The Brussels Post, 1944-1-24, Page 2It 1, i' ?, viSi 4/ ht. :. THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, Janney 20tH, 1044 PC at U 60% OF CANADIANS FALL SHORT OF GOOD NUTRITION eta ticw\\\\»>u IIIILIIt°,I{{ii\,l�dlu lel„ 1:•\\\cava\wvarwma..\u.\vwvmvw\wr��\wM.\\\��\\�\\ .��ru\.r.\.�w..\�\�uvu, �..w,rvYM \ \ ��., \ \�\\u\�\\y x\v PLENTY of food does not necessarily mean the right kind of food. Actually, recent Government surveys show that 60 percent of Canadians fall short of good nutrition, even though seemingly well fed. Perhaps you too, fail to serve proper foods for best health. To help you make sure your family is well nourished, we offer you "Eat -to -Work -to -Win" , a really practical plan for meals. All you need know about nutrition, in an easy -to -follow, interesting, authoritative book. Follow this easier way to better nutrition! Get your FREE copy of "Eat -to -Work -to -Win" NOW. Mail the coupon today! Sponsored by THE BREWINGINDUSTRY (ONTARIO) in the interests of nutrition and health as an aid to Victory. Menus for 21 break- fasts —.21 lunette one .. 21 dinners --Flus other valuable food Informallon. yr The natriSonal statements to 'Bat-tb Work-to-ITin" are acceptable sa Nrstri• Non Services, Department of Pensions and National Health, Ottawa, for the Canadian Natrition Programme. MAIL THiS COUPON TODAY "NUTRITION POR victual"', Box 600, TORONTO, CANADA. Please send me my FREE copy of"En-to•Work-to.Wfa". Name Address City, Prov NCRIEFF The monthly meeting of the Mon- crieff Circle of the Monktott Patri- • otic .S'omiety was held on Thureday afternoon in the community hall A number of articles of clothing were completed in sewing by the 14 showing that 71 large guilts and ladies present. The committee to two small ones were made and sent write letters for the coming months ,r, t.loo 00 articles of clothing a re to the Monarieff boys ovenn'PS w,as ! sewn and 45 articles knit, beside:; named- donations of clothing for Russian relief and articles for ditty bags The captains of the throe groups for the past year gave encouraging reports of money raised ane; work accomplished by their particular groups. It was found by the Mlle:, dual and combined efforts of the three groups that about $400 had leesa c::ntribsted to the work. The sewing convenor's report was read, i BUSINFSS CARDS WILLIAM SPENCE Estate Agent Conveyancer and Commissioner GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET, — — ETHEL, ONT. Dennis Duquette --'-L'Usaeensed Auctioneer (FOR HURON COUNTY) For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they will be looked after immediately. For information, etc., write or phone either 51.,,-18 OR 41X at Brussels, Ont. ALL SALES CONDUC' ED IN A SATISFACTORY MANNER. MODERATELY PRICED. Allan A. Lamont Agent for—Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Insurance Get particulars of aur Special Automobile Policy for farmers. Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 657 W. S. Donaldson - Licensed Auctioneer Phone 35-r-13 — Atwood, Ont. for the Courties of Huron and Perth ALL SALES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO _CHARGES MODERATE— For Engagements phono 31 'The Brussels Post' and they will be looked after immediately. W. D. S. :Jamieson, M:D., C.M., LM,C,C, Physician and Surgeon Caatmer Office Hours -1 . 4 and 7 - 8 p.m. Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. , Sundays—Emergencies and by appointment only. I-iorne calls in forenoons and 4 - 6 pm. Chas. T. Davidson Insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co, 87. r•2 'PHONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ONT. Harold Jackson SPECIALIST iN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES • (Licensed In Huron and Perth Counties) PRICES REASONABLE, SATISFACTION GUArIANTEED For Information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson. phone 12 on 658 Soaiorth R.R. 1,'Bruo.i old Make ar„angS» eats at The Brussels Post or Elmer D. Bell, Barrister 'Office, Brussels. -- Furniture D. i' RANN F.UN•ERAL AND ,AMBU1 NCE SERVWE. LIcense'd Funeral Director and Embalnner • ..._. BRUSSELS, ONT. or 85 -^ , PHONE 36 JAMES Maly ADZEA!`tl - Fire Insurance Mutual F Howlck Muk also-- • Hartford Windstorm Tornado Insurance Automobile Insurance ce X1 .O.B•O PHONE 42 P. TURNBERRY ST. --x---- BRUSSELS, ONT, Lewis Rowland (L!eenst-u For. Huron County) •• SATISFACTION GU'ARANTEE•D —, PRICES REASONABLE For Engagements phone 81 "The Brussels Post" .and they wilt ' be looked after Immedaltely For Infarmation, etc., w ite or phone Lew, Rowland 880.'.44 at Seaforthl co write R.R. 3, 'Walton.• and boxes. 1 r:'ters of appreciation from the Moncrieft boys for cigarettes and b; e..=. were read at this circle meet- ing. Pians were made for the eir- cle for the coining month. :005 Church Annual The annual meeting of Knox Church was held on Thursday even- Prrouragiug reports were given by the secretaries o2 the dif- ferent orzanizatioals. A word of ap- preciation was given to Rev G. r' �Iwrerl rot. his splendid work in the Nem -mention. Mrs, F. 0. Harri- son, organist, was also shown the appreciation of the congregation by the ail' r^.Y a wrist watch for her fai'lenl 16rvices. Lunch was served at the close of the. meeting and a social hour was spent by the core r i +inn. $gen. J. C. Payne has returned home from overseas. He has a 30- day leave, then has to report at Leedcn, Ont. 1 meeting veeee react by Nlrs. pert Anderson. The Rector hien reeve hie report ee Miele::: peeel',cl ,• 11:= 71; number of (-hutch bunnies 16; ,Hittite not 1r eluded in Inuitllee 4; total church population 61 netted 6•1nninnicunl6 24; bnr1u14 t, Su0- ciny services held 42' average at tentlanee a service 11, eche Wallow, o1' 11o1y Clomulutt°on 8; largest number of camiuulii arlts in one day 19, A large Desk Prayer 11,011): and an honor Poll were til dirated during the year, Mr, Harry Bolger gave the treaslu•er's ;•.•noel which showed thatall dt'bte and obligations were paid in full. '1'11.• Diocesan Budget was paid 10011. Total receipts 5436.26; Total expenditure' $406.83; Balance on hand 529.43. Mrs. Bert Anderson gave the report of the Women's Cuiid showing that the organization has had an exceptionally good year and raised a lot of money. Total receipts Were 5355.83; expenditures 5220,52; Ballance on hand is 5136.31. Mrs. harry Bolger gave the report of the Women's Auxiliary. This organization, has done well and met . all obligations, Receipts 530,78; ee.- penclitltres 526.05; galanee on Band $4.73. Miss Emma Sanderson gave the :Sunday School report which showed that there is an enrolment of 11; Font roll 5; 510,16 was spent on papers and supplies; donations were made to the Budge`, Huron College Bursary Fund and Special 1 offerings received on Mother's. Day , and Children's Day; Balance in treasury 52,39. The following are the officers for 1944: Rector's Ward- ' en, Mr. Barry Bolger; People's Warden, Mr. Bert Anderson; Vestry Clerk, Mrs, Bert Anderson; LtcY Delegate to Synod. Mr. 13. Anderson; Substitute Lay Delegate, Mr. N. Sanderson; Auditors, Mr. Win. ITumphries Mi', George Pollard; Board of Management, The Wardens and .Messrs. William Hunophries, Fred ScatIett, Harold Bolger. George Pollard also Mrs. \ism. Walsh. Mrs, Wm. Humphries, Mrs, Bert Anderson and Mrs. N. ,Sanderson; Caretaker, Mrs. N. Sanderson; Organist, Miss Emma Sanderson, The Wardens. were asked to procure Price of re- decoration of church. Votes of thanks were given to Rev. M. F. and Mrs. Oldham. also to all officials and orgauizatioys for the good work accoinpilished during the year 0 vote of thanks was gvten to Mr and Mrs. N. Sanderson for the use of their home on this oeeaeion. I was decided also to get out printe reports. The meeting closed w the Benediction by the rector. Th church bas bad . an excellent' yea and loops forward to 1044 wit; confidence. ALTO Mrs. Wm, Ames Passed away at Calgary on Jun. let., 19-14, Isabella Scott, beloved wife of Virtu M Ames aged 92 years * hese days, when tea must yield the utmost in flavour, quality is of supreme importance. Ask for .. Intl 4 months, 39r. and Mrs,. Ames made her home in Brussels stem' eight great grand children. w -ere farmer residents of Grey Twp., 1921. tad litter of 5111 hue of Morris Twp, The pall bearers were Jas. I'hay moves es Me. l W t the epring of Fadzean Robe McFadzean, Jas. • The annual Congregational meet- ing of Duff's United Church, Walton, was held on Tuesday evening, January 118 with a large attendance. 'goodthe onganizations reported a good year in 1943, showing an :ecrease over 1942. The Cominittee of Stewards reported all expenses met with a substantial balance, A fitting tribute was paid by Mr. Edward Bryans to the lift and work of Mr. William MCFadzeau all elder, ane hall passed away in 1543, Tile retiring members of the Committee of Stewards, Messrs. Georgy Mc- Arthur, John Leeming, and Arthur were re-elected for a three year teams. Mr. Ray Bennett w,as elected as trustee to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. William McFadzean. Appreolwtion was ex- pressed for the work of Mr. and Mrs. Hazelwood during the past year, The Official Board recommended that Mr. Hazelwood be given an 5204' inorease in salary, this duns carried unanimously. The evening closed with lunch serve] by the ladles of the church. • d fG1 e h The Young People's Union of Duff's UnitedCheerli held their regular meeting at the 11 0611 of N1,i Mary McDonald oa Friday evening, January _ 21. Mr. W. 4. Leeming the president was in charge of the meetidg, Miss Elva Sholdice at the piano. Mr. Clarence Grainger led a helpful and M- I s'trnctive discussion on books. At • the close of the meeting the girls • seeved' lunch, The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed in Duff's •United Church on Sunday, Janu- ary 30. The Women's Guild and Women's ; Auxiliary of ,St, George's Church met, .at the home of Mrs. Norman Sandereen after the Annual Congre- gat o aI meeting and Supper on Wednesday, Jan. 19th, Mrs, Wm, Humphries was in charge. Mrs. M. , 1 in prayer. T'. Oldham let Gp y Quilting uiltin meetings were planned, sa nned, , ThursdayT6, was derided to meet the secnnid in each month. The annual supper to esti meeting Of St. George's. Anglican Churchrch was held at, the hrene of Mr, and `. 1 Mrs, Norman Sanderson ,on Wed• Iilisday, ;Tannery 19 at 7 lam, with a 'good attendance, A attmptuotts and- tasty slipper was first served by the ladies orf the congregation. After the supper, the rector, Rev, M. •F, 0idiram opened the ineet.ing with' responsive Sin'lpturc reading and Prayer, The mantles of last Year's ! Following a private service at the home a e nubile service took place in Ft C1eorge's Anglican 190'0, to Winnipeg. Mau.. and the Dlekeon, Jas. Nolan, WaflFe. llra, Church, Walton, 01 which the de- followingTuesday, year to Milestone, Sask., • toot and Robt, Houston. ceased was a member, on where Mr, Antes tools up land and farmed till 1910, selling out and moving to Vancouver, B.O. and a CRANBROOK The flower bearers w.ree two dunuury 25111 Interment Hoa s Pae nephews, Gordon Dicks() ai and. Thos. in Brussels's comcterY. MoFadzean. , few years later to Alberta again Miss Ilislop was always an engaging in farming near Calgary ardent admirer of flowers and spent where they lived till the time of a great deal of her spare moments Mr. Ames' death In 1930, Mrs. ( among them. The beaut11111 floral: Antes continued to reside on this tributes were indeed fitting re - farms, living with their sort John till 1930, after which she lived 111 the city of Calgary. Funeral servic- es were held. Jan. 5411, 1041, burial in the family plot beside her hue. bard, Their youngest daughter Mrs. H. C. Cave predecased then in Dec. 1010 at Milestone, Sask. Sur- viving are one daughter Mas. Ed. S. Nichol, Grand Prairie, Alta , and three sons John of Calgary, Alta„ Wan. D. of Meeting Creek, Alta., and Charles 15: of Milestone, Sask. The late Mrs. Wm, Ames was a sister do -law oS Mr. Jos. Ames, Ethel and Mrs.. D, C. Ross of Brussels. The January meeting of the Young Women's Auxiliary was held at. the home of Mrs. Clifford Kernag- hen with Mrs. Jas. Lamont in charge. The meeting opened by singing Hymn No. 697 followed hY the "Lord's Prayer" in unison. The Scripture reacting was taken from the 3rd chapter Matt, by Mrs. Glen Huether. The Roll Gall was an- swered by a verso con•tetuing the word "I-lleno1r." The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted by Mrs. C. Kernaghan and •seconded by Mrs. Jas. Cameron. Mrs, Stuart McNair read an inter- esting story. The offering was token and then Mrs. Stuart Evans conducted tie business. Hymn 607 was sung followed by Prayer by Mrs, Jas. Keys. , Tne Current Events were read. by Mrs, Stanley Irieeher, MMrs, S. Swans, Mies . Muriel M•c- Denald, Mrs. C. Kernaghan and Mae. Lloyd Michel, The tropic was taken: by Mrs. Jas, Cameron. The closing, hymn was No, 544 renewed by the singing of the National Anthem. The Mizpah Beendictiom was repeated In unison, Lunch was served gy the hostess. In Memoriam 211 loving memory of Gordon O. Nutley, who passed away Feb. 28, 1933. Nobody 1nows of the heartaches Only those 'Who lost can tell 'i Of the silent griefs we bear For the one We loved 30 w0ll, Ever remembered by wife and family. IMemoriam na 2n loving memos .t rather of alea y Chas, Popewho p assed away li a, i a January,21, 1943 . Iris wetti.T mars and clays of Bain, His 110011led night are past, And in 0111' aching hearts We know IIs. has feand rest at rant. T.owingiy remembered by ' ills daughter . -and Dewitt law A,liee and Lyle Brothers end Mrs, Matthew Cameron membrance recalling her the flowers. They included.. pillow, the family; spray the Dickson' family; spray, Walton friends; basket, friends and neighbors. Interinent was in the family plot in the Brussels cemetery. A 111511ly esteemed resident, in the person of Matthew Cameron Passed peacefully away at his home, nu Sunday, December 12th. Mr. Cameron was born in Oxford County on November 24th, 1363. He was •a son 05 the late Jalm and Eliza- beth Cameron, For the past sixty- nine years he has resided at Cranbnooit. Mr, Cameron was a I'1i thful member or the Presbyterian Church. He was an honest and upright citizen, who enjoyed the respect of the entire community. Besides his widow, formerly Jean Brown,, he is survived by one brother, Allan of Cranbrook and one sister, Mrs. J. Memnon of Moose - ;law, Sask. Five brothers, Jaynes, John, William, Robert and Thames ,predeceased him. The funeral took place from his late hone, on Tuesday, December 14th The service being conducted by Rev. S. Kerr, Brussels. Interment was made in Brussels cemetery. The Pallbearers were Charles 0enfonud, Cliff. Ke,m,aghan, Harry Keys, Jacob Fischer, Fred Smalldon and Duncan McTaggart. The floral tributes were very beautiful, inclnd; ing a wreath, wife; spray, Jean Cameron, 731'. and Mrs, Jaclr Camer- on and family; spray, Mrs. Win. Cameron and family; spray, Mr. and Mas, Kenneth Tyerman; spray, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown and family; spray, Mrs. 0. Mitchell and sisters. Mrs. H. J: MONaughton MITCHELL. .Tan. 18—Gertrude Hord MCNauglltom. wife of Dr. 11. J. McNaughton, Penn Yam Pa., died at 'Sayre,. Pa., Hospital rem Monday after two weeks' iliness, She was the daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Hord and was born to Mitchell, receiving her ed- ncatioll here and Tater at Bandit??? Ladies College. She was an active church worker and is remembered here for her efforts in the l;pwortb League and the Young 1Men's Bible Giese of which she was a teacher Lor years. Forty-two. years ago She Married Dr, McNaughton and in her new residence at Penn 'Yarn con- P11110d her church activities. Sur- viving ,are her husband; three brothers, W. H. Mord, Vancouver, F. 0. Hord, town, 1x11 Alfred Hord, Wolseley, -Sask.; a sister, Mrs. George Mc•LeLan, Mitchell, Mrs. McNaughton was a sister-in- law of Mrs. Parker Foster of Kin- cardine and Mrs. Minnie Parker of Brussels, alio is visiting at present in Kincardine. He ,'r n The 41,113111111 meeting of St. David's Church, Henfryn, was held in lh.e church on Thursday, Jan, 20, at 2:30' 11.rn,, with the rector, Rev, M. F, Oldham In charge, The meet - Mg opened with Psalm 92 and Prayer by the rector, Mrs T. Kerr read the minutes of last year's meeting, The rector presented his report: pastoral clans 72; families belonging to 'Church 29; Individuals not 111 ctndesd 111 families 5, Total church population 110, actual communicants 23, burials 7, total attendance at ('Vi'es 767, 111101 number of serv- ices 49, celebrations of Holy COm- ntuuimi S, largest 'lumber of com- municants in ore day 20, baptisms • 3. Mr. Lester Mcth•eight gave the • financial report. Total receipts $457.24. Total expenditure", 5429.96. Balance on hand 528.28. Paid on budget 529:52. In acidities; to this the interior of church was redecorat- ed tit .an expense of 588.; and the eolith wall of church repaired at an. expense of 595. Balance left tater paying of same $4.57. Mrs. T. Kerr reported for the Sunday School: dotal expenses were $15.44; balance on hand 5118.17; Font roll 8; enrolment of S. S. 11. Mrs. Wilton Baker reported for the Women's 'Guild showtu;; that this organization has accomplished geed work and has a balance on band. The fallowing are the officers for 1944: Minister's Warden, Mr. L. John Francis Pride MCCreight; People's Warden, Mr. Thos. J. Hurst, Jr.; Vestry Clerk, Jahn Francis Pride, son of the Mrs. T. Kerr; Lay Delegate •to late John and Mrs. Sarah Pride. Synod, Mr. Wm. Baker; Substitute dyed at his home on the 12th con- Lay Delegate, Mr. T. Kerr; Board cession of Grey Township on of Management, the Wardens, January 17th Messrs, T. Herr, J. Wilson, M. The deceased was born in At- Osa•nochan, C. ITenderson, Frio wood On May 22nd, ].393 from Purvis, Win. Baker and D. Kerr. which place he moved with his Organ4at, Mrs. T. Herr; assistants, Parents to GreY Township, forty Miss L. Thompson, Mrs, M. Carue- year ago. He resided on the farm chair, Sirs, J. Wilson, Mrs. L. Mc. 'cohere iris death occurred for Creight. Cartalter, Miss Mildred eighteen years. He was ill for Colils. six wears prior to his demise. A vete of thanks was given to the IIe le survived byl two brothers. rector, church officials and organi- Seth at home, and Alvin of Water- zations. for the splendid year's lea and 'five sisters, Mrs. Gus, worlc, The meeting closed with the Wheeler, Brussels; Mrs, Fred Benediction by the rector ,Smalldon, CManbrook; Mas Alvin ' Hunter, ,Se btorth; Mrs, Ross Speiran The community el Brussels ' was o,f Saginaw, Mich, and Gertrude et Easter On April 9th saddei'ed by the passing of one of home. its esteemed citizens, Miss Margaret l Funeral .services were held from r1 study of the calendar• reveals II, Hislop. She had been in fail- , his, late home on January 20111 with that Easter will come at an early ing health for some time and was interment taking place in Bimsselo date, April 9911, February has an oonflned to her bed for three 'cemetery, extra day, which brings; hue; the n• " the but she maintained her i Pallbearers were Blair McIntosh, (lunation of leap year and whether bright cheerful manner and showed Mac McIntosh, Walter Knight, or not the. girls will take advantage a peen interest in life meth. shortly Alfred Iinight, John Schnook ands of it? The year will babe only two • before ber passing wheel? occurred Fred Hayden, eclipses, 'bath of the sun but neither Tuesday, ,Tauuat•y 11. Miss Margaret ; Flowers Included a pillow from will be visible here. Hislop was an active Member and a mother, brothers and sisters; pillow, regulea attendant of Melville. Pres- sister;s,; sprays, Alvin. Pride and „ 1', byteelan Church. She was also a family, ne1oes and nephews, Richard n 1 IliAO member of the Women's Missionary . Pride and family, neighbours. '/ q i 6035 Society and took an active part 1n ' Flower bearers were two nephews Want �11HIiITlj.pt`ily Vim, Vigor? ' nue work of the Society. Bettie and Babble Wheeler and john 'zee ore= 'o- T tr c r r elate, Ilea, vitamin nl M alaes taouphbr Miss Margaret H. Hislop, a n, eta, nateicemnaa, ftlde s• nae to Purvis and Mornay Huet!her. earmat leo, vin, a gar o taut : user ac, iu, or SO. In Was. Hislop's' earlier life elle 1 'u of t r � r 1` reeMte 01 r i p akngogmnhrr ra uirline p IM. atterded Clinton High Srhool and a,t 111d WOWS, SEAM (SLIM omen Tablets wen. latter graduated as 0 teacher. After j • which she taught sndcessfully rev a Mrs. James Bishop ttuflndler of years in WaterlooC,ar,olinc Disbop, beloved -1115 of County. l James Bishop, died at her home in The funeral service was hold Walton on Saturday, January 22nd, front her home and conducted by her 1944 in her 71st year after being pastor, Rev. S. Kerr. The large in pear health for the hast two gatheriug of friends and the hind years, or her vorls o f 1 Mini \ t t star both bore r 7'ho <cleoasod was born in marks. .e, sill a m n t y of the rasped with which Mhos Hislop was held in the ' burg Mi -401M 1st, 1873. She was the aomluliuiisl daugiute° or the Mute Mr, and I74rs. e She had 'lived in Grey W. Hoy. Sle W. Y Miss s Hi. la. leaves, ,a 5 t0 Mourn her Hislop Trout a.^,1: ,t T 1n 1 Gr Township,a so 1 it loss one brother Rannt Hislop of but for the toast rorty' Years tract Grey; three sisters, Susan at home, been a resident of the conlniunity Ellen . D1aen M. i Il of S,. Mar • an. r Hislop s d Mrs. Y in � �lrimh me dried. , v a Sas, M. Diel n , iso(Mary)Atwood. of t and. her husband, S1r • is survived 11 h ' Y Two sisters predeceased e t demon ed lt.r ri s Sane Hislop of Grey in 1937 and Mrs, Jalnes Bnn,np and one f North Sas, Mc5adzean (Thtiz1bei:111 in Agnea Annfe Alderson of Tl two Bay and Sour brothers and two 1941. Vise Hlsiop was born, un concession of Grey farm now occupied by hen. in ,the year 1868. Tier. were Sclabtish emigrants, the 1,6111 ship, William Hoy, Grey 'Town- ship, ilicharcl of Walton, Arthur of 0n the McGaw; Robert. of Pert Albert and brothel' Elizabetil Claris, of Merrris Township parents and Antic, Men Morriean of Walton. Andrew also 911111een grand 111ildran and Rollos. "01111111 Hislop arra Susan McN0.11', She has post Offices Sell Them %ISOM /did SAM * POST OrrIC u OIIARTMSNT $TOIU + DRUGGISTS 3ROCCRs . TOOACCONISTS IIOOK STORK and mhos AVAIL STORK:,,