The Brussels Post, 1943-4-21, Page 7_. _..THE BRUSSELS POST
amous for flavour since 1892
the 'Salads' name assures you
of a uniform blend of quality teas.
*kW Noose feeweea/M
Hello ITomenrakers! There's noth-
ing can gladden •a mother's. heart
more than having the children hone
for a few Clays — whether on holt.
days or on military leave. It: means
added strain on the ration book and
careful planning of your shopping
so that only necessary trips are
neele to the stole if you are rising
the car.
What to. serve for the 'l2aetel'
week -end need not puzzle no if we
choose dishes that intrigue the
appetite and delight the eye. here's
an inviting Ntutrl-thrift menu,
Breakfast: Farina porridge with
raisine in Lt, eggs in shells, toast
with jelly, coffee. Dinner: Baked
stuffed heart, baked potatoes,
browned parsnips, cream peach pie.
Lunch or Supper: Clear vegetable !
soup, devilled eggs, grated carrot':
and cabbage salad, 1laster' cake,
Bunny's fruit cup, hot chocolate. i
Baked Stuffed Heart
1 beef heart (about 4 lbs,),
1 cup brown cereal, 1 tsp. salt,
14; tee, Pepper, 1 tsp, sage, 2
the, shortening, 4 tbs. onion, 1
egg, milk.
Wash ,and trim heart. Remove
veins and arteries. Soak in cold
salted water for VI hour. Drain,
Macke stunting of cereal salt, pepper
and sage, onion and fat. Beat egg
ZYou can take your fat drip -
pings, scrap fat and bones to
your • bleatdealet. -fie still
pay you the established price
for the, dripping .-and•, Ilia
scrap fat.' If you wish, you
can tura this money oyer to
your Committeeor
War Charity,.
2 You can donate your fat drip-
scrap fat and bones to
your local Voluntary Salvage
Coeotdtfee if they collect
*min your community, or--
3 Ton oast continue to place out
your lata, and Bonn. for od-,
tee Depattmont whets StroatClaenolt
a.yutem la is sffeot.
oilintouit st Mow 10 ONO
in cup and till up want milk. Cotn-
• bine all together. ;Sew up to secure.
Coat well with seasoned flour and
brown 'thoroughly. Pour tomato
juice or Biot water to at least 14
inch depth. Use a tightly fitting
lice :and simpler 3 . to 4 7hours on
electric element turned to "Low" or
'^Sinn er :"
.Easter Cake
14, cup baking fat, s z cup
sugar, t/ cup light corn syrup,
1 egg, 1 egg yclk,'.2 cups calve
hour, 3 taps, baking powder, 1/2
1tsp..salt. 14 cup milk, 1 tsp.
vanilla, 'strawbei'r'y jaw, jelly
Cream the fat, add the sugar
gradually and cream thoroughly.
:SCh' in the corn syrup gradually.
Add the egg, then egg yolk, beating
well after each addition. Mix and
sift the flour making potvder and
salt and .add to first:mixture alter•
nately with the milk. Add vanilla
and poiir`into..2 greased and floured
9-ineb'•layer. crake pans'. Bake in elec.:
Irk -oven (t,,,tf degrees) 20 to 25
minutes. ;Spread jam between the
layers and cover top and sides with
Double Boiler Frosting. Decorate
with jelly beans. Make DOTIBLAI
ty cup light corn syrup. :
cup sugar, 2 tits. water, few "
grains salt, y tsp. vanilla.
one egg white.
Combine egg white, corn SYruP.
sugar, water and salt and heat with
a' rotary beater until :well mixed.
Place over rapidly boiling water
and Book, beating constantly, for. 5
to 7 minutes• or until the frosting
will stand in peaks. Itetuove from,
heat, add vanilla and beat until
thick enough to spread. If desired,
tint with yellow coloring.
Bunny Fruit Cup
1 pint jar of pears, 2 tbs.
gelatine, tt, cup cold water,
cinnamon buds, yellow co1orbm.
Soak gelatine in cold water. Heat
114 cups of pear juice and tint with
yellow coloring, Stir in 1111 soft-
ened gelatine. Pour into slightly
greased square cake_. pan and 011111.
Before it .is set, cut pears into
shapes and make profile of 2 bun-
nies in the shimmering jelly. Mark
eves with cinnamon hncls which give
anintriguing flavour. Place in
electric refrigerator until flral
1. A good dry cleaning will kill
moths and their ,eggs.
2. Use suit boxes for storago. Put
clean waollous in and seal with a
.piece of cloth: dii7ped in egg white,
3. Moth -proof flakes scattered 1n
the folds of garments in closets
and trunks will kill moths and
preventeggs from hatching,
4. Sprinkling powdered alum co:
sail: in the crevices of upholster.
11tg is also helpful in exterminat-
ing moths. -
5. Leave no 011) woollen rags or bits
of fur- about the louse — they
attradt -sloths. ,even polishing
cloths might be kept '10. a ,tin
can with cover on.
Mrs. D. B. asks. "How can I-
to prevent silver on back of mirror
from peeling?"
41uswer ; Mirrors. Should never 13e
placed !1i the direct rays of the
sun,, When ' washing, do .not let
water tun, down. bark:;
34114.' D, Bi, asks. "How can 1
clean "stained zinc washtub?"
AnaWer: Zino can he cleaned by
rnb'bing wltli kerosene' and: then
polishing with newsIYaperS.' Tne
kerosene and Dilutr's Ink on news'
papers is a combination that will
remove the stains, Scrub eat With
.soapy water and rinse.
e 14
Anne Allan auvites you to write
to her U1 Care of The Post, ,Fend
in. 5'011r snbstton and watch . this
confetti for replies,
Price Board Facts
Of Wartime Interest
Yom' questions will be J1;14'4'01'1.1
by the Women's Regional Adilsory
Committee to the Con umer l;rturch.
Wartime ',rice"' and Trade Boar i
and should be sent to 291 Dundee
Street, London..
Q.—Is price
s there a ceiling on
A.., -Yes, The highest ;rive an 11)111.
video] merchant charged beta 'en
January 5111 and Jannnry loth, 1942.
Q. --Why are new eat:rots, pr1011101
au4 beans so 11111011 higher Blau a
year' ago
A. --New carrots are higher in
ni'lce cc
on amount of ihe increase in
price ie l:•nlled ,-,times. Tlier.' is 1)e
ceiling on new carrots. Potato pelves
are very close to Ihe.price they were
11-1 year. '1'fi"y are govern:el by n1101 potato order issued in Novem-
ber. Yon do not state wlrenier the
hears are white beans or fresh
beaus. White beans are covered by
the regulations at basic period pr'ic•
es and there is noceiling on fresh
Q.—What is the ceiling Price on
A,-4.1very section will Have 1 dif-
ferent ceiling price on potatoes as
the freight rate varies to different
Q. --Are restaurants allowed to cut
clown on the' portion of meats and
A.,-2testaminnts are not allowed
to cut down on their sei'vrtugs,
Q. --Is suet a rat or is fat a suet?
A,—Suet is fat.
Q.—Landlord'A rents to Tenant 13
on a yearly lease..Tenant 13 is called
to the army and sublets "to C. Ten-
ant 13 is discharged from the army
and wants to oceiine his house. What
notice does. he have to give 11?
A. ---Tenant B. must give sub•l.elt-
ant 0 three months' notice requiring
C to vacate at the end of the lease
year: ,
Due Dates For
Ration Coupons
Purple coupons 1,. 2, 3. 4 and -5,
each good for one . •halfpound of
butter. are all valid and., expire
April 30. Butter coupon -No. 6 is
valid April 17 and expires May 31.
Pinar coupons 1, 2, 3, and a, . each
good for the•pm:chaos of one pouted
of sugar, are now valid, Thea Is no
expiry date. ;Prink coupons 6 and. 6
are not valid until May let,
Blue coupon No: 1 (spare B) Is
good for one Pound of sugar for use
before' Suns let with homegrown
rhubarb. `
Green .coupons 1, 2, 3, a011 ' 4, for
tea or coffee, are now valid. 'Each.
00111)011 is good for the purchase of
two ounces of tea or one-half pennd
of coffee. Green coupons 5' et'd 6
are not vnlld until May 1st. 'there is
no expiry date.
"Dm going to lass you be=fore I
go," said the young man who had
outstayed hie welcome.
Do it 11011 while I'm still young;"
replied' the -girl wearily. ' '
Buy War Bones To -day!
• .. has handy, built-in
pouring spout -
YOU'LL serve the family a delightful
breakfast treat every morning if you
give them steaming bowls of delicious
Robin Hood Oats with the distincdv
pan -dried flavour!
You'lI save needed pennies with the -
extra 2 pounds you get in the giant
new economy package. Robin Hood's
new package is compact—easy to carry
while shopping, yet it's big enough
to give you real economy buying. It's
easy to handle in the kitchen and it
has a handy, Built -In Pouring Spout
that closes snugly to protect your oats
from dust and air after using.
Delicious Robin Hood. Oats are
milled entirely from top-quality, sun -
ripened Westerngrain that has a dis-
tinctive flavour all, its own—a flavour
to which a toasty richness is added by
our special. Pan -Drying process.
Robin Hood Oats are, a rich source
of food energy and contain at least
72 International•Units of Vitamin B-1
in every ounce PLUS useful amounts
of , essential minerals and . proteins.
Everyone who tries Robin Hood Oats
likes them and so will you. Sold by
grocers from coast to coast.
OT -32
Teachers Trained
To Teach Hatred •
For more than twee years the
Naas Have been in oharg-e, of the
schools of many countries, writes
W. L. Clark in The Windsor Star,
Teachers :have been - instruoced to
teach tire Nazi hatreds. TIt3 chil-
dren in these countries are being
reared in a. Nazi atmosphere
They are brought up to hats the
British. autl Americans. .
This important fact is some-
times overlooked, The Germans
have trained the teachers, . who -
are' now training the youths.
When a child is through a Nazi
school, lie is as thorough a young
brute as you can find anywhe 'e.
Wields told the story c.f
hire. Croggins, whose $on Jimmy
had been stationed for some time
In Australia.
On an- outing to the London
Zoo, she cause upon some Bran.
games leaping about with their
babies in their pouches.. A sign
on the cage read; "Natives of
Dyeing the sign in consternation,
Mrs. Croggins oiled, 'Natives of
Australia! Lamme, and Jinuny .lust
wrote Inc he married one of those:
Auctioneer Now Stationed
At Brussels
Mr. D. Duquette of Brussua has '
acquired an auctioneer's license, and
is now in a position to give prompt
service to any prospective Party
anywhere In Huron county, wishing
to hold a sale, He is also employed
at T. MoDouald's sale barn and is mo
stranger in this community.
Au Arab was being tapes ;u a
ear across a very bumpy s=coon
of desert. So bad was the going ,
that at last the car overturned
and the Arab was thrown. our..
Instead of turning in wrath on
his driver, he picked, himself up
and apologized profusely
"I've not learned To ride r-:•; of
those things yet."
At a village concert for t.00p14.1
men from the nearby camp turned
up in force. ;
The local soprano was obliging
with "Annie Laurie," and the
soldiers were, beginning to get
As she reached the lines: "And
for bonnie Annie Laurie 1'17 lay
me dnon and dee," a voice carne -
froln the back of the hall:
"Is there a Miss Laurie. in the
Bones rand Fats
The housewives of the villa
been assisting in :the was•, effort
savings the fats and bones, so urgezd--
ly needed: in the war program. The
February. selvage collection yielders..
40 lbs. 04 Eat and the one in March.
60 lbs. of fat and the total amount
of bones .was 100 lbs. Ladies ares
You saving all the -waste fat' and
bone possible The next colelct%crx.
will he .made on May 8th.
End..fiurls $1.25' -and
and $2.25 1:
including Shampoo
Permanent 32.00, $250
and $5.00 including ,finger wave
and shampoo •
Scalp treatments with steamer eery
beneficial for dandruff. dry halr, o'135C
hair and etc.
6 Treatments Including shampoo
and Finger Wave $5.00.
Telephone 65x for an Appointmara2:
Look At Your Label —
... ,.....� ,_.....,oa•,wnaaxwuou�es,,.ae,vaavr:.
"Hearth is a vital dynamic thing contributing to Victory
... a proper diet ... a matter of national concern."
—Prime Minister Mackenzie King
m "N FOR V" RRiVE n
Our Government realizes the importance of nutrition
for Healthy as an aid to Victory. Government surveys.
show that t}ediet of tunny Canadians is deficient. This
is not necessarily because people eat too little food,
but rather because they eat the wrong kind of food.
Thdt's why it is every Canadian 'women's duty to
know and apply the basicrules of Nutrition, And that's
why vye offer you,an easy way to plan meals that will
feed your faislily well in a useful
new booklet, "Eat -to -Work -to -Witt".
So do your part! Learn how to
bring new health and vitality to your
family I Get yaitr copy��of "Eat-to-
Send for your copy today:
. Sacred by
in the interests of rnutltiolwad health •
lir stn aid to Victory.
l e getyour FREEcopy of n,*
fust send year Mame
printed, toffi •Nutrinon
for Victory." non:, 600.
'Toronto„ Canada.
f henetritie .,l.thr meeeeero
''dt.t.-i ori tn•IP00,nit
accepL.6)c teNatrhianServiiu
Depa14suel of Pensi.tu wed
nortibndl OAe,rltb, (wawa,
,(.r Jbr Cesadiis. Dlelriti,n.
P,egrale me,)