The Brussels Post, 1944-10-4, Page 1Ch
TH BRUSS.. �,Is P0,3 r
T."osTPUBL.i .'HING HOUSE" Wednesday, October 4th 1944
• � Vim, �mau re n
ee ti ng For N. Huron, MemoAal Service
g A AlLt+tnnt'iNd :striae will be held nl WO. Gftrgq G•albraikh Huroo County Quota, For 1 Harvest Festival
Brimssels, • , ; , Kirit li 3 m, S y I Oel ciWelcomed
Galbraith receive a' New Loan is $,2,980,000i At $t..IS>hn's Church
�+d Cross 1'he uurth :¢,..area of ldui'au i'ras- M ivil[e Church on Sunda October
byterial W01330rrea rvllssiaua I aeeiet5 � _ P o1 the late Fte, !hearty welcome from his home town Rev. W A. Bancroft of V'in;ltram Annual ITarvcst , 'Ihnulesglvilxg
of the United cltunwlr of Canada toot G,otdon Nichol artd.Troaper Arthur folk WOO gathered at rile Brussels Is oguln ellalttnan "oI tJle ruunty, S.n•nces were held on Sunday, Oct
ialcLeae, wbo laid clown that,. lives in slaCtom ter greet �Irlm on his arrival 'orMnizalion, with " Warden Fred, Set in St, Joltn's AngliCart CRtur<r,h
in. annual s10nvaaCiun rlLltei United, the service of. a great txtusO:
ANNUAL � Church, ,au Tuesday with a good , _ -_ home FriclaY night anter three years Watson As Honorary Olutirinall, With A=d, abtaltdances and ideal
er attendance, ears. (Rev,) Hugh Wil- ! oversess servlce with the R.C.A.F. in Yice-Cbatrmen are J, H. I.Ook¢ad, , u''vather. The ahareh was tastafnliy
bun of •Brusaels was in the chair ! CARD Ok THANKS Eagland, A•rrica and "Italy, Goderierh H, 0, MacLean, Wnghani aocorauted wilt} flowet•sy fruits and
Op a got- bath sessions, lieprosentatfv¢a We wish to express our thanks WO. Galbraith, who Is tate younger ilobart IlOwman, Biwaols; F, Fiug ' vegetables and presented a lovely
��-f /�II�
were laaeserut from Belgrave, .Blue• and aInpreclaCfon to the many hind sora Of Mrs, Galbraith, of Brussels; larid, K.C., Clinton; W. L. Whyte, apPeutanca, Rev. "M. F. flldhabl was
*mss vale, Block -Church, Bruis¢Is;,; Ford- friends xtnd . neighbattre" for the and the late J, Ii. Galbra.r!t, enlisied Seabortli, Dr, A. R, Catn,Pbell, .in enlarge of tiro early Communise
Wlea, Gorrie., Dthe1, Union, 'WVAtte- kindness and sympathy during our with 'the R.'A,F, ON MAY Oth, 1941, Hensall. strvme at A:30 a, m, Service for rite
under the auspices of the finance committee ,.hutch, �VAugham, ilrrd N':no: titer, sad bereaveut¢nt also fu, lire .many unci received his training at Manning Chas; I{• 'Sautnders of Uoderleh is' SundktY Flcbwn•1 at 10 am, and the
Tilte. guest speaker at the alter'• beauttlul floral arib•ntes, it will long Dep"ot, Toronto and Defoe, Sack„ chair•anon of the publicity: committee regular morning service at 11 a,m.
will be held on noon session was Mite. Ilerbert be rememberad. before going overseas vs an air and 1 'y C. Attridge of Goderich The sermon was baked on Leviticus
Churls of London, president of the Tire Odlver banally, gunner to October 1941. heads lila payroll savings connnittee. 4:10" "When Ye be, epme, Into the
�q London 0011terence branch. Mrs;There were present to wal0ame The agricnrltlral btaisait committee lanai which 1 give You and shall reap
!� ✓✓fi�e �l1 ��"+� m .t app t¢ - guilds was introduced by lvlr:a. t;, 'Nephew Killed In Italy llim ib ilat besides his family, meni- lncI114aa A:, Morgan and H. Sturdy Ire h:arves•t thereof, then ye shelf,
satiYtl l� 1�ift L i�' ®W.;� G , f +4 :' 'rayoner of rlolmesville, Presbyter- ; - Charles VazuNot•tnan reeei•vod'worci hers of tote Brussel.: bran clt of the r'es�petttivek•Y-homorarY Pr¢aidnt un$ bMn;g a alnoaf of alae first fnviC of
lal president, who also gave a all saburrlay that his nephew Canadian Legion and members, of president of the Huron County you" harvE14 unto the priest." The
In case of rain the mile -of -,pennies will be held "aura actureas,' kipectal musical Murray VAUIN'arman, son of the late the armed xervioes as tivall as a" Fedeiwtion of Agdoulture. X. J, ,various causes of thankcsgiving were
numbers were enjayad at both" Mr. and Ml%, J. W. K. VartWarman boat of friends and acquaintances. Ilnesion; rept•asenting the lIitron eultmerated broth for temporal and
a week later, Oct, 14. caa¢unaa, 11, tub unorntn;; Mre, of Brandon, Man„ had been killed in The boner was in atfendauc3 al; the County War Services Comsaltee, sPirxti al blessdngs, The choir .
� , s „�:• :vlachau and Alis. Jake of Union .action in Italy after a. long semviab :intron when. be arrived and headed slid BIN* Matthison. estuary opal. r c'udrri d tyre anthem. gejoice today
- _ - aa, g; a attar, anu in the afternoon there with the tangraeorps, the parade, that escorted hint to Ills cultural representative. with one "Accord.
,v11w, 8eeKwoit and Mrs. Helsler of _ home. Tire VdeLory Loan Office O West At rile 7 P.m. service members of "
THANKSGIVING DANCE WEDDING winglram sang, horn ware acoomp. ~� i George is widely known through• Street, in Goderic�h, is agar open the United and Preshytoriau Church-
Band Takes"Yrispners out this distriet: baving been for another catupaign. Ii. J. Vandw OF, were present as they withdrew
,Masa oy rvi,.ts. 1LMGnara: 02 .Llthel • ,Seven members of this: drum and assoefated ,with his father in bust- water is again the chief their 00rVic65 for the occasion.
will be held in/ Fischer = Hennln woo acted as acuutixyautst .ueuu;,r• bugle )land, under Sergea:tt George tress at the Galbraith Sale Stables whit J, A. Ln Tile 'service was In charge
g nr ganizev, At g
11,A., -
BRUSSELS TOWN HALL g' tool,.- 'place at orrt.the day. allsdan ;,s �'ssistant' of Rev John W. Donaids.ou, 11,A.,-
A quiet wedding H. Mason, of Toronto, trete carrying. befai'e enlistment. Ids came in organiser and Mies Goltz as see. Ltix Rerfor of I,ueknow a
10:00 O'eloek 'Saturday morning at u�umer was sawing ay llo Ethel amtaiuni:tion up to the front when contar't with scane o8 the Brussels retary. and Ripl.y.
Areal. ry lloilowtug Wlrlcu the boys including° Arable keudPrs3n, The Ile Preaohed six appropriate sermon
— On the mans¢ elf the Presllyteriatz president, Ivirs. i ear'sun gave the they thought they heard a move- 4tuota for Huron County has vu GenaNrs "'
Church, Blmevale, tvlxell Vera Iuant In, a house. They will ,.ped e DavirT I3astings, George Baelcer and b"een .pushed up $80,000 to $2,980,000 `Mile the earth
Mar nerlte .Tienn:ing, : daughter of sourest err welcurne tuba !t was re- I Joe Stiles, while overseas rem•adneth seed time And hamvest
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6th l!0 ' plisc to by ,vers. Jas. lull 111.1, gra:,, and tdhen the racket ceased they drools). of the air tratniag „ha1i1 xl,a,t fail, Nil$• E, Brcain was
Mr. oust Mrs 'LCayd IIenuing, Turn dant of the BelEr'aye auxtl.ar3 m,arche,d out with Lour paratroopetsy —" cclloo151. The canvassing campaign
Former Grey " T will begin on, October 23rd. soloist at rials sexvice, lSrs. - W. C,
berry eowv;shdp, beeamo the bride of the m�oundng session opened
Including a: sergeant. One was Y µ'P• °doj' King was organist apt both serViees
iVVit}a Frankie Banks and His Mt, .George ASagust Fischer, Slue- The wounded. - Killed In Action
Orchestra. v'age, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jobn whit a worsaull) service conducted ..:� The offering was a very gratifying '
by sn:auxbers, Of Wa,oxeter Auxll•` With ma'sou were L. C. Sibn Hai. `.Pte "Gerald "Jerry'" Bertram Me. amount
Fusentor, Brussels. The bride wore a bert, Brampton; Private Stanley 10% ern, age 20, Youngest :.nn of
diem of air force blue crops with iary, Mrs. I taro and Mrs, 'Vle' t s e s "s
Auspices of the Brussels Firemen Levitt, 0. •S. McKenzie, Halifax; ,jril• Mr. and Mrs. W, C, McMuchern, of * • 4 -- ------
bl�ak a;c'cessaries glue ;couple was tVa,ugixtoa.. "he scripture le'sou Baso M•a,ck, Walkerton; C. I7. Riley; liillearr station, R:R, 2, Puelinch,
unaitCencdatt. The aer0mony was per. tuns talon fronr..St. Johw '1t, :and Brussels; W. S. Davdison, Niagara wale trilled in, action on Se Ubitl�atlxrY Brussels United Church
IProeeeds for Cigarette Fund. fortued by Rev.: F. G. Fowler. Vol. iu ,aotvnnenCing on tke lossoan "the balls g 10. The tragic news, was recefid
lowing the ceremony Mr, and Al4s a'eaucr ryuoted from an artur¢s; Uy _ Sunday by ills parents. n x * The 'Sacrament of the 11I 'd's "
Flseber left for a short honeymoon Gen, Smuts of ,Squall .Aklx*, The. Pte. 11iaEaciiern was serving Mrs. Jo-hn Oliver Supper was administered at the
trip. On, their return they will world has no need of 'a no v order RED CROSS NOTES g on ruorn4rtg worship in Gb¢ United
y The September -tea was held Ili the Western Front with the H,L,I. Elizabeth Aux Ireland trite of the
LIBERALS reticle in Bdnceva4¢, 01 new Plan, but and a rot me ¢f the workroom last Wednesday. of C. to which he en)Wel In Novem- late To11n Oliver died suddenly ip ''Oburdit. A reception: service was
of -- 4ltnistbanitu in the hearts of men:' $
slay. The ber, 1942, and had gone oyer%ees in .Scott MemOrk'el Hospdtal at Seatorth, held at which Mr. Ed. Jacklin was
collection amounted to B.GS.
NORTH nate a McCall .Nelson T1re` minutes of the 19°l3 uxeeting O'nr quotas in ;sewing bare been June, 1942- Before enlisting ale had Ont, — Thursday nioruing, Seek
A, meeting to nominate a candidate were read by the secretary, Miss "lagging. owing to the .,bor�taga of w0fl"ced in Galt at the Canadian Die 28th, admitted on Prore'ssion Ot Faith and
St, Calumba United Church, To. A. b1. Daavuing, Brussels, A courtesy Casters, sad had boarded in the cit Airs, Oliver lied Mrs;*
Jacklim by certificate, The set
to contest the riding in the next t sewing mac y t in the workroom. Y been attending her
route, was the scene of it Hoist but orad resolution .ryas on Narfgl9c avenue for a year daugphter Mrs. Chas. McGavfn who mon ,subject was. 'IT -he Breaking of
Federal Election, wi'II be held In the jJTetty wedding ,on S, tombar 30, alVoInted, roan used of Mrs, IV- We Ht use
only three new 'and we He 04tencled serhool at Cranbrook was confined to bed
g aP P could e use ntauy more. We would.. be with a pointy Bread." The choir sang, ''God so
'Town Hall, Wingh-aai on whetu Effie Marie, youngest daughter ' Fields, irirnglua•m, .Alis. U, Shiells, gt+s,tefn�i for the, loan •rf ..several seri al,sO I{iliean and he had stlany throat, ivheu, she was stricken. Mrs, loved
Br1ok Church, and Mrs, ivlcNaug i :m:cclilne , Soy the winter months at friends in his home ddstriet and also McGauvin sumtmoned her husband o ed lire World by Struynor,
THURSDAY, 1.30 OCTOBER M. 12th of Ma. and Airs. GarfieltT Nelson, and Mrs, Oliver was rnher to the A meeting of the Session was
At 1.30 o'clock P. M. Hillsboro, N.B., became the bride -of fou of Wro"aerie,., ill's• McLaacblin, "least: -Will you ]"et the Convenor In Gala He use to play hockey and
p Bruss•ais; and il7is. Pearson, Echol, know if yours? softball fol' alae T{illean teams rte, bas• Ital tthere every crista was held before tlhe morning servtee at
Our guest speaker on this occasion Wiiilaaatx Jlvmes Mo0a1: 11.0 2.19., you can spare ours, p preparations were made for
b were named as finance coanmittee -'- — " - - Mci,acbern, attended Knovs Presby made to revive her. She never Whi-01h
will be son Of Mr. William McCall and the for the day, Mrs. IftLauahlin was Mamas of Those, regained conscionenese uid passed the receiving aE the Moderator at
George Wood, Esq. M. P. for late Mrs. Ma0a11 .f"Waltari, Ontario. appointed to
rile Presdryterial Bi• ; tarian Olrurch in Galt, away At two a, mr the services newt Sunda ,
Brant Riding. v Overseas Wanted Besides his parents be is survived 'Slurvivhgg bar axre alio sons, £
Dr. VS A. MacToggart officiated+. nauoe Committee and Mrs. H. Doig Relatives and friends, are aske3 to by one brother, LAC,, Y r+nstsu. Mc. James L. of Lamzir -I Mich., John C. '
All -Liberals and friends should hear Mists BLan�ue Stewart,. of Fordu'Oh to the Presbyterial
Played the give the names and addresses of all I achern, R,C,A,F., tnSlo Inas been of Montreal, erre daughter Florence North Huron Conservatives
this. outstanding Speaker. Nominating Committee, ^ Brmgsels, Morris anti Grey man who home on leave h,oxt S
wedding nrusdc. The bride urs Asst delegate to the Conferemee ydneg, N.S, ili'cG.Vin of Walton, a dao ter -in- Nominate I.. E. Cardiff
The North -Huron and Huron•6ruce becomingly attired in a sunshine anti leaves tomorrow to report back late; ,Ellen of Detroit, wife of Lite
blue two-piece arrest with farsckia Urand] nAa, lug. ,.. _Mass Towuing have prone _ of er_i* , ainre •.last ata. dm'ty -. late Frank Oliver who passed atiwa Wingltam L: ,lr .
Liberal Association. 7 a Ca diff, well
W. C. Attridge, Secretary. �: Btussels5 ata. namedd. 011Astolf1% .to •the Bmussets Canadian --,Galt Daily Reporter two years Ago and two grand lntgwn 12a>ris tonvnship farrier and
actsesso+ries and serried -butterfly Slilernl'id reports were given lry Legion In ,order• that they may —• c'hildren; James L. Oliver Jr. of Present federal member for Huron
A. A. Alexander, President. secretaries •. os all organizations,
roses, while Miss Edna. Marlin, as receive a Christmas gift from lite Former St. John's hector La,130ing, 'Mich., and Frances: Me- North, wet Wednesday afternoon
bridespilaid cluose a fuschia dress aar'wildaries,' evening auxiliaries, L. Legion. Died In London Gavin ,Of Walton She also leaves two, last week nominated to carry the
I w141 say of the Lord, He Is and Dottrel Johanna. Hill roses. G. T. T, gtvu@% Mission, Band and Rev. Frank G, Rickard, a fo"caner ststers5 Mrs. Oeorge Henderson of imIner for the Progressive Uonser.
Baby S'an.tls. Mrs Ifirltlry, Walton, — -- Brussels, Mrs- Herbert GL- zler of vatfve 'party in this riding at the
Refuge and my. Fortress. Frank W:aeahttr, R,C.A.F. ;acted as Prasbyterial " segretasy o£ Mtszdan Reads Home News i Teeter of S,t. John's Cburoh, Brussels Stratford and two brothers James of nest federal e7•eetlon.
„ . best malt. After a wedditur supper Banda„ reported four new bands at , died oat his (home In London On Saskatoon and Will of Morris. Predictingthe torthcontit;q else-
Rhel In Belgium Bel Paper Tuesday, -Sept, 20th after a fingering h9lbe was: horn in Mo •lis Township tion to he
ville Ckirrch at she- Savaviu Hotel the b,ampy, 73 Upton .Beniniller and Slnithc5 Ewen dru Tielgitran they read about illness' The late Mr. Rtukarrt was in i � he most momentous itt
tuvli 1! eotnplo "left'for Ottawa and other u hallpenin s do Brussels; Ontario. rector of Brussels Parl4n Of the X74 orad lived in, this community history, as to unity and a lasting
Rev. Samuel Karr, B;A.,' S.D. Eastern points. Tilte battle travelling Mies. Writse, Clinton, presbyterial g Anglican CSbnrrlh from Aug. 4th, 1029 211 ,.her life. ,Stnoe' the death of her, peace, T{arl I{, Iialnutb, Al. P. for
Mtniatee treasurer, reported a credYtabla ins Jrhn Campbell, who is on acarus fiue,ba"ud in 1933 she has spent Waterloo Sorttb, appealed to all
in_ a bro}vn and gold wool costume enea-se fn to Feb, 2411 , 1935. He'was ,.actor of
10'A. M. Sunda School and giving: for "82gt :tall of stlrvice lull],. the "Canadian Azxtty rl 11aAimhes' in the Diocese oR sbvevag seaso"ns, in Detr••ott where elle; Conservatives present to back.
Sunday with Harris 'tweed coat, They wil year and reminded. the uxembgrs overseas, picked np a newspaper to I1'allY iilieidu Murroey, cesesid f leaves many Intends to mourn " her, their leader, Hon. Sohn Bracken,
Bible Class reside in. Pendleton, Ontario, ] of the 10% increase asked Cor . in Belgium and read the foilmwiwg Mrateitorda 13rnssels and Delaware, slue lived' e. rich and .full life and ger an overwhelming majority in
11 A. M, Morning Worship i — 19,44. Mrs, 'Greer :of Wingliam was whielt was taken from "Tile Br1Is- For the past few years be had been ahtnayg, contributed #a the or, t4r. next election, ;Never in the
d Earl Mooi•e in charge Neil - Beacom in challg•e- of the llteratttre table and living retired in T.ondon. Funeral the community, She was a member hlstbry of politics have we seen :n
osis Post" and was sent by 1011 9 of Melville Presb"yterian.Ohurch sea
7 -P. M. Evening Service with- lntuociuuce<i the abundance of gourd seriticas toak place Thursdn.y. Sept. :ttormarl sang in the nrudit dismill'y as the Present gov-
At tha home of the bride: parents reading " available " and urged the -Ills brother Harold. 2801..A family service was, held in Y. e shell. ! er•tnmerlf 'alas shown within it's
drawn in favour of the Anni• in .Hull:ett"tawrehip, Kathleen M, "awdl3:aries to get UP-to-date"feadl Tile funeral was conducted by Rev.
versary Service In the Unitedug, ' Are You Sure the George n. Logan & Sons funeral G. HMZ<vo0d of Walton to " the, ranTis," said Mr. Hamuth. "Trow
Church. Beat
dramarriage nd George L, Neil were r Mrs H. Doig of Fordwiali intra .;BItUISS2uUS—No ugly duckling was MIRI t and a Public service In. the flbs.amre of Rev. S. ¢ can the "liar a un:itrt in Canada when
.by Rev. A. E. cltuced fire new :lady book,' "West Cbnrrrh •rf ,St. Jelin the Evangelist. Kerr from
Louis D. Thompson, Organist Menz;es. of 'the Date Line," and assured the was ever more of a freak Mrs. Rolly Chn"i rr C, A. Sea -ger and Ata n Melville Presbyterian, Church the Libertil party Is esperieneing;
and Choirmaster. The little; given in marriage by auxiliaries .•that a pleasant. and Max7r$ cE Morris township has alto bIs C. W. .Fntlearn, o£ o Brussels otu Saturd-ay, Sept, 10 at discontent within Its own ranks.
her rather, wore a street' length pm table study was in store for five two:niolutb,old ducks levo of Joh"n"s " Church, conducted 'the O The
,and was Largely attephow yore must Preserve On' future
dress orf heavenly blue µbear and them Nte,paLl bearers were six'neph¢ws a insL such a state and stain out
,{�'•< r -i which have but one webb,5d foot service, interment followed itt Wm., Charles and. Hugh Smith, : P
Church Ol. Enaiand carrlerl a rslrower bougu0t of Briar. Mrs. 'Childs, began her address each wbile the other foOt is un- 17oirfhester Union cemetery,
Wilbur and Andrew Turnbull aucl sarialism which the O.C.P. l+arty Is
0 cliffs roses, ,sha was attended by with ¢t: ,
<htestdArnaire .for which --_..—.�.-.-......
Parlsh of Brussels her eds+tei Edythe; who wars a dress guestfous. "very tUtetribtitsd" through- .webbed. The other three nave no Af tlue Moses. Interment took place endeavoring to bring about" The
t B-C.S. 'N•o,tes
Rector, Rev. M. F. Oldham of dusgay rose crape and carried :a cwt th¢ ,.robs a•t al'l, the Seer resembling ill Br•tteseis cemetery. Alariv benluti•"
After T•r nit gronuip, followed by ,open The students mf. B.C.S. have been spe•ticol. paid Irihnte to t;7re 'Petits
18tta Sunday Af er 1 y bouquet of wShfCo I{ilfarory roses, riiscwssa'on on rhich <lo those of chickens. Othe"WhO the Est doral offerings ecewwed the
f October Sth, 1944. Mamgnuettite Lyon, niece of the bride, llt a W w Counci to in the Student's estoemt in nhich the 3aceased wars M Card ITuton for ranomnating
ot, nrig2ti; eronfrou,t a Womerls .Mi,r chielcs are clnncks, Council for 194�ki94fi -a,s .follows; held. Friends and relatives attendedA?r. Cardiff.
9 St John's Church Brussels"-- in a frook of tt'Qtite crepe; wars the siOna ry Society, •S,he con iatulaied Preicident Ituth MacDonald' £tram Detroit, i,hnsdna M•ontreol,
10 A: M. Sunday "School Howler girl:. The groom was attend- HArOn ou harving the honor of ""'� " `"" `-"" � `° �TM a Vice Pres. --Phut Wilson Mr, Homy tb stated that the
and 611,te Class ed by lithe bno.tber, Watley Nait,. Tormito, Gtrattord and Ingersoll. Conservsafive party iu Quebec was
sending out two new misstonaries, The Anniverary Services of Sec.-Tre&%,-•-tMargarot Bell
j 11 A. M. Holy Communion Tize weddiwg ,.nasals was plaYad fly Miss Trewnrtha of Olinton and Knox P'r" erian C ch Directors jest as lively rut ever despite ru-
and Sermon Misvw Helen Ma"Gregor. Dttitng the Miss Agattha IOoultes of Brick y War Effort—,Folin S ive
7 P, M. Annivarsary Services, S1914ug of the register Mrs. A,' "E. Ethel, P S" Gilbert F. Beirnes xnaits it was fighting a losing battle
„ Olutaall; ISh,e also Pafd tribute to Ginis A,thl¢tfcs—Lillian Gibson
sag all; Pioneer misis'lonaraes- Miss there The LiberA:l
in United Church, Menvtes � u Because: Boys A:tltletfes-Jim- Cameron .Tire regrettable d¢N,t1a alectirrad " party was
tat, Georges Church— ecelxtion followed w. w0iicli will be held ah September branded a "do•uothingt party" by
7Ylie r C. Welwood Of Wingbam anal Miss Literary Doils Bowminx carrly .SRuuluy morndvg,
1:30 P. M. Holy Communion the bri<le±s mother rc�ooivad wesaIng Sybil 000rtice of, Clin'ttin. Social A7ac Bae7Cer 17th, at -hit lvoma in Fiuilgti Town- ilia snosltar—plenty Of promises
: and Sermon a dress of blank crepe with a corsage SUN13AI', OCTOBER 15th
2.3e P. M. Sunday Scltoof , of Madame Butterfly :rese�s. The. 21U'e :@oilOwing resolutions xvnre I)diOl�-iMat•rxi• VVanNoa•mA:n � ship, of Gilbert F. Beirnes, highly Utah no definite action. Hs },.,.andel
t, adopted; Resolved that we :as wo• morningService at 11 A. M, Plaii3s+t- 11theima'Brothert respected citizen of this comniun"Y•' baby bormses "dfiaper dal¢:" ;Said
- and Bible .lass mother bR tate groom assisted, goivh trt¢ilra Mtssionaty Sbciet nteen- - - Mr. Beirues passed away failouti tg. "
8ti, Qavid's Henfryn— ed itu navvy blue sheer with a corsage y Evening Service at 8 P. "M, 1ia; The King Government has
'hers take a 7eeener interest in file The Public Lib a lengthy period of illness, Fact: of e1 the
2,30 P. M. Sunday School, of Butterfly roses, temperance question and, v Special Music by the Choir. Library wni:elh had confined ham to Witr hale ,stated thds w4g1 certainly help and Bible Class For travelling the bride aithse"a ore 110 A new ,sulppiy air books. Las just g
3,90 P. M. Evenfn9 Prayer ln7a<vk tail'orevY tetra. The canpla will 'en wive ampgrort• tem4terance priu , been receivel Thom the r n farmer, Ones *a farmer applies
y e1?ales" and that we keep ourselves Mrs, Gordon Hamilton gofotAtwcod, IIu o . tiv1lyaearly ageof5r4 ylears.cbmt.Para• for a. baby nNotivance be will be
#' and Sermon rO#de 'on the groom's, faire n�eselr infalmd an the matter. County Library Asstyelati0n, among Mr. Pearnos was a son of MTs
KtnlztDn. v°, will assist the choir in the evening. them ' being , a5 chitdran's books. Beivilea, and Rhe late Frank Beirnes, : aasked to send to an fue0tue tax re-
Cvi a ts' were present from •TononLa, Resolved that we as:' Auxiliary Speaker will be the r, tante, 'which •few of you now send
Olarlasron; 1 AAowel,- Ethel, Atwosd, and Fattening Am cildary members R laon't twits the bpitortuu>ty of select of 'CranUlook. Ile was bon 54 years
REGEN-7 'THEATRE. Exeter, Hensall, Kirktoti Sebring- •give more sttivport to junior groups Rev. leer D Maciver, B. 'A, of ins Mbne books lou wish to itad ago at Ethel, and at the lige of 10in, and •tfien yen will be helping
+ eaf~ff, Ont "
Ville, " 7.airieh, Alva, Clinton and :surd,. a5, Mfsnlom:B4ntd, C.G,I,T', and Nanaiitio, .B, G.. wltfie ,.lads tilirdsriv to �4ott„ia" moved with, his Piurents to the 7th" the government. $Ilanofalty, instead
Baby 03all& spa as to insure flttere
mambers, for eefli'or gtrmtps,
Thursday,. Friday B 80turdtAy
tkat we pledge aur.
county Constable Salter selves
selves to pray daily for the
Oct. 6th, 6th, 7th
Errol Flynn Paul Lukas,
Now, Residin "
$; In Biwth who are wtpdtvdng ta' Lorm the terms
Jean Sullivan
'Mr, and Mrs: Onarles Salter 1» of IP";6a, 'that+: t'her would have
moved Here from Wlnt heni, and are G'od's g+ donee and wisdom,
1()ncertain Glory
ocantfortably sotil:ed in their dwelling ; 'Rearo,6ved that we give _ a hearty
The story of a fugitive & a hunter.
on 7)iulslby street, rile residi,ne0 rtv vote of thanks. to the board of the
I chvl,elh far• the use the
Tuesday, Wedn.sdett
of eburdh
centlY nto0ateii 'by Mx, and Airs Ed to the ladies+ . wbv provided ew
Taylor, who, grave movad trr Clinton.
bolnrti,fully for tote dinmr and to
Oct, 9th, loth, lith
MY, ISallter, who Is one of the four
helped to +mtuke the meeting
Danny Kayo Dinah Shor,
Dana Andrews
OornnL Cnhsdalblas will work clot of
a esDe�HnL1Y to till+s,. Childs',
the 91losa, a sageor
Slvtla. Hl �tb Stan:dAxcl
An frivftat,Som to meet in Iel•
Up In Arms
grave In 7945 we r n,eee+ikwl.
A musical marvel photographed
in tochnlcolar
i SELTjMS--TO L, A. C., .T:llmer Wand
.Funeral Service:
and MrS. Spllelts' of Centralia on
71.ev. M F. Oldh al r,Onallrntod the
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
Tluesalny 'S'optehtlbel 20itli at Exat•
or, of daughter,
funeral sarvioe Of Mr, IfirbY N &w -
Oct, 12th, 13th, 94th
i ?
steaxl • of lrergue acid formerly of
Two Features
(2nd show starts $t45)
MitcUR 10d NewrY At P60doa
und'antaking pAl'ialrs, Atwood on
- aria Mantez ,ion Hall
:;iOj10,j:t1V-•Sn VMAgham AnspI:Cal oil
tnttaY t 3 t
nuftarnoan `Sap0th wrl
8undev. October 1st, 1ti�Li, MArtlra
ind,ernuent in Dong au1, Or
Monday, Oct; '';nal it¢ 6mmated
Vrfltife savage,
(Clttrrte, In her 74th year. I ttnera,l'
flit; burial 1:110 Int¢ W1111Aan 4,
—Alto �
Kvucs meld from ihor late r¢sldahle
011obrivt of Rewe at iteeblois
5o'. 1'c»h
Conoid Wo alio
+tiwrnberry 1St,, l3rd;tse10 ur Tates•
landognIcing parlors Atwood,. to'
i9lille l3urko
day, Ooifobor• 1944, SolvVico,
'lt'rfolty Clnlxell ;come'", ] Inih.iCawii-
at, 2 pd, Iiitermet[t, *as. uAdo In
'81)0. Mr 041ohrlAt Was in Ills, 6,
Yet*arxd Mt, ve'WskmA in 11% Til *
IM -41k Amo13t4tlsaekt
Celriobtrp, Soot'.
lint of Morris owvalbip, In, 19917 be. of it aiding You. What good are
marrieal;. Miss ]1i111e . Pierce. Follow.
Ing •their marriage they took up, some of these bills, which may
fiarming In Morris townsirlp, and In never be In form until attar a gen.
1922 moved to their present lamfico, eral election? our Conservative
Mn Beir ets wa,s a very successdlal party must oxerdso A it'olicy to
Slarviving, besides his tallow, am give more and take less+" He dei '
7tf•s nmothar, Mt•s. Margaret Beirnes, novnetrd the C'.C.F. Party and :Its
of O"radtbrook, four slApm, Nrs. sociailstle +loctrines,
6001.90 04194110", My"". Robert 13811, peter D. MbArtbar, of Howful;
botb orf 14 rartf'ord, Mrs George Ctnabae, president Of the Progress'
Taw':rear], +of Lls;towel, Mrs. John
McArter, of 'Brtwoe'ls, two llrotbor�s, ive Cooserv:ative A tsodl&U611 fop
Imslie.. ]tZmrr,e; Anti flnivry. of: tits Dominion, predicted a brighter
tltrai,forS, fiditre Aar the Tories, of Cauadu
The Arneral servlOo an Tuosday ,and stated an election nvautd de
afternoon was, line-1"rair. hp hia tc.rntlne whether Canada would
ttast,nr. Rev. A. ,Sitnrlair. of B1yai1
belted flhurdi. Durinrc the service, malutain a demvocrAttc farm of
Ursa. Mrold :Phillips sang alovely' movernment or be swayed by aoefal• • -
and nru•rll appreciated sola, ism or bureatreracy Mr. MaArthu:r
u S.
' "a: 'M1f' ,'591
'tills Irmo , el:, war., . aw
J•nitn Ctollirtson, tlunaan McCal7arm. urged alta warrn:e:n to playa greater i
Frnuk. tdt;t'lo, Arthur Wa,ynnottth, Path In polities, "Woman Presoive
Oharle.a Snnderco<,k, surd Joryll Me- the way of title, they are the light
0A.141411, ' of the gnome," said Mr, MoArthur,
Flk,werbeaaers were, 1Ufessrs, fst+itrr to the addressee Mr, Caih
GeOM6 '91nan. Frank TAmbkytl,
Tip-nd vtl 1VPMAI and Auslell ilpilaaln,; diff guru :anl• aceounf: of Itis activ.
Burial took plx+oe in " alto 1" moil ; meq, at obtawa ant? stated that In
T C.olnetety, Myth. title riding regardio:ft of politle% a;
Rela,tf'"s: fircxtn .a df¢tanae were Its vrxitcla'l, render At"1c6 it) Ali at
Pfarent Srafii IVntettoas, Stratford' Azt+, ittaf. mayor Prod L. bavidjon, i3rltgselri, �Xingh•am,
1 Altbtn•t Hud t4'.A_At+tt alt. <'±eleg efe