The Brussels Post, 1944-4-19, Page 31
OF course, I'm buying Vic-
tory Bonds double what I
-bought last year. And that
doesn't make me any hero,
•either. There will be lots of
time to buy the things Mother
and I are doing without, once
we lick Hitler, and Bill's back
home again — if he comes
.back I Until then, I'm putting
Victory first. What else would
I do?
Keep on buying
.stf'ied Ads
ALE—Hatching buck Eggs.
phone 514•-S Clitlord Marks
No, 1 N.B. Potatoes. Excellent
quality $2;45' bag.Phone 55.
Grewar's Groceteria
7, big light grey Durham Calf
phone 55-r-6 J. P. Melnitosh
A quantity of ltOnban Seed Cats,
Also. Heifer due -to freshen May 1st
Phone 34-r-6 Wm. Hollinger
A quantity of soft and bard 'w'ood
}shone 15-r-5 • Jbe Holmes
R.R. 4, Brussels
McCorniick Deering Omani ,Sole
avatar, 700 lbs. audacity, About 6
tons or hay.
phone 51X J. W Fischer
Clyde Mare, 4 years old,. sound and
well broken.
Phone 18-r-23 W. R. Sholdlce
FOR &ALE-- ~ ~.
A •small amount of Fertilizer.
phone' 71X Jos. Hamilton
1 Extension table; good condition,
1 new Colony House size 8 x 12 ft.
FOr particulars • apply to Lloyd
Porter or phone 24-r4, Brussels.
1 Sow and litter of 9 pigs,
weeks 'old.
Phone 56-r-9
•4 to 6 weeks Leghorn Cockerels,
Fine for frying Or roasting.
Walter Rose 'Poultry Flores.
phone 38X. -i'-4
Choice young Cows dale to freshen
phone 50-r-15 Leslie Lake
Slack of Clover Hay also n few
lrusbele Timothy Seed.
phone 20-r-7 : M. McLean
ALEiSeecl .grain, small quantity left:
Erban Oats mixed with, Nobarb
Barley. Oats germinated 97% Bar`
lay germinated 89% govt, test.
pltohe, 2'5-r.5. J. Carl Hemingway
ltev, Mr. Moore preached p1 I noa
Church .Sunday morning, Next Sun-
day Rev. S Kerr of 13ruseels will be
the minister and the service will be
at 3:30 p.m,.
Pte, Bob Cameron of CI,atl)am
and Lorne Cameron and see Millie of
London were week end visit,ire with
Allen, and Mrs. Cameron,
At the Red Gross quilting held at
the •home of Mrs. M. 1611 gel on Wecl-
needay el' iastweek it was decided
to send a $25 donation Lo the
Salvation Army—to be used for war
work and •$25 to •CeNY for the
Milk for Britain Fund, The suin of
$100,00 was given overto the
Brussels heti Cross, 'rlolcet4 to 111:,
amount of $20.30 were sold cn the
comforter, all materials fur which
were donated by Mrs. ,las. l3i'd,
The auction .of the cushion trade by
Mrs, Allen Cameron realized $12.47
Mrs. Calvin Caracole end sons
have returned, to their home in
Windsor• after apendijng the Faster
holidays here.
Mise Emyiene Stejss accoinliaujecl
them Per a few holidays,
Mrs, Art Nichol is at the home of
her rather Louis ,Steiss,
The )service at Craubrook Pres-
byterian Church will be he11 at 3:30
o'clock in the afternoon on Sunday
April 23rd, The Rev. Samuel Kerr
of Brussels will ge in charge of the
Tendons will be received till Satur-
day, May 6th at 3' o'clock p.m. Por
the work to be clone ,on each 01 the
following Drains: 'Ph a Hislop, The
Beker, The Perri° ai'd The Lamont
Plans and specifications may he
examined at the Clerk's office,
Ethel. iSecurity-will be required.
The lowest or any tender not neces-
sarily accepted.
.3. H. Pear, Clerk
Vanguard Oats and two.rowed
Barley mixed. Cleaned by the Power
seed cleaning trill at Mitchell.
Phone Brussels 23-r-16
Dan McKinnon
.Seed gain, 1942 and 1943 crop.
Vianguerd oats, Mabel oats and Soy
phone 43-r-7 or 44x Tnhn McNair
Rubber tired wagon ani 1 man
rack; Empire Cream Separator.
phone Brussels 35-r-7,
Ed. Collis, lienfryn
A quantity of Yang -tined seed oats
grown from Registered Seed . 1942
crop; also two shosthcrn 13ulls, red
in colour, one of serviceable age, the
other younger.
200 acres, lot 5, ^o11.6ese1071 10 and
lot 5, doncession 11, Tw9. of Grey,
bl'ick house, large barn with good
stabling, lung.pens, chielren house
and drive shed, Good 'water
Apply to J. L, Lamont, 10xecuter,
Kincardine, Ont.
a '�'. z ap }� e•
George Herr, illhel
S POs.i'
Wetinesd'ay, ARM 12131, [844
In loving memory of Mrs. M,trgdi•1
Shannon who passed away April
.22nd, 1943;
,a1 ;int; strtem of life rola 111.
111 i '41111 the vacant chail
10cello the love. the:volee, the smile
••' 1.... ;vhn Ghee Bat there
Tier life was one long eaerlfte
11 r beer, was true are' milli,').
She tolled sO hard for the.. ell
Then left ue to remember.
IFver fondly remembered and
..•,1L' ...y :.,d by firth.
P F"rm to the Township of McKillop
Residence in the town of Seaforth
i. f•*te oY the late
m 1s Glxlin will offer far sale ny
nubile suction nt the rneldenra of
the late
Francis Givlin on Goderich Street.
Seaforth, on
SATURDAY, APRIL 22nd. 1941
+t-.. Afte'noon at 2 p.m. O'o. 11. in the 8131 Con.,
is tht, Tarn. -1 McKillop, eontainlnn
100 acres more or less all seeded
with a good water supply and .:wind-
mill on'i never failinn well: frame
dwelling, 7 rooms, with a large
frame hank barn on a stone found-
ation; good stabling with cement
hog pens.
'," dwelling house at Seaforth is
a frame 8 -room house, part of ' Lot
134 and 135 on the Govenlook
Survey. Modern, practioa lly new
bathroom and furnace.
TF.PMe on amount of peoperty, will
1.^ a'• to a reserve Lid. 10
per cent cash on the day' of sale,
balance within 30 days.
Joseph Givlin and John Flynn.
Dublin, 000
^f Francis Givlin Est.)
Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer.
Notice Crecl?ters
In the estate of CATHERINE Mc•
CALLUM, late of the Village of
Brussels In the County of Huron,
spinster, who died on or about
the 6th day of October, A.D. 1943.
TAKE' NOTICE that all parties
having claims or dementia against
the etsate of the above-mentioned
•deceased must mall particulars and
proof of same to the undersigned
admiristratril On •,r before the
210th days of April, A.D. 194.1, upon
whicli date the said administrarrix
will proceed to distribute the assets
with regard only to those claims
ishieh she 'shall then h•tve received.
DATED at Brussels this 10th (day
of April, A.D. 1944.
Isabel Lowery,
by her solicitor C. JOSEPH BEN..
SON, Brussels, Ontario, for Elmer
D. Bell who is absent on Active
It's a real
pipe smoker's
kli aeie of 3lerling, ,tpril 1, 11)0.1
Thu return of .the eolleeeere roll
oat uc•cepted and cnleeter relieved
ler ;ibility lku lati r
returned uncollected will 1e ('112)l
fieunty 'I'lr,te;u'er after
1p1'i, 15111.
il, L lgineer's -report on the Me-
r e 1),•21111 was prnv;sionally
adopted and clerk ine'r' -I,rd 10
have By-laws printed and served
The Ilislop Drain By-Iaw was
linall.v passed and the Court of
^•"vision closed.
reee•- t")a 1''sl rue l a ll is advertise
t n " For tha work to he dnnc
2111k °i, Perr:e and
«)„ 1' eeeent Drains.
('««'«';er r.f Twn hull )"aa 1n-
rh'p^I"r1 to' charge $0.00 for ell
rnot 1,100. Sianceo, conrerfs, 1to..
held 1' the hall and to tern in same
e• -••-h t..nac,n•ar,
')'^",• Mickel's te''der roe tr'nhinr
0• 1"cling gravel at 58e wee
+^ ', were ordered paid and
• —Per. arljot'met' till May 6th• al
3 m,m
'rt," f1llcwln^ arccnmtn were laid.
r,na•'c "19 35
n chat 57.:10
0 (T. 2.00
dta 7,00
r~tbr, 1. 11" 7.80
,. c •.pl 10 $1
,- ! 1 ... 1S00
1,-, ''1'"'„. ..e^i.,,:v 50,90
0' ^) . T,ra Frrtll 12121
T....1, r.1„•n. Baidl(e Drain 1784 0n
.7. H. h etl••, Clerlr
• e.•1r"( 10r'n'i (A•x>,.,,._�,•.,..
Italy, \7'r. 20, 1944
Hello Folks:
eeet a lire or en to let you know
T ^•n 0r.r, end received a Parcel to
Ree 'enc in November by the•
ee_ -sir T,"arise. it vests a very
n1^e parcel.
We have had some bad weather
fee "oine time but is reel ul *mv
"'here is just Rill Palmer and my-
self in this Sqn., from home and we
are both fine.
As news is pretty scarce I will
•close for now. lhals ing the Brussels•
Legion very much for the parcel,
Wm.. Cardiff
Huron •County Quota
For Victory Lean
Ilurom County's quota in the
Stxlli Vletory Loan is $2,900,000,
which will be broltert :loon 'into
Tnuns, Villages and 'lownsltipe as
follows: -
Township $100,000,
Weal .Wawanosh Township 07,000.
Co'borse Township 04,000
Coderich Town 03,00E1
Nast Wawanasli Township 07,000.
J'own of Wingham • 74,000,
'I'urnberry Township 74,000
il;,wick Township 220,000,
I ..,•1+1Township01.0'00:
Grey Township 114.000.
Brussels Village 74,000,
Myth Village 45.000.
Tnelcersmith Township 085,000.
Dk'Klllop Tolvnshln
S1-le'.'ap'fofrtt h'rTown own
Clinton Town 100609830,000000000000,
Stanley Township
r,derirb 1ownahin 1439078347362,,.,00000000000000...IT+ernahll&SHiaayyWE.,
Osborne Township
Stephen East ,.
Stephen West 64,000,
Tn the above a quota will be added
for the Air Training Schools.
April 6, 1944
The last in a series of euelu•es
rn'I stances held in. aid of the Over-
seas .Smokes Fund and spousoretl by
local young men, wits held in the
F.rester's hall Friday evening with
a large crowd present, Prizes for
high score were won by Mrs, George
Walker and Ross Taylor, Wilbee's
orchestra supplied music for danc-
Per senals: Mrs, John Howard,
Trento, with Mrs. 0, Lorean; Mr.
n d Mrs, William Wade, Fardwdclt,
i4lis5 Beatrice Wade, Sudbury, and
Miss Louise l3icdienzie, Hamilton,
with Mrs. C, 11. Wade; Mrs. Jo11u 4413
Gilespie, Whitehuroh, with Mr,
110(1 'Mrs. Herbert Wheeler: AC.
Chas. Procter, Montreal, with par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs.' Stewart Procter;
Miss Velma.Wheeler in Toronto. •
Mrs. W Cole was hostess to the
1:^dies' Build of Trinity Anglican
Church on Thursday afternoon. 'Phe
• •-ole reellug Sons held and a quilt
completed during the afternoon
0 McCrea was in charge of
the program. The rector, Rev. P.
IT .9tre.eter, reed the'ecriptnre les
m T led i„ prayer. A paper on
"Why [ Ant An Anglican" was
Mrs. William Brydges.
n.. MrR.ea gave a reading en-
"The Model Church." The roll
0011 'MIS reepcncled to by naming a
ee the chm'ah year,
” : , 'else, vice-president, eon -
..•,el the 1lusiness session, clotlt-
':rnatetd col a -bale and the
...lit .1)1(10 was completed is to be
The reet•ory •committee is to meet
with the committees from the
Blyth and Auburn churches at an
early date.
Thoughts of Spring and paint -minded people everywhere are
"suddenly” aware of the familiar Martin-Senour sign (although it's
there at the year 'round) because Spring is the usual and accepted
time to repaint for fresh -beauty and protection i
And this sign is a sure sign of an enduring paint because Martin-
Senour is 100% pure I
Whenever you see the sign of Martin-Senour, there will be found the
paint of endurance and longer lasting beauty. It is the sign which in
one breath welcomes Spring and the chance to beautify as well as
to do the patriotic job of protecting property !
Classified Ads (cash) 250
Over telephone or charged 55c
In Memoriam 50c
Card of Thanks 50c
Births, Marriages, Deaths - Free
Display Advertising rates on request.
One hunched and fifty cemetery
monuments. A11 imported Granites,
including the following color,; black,
white, red and grey. Write or phone
90. Transportation arranged to and
from the works if necessary.
Fred Porterfield,
Mitchell, Ont.
Cross' ut saws Masi and
gummed if necessary. Also
handsaws, pruning saws &
Knives, scissors, every-
vertthing with an edge.
New handles put on saws
and knives.
Leave Them At
>, 2)4
:use •....,'
nt war
ying to
ask you
rtant war
od. Most
it -incomes.
You plan touse this -money, and the
things you plan to use it for are
necessary things.
The Victory Loan salesman will ask
you to let your country have the use
of your savings now by putting your
money into Victory Bonds.
Our big job now is to win the war,
and to win it as soon as we can.
That's why every Canadian is asked
to buy Victory Bonds. It's why eack
of us is asked to buy all we can. You
can buy thein with cash, which you
have saved, and you can buy more
bonds and pay for them as you earn
Money. over a period of six aaontito.