatives and friends. * * * Jno. ,7ackson, was visiting with the fenrily of Jas. Duncan for "ever - al weeks, BRUSSELS Mrs. W. A. Moltwen and daugh- ter, Thesoaeon. Algoma, are vi^iting at he old (some in Brussels, Airs. Jas. Oliver is also borne from To- ronto. e * • « Pete•- B+'rz, son of Philip Doti, Grey township Is home from Kansas where he has been for several years. a * • Last Wednesday Chas, Dutton, JANUARY 2841, 1$$$ " aepe . w]to has been employed en C, A. Deadneteee deug store dor several years, left for .Stratford and niter spending a rsw day% at his 110100 will go to Detroit where he 1188 secured a position with the Brut oe Jur, Davis and Co. New Accounting System For Villages Toronto, Jan, 13, ---lin entirely new setup in urunietpal accounting systenus in the smaller communities of Ontario was forecast today by Hon. E.ic Cross, Minister of Public Welfare and Muuieipal Affairs, Mrs. Cross' revealed that the De- partment of Municipal Affairs has been studying the problems of the smaller municipalities, many of whom are struggling along with haphazard and outdated account- ing methode'. Last September a member of the department was given leave of ab• sense to undertake a survey of Ontario on behalf of the Muntclpal Finance Officers' Assoolation of the United States and Canada ana to prepare an accounting manual for Ontario along the lines adopted for use in several states aerose the border. "There le a great deal of room for improvement in existing municipal 1' --untie; practices," Mr. Cross said, "Townships, villages and towns many of whom d0 not have the benefits of proper audits, dre- tuently find themselves in difficulty mainly because of the failure of appointed officals to follow recog- nized principles' of bookkeeping I believe that the department can give valuable assistance and guid- ance through the establishment of a stanrardized system of aocount- Ing based entirely upon the needs oi' Ontario municipalities. A suggested system has been in- sta10ed In one Ontario village and as soon as its efficacy has been tested, the plan will be made avail- able to all nnuniolpaleties In the province, the minister said. It is hoped that a manual of approved accounting practice and forms will be .available for use of townships and villages by the end of this year. New Silver Dollar To Commemorate Visit Of King and Queen A dispatch from Ottawa says a new silver dollar, commemorative of the visit to Canada next summer of King George and Queen Eliza- beth, will be struck shortly by the Royal Canadian mint, Prime Minis- ter Mackenzie Ring announced, The coin will bear the likeness of King George on tine side and a de- sign symbolizing the Royal visit on the opposite side, It is not contem plated that the profiles of both the King and Queen well be on the coin , since the Issue of metal money is the sole prerogative of the reigndne Sovereign \%s SEIt?, GASOLENE And MOTOR OIL once used always used Good morning, Lloyd Mr, Reid ask A ed me to leave the car this morning to be 'winter -conditioned' while I'm shopping. Will it take very long? Only about an hour, • Mrs. Reid, and your- car ourcar will be safe for cold weather driving. 01 SP'6**:t CRIZZSID See Your - CITIES SERVICE DEALER SANDERSON'S GARAGE Phone 73x Brussels 1