The Brussels Post, 1943-1-20, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST
Wednesday, January 20th, 1043
Heart of Gold
By Psi Moore
"W,ho is she?" Mr. Dalwimpole
• lleiiianded again. before Jun had
time to reply.
"She's Mrs, Roberts' little lough
ter, said Jean, eti11 very =eh WO.
.tilled by the strangeness of Itis
manlier. ier. "You knew I told yon that
tins house belonged to
• She rose from her char'. and
Pinking top the photograph. classed
to inhere he was sitting, holding it
out for him to see.
"She's a beautiful child isn't
site?" ,:,an continued. trying hard by
speaking in aux ordinary. converge.
iional tone to restnrr the praeecd-
inu•.+ to eeme .eetaiilanCe of f'•rinal.
Air. Dalwimpole tool: the photo-
graph front her with a curt word of
th::nits. nue stared at it with eager
'•Imo you know what Mrs,
Roberts' maiden tante was?" he j
er1uired at length, without making
any effort tg reply to Jean's
,Tean thought for a moment then
she rememberel Mrs. Roberts- having
mentioned her maiden name one
"I think it was Maclear." she re.
"Hazel Maclear?" he enquired
'Well. I'm not sure," Jean was be-
coming more and more mystified by
the strangeness of his Manner. "1
know her initial is H. so it might
stand for Hazel,"
Then all of a sudden she remem-
bered where she had seen his face
before, It had stared.' out at her
with its kindly eyes from the photo-
graph which had lain bidden among
those of the twins which Mrs,
Roberts had got out to she show her
on the morning after her :arrival at
Upton Hoose.
"Why," she cried impulsively,
7M ben Ti
tire hood.
elm emell ewe
sit& 140.
POWlir iiia. 27"
s medal to ride•
aaSivrl mat
styled Elco
to eve .,oral
0.14 $2175
Thief is the beautifula� 5
giex, "Plaza' ---tiny, $37
yet dependable
Shop at
Our Diamond Room Affordo
Privacy Wheh Buying
"Mrs. Roberts has a photograph of
you, 1 suw it one day when 1 was
looking at some of the twins."
"So," 5011 Mr. Dalwimpole, in
tones of deepest satisfaction. but so
softly that Jean realised Ito was
talking to himself," she has kept
my photograph for all these years.'
Thea ite turned to Jean, slut
spoke iu a louder and more cone -
dent voice.
"I knee' of course, that she had
marrlee a man called John Roberts.
but 1 hail no idea that she hail conte
up to Yorkshire to live, and as
Roberts is net at all an unc+om mon
name I never for a moment tollnect-
ed the Mrs. Roberts of whom you
spoke as owning this house, with the
Hazel Maclean 1 used to know be-
fore her marriage."
Jean held out her hand for the
photograph of Ann,
"Shall I put that back on the
piano for you?" she asked, bti Mr.
Dalwimpole dict not immediately re-
linquish it. Instead, he clung to it
eagerly, staring at the child'; face
with hungry eyes, as though he hop-
ed to read in its expression some
memory of her mother.
Jean sat down again and trade no
further attempt at conversation, for
it was abundantly clear that Mr.
Dalwimpole was perfectly happy in
his recollection of the past and
his discovery of the present.
After what seemed to Jean a very
long while he laid the photograph
down on the table at his side, and
heaved a little sigh.
"What's her husband thinitaur, of,"
he wanted to know, "to be allowing
her to take in boarders?"
to be married almost lutmedettciy,
she null the twins will bo well pro-
vided for and there will be uo long-
er any need for you to worry about
"I like that," erled Jean iudig-
nnully, "as lllougit 1 wonted to put
off our wedding,"
1.*vld put bis ort i rowel her, aid
gave her n little squeeze,
"All right," he said eons:liugly.
"1'li believe you, and now when are
you going to marry me?"
"As eoon as ever daddy wales
bark from Genteelly," Jean ra'orteel.
"Have you heard yet when that
will be " asked David anetiously.
Jean shook her head, and for the
moment the happiness had died out
of her eyes.
No. David," she replied, "I have.
lit heard from him at all this week,
and I'm feeling worried about him
because he always writes on Sun-
days. I do hope that there's nothing
the natter with hint, that hes not.
ill or anything,"
"Oh no," returned David with,
easy philosophy. "I'nt sere there's
nothing wrong, or one or other of
those doctors out there would have
e tyou know. I shouldn't worry
about him if 1. ware you."
"!Well, I can't understand it "
said Jean iu troubled tones, 'it s not
like him to forget to write, because
he knows what 0 lot I think 01 his
David, who had been lying oft his
back blinking up at the sunshine as
it filtered tltwough the trellised
branches of the oak tree, sat up
abruptly so that he could kiss her.
"Your father's getting on quite all
•fight, and is probably too busy to
write, Anyhow, don't worry, dear,
Perhaps there's a letter by the
second post."
"Oh, there might be!" ,cried Jean
eagerly. "Do let's go back to the
house and see!"
"PIe died wben the twins were
quite babies," Jean informed him
"Dead, you say " said Me, Dal-
wimpole, and Jean went ou to ex-
plain a little of what she knew of
Mrs. Roberts's history, her pros-
perous early married life, and then
the troubles which had fallen to her
lot since the death of ber husband.
She had barely finished when
there came at the front door a
knock se thunderingly loud that
Jean had no difficulty in guessing
that David had lifted up both the
twine at the same time and that
they were making a Joint attack on
tine knocker,
"Excuse me, please," she said
quickly, and hurried through into
the hall, for she was anxious to
head off David and the twins, so
that there should be no witnesses
of the meeting between Mrs.
Roberts and the man she had not
seen for such a long time,
Mrs. Roberts had evidently re-
turned from her drive,in the best of
spirits, for as Jean emerged from
the sitting -room she could hear the
four of them laughing together over
some Joke,
"Who does the big car belong to,
the - one waiting outside?" Mrs
Roberts wanted to know, as soon as
she caught sight of Tean, 'It is
someone who has come to. stat+,"
Jea nodded.
"It's a Mr. Dalwimpole;" she said
in a low voice:
Mrs, Roberts looked at he: with
startled eyes.
"Not Bertrand Dalwimpole' she
enquired in it tow voice, which had
in it a strange note Jean had never
heard before,
She nodded,
'Yes, that's right," she replied,
"He's the matt in the photograph
that was mixed up with the twins
likenesses the day you showed
theta to me,"
"Where is he'?" dentendeal Mrs,
Roberta in that strange, new voice.
"In here." Jean opened the enor of
the sitting -room for Mrs, Roberts to
enter, then closed it again abruptly,
but not before she. had seen Mrs.
Roberts clasped in the arms of the
5tratger and had beard the glad
exultation 1n bis voice as he Dried,
"Oh, I•Iazel my dear," and her
answering l'esponse of, "Bertrand,
flow I've wanted yott.",
All's Well,
"And now,"sadd David, the next
day, as 11e and ,Than sat once more
under the shelter of the oak true by
Bowmere Pontis, "you can have 110,
P05511)10 excise for wanting to put
off our %Yodeling any longer. Now
this chap Dalwimpole has turned ell,
and he and Mrs. Roberts are going
"Right you are," laughed David.
I'll give you as far as that old tree
stump start and race you back to
the can."
The race ended in a deal heat,
and David caught her up bodily in
his arms to deposit her in the ca.r,
1s ,they came within sight of Up-
ton House they saw• a taxi heavily
laden with luggage turn in at the
Jean groaned,
'Olt, dc+ar, More people - coming to
slay;" she announced, "And we
really haven't got roost for them.
Now that kir. Dallvimpol1 has
arrived 11,0're quite full up,'
"Resides;" added David, in an
aggrieved tone of voice, "neither
Mrs. Roberts, nor you, sol' Dalwim-
pole, nor t, have time for ani more
intruders at present,"
110 entered the gate in the wake
of the taxi, and. Jean was in thea to
tee a tall, titin, familiar figure get
out of it.
With a wild cry of "Why, it's
daddy!' she hung herself preciui-
tately out of David's ear, sad the
next minute was in her father's
'Well, this Is a surprise, air,"
said David, as he shook hands with
the older man, "We quite thought
that you were still drinking the
waters in at German Spa."
Mr, Travers shook his bead with a
little laugh.
"I saw the great Schultz again the
day before yesterday,' he nue-enc.
ell gleefully, 'and this time he gave
me a clean bill of health; told me
that I might return to what he
rulely called 'my damp and rotten
climate; any time I liked, 8o in
view of of all that has been hrppen-
ing I thought it just as well to re-
turn home and look after niy daugh-
ter before she had time to do any-
thing else outrageous." •
Jean laughed.
"Well, the most outrageous- thing
I have done so far is to get engaged
to David," she replied, "And you
must admit," she added, linking her
arms through each of theirs, "that
he really is rather nice,'
"Not too bad," admitted Mr. Till/ -
erg, with a friendly senile In the
direction of the younger man.
"Though I'm afraid that so long as
he lives he will never be able to
play even a five -finger exercise
There are war weapons in your household
waste. Save them. Give them. Canada
can use them in war production material.
Every scrap counts. Help win this war at
Your 'Own back door!
, W11M�SCRAP''
Huron County
Farm Mechanics Courses
arranged and supported hi
The Ontario Dept, of Agriculture"
Clinton; The Huron Federation of
Agriculture; The Agricultural Com-
mittee of the County Counoil,
Two-day Perini Meellalllt:a Oouraes
Will b held as listed bolo %v. You,
as a farmer, are expected to produce
to the Maximum this coining year,
It is next to impossible to obtain
new farm machinery, Let us help
you by attending one of t110se
50111'505. - -
Purpose: -
1. To point out repair Jobs which
Lire most often encountered on the
more important farm machines,
2. To suggest to the farmer some
Practical methods of having repair-
ing clone.
3. To encourage farmers 1) check
over their machines for needed
repairs- and to order these Im-
4. To point out simple but most
important adjustments necessary for
the most efficient and economical
operation of various farm machines.
Competent instructors have been
trained for these courses. Come
prepared to ask questions Bring
your problems with you, To make
the best use of the time available it
is suggested that you bring your
lunch. .g
BRUSSELS—Thursday, Feb, 4 and
Friday, Feb, Sth at Emmersetl
Nurse (Garage) Brussels.
First Day ---
10 a,nt, to 12 noon Binder Popair
and adjustment. Mower Repair
and adiastment.
1 pen, to 4:80 pan,—Tractor Maier
te1,auce• (Illustrated with Pie -
1 tures) •Combine Repair and ad-
jusiutent. Agricultural, War Pro-
gram for 1045,
Second Day—
, 10 a,111. to 12 noon—Rope Work
(.Practical work),
1 pan. to 4:30 pan,—Labour Saving
'Methods and Machines, Plow re•
pair and adjustment." 0o -operative
and Custom ,use of machinery.
STAPP—J, 0. Shearer, Agricultur-
al Representative, in charge. Gerd -
on McGavin, Walton and Mervyn
Stelok, Zurich, Farm Machinery
Every Farmer is Cordially Invited
To Attend the Course Nearest
141s Farm
l3l'0MIdMIT11:'R.—Food is no important
weapon of war.
15 Good Yorkshire Pigs, ready to
wean. Two Cows to fresh soon One
good reel .5horthorn Bull 11' for
, .Service, others younger,
phone Wroxeter George MoEweloa
R,R, 1, Bluevafe
.144,444.4.14-444444:44:444:4:4:4 ,!s�4iby1►9!e e!< �!aa?at°, : `
off♦ Allan A. Lamont
Lia a�.
A� 0♦4
::. .a.
O ' Agent tor—Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Insuretice. wt.
4Y. Get particulars of our Specie, Automobile Policy
.�. for farmers. .a
4.Y Queen Si r Brussels 'Phos_ 657 .e
W. S. Donaldson .Licensed Auctionee1 Y
4 for the Counties of Baron and Perth 4.
X- phone 3,5-r-13 — — Atwood, On off.
All Sales Promptly Attended to •4�4
For Engagements phone 31 'The Brussels Post' and the ..
y+Z+ will be looked after immediately. y ♦�°
to. Estate Agent Conveyancer
la. and Commissioner
._+ —Viiiiiiiimstwanarewswanwmawassosmargsmoggstawnwwwwwwwwwww
♦�f W. D. S. Jamieson, M.D., C.M,, L,M,C,C„
.. Physician and Surgeon
+. Coroner
Office Hours -1-4 and 7-8 p.m.
Also 11-12 a.m. when possible.
33 Saturday evenings until 10 p.m.
4Zs Sundays - - Emergencies and by appointment only.
4�4 Home calls in forenoons and 4 - 6 p.m.
... Chas. T, Davidson
.4. Insurance Agent For
4♦23 Automobile and Fire Insurance
3_� Accident and Sic nesa
yAgent for Great West Life Insurance Co
++ RESIDENCE 87.s-2
+2+ Brussels, Ont. '
6 Harold Jackson
ase (incensed In Huron and Perth Counties)
4. For Information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson, 12 on tIS,
see Saatorth'R,R. 1, BrtroMNi..i
.. Make arrangements at The Brussels Post or Elmer D. Bell,
;. Barrister office.
ata 11 A. RAIN
.S• HMO".rosn.w+osusn••.own.r,am„or.(,,
i+ Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer
4t .,,.. "..,,..........,, D,,..,,..,,_,t._,,_:,,�_ 0_,, .a,,,..,_.,..,,..q
41. PHONE 36 or 85 '—, , . T S, aN'T<
Howicle Mutual Fire insurance
Hartford Windstorm, Tornado Insurance
Aiutomobile Insurance
PHONE 42 -
P. O. BOX i ' 4
14,+44 4.♦NaN'4.+.♦a4.a.-- N •' • 4N+.6•M•�..s94 +4N+N+Na.♦+4+N+441!