The Brussels Post, 1943-11-10, Page 2If we all cut our telephone talks by just one RA It would ado lops hours gag l forWAR COS e Gey War cab must co e first . n . which means that we should reduce our non- essential use of the telephone to the minimum, Present facilities cannot be increased; your co. operation is needed if war calls are to go through promptly. LPlease remember that the wasteful use of telephone time can hold up war business and that every second you save counts. !ix r`lc7.r.'ss Seievcber °teasel Ole -ers- te egeedess TnE 13RUS$1~LS port MORTGAGE SALE Girder anti by vinic of the powers et stile t:otttttet1(U 1e a certain more gage. whtell will be prctlluced at the time of sale, there will be offered tar axle by public auction on Wednesday, the 04th day of Nov etneer, A.D. 1943, at 1,30 o'clock in the afternoon at the premises, hpreivafter mention• ell. the following lauds, namely :ALL AND SINGULAR• bliat cer ai': parcel ur tiaet at laud and Bt'etnisee eituata lying and being in the Township of Aluri•is in Ute County of Huron, anti Province of Ontario, and being ' emaposed of Farm Lot the Westerly Halt of the Northerly half of Lot Number Six, in the Sixth Cu,tcession , of the said '1'uw,.nhip of Mertes, alio . containing fifty acres be the same ' more or less. The said lauds are of good clay loan[. and well Situated, being on a t'oulty Highway, 30 rods frons a eebool at.0 , .us• to market centres. Erected thereou there is said to be •1 good barn and a comtortable !muse also a drilled well. The lands will he offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and other conditions of sale, For further pet'ticnlars apply to the undersigned. F. FINCiLANt), K.C., Clinto't. Ontariu .Solicitor for the Mortgagee WILLIAM MORRITT, Auctioneer. BUS1NFSS CARDS •''T ;f.z..,lAM SPE,NCE Estate Angor Conveyancer and Commissioner • GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET, — — ETHEL, ONT. • 1312113 ) 1 1 1 1 `. ? "..1 ill3?3S? 1/2.1:t )11.Or (FOR HURON COUNTY) For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they will be looked after lm•medtately. For information, etc., write or phone either 51.e 18 OR 41X et Brussels, Ont. ALL SALES CONDUC ED IN A SATISFACTORY MANNER. MODERATELY PRICED. Allan A. Lamont Agent for—Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Insurance Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy for farmers. Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 657 W. S. Dona^xi*:.f:cn - Licensed Auctioneer Phone 33•r.13 — Atwood, Ont. for the Courties of Huron and Perth ALL SALES 'PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO CelARGES MODERATE— Engagements phone 31 'The Brussels Post' and they will be looked after immediately. For W. D. S. ,iamieson, M.D., C.M., 'L.M,C,C, " Physician and Surgeon Coroner. Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 8 p.m. Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. Sundays—Emergencies and by appointment only. Home calls hi forenoons and 4 - 6 p.m. — Cl* -as. T. Davidson e,iiurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Autc>nnbik and Fire insurance • A,:cidesit and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance ,Co. 'PHONE OFFICC. 92X BRUSSELS, ONT. RESIDENCE 87.r-2 arcld Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD 'SALES (Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties) PRICES REASONABLE, SATISFACTION GUARANTEE© For information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson. phone 12 on 658 Statorth R.R. 1, Betio !feed Make nr'•angen elite at -The Brussels Pest or Elmer D. Bell, Barrister Office, 'Brussels, D. P1 RANN Furniture FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVILE. Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or —S"a " ,.._,,...,,..— —.-•,.••iBRU5SSEL,S, ONiT. JAMES LV11CFADZEAN Flowich Mutual Fire Insurance Hartford Windatorr Tornado Automobile Insurance PHONE 42 P,0. BOX 1 TUltNBERRY ST. --x— BRUSSELS, ONT. Lewis Rowland (LIcenecd Por Huron County) SATISFACTION GUAF,ANTEED — PRICES REASONABLE ;'or Engagements Phone 21 The Brussels Poet" and they will be 'ookedafter immedaitely For infers etion, eto., w it* or phone Lew. Rowland 880 e.24 ai' Lewis Rowland, Auettoneer Soaferth; er write R.R. 3, 'Walton. Mrs. Jas, l'hynne .,,,,.ale nem,..• Jack Thyntie, Adnlinlsteeter 1'neurance AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS SAI•URDAY, NOVEMBER 20th AT 1 P.M. MRS. MARGARET PERRIE. Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer MORP"' GREY \liss Llattra blilaeott is visit lig bur sestet', Alis, J. Jeifety of G'otlericli, Lige week. ETHEL Reedneeflae, Nerelrbee i•i, 1848 *Oarellff, Clifford *'lganidlf, William The Wee Women's ]natilute will *compbeh, John hold their annual Family Night Campbell, 'Bobs' euppee in the. Township Hall on Coleman, Ken. Thursday, November 13th at 7:OU l Celsinan, 13111 p,m, tis hoped Inc.t aA *Davidson, Cleve institwillubtete members and their families will be *Doll, Charles pt•esen.• A altort itrogravl , Nov. Jill, q'heil the ncigliboUrs and given.. DunnDo11,0. Irwin friends of Mr. and Mrs,- Angus \Fe were pleased to hoar 1Zr,-v. If. J. *Elliott, W. R. Btou'n aaseuthled to bid them fare- Snel'1 od Auburn over OKNX • Wing. Elliott, George well before moving to their :tow bran tit the ulturcli of the air last Elliott, Orwell home,\\"edt:osd:tY morning. Elliott, Dick Seaman Gordon Kreuter sokMi 3 * Elston. Wtx. A varied program of musical few days xtt his home in the v°liage. Edgar, Harvey ( umbers, vocal and Sus uilt byy t'tHie parents.. Mr, and Mrs, J. Kreuter Farrow, Jack reacliugs anti a shat[ speech aceompauied :him to Toreros to Ills Tischer Howard Tho01itt's I'it gh itt'rty was prksdt'es' after which the foilun•iug udcUes, return to au K1.81Etat pert and spent Garuiss, C. 11. a few days in the city, •guesti nt Gatniss Thos. aa. read by Selwyn Baker and the Mrs Krauter's sister there. Glaasiel Fred. gifts presented by Mary Me3utoa11 \\ s' arc' glad to report lha.l. Miss Glassier, Stuart slid Mrs.seWm. d the n, Lunch was Mary Dunbar Is ree.OYerittg nicely in *Gowing, C. B. then served antt the remainder et Seaforth hospital after nn a ipenclls *lrox, ]lussell he evening spent in cluuc.ing, operation last Wednesday. Fuller, J. S. To Airs. Net,'Whifield and \h=. 1Vlu, Stna]ldml of Patera- Garniss, H. M. Mr, and Mrs. A. Brown; Garton,, Ed. burg, Indiana, has been vision; her It is with the moot profound'', *Gillis, M. met.heren•law, Mrs. Mary Smalldon Gordon, Jack regrets we are well to Mete to-, also other friends in Kincardine and - night to bid farewell to one of the laf r 1londay meriting for her home. Grainger, Stanley F. oldest established families io ant ['Hall, T. Deb, Residents of this community will *Hall' \W. D. church and community. We se'anee be ;glad to know that ear. Connors to take it for granted you would , 5 Mall, of Atwood will lie in out, village Hamilton, GordondRC. nllvawe stay among us but siteh can- every \\•c.clttesday aitornoon and not he so we are called upon to bid Ilauiilton, Allan C. evening until ftu .her notice. farewell. Both of you ladies were \; e are sorry to report final Mrs. *'Harman, 7. K. born and lived almost all your lives • • John King has bean ill, De, Jatttie- Ilastings, Dave among us. You have always been : tin of Brussels has been in attend. Hood, L• she. ideal' heel: and hostesses -in your ante. We wish her a speedy re. I Hoo(1, .S. home. How many pleasant etenioas 'tonere. ITap T,Ioyd, Wm. • we all havr, spent. with you in your Pte. Kenneth Thompson of To- eeluntar, Glenn A. home and you in nnrs. and file *Malley, G. R. ionto wase tithe end visitor a his yming people, nice have many • pleas• home. Kerr, Stewart at't memories or evenings and other ''Lamont, L. Mr. and etre. Gee. A. Campbell and a Lowrie, I1. C. social times spent. with you. Tn our family have taken. up .,"cidence In chord life you have always been so '['Lowe, S. ei Ed. Stela d', ]must. ready to help, for years in PlpworthLucking' Wm. Allan. Hamilton of Halifax N.S., Lowry, Jaak League and young peoples work ' has been Having a fnrtough with but much longer in the choir from friends here and in Stratfo••ri, M1iaohan, Ross ,when yen were old enough enol the Malin, Eldon \'[rigors at the bonne of kir. and *McCauley, L. E. present. Always so willing to sing Aire. W.C Stevenson. 10111 coo., over altie or kith others is duets. guar• McCreath, Ted. the weep and were; t.p1, and lI'es• McCuteheon, Frank tetter, Ste,.. and assist with your Matthews, Miss E. Virtue and Sgt. voice for the pleasure of all.'~McDowell, M. li. 1, Ken. Owens of the Q. 0. R., who is *MeFarlaue, T. N. Lt 'one W. M. S. and Woman's ; home on furlough after sera:n; two idetil ation you have always teen an *McFarlane, P. Waiter and a half years overseas all a@ McKay, Archie ideal member. you have ehvays Toronto. also Stanley and Mrs, beery ready to act it president and ; *McLaughlin, K.' Spelran and Bruce of Brantford. McLean, Arthur in any other capacity you could Airs. Jas. Hampson and soft Larry *Mitchell, Jack A YerY pleasant evening was slleht. in Union School agonday' evening„ O. S, -1l•. and Aire. Lloyd Aldworilt hod Mr. and Mrs. Eckert of tVaterloo were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Beirnes. AUCTION SALE Farm Stook and Implements Lot 16, Concession 3, Morris Twp. 3ee miles South of Biuevaie Those from a distance are welcomed for dinner. THURSDAY, NOV. 25th Gale starts at 1 p.m. Sharp HORSES 1 Bay Horse 10 yeah old 1 Roan Mare rising 9 (Team) 1 Ray Horse rising 5 1 Bay Mare rising 4 (Team) CATTLE 1 Fresh Cow 1 Pow to freshen Nov. 1Sth 1 Cow to freshen Jan. 28th 1Cow due in March 1 (Jersey Cow) milking, carrying end calf 1 Cow dry 2 Roan ,Steers 2 years old 2 Gray Steers 2 years old 1 Gray Steer 3 years old 2 Poll Angus Steers 1 year eld 2 Poll Angor Heifers 1 year old 2 Blue Roan Heifers 1 year old 1 Hereford Heifer 1 year old 1 White Heifer 1 year old 1 Bull 10 months, eligible for regis- tration 8 Poll Angus Calves 6 Young Cattle, yearlings PIGS 1 Sow with pigs at foot A number a shoats Contents et House Trailer, including i Violins suitable for ot'chestra, 1 Tent 7x12 (new), Blankets, Dishes and eto, Other articles, beets (car equipment) loo numerous to mention. IMPLEMENTS 1 White Engine 25 -horse, suitable for saw mill or heating plant Tank (capacity 11 barrels) Stiction Pump complete with hose Beatty Make (new) 1 Circular Saw 1 Deering Binder 7.61. 1 Massey -Harris Mower 6 -ft, Massey -Harris M•a.nure Spreader International Mauro Spreader Seed Drill Root Pttlper MnLataghtin Cutters Chatham cutters Wm. Gray Cutters extra set of Sheets set of Sloop Sleighs set of Bench Sleighs Truck Wagon 1 1 1 3 5 4 3 1 1 1 set of Scales lMassaey-Ilarris Combination Rack 1 top Buggy sets of Double Harness set of clonble Bridles Tarpaulins suitable Dor troika Ilalcglt spoon t Pewer Drill Sees suitable for hay rack Reek Eln', Tongues A quentity of Lumber A number of Gedar Poste 1 pile of Dry Maple Wood 'PERMS CASH i2 I1 .1 !4 5 assist Inc the advancement of our societies. You will be very muib, missed at our Fowl Suppers, Garden Parties and all soeial affairs ac you always were so generous in year balking and ready to help in any way possible. Later we have looked forward .to Ice Cream socials where we one and all had a very pleasant and profitable evening together. And you Angus while not being • able to caaitn being, a. life long resi- dent of the community yon have siiee t the greater part of your life very happily among us. You have aiwaystbeen ready to help in any way you could Or were requested to de. We will always be sari when we copse to church and aee the empty pew. It seems easier te• empty- diem than to get some one else to fill them and impossible for someone else to all your places in church and community. We have found yon ideal neighbors, church people and citizens. We ask you Mrs. •Whitfield to accept this silver plate end yon Mr. and Mrs. Brown this tea service as te small token of the esteem we neighbors have for you and may you have as pleasant assocdations in your later life in whatever oeernminity you choose to spend your remaining years as you Wive had with as, May God in hie infinite wisdom shower blessings upon you wherever you choose to cast your lot and we harps not too distant from ate ,Signed in behalf of the Church and community. ,Selwyn Baker Blair Mclntoeh Chas, Lake Tint Dilworth E'leton Speiran Farm For Sale - 100 afire' farm, good buildings, spring creek and drilled well; 7 acres of bush; 2 miles from Brussels. Mfrs. Lillian Clark, Brussels, Ont. Phone 70-e-11 GET YOBIt PERMANENT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATER LESS THERMIQUE End Curls $1.25 and $1,75 and $2.S$ Including Shampoo Permanent $2,00, $2.50 end $5.00 Including finger wove and shampoo ecelp treatments with Steamer very beneficial for dandruff. dry heir, ole hair and eto, 6 Treatments Including Shampoo and Finger Wave $5.00, Telephone 55x toe en Appointment IRENE PEASE OVER PROCTOR'S RESTAURAN°f of Hatnlilton are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Steele ancon this week. Mg's. Mace and nice little .Sharon Henry of Hamilton have arrived to visit the former's parents, Bert and bli•s, Parker. Mrs. R. J. Sharp of Crystal City, Man., is visiting leer' neice Mrs. Glenn Eckmier, also Mrs Gordon Long of London, being it daughter of the fernier and. Mr. Raisell Eck- mier of Wallcerviile were also visitors at the name haute. Aucalo`n Sale Of Household Effects on John Street In the Village of Brussels on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20th sale to start at 1 o'clock pert. 2 ewten:don tables 1 library table, oak several small tables 1 kitchen table 6 dining room chairs, leather bottom 12 dining room chairs 3 rooking chairs 2 arm chairs 1 dining room couch 1 spring filled mattress 1 wooden bed 1 sewing machine 1 bed. 1 washstand 1 rocking chair white enamel 1 glass kitchen cupboard 1 large pantry cupboard 1 Clare Jewel cook stove for woad or coal 1. kitchen sink 1 heating stove wood or coal e number of stove pipes 2 carpet sweepers 1 washing machine & wringer A number of floor rugs A number of curtain poles, dishes and other articles too numerous to mention, TERMS CASH Mrs, 'Watigaret Perrie, Proprietress Harold Jackson, Auctioneer Olt oLL 1 :lose marked with * are oaerseae BRUSSELfi In the Army— Aloock, "Buster" A1eoek, Eric *Alcock, nes. 3,, '['Alderson, J. W. Barnard, Rue. *31514, 21. D Bell, W. Ii. 'BIM .. Bell,' Hattie Brothers, Lyle Bray, el. C. Brewar, J. *Bowler, Inane *Cassidy, PIMA *Myers, C. A. (Dr.) Nichol, R. Gordon *Palmer, Jim *Palmer, William *Pierce, Roy *'Riley, Clifford *Rooney, Leonard *Rutledge, Frank Rutledge, Ned *Sanderson, J. L. Saleman, E. McLean, Scott *Smith, David Bruce Smith, Jae. E. Stephenson, Mac "nee Thompson, A. *Thompson, Mel. Thomas, H. Thompson, David Tunny, Chas. Walker, Leonard *Whittard, Rosa P. *Whittard, Earl Wheeler, Glenn *V(rilson, 5. W. *Workman, Lloyd *Young, Elmer *Young, Norman *Young, Eveest In 'the R.C.A,F: It. Basket, Alfred George Black, Bert -- Black, Douglas Bryan, Russell *Black, Don A. *Campbell, Stanley, J. Oiardift, Clarke *Cardiff, Frank G. Davidson. Scott Farrow, Prank Galbraith, Bowman *Galbraith, J. George Gibson, Harvey *Harrison, L, W. *Henderson, Archie *Huetber, 2I. L. *Meehan, Willis *McKee, Allen C. McRae, Donald Mitchell, Prank *Parker, FI, 9, *Prest, '1'. A. Plum, Carl Pierce, .Stewart: Prest, W. M. *Prest, R. H. ' Russel, Lewis' *Rutledge, Jack Rutledge. Bartley *Rowland, William Scatt, Frank Sellers,Elmer W, Snell, Verne *Spier, John Spefr, ICennetii' Stiles, ,J'oe Stratton, Herb Thompson, Norman Ward, Gordon T. Ward, Leonard Ward, ![tray Wilson, Rested! Woodrow, Alec' Young, Arehfe In the Navy -- '5 P.resi, elan *Chapman, Jot. *Doll, Donald M. Smith, Elgin Mustard, Stanley Stiles, Buster *Workman, J. G. C.W.A:C.--. (Canadian 'Women's Aemy Corps) Mitchell, Betty Sanderson, Merle Rejected— Fischer, Wm. Gillis, 0, Grasby, Wut. J. Haist, Eddie Harman, G. Harrison, Marshall Hawkins, Herb. Henderson, Garfield Jamieson, Jack McDonald, Harold McDowell, Jack Pearson, Ralph Plum, )Srnte penftington, J. Pollard, Geo. Stewart, Clarence . Thornton, Themes NOTE—The following are really Brussels boys wko kad not reside* here some tinge' previous to enllet- mettt •- Ballantyu,, Archie F Backer, George Gatmiss, C. G. *Jermyn, J. R. *McIntyre, Bert *Parish, Jim Parish, Earl Yolleck, Harry Yolleck, Ben United States A.A.C,-- Eckmier, Wm. D. Best, Gordon Reserve Army 99th Battery-. Beaker, Mac Lawless, Ross • Pletcll, W. Mitchell, Ted Riley, Oliver Sanderson, Gordon Scott, Mee Sullivan, Bill Willis, Ja(ilc Willis, W. E. ETHEL Alexander, Stanley Ames, Bryan Bremner, Billie Bateman, Cecil ..Beer, Chas. *Brown, D. S. *Cole, Fred *Cunningham, Lawrence '['Dunbar, Jack Evans Lyle A. Franklin, Allan Hamilton, Allan 0. Haig, Norman *Henry, Stuart *Hewitt, Wilfred *Hewitt, Prank *Jardine, Lorne Jones, A. J. ICeifer,a Halburt Krauter, Albert *Kreuter, Calvin Kreuter, Gordon Michel, Willard *Mills, Jack *Patterson, John Patterson, Miss Alma Mum) Perdue, Everett , Raby, Mervin Sapwell, H. Speiran, Elgin Speiran, Vernon *Sleighthelm, J. A. *Vi(lden, Lorne WALTON 'In the Army *'Bendall, Charles H. *Bendall, T. A. Bennett, Ross Bewley, Walter Bryans, Harvey *Coutts, W. J. • *Crawford, A. *Farquharson, W. A. Holland, Gordon Humphries, Stewart.. Humphries, Stewart Kelly, 'William Marshall, Barry Murray, Donald M. Niohol, Wilfred *Nichol, '. I. Nichol, Mac Nichol, Lloyd *Ritchie, Kenneth Shannon, Wallace Travis, A. in the R.C,A.r, Marshall, Prank Ennis, Wm. Cosby 'eiryans, Sttuae't *Murray, ti. M, in the Navy Cotittit, Blare