The Brussels Post, 1942-10-7, Page 1THE BRU
Concert and Dace
In Brussels Town H aG
Wednesday, Oct. 14th
AT 8.30 P. M.
Presented by
C. K. N. X. Ranch Boys
Sponsored by 6th line Morris War
Workers Proceeds for War Work
Admission 35c and 2O0
Seaforth, Ont.
ilOST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, October 7th, 1942
Lioct6 ews Items
Our grateful •appreciation is ex-
press their appreciation for the pressed
10 neildingnessutsta and
many acts of kindness and expres-
stony of sympathy and condolence Wright at the time of his illness and
extended by friends and neighbour's for acts •di' sympathy when his
(luring the, recent illness and death death occurred.
d. Parker and Nephews
of their beloved d'aug'hter.
W.M.S. of Melville Church
, The W.M.S. of Melville Church
met on Friday afternoon in the.
Primary room, Mrs. S. Kerr Presid-
ed and the meeting opened with
prayer. Psalms 91 was ening, after
DOUBLE FEATURE— which Mrs, H. Parker read the Scrip -
George Sanders Wendy Barrie tame passage and Mrs. Meadows led
Gay Falcon tn. prayer. The minutes of the prey-
Poltce Grill Broker in Society sous meeting were read by Mr's.
Murder Armstrong sand the treasurer's re
—Also— port by Mrs. R. Thomson. After the
Land of the Open Range singing of Hymn 575 the topic
Starring Tim Holt
He-man hurricane his the bandit trail
Men„ Tues. and Wed.
Ann Sheridan Donnie Morgan
Wings For the Eagle
A mightily moving story, big as the
bombers they build, heroic as the
people who build them.
Mr. But Goes To Town
The most unique feature -Cartoon
ever produced.
Matinee --Monday 3 p.m. Oct. 12th
Next Thurs., Fri. & Sat.—
at --
Bob Hope Madeleine Carroll
My Favorite Blonde
One of the most suspenseful, yet
hilarious films to come out of
Take a Letter Darling
Bingo Huge Success
The Bingo Party, held do Brussels
on Saturday evening, funds to be
used to provide Christmas parcels
for Brussels, Morris and Grey boys
earring overseas was a huge success
and credit is due to those who were
in charge for their capable manage
bent, Net proceeds were .approxi.
mately $'50.00.
Brlde.'Elect Presented
With Gifts
Miss Mary Davison, popular bride -
elect was et t, r1ained at the home
of Mrs. Gordon Sanderson on Thurs-
day evening of last week, Miss Jean
,Speiran played a wedding march as
the guest of honor was eeeorled to a
chair by Miss I, Sanderson', The
presentation of a handsome coffee
table and two "old royal" china cups
and souse's was made by Misses
Jean Matheson and Marjorie Sander-
son wh".le the accompanying address
a(1 by Miss Idella BrYans,
s was re
Dear Mary—
It is our pleasant privilege . to
gather here this evening to honour
you, Mary, To all of us you have
been a friend and others a school
chum, You also have filled a verY
important Place in our church and
associations. Mary of our everyday
experiences seem commonplace as
we live through them but when we
are apart we find our thoughts very
often turn back, May the mammies
you have of our associations be
pleasant ones.
On behalf of your nedgllboors and
mut friends we ask you to accept this
recent session• of the entomb) Legis• gift .as a token of our esteean. We
lature the so -styled "local govern hope you have a long and happy life
bent decision." of 1940 was neither it together.
Is Stub bornnes
Your Problem?
Dr. Donald A. Laird, eminent
psychologist , • , whiting in The
Amender, Weekly with this Sunday's
(October 11) issue of The Detroit
Sunday Times , . , explains what
stubbornness really is, what to do
about it in aliens , , , and tells hots
to make It a herr rather than a
ourself. Be sure to get
• handicap in y
Choir Honors Member The Detroit :Sunday Times this
The members of the United week and every week.
Church choir expressed their esteem
Dor one of their Yellow members BackT One eYearm �P finent for
Miss Mary Davison whose marriage municipal two-year couas is dead. At for
will take place. Saturday, when they
presented her with a silver entree
dish and their sincere wishes for her
future haippiness•, on Frid1ay evening
of last week. Miss Carrie Hingston,
choirleader, ma'd'e the presentation.
The reotpient expressed her thanks
for the lovely slit in a few well
chosen -words. Miss Davison was
organist of the United Church Choir
s u Y
for tour ears. .A. social hour was
"Towards a New Order,' was read
by Mrs. Scott and Miss Many Lamont enjoyed and lunch was served.
had charge of 'C'nrrent Events.
Hymn 8'a2 was sung and the meeting Red Shield
closed with the Lord's (Prayer in Home Front Appeal
LayCeclt, in
unison. The members were then D. A, Rana semi M•
given the privilege• of seeing'%the "In charge of the recent appeal for
Memoriam" certificate, donated by Salvation Army funds, are pleased
Mrs, A. Strachan, that was to be to announce that approximately 5:660
presented to Miss Mena Mo'Kelverealised,
etihe High Salami girls who
canvas. Thanks
in memory of her mother, the latee aredue to
11 McKelvey, who had been a made the actual cats; Imogene
faithful member of the W.M.S. for Sanderson, Margaret Mason, Mara
• many years. VaONdrman, Josephine VaniNo n1an,
Batibara Thynne, Helen Aammstro't're,
Ruth MoDonaid. These girls •along
RADIO PROGRAM with several others of the school
have been doing yeoman service dur-
See How It Is Done ing the past year or so in salvage
work, selling Defense 'Stamps, tag-
WALTON ging for the Chinese Relief Fund and
Poppy 'Day and in other war • work.
,RADIO STUDIO They deserve a great deal of credit
and may well feel that they are do -
U. W. F. O. ing their fait. When, we add the 'bits'
together the amount becomes lamge
9 P M. OCT. 16th 9 P.M andem 117 anniing to bombard , the
foe with the `bite' we may seen
Concluding, with dance to 1 A.M. Lupe to take the 'brit' out of Hitler.
Kirkby's Orchestra - —�---
Admission 25c "Choose ye this day whom
ye will serve."
When double features are shown
last show starts 8:45.
When single features are shown
last show starts 9:15
re-enacted nor amended, hence is
now null and void. In consequence
municipal electtons will now be held
yearly in all municipalities as of
yore. This information comes from
Hon. T, B. Mictntesten in a summarY
of municipal and school legislation
passed at the 1942 'session of the
Huron County Junior Association
Of Toronto Annual Meeting
The Annual' Meeting of the Huron
'County Junior Association of Torom
to will take the form of a bowling
party to be held at the Central Bow-
ling and Recreation Club 29 Shop -
:pard Street on Shiningly evening,
Sponsor_U.F W.O.
— -' Proceeds to be used for war
Look At Your Label — work.
Atwood Fair. - Saturday, Oct. 10th
Friday Night Dance in the Music Hall
Saturday Big Afternoon of Sports, etc.
Listowel Band and The Kansas Farmer
Brussels Town Hall
Wednesday, Oct. 21
Carruthers' orchestra
Part Proceeds to be Donated
to The Red Cross
Admission 35c Dancing 94
We're Looking for "YOU"
Melville Church
10 A. M. Sunday School
- and Bible Class
11 A. M. Morning Servie:
7 P. M. Evening Service
U nited Church
Minister' Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 A. M. Morning Worship
Junior Congregation
12 Church School and
,Bible Class
7 P.M. Evening Service
"The Lamb of God"
"Enter into His gates with
thanksgiving and into His
Courts with praise;"
`October 17th at 8.30. Ample alley
space has been reserved for the lose' Red Cross which the mom -
omnibus. Lunch will be served. The bens et the finance committee ac -
admission is 65o per of
knowledge with thanks.
Following an evening
g of bowling
O •
a short business Meeting will be e M * * * • •
held to elect a comimitee to manage PEOPLE WE KNOW
the Associati'on's activities for the * * m e * * s s *
• coming year.
Newcomers to Toronto are urged
to come to this party and get ac-
qulatnted with theih• fellow Huron -
!tea The secretary, Mrs. Fred Elliott
whose .address is 232 Heath St., Wert
nri11 be, glad to hear ' from Persons
interested in the activities of the
Harvest Festival Of
St John's Church
Church of England
parish of Brussels
Rector. -Rev. M. F. Oldham
19th Sunday After TrinitY
10.30 a.m. Sunday School
11.30 a.m. Holy Communion
and Sermon
2.15 p.m, Sunday School and
Bible Class
3.80 p.m. Holy Clnimunlin
and Mormon
ltl a,m. Holy Commainlon
Mid aerated
11,16 a.m. Sunday litho)
Again we extend our congratula-
tions and hest wishes for Your
Miss Davison thanked her friends
tor their gifts and good wishes. Her
fiiends responder] to her reply hY
singing 'For She's A jay Good
Fellow." A social time was enjoyed
in playing games and: contests. The
hostess assisted by Mrs. W. H. Bell,
served' lunch.
Red Cross Notes
Proceeds of the tea sponsored by
Majestic Institute were $19,0+1, do-
nated to the local Reil Cross.
A (stilt donated 'by Mrs. Hawk
shaw, has been disposed of and the
Proceeds ($10.05) donated to the
Joyce Key
Suddenly Str:
The entire coma
ed try the sudden d
Keeyy who passed away.
Wednesday, Sept. 30th in
year. Joyce was staying
hone of Mrs. Boyne, Listowel W
she wax atteucling her third Year in
high school.
Upon returning from sekool Mon.
day arternaon with her roommate
Lois Machin she spoke of having a
headache ,and went to bed before
enpper. latex she was found uyeon-
setous and was rushed to 'Listowel
Hospital where she never regained
consciousness. Dearth was attributed
to a hemorrhage of the brain. Joyce
was popular both with her teachers
and school chums and her smiling
face will he sadly missed by all, She
is survived by her parents and two
brothers 'Wormy and Jack.
.A. 'short service was held at her
hone followed by a service in Union
United •Church, Saturday, October
3rd, at 2 o'clock. Rev. Mr. .Snell,
Pastor conducted, A solo "God's
Tomorrow" was beautifully rendered
by iVianie Trask of Atwood.
The palllbearers were George
Backer and Ross Lawless of Brus-
sels, Mac McIntosh, Elston ,Speiran,
Spencer Boyd and Ralph Machan of
Union church.
Her school chums and girlfriends
acted as flower bearers.
The floral tributes were many and
beautiful and consisted of Pillow, the
family; GatesA-Jar, Mr. and Mrs. 22.
Keys and Jim Keys; SPraY, A.
PrlUe and fancily, Waterloo; Pillow,
E. Speiraa and fmndly. Spray, Mr.'
and Mrs. E. Baker; ,Spray, the
Kellamane; 'Spray, Mr. and Mrs..
Crawford, all of Detroit; Spray, .11.•
,Speiran and family, 'Shg+iina'•w; Bas-
ket, Mr. and Mrs, C. Bruce and J.
Biggs; Basket, A. Dickslo'n and fam-
ily all of Totlontto; Spray, J. Noble
femdly, Hanover; Spray, 2. Spairta
and family, Brantford; Pillow, Th'e'
Meehan gaudily, Sean and Earl;
Spray, B. McNair and family; Spray,
Lois Machan; Wreath, Grade XI
pupils Listowel High School; spray.
Willis Machan 'Hamilton; Spray, •
Basil 'Struthers. Mrs. E. Whitfield,.
Doug. McDonald and Tack; Spray,•
Waterier School; 'SPraY, WM.S•c
Spray. Listowel high School Staff
and pupils; SPray, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Whitfield; :`,)may, "The Neigh'bdnrs";
Spray, George Backer; Spray,
',Friends train Brtu+cele"; SPraY,
"Tile Cousins."
Interment` was made in Brussels
Pte. J. A, Ballantyne, Londrou, was
a week end visitor in Brussels.
s: * *
Miss ,Shirley McKay has been
visiting in Stratford with relatives.
e e 5
Mr, S. Walton who has been ailing
for some time was taken to Clinton
hospital on Monday evening.
o r,
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lee and
Lucille of West Lorne, visited at the
Despite the ons. atte weather home of Mr. and Mrs Ohas. H.
good conSestival ns• 'attended the 1 Garudss over the week end.
Harvest Festival services of St.' * * *
John's Anglican Church on Sunday Mr. ,and Mrs Bei' M'cI{aY and
last. Therector, Rev, M. F. O1' daughters Helen and Shirley, after
loam del delivered splendid, aPProp spending the summer with his par•
sermons thankfulness
both sermons. He tints, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKay
s the God for
mess boeunty
should returned to Florida.
express to q�od for fire bounty o4 , have* xi *
the maternal harvest we reap In this ( A. J. Helm and Mrs. Helen, were
land of ours and reminded us of the i
last Spiritual `Harvest Home'' when visitors over Sunday with Mrs. W,
Wilkinson of town and also attend -
shall reap is we have sown ed the twenty-fifth ,anmiversaY
the everting
harvest music was sung. a litre'. Helm's stater, Mr. and Mrs.
the tedTing sev. H. the rector why Alex Darks on Saturday in Wingham•
assisted by Rev. H. Wilson of the
United Church and Rev. S. Kerr of 1 The marriage of Bliss Mary Davi-
Presbyterian Church. The who has base organist at the
lurch was beautifully decorated son,in9,ted o 1155H for the Past four
with flowers anal fruits of the harvest Chats to Mr. Jaek Bthena, willttold
from garden, field and orchard.. y
place M. the Brusselsniteda,Ch rch
this Saturdays
Be An England o'clock,
There'll Always * 0 e
There will always be an England Rev. M. F. Oldham and Mrs, Old -
As long as Scotland's there ham and Mrs. A, Morrow of St.
To give the navy shelter, John's 'Chitrdh Brussels accompanied
The brunt et air -raids bear. by Mrs, Wm. Humphrey and Mrs. A.
Monnison .of Walton attended the
There will always be an England Fall meeting of Huron Deanery held
In Bayfleld, on'. Tuesday
As long as Scotsmenfight,. * a
Along with Welsh and Irish,
To save old England's m'i'ght. Rev. S. Kerr, Rev, H. Wilson and
Rev. M. Oldham attended a Meeting
There are Scotsmen all in khaki, in Wdnighaan on Tuesday afternoon
There are Seats in aur force bine, when members of the Ministerial
You'll find theft in the nail, Association: of the 'district were
With the Welsh and Irish, too. greats of Rev. E. 0, Gallishei' aur;
Mrs, Gallaiher at S1t. Paul's rectory,
Mile -Of -Pennies
The mile -of -pennies sponsored 111
the Brussels' Red Cross on :Saturday
afternoon and evening met with a
good response. The proceeds were
So when they chug of England,
And 100911511 in the tight, '
They're forgetting aid tike others I
DLAiIL, John Lawrence, Se-) Mrs•
,Who pante eld 84dgland's night,
rooter Deb, I G. F. Blair (mother) Regina, I(ill-
r-,,, —,—. 1 ed overseas. Sgt. Blair wan a sort
"60 BELOW" ANTIFREEZE Fro; of, the late Baurs•irte1 0, F. Blair
tent your oar BUY "60 Below" Anti. , I formerly old Brxgeels The Mayfreeze, at L. A W. JACKSON li moved 10 the West a' tow yews
MOTORS Ltd., Phone 161, i.'totowel. ago.
Preparing For Campaign
On Financial Horne Front
Last Sunday a high -rankling Ger-
man official announced that it was
the first duty of all Glennon occupied
countries to supply food for 0erman1
and her armed forces and that po11Cy
would be vigorously adhered to
regardless of who went without
bread. In Poland alone two and a -half
million people are said to have been
murdered or starved to death by the
Some people still say "it can't
happen here," brit that is what the
Belg aIle, the Norwegians, the Hol•
lenders, the Greeks and others said,
yet it did happen there.
That is why another Victory Loan
is being launched •in !Canada by the
Government. This time it is to raise
$70000;000, an, enormous sums, hut
what use will Ottr looney at' our
homes be if the Germane should 'win
the war.
Mayor A, T. McMurray, chattered
of the Thiron tlounty comrnYttee anus
Mr, H, 3. Vandewtater the cauntY
organizer will Start the broadcasting
oanrpaign fryer OHMIC next •Seturd .T
from 12,46 to one o'clock noon. Both
are thoroughly conversant with the
swbjelot and will have something to
say worth. hearing.
DAVIS—Teo Mr. and Stars. Samoa,
Davie, (nee, Patricia Raymond) of
Monti township in 'Wilngltam he*
$tai on ,Saturday, October 6th,
1922-a daughter. ,..