The Brussels Post, 1945-11-7, Page 3Increase Your MILK PRODUCTION Constant running water on the farms will save you TIME and LABOUR. In the barn at the twist of the wrist your stock tan be watered — no laborious pumping or carry ng water. Fresh, clean running water in the house is a delight for every_ este. In the Kitchen — Bathroom and Laundry— so essential se Ow family's good health. NEW DURO PUMPS ye mailable is greater quantities today, but shortages et Matedsy mod law will not allow the Duro hooey to produce monk to meet De dots�ed.. All lien Dea ne acre 1 gerit heels awl permit le osies" meet M aper velUna illy PIZTURIII AND PITTING/ Per lOteltee, Ilathroom ant Laundry. „ Visit yew anusDealer ler a dyke. . W m . Gillespie tNun MCo E gyrus els EMPIRE . BRASS MFG. CO.. LIMITED Scivice trop, any b. 1 - London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury Winniper Vancouvor 40 - ANIMAANIMALS LS DISABLED 41 ic*Iy removed in Clean Sanitary trace.. Picone collect, 12 BRUSSELS W illiam Stone Sons Limited THE BRUSSELS POST Notice to Creditors All persons having crams tiaalnst the estate ca Eliza, Doekett late •1 the Township :of Morris lit the County of Duren, Widow, decease,', who died on or about the 19th uay of August, 1945, are notified in sent' to J. TI; Crawford, li.0 , Wagtail, Oniat'io,on or before the seven. teerth day of November, 1943, full particulars of their claims in wallas, immediately after the said seven teenlh day of Novennir, the nssc's of the said testatrix will be distri- buted amongst the parties entitied thereto, having regard .only to claims of which the executor shall then then have notice. DATED this 2911i day of October, A.D. 1946, J. 14.. CRA WFORD, K.O., Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor Notice to Creditors VOVERS'• LISTS 1949 TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS COUNTY OF HURON Notice ishereby given that I have complied with section 8 of the, VOTDRS' LIST AOT and. ' that 1 have posted tip at nay oICIee 11 Morris Orr the Taentieth day of Oct. Kober 1046, the list of al; p'n'uoos entitled to vote In the said Munlel. polity at Municipal elections and that such list remain there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any .errors or omissions coy rested according to taw, the last day for appeal being. Saturday November ilth, 1945 GEO MARTC Clerk of Municipality of the Township of Mo;ris. AUCTION SALE Of Household Furnishing In the Village of Brussels In the estate of WILLIAM HERB- SATURDAY, NOvEM3ER lath ERT ANDERSON late : of the Sale Commences at ' P, M, Village of Walton in the County of 1 all ename' stove with water Huron, farmer, who died on or front (new) about the seventh day of October, 2 chesterfield suites (1 new) A.D. 1945. 1 kitchen table TAKE NOTICE that all parties 3 small tables braving claims or demands against 3 -burner e,oal oil stove with oven the estate of the above deceased 1 couch must nail particulars, in writing, of 1 hall tree their claims with proof of same, to '1 walnut china cabinet (new) the undersigned executrix or her 1 end table solicitor en or before the 24th day 1 end -table nl November, A.D. 1946. 1 tea wagan (walnut) AND TAICE NOTICE that after vacuum cleaner such last mentioned date the said 2 dressers executrix will proceed to distribute 3 rockers the assets of the said deceased fernery among .bhe parties entitled theneio, floor lamp having rgard only to the claima 2 8 -day clocks which shall have been received, 1 mantle clock DATED at Brussels this 3rd day Axminster rug 9 x 12 of November, A.D. 1946, 2 coal oil lamps A. Louise Anderson 'Executrix 1.1ron Ad, springs and mattress Blyth, Ontario kitchen chairs by her solicitor ELMHER D. BELL, kitchen stool ' Brussels, Ontario., quantity of dishes extension table kitchen utensils pictures pillows quilts drapes curtains paper rack silence -cloth . stair pads tub boiler window boxes .storm door man's fur coat lawn mower garden tools buck saw scythe Dinner set tea set tri light floor lamp TERMS—CASH HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer MRS. LAURA NURSE,. Proprietress } ROBT. PATRICK, Clerk BLUEVALE The residents of Bluevala and the surrounding district responded welt to the national clothing collection. All donations were left at the post office and Potmaster A. D. .Smith reports that 493 pounds have been shipped, ..0111116, home or skyscraper IT'S AS OLD AS ITS. ARTERIES! • The life -carrying arteries of a building are its electric wires. The size and number of wires determinesthe amount ofelect is power that may be used at any As electrical devices multiply, and uliply,and ne w uses call for increasing quantities of elec- tricity, any building, regardlessof when the ability it was built, is only as young as of its arteries tocarry the load. A home that is wired only for lights and small appliances must be rewired before c#tic can provide such condone as an range and water -heater. If not wired for all requirements, it is "old"u tilit is ref ore ed lets to carry modern loads, with and switches. The economical is time being built re properly is when a place or remodeled. A proper standard of wiring ffect produc- tion an office fic- or factory will advantageously tion and profit. Employees do better work with less fatigue when lighting levels are of approved standards. Adequate wiring also provides for modern electrical equipment. Your Hydro is planning to provide you, with the electricity you wilt need for peace- time prosperity and comfort. Be: sure that you plan also to enjoy these benefits in full, through adequate wiring. Your Hydro will be glad to give you information about wiring: • T,IHIiE IHYIDlitO,,,E>LEtCTIltIC P WEB COMMISSION Off ONTARIO Remove Large Barn At Winthrop The large barn at Winthrop on what is known as the Broome farm is being torn down by the present owner of the property Mr. George T. Wheatley, thus removing another of the early landmarks of the commun- ity. This barn was built by the late Andrew Govenlock, pioeer business man of Winthrop, who at one time owned 1000 acres in that neighbor- hood, and had a number of business enterprises at Winthrop including a grist mill, large general store, and sawmill. At one time he was re- ported to, be doing a business of 975,000.00 a year, Mr. Robert Scar- lett of Seaforth believes the present barn may be part of the original barn ;which was afterwards rebuilt, He remembers that Mr, Govenlock had a stable of fine light horses, blood horses they were called, and were from a well known sire of that duty, '"Cleargrit," The old mill atones are there yet from Govenlock n1111 which was built about 1870. There was a. day in 1880 remembered as the "dark day"' when Winthrop was threatened by a swamp fire that burned to within a few rods east of the gravel road before it was halted after a bitter daylong fight with the help of the fire engine from Seaforth, and none of the buildings were lest, SELGRAVE Ciassltied ads FOR SALE-- Frame ALE—Frame house, near school, Apply tc phone 21-r 0 Norman awing FOR- SALE— A quantity of dry Phone 28.r-1.1 FOR SALE - 60 Rock pullets Sussex and Reds 6 phone 51-r•1£ cedar, Las, 01; ver and . about 100 Months old, Chester Rintoul FOR SALE:- Some ALE-Soine young Yorkshire Sows, clue by Dec. 10th. phone 27-r-4 Jas. Smtth FOR SALE... One stark of hay. phone 84-r-16 Alfalfa and Timothy, Charles Simpson FOR StE- 10 feeder cattle 800 lbs. phone 25-t•-7 averaging about Wm. Miller ROOMERS WANTED— Will . have accomodation for stud - ants, boys or girls by Nov. 240, Mrs. Robert S. Scott, near Creamery FOR SALE— Durham cow, coming fresh in two weeks, good milkers and quiet. i phone 17-r-14 M. A. Fraser FOR -SALE—. I 10-20 McCormick Tractor and 3 - furrow Cookshutt plow. phone 29-r-11 Kenneth McFarlane FOR SALE - 2 -year-old boy's 3 -piece snoW suit, just like new. apply at The Post FOR SALE 1 Airforce blue fall coat well liued, also 1 reversible tweed coat sizes 12. apply to the Brussels Post. FOR SALE— Airforce blue reefer, youth s size, leather trimmed, well lined and warm, has 'been worn one season, phone 58 FOR SALE - 14 young pigs ready to wean lot 29, con. 9, Morris. Phone 18-r-9 Gilbert McCallum ,_WANTED— . To purchase pullets all ages and breeds. High prices paid. Apply Tweddle Chick Hatcheries, Ltd., `Fergus, Ontario. 1 FOR SALE— S 1 medium-sized trunk in A-1 eon - anion; 1 goat skin robe, rubber interlined, in good conditi,n. Mrs. Robert S. Soott, near Creamery A Hallowe'en social was held by memi)iers of Brtok United Church in i No; 11 Schaal. A good crowd attended anti all enjoyable time was spent itt garner, centesis and a sing -song conducted by a committee eonven• ed by Moa Cl. 11, Dunlop, Prizes were awarded for cos• fumes. as .fellows.; hest dressed ad - nit t'ortple, Mrs. 1t. M, Shiell and Miss Doris Sliieltt comic costume Miss itbelyn Leaver; Children, beat lInilnwe'en eattune, loan Wight - man, )3111 Train; donde costttnte. 511- eanor Wigiitman, James and viten, rift Ill (lupines, The Mission 'sand held a sale tit nticellaneohs 'articled front whtoit phytin 1s tlerwssarlt. t>flrlte 171" 1, 7n Wee emitted the satin of to. I.nich. Watkins I:?atoij*wn3, I P*, 048;•4, 213'tI *eaN n 1 '11 `l h , " Mutton ;3t„ Montreal, FOR SALE - 100 acre farm, lot N% 17, Con. 8, Morris, good bank barn, frame house, drilled wells and running water. Mrs. Chas. Workman, Leamington, Out NOTICE— Electric motors rewopul and re• i,a red. Expert workmanship. M e• r.^ate prices. Lloyd NI - Dettger, nkton, Ontario. WANTED - 800 Dealers earn a comfortable 1'v.ng by selling Familax Rr i,iucta from door to door! How about start fob a businessof your own, in your t.lsre time, with the same advan- t,tres, in the district ut your choice For free details and catalogue 5'iMILEX, 1600 Delorlaller, Mont water, FARM FOR SALE - 100 acres more or less being lot 10, con. 7, Grey Twp, 2 storey red brick house, bank barn 60' x 60' litter carrier, water in stable, never failing drilled well, driving shed 28'x40', 2 hen houses, land in good state of cultivation and all natural drainage. For further,/ particulars apply to Chas. A. Lamont„ BEE -KEEPER'S EQUIPOONT FOR SALE - 1 2 -framed reversible extractor, 3 tanks, -uncapping tank with stand and boier for wax, numbel of New- Langstroth Frames, quan't'y of wax, New Queen excuders (nut used),, 5 lbs, foundation, number of Carbolic Acid Super Clearers, 1 smoker, u. - capping knives. Ali 111 good con dition, phone 90-r-55' Handel France AN OPPORTUNITY One of the Nation's largest oom- paries, catering principally to farmer's needs. is ready to place a valuable oontracf which should mean Com.plete'indopendenoe for a man fortunate (menet to have the follow,: ing qualifications . , character record that will withstand investi- gation and proven ability to efficient. ty MOahago both ,biomed and his own business, 'Pivanolel status not et. tratnaty important het a tt+avet Wednesday, November 7'11. 1945 CATHERINE 17 fewk4 53750 JEWEI.LFR • _�...c.-rte .......—�_ BLUEVALE CADET BS plunk s373 G.QposS5 or ft..'n ar ;Amen •371. LEACH BRUSSELS, ONT The president, Mrs. It. E, Elliott, presided at the November meeting of the W.M.S. held in the Sunday school room of Knox Presbyterian Ohureh The Soriptnre lesson was read by Mrs. J. 0, Higgins, Mrs. Burns Moffatt, Mrs, W, H. Mc- Kinney and Mrs, J. C. Higgins were elected as a nominating committee, Mrs. W. H McKinney gave a very. graphic report of the Presbyterial sectional meeting held recently at Brussels. Miss Olive Scott hal charge of the chapter from the study book. It dealt with the churches In Germany, France, Holland, Norway and Russia, telling how they are carrying on during the war years. ' In some of the countries, the sales of Bibles show a very marked in- crease. Mrs, Burns lido/gat read the Glad Tidings prayer, Women's Association Meets The monthly meeting od the Wo - is Association of the United Church was held in the vestry, with the president, Mrs. Earl Hamilton, Presiding . Reading were given by Mrs, Arthur Shaw and Mrs, Edward Johnston. The seeretary's report was read by Mrs, George Thomson and Mrs George Hetherington pro. sented the financial statement. A solo "Let It Shine In," by Mrs. 3. Wickstead was enjoyed. The hostess. es were Mrs, H, Shiell, Mrs. Frank Stamper and Mrs. Edward Barnare, Visitors: Mrs, Peter S. MacEwen and Mrs. R. F. Garnlss with Mr and Mrs. Harold C. Lawson at Olin. ton; Miss Florence Fowler with friends at Seaforth; Archie Messer with her sister and brother at St. Augustine; John L. MacEwen attended a meeting of the Huron county old age pension board at Goderich this week; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smith and Mrs, W. FryfogIe Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs, R, McKinnon. A choir of women led the singing was speaker for the W.M.S. autumn thankofferPag service in the United • Church , ma Sunday. He quoted Churchill's words, . "'Never was so much owed to so few by so many,' as applicable to the missionaries. A choir , f women led the singing and 'sang as an anthem, a hymn written by an Afrioan boy and pub- lished in the September number of the Missionary Monthly. A student from Knox College, Toronto, Mr Zaen, conducted the service in Knox Presbyterian Church. Visitors; Rev. J. S. Bridgette and Mrs, Bridgette, Fordwioh, with Mrs. Robertson and Miss Martha Fras- er; Mr. and Mrs, J, Marshall and daughters of Listowel, with Mr. and Mrs. George Thornton; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston and Marie with Mr, and Mrs. Irving McCabe at Windsor. Personals: Mrs, Alex Armsrong; Brussels, with Mr, and Mrs. R. H. McKinnon; Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Spier, Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Rog- er Oke, Wingham, with Mr. and Mrs. James Kearney; Mr, and Mrs. Earl Hamilton and family with the Malcolm family and with Miss El- len McBride at Kinlough; Mrs. tal- low with Miss Sanderson in To- ronto; Mr, and Mrs, A. D. S•nith and Eleanor with Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Berry at Brucefleld, BUSINFSS CARDS Allan A. Lamont Agent for—Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Insmunne Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy for fawners. Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 657 W. D. S. Jamieson, M.D., C.M., LM,C,C, ,i Physician and Surgeon (Coroner) 1 I Office Hours -1 . 4 and 7 - 8 p.m. i • --) Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. - Swtdays--Emergencies and by appoinbnent only. Hoene calls in forenoons and 4 - 6 p.m. Chas. T. Davidson Insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Automobile and Fire insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. 'PHONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ONT. RESIDENCE 111-.4 tr-; Harold Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES For Information, etc., write or phone Harold Jaoksan• phone 12 on 658 Sea(orth R.R. 1, Hruo,},ald Make nreangen•eute at The Brussels Post or Elmer D. Boll, Barrister Office, Brussels. D. P. RANN Furniture FugERAL ,'!,'VI) AMBULAIVCEESERiner. Licensed Funett►l Director and 1Embalnner 7:—.7".'" PHONE 3$ or S5 i!RRUSSEi.b,, ONT,. Lewis' Rowland . - (I.icenstd For Huron County) nATfSFACTiON.GUARANTEED •• PRICES REASONADLiE "or Engagements Phone 31 "The lirueeets Pert" S0i tlha;r an' 66 be !coked atter immestalt,aly For Information, etc., ve He or phone Lew, Rowland ggig,n.i2f td "Seiifcrth; tr write EA. ti, 3Nallset, W. S. D,onaatdsoira µ"- Licensed A11M"►tioomoGl' *wow 3i5 -r-131 40,11'0404 4711. fir the Cosa steii of Herroin tm. tiMl ,ts i+ 1pItr a1x� tel ..,�» Dilr a. I*II lti*Mt1 tot gisllo4terdri nus ; (pane "lI 4 ''1tte >l� 't" part' iltsfs vrin be k rati6 chile r Ir it