The Brussels Post, 1943-1-20, Page 1THE BRUSSELS POST POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, January 20th, 1943 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Huron County Farm Mechanics Courses arranged and supported b/ The Ontario Dept, of Agriculture,, Clinton; The Huron Federation of Agriculture; The Agricultural Com- mittee of the County Council, Two -clay Farm Mechanics Courses will be held as listed below. 'You, as a farmer, are expected to produce to the Maximum this coming year. It is next to 'impossible to obtain new rami machinery. Let us help you by attending one of these courses. Purpose: 1. To point out repair jobs which are most often encountered 0a the more important tarn machines. 2, To suggest to the fanner some practical methods of having repair- ing done, 3. To encourage farmers to check over their machines for needed repairs !and to order these lin- 111ediately. 4. To point out simple but most important adjustments necessary for the meet efficient and economical operation or various Parra 'machines. Competent Instructors have been trained for these courses. Come prepared to ask questions, Bring Your problems with you, To make the best use of the time available it is suggested that you bring 'your lunch. BRUSSELS—Thursday, Feb, 4 and Friday, Feb. 5th at Emmerson Nurse (Garage) Brussels. Program First Day— 10 a.m. to 12 noon Binder Pepair and. adjustment. Mower Repair and adjustment. 1 pain. to 4:30 p.m --Tractor Main tenanae. (Illustrated with Pic- tures) 'Combine Repair and ad- justment. Agrieultural War Pro- gram for 1943. Second Day - 10 am. to 12 Moan—Rope Work (.Practical work), 1 pen. to 4:30 p,m,—S.abour Saving Methods and Maohines. Plow re pair and adjustment. Co-operative and custom use of machinery. ,STAFF -1. C. Shearer, Agricultnr al Representative, in charge. Gord- on McGavin, Walton and Mervyn Sitelcic, Zurich, Farm Maohinery Instructors, Every Farmer is Cordialiy Invited To Attend the Course Nearest His Farm REMEMBER—Food is an important weapon of war. "Am I My Brother's Keeper?" Melville Church 11 A.M. "The Christian • Warfare" First i.n series an the Christian's Armour 12.15 P.M. Sunday School and Bible Class 7 P.M. "A Glorious Outcome Of Thought" Union Prayer Services are being resumed this week. COME AND WORSHIP kik.) rated Church Minister—Rev. Hugh C. Wilton 11 A.M. Morning Worship "Toward The INew 'World Order" Junior Congregation 12 Church School and Bible Class 7 P.M. Evening, Praise "Possessing or Possessed"• A WELCOME TO ALL Union Prayer Services aro being resumed this week; Church of Engiand. Parish of Brussels ,Rector. -Rev, M..F. Oldham 3rd Sunday After. Epiphany January 24th, 1943 11 A.M. St. Alban's, Atwood - 2 ,P.M.- St, David's, Henfryn 4 P.M. St. George's, Walton 7 P.M. St. John's, Brussels Services of Morning and ,Evening Prayer Sunday -School Seas l o ns— 11 A.M. Brussels 3 P.M. Henfryn - 3 P.M. Walton 10 A.M. Atwood Annual Meeting and, Supper St. John's, Brussels, 7.30' P.M `Tuesday, Jan. 26th. Annual Meeting of :st, !David's Henfryn In churoh on Frt. Jan. 22nd at 2,30 ,P. M. * * WEDDING Locai News Items Emery • Rabble A quiet but pretty wedding tools place 'at the United unitise, Walton, when Rev. 11„ G. Hazelwood united in marriage Annie Clare, daughter of Mrs. Sarah Rabble, Moukt•on and the late Mn',- Alex Rabble, and Norman Henry Emery, son of 1Vir, NI. Emery, Fast. Linton, and. the late; Mrs. Emery. The couple ,vas un- attended. The bride wore a etreet length dress of navy rayon chiffon and shoulder corsage of pink irises. Cranbrook Dance Is Postponed The dance w011011 1(115 to La held in Cranbrreel( Community Hall on Friday, Jan, 22nd has been postpon- ed. Date on which It is to take place is to be announced later, WANTED— Appllrrtl.tmis will be received for the position of Assessor for the Township or Morris at a salary of one hundred ($100.) Pel' Year. with black accessories. Aflor the All applications must be in not later ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Emery lett than 2 11.ip.; February 3, 194.9. on a .short honey -moon in Owen ; Sound and points north. Clerk of Morels 'Township. George C. Martin, - United Church Had Successful Year in 1942 Tile Annual Congregational meet- ing of the Brussels United Church vas held on Friday eveuillg, January 15 There was a good ettmelance and reports from all organizations were read. Every departmet.t was pleased to report a eomfotteble balance with which to eater upon the New Year. Mr. William Jardine reported for the Session and a response was made hi the form of a duet by Messrs, C. Buselin and L. Wheeier. Dr, R. S, Hamilton tor the Cel- mitlee of Stewards reported a bal- ance 011 hand, Mrs, Hamilton reported an increase of $60. in the givings to the Missionary Feud of the Church. Miss Luella Mitchell also reported a balance in the Sun- day school finances. Her report was followed by a duet by Misses Idella Bl•yanie and Jean Speh•an. Mrs A. C. Backer gave an exceptionally fine report for the Woman's Association which indicated the sin:Mine!" inter- est and generosity of the Ladles of bhe congregation. Mrs. 1?. Nurse responded with a guitar solo. Miss Elivabeth Downing reported for the Woman'e Missionary Society and M•ns. Wilson 'gave a reading entitled "Trouble In the Amen Corner." The Mission Baud report was given by Mrs. Richardson and Mise 0. I3ing- eton reported for the choir. The reports were concluded by a quartet in which Messrs,. I1, !Sullivan 0. Buschlin, L. Wheeler and I3. 1Vilson tolls past, The following elections took place: Messrs. 0, Fulton and Carl Hemingway to the Session, Messrs, A. MoPnggnaet, G. Sanderson and L. -wheeler to the Conttnittee of Stewards and M•r, H. Richardson to the Trustee Board. Auditors appointed .. .for 1943 were H. Sullivan and,H. Richardson. Motions regarding letters or. con- •dolence were passed and after words of a•Pprecdation were spoken to Mr, and 'Mns. Wilson the meeting - was 'brought to a doe, REGENT TLHEATRE, Seaforth, Ont. NOW Wake Island Evian !Donievy 'aMacDonald Carey Robt. Preston • 446 Marines in their 14 -day stand against uncounted odds of Japanese, wrote in Letters of Fire, se im- perishable chapter in the. History of the United 'Nations. ADDEO Full length Feature Comedy Mexican Spitfire sees a Ghost Mon., Tues. and Wed: "IRVING'BERLIN'S" Holiday Inn Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire Team' ap 'with Marjorie !Reynolds and Virginia Dale In Bing's eleven new Song Hits of the Season (1941-42) Next THURS., FRI., SAT. They Flew Alone Robe. ,Newton Anna Neagle Another thrilling aviation picture COMING— Falcon Falcon Takes Over Tattles of Tahatt [Double features last show starts at 8.45, p.m. Single Features last Show Starts et 9.15 p.m. NOTICE— The 59th annual meeting :of the Policy holders of the Elena Fanners Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Forester's Hall, Atwood, on Tuesday, the 26th day of January, 1943, at two o'clock, for the purpose of receiving the pee as of the Directors and Auditors, and disposing of the same, foe the election of officers, and any other business that may come before the meeting, Melville Church W.M.S:; The regular'meeting of the W.M.S. of Melville Presbyterian cluttclt was held leriday afternoon with Mrs, S. Kerr presiding. The scripture read- ing was given by Miss. Mary Lamont and Mrs. H. Parker gave the . pray- er, The secretary's and the - trees - ureses reports were given, the so- ciety !laving reached the allrcation for the year. 114r.s S. Herr geva a very helpful New Year's paper, thc topic being "In. the Furnace ,I The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. - St. John's A. Y. P. A. The regular meeting of St. 'John's A.Y.P.A, was !held in the church vestry on Wednesday, Jan. 1e, at 8 01,un, Rev. M. 11'. Oldham, rector, opened the meeting with the Scrip- ture lesson aid A.Y.P.A Prayers. The program for the winter months was arranged as 'i'ollovs: Wed;. Jan, 87011, Paper by -Mrs; ,Roy Kiket edy, geography and spelling matcb: Wed„ Fab. 10th, sleigh ride party; Wed„ Feb. 24th, skating party; Wed., March 17, 31 and April 14, lantern slides in connection with Lent aervices; Wed., April 21 Easter Week, closing social. ' St. John's Guild The regular January meeting Of the Women's Guild of St, John's Anglican Church was held at the home of Mrs. G. Muldoon of Tuesday, January 12th at 3 pen. Mrs, George Davis, President. was: le 0111rge, Rev. M. F, Oldham opened the meeting with -, Scripture lesson: St. Luke 2:41-52 .and Prayer. Mrs. W. J. MCCetcheo1 read the minutes or the lash meeting. Plans were made for the Pot Luck Supper in the church. basement on Jan 19, Tuesday at 7.30 pen. preceding the annual meeting of the congregation. Mrs. Muldoon • serveda tasty and c10110iouus snppe.r, There was a godd attendance. Mrs. T, Prest will be •hostess for the Febi'bary meeting. 'On Svnday the services In Meh wills church were hi charge of tris minister, the Rev, Samuel Kerr, The subject •iu the morning; wee and Finding Life," 1•iary Helen l;cknlier sang .a nolo, At the" evening service the sermon subject was ",I3iaiL'+flaked;' the text wag Hosea, chapter, seven . and verse eight. •At the morning service iu the United Church 01i.S1nlda3 last, Mr, Wilson took as its subject "The. ilnporbance of Little Things.' In the evening "Breaking the - Vieicns Olrele." Miss Hingaton rendered a 'solo ,.n the morning, dl7vearitig prayers Were. conducted in Sit, John's church on Were., by the rector, Rev. M. Ie. 01(11101,1, whose searmen was a most interesting and informative' brief bistoricai sketch of the Anglican. Church ' in Uanada 111110(1 oe the words, "He shell have dominion from ,sea to sea and from the +rivers unto the ends of the earth." He reminded the people Of their glorious heelttage and. their duty to Make this pod's 1)olniutotl. At the Churches Have It Done Right Dave your scissors and keive;a ut '1'110 Post printing office and have thorn put in good workiing order Dant' allow then, to be worn out by improver grinding—Bring them here and have it done right. Names Added to Honor Roll A monitor of names have been added to the Honor Roll published in this issue. if any names have been omitted, or if errors have been nettle, we will appreciate being notified. We ask the conperatinn of the people of this district who she 111)10 to furnish correct information, 11101 the I3euer Ralltnay be complete .and also correct, Recent Bride Is Made. Presentation Mrs, Pearson Young, a rec:ette bride was honored Wednesday af- ternoon by the pupils of the 'Seb- ringbille school of which :he wa.a a former principal. Mrs. Young was maale'llte recipient of many lovely gifts in honor of the event. Prior to ]ler marriage site was Mies Edna Mae Davison of Brussels Tile recipient of the gifts expressed her grateful appreciation for the thoughtful remembrance, Blizzard Rages One of the worst blizzard tout has swept this part of the province for a number of years has been raging a' MPS the country for the past two Clays, Motor traffic is completely tied np, even in the town, and many cases country roads are im- passable, at the present, to horses and cutters. Mail carriers have found it impossible •to service their rountes and the Tuesday night anti Wednes- day C. N. R., trains were cancelled A member of people attempting to both leave the town, and to return, by motor were stranded eeroute, Snow, Snow, and more snow, huge drills and banks of it everywhere. Do we recall someone saying, last year, that our climate was changing end that before many years we should Seelittle 'show and2 'dila zero weather? — You can tale that back mister! 'Huron County Junior Assoc. Holds forty About 75 former Huronttee and their friende were received ,et Had- don' Hall„ Toronto, on the evening of Jau. 11, 1943, by President and Mrs. Gerald. Stewart, After a pleasant evening of Bridge and 17uchte InnCh •WRS served and prizes' distributed 'tothe following: Bridge; high score, Gentlemen, C. Sherwood,. Seaforih; Lathes, Mrs, 'Dave Dewar,': Con- stance; Consolation, Miss" Beulah Hartman, , Euchre., high- score, gentlemen, :As R, G. Arent: Sea - /meat; ladies, Mrs. •Jacobs, . consol- a,tion, Mise Anne Ruth, Lucky prize Winners, Mrs. K. C. Stanbury, Miss Creta Ellis,;`Clinton, !Committee members .in cheese or arrangements for the party were, Mise • €*ace .Stirling, Gmderioh; Mrs, Vela.DI abs, Clinton; Bill Petrick, Ssefo•tli; Gordon Fowler, Exeter, Narrowly Escapes Serious Injury Miss Dorothy Wright, who teaches at Dennis' Scheel, 14th concession of McKillop township, had a narrow escape ,from serious injury when the cutter hi`whlch she was riding was smashed and the" horse instantly killed when the animal was struck by a truck. Miss Wright was being driven to her horse in Brussels by Archie McCallrum on Tuesday even- ing; east of ;Ommmings' - Garage, Wlalton, Mr. McCallum got oat of the cutter when be was afraid that. the approaching headlights of a truck. rel Ott Origlrten the horse The rack of the truck, belonging- to the Sealiorth -Crea.mery and on its way there, presnnna.bly stye ck the horse, - The animal, thrown back on the side of the cutter, was Itnstantiy killed end thecutter smaetheds When Mr, McOallem turned around to see if the oecupcitot of ' the critter was Inert site wag clear of the cutter and on e snow bank on the elle of the road, . Miss Wright has been con; fined to her home suffering front Shriek and a sprained ,limb. ' Mr. In 101110; memory of Rohe•. A, Moannure escaped injury, Watson and Wm. .0,.Mitchell, Melville Church Prominent ;Brussels Man Reports G'rat t f sing Is Laid ' To Rest Melville Presbyterian church con- Walter AJlayne Lowry - gregati0hl held their annual meeting on Friday- evening, January 17th in the church schoolorom at 5 o'clock, The meeting was pre- ceded by a Pot Lurk supp"r served by the ladies. Rev, el, Kerr. pnstor, conducted the devotions. It. 3. Bowenee was appointed chairman and A. A. Lamont, secretary for the meeting, The reports of the various organ- izations were most encouraging. The following appointments wore made: Mrs, Harold Parket', Record secretary; D. M. McTavish and W. C. Ket'r. auditors; Ushers for the morning service, D, M, MCTavieh. W. C. Kerr, Dr W. D, S. Jamieson, John Yuill and. John Work; for the evening service. Jas, Mair, Tom 1Ir- Fadzean and Graeme Work. - The Boarrl met at the clo<•e of the annual meeting and John Work Was appointed chairman of the Board of Managers; A, A. Lamont, sees-treas., Jas. McFadzean expressed apprscia- Church with which the deceased was Don for the work of the minister Identified, conducted the funeral R.o,r C TIw,,, .olio. n.l A life-long resident of this com- munity, Walter - A. Lowry, ; deed at has home bore 0u Tneeday, 411,1441y 221.11, Ills death occurred frau a heart eonditiou in his 66!11 year, following silt months of poor health. A man with varied businee inter- ests, he was widely known beyoud, as well as in the community in which be had spent his entire lite. He was the soli of the late Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Lowry - Ile leaves to Illui•u the Teeth of their father, two sons, McCurdy, . of 111e 1t,C,M. Police, Olisweken and Jack with the Canadian Army now in Eastern 'Canada, His wife form- erly. Agnes McGregor, predeceased her busbai12 sixteen years ago last November, Two brothers, William Lowry of London, Ont., and Pred of Port. Huron, Mich„ also survive. Four brothers. George, Edward, Daniel and Alfred predeceased him. Rev. Hugh Wilson of the Utlite2 salary increase by the congregation, :Retiring Managers of the church are: Wm, Speir, J, G. Long, Jahn Yuill, John McNair. A A. Lamont, sec 'trees, Wesley Kerr was ap- pointed a member of the Board for a terns of 2 years in place of the late Dr. T. 1', McRae. Dr. W. D. S. Jamie- son will replace the late Dr. T. T. McRae as a trustee, During the year the sessiaa and Managing Board lost a most valued member in the person of the late D1•, T, 1'. McRae who was always deeply interested in the work of the church and who was very seldom !.absent from its services unless prevented by his work. The influ- ence of Dr. McRae will long he felt by the congregation. The business of the meetin, being concluded it was closed by the _- -- minister, Rev. ,S. Herr. from his late residence, William. street, on Friday, Jan. 15th Inter- ment was made in Brussels cemetery, Pallbearers were: R. J, McLauch- lin, 1.. E. Cardiff, jos Kelly Wnr, Ring, San McDonald and Jack Thynne. The many beautiful flowers' were tributes to the deceased from friends and relatives and were evidence of the deep sympatby felt for the 1. a Friends and relatives attending the funeral from a distance included Fred Lowry, Port Huron; ilia and Mrs, Harold Lowry, New Liskeard, Mrs. Hazel Mathews, Forrest; Rev. McLeod, Toronto; Edward Lowry and fancily, Toronto; Leslie Lowry, Toronto and Edgar Lowry of Dundas. HOCKEY SCHEDULE OF THE LOCAL LEAGUE d t F m * x Obituary * a: n• :i: k Mrs. Matilda Seel i1) cfa. , en. _S—B C ,b._.3f s 'r.4wn . i .,.._..„. _ Morris Vs, Grey Wed. J'an. 13—Town Vs, Morris 13.0,S. Vs, Groy Man., Jan. 18-13.0:5. Vs. Morris Town 1,5 Grey Friday, Jan, 22—Grey Vs, Morris Town, Vs, S.C.S. Mon., Jan, 25—B,C,5, Vs, Grey _ Morris Vs. Town Friday, Juin, 27-13,0.5. Vs, Morris Grey VS. TOWIL Mon., Feb. 1—•B:C,S.- Vs, Towq Grey Vs. Morris - Friday, Feb, 5—B, C.S. Vs, Grey Town Vs. Morris Wed,, Feb. 10—B.C.S, Vs. Morris Town Vs, Grey Playoffs start Monday, Feb, 15., 2112 .and 3rd playoff to ineet firs` Playoff series A: best 2 out of 3. Playoff series B: best 3 out of 5. Officers Re-elected By Local Red Cross The annual meeting of the Brus- sels branch of the Red - Cross Society was lietd in the workroom at the public library,. 31., J, Bowman acted as chairman end outlined the next canvass to be held in March. The secretary, Miss It"ngston read tulle minutes of the last annual meeting, Mrs. R. J. McL.authlin,- treasurer, gape her report, which wee - exceptionally .food. Miss Downing gave a report on the workroom which also showed tine Wolk clone, A .total of 2,972 articles Were Made last year, The 1942 officers were re-elected as -follows; ,honorary presidents, Rev, S. Herr, Rev, IL Wilson, .Rev, Oldliann;, president, Robert 13ownian; vice-president, A. Wood; - secretary, Miss C. Rings -ton; treasurer, Mrs, 11, 3, MOLauchlin; directors, Dr. W. D. S. J'aanieson,George Semis W. C. KerrL.' E, Cardiff; Mrs, R, Thomson, Mfrs, W. Scott, Thomas Wileon,' F. Dunea1, Joseph Kelly, Mist I0, Do9ning and Mrs. Prest; finance coanmittee, Mrs. Ben Walker. Mrs, R. Thoneori, Mrs. It. S.. Iiamilton. In Mentori-aan -Mrs. Matilda Seel, who was a resident of Cranbrook for many years, passed away, on Wednesday of lest week, in the Public General hospital at !Chatham. to- which eity she went in November to spend the wintermonths with her Ala—tighter, Ml's. !A. A. Naylor of 203 Lacroix Street; ' Mrs, Seel , had been in tailing health for- several months, but was only seiiiously 111 for a week prev- 1OWt1.lier, death; She' was born iii Osborne Town- ship 85 years ago, daughter of the late • Joseph King and Elizabeth Lamport, -Bus was a member_ of the United 'church and attended faith- fully as long as health permitted. ,Surviving are two daughters, Mrs,' Naylor of Chatham end Mrs, Stanley Wiener, Detroit, one son, William Seel, ,Cadillac, Michigan,. ,three sisters, two brothers' and nine grand- children The rema111.0 rested at the Need- ham Memorial Chapel where funeral ;services were conducted an Friday morning by Rev, R. .S'. Jbonston, The funeral cortege motored to Exeter, where interment took place with Rev.. L. H. Turner, of Crediton United Church in charge, - Pallbearers were: Harold Monne deer, Dr. Fraser, W. N. -Sexsmith, ,Lieut. Roger Ripley, Miming Morgan and Ed, Torre, Many floral tributes expressed the high esteem' to which• the deceased was held, SAWS SHARPENED!-- Leave' HARPE•N•ED'-Leave' them at the Post printing office and they will be pile in first - class' Working ` order, Satdthed eas- terners is our by -word. Guaranteed work is our motto, - A Tea For the Russian Aid Relief Fund will be held by Moa. Won„ ,Little, Mrs..,Waker ..Wit. Ilamson, Mrs. Roy Tinueli and Mrs, M, Wineberg, Thursday, January 28th, 1943 AT THE HOME OF Mrs. Wineberg ' Tea will be served frown 3 to 6 Silver Collection,