The Brussels Post, 1943-2-24, Page 6,u • p i . • NO GAS PRO.Y3LEM IN INDIA Motive power for supply vehicle, somewhere in India,. just • naturally lies down, while the driver goes into public building, Camel carts are equipped with rubber tires, but require no gas or oil. HOCANI?? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I make labels stick fast to tin? A. The label will stick it It is first brushed over lightly with either a cut onion or melted par- affin. A little brown sugar added' to pasta has the same effect. Gummed adhesive tape also makes a good label for tin, Q. Haw can I mix paint thor- oughly before using? A. Before opening a can of paint, turn it upside down and leave it in this position for a while. This will aid in mixing it thoroughly. Q. How can I give myself a dry shampoo if I do not wish to Sham- poo the hair because of a• bed cold? A. Massage dry corn meal thor- oughly into the scalp, then brush out. This treatment will invigorate the scalp and at the same time give the hair a natural gloss. Q. How should a lamp he placed when reading? , A, The light should always come from the left and slightly to the tear of the chair when one is reading. Never lie down to read, as this position produces a strain on the eyes. Q. How can I prevent windows from freezing to the sills? A. By sprinkling a little salt along the window sill, the freez- ing of .window to the sill during the real cold weather can be el- iminated. AIR ELEPHANT Three tail fills of this barrage )ancon resemble trunk and :flap- ping ears of an . elephant, familiar sight in Ceylon where this :flying pachyderm is oh guard,, L, !91 Y1.SARGE WHRE's YOUR MINARD'S SOLDIERS *Us out TiRED ACHES MS047NAliD 4015TI ( INiMEh11 WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING ADRENALIN FOR FLIERS When we are fighting mad two little glands whioh are caller] ad- renals and which lie above the kidneys are aroused to chemical action. The glands pour out ad- renalin. Some classic experiments made years ago by Dr. Walter B. Cannon (Harvard) have shown how essential adrenalin is in the emotional life of all higher ani- mals. It Misrelates the heart so that it can work harder. Without it there is no fight in man or beast. Dr. George W. Stavraky (lJui- vecsity of Western Ontario) has applied this knowledge for the benefit of the Royal Canadian Air Force. He conducted research. to discover the effects of a deficiency of oxygen at altitudes of more than 10,000 feet. He determined the exact amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide needed for the hest action of adrenal glands. He found that unless a man's blood contains certain amounts of both oxygen and caribou dioxide the ad- renals do not perform their func- tion efficiently. Hence the elan can't fight. —e— SULFA FOR SiCK TREES After a five-year test, F. A. Bartlett, a tree expert, announces that the bleeding canker disease Of shade trees can be successfully treated by injections of one of the sulfonamides, Ailing trees treated by the method, and proper- ly fed showed an average annual increase of twig growth of more than three inches over similar trees neither treated nor fed. The new method of treatment was in- itiated at Rhode Island State Col- lege several yeays ago when it was discovered that trees lar sev- eral Eastern Staten were dying of au unknown fungus. Atter isola- tion, the disease proved to be bleeding canker. The oompouud, a "sulfa" derivative, was applied through injeotione. A total of 6,- 011 injections was made on 222 trees, Modern Etiquette By Roberta' Lee 1. Is it proper to use a type- writer for social correepoudonoe? 2, le it all right ter a girl to telephone a young man at his of - floe, to carry cu a friendly cor- versation? 8, What is the proper way for a hostess to serve tea? 4. Isn't a Hostess inhospitable when sine accepts payment from a guest who has called long dis- tance on. her telephone, Or re -- calves a C.O.D. telegram? 6, When a woman 15 wearing gloves, should she remove the right one before shaking hands? 6. Isn't It poor manuals for a parson to take hold of another person while talking with hhn? Answers 1, Yee, There was a bine when the typewriter was considered suitable For business correspond- ease only, but that time has pass- ed. Of course, only the single- slasel variety of stationery should, be used when typing a letter. 2, Sheshould not do so unless tile veli is very urgent. 3, The hostess s'tit)uld remain seated While pour- ing the tea then )hand the cups, minders, arid plates to the guests, They .May help themeolves to sligar, cream, ah'd lomcn, as wall • as to sandwiches and (sakes. 4, No. On the contrary, it shows distinct lack of consideration, stinginess, and rudeness upon,the part Of the guest if he or. she does not will- ingly pay these bills. 5. No. 6. les. The habit of touobvlg, nudging, or patting, is frequently very au- noyiug.. 7,000 Airplanes Made In Canada Canada has recruited and train- ed 80,000 aircraft workers, of whom 90 per cent had never be- fore worked on all aircraft, Ralph P. Bell, Director -General of Air- craft Production, told a meeting of electrical men in Toronto re- cently. Bell disclosed that 7,000 'planes bad been made in Canada since the industry was launched less than three years ago. Of these, he added, more than 1,200 are in operation - on fighting fronts, mostly Hurricane fighters. Bell termed the aircraft indus- try one of the few arising front the tear "f or which a commercial post-war future reasonably can be visualized." BIG PROFITS IN GOLD STOCKS KERR-ADDISON is now the fourth largest gold mite in OLt now,sellsrat6it $000.oLARGO t D immediately a d i e 1 ns KERR-. A.DDISON and now sells at 16e. History may repeat Itself: Write to us for complete information. LARGOLD MINES LTD. 67 TONGS] ST., TORONTO BACKACHE? Look out for Trouble With Your KIDNEYS If your back aches or if you have disturbed Bleep, burning or smarting, look out for trouble. This condition is a sure sign that your kidneys are not fully ridding your blood of poisonous acids and wastes. When the kidneys slow up, wastes collect. Backache, dizzy spells, puffy eyes and rheumatic pains may follow. Your kidneys need help—and there is a time -tried, proven Way t0 help them known as GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 011 Capsules. These Capsules contain care- fully measured quantities of that widely known diuretic called Dutch Drops, You will find their action fast and effective. Bo sure you get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 00 Capsules: the genuine and original Dutch Drops—packed hi Canada, Get a 40c package from your druggist. 3 Relieves distress from MONTHLY FEMALE EAKN:ES-S Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vogttabie dembpound not oily helps relieve monthly pale but also Weal, now - ME feelings -duo to monthly 011110- 1(01181 diaturbano0O It helps buildup rioistanee against distress of "did:- oust days,' Made in Canada,, Have You Heard? Reports of a monument in Prance which melts the last. rest- ing pace of an 'Army mule: in Memory of Maggie who to lier time kicked 2 Colonel's 4 Majors 10 Captains 24 Lieutenants 42 Sergeants 412 Other Ranks and 1 1111110 Bomb —0— When a child grabs things they call it a mania. When grown-ups grab things they call it kleptomania. When a big country grabs Its small . neighbors it should be called Germania. —0— Two navvies settled down to eat their dinner. Ono began unwrap- ping a large weal et which the other stared in eurprise, "What's that?" he asked. "Well, it's like this. My missus is away, so I thought I'd make meself a pie." "Bit long, ain't it?" "Oh, 1" dnnno. It's rhubarb." —p— "Gid you tell her that what you said was in strict confl- dence 7" RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED If you are troubled with itching piles or rectal soreness, do not delay treatment and run' the risk of letting this condition become chronic. Any itching or soreness or painful pass- age of stool is nature's warning and proper treatment should he secured at onre For this purpose get a package of Hem -Reid from any druggist and use as directed, This formula which is used Internally is a. small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the Itching andsorenessand aid In healing the Bore tender spots. Hem -hold is pleasant to use, to hlgnl1' recommended and It seems the height of folly for any one to risk a painful end chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy may be hadat such a small cost. It you try Hein-Roid and are not entirely pleased with the results. your druggist will gladly return your money. "No, I didn't want her to think it was Important enough to repeat." —o— Ali the wordy skill of the dealer was called in as he tried.to sell a broken -winded horse to a reluctant cUStonlor, •Alter it trial trot round, he struck an attitude of admiration and exclaimed: "And Hasn't be got a lovely coat?" "Mebbe," said the customer coldly, "but I don't like his pants," --0— Nervous passenger—"What if a bridge has been hit and the train falls into the river?" Guard—"That's all right, sir. We have plenty of trains" —0— In preparation for - a coming event ctle Joan had been 101( that Daddy was ordering a small brother. Triplets arrived, and when Joan heard that she said to her mother: "Why didn't you order„ a baby yourself? You know how Daddy stutters?" --0— "The hen must be a gloomy creature." "Why?" "Always broodin', you know." Bounty When the wind is full of sleet And the ways are hard to go, Chickadees that used to meet By my doorsill banked in snow Tap upon the frosty pane, Anxious lest I might not see In the driving, icy rain Their bedraggled company. Creeping up the leafless vine By the dormer's narrow edge, Sheltering underneath the line Of the overhanging ledge. Once thew shyly looked askance At my flapping apron strings, Wary of my outstretched hands And my goodwill offerings. Now I throw the window wide, 'And how boldly each, one comes To the warmth and light inside, To my table spread with crumbs! —Sara King Carleton in The Christian Science Monitor, VlNc/Coat tfiq xlxr OOpeN LI V5000O,. Roll your owners! go for Ogden's The covered wagon was distinc- tive of pioneering days in the West ... Ogden's is a distinctive blend of choicer, riper tobaccos . Ask an old-timer and he'll tell you that Ogden's isn't just another tobacco—it's a famous brand with a famous name. Try it today. Ogden's quality for pipe smokers, too, in Ogden's Cut Plug HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We' sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories — Harness, Horse Col- lars, `Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto CL!44SSIFIED ADVERTJSEMENTS ADDRESS WANTEDFOOT BALM WANTED ADDRESS 9F J. ION, formerly Strathmore Boulevard, Toronto, Mrs. J. T. Lovell, Thurso P.O., Quebec. BAND INSTRUMENTS WANTED BAND & ORCHESTRA INSTRU- monis not in use may be turned Into cash. Send fall particulars to Whaley Royce & Company, 310 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. MARY CHICKS BRAY CHICIKS — HAVE SOME Immediate shipment, although some bread§ (and dates delivery) arc sold out. When ordering save time by giving second choice. Also cockerels, capons. Immediate ordering for immed- iate or later delivery, Is very necessary. Bray hatchery, 130 John N., kIamiltolt, Ont, TWEDDLE CRICKS• REPAY COST, time and labour. Order early to snake extra profits. The biggest, most important word In the chicken business is llvabllity." Don't buy a liability. Money, feed and work spent on chicks that "Can't take it" can never he regaiped,, You can greatly re- duce this hazard 119' buying' Twaddle Chinks, Send for cat- alogue, price list and ooutist folder. Also secure our low prices for cockerels for Mortal. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries' Limited, Fer- gus, Ontario. HYBRIDS FOR EXTRA VIGOUR also popular purebreds. Complete Rat, all ages. Falrview Farms, St. Marys, Ontario, CUSTO,II 3IATCRi1NG CUSTOM . HATCHING— ELECTRIC mammoth incubator, - with sep- arate Hatcher. We. are located on main Ih(11 .014,1., :can take eggs any time. LS'nden. Hatchery, Lynden, Ontario. BOOKS .5 NOVELTIES AIL1141 SEND l0c FOR WORLD'S funniest jolte novelty and cat- alogue. of sundries, books and novelties, Western Dhstrlbutore, Box 24 TtWL, Regina, Sask. 11US1NES5 FOR SALE BLACKSMITH SHOP EQUIPPED and stocked, also Grist Mill equipped with International en- gine and one root et Good house and lot included. Splendid farming district. Closing estate. Clarence Mallory, Bloomfield, Ont, 00120105 SEND FOR OUR RECORD CHART ireo and catalogue. .Six breeds chicks and all ages growing pul- lots. Laovernment approved, Savo money, early order .discounts, Prompt dolive ries. Satisfaction guaranteed, Monkton Poultry Vann, Mbnitton, Ontario, Ytaae;. WANTED WANTED HATCHING EGGS PROM Government Approved and O.B.S. necks. all breeds. 'Guaranteed prelniilm nald, Write for full par- tloulars, Boy 91, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, 95ANNING' 111LL FANNING 14131.1. (jCllno) proved best seed grader, Screening re- ppairs, Kline Manufacturing, 420 Willard Ave„ Toronto, FARM 3050 SAI,lt 150 ACR!.; .1'AItbL CHATIIAM 'township, Good'hrd modern frame rltveiiinl;•• .good barns and oullmildittgs. Uydro, telephone, .01. A. lnphy, Sl King St. W., Cita athtun, BAUMP7b11LA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly; 45o bottle. Ottawa agent Denman Drug Store, OttaWS. FUEL WOOD WANTED MAPLE, BIRCH .AND. MIXED cordwood. First or second growth, Also Millwood. State full particulars and lowest prices. Walter Schbess, 19 Melinda St., Toronto, GROCERY BUSINESS 1011 SALE IF YOU WANT A GROCERY nus - luau here's a good one. Well established Niagara peninsula, average '2500 weekly, 101V' over- head easy terms. Box 51, Fruit- land, � Ontario. GUN & RIFLE 220H1,5 WEAVER. TELESCOPIC SIGHTS for •gun's and rifles; all models; low. prices. Wm. Little, Box 852, Ottawa, Ontario. HELP WANTED M„1170 WANTED MARCH 1st. THOR- oughly experienced married man for - well equipped small dalry farm on Highway 6, Guelph two miles. New cottage, all conven- iences. Milker, tractor & combine. Hydro, milk, garden . supplied. State wages, experience, refer-, ences, N. J. Thomas, 11,11. 2, Guelph. DOGS FOR SALIC A1DB19 KENNELS — WALDHBIM. Sask. Specializing In purebred solid mahogany coated TRISH SETTERS -clever devoted com- panions, DYEING Jt GLEANING HAVE 1011 ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We ars glad to answer your questions. Depart. ment H, Parker's Dye orks .Limited, - 791 Yonge Street, To- ” ronto. IrUitS,. 1IIDE5, WOOL SHIP US YOUR HIDJES, FURS, Wool, FIorsehair. Top prices, prompt returns. Pearlman & Goldberg, 180 Front Street, East, Toronto. Government Licenied Wool Grading Station No. 22. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method, information --on request regarding clauses. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy,. 107 Avenue Road, Toronto. LIVER '`i'RO1JBLE THOUSANDS. I'A.VE BEEN HELP - ed the Herbal way. Why . not you? Write to the Thuna Herb- alists, for a free sample of our Thoro-Kloen ' Barb, 436 Queen West, Toronto,. FOIL. SAL19 WIDE SELECTION TIIRT.T.LTNCO and exciting stories. Send only 25c for 4 hack numbers, West - erne, Love. Candid Confessions, 'Crum Detective COMM Ftm Par- ade, reargue Crime Cases, etc., by one of Canada's largest Pub- llahers of Magazines, Send for woe catalogue of Book Bargains. :Post Office Box 232, Depar.tineut. `FV.t., Toronto, Ontario. )9EDICAL • WANTED — 14V1'Ii,Y SUI 1118111 of Rheumatic Pan's or Neurytis t.o trey Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 110 !digin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. 011-5(18 TO. INVENTORS AN OFFER '(1) florin? INV015 i'oR' List of Inventions and full Infor. 'nation sent free. The ��i�tatnsay 273 Sank Stt'aetl�Ottalve t'Cgnntla, PATENTS F'ETHFIHSTONSIA ULM & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Eetabltened 1890• 14 Sing West, Toronto. Booklet of information on ro- Wiest MILK CANS 1fl0 N.EWED RUSTY MILK CANS RETINNED like new. We also buy old cans. - Montreal' Tinning J. Retlnning Co. Ltd., Montreal.. - PHOTOGRAPHY ' DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH Phe Hoot, Rale, or Holl HAVE YOUR SNAPS Hollvered by !flail Any 0 or 8 exposure film perfectly developed and printed for only 25c. Supreme quality end feat service guars nteed 'IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1. Toronto PATE?PrS & TRADE 515.Ii1(5 EGIERTON R. CASE, REGISTERED United States, Canadian, British Patent .Attorney. Booklet gratis. Established over forty years. 82 Balsam Avenue, Toronto. PROPERTIES WANTED To 1111 WE WANT ATTRACTIVE I11JM5S with or without small acreage for cash buyers, Any good dis- trict within hundred miles of Toronto. Send complete particu- lars with prices at once. No charge of any kind unless we sell. Powell and Company, 5 St. Clair East, Toronto. POULTRY WANTED HENS AND PULLETS, WANTED good pr s. Export Packers. sii Clinton S-etreet, Toronto—Branch. Brussels, Ontario. POULTRY etpOD PR/CES ASSURED, RAISE Cockerels, help .meat shortage. Blood tested, heavy type White Hybrid Cockerels 2c, payment with order. Prompt shipment. Live arrival. rS'rank Edwards, Watford, Ontar7io. . TRAIN FOR NI7R5195 APPLICATIONS A R13 INVITED for girls who desire to train for nurses. September 1948. Cornwall General Hospital, Cornwall, Ont. RHEUMATIC PAINS: FRUIT JUICES: THE PRINCIPAL ingredients in Dixon's Remedy, for -Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis. Sold only - Munso's D1•011 Store, 335. (Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 21,05. SUr'ERTrsUOUs HAIR LADIES TROUBLED. WITH SUT'ER•- fluous Flair and especially these who have been disappointed in Electrolysis, will Welcome Ula hewn that 'we 11005010 011 ex" alnslve, safe, now method which permanently, and completely, re- hair, slight torvtse otil,pwi liou any recurrence whatsoever, Ploaoo note particularly that ours is tbo only method carryinga written guarantee of permanency. Be- ware of 'guarantees' not le wilting Free consultation Fres nat:mste Dermal. Conic (8th 2'0511 in Toronto), 229 Yonge St., To- • .route, TRACTOR PARTS TRACTOR PARTS NE'4V AND uetl, for all mnhos of tro.ctsr5. General Auto and Tractor Supply. 12 Frederick St„ Kitchener, Ont. ISSUE No. 9_43