The Brussels Post, 1943-11-10, Page 3hese days, when, tea must yield
the utmost in flavour, quality
is of supreme importance. Ask for . .
LG i;t. AYE
• The "Publicity" meeting of the
'4Vuolun'ni o tituto will be held
Tuesday, Nov. 11. at 2;30 pm, ill
the home ,if Mrs. ,1. S. Procter; ten
evn,r, Mits. N. 1.1eating. Tlril (yi11
"What good the Institute ha,. done
In. it doing or could do, In tii,is
coInninrity. Motto, ."Living. as we
go," by Mrs.. P. Anderson. Carreto
events, Mrs, A. Your•g. Adiliess, Mrs.
iV. J. Henderson, the district presi-
dei+t. Loncb raminittee,. Mrs. N.
Keating Mrs. ,J, M. (Mulles, Mrs, W.
Armstrong. All the ladies of the
community are invited.
A Rementbran'e Day servies, was
hold in the *Vetted! Church: Sunday
morning. National hymns were
sung and the sermon by Rev. G. 11.
Dunlop was taken from the words:
"Wherefore seeing we, are compass-
ed alomt l;y. so great a cloud of
witnesses. let us run with patience
the r-:+: ,• that is set before ns."
En Trinity Anglican Church. Rev.
P. H. : irceter took as his 'text:
"Strive to enter in at the street
grate. fur toady, 1 -ay unto you will
sank to enter in and shall not be
The Your:g People's Union of the
United Church was in charge of
a service held lo the basement of
the church on Sasnrlay evening with
the president George Johnston, in
the that r.
An address was give i by the
mini ter, Rev. G. H. Dunlop on the ,
subject, "Run the Good Race of
The meeting opened with a sing
song, The scripture reading was
taken by the presldetn and Miss
Barbara Michie led in prayer; Ross
Procter sang a solo.
The business included plans for
i a social which will be held on Fri -
day evening..
i •
oi,o;one ; tiapper 'i'homa'c Car -
Pot aWarwil: with itis wire at
hna:r 01 her parents, Mr. and
Al:-=. 1,yle 1lopper, and itis parents,
Mfr. and Airs, .john Garniss; ,14rs,
Wilson, Saskatoon, with Mr. and
A Cetidest Mrs. Robert
Yi"hnlson Oth hes' sister. Mrs.
Jolie :MIS' I'd, Tli'owntoivit; ACI
Ross Anderson, Clinton, with his
parents. Mr. and Mrs 7. Anderson;
'(4r. and 'Tpst 1), Armctn'nn+r with
thc,h• ,son Cecil and Mrs. Arm-
strou.g Thorndale, who accompanied
homy lr1tnrday ' even'ag and
spent the week end here; AC1 Jack
''' frotor itn'i friend Pool finch of
Centralia with his parents; Mr, and
Ararew (taunt and von hurray,
St. Helens, with Mr. and Mrs R. H.
Conites and Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc-
Guire: Mrs. .r. A. Brandon is a
onthin t ,in the wingham r;enr,'ai
Hospital; Mrs. B. Staples, T.onclon,
with her aunt, iMrs. Alex :rlanndng;
Mrs. Jerry Burke, Toronto, with Mr,
and Mrs. Evan McArter and Mr. and
..Irs. Earl Anderson Private Ray
Mut:Sweet', London, with Ins wife
at the home of her Parents lir.
and Mrs. A. Vincent; Alex Young
London, with .Mrs. Young and fam-
ily; Mrs. Cecil Black, Molesworth,
formerly Miss Mary Wightman
lirlgrave.- is ri Listowel Memorial
Mrs. Leis McGee of East. Wawa -
nosh wtvs-hostessk to the Brick Cntted
church Women's Missionary Society
Thursday afternoon when there '
was an attendance of 16 ladies.
The meeting opened with the wor
ship service conducted by Mrs.
.Stewart MaButney and her group,
The second: chapter of the study
boost "Dior All of Life," was gisen by
Mrs, Bergin Irwin, assisted by
Mrs. Gilbert JR:acroft, Mrs. Leih
7k•(,ee, Mrs. Gordan Robertson and
Sits. Stewart McBurney, Mrs. Leslie
Wightman 10011 charge of the busi-
ness period. Following this dkhposal
ut routine items a report al the sec-
tional meeting held in i)rossels was
given by Mrs. Wightman,: The wor-
shiN'service at -the next meelJeg will
be conducted by Mrs. Robert Coultas
unci her group. The meeting
with a hymn aiid PAayer, •
Teachers Convene
The Public Seh0or teachers of
. [teal:; anti Foot Wavvunvsh met in
the L3eigrave. school Friday after
nc ,1 wilt 22 teachers and the 1n'
;;pt;rlor, J. H. [Kinkead of Goderieli'
in attendance. Clarence Grainger,
Walton, noted as chairman.
A • roundtable confere+uce was
held when subjects were discussed
as follows: new books, •f (melting
methods, course of study. A demon-
stration an haw to make a fire .by
primitive methods was given by
Gearge Kirkby.
•A1 0:30 p.m. the group were, serv-
ed a citiclteu dinner in the basement 1
of the.Urited Church by the AVom-
en's Association. Mr. Grainger Was
master of ceremonies. l3et'lCeen
courses all joined in a period of
group singing.
It was decided to hold ' anther
meeting between Christinas and 1
A vote of tomtits was extended the
ladies of the church by Mr. Kirkby,
,,!sill lo by Mrs. S. Procter.
Jlrs• P. H. Streeter at 13lYth enter-
tolui'd the Ladies' Guild of Trinity
Church. lielgrave, at the Reentry on
Thursday afternoon. There was a
splendid attendance.
The regular' meeting wat held
with the President, Mrs. R. Mc-
Crea in charge. A special feature
was an auction sale of articles don -
alert ,by the members which teal-
ized between $0.00 and $10.00. Mr.
Streeter acted as auctioneer.
Also worthy of mention was the
httendance at the meeting of Miss
Margaret McClelland, formerly of
Belgrave, who enjoyed meeting old
A good paper on Madame Chian;
Hap; she'k was given by Mrs. Cooper
Mrs. 31ri11'.am lirydges conducted
YOUR Duro dealer is at your
service • at all titnes. ` If your
Pump isnot giving the service that
it should, have the Duro dealer
check it over, make necessary ad-
justments and, if required, replace
worn parts.
By doing this, your Pump will
be kept in good working order.
Production of Duro Pumps this
year is limited and makes it -nec-
essary for all present owners to
do everything possible to extend
the Life of their pumps, as replace-
ments are not available.
Should you be without running
water udder pressure, your Duro dealer
may possibly be able to secure one for
you, provided you can show it is ab-
solutely necessary for farm use and
essential for increased crop produc-
tion. Purchasers must secure Wartime
Prices and Trade Board 'approval.
Emco Bathroom Fixtures and Fit-
tings are still obtainable for a new
bathroom or renovation of an old one.
The Emco dealer in your vicinity will
be glad to shoes you the range of styles
now available, -
by War Savings Stamps and Cantatas Regularly
Wilton S Gillespie
Toronto Winnipeg
Hamilton Sudbury
• Hydro is a living thing. It takes people ... their hands and brains and hearts
... to keep Ontario supplied with power in uninterrupted flow.
Producing power kr Ontario's needs is Hydro's number one job. A veritable
army of men is required to keep this power flowing at peak efficiency. For
Hydro is much more than mighty power plants ... much more than the trans-
mission Tines you see striding through the countryside.
Hydro is the employees who keep the power plants producing, who guide
and co-ordinate the constant flow of 'energy through the transformer stations.
It is the employees who patrol the lines that carry power to far-off mills and
mines, to roaring industrial plants, busy stores and offices, comfortable homes,
peaceful farms.
Hydro is the families of those employees who have set up their homes in city
and town and country ... and, perchance, deep in the isolation of wilderness
and forest.
It is these ... and all the other co-operative men and women employees :. .
who have put life into Hydro, made it a living organization devoted to the
benefit and service of Ontario. -
Just now their efforts are directed mainly to producing power for victory
. and. essential uses, but, after the war, they will be readyagain to provide the full
service so essential to the development and progress of this province.
Yes, The heart of Hydro is people ... employees and consumers alike ...
both necessary ... both partners in a great public enterprise. For today .. .
as in the past, and in the Future ... the success of Hydro is dependent on both
the faithful service of the employee and the wholehearted support of the consumer.
the worsdtip service and read the
sculpture lesson, Mr. Streeter led 1?
in prayer. The business Period m-
chided the reading of the minutes
by Mis. R. Procter and the treas-
urer'( report by Mrs. J. Me0111,
Tho roll cal was responded to
with donations for the sale which
was held .tit the close of the meet-
log. All the articles 'were sold.
Refreshments were served by Mrs,
:Streeter aesisted by Miss Alice Rog-
A bingo and donee to - assist' jn
the work 0f seurliug chocolates mid
cigarettes to the melt overseas was
held in the FOrester's hall on
Thursday everting with a: fairly
Pod crowd 111 attendaneo., Arthro"s
orchestra supplied the mimic. The •
i:logo wars well patronized and good
prizes were awarded, A refresh -
tient booth was set. up in the hall.
Feed Poultry After
4 P.M. In Winter .
during tate night and in the case 01
ouitry not fed after 4 p,m, the store
f fuel is exhausted before the time
t is most needed during the coldest
hours 'at the njight in the early
Late feeding is a good system. Ati
example is Quoted of a poultryman,
who with only a medium flock, 'was
able to maintain good egg produc-
tion by feeding late. lie had na
elegy+trio light in the poultry house
but the girds came clown to feed by
the light of a lantern. [Tate feed-
,llg of had grains in con.litnclioil
with the use of light in poultry
1lonses stinintates 'poultry to nrodnoe
nhai'e P. \11e.
Warmth is an important factor in
egg pr0duction, Correlated wljth
warmth is reeding and the time of
feeding. Nature has' 001(11nod poliltry
with ample storage space, which lit-
eludes the crop, gizzard and 0Coluaah.
Tho gt7nard with its strong attiseialar
mils may bo likened to a Power*
plant. lel ' gonemtes heat in the
bird when't1,e eiep is full=of reserve
toed. Thus the bird is Rept Warm;
Willie the feathers keep the cold out.
tut the internal heat is dissipated
S'nk-'Dole in County Road
Proving Big Problem
Heron County road officials have
been engaged' in the dit'drult task of -
trying to 1111 in the ltoge sinkhole
on .flue eouuty " road on the 9111
concesstolt : of Was WaWanoSh,
about .'tour miles east OP the
holihdary read .between.Ashflsld and
West Wawanash townships, the inm
gainon-Lticlttio'W highway.
Alt through the early sunnier
months jn the rattly soason, this
road was its very had OOttditdoti, w1tiih
water rotting thrdugtt it, as if springs
were making their way to the
seriaae, se, III an endeavor to
improve it, the road was widened
and built up,
It was all ready to continence'
gravelling fvheu the road suddenly
dusonpeared. Trees and Perth illi
tke side :of the road were hoisted up
a distance of from . tour to seven
feet, the trees falling over on to the
road ,bl some areas, _
It has been necessary to till the
cavity with trees, rails, etc„ in order
to gel something to hold the loads of
clay which are -tieing dumped into it.
A special kind or trach called a 'La
Tour:tom," a self -loading art'aper or
grader; was used, ,the' Capacity nr
whi0h Is 11 yards per load,
. i
Mrs. lob» T•iuether was bortess to
the W.M.$. for the November meet-
ing with the president, Ma's, •D,
Hoether 'presiding. ' The meeting
opened Uy singing Psaltn 411 and
prayer by Mrs, J, la. Taylor. The
scriptljre frOtn Td (Mr, Ch. 4, was
read by Mrs. licit. Gorden. 'Me
tuirutes were rend and the roll
railed, sevehteet garter responding.
Very int.erestittg current events ih
ariiargo of Mrs, John McNeil were
road by Mg's. Alex Steins, htr'a Jit
Cameron, Mrs. Jim Keys, Mrs. Allen
(lenlOron, 'tics, 141, Finger! and Mrs.
Den Mettler. Atter singing
370 an •appropriate story "what's
Bads of it all" from the pen - of
Sandy. Fraser, was read by Mrs;
Martin MacDonald, Mrs. Dan
Huether invited the ladies to meet
in her home for the December
Meeting. -
Mrs, a. D. Taylor gave a reading
from the "Digest" and also rand the
chapter from "Goforth of China."
The treasurer presented her report
and the offering was takoii. Hymn
494 was sung, then the National
Anthem and Mrs, J. N. Taylor offer-
ed prayer. The ladies - 110 charge
served 'sandwiches and tes. and a
social half hour was enjoyed, The
Lodges' Aid had a short meeting and
made plans for a bazaar to be held
In the downstairs of the community
hall on Wed. afternoon, NIIV, 29th.
Lunch will be served,
Private.Tack Gordon of Vernon,
B.C„ is spending a two weeks' fur-
lough with his parents Relit, and
Fire. :t$ordon on the 14th obit.
Pts, 1]. Omstead is holidaying with
her sister Mrs, J'. FR:Zailuati r1n .5t,
Tinorttlts, .1
Want liol'mal Pep, Vim, Vigor?
rrs Nitok'ranai'reiil5te, eoatolSe irides, Atimw*.
tantmnlrnn,oamwn nt,wlnheilaoen o5sis:ecue .'
Iulr, .nil's v OIS n1(1 N55 itt] nnuilot& (cA 0
5t Y
iP'nll M n 1{'3G a�( e91 0,,1 041.rb$ UIi110 to,lny