The Brussels Post, 1943-1-20, Page 7and mortification of their owners.
Fat Of All Kinds Is
Needed In War, Careful
Salvage Very Important
Light and 'dark .colored fate are
equally acceptable for the purposes
required iu the National Salvage
drive for fats and bones.
Mrs Phyllis Turner, Oils' and Fats
Administrator; whose responsibility
it Is to get 35,000,000 lbs. tills Year
for Canada's war industries, points
out that impurities which cause dark
colors do not reduce the glgcerine
content of tat, and the same price
prevalls for all colors and typos,
poultry, ' steaks, chops- and bacon
whether from ham, beef, lamb, or
reclaimed lard and vegetable or
blended shortening, It is important,
however, that fats s'honld be itept in
a cool place so that they d0 not be-
come rancid, Rancid fat yields less
It is estimated that from 00 10 100
million pounds' of "wastes tate are
thrown away each year, Now every
pound can be used in Canada's
munition fa:otorIGS,
Q.ri5i as adi
vt away', z;i
ur2r✓ v rnal�Zenefro UZii4 kas,
leo Noa. g..uimilf
I1e110 Ilonteinakers. Is "null Bion"
just a vague idea in your mind?
Here's your chance to be "in the
knew' --to learn the meaning of
terms being used nowadays and
oilier things you will want to know
about nutrition. For everyone should
understand why uourislnneut must
be taken in the proper proportions
to give us energy, to build and re-
pair body tissues, to protect 05
from infection and to regulate all
body processes. Just think! What
you eat for breakfast, lunch and
dinner Is changed into flesh and
bones'and blood.
Strength and health can only
come to us from the food •,vn eat --
tor food is the body's only nourtsb-
ment. Yes, Homemakers: This
health magic comes straight from
the kitchen. So it's- important to
eboose the right kinds and right
amounts of food for the family We
have all found out that when our
health is not good our work suffers,
we make more mistakes and. can-
not accmnplishas much in a day—
which would certainly please littler
only too well.
First of all, then, Homemakers,
let's understand nutrition ani then
work out our own nutrition pro-
gram. You might cut this column
gut and keep it handy for reference.
Nutrition: The term "nutrition"
comprises all the processes con-
cerned in the growtb, main'unance,
one repair of living organisms
Dietetics: Is the application of the
principles of nutrition to the feed-
ing of different ages, under dtfter-
eut conditions, in health and in
Composition ,,of Foods: Is the six
groups of constituents called nutri-
ents — carbohydrates, rata, Pro-
teins, minerals, water and vitatnins.
.Classification of Nutrients: 11)
according to their function iu the
body (mechanical energy, building
and retjairing tissues, regulating
bndv`hiocesees); and (2) according
to their chemical composition,
Essentials of an Adequate Diet;
by Mre, N: 0.);
Dolt Graham cracker eriitnbs,
tbs, melted butter, IA oup
.brown sugut' (sifted), 1 egg
white (stiffly beaten) 3 cups
slightly sweetened applesauce,
rFe tip, Minimum
Mix crumbs, butter and brown
sugar. rile on a pie plate and bake
in n slow electric oven at 2"5 de-
grees for about 10 minutes. Cool,
Foil beaten-- egg white Into the
sweetened applesauce. Put a spoon•
ful of the graham craciter crumbs
on the bottom of serving dishes, 1111
up with the applesauce Mixture.
sprinkle whit cinnamon and top
with more crumbs. Chill in eleeirfnt
Anne Alton Invites you to write
to tier in care of The Pest, Send
iii your questions on homemaking
Problems anti watch this column for
Odds and Ends
Once agate we welcome the New
Year. Don't forget to date your let -
To maintain the normal bods iii a tars' 1943." When you've written it
Brute of health a lief. must contain: out 500 times, you've mastered it.
iii Sufficient carbohydrates, fats After that "1943" is just a habit, A
new year also calls for resolutions,
and not the kind you've certain to
break the first day. Here are a, few
Resolved: To do everything pos•
Bible to help the war effort in 1943.
Resolved; Not to stag Your ints-
Resolved; To write to your
soldier, sailor or air force friend
Resolved; Not to swish your um
brella around your grocer's bead be-
cause he hasn't a certain brand of
merchandise you like. Remember,
thio situation is beyond his control.
Resolved: To go easy on editors.
They have a hard life.
Resolved: Not to hasten your
landlord's hair turning grey by pes-
tering him with plume calls, anony-
mous notes and nasty poetry when
the kitchen sink gets plugged If
it isn't repaired within reasonable
lepgth of time, resolve '.n kick
him in the shins and have it over
esolved; Not to hoard goods,
"Thatch cover (human hair) 1180
finally come into Its own according
to a report from Stockholm. sweeten
Due to the scarcity of wool, Stock-
holm textile mills are gathering up
the skull cover from barber shops
and beauty parlors and weaving it
into cloth for suiting; and blankets
Women's hair, according to the re-
port, nets 24 cents a kilogram, while
men's ]fair, due to -the fart that it is
shorter and considered inferior in
grade, is worth considerably less.
"We supposeit will be only a mat-
ter of time before the vogue will
spread to this country and folks will
be stepping out in "personalized"
coats manufactured from their own
looks. That's when the red heads
will have it over the mouse -coloured
browns in lauding zip to the fashion
Parade. Older folks will naturally be
content with an iron grey or near
white coat made from their hair,
while peroxide blondes and benne
rinses will probably turn into coats
ami protein to yield energy for
inuarinIttr activity;
(2- Sufficient protein tor growth
aid maintenance of all hely cells;
(s) Adequate amounts of minerals
for bones and teeth and body.
(4) An adequate supply of water
for regulation of body pro-cesses;
(5) An adequate supply of each of
that, known vitamins for regulation
• or body processes.
Protein Foods (Body Building
and Repair): 'Lean meat, fish eggs,
milk cheese whole grain cereals
vegetables -- peas and beans (fresh
and dried).
(lerbobydrate Foods (Supply Heat,
and Energy) Starches Cereals,
flour, spaghetti, potatoes, bread,
dried pet's and beans; Sugars —
Sugar m'otasses, )coney, (111011 fruits,
Fatty (Supply Heat and Energy);
Meat fat, butter. cream, vegetable
Foods Containing Mineral; (Regu-
lating); Milk, fresh vegetables,.
whole cereals, eggs. meats, fish
Foods Containing Vitumnins (Pro-
tective) : Fresh vegetables fresh
fruits, outer coverings of 'grate,
milk, eggs, liver, butter fish.
. Water: We should take 5 to 8
glasses of water daily 'in addition
to that contained it foods.
tion Service Title prevent•' them
from becoming yellow, 'J'i'unsparend
boxes and bags it they are available,
and kept free Profs dirt and dust,
also should be wiped out frequently
with a damp cloth.
Fruit Growers Meet
At 'Clinton
An Executive meeting of 1110
limon -Fruit Growers Association
was held In C'iiut02 an J:tlrnitl'y
131.11 with the following ufll, ern
present: J. W. Joynt, Lueku,w; Mee.
D. A, Smith, Bayfield; (i'eorg'
Lailhweito, Goderieh; Srewert.
Middleton. Clinton; Thomas Sal-
keld. Lucke ow; George Johnston,
Rayfield; Clayton Laithwaite. Gode.
rich; Fr'etl. Middleton, Clinton; 3'. J.
Johnston, London; Charles Mc-
Phail, Holmesviile, and J. C.
Sheerer Agricultural Representative.
The Financial .Statement revealed
that $100. had been invested recent-
ly in Victory bonds. It was dseided
to donate 910. to the Russian 'Reiter
Funcl. Due to the shortage of ntarl-
power on fauns 11 was decided to
cancel the Annual Fruit Show and
also the Annual Field Day.
The Annual meeting and b,tngdet
will be held in Clinton on Mareh
30011 with Inc following invited to
address the growers: Mr. M. D.
Anderson of the Wartime Prices
and Trade Board; Mr. J. J. Johueton,
Dorn. Fruit inspector, London; Mr,
Gordon Blnir, Mayor of Bur'lingron;
Prof, J. E. Howitt, Botany Dept.,
C.A.C., Guelph; Prof. R. W.
Thompson, Entomology Dept,, O. A.
C., Guelph.
The Association will ,affiliate witIr
the Huron Federation of Agriculture'
with J. W. Joynt as delegate ,and
with Stuart Middleton as alternate.
Aliso, it was decided to affiliate
with the Ontario Fruit Growers'
Association with Mrs. D. A. Smith as
A nominating committee was ap-
pointed to bring in a elate of
officers for the Annual Iileeting,
composed of George Laflliwaite,
Jas. R. Stirling, Mrs. D. A. Smith,
and R. Y. McL.auchllu.
Congratulations were extended to
the President of the Fruit Growers,
Mr, J. W. Joynt on his election as
Reeve of Luoknow,
Recipe for Oatmeal Bare (re-
quested by Mrs. C. R,):
t/a cup shortening, its can
sugar, 94 cup corn syrup, 1 cup
rolled oats, 1 cup sifted flour,
tsp. banking powder, salt,
cup milk, Vie, cup : chcpped
Cream e!hortening, blend In sugar
and syrup. Add rolled oats, Mix
and stet flout', baking powder and
salt and add alternately with the
rtnitk. ;Stir in the raisins. Bake in
an electric oven at 3-50 degrees for
45 minutes. Cool and cut in bars.
1 Apple 'Graham Fluff (requested
0 f: you need. a Tractor, • Plow, or Cultivator we received a car
load on December 31st. Don't miss this opportunity.
• We have them in stock.
6 Good Used Cars
'42 Ford Sedan, '40 Plymouth Coach, '38 Plymouth Sedan,
'37 Ford Sedan, '35 Ford Coach, '33 Ford Coach.
These cars are in New Car Condition and well tired.
No reasonable offer refused. Buy one now and get
New License and Ration Book. ,
1934 Chev. 2 ton 158 -inch Wheelbase
19351 Dodge 2 ton 158 -inch Wheelbase
These would make excellent milk trucks -
Horses and Cows
We always. have horses and cows for sale.
of many color;, much to the Chagrin
Jackson Motors Ltd.
Phone 151 Listowel Gni.
Linen Can Be Kept Fresh
With Very Little Trouble
Today household linens take on
added importance, especially when
money should only be spent on the.
most essential things, Linen tan be
kept clean and fresh with very little
Clothes and napkins, sheets, bit -
low oases and towels sltould be ar-
ranged together in neat separate
Piles. Linen; newly washed should
be planed tit the bototm.
White linens which are not tired
fi•ecptently should be wrapped. in
blue paper ,say) '0onsnmer, Informs -
Names For Honor Roll
Gladly Accepted
At The Post'
It is expected that the honor Troll
will appear again next week and
any new names will be greatly
appreciated, We already have
several to be added ,and hope to
have them in their proper places by
then. -
East Huron
- Produce -
'Eggs, Poultry & Feeds
Phone 66
Commercial Feeds
Miff Feeds
Bone Meal
Oyster SheH
Cod Liver Oil
Wednesday, January 20th, 1943
Clear telephone lines for
Your telephone is part of a vast fitter/aching system now
carrying an abnormal wartime load. Don't lot needless delays
hold up messages on which production efficiency may depend.
OSPEAK distinctly. directly into
the mouthpiece.
ANSWER promptly when the
O bell rings.
BE BRIEF. Clear your line for
® the next call.
USE OFF-PEAK hours for your
.•a. rv.: r+x7
0 Long Distance Calls.
These things oh 6, 500400 daailtrilling,
�iel epba,ue
culls, they areverY,mport,mt.
Suggest Ways of
Saving Butter
How the 'IA, -pound ration of bat-
ter for each person per week can be
used with greatest satisfaction to
everyone is the new problem for
busy wartime housewives. The Con-
sumer Section of the Dominion De -
Pertinent -of Agriculture bas Conte
forward with many butter saving
suggestions which will bele Cana-
lian families "make db" with the
new ration.
If butter was formerly used in
baking cakes, ceokies try other fats.
The other -fats will - give good re•
'Select recipes for cakes, puddings
and sauces which call for only mod•
esate amounts of fat. Sugar mast
also be considerel.
Do not use butter for frying. Fats
from sausages, spareribs and other
meats are excellent for this purpose,
Instead of using butter, grease
pans with othermild flavored fats.
:Drippings from beef end lamb
roasts can be used in meat and veg-
etaible dishes, and for pan -trying
many foods.
Instead of using butter in cream
sauces for vegetelbles, Substitute
other fats.
Grated cheese on vegetables also
will take the place of butter.
to make the Mens
lay 'A' Grade eggs 11
We are in the
market for all kinds
a+Flock Culling
A Specialty"
Bring Us Your Eggs
Our Motto --
o --
Honest Grad e
on every egg
sandwiches for school childrJtl's or
war worker's boxes.
If the crests are to he taken off
bread for sandwiches this should be
done before buttering. In making
a large number of sandwiches it is
a good idea to whip }/.s cup of milk
or 1,e cup of water into one pound
of butter. Butter one slice of the
bread with the butter, and 'he other
slice with tilling.
For breakfast time less butter can
be used if butter and honey are
mixed before spreading on toast,
With baked potatoes, mash ludi
vidually first, and add the 'Atter be ;
the potato before serving.
Use cheese with bread crumbs for
toppings. Before serving steaks, do •
not put butter on them.
A titnely folder "Saving anti Us-
ing Fats in the Home" is available,
free of charge, from the Publicity
and Extension Division, Dominion
Department of Agriculture, Ottawa.
There ere many ways of saving
butter at the dining room table..lror
instance, Mother might butter Jun-
lot•'s bread and make the butter go
a little farther.
Htdividual servings, either as but-
ter balls or squares are butter
stretohere, Be sure to remove the
butter from the refrigerator a short
time before use so that It will be
of good consistency for spreading
This applies particularly to snaking
90�112 9 lots 23 & 24, 7th con-
cession Morris. Frame. house in good
condition, one barn 40 x 69, one
barn 27 x 72, one lean-to 40 ft long
one lean-to 50 ft. and one lean to 79
have been used for stabling and
implement sheds fences in A-1 con-
dition and never failing spring
flowing into a cement trough 21/4 ft,
deep and 8 ft, diameter inside, this
trough is. close to the buildings; 30
acres second growth maple, fair
size and 10 acres soft timber. n sep-
arate bu'tding for hogs. Giving no
farming. Wm s 86X
P. A.ment.
Barley en Hand
Car of Oats
On Hand
fi . ;a acTavish
Phone 46