The Brussels Post, 1945-5-2, Page 1tf THE. BRUSSELS POST ?OST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, May 2nd, 1945 BRUSSELS, OJ\ A ARI *-� _—r -- + a irwo Shows Nightly 7:30 & 9:15 pm.. SAT. Matinee Saturday — 2:30 OLSEN AN JOHNSON MARTHA O''DRI'SCOLL ' COUNT BASTE AND ORCHESTRA — AND — HUNDREDS OF FAMOUS STARS ALL IN "Hit iThe Road" TUE. 7:3.0 and 9:15 p. m. WED. THE STARS OF "DEAD END KEDS" THE 3 -LITTLE TOUGH GUYS Slugging It Out In "The Crazy House" Thrills, Actin, Suspense, Mystery and Comedy Rolled •IntoOne Spectacular Production. ICOMING SOON : — JOE. E. BROWN IN "DARING YOUNG MAN" DANCE In Brussels Town Hall Friday, Day 11th Music by Ken Wilbee's Orchestra Fpr Ticket of Admission Also entitles you to draw on calf Admission 50c Refreshment Booth Under auspices of the Brussels Branch of the Canadian Legion Proceeds for Cigarette Fund Flight Officer Peter Baker Reported Missing Word was 'received by his father len Thursday that Flight Officer Peter Joseph Baker, son a Joseph Maker, proprietor of the American Hotel, Btmiesels, and Mrs. Baker, is eepotited 'missing •after air operations ,ov'ease!as on April 24th. Fight Officer .Ba1ear'e wife amides, in Hamilton, Ont. The following day Mr. Baker received a telegram tdhlect from tips ^on eaytmg '/brat he was well and fit brut the latter telegram was not dated and there has been no dirth'er word re'oeived. Are You 'Ready ForV-EDay? ,.,.., _.„:„.. ym'E'BUY MO' VICRYT BONDS ® NOW ..r Let's Have:Victory On ;•gam The . Home Front .Before We Celebrate VictoryMn The Battle Front. - Huron. County National War Finance Committee. anted 1 OooB a s a.... 0.1 Potatoes .�t ornt Meadow Fescue, Brome Grass, Orchard Grass, Canadian Blue Grass, Kentucky Blue Grass Etc. Mso a good supply of Dutch Sets We can supply 7 you with Oil 'Cake. SPECIAL Paint Offer .. ' _ 59c qt. A J. P'EARSOiN "iPHONE 224.'7 E'THEL Canadians Will Have Holiday Day After Germany Surrenders Ottawa, May 1—Don, J; L. Maley, as Aoting Prime Miarde'ter, staid is a statement late yesterday that an tofftelal announcement will lie made on be7rtallf of the 'Cameklian govern - spent when hostilities in Europe have 'ended. Mr. Ilsley said lit was intended to Hollow .tike asnnoam0eanent wird. two proelanuattons—true 'first d•eclariug tits following 'Sunday tto be a day of solemn 'th!anitegiving and remene b,aece, ,and the second declaring the day fallowing the announcement to be a public holiday. He added "lt is, of coarse, u'ndarsbood that these latter ,arrangements are ten- tetdve only and may Neve- to be al- tered in the lliglrt of 'circumstances." Mr. m1ste's arta'tement aroused speculation ` that .the government might he anaile-M ting a envitulat- toe ennou.nc'ement shortly, The ;P,lmo Neini+sber's olfl;ee declined 10 cern/gent, 'except to say that it fn-' elevated the govenm!nreat was 'get- ttng .ready for -anything that might ha peen."' - RED CROSS NOTES The finance 'committee had change of the April tea in: the nitre y The enemas were $1'4.25. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. NOW SHOWING— Thurs., Fri., Sat., • May 3, 4, 5 Double feature Last Show at 8:45 My Pal, Wolf Sharyn Moffett •Una O'Connor You will sob a little, laugh a little and smile thro' it. ' Also -- Harold Peary Marlon Martin •Gildersleeve's Ghost You'll scream with laughter Mon., Tues., Wed., May. 7, 3. 9 Carmen Miranda Michael O'Shea Something for the Boys (in Technicolor) A dance - dazzling, tune torrid enter ainment. Next Thurs., Fri;, Sat. - - - Gene Tierney 'Dana Andrews Laura A mystermmeiodrama. COMING— Naughty Marietta "Worship The Lord In The Beauty- Of Holiness" Melville Church Minister Rev. Samuel Kerr, B. A., B. 0 undo School ;J A. M.S Y and Bible Class 11 A. M. Morning Worship' The Minister in Charge 7 P. M. Evening Service in the United Church. Come and Welcome United Church Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson 11 A. M. Morning Worship The 'Minister Junior Congregation, 12 Church School and Bible Claes ' - MIssonary Sunday 7 P. M. Evening Praise Rev. S. Kerr B. A., B. D: Will bring the message. The I. 0. 0. F. and Rebekah Lodges will be present at the Evening Service. Everyone Welcome. . Church of England . Parish of Bruaseie Rentor Rev. Maurice F. Oldham 5th Sunday After Easter May 6th, 1945 St. Johns Brussels - 10 A. russels-10A. M. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 A. M. Flory Cunion ad Sermon St. George's Walton— - 1.3t P. M. Holy Communion and Sermon 2.80 P. M. Sunday School and Bible Claes 8t. David's Henfryn— 2.45 P. M. Sunday School and Bible Clare - 3.30 P. IM. Holy Comntunlon and Sermon Local Ne Sacred Concert `At Letter To The Editor IMelville ville Church To the .Editor 13rtemele .treat ws ItemsA Saarca Con'oert will be glean in CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our /meet airioere titmice to our neighbours and Orllen:de for their kind words and deeds during the loss of our loved one. Begone she pasaecl on she asked that we convey her thanks to 'these who emit flowers, boxes .and cards during her illness. We know that xive deeply appreek:tel •them, Ohas, and Melville Lamont CARD OF THANKS We wish to express 'our heartfelt Mantles bo sedatives, and friend; for the' many thoughtful tants• of kind- ness eaaln'eeedons of sympathy, beau- tiful floral tributes 'and the loan et mars and to Mr. Lorne Eekrnier of Brussels Por the lyeantilelly r+encicired solo "What will. Tony answer be," '['he help of all who tasei'sted .in 'a'ny way was deeply appreciated. The Hunker laawhly Brussels Cadets Compete In Rifle Competition In the Doaninion of Canada Rifle •Competition the bollowndg averages were made by the best eight marks- men of The Mimeses Oadet Ooe'ps. The contests- -were shot off in the indoor nage at the Wtn!gham Aum- ouries ands included three seeneat;e targets with ten bullets eaoh, 3Sonvard 113yam.'--85%a Dosnlald ISpter-84% Harold, 140uotutciveon---84% Mbar Wiilaton-84% Mennary Matheson/ -83% George leom•eus--12% Olnasli:e Thomtas-73% ' Howard Hack -well -72M NATURE NOT ES (By M. (Laycock) The tollowing.is the Net of bird ,arrivals im .approximate order for the miolnith 'of Apa'il 'for Bnussels• and vicinity, as nearly 'at I have been table to 'dtetenneine Prom the much anpmeaiaited :tnep'orts.:. enduet- several bird observers' The last two weeks have meitanidled ,the bird migration Icnirsiderably in contrast to the early movements' in Mardi. During the next two weeks we should see 'the Orioles, . Warbliems, Bobolinks; etc., The birds. lella'ck Duck, Swa'i (,on Wnoxteer Dram), Slue Heron, Wil - 'seats' Mover (Snipe), Purple Finch, Vesper • iSpamnaw, Pileeted - Wood- pecken, 2ell'ow-Bellied ,,Sapeacker, R•os,e-breasted Gmoelb-eek, Brown T1'ntastelr, Kin'gflslrer, Bluebird, Mal- lard Duck, Whitebhroated Sparrow, 'Chimney 'Swift American. Bittern (Muni Hen).. Ring-neciced Duck, Sav'amnuah !Sparrow, •Cideping Spar-, row, Brown Creeper, House - Wren, Baby crowned Kinglet, Yellow (erownod Kinglet, Barn ,Swallow, Oo1. dHip sit Tme • Swallow, Spotted o'tted a +ndpbpere , Purp'l'e MntIIn. A record laippemanoe was that 'of a young Robin hatched this spring end feathered out trying his, flying powers on Atpa l 28. • Next Blood Clinic To Be Held May 25th The irate of the next Mobile flood Clinic is to he (held ins Brussels on lib day, May 25th. Donors are 'asked to keep 'tins 'date in mind. CARD OF THANKS I wish to take 'this opportunity to express nay 'thanks to my many !friends who renuembeteed me - .by 1i'c1v111e •Pr^eabyerian Oburelt on Monday •eyenlng, MAY Loth, t0 mark the:a 'e-openiivg of the new pipe organ. Dear Rey, - Mai a Pew weeds th°eree ) medium' of your paper to •111 tt fol'las bract 'bane Ito let • them lairs)' Mu still monad said in the hest Muloelrl tenon' sodonet atelaton health, Memoataa +Ghairolr, Toranito, will sine, and C. Finaulcidat ^ Legge Of Toronto, will metier organ solos, Wm,. SPeir, Miss Mate Work and; Melville Church ; choir wddd Mee take pant in the pro- . graan. 1Ou Sunday morning, Mlay lath, rat 11 a. m. the re-Witoaition Service for the ne,opeeing of.the newporyrt will he /head. Rev, S. Keno• will be thib preacher. 'Special music- by the sanding such lovely 'chards, letters ehr»r, and eoweis during nay recent illness iti Clinton Hospital. !Such kindness '1, shall never he forgotten. Mrs, Wesley Kerr, Paper Salvage On May 5th, lest , Saturday in May, the spring waste pane: and rage colleotten will he made, The boys 'and eerie will pick up all the -se'curetry tied bundles in 'toe morning rand take them to Mr. Yolleek"a atop. If you can transpart your awn, by all means help out the students by doing it—on Saturday morning c:mtly. In /'ase of main wait till the tollowiug tSauburday. Eighth Victory Loan Eight Viobory. Loan, stales Monday totalled '$.17,944,150 'compared to 572,585,500 for .the conreslronding day in the seventh loan. - Total sales to darts - reached $500,0:02150 against $561,46.9,750 for -the: Mane stage of seweeth leant Individuals reported art $253,412,650 up to Monday night •comtgatred to $23/11748,860 for cor- res5vonding 'Mite iu bet loan. National War Finance Committee. At The Churches Presbyterian Church The Rev. Ivmr Matcher of Cram - brook :and Ethel, ocouat'ied the pulpit 'in Melville Church on Sunday morning. The anthem sung by the 'choir was "Give Us Thy Peace' by Bornstein. In the evening the esrmon wear ,oreeeeled.1M. Mr. _Wilson, who took for his ,text St. John 11:41. The anthem •stung by the. choir was "Sarviour now the day is ending,. by Mervin. The solo part 'w'as taken by Gerald Gibson. United Church A reception servioe was held in the United Cherch on, 'Sunday morn- Mg, orntai , the following names being added to tole Communion Roll; Mrs. Kenne'tlu _Bray, Mrs. 'Glen Bray, Mr. and Mats. Angus Brown, Mr. Charles Fiarcluer•, Mr. Wi4'Itam Rowland, Mr. Stewart ,Stiles% Mr. Kenneth Tyer- n'an, Mr, and Mrs. John Wheeler, Sar. Walter Williamson Mr. Gibson W illis .and -Mr. • and Mrs'. MIenem Wright. Assisting In the service M'esses.. James Fulton, 1Villiam: J rddme CeomgeTunb1l and James B, yams, welcomed the new members on behalf of the 'Session and Con- gregation, Me sermon' subject was Titel'Oovervant" The ,anthem "King of • Kiang" was sung by the ehoir. PLEDGE TO Make Furor/ -. Bruce Riding MORE Prosperous John Wt Hanna Official Candidate For the: Progressew eConservatives Your Vote and Influenceisolreated Huron -Bruce Progresalve, Conservative Association - i Obituary x Mrs. Chas. Lamont ' The death of it much respected resident of Grey tonvunship, Elizabeth Huether, beloved wife of Chas. A. Lamont oec'unned at - her home 111 Grey township, lot 10, concession- 7 after an illness of about six. menths. Bohm be Petersburg, the eideet •deuigbrber-of 'the Tarte Geo. and Mae, Huetther and when a young girl 'came •tavt':llvel Ont. to live with her grandanother. Os August 9th. 11906 else was melted in mtaniage to her now bereft timband. She leaves to mourn her loss ante slam Melville at home, else 3 brothers, Tom, St. Marge; Dian; Cranbrook; Chris'tia'n; T•oa'.onutno' and 2 sisters, Mrs. Nettle - Metz of Walkerton and Mrs, Emma 'nem of Hamilton. The funeral which was. largely attended teak. plates from her late honae on Friday afternoon: Interment in Brusesls cemetery. Rey. Mr. Brenton - of Ethel United 'Cbnnrch deceased's pastor conducted the 'service. -The floral tributes were beautiful, During the service by -aseoial request Mr. L. W. Ecikmier sang "The Old Rugged Grose." The pa1ibeaeens' were. Tom MsDoneed, L. W. Beriantierr, Ghats. I7ae:s'uld, Geo. Men'zie'st Wm. Holling- er:, and • Norman Lament. The bower -heavers were; Margaret Deitnter, Meese Detlt'ner Tena, Arra- strung', Eaatseslt Martin, Mas: Glen Bray,- Mins. Tom McFarlane. • WilliattmHenry Detlow (Pa)neer' The death of William H. Dellow oocnamed in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on :Sunday morning, Apri'I 9th in his 60th yeah', atter A llong illness. MT. Mallow, who was better known here as Wm. Palace, Palmer being the name of his step father, had been -seriously 111 for snare than a year. Ile was in Wingham hospital for -,some time prior togoing to bhc'torla 1„aspittal, London about nine monthe' ago. Tile eon of the late .Lennie Boson sand Bora. Dellow, he wars married in 1909 to ti's, Hoar bereft widow. A ' stave -cutter by trade, he worked tat bis trade in Cargill be8ore doming ng to Brussels where he was employed •at Arran:Ms Mill. He 'operated the ,American Motel here: eleven yens atgo and later went to work at Sawyerville, Quebec. He was identi- fied with the Preehybreien Church and was a member of the Canadian 1 Order of Fotmesrters. • He is ,survived by his. widow and two eons, 'Op1. Witilem,'i . and Cpl. James A., etre ane on active service ov'ers'eas. Also surviving are three sistems and -a half brother. Funeral services. were condeeted in the abs'enee of Rev. S. Kerr, by .iter. ID C. Wilson aL the United Chorda Pham his laite re'siderce on Tuesday, Maty let at 3:30 p.m. 1n. fer'm'ent was made pin, Sr,ussels cemetery. Pallbearers' were: R. 'S. Warwick, C. R, Davidson, Chas. l?avidson W. Willie, W. Camieron 'and R Currie. Canadian Receives Highest American Honor (The Waterclown Review) 'Moines. F. Saneleoon orf Detroit, a other oe Rev A. L, Sanderson of Watertown . has im'st reoeived the highest award given in the Scout movement int Atineeoa. The Silver Beaver Award Pot distinguished. servfoe to the boyhood of America. The 'eenliflcatte which accompanied the award is signed by President Roos'eveillt as T3oabdrary Chairman Tlerfbert Hover se vias t!lrairinaTh and Jas. Voest as - 'Chief .. Sooet. of tt m'eeica, The presentatoat tool: plate last week el Detrail.at the anneal meet- ing of he Anne council lirf Boy ,Seattts of America. Mr. Samclensoit 'wits horn at. Wrox- eter, nnitaIo but for Mr, Sanderson life Only breathe ,et 40 for it mat at this ege th'ad he entered Bey Scoltt anovereat. Iris coeftid'btvtian 40 the Seed Movement bas' been such that the Secait waders in Detroit .and 1'ltelil can 'State have looked -to Bien ter leademsduie whieh iu turn rebnited in the Federal Amend being trade. Congrtaitnlatierts dame extended. to 117a'. Ssnd'taeon 'ttironigh les brother Rev. A, L. •ISamtd+ertott ilvlto is also dndemested iml • find; tuts • and Scout fit comment„, Met a+eceubby returned f:'-.'. a 3, days' leave do England, earl quite O. Won me, butt it mare weer a treat to be ,among people who spoke ¢:'.nglielt, alter quite a spell -among etranl err wh'p oould;'nle'ithear speatr nor under,- stand dderstand Enetish,'ne'ltbter could I under- scan,1 lbastlwr or Flemish, ul^iuo' an .Del!glei n, leznet quite a few peojie Who 'Muhl talk' "ba+alneu" English, The .weather beim is "reasenablee' the Mee. is good no tgtll in all l have nothing to complaa'tahout. The uua11: from ,Canada' teaches here " in goer/: time--aalbksut' 110 or 12 days, :/and the must importaMt thing is that it gets•• liar , I have not' "lost" .'a letter- for .a 1 bong long time, in feet, T only emcee of baying ^'lost"'Lour or five einem Ieavirg 'Canada -OW I speak so cenedently i0 because 'ae1 any letbera front home araentunmeredi con-. m[tuttyely. I •beNeve that Canada - is',' sluet'tly to float t'he'8th' Vieto;y :loan; in support of, 'drat I would 'say the , following: I .tha.v-e steen, your sone • and your huslbands, your brotherm emit Year sweethearts. . I have ,steep how' they worked. played, -fought and 1lfved. I hay& eeels some of .th'ere die. I've seer' :nnre courage, more 'hum'our in the Pham -or diecom(ont, more love dal an era "o8 hate ,and mare d'evotion to duty than seems, !humanly possible. . Along with the Al -ides, .Feta eeeta: Canadian minds%' Oanadiaar skill awl: Canadian' strength . treating the, ba0kbane of evil--+erusbing Nazi- ism, LII coarse home I imagine I would - find people still N'rvin,g eel tlhinldng the way I lived and thought before g:•' came over's'ees and was given a look at real sou ➢flee. On the-continenit of Europe, .ani; over the •contimeattt, and on, and over tthe battlefields e!1s!etwtliere on, and; over the waters et the Atlantic mash the Pacific, Canadian blood is bull* your 'Interne security, a lifetime of tion on the tneedom you were alt Mem to. 'And if'I 'Mane beak I imagine it. would 'pe find ople ,exulting„oven r t-3ae "levastaittng: ironiard bhe .cJook” bomb-- ing raids over Germany and say- ing how wonderful they are. You have never wlatebes the- face of s pilot as he ,read the bulletin board: and sew the name of his "buddy" marked/ up missing. Those -round the clock ma9!ds' are wonderful only tech tine „rte' of the uma' and co a spirit g of the men, who .make them possible The news''walper aceomnts of the rapid advances of our troops Into Germany melee wonderful readiasg to you toiks back ho'm'e, but did you ever stop and .think of the "het?," your boys: ;have went through se. that you May onoe again. be free" Pram the slhadow 'of hie Nazi' oppress ora. And on the high aeeem-trim tnea who hlav Inept aeIatthe lite lines' po en— the unsung 'heroes, the merchant marines, the man 'of the Canasibeat- Navy, they too have more than Bene their share so that 'once agat+t, the"' would mall he tree. Until a lot mere 'oe you reellsa' what your amen have gone tltnoiigh in Alps, in planes, .in ' landing bargee mid on float in the junglels, dessert, on the ,beechen in the m.onin,taius ors bettlefltellde ell ,over thie Continent, its going to be tough lo talk to the' men woo •caano beck, 'ands in the case of those who should, it's going to be a lot tougher to Took them cannee to ?Rte eye. Pemsonlally I haven't done very retch, but /God korner I've done: err share. but I know from a'ctude experience, 11,a hell thlat war can Tye Dying i'e 'sometimes. 'easier than[ living through it --tut dving le always harem than wthat you' folks at home are eeked '10 tie, Tai ean't- g'ive untilit lents hecaese' it dnesrl't 1:mst to give money -mitt doesn't make vont bleed a, bit to buy betide, These men I wee, with in flnelanel and Melly 'and; n'r+amlae and ilelointnt and Holleele. Mose m'et, wile have flame the Mir -filled aklc" over G'errinaaty :and give thettr Morel and - their isigiht r"theirsdgiht and their limbs, and fhelir' lives—these amen who really civ ." till it hunts—they also buy bonds You at 'home would, ' nnd'eretan' i this better, if yon ,could go' themes a. few Imen tel waaidsl, stop al„ a fete em'ergem!c'v ;dressing `stations•. pray foe yiour ',awn courage In orerating• ermine es pent: watch teams of etea7 fingered sea steely nerved surgeons perforl minetties of sloientoe an man wbn.:Uavr' !p'erfornved mira'elee, ref enetrage Therm men 'in hosaiftals cohtidn he a» 1••i'etctteet to the indignity of organ ,zed tomes throe Mt the warr'i":. Th'ey've given• enough': But bf there wai ssoane were that e•ai, people 'meld see the horrors amid hettrtmrlies of war, yen world need bass 'urs+'tng, nsa eehtnrting and lea§. driving' toe,.. inc bowie'. Lee? !`ion wogtldn^t meed ary. Well Boy. I don"1,10110'* why thin letter developed along these !Neg. (7 aasmme' yon. T tan net working- tin h anmanititstton basis) bet if oothi!ng rleaa, it will Stdel 'et little intik to the letter,. anywtay, You tin get faster-. and tenet aiertpllrate terries ori VIM war ever 'the' radio lett t c eit9' hoslslhly give• se t have to flit in win something or othier - Yours 'dealt' slnterely,; wa'rry Muter