The Brussels Post, 1939-1-18, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST WEDNESDAY, JAN, 13t11, 1930 NEWS OF THE DISTRICT Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents ETHEL Wecleesclay, Jan. 11, Tor re-ovganiza- eten; ,ciess 3, W. ,I, Peacock, The fresh snow or early Bentley tion. , - .George Johnston; Class 4, Mrs, ,R. morning tuede, almost, sleighing, A senelY of coal of varied 'trines meileenuon, Miss Emma Johnetote but not (Mite. I h'as been Placed le the bins et Halal Clees 5. Edward - JOhnisten, Roes Motor trete.° is train in full 0.N.R, station'for J, H. Fear, where Smith; Class 6, M. Edward Jolla - swing. It wale be evailable to customers ,at. ton; Bible .Class, Mrs. George Mrs. Violet Dilworth is on the their convenience. ' • : Thornton. ter of due. an unlucky date for Ethel Womeies The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. .Y. P. U. Metes sick list, an has been ear a wen. Friday the 13th was anything but E. L. Jardine, who hits not beeu Institute at their family night, en- ot the United Church, was held in well enough for many weeks to tertainanent held in Grey Twp Hall the S. S. room on Friday evening, leave the coulines of his. home has Y Tile president, Miss Daisy Holmes, on the date mentioned, A ver spleudid program was presented: to prestded. able to drive out in his comfortable the largest representative assembly Scripture massages were read by so far recovered, that he is a 'ain and up-to-date automobile. pethere ever present for a similar George Hetherington and Kenneth affair. A. bounteous lunch ivas Gray and the Lord's Prayer re - short time atter• an operation provided, Dancing to the M0810. peated in unison. Robert Brown is home only beneficial results .have followed, un- Pleasures of the evening, on the "Lite History and Work of Mrs. J. M. Coultes with Mr.' , and lvezNaies orchestra was one of the, Miss Irene Taylor read a paper formed in Listowel Heeplial. While Awed a d eers James Mrs. Geo. Pocock, Lambeth. fortunately further similar treat. – en wil lhave to ,be proceeded BLUEV ALE ." v with. . Life of De. Wil re with moving pieeures at the- Trinity AngOlean Church en Sillnday atter- 1, noon, jan, 22, TIM 13elgrivve Farrner'e Club Met these, Bruce Scott, Clarence and George Mollie, gave repots oni the yolk eovered, lefre. Pus.; Micliq sang e solo. The February meeting will be held at the hones of Mr: and leirs. Michie on the second Tuesday of the month. The Women's Association, of Knox United Oharch, met in the basement of the church, Mrs, J. S. Procter, vice-Pi•esident, conduct- ed the meeting, •Scripture was read b 3/Mrs. J, 13. Towneird. Pians ter work during the year were dis- cussed. Mrs. Townend gave a NeW Johnston spoke on the topic, "The GREY , suffering from en acute attaelt pi ,, They feel that: lie addle greatly to at. the. home of efr, anti Mrs, Cecil tlier home of the former's eister Nara. the Hall and" 7111 be a beaefft to tile Viriteeler. Jas. Michle, the newly- and Mr, Jecob Fischer. 24)'S. G. Tietpham and son Gordon, , Clerk. elecited president, was la charge. Minutes of Council Meeting, Jen. 0, 'rlie Olub bad tsent three delegates Council met as per Statute, Mein to the short ceurse held tit Gueape hers all present and siened the dee- during tile Christmas holidays and leration of offlee, Mintites of hint 41 a proved Etelal community end tb the TeWn- ship. as a whole,. Honey lioegy, snow roadfi ..„ 1.60 gnhasn; paint :^1 50 Yours truly, J. g, Fear, :1ill'are;a:Me.cell IDTIV)1641-'44811.1 g '1-50 leobt. Memel pollee dutY 2.00 Ethel Wilbur Turnbull, bal; sale* 25.00 Wm. T. Spence, Trees, Bond 20.00 J. H. Fear, Jan. Salary 41.65 Whiner & Co., supplies 4e.46 Dan Denman, Bailiff WM Ziegler, relief accite, .... 9.43 Geo. Dunbar, relief amts. .... 13.69 Cuthbert Hutchinson., 2,00 Value sheep J II, Fear, Clerk • Neweeidge, were Sunday vasitors at: eitnenranne and usefUlness of meeting were read an p . On metican of Leslie IVICKay, sec. be • T. Ceeellson. Tole -Vol. by T. Weleellae. Thos. Dougherty, that the Mx cal- teeter's 'tate betlfaideaded till next meeting, Ganged. 'Moved by T. C. Walson, see,- by Alex. Alexander, that Committal's Dougherty and McKay interview the Council of illma Township in regard to having the Boundry Road between Grey and Dime improved and opened fon traffic, Carried, ' Moved by Leslie IVedlcay, sec. 14 Thos. .Dougberty, that by-law no, 1 for 1939 authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow from time to time by way of promisee*. note from the Bank of Cemmerce at • A.V. Robb continued his• talks on Bruesels, a suna or mans not During the the past week lefts, 0see The annual meeting of the San- the Books of the Bible. The book Word has been received of the * castling in' total 820,000.00, to Meet Bateman suffered severe sicyness, day school of the United Church et St. John was stated. Mr. and Passing of Mrs. Henry Oliver at' until the taxes are collealted, the but is now on a fair way to reeov- Strathroy, on Jan, llth, in her 91st Current Egpeadieuree of the year erY. We are glad to knew. id f ' Li of three and the, Reeve and Treasurer of the Incidents occurred last week -end which affected the Love 9amilles. Olive Speiran, a granddaughter ot W. H. and, Mrs. Love, was in Strat- ford Hospital Friday, toe an opera - was held on Friday with the nnuis- Mrs. Robb sang a duet. ter, Rev, A. V. Robb, el:residing. Miss Elizabeth Robertson has re- year' The secretary's report, reed bY turned home from Toronto where sons and two daughters, twenty- said Township of Grey are hereby George Hetheeington. gave 55 ElS. the she hes spent the last few months; three grandchildren and fourteen authorized to sign the void elv-law. average attendance. -Average . col- Miss Janet Robertson, Brussels, lection, 12,14. Sunday school -was aul Donald 'Robertson, ,Millbank, held on 51 Sundays of 1938. 'The spent Sunday with their mother, tion for the removal of tensile. Her ire0Slrer, Miss Margaret Carts re- Mrs. William Robertson; Mrs. Neil mother, Mrs. Alex Spelean aecom- ported a total income of $170., -of - – .n. McEaehern, Louise and Gilbert partied her. -While in Listowel which $40.00 -was sent to missions.• have returned, home to Mount Far - Mrs. Speiran had the migoetune to A. balanee et $22.00 remaine. There, est. fnll on the shims* walk sustaining was emne diecussion one1eit-arrang- great grandchildren, she is sunived by her husiband Who is in has 94th year. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver were highly respected pioneers of Middle- sex county. We eXtend sympathy to Mrs. M. Denis of the 4th Con„ who Is the eldest grandchild of the late Mrs. Oliver. in go Masses, It yes decided to -' • An unfortunate accident occurred Moved by T1108. D011glaOrty. sec. combine the two Bible class* ands BELGRAVE at 2, S. no. 4, Grey last week, when by Aleg. Alexander, that . all :m- elee to make one new ellge Dorotby, nine-year-old daughter of counts presented and approved be Carried. Moved by 'P. 0. Wilson, see. by Leelle MoKa> that the clerk write the Ethel Women's Institute and convey to them the appreciation of this. Board for .the improvements they have made at the Township hall. Careied. very critical injuries. .Saturday morning II. W. and Mrs. Love re- ceived word that - Mrs. .Lovet, mother was suffering a severe at- tack of sieknese, which. was thought would prove fatal. H, W. and Mrs. Love are at present at the parental home of IVIes. Love through the stress and strain of these coedr, tione. Rev. Mr. Snell is still suffering fro rathe effects of a persistent cold. .IVItieb interest is being taken -in Ethel United Church Young Peo- motion of penile ,OffiCera1,eectel The annual meeting of the Ladies' Melville and Mrs. Dennis frultured, Mild, Carried. II Th Moved. by Mex. Alexander, sec. were: Superintendemt, Meg. ' 4. L. .Guild of Trinit-y Anglican la Aitlain; assistant superinti dent, was held on Thursday afternoon girl was taken to Listowel hosnital by T. 0, 'Wilson, that lifi do now W. J. Johnston; secretary, (Sege Jan. 12. The President, Mrs, W. for an X -Ray and atter the sitting aeloure until Feb. eth Or. at the it Hetherington; assistant s ebtare,. Brydges, was in charge of the eret of a cast by Dr. narnieson pf .call of tbe reeve. • 'Carried. Stewart. MelLennon; trecteur i,I IVIlas part of the meeting. Mr. Weekes ,Brussels, 'the patient was able to ; ----4 Margaret Curtis; terneenand ;save- 'presided for the elect:Ma of officals return home. I Following is a eopy of the latter 1 ' • i‘ ta37, Mrs. Stanley Galliahe4 1 MIs- which resulted as follow,s: Hon. We are sorry to report that Miss to Institute. sionary secretary, Mrs. A. al itoblet Presidents, Mrs, W. Johnston, Mrs. superibtendent at Cradle Itc4,) Mrs. J .Nethery; Pres., Mrs. ViTeekesr Gallaher; pianists, Misses,..1 Heittf, Vice President, Mrs. F. Shoebot- Thorason• Irene Taylor,'r Daisy tom; Sec., Mrs.. 11. Procter; Treas., Isabel Cardiff, daughter of /Ober; Mrs Geo, Kean er . and Mrs. Carlage 4th con., la ill Sec. -Ethel Womenn Institute , with pneumonia. Ethel, Ont, Mrs. W. Turnbull, ietn, con., who Dear Mrs, Kreuter. la's meetings, which convene Mon- Flolmes, Isabel MacKinnon, 'barony Miss N. Valleame; enditors, fete. C, underwent a recent operation in I have been instructed by the. day of each week at 8.15 p.m. Aitkin; teachers and etseietanta, 'Wade, Mrs. W. Bridges. The new ..Scott Memorial Hospital, Senfortb, Council of the Township of GreY, Ethel United Church Sundae Prima*, Mrs. W. S. Seheate'n, 'Mrs- President, Mrs, Weekes, peesided aiserecoverlag nicely, we are pleased to convey to the Ethel Women's School, adult bible class met et the spelling Johnston; Ietrity, .111te.or a short business seseion. There oto report. , . Institute, their appreciation of the home of Guest and Mrs. Dobson, George Thornton, Mrs. 34111.O.S. '301111.1. will be a special missionary service, a, Hartley' Fischer, Crenbrook, is improvement made at, the Township LIS nno MOTOR ONTARIO appointment of Claire V"8 (eAe'e Representative Cmlimencing Januiry 16tli We itave a complete line of and USED C RFol TRUCKS, TRACTORS "';41111=1111111201,1131=1111111 GENERAL New Cars Serviced at anderson's ara Phone 73x eCITIES SERVICE GAS -STATION Brussels if you are going to change your car for either new or used Get in tclue41 with Mr. Long and he will try to get what you want. At present we' have 50 used cars in stock being reconditioned and ready for Spring Sales. Tha topow.Ing aetounto Tr° NW. Cheese Factory Patrons Elect ,Atwood, Jan. 17—The annual meeting of the patrons of tte•Elma Cheese and Butter Co., Mao was held in the Forester's hall, Satur- day afternoon, with's large ntunlier Pre,sent, The total receipts for the year were $63,775,50; total pounds of milk received, 5,095,806; total pounds of milk into cheese, 4,629.- 884; tons of cheese, 197; cheere, graded 99%; average pounds ot milk to 1 Ile cheese, 11.74; average Mice per pound of cheese,* 14.18; average price Iter pound of butter, 32.93, Patrons received by cheque, $53,547:56. • The directors for 1939 are — Elgin Smith, Robert Gal- braith. .Arthur Milton, Elgin Coghlin, Nelson Porterfield, Donald Howes, me/ker; John C. Ballentene, saleoan. L. 11, Vallance, secrete* Mei-treasure. The- annuel meeting of the Done- gal .Cheese Factory was held at the factory on Saturday afternoon, The receipts for the yeer were $30,807,- 41; total pawl& of intik, 2,397,085; total pounds of cheese, 205251; tons of cheese, 102 tons 1251 pounds; 1)0Ords 01 Milk to one pound cheese, 11.68s pounds at whey butter, 6384; oveeage price of cheese, 13.54; nv- eroge price one sound whey butter 22.7. Petrone by eheque, $23.038.- 16. Elwyn Schneider is the maker, Kellen Parker, salesman; Emer- son Vipond, secretary -treasurer. • In Memoriam Vodden—In loving memory or dear Mother, His. Thos. Vodilen, who paned away San. 20, 1938. Loathe and kind, in all her ways, . Upright and Just, to the end of her days. Sincere and. true, in her heart and mind; Beautiful memories, she lett behind. Ever remembered by sons and daughters. Notice To Creditors ieln the ^estate of- Harry 'Regan, late of the Township od Morris In the County of Huron, farmer, who died on or about the twenty- fourth day of November, A.D., 1938. TARE NOTICE that all parties having claims or demands against -the estate of the above mentioned .i, deceased must mail particulars. and Precic.Of same to the undersigned so- Reg:4;4n or before twenty-fourth oltJanuary, A. D. 1939, neon 'which ,,date the undersigned exe- cutor proceed to distribute the assets with regard only to those claims wi14 be Shall then have received DATED et: Brussels this third day of January, A. D. 1939. Lester Regan' Executor by his ELMER D. MILL, - • Bressels, Ontario Notice To Creditors In the estate of Peter Arthur Mc. Arthur, late of the Township of Grey In the County Of Huron, farm- er, who died on or about the fourth day of December, A.D., 1938, TAKE NOTICE) that all parties Ing claims or (lemmas againsttIle estate of the above mentioned de, ceased must mail partieulars 4(11,1proof of same to the .undersignod executriX or her solicitor on or be• tore the twenty-fourth- (ley of Janie ery, A.D., 1989,' (woe which title the said executrix will proceed le distribute the assets or the said 'estrtie with regard 0(11)' to those clears Which she shall then have recetved, DATED at Brussels this third day or January A.T1. 1939, Margaret, McArthur, Executrix by her Wiener ELMER D. nou, Bressels, Ontario