The Brussels Post, 1943-11-10, Page 4Page 4. tet Cod Liver Compound with Creosote. Invaluable in the treatment of persistent coughs due to colds 411.00 bottles Suckley's Bronchitis Mixture; ' 40c and 75c bottles Rexiliana Useful for Dry Irritating Throat Coughs .50c Vick's Vap Rub ... .50c Vick's Vatranol . • .. 5Oc Rexeill Chest Rub 25c and 50c Rexall Nose and Throat Drops 25c and 50c Rexall Bronchial Syrup ••• • .. • „ .. 50c ampoih Week — Coast to Aasi Wampole's Extract of Cod Liver Oil $1.00 a bottle POULTRY l• FOR COLORTN'G PREPARATIONS Royal Purple Poultry Conditioner 30c and &k Hess' Panamin Pratt's Poultry Regulator •..- 35c Bell's Poultry Tonic .. 50c Pratt's Lice Killer , • • • 35c Diamond Dyes Sunset Dyes Tintex Dyola Dyes Rit All The Popular Colors 15c pkgs. 4.Uciity Patterns SEE TI -WE LARGE ?CATALOGUE PATTERNS 15c, 20c and 25c each F. R iti 'ire lVv4tSWAM TELEPHONE NO. 62 is a..tt;lGl:i1` ants STATIONER TELEPHONE NO. 62 11 DISABLED DEAD or .-'hits removcct in Clean Sanitary trod:,. ?Moe collect, 72 BRUSSELS. fir• w . a F3E e ` BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries PswbBe Elmer D. Bell, • E.A. (..lase ph BVEAOL1r, B.,t'c. (Absent on Active Ser; c,, Wednesday and Satan•dal,; afternoons) BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS ,Daily from 9:00 until 12:00 and from 1:30 usstil 600 (except Thursday from •9:00 until 12000) Ej EYE STRAIN causes headaches, 'weariness, no pep, drousiness LURKED'II' t � 1 makes it hard to thread needles, read the paper, sew in comfort. If your eyes trouble you, have thorn examined in BRUSSELS by . A. R ID, R. O. Stratford's leading ,Optometrist for 25 years. BRUSSELS OFFICE—MISS HINGSTON'S STORE 1st and 3rd Wednesdays -2 to 5 p.m. NEXT VISIT WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17111 The Home of the Better Used. Cars 1940,Ford V-8 Deluxe Coach 1940 Ford V•8 Standard Coach 1933 Dodge Coach 1933 Chev. Coach , 1932 Chev. Sedan 1930 Model A Coupe Used Wallis 2030 Tractor 10" Plate (good) Chopper ocria te e* p. E. NURSE At The Cities Service Gavl Statieli BRUSSELS o ORSI' `.lt;Rll AAA— = ..c, YX IlAIA ' Cl . 3sRllev Ads FOR SALE— la 1(wes and J. Ram tat nisi qnrvt 1 nbann Phone 1,1 FOR SALE— Harley and Wheat on Hand, 1). A1. MaeTavish Phone 48, Brussels FOR SALE— Pigs 2 months old. W. J. k;nrtlldon Thane 24-1.-18 FOR SALE— Drown Metal lied with decorated panels, %, bed size only, no springs or mattress. rum u�+!•www.., xktow, ., antpa .w..;,gov.,... mwww11.0w...ww.x.,a Have Y jr EYES Reconditioned for Winter The Dun and long Wintei Evenings put an added strain on the Delicate Eye Mechanism..., Why not have your Eyes Examined NOW and have them put in good condition, thus reducing Strain and needless waste of Vidal Nerve Energy. I expect to be in Brussels an day and Evening Thursday, Nov. iith, to give expert Eye Examinations and to supply Glasses where required. Phone Brussels 26x for appointment. Frederick F. Homuth Eyesight Specialist Harristen, Phone 118 Brussels Phone 26x Phone :;Ss -r-3, Mrs. 11' Porter STRAYED---_ I _. One hound carte to Burt Evan, Con. 12, (trey, owner can have same by paying for ad. Phone 26-r-7. Notice— •Leave your potato order at Elliott's Grocery. Carload of Prince Edward Island's. to arrive shortly, FOR SALE— A car of Gobbler Potatoes to arrive at McCracken's Grocery phone 43. POTATOES— N.B. - Govt.. Graded and inspected new bags—$2A,5, 75 lb. bag. WE SELL FOR LESS GREWAR'S GROCETERIA PRONE 5 BLUEVALE Warrant Officer, Russel Barnard. who spent the last ten days with hie parents here, has left to report at the east coast, and was accompanied as far as Toronto by his wife; Mr. and Mrs. C. 1'. Johnston and two sons also Alan Barnard; Mr, and Mrs. R. P. Gorillas Mac and Olive Scott with Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. Me)achern at Arthur; Mrs, P. S. Mere en with. her brother, Dougal Strachan. near Brussels. Ten Commandments For the Newcomer Pile 11 meomCr -in any community is for the first few months "on trial," and the jury is the- ,Clon- sequently he or she can not afford ; to break any of clic following rules: 1, Don't make a special friend i of some one Individual until yoit are sure thet he or she .10 the nue you really Valli for a bosom friend. In malting this mistake, yon are fre- quently giving others a reason for leaving you alone. They know the bosons friend's background better than you do. 2. Don't art as though the new life is a comedown in any way If I you mice your former way of life and former friends, keep 11 to your- self. 3. Don't try to impress people. 11 just can't be done without giving away your motive, 4. Don't join every organiration that; invites you. You may easily find yourself where you don't belong and 1t is easier getting in than out, 5. Don't he forever apologizing. If a caller finds yon in a mess, brief- ly explain that you are in the middle of cleaning and then concentrate on malting your caller glad he or she came to see you. 8. Don.'t be a climber. It is idle easier way' to miss making real friends with real people. 7. Don't figure that if ycl( Ratter everybody enough you'll be well - Eked, 8. Don't make the mistake of fudging the quality of your new an- gnaintances by their tirestt, their car or their hoarse. Nowa-days, as form - enly, "fine feathers," are within the reach of a great variety of birds, 5. Don't get into a small group 115at types you. so that people can describe you accbrate]'y by saying Oh., she (or he) runs around with such anti such a crowd," 19, 'Uasatly, don't try ton hard to put yourself sortie,,; as On, or tint. In other words, be yourself, MORE SNIPS, MORI TEA AND RATIONS OOP th .last a year *ad n mon* after rationing coinaneaieed lhogavarek, mead in aha to raises our allow - awed tenafull ithe'k'%.ALADA' Tea -lovers will rejoice at this, haply turn of events for tow thoy oan gest 3 1h, of their favourite too every six weeps instead of *rely eight, The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House Goderich . com- mencing Tuesday, November .86th. at 2.00 P.M. All accounts, notices. of deputations and other business requiring the cittention of Council should -be u a.: ch.; [tunas of the County Clerk not later than Saturday.', November 13th. N. • �:J'. rtl/d ILLER County Clerk Goderich ,Ont. _ FARMERS AND FARM WORKERS If Your Farm Work has Slackened for the Winter, You Are Needed Elsewhere in Essential Employment Highly essential work—very important in. Canada's war effort and for 'the welfare of the Nation—is threatened with shortages of workers. One of the few sources of men available for other high priority jobs is those men on the farm who will not be needed at home during the Fall and Winter. Heavy needs must be met in many lines -- producing fuel wood and other neces- sary forest products; in base metal mines, in food processing, in railway track maintenance. If you live on. a farm and are not needed at home during the Fall and Winter, you are urged to answer this national appeal. Fanners engaged in essential work during the off season will be allowedt to return home when needed. Also, those on postponeinent under Mobili- nation Regulations will continue on Postponement while in approved essen- tial work during the slack on the farm. Please answer ibis vital evil NOW. Por full information please apply to one of the following: The nearest EMPLOYMENT AND SBLECTmla SERVICE OFF/CE or Pot I1tCORRIt: PROVINCIAL AGR.iCUL'R'tJit.at. REPRESENTATIVE Or YOUR LOCAL PAItYab Paooucnoj Ceavmavlrmtz RATIONAL, SELECTIVE SERVICE itomnuuax Mrresreu, MMbr r of Lsitsur L OMR h MAc1VAustus, iekrci.r, *Wow,' Vet*" **fee lbaes*I0 01.1.4,..11.11.40100,1,141,1 • choke 'div y' Ow °ped 1940 Plymouth Coach 1940 Ford Coach 1940 Pontotoc Sedan 1940 Plymouth Coupe 1939 Ford Coach 1938 Chevrolet Coach 1936 Ford Coupe 1933 Dodge Coach 1933 Ford Sedan 1933 Oldsmobile Sedan 1928 Chev. Sedan `. .. L and W. —=,..7..=== Jacks. Phone 161 ors Lt Listowel, Ont. NOTICE bio Cream Patrons Creamery y will Not be Open on Saturday Eveniri ;;k.'. After October 30th. BRUSSELS CREAMERY :mow namisramossymastrnoomillmarg ijBoys('o.ndYoui'h's Black Sturdy High Cut Boots, Sizes 11 to 6, $x'.95 Boys' Lorzg Leather 114r tt's, 35c up Boys' Wool Blain et Cloth W 1'nd breakers $3. 95 Men's and Young Men's Winter Overcoats $20. and up Men's Heavy jumbo Knit weater Coats just the type for the barn sizes 38 to 44, $2.98 Men's Fleeced Lined Shirts :and Drawlers 98c a garment Women's and Misses' Tweed Coats $25.00 up Large Assortment of Women's Gloves We carry a full line of ,rubbers and Galoshes for the whole family Don't forget to ask for your sal.ewsBipe-'F' er $10.00 worth of these we give your A War Savings Stamp Free. TH , A ROADESTORE UMW ww,10103111111ffifflallialefl tillESOMPIP11814 Phone 61 Brusseels> Ord. Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family r..-,u..r'....F.�..�..�m.. ,.._ ummraaa..,a....., .... wa.,.. vu,...r..w..�..,.s.�. nes,..,.,,